Abstract for the presentation. Examples of annotations. Sufficient amount of annotation


for the presentation “Winter Olympic Games.

History and modernity."

Prepared by a student of grade 7 “A”

MAOU secondary school No. 2 Nikitin Nikita.

Head – physical education teacher

Ruban V.V.

The presentation is intended for students in grades 5-6 of secondary schools.

Problematic question. How can we confirm the close connection of the Winter Olympic Games with the state and development of the world community?


    To consolidate students’ knowledge about the development of the Olympic movement and the development of winter Olympic sports.

    Inclusion of students in the active development of the system of Olympic values.

    Give an idea of ​​the location of countries and cities hosting the Olympic Games on the political map of the world.

    Teach the ability to perceive new information.

    Develop teamwork skills.

    Learn to compare and evaluate the amount of your knowledge at the beginning and at the end of the lesson.

    To foster interest in the Olympic movement, the Olympic Games,

    Inspire a desire to engage in physical activity and sports.


    Find out why they decided to hold the Winter Olympic Games.

    Monitor the frequency of POIs.

    Justify the significance of the Winter Olympic Games in the modern world.

    Explain changes in sports equipment and venues.

    Identify the connection between the development of science and technology and sports.

Progress of the presentation.

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. Posters dedicated toIWinter Olympic Games and XXII Winter Olympic Games. The first poster is hand-drawn, and the second is graphic. The inscriptions on both posters are in English (international) language. This speaks to the international significance of the Zoya. Both bear the name of the city hosting the games. Because it is not the country, but the city that hosts the Olympic Games.

Slide 2.

A visual representation of the location of the Zoo is given. In Chamonix, most events took place in one place - on the ice of a frozen lake (hockey, figure skating, speed skating, start and finish of cross-country skiing and biathlon, finish of bobsledders). In Sochi, as at previous OWGs, each sport has its own place. This is due to the ever-increasing number of both athletes and spectators. And improving the conditions for holding competitions and the convenience of participants and spectators.

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Some winter sports were included in the LOI program in 1908 and 1920. Therefore, the Olympic Games lasted several months. The number of athletes involved in winter sports became more and more. Therefore, the IOC decided in 1924 to hold demonstration competitions in Chamonix (France), which were called “Winter Sports Week”. In terms of intensity and passion of wrestling, they were in no way inferior to summer sports. We gathered a larger number of participants. INI241 athletes from 14 countries participated in the Summer Olympics, andIWinter Olympic Games - 268 athletes from 16 countries. The press all over the world also wrote about the winter competitions. Therefore, subsequently these competitions were officially given the statusIWinter Olympic Games.

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The 1st OWG program included 9 sports, in which 15 sets of medals were competed. It is noteworthy that women took part in only one event - figure skating (pairs and singles). At the beginning of the century, winter sports, like summer sports, were dominated by men. Why? (Because playing sports at that time was considered the privilege of men).

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One of the most interesting winter sports is biathlon. An interesting history of the origin of this sport, which combines cross-country skiing and shooting. One of the ways soldiers moved in the armies of many countries in winter was skiing. And the soldiers, after moving a certain distance on skis, had to immediately enter into battle, i.e. fire. And, as one of the ways to increase the readiness of shooting skiers, competitions were held among military personnel in many countries. And when the question arose about including sports in the FOI program, representatives of countries such as Sweden, Norway, Finland, Germany and others proposed a “military patrol race.” That's what biathlon was called back then.

Modern biathlon is about speed and accuracy, endurance and composure. For achievementTo achieve high results in this sport, you must have the qualities of a ski racer and a sniper shooter. Our famous biathletes have all this. Name those you know.(Alexander Tikhonov, Pavel Rostovtsev, Sergei Chepikov, Andrey Makoveev, Svetlana Sleptsova, Olga Medvedtseva, Olga Zaitseva, Anna Bogaliy-Titovets, Anna Bulygina).

Slide 6.

Here are photographs of the first Olympic ice hockey tournament. The competition was held on the open ice of the lake. Look how the hockey players were dressed. They wear practically no protective uniforms, helmets or protective masks. This suggests that back then hockey was played calmly, at low speeds, without forceful techniques. The hockey field had no sides. But it was still a sport for courageous men. After all, accidental collisions still occurred and there were injuries.

Canadian hockey players became the first Olympic champions. Why? (Canada is considered the birthplace of ice hockey; Canadians were the winners of the World Ice Hockey Championship in 1920).

A total of 8 teams took part in the tournament. The Canadians scored 103 goals and missed 3. And only because the goalkeeper, in order not to freeze, ran to play in the field.

Nowadays, hockey players play faster and more powerful hockey, so they wear protective uniforms. A hockey player's running speed reaches 50 km/h, and the puck's speed reaches 200 km/h.

Currently, Russian hockey players are winning world championships and Olympic Games. Which famous hockey players do you know?

Slide 7.

The skaters were dressed warmly. Why? (The competition was held outdoors at low temperatures). Spectators stood around the performers and judges and sometimes interfered with the competition. Music was provided using gramophones and gramophone records. The sound was weak and the skaters could not move far from the sound source. Therefore, the figures were performed almost on the spot. Due to the lack of speed, there were almost no jumps and spins in the air. Clothes also hampered the skaters' movements.

Now the skaters perform under the roof of the ice palaces, where it is warm. That is why the athletes are dressed so lightly and beautifully. Music is delivered through powerful sound systems. The audience is seated in comfortable chairs. Figure skating is one of the most beautiful types of skating. Which of you is involved in figure skating?

Slide 8.

Bobsleigh is a downhill race on a special controlled sports apparatus similar to a bob. This sport originated from entertainment - sledding down a mountain by a group of people. One of the tourists connected two single-person sleds with a board for greater capacity. It fit 5 people at once - three men and two women. This is how the first bobsleigh crew appeared. In 1888, in the Swiss town of St. Moritz, the first bobsleigh club was organized and the first downhill competitions on a multi-seat sled - bobsleigh - were held.

At the first competitions, athletes developed speeds unimaginable at that time - up to 50 km/h. The sleigh was driven like a car - with a steering wheel. The crew consisted of 2 to 8 people. At the beginning of the twentieth century, modern sleds shaped like a “bean” were designed.

Constantly improving the design of the sled and using modern materials (even space materials), athletes of four-seater crews reach speeds of up to 150 km/h. What type of transport can the speed of a bob be compared to?(With a car, but it has an engine, and bobsledders accelerate down a special track - a chute).

Site 9

There is a lot to be said about cross-country skiing. Because this is one of the most ancient ways of moving people in winter on snow. To make walking on snow easier, people used various devices: branches, bark, animal skins and bones. The Norwegians achieved the greatest success in the development of skiing. This country has a very long and snowy winter. The first flat wooden skis appeared there. There, skiing became a sport. In 1767, speed skiing competitions were held.

And it is not surprising that the first Olympic champion in cross-country skiing at both Olympic distances of 18 and 50 km was the Norwegian Turleif Haug. By the way, he also won the Nordic Combined event (ski jumping + 18 km cross-country skiing). Consequently, he received 3 Olympic gold medals. It is noteworthy that he covered the 50 km distance in almost 4 hours.

And at the last Winter Olympics in 2010 in Vancouver (Canada), another Norwegian, Peter Northug, ran this distance in 2 hours and 5 minutes. Why do you think there is such a time difference?(Modern high-speed skis. A different skiing technique - faster skating. A specially prepared track. The use of ski waxes, special clothing - overalls. Modern scientific training of ski athletes).

Slide 10.

Speed ​​skating is one of the oldest sports. The earliest mention of the word "horse" dates back to 1648. The first speed skating competitions were held in England in 1763. And the first world championship took place in 1889, where the Russian became the championAlexander Nikitovich Panshin.

Skating races were held on open reservoirs. The ice was of poor quality, covered in places with snow. The athletes ran in ordinary clothes and on skates, in which they played hockey. The first Olympic champion was the Finn Claes Thurnberg, who won 3 Olympic medals.

Nowadays the speed skating scene is dominated by representatives of the Scandinavian countries. Athletes compete on excellent ice in beautiful ice palaces, using modern speed skates. The speed of skating has doubled compared to the beginning of the century. Can ice skating competitions be held in the summer? (Yes, they can. In indoor ice and hockey facilities on artificial or natural ice.) Do you have such conditions in your city? Can you name famous Russian speed skaters? ZOE.

Which country has hosted the Winter Olympics most often?(America – 4 times, France – 3 times).

In which country will the Winter Olympic Games be held for the first time?(Russia, in 2014, South Korea, in 2018)

Abstract to the presentation. “Experience in teaching”
Good afternoon
I am Oksana Viktorovna Podgurskaya, a teacher of additional education at the Vetluzhsky district children's creativity center. I present to you a presentation of the experience of my teaching activities.
My area of ​​activity is decorative and applied arts. The topic of my work is on the slide.
The issues of introducing children to folk art are currently attracting an increasing number of teachers, artists, and researchers of children's fine arts.
When introducing children to art, it is necessary to consider the following:
- folk art is a kind of catalyst for children's fine arts;
- folk art accumulates the traditional artistic experience of generations;
-works of folk and fine art contribute to the formation and development of artistic taste, aesthetic ideal, and creativity in the individual.
On this slide you can familiarize yourself with the conditions for forming a personal contribution
Nowadays, interest in various folk crafts, often almost forgotten, is being revived. One of the types of creativity that I teach children is artistic painting on wood. Now he is attracting close attention. The technique of painting on wood has an ancient history. My classes with children combine not only various types of practical work, but also open up to children the wonderful world of folk art, which carries a powerful layer of the centuries-old culture of the people. Nowadays the issue of reviving the spiritual heritage of our Fatherland is especially acute. Knowledge of Orthodox canons and virtues, the language of the meaning of ritual objects gives our children the opportunity to completely merge creative curiosity, instills in them a sense of harmony in the world of colors and lines, artistic images. Unfortunately, many of the old original crafts are disappearing into oblivion. Therefore, I set myself this goal, it is presented on the slide, and here you can familiarize yourself with the tasks set.
The following slides present the relevance of my experience and the leading pedagogical idea.
Decorative and applied arts are creative manual labor. My classes with children teach children to create beauty with their own hands, give children the necessary technical knowledge, develop labor skills, develop aesthetic taste, and even prepare for choosing a profession.
First of all, I try to make my classes interesting. To do this, I use these methods (on the slide), skillfully combining them. In a group of young children, the most effective is the use of folk music, poetry, riddles, as well as a variety of illustrative material and samples of works by folk artists. Middle-aged and older children show great interest in the work done by the teacher himself and try to imitate him. Classes on topics include a theoretical part and practical implementation of the task. As a rule, comprehension of a new topic begins with an explanation of new material. Special techniques help to interest students: bright, convincing speech, interestingly selected material on the history of the craft, demonstration of visual material. I try to present the information simply and clearly. All this arouses students’ genuine interest in the work ahead. When working with children, I try to impart an atmosphere of trust and sincerity. I devote the main place in classes to practical work. Each student works according to his own individual sketch. I often use different forms of activity: one student works on a composition, another gets acquainted with the technology, a third works on making a product. After demonstrating a technique, I carry out individual work to refine its accuracy of execution, achieving accuracy and purity of execution.
Art painting training takes place in different age groups. During the training period, children have the opportunity to study 6 types of artistic painting (on the slide). All these types of painting are distributed in increasing order of complexity of their execution. The main section of the training is devoted to an in-depth study of painting of the Russian North) all types, except Gorodetskaya.
Mastering a technique usually occurs “from simple to complex”
The slides present only authentic works of art by students of the artistic associations “Artistic Painting”, head teacher of additional education Oksana Viktorovna Podgurskaya.

Attached files

Anastasia Fedorova
Abstract for the presentation “We need security - security is important to us!”

The relevance and simply vital necessity of teaching children security is undoubted. It is difficult for a preschool child to understand the danger posed by a car, fire, piercing and cutting objects, ice and other dangers. Often the culprits of accidents are children themselves, who play near roads or cross the street in the wrong places. It is well known that childhood is a unique period in a person’s life; it is during this time that health is formed and personality is formed. Childhood experiences largely determine a person's adult life. At the beginning of the journey, next to the defenseless and trusting baby are the most important people in his life - parents and educators. Is it easy to teach a child to behave on the road? On the street? In transport? In the kitchen, etc. At first glance it’s easy, you just need to introduce him to the basic requirements safety and no problems. It's actually very difficult. After all, parents themselves violate these rules every day in front of their children, and do not think that they are putting an insoluble problem before their child. task: which is correct? What do they say or what do they do? It is known that habits established in childhood remain for life. Therefore, from a very early age it is necessary to teach children safe behavior. Both parents and preschools should be involved in this. Forming the Foundations security The life activities of children are carried out in different directions, the main ones being work with children, parents, teaching staff and staff. Important prepare the child to face possible difficulties, form an understanding of the most dangerous situations, the need to take precautions, instill in him skills safe behavior in everyday life together with parents who act as role models for the child.

Skills development work safe Behavior in children begins with identifying the level of their knowledge and interests, which were carried out in the form of conversations, observations, games and activities.

Publications on the topic:

Photo report. “Summer generously gives us holidays, So the Apple Savior has come to us.” We wish you Happiness, peace, joy, and health on this day.

This is my second year working with our children; the children have grown up, become wiser, and their games have become more varied. Children very often bring different things to kindergarten.

Dear Colleagues! I would like to present to your attention the last page “Flower” for the baby book “Oh, water, water, why do we need you.

Page “Boat” One of the goals envisaged by the teacher is to involve children in creative cooperation and participation in independent activities.

In the evening, I conducted a collective application with the children using an unconventional technique - plasticineography on the theme “Goldfish.

Slide 2

Read the dictionary entry: ANNOTATION (from the Latin annotation - note, note) - a summary of the contents of a book, article, manuscript. It may also contain an assessment of the work, information about the author, and the creative history of the work. What is an annotation?

Slide 3

What is an annotation? What information may be contained in the annotation? Use the annotation definition as well as the annotations below to answer:

Slide 4

Mertlik R. Ancient legends and tales./ Translated. from Czech. – M.; Republic, 1992. – 479 pp. The book by the famous expert on ancient literature R. Mertlik contains the most famous ancient Greek myths that have fascinated people for centuries. They form the basis of Western European culture and still inspire writers, poets and artists. Getting to know them will give you many pleasant moments. Designed for a wide range of readers.

Slide 5

Annotations are different

Consider the diagram. What types of annotations are there? ABSTRACT Information (“purely” informative) Advisory with elements of evaluation From the publisher From the author From the compiler

Slide 6

On what basis are the varieties of these secondary texts identified? ABSTRACT Information (“purely” informative) Advisory with elements of evaluation From the publisher From the author From the compiler

Slide 7

Identify supporting structures—standard and nonstandard (unusual) expressions—in each group of words.

General characteristics of the book (collection) The book contains... (Stories, novellas, The book includes... articles, fairy tales The collection includes... etc.)

Slide 8

A D R E S A T For girls and boys! Moms and dads! Grandparents! The book is addressed... This book can be recommended... The book is intended for a wide range of readers.

Slide 9

I would be glad and grateful if you guys read this little book. It is about curiosity, about what we see around us. Read this book quickly! Let's open the book together and read it quickly! Call - read

Slide 10

The task is to interest This story was told to me by a man who... He amazed me with the fact that... Well, what happened next, you will find out if you read this book... This story is full of the most incredible events and adventures...

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Guess why there is empty space left in each column? Of course, let you come up with your own version! (Create a document in which you offer your options. You can arrange it in the form of a table)

Slide 12

Annotating new publications

Well... This task is not an easy one, because you will have to write an annotation on the story “Boys” by Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky. Make sure that whoever reads your summary definitely wants to get acquainted with this work. (This is not the last slide).

Slide 13

All in the same document, print the annotation. What? No, you won’t take it home, we do everything in class. And you have the seventh lesson. Did not have time? There is only one conclusion: you work slowly, talk a lot and get distracted. Come on! I really love you... Oh! I promised myself... Aha! You are taking advantage of the fact that I cannot answer you. Of course, it is easy to argue with a voiceless teacher. Just remember that you are working for a grade!

View all slides

– this is a brief, succinct summary of the course work in several sentences or paragraphs. It is advisable to clarify the structure with your supervisor or teacher, as it may vary in individual universities.

The purpose of the abstract: to show the novelty and main points of your research in the form of short abstracts.

Annotation design structure

The abstract may contain the following information:

  1. Work theme
  2. Author of the work indicating the group and faculty
  3. Supervisor
  4. Thesis content of the work itself
  5. Description – number of pages, sources, figures, tables, etc.

The abstract for the course work is written on a separate sheet.

Also sometimes an English translation of the Russian version of the abstract is required.

Just below the abstract, you often provide keywords specific to your work, usually no more than 5–10 words.

What questions should the abstract answer?

When writing an annotation, so that it is clear to those who will read it, you need to answer the following questions:

How to start an annotation

The annotation should begin with the use of established introductory constructions for scientific works, for example:

  • “This work examines the influence of...”
  • “During the work, an analysis was performed...”
  • “The course work discussed ways...”

Sufficient amount of annotation

The typical length of an abstract for a course work or project is about 500 characters or 1 – 3 paragraphs. You must provide a complete description of the work you have done in these few sentences.

Examples and sample annotations

Below are examples of writing annotations for popular items, based on which you can create your own.

Examples of annotations on jurisprudence

Analysis and division of government regimes


The work analyzes and systematizes the issues of division of government regimes. During the analysis, it was found that it is categorically impossible to identify a specific state regime that is inherent in a particular state, be it a democratic or non-democratic state regime.

Key words: government regimes, democratic and non-democratic regime.

The work consists of 34 pages, contains 25 literary sources and 6 appendices.

Sources of law and classification of their types, formed in various legal families.


The presented course work consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a list of references and applications.

The first part of the work examines a detailed description of the main sources of law, as well as the sources of law used in various legal families. A summary classification is given. The next chapter analyzes each type of legal source in detail and draws a conclusion based on the material presented.

Key words: sources of law, legal families.

The work consists of 31 pages, contains 43 literary sources, 3 tables and 8 appendices.

Examples of economics annotations

Consideration of methods for analyzing the bankruptcy of enterprises in various sectors of the economy


The paper discusses currently existing methods for analyzing possible bankruptcy. In order to obtain reliable forecasts, an in-depth study of a given enterprise is necessary, taking into account the characteristics of the industry in which it operates.

The work consists of 28 pages, contains 34 literary sources, 7 tables and 3 appendices.

Key words: bankruptcy, commercial organizations, economic sectors.

Analysis and systematization of issues regulating the creation of commercial enterprises


The work analyzes and systematizes the issues of creating commercial enterprises. In the course of the work, scientific and general methods of analyzing the issues of creating commercial enterprises were used: functional, comparative, historical, systemic, logical, sociological, etc. The principles of the historical and logical approach to studying the issues of creating companies were used.

Key words: methods of enterprise analysis, historical and logical principle, scientific methods of analysis.

The work consists of 31 pages, contains 21 literary sources, 8 tables and 12 appendices.

Examples of annotations on technical subjects

Analysis of low pressure turbine assembly designs


The work analyzed various turbine designs, selected a design solution for the turbine layout, and worked out the design of the blades. Verification calculations of the main turbine and vibration resistance analysis were carried out. Conclusions are given based on calculations about the thermal state of the blades.

The work includes 44 pages, was completed with the involvement of 23 sources, contains 6 graphs, 9 tables and 4 appendices.

Drive calculation project using a worm gearbox


The work carried out a calculation of the machine drive, consisting of an engine, a belt drive, a two-stage worm gearbox, and a movable coupling. The calculation was performed for the operating parameters of a 3 kW engine with an angular velocity of 3 rad/s.

The work includes 25 pages, 15 literary sources, contains 23 graphs, 3 tables and 3 appendices.