Scenario for the opening of the competition of propaganda teams, we choose life. Review-competition of pioneer propaganda teams “Light the fire of goodness!” Scenario of the speech of the propaganda team “On the road of goodness. additional education for children –

Scenario for the competition of propaganda teams
"We are for a healthy lifestyle!"

social and pedagogical support for the formation and development of personality;
formation of a value attitude towards health and a healthy lifestyle;
students gain experience of independent social action in creating a culture of a healthy lifestyle.
education of a value attitude towards beauty;
formation of ideas about ethical ideals and values.
educational results:
spiritual and moral acquisitions: expansion of concepts: beauty, harmony;
independent influence in the propaganda team;
self-expression in creativity and art;
the experience of such values: health, the desire for a healthy lifestyle.
educational effect:
development of the student as an individual “taking responsibility for one’s health”;
formation of his competence “following a healthy lifestyle”.
Materials for the event: wall newspapers, posters on the topic of a healthy lifestyle, protocols for the jury, riddles about human health.
Necessary equipment: computer, multimedia, audio equipment, screen, portable board, chair, musical instruments, screen, toys, gifts.

Event plan
Leader's word.
Team presentation.
Presentation of the jury members.
Team performance.
Intellectual break (riddles competition).
The jury speaks, sums up, awards.

Progress of the event.

Presenter: Good afternoon, dear children and dear adults!
Hello, dear guests! We are glad to see you at our competition of propaganda teams with the name (ALL): “We are for a healthy lifestyle!”
Hello! We wish everyone good health!
In the age of technological progress and the development of space technologies, what do you think is most expensive?
Spectators: Hello!
Presenter: Human health is the main value in life. Money can't buy health. Being sick, you will not be able to realize your dreams, you will not be able to solve vital problems. We all want to grow up strong and healthy.
Our competition is called "We are for a healthy lifestyle!"
Three teams of students from grades 5-7 participate in the competition. Welcome participants.
Our competition will be monitored by a strict jury consisting of:

During the competition, each team will show their performance.
We are starting our competition program. We invite the 5th grade team to the stage first.

Host: Thank you very much, guys, take your seats. And now we invite the 6th grade team to the stage!
Host: Let's applaud our actors. And you, members of the jury, be careful and don’t forget to tag our competitors.
We won't wait long and invite the 7th grade team to the stage.

Host: The guys told us how important it is to lead a healthy lifestyle. Thank you very much to the team, take your seats.
Host: Health is an invaluable wealth in the life of any person. Each of us has an inherent desire to be strong and healthy. I hope that today's competition was not in vain, and you learned a lot from it. It’s not for nothing that they say: “If you’re healthy, you’ll get everything!”
What other proverbs about health do you know?
So be healthy everyone!
It will take time for the jury to sum up the final results, but we will hold a riddle competition!
A green meadow, a hundred benches around, People running briskly from gate to gate. On these gates are fishing nets.
As many as 25 cloves for curls and tufts
And under each tooth, hair will lie in a row.
Who is the most useful in the days of illness and heals us from all illnesses?
These fruits are not edible, but they are huge and convenient. Another athlete beats them hard with his fists for hours.
(Punching bags)
She fits her hairy head into her mouth deftly
And he counts our teeth in the morning.
And in the heat, and in the ice, I want it - and it will rain,
It will rustle overhead, the rain will come to my home.
We are nimble sisters, masters of running fast, We lie down in the rain, we run in the snow, that’s our routine.
I’ll sit under your arm and tell you what to do: Either put you to bed, or let you go for a walk.
He lay down in his pocket and guards the roar, the crybaby and the dirty one,
He will wipe away streams of tears, he will not forget about his nose.
Everyone pets him and bathes him, but he loses weight, as if he’s melting,
It loses its shape, appearance and weight and finally disappears entirely.
But he is your reliable friend, communicating with him, we will become cleaner.
Red doors in my cave, white animals sit at the doors.
I gladly give both meat and bread - all my spoils - to the white beasts.
My new girlfriends are shiny and light, And they frolic with me on the ice, And they are not afraid of the frost.
Our competition has now come to an end. Now the distinguished jury will announce the results to you and present you with memorable prizes and gifts. But the main thing to remember today is that there are no losers, everyone is great! The main thing is participation, not victory!
Host: Thank you everyone! Goodbye! See you again!

AGITABRIGAD 6th grade on healthy lifestyle
We say “Hello!” to you! - the best of words, Because hello means be healthy!
Health is when you feel good.
Health is when nothing hurts.
Health comes from the word “HEALTHY”
Health is beauty.
Health is strength.
A healthy body means a healthy mind, everyone around knows this.
We want to tell you how healthy you can become.
(Scene - sketch)
There are many questions in the world: how many mountains and how many rivers.
We will tell you today how a person works.
Period, period, comma, minus a curved face.
Stick, stick, cucumber - so the little man came out.
A man was born, stood on his feet and walked.

I made friends with the wind and the sun so that I could breathe well.

He accustomed himself to order; he got up early in the morning.

He quickly did exercises and took a cold shower.

Just imagine, he came to the dentist without any fear.

He brushes his teeth with paste, brushes his teeth with powder.

The little man ate black bread and porridge for lunch.

I wasn’t picky at all, I didn’t lose weight or gain weight

I went to bed exactly at 9 and fell asleep very quickly.

I went to study with interest and got straight A's.

Every day he ran, jumped, swam a lot, and played ball.

He gained strength for life and did not whine or get sick.

A boy in a tracksuit comes out with a HEALTH sign.
I'm not afraid of frost or heat.
Even the doctors are surprised
Why am I not sick, why am I healthier?
All the guys from our yard?
Because I’m not too lazy to do gymnastics early in the morning,
Because I wash my face with tap water every day.
Health is good - thanks to exercise!
SCENE (3 boys: 1st sneezes, 2nd coughs, a strong boy stands next to him)
Strong: I told them in the winter: they should toughen up with me!
In the morning, running and showering are invigorating, just like for adults, real!
Open the windows at night and breathe in fresh air.
Wash your feet with cold water, and then the microbe is hungry
It will never overcome you. If they didn’t listen, they got sick

Boys: We, brothers, realized too late how useful it is to harden ourselves.
Let's stop coughing and sneezing, we'll take a shower with ice-cold water.

Sturdy: Wait, oh-oh-oh!
You can’t become strong instantly, harden yourself gradually!

If you want to be healthy, toughen up!
If you want to be healthy, smile!
If you want to be healthy, do sports from childhood,
Swim, run and play, and sunbathe on the beach!
Drink milk, eat vegetables and fruits, eat healthy foods.

Sport is good for health.
Stadium, swimming pools, court, hall, skating rink - you are welcome everywhere.
For your efforts, you will be rewarded with cups and records, your muscles will become hard.
Just remember: athletes always have their own day
They start with physical exercises, do not play hide and seek with naps,
Quickly throwing off the blanket, we got up - sleep was gone!

Sport is the dawn of vitality!
Sport is life and a cure for all troubles!
Sports – the path to longevity is straight!
And we can handle any load!
Youth without wine and beer -
It's fashionable and beautiful.
If you ruin your health, you can’t buy new ones.
Move more - you will live longer.

This concerns you, this concerns me, Life is just beginning, beginning. Frowning is forbidden, whining is not allowed, Health is increasing, increasing. Health is increasing, increasing. Life is just beginning, beginning.

The junior group “Beacon”, GBOU secondary school in the village of Musorka in 2015, under the leadership of Tatyana Evstasievna Chubukova, won 2nd place in the competition of propaganda teams of the Stavropol region.

Propaganda brigadeuid

(event scenario)

Goal: promoting the importance of reflective headbands (flickers).

Progress of the event: Children come out to song No. 1 (DPS)

(Inspector boys dance, girls in the background perform movements)

The music stops.

Young pedestrians!

Future drivers!

2nd student:


Children and their leaders!

In chorus:

Guests in the hall, all our spectators!

Would you like to see the team from Garbage?

Now greetings to all of you!

All: The propaganda team is simply class!

I'm glad to welcome everyone

Agitation brigade beacon!

From 1 July 2015, pedestrians are required to wear reflectors. When used, the risk of death for pedestrians is reduced by 70%. For example, if the car has low beams on, the driver will see an ordinary pedestrian from a distance of 25-40 meters. And the use of a reflector increases this figure to 130-240 meters!

Our motto:

Beacon! Put on your badge

Or a bright flicker!

Let you be in the darkness of the roads

The driver will see!

We offer everyone for clarity

The ABCs of road safety!

(raise the letters, speak in order)

A - accidents to avoid,

B – maintain safety,

U - you will be able to live longer!

K – reflectors and horns, traffic lights, flickers,

And - the “army” stands in defense of our lives and goodness!

The Russian folk melody for ditties No. 2 sounds.

Bunny jumps along the road

And he doesn’t look at his feet.

Even though there is a zebra underfoot,

Be careful, scythe!

The elephant sewed a flicker onto his clothes,

Became like Jupiter

You can see him in the dark

One hundred and five kilometers away.

Avoid unnecessary troubles

Bear your bike

Decorated with reflectors,

May the path be safe!

There was an angry wolf today,

I lost my favorite sticker.

I wanted to help him

I waited for night to come.

We go to school every day,

And so we take

Flicker we are always with us,

He is my helper and yours.

Flicker, tape and strips

They give us a new effect.

For autumn weather

Wonderful kit!

The duck put on his flicker,

Everything sparkles in earnest.

How beautiful she is!

Well, the main thing is to be safe!

We sang ditties for you,

So that you have time to remember

Security lesson

Our alphabet of roads!

Music for the road safety inspector is turned on

to the tune of the song “Our service is both dangerous and difficult” No. 3.

The inspector comes out

Inspector: (comes out with a baton and sings):

Our service is both dangerous and difficult

But believe me, everyone really needs it

To make traffic safe for children

It was in our region.

We will gather young pedestrians

We want to tell you a lot about flickers

Everything we know about them.

(speaks against the background of music - the sound decreases):

Inspector: : In the dark, at night or at twilight, during fog, rain and snowfall, dark pedestrians appear on the road. For a driver, seeing such a pedestrian is very, very difficult. Flicker is an English word that means "flicker". (plate)

There are different flickers: yellow, white, red,

And they are all very important,

Keep citizens safe!

The best flickers are white or lemon yellow. They are the brightest.


A pedestrian with a flicker is visible in the headlights of a car at a distance of 150 - 400

meters. (plate)

The use of flickers reduces the risk of hitting a pedestrian by 6-8 times.


Walking with them is much safer!

Children must understand

That these flickers are very important.

With reflectors

You'll be able to see us perfectly!

So it will be safe!

We really need security!

Safety is very important to us!

(music turns off)

Inspector: (speaking):

My special vest

It also reflects light.

Always visible in headlights

At night I wear my vest.

Music is turned on to demonstrate reflective elements No. 4 (Children demonstrate clothes and objects with reflective elements: vests, backpacks, pants, jackets, headbands)

These are the flickers

These are the stickers

These are the backpacks

And here are the keychains.

Children one by one:

What glitters and plays there,

Like sparks of fire?

- This is my flicker shining,

On my clothes.

We glowed in the dark

No! - we said to trouble!

Who sparkles in the darkness of the night,

Together: He avoids accidents!


Reflect in the dark

To be visible everywhere

And then any driver

He will definitely see you. (Inspector leaves)

The music is turned on to the tune of the song “Black Cat” No. 5

(A child comes out dressed as a black cat)

Children: (singing)

Song based on "Black Cat"

A black cat is walking along the road

Our cat is invisible at the gate

Only the eyes, like headlights are burning,

And the cars slow down again.

They say you won't have any luck

For those who walk at night without a flicker

Only the eyes help the cat

See it for everyone a mile away

But the song is not about that at all

Safety with your cat all the time.

They say you won't have any luck

For those who walk at night without a flicker,

For now it’s the other way around, but for now it’s the other way around

Only a black cat will be lucky.

The recording includes a car horn, squeaking brakes,

the cat stops

How did the driver see the cat?

How did he manage to hit the brakes?

Cat's eyes glow at night

They need security too.

We give you a warning:

Follow the traffic rules on the roads!

Against the background of quiet music “What is kindness,” the child says the words.

If you have a light reflector,

You are safe wherever you are.

Badges and stickers, pendants, bracelets

They will save your life in any part of the world.


We call you with this slogan,

May health flourish in the world.

So that you don't get into trouble,

Flicker should ALWAYS be with you!

Song No. 6 is turned on - “Flicker” (general dance, departure)

school propaganda team competition


Fanfare sounds
(leaders come on stage)

Presenter1 Good afternoon, dear friends, participants of the propaganda teams competition “For a healthy lifestyle”!

Presenter2 We welcome all those thanks to whom our competition, our holiday will take place. Many thanks to the children who took part in the competition and to the teachers who organized the children into teams and helped them bring their ideas to life on stage.

Presenter1 Today we are going to see the performances of nine propaganda teams.

Presenter2 “Healthy lifestyle”... It’s probably not worth explaining this thesis. It speaks for itself.

Presenter1 - Of course, there are many ways to express your ideas and thoughts. Humanity has come up with many forms of propaganda and agitation. One of these forms is the “propaganda brigade”. It is interesting that this form was invented and widely developed in our country, in the first years of Soviet power. People called the propaganda brigades “blue blouses”, since the majority of members of the propaganda brigades wore striped blue and white blouses.

Presenter2 - The propaganda brigade was a kind of “living newspaper”. All significant social and political events immediately found their stage embodiment in the performances of propaganda teams. All current and topical problems of society immediately became objects for satire, which was a powerful weapon of the “blue blouses”.

Presenter1 - The propaganda teams of that time did not wait for their spectators, but went to them themselves. They performed in factories, on collective farm fields, in clubs and parks, in military units and even on warships. In a simple, accessible and bright stage form, they conveyed their ideas to people, among whom were many illiterate people who did not read newspapers and did not have the opportunity to listen to the radio.

Presenter2 - That is why the speeches of propaganda teams have always been awaited as a breath of fresh air, as a source of news happening in the country, as carriers and conductors of new ideas, as denouncers of everything ossified, harmful and vulgar.

Presenter1 - However, today we will not delve into the theory and history of the propaganda brigade movement, because we all have to personally see that this movement lives and develops, that even in the Leading2Leading1 century it has not lost its relevance and its audience.

Presenter2 - But, since today we have not just performances by propaganda teams, but a competition, a competent jury will evaluate the competitive performances. So, allow me to introduce the distinguished members of the jury of our competition:

    Chairman of the jury - school director - Zaretskaya Elena Olegovna

Jury members:

    Deputy Director for Academic Affairs – Svetlana Anatolyevna Kizyakova

    Deputy Director for Educational Work – Natalya Sergeevna Timoshchuk

    History teacher – Savinova Elena Nikolaevna

    Life safety teacher – Kubarev Sergey Alekseevich

Presenter1 - The floor for the opening of the competition of school propaganda teams is given to the chairman of the competition jury: Elena Olegova Zaretskaya

Word from the Chairman of the Jury

Presenter2 - Thank you. But before the teams begin their performances, I would like to tell an old parable. One day a sage was walking along the road. Suddenly he sees a man coming towards him and carrying a heavy wheelbarrow with stones. "What are you doing?" - asked the sage. “Don’t you see, I’m carrying stones,” he answered. The sage moves on. He sees another person coming with the same wheelbarrow full of stones. "What are you doing?" - asked the sage. “I earn my bread,” the man answered. The sage walks further, and again a man with a heavy wheelbarrow of stones meets him. "What are you doing?" - the sage asked the man. “I’m building a temple,” the man answered. It was not in vain that I told this parable. If you think about it, then, of course, each of these three people was right in their own way in their answers. But the essence of the parable is different. It’s not so important WHAT you do in life, what’s more important is: WHAT you do it for. And it is very important for us that you know and understand “what” and “for what” you are doing in this life. We sincerely hope and believe that your deeds and thoughts are pure.

Presenter1 - And I’m sure that this is exactly the case. And the guys’ upcoming performances today will prove this.

Presenter2 - So, we begin our competition. And the first to be invited to this stage is the propaganda team of the _____ class. Prepare for the ____ class.

(leaders leave)
(leaders leave)

Presenter1 - Thanks to the guys from class ___ for an interesting presentation. For some reason I even remembered the words of Seneca: “living happily and living in accordance with nature are the same thing.”

Presenter2 - Yes, wise words, and very much in tune with the theme of our competition. And the great Byron writes about this in verse: “No, the one whose spirit finds one language with nature cannot be lonely.”

Presenter1 - Great words. But the guys from _____ class are waiting for their turn to perform. Let's give them the floor.

Get ready for the ____ class team.

(leaders leave)

(leaders leave)

Presenter1 - Yes, wonderful, I simply have no words! It was a performance by the ____ class propaganda team. It’s simply amazing that the guys raise such global issues in their speeches and present the topic in such an interesting way.

Presenter2 - Yes, I agree with you. But this can be learned. Here's how Chizhevsky said about it:

Oh, look at what's happening around you,

Look inside yourself and close this circle,

Know others and you will know your own spirit,

Know yourself and you will suddenly open up the world.

Presenter1 - You couldn’t say better than a poet. But let’s reveal and get to know another team, the team of ____________________________________ school. I think that they will also surprise and delight us with their performance.

Presenter2 - I am for it". So, on stage is the team of ____ class. Get ready guys from ____ class.

(leaders leave)
(leaders leave)

Presenter2 - Thanks guys. Wonderful performance. I just want to say: “To breathe, air is not enough for me, and to live, even peace is not enough for me!”

Presenter1 - Beautiful words. Is that what you said?

Presenter2 - Alas, Camoes said it.

Presenter1 - Then I will support you, however, in the words of Feuerbach: “The world is pitiful only for a pitiful person, the world is empty only for an empty person.”

Presenter2 - Yes, a pathetic and empty person does not have access to a healthy lifestyle, because he does not have healthy thoughts. However, I'm looking forward to watching the next team perform.

Presenter1 - And me too. The propaganda team of the ______ class is performing. Get ready guys from ____ class.

(leaders leave)
(leaders leave)

Presenter2 - Many thanks to the guys of _____ class. A very talented performance.

Presenter1 - And I think so. Do you know what Goethe said? “Talent grows in the quiet of solitude, character is formed in struggle.”

Presenter2 - He said it very correctly. And if you haven’t forgotten, we have a competition today, that is, the guys are fighting for prizes.

Presenter1 - And they also fight for the right way of life, which requires not only willpower and pure thoughts, but also talent.

Presenter2 - Our guys have a lot of talent.

Presenter1 - Agree. However, let's look further. The ____ class team is invited to the stage. Get ready ____ class.

(leaders leave)
(leaders leave)

Presenter2 - Wonderful! Thank you guys, you just made me happy.

Presenter1 - I fully support it. After such performances I just

your wings grow, you want to do something good, something real.

Presenter2 - By the way, I’ve been wanting to ask for a long time: what about your healthy lifestyle?

Presenter1 - To be honest, not everything is working out yet. But I strive.

Presenter2 - Well done. Let's try.

Presenter1 - I will definitely strive for a healthy lifestyle. And now the guys from the _____ class propaganda team are rushing onto the stage. Get ready for the guys from _____ class.

(leaders leave)


(leaders leave)

Presenter1 - Thanks to the guys from _____ class.

Presenter2 - Thank you. And I want to return to our previous conversation. Do you want me to help you in your pursuit of a healthy lifestyle, or rather, not me, but the wonderful oriental poet Jami? Listen:

Follow five important rules in life -

on earth you will see a bright paradise:

in worldly affairs do not disturb the peace,

don't risk your head in vain,

Take care of your health like a rare treasure,

live in abundance, but don't be rich,

and let him come to share his leisure time

a reliable and cordial friend to you.

Presenter1 - Nice line.

Presenter2 - And most importantly - it’s correct. And it would be absolutely correct to invite the propaganda team of ____ class to the stage. Get ready for the guys from _____ class.

(leaders leave)
(leaders leave)

Presenter1 -Thank you very much to the guys from ____ class. It is very important to know what is good and what is bad. And help friends who are in trouble. And prove with your life that health is the most important component of life.

Presenter2 -Thales of Miletus, who lived in Ancient Greece in the six hundred BC, to the question “What is the best life?” -, answered: “When we do not do what we condemn in others.”

Presenter1 -Indeed, while condemning drug addiction, smoking and alcoholism, we should not allow them into our lives, and if this happens, try to get rid of bad habits as soon as possible.

Presenter2 - And the guys from _____ class will certainly help us with this. We welcome them. Get ready ____ class.

(leaders leave)
(leaders leave)

Presenter1 -Applause to the guys of ____ class!

Presenter2 - Yes, I am convinced again and again that the propaganda brigade movement lives and develops, that it will never lose its relevance and novelty.

Presenter1 - And how much work the guys have done!

Presenter2 - The main thing is useful work, creative work, work for the benefit of a noble goal.

Presenter1 - The great Marcus Aurelius said about this: “Don’t get tired of receiving benefits by bringing them.”

Presenter2 - Very correct. Anyone who brings benefit to people, who does good to people, receives doubly benefits and goodness. This is also one of the facets of a correct, healthy lifestyle.

Presenter1 - Oh, what a pity that the guys from ___ class will now perform and this will be the last performance today.

Presenter2 - Yes, I'm sorry too. So let's cheer for the guys, because they have been waiting for their turn for so long.

Presenter1 - Come on, especially since it’s hard to perform last, as well as first.

So, the competition program ends with a performance by the ____ class propaganda team. Meet!

(leaders leave)


(leaders leave)

Presenter2 - Thanks to the ___ class team! I have no words.

Presenter1 - And I have words, a lot of good words! And all teams deserve praise. But let the jury members tell them for me to the guys.

Presenter2 - The jury members, of course, will have their say, but I can imagine how difficult it will be for them now.

Presenter1 - Yes, if it were my will, I would divide my heart into 9 equal parts and give it equally to all teams.

Presenter2 - Alas, this is impossible. A competition is a competition. But I know one thing for sure: there will be no losers today. After all, if after today’s performances by the guys at least one person thought about himself, his life, his health, became a little cleaner, kinder, turned his face to a friend, smiled, extended an open palm to him - this is already a victory.

Presenter1 - Yes I agree. This is already a victory. But the most important victory is the victory gained over oneself. And all the guys, all the participants in today’s competition have already won: today from this stage they loudly and honestly said “No” to drug addiction, smoking, alcoholism, foul language, laziness, lies. They all took the side of a healthy lifestyle, and now there are more of us.

Presenter2 - Thank you, guys, for your choice, for your life position, for your work and your creativity! In the meantime, our esteemed jury will deliberate and solve the difficult task of determining the winners of today's competition, we invite you and all viewers to watch the videos that were created by high school students

(leaders leave)

Fanfare sounds.

(leaders come out)

Presenter1 “The moment we’ve all been waiting for has come.”

Presenter2 - And the participants in our competition did not just wait and wait, they also hope and believe. So let us wish them that their hopes come true. And may the best man win!

Presenter1 To announce the results and award the winners of the regional competition of school propaganda teams, we invite the chairman of the competition jury to the stage: __________________________________________________________

(Against the background of solemn music,

chairman of the jury)



(award mascara)

Presenter1 - This concludes our competition! See you next year!

Presenter 2 - And remember: thousands of paths lead away from the goal, and only one single one leads to it! Have a nice trip!

Presenter1 - And goodbye!

(background music)


Spanish Vasilyeva L.V.,

teacher-organizer of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 5 Klyuchi-1

Scenario of the propaganda team “New Generation”

1. Hello!

All. Be healthy!

2 . The Agitation Brigade welcomes you

-All. New Generation!

3. Listen to those who can listen

Open your eyes, open your souls

We'll show you with our performance

How to be healthy


4. We are the future of our great country!

5 . We are the youth of the 21st century

1. The fate of a person is in our hands.

2 . We are for the health and happiness of the country

ALL: The best girls and boys.

3. We are for health, we are for happiness,

4 . We are against pain and misfortune!

5 . For a sober mind, for clarity of thought,

1 . For childhood, youth, for the joy of life!

- 2 . Peer, same age

Let's say boldly

Making the world a better place

- ALL.Our business!

-3. We set ourselves a goal

Promote a healthy lifestyle everywhere

ALL.This is our contribution to the flourishing of our native Fatherland.


Our youth team."

We gathered in this village

For everyone who wants to live, answer

We want to live with dignity in the 21st century

And we will answer “no” to everyone who comes to us with a needle.

Chorus. Decide your own destiny -

Russia - to serve mother

We would like to assure you that indeed

We cannot live with bad habits.

We will not part with sports soon,

But time cannot be appeased or contained,

When will our children appear on stage?

So that you don't have to solve such problems.

In the depths of the scene there is a flower, a heart begins to beat within it. The flower opens and a girl comes out of it.

Music is playing (slow, beautiful). (Voice behind the scene )

Every time I was born

Then you step on the road,

On your way of life

And you walk little by little. And it won't stop

You walk along it, winding,

Then soaring straight towards the sun,

Along the ravine, or straight But you know, it happens

Unexpectedly, suddenly,

And on this road,

There a fork appears...

(Good and evil run up to the girl. Dance)

Girl. What to do? How to be?

How should I live my life?

What should I choose, prefer?

Black: Well, can we help...

/the girl tries to drive them away/

White (good): Don't drive us away right away!

Do you want health these days?

Stock up on beets and carrots.

Black (evil): What's happened? Nevermind.

We don't need it one bit.

Here! I know - this is necessary. / takes out a Cigarette /

White: Breathe more air

Black: Don't listen, light a cigarette.

White: You eat more vegetables.

H: Better yet, pour some vodka.

White: What are you teaching your child?

Black: Why are you torturing him like that?

White: Let's ask him

Black: What is most important to him?

White: I think he will come with me.

Black: And I’m sure that he will prefer me!

Girl: Hush, hush, calm down,

I’d prefer one, don’t be afraid, /thinks/

Well, you won (addresses black)

And she persuaded me.

Black. Do you want to achieve happiness the easy way? You can rely on me for everything. Listen to me! Give me your soul into my arms! I will save you from problems, I will help you and everyone! And my names are countless: high and dope, drugs and glitches. And for happiness I and for boredom!

Take this magic potion. It cannot be compared with anything in the world! Take it, well, quickly take happiness! You will see a world that is more beautiful than the dawn! (holds out the potion).

White. Stop, girl! Wait! Think about it! This moment may be the last breath of freedom in your life!

And then only ruthless despots will control your thoughts, soul and body - drugs, alcohol, cigarettes!

Did you know... (addresses the audience)

1 ...that a person’s health depends 50% on his lifestyle;

2 ...that after the first time, 82% of girls and 54% of boys get used to smoking;

3 ...that tobacco contains substances that lead to the development of 25 serious diseases, premature aging, and disability;

4 ...that the average life expectancy of a drug addict is only 10 years;

5 ...that each cigarette shortens life by 5-6 minutes. A person who smokes nine cigarettes a day passes away 5 years earlier, 40 cigarettes a day - 9 years earlier;

6 ...that a burning cigarette is a chemical factory producing 3000 compounds, including more than 40 carcinogens that cause cancer and 12 cocarcinogens that enhance the effects of carcinogens;

7 ...that at the end of the 16th century in England people were executed for smoking, and the heads of those executed with a pipe in their mouth were displayed in the square.

White.(To a girl): And you, do you really want to die young?

(The girl waves her head)

1.: Not out of curiosity...

2 : Not out of a sense of camaraderie...

3.: Never try or even touch cigarettes, wine or drugs.

4.: And if you’re still planning to try them...


5. We will say that there is nothing more important than health in the world.

People in the world know about this

So let the undying light burn

Health on our planet.

6. Our life is never without problems.

Be stronger than circumstances
After all, you are a person!

7: You have nothing to do?

1: Doesn't anyone pay attention to you?

2: Go to the sports ground! Find yourself a friend!

3: Turn on the music and listen at your leisure!

4: Swim, sunbathe, play sports!

5: Read books! Get into dancing!

6: Go study! Find your calling!

7: Fly like crazy to your date!

1: After all, you are a person! You are the crown of evolution! You are the bearer of reason!

2. So don't act like you're a destructive devil.

3. There is good and evil inside you,
And the word is yours. And this word is only one:

All: Yes or no!

A quiet, calm melody sounds, everyone moves away. Participants come out pretending to be scales.

4: Imagine - scales. On this side of the scale is the health of your loved ones, your future children, your health. And here?

Hamlet comes forward.


Well, there was a question. Well, what's the answer?
Let the room become quiet for a minute.
Think: what do you want?
Listen: what the heart says
And what advice will your mind give you?
Are you strong or weak? Free or slave?


Solemn music sounds).

5: Remember: man is not weak! Born free! He is not a slave!

Salvation is in you, earthlings.

Let's say NO to bad habits

(removes the INDIFFERENCE sign - the scales rise slightly)

1. Let's quit this crap

And we will become the best of the planets.

(removes the EVIL sign - the scales are still rising)

2. We were born to live in this world for a long time

Play and sing laugh and love

And so that all dreams become possible

We must take care of our health

(removes the sign VICES and the scales are leveled)

Libra removes the bandage:

Look around - beautiful nature

calls us to live in peace with her

give me your hand friend. Let's help you

1 . Help, man, man,

To be doubly human!

-2. Let the one who stumbles be saved tomorrow.

Let hope shine on every destiny.

All. The heart of the planet is still beating.

The heart of the planet is in me and you.

3. Life goes on

And we ourselves make the choice between light and darkness!

4. We choose life!

5. We choose light!

6. We choose the path

Where there are no bad habits!

7. Let’s say “NO” to bad habits

Be a healthy and beautiful person.

1. Strengthen your health with sports,

Go hiking and watch the sunrises,

2. The secret of success in life, know for sure -

Your health, remember this.

3. Look, life is beautiful

Start with good, good day

4. Your habits are only beneficial

Use it for yourself.

5. And how many good things you will find around:

6. Sports sections will occupy your leisure time

7 . Let's be friends with sports!

And drink only healthy juices!

1 . Let's always practice hygiene

Then any problems will bypass us!

2. Let's think together, friends.

Who chooses such a life? –

All. I!


The world is not easy
Not at all easy.
It is impossible to hide from storms and thunderstorms in it,
It is impossible to hide from the winter blizzards in it,
And from separations, from bitter separations.

But besides troubles, unwelcome troubles,
There are stars and sunlight in the world,
There is a dear home and the warmth of fire,
And I, I have a life.

Everything you have in life

Everything about worries and dreams,
This is all, this is all - life!

Everything you have in life
All that is the joy of every day,
All your hopes and dreams
Only you fulfill and preserve them!

Nina Efanova (Bulatova)

Start. Staggered exit accompanied by the Bremen Town Musicians.

Well, here we go. Welcome to Preschool Educational Institution No. 24.

Irina reads poems.

I'm a teacher

The world of childhood is sweet and subtle,

Like a flute floating sound.

While my child laughs at me,

I know that I don't live in vain

Friends say:

“There are quieter fields”

But I won’t back down for anything.

I am these cute kids

I love my own children...

And every day,

Like a premiere.

I enter the quiet nursery garden:

I’m not coming here for a career -

Every child here is happy to see me.

To be in the midst of children's perceptions...

And so over the years -

My destiny is that I am a teacher!

There is no better life on earth.

Ira: And we want to present to your attention several life scenes. And the first sketch on the topic 1 working day

Olya, with a chair, Asya with a towel, Lena massage, (Mus. accompaniment: Laughter, gong, children's cry, chaos)

Olya is nervous, after the gong she goes backstage, but she gets the job done and shows her class to Jumble!

Well, we continue and the next miniature is called "I love my job"

Nina and Dasha with bags, other children with bows (romantic, laughter, horror, jumble)

Two people coming out to the music, in love with their work, the ticking of the clock, the working day, the noise of children, children running around, the end of the working day, fatigue. beat, class under Yeralash!

Like everywhere else, our school year also ends with vacation. And so on at the reception with the manager.

Dasha and Nina. Dasha with a piece of paper, Nina tears it up and will not let him go. (from horror movies, Jumble)

Well, this is how we live...

Well, in conclusion, I would like to say that despite all the responsibility of our work, we find time for creativity, love and new discoveries.

Song (Motif of the song from the film "Hipsters", "Chained by One Chain")

We will always live

And we will march in formation

The teacher has always been a hero for the country

The time has come to talk about teachers

How each of us entered the profession

As a profession, each of us walked


Bound by one chain, bound by one goal,

We came here to the holy of holies

The teacher each of them

Who teaches children sparing no effort?

In whom the ardor of discovery has not cooled

We can do everything, education will not be interrupted


Bound by one chain, bound by one goal

Shackled by one chain, bound by one goal...

You're holding a spoon! Well done!

Each of us is the creator of a child's destiny

Teachers will always be there

Always go as a unit

People will glorify teachers

After all, we are the strength of all nations.


Bound by one chain, bound by one goal

Shackled by one chain, bound by one...

We are always at work in the morning - be it hot or cold, or rain.

Our children are taken care of, and misfortunes pass them by.

There are many important and good professions, and each one deserves a line.

But, to be honest, among them the profession that is most valuable to us is a preschool teacher!

This is how we love our work!

Creative success to you, dear colleagues!

Publications on the topic:

Script for creative performance “Road Safety” Scenario for creative performance “Make life safer!” (speech by the propaganda team at the general parents' meeting) Characters:.

Scenario for speech on ecology Scenario for a speech by senior preschool children “This land is yours and mine!” Objectives: 1. Form the foundations of environmental literacy:.

Scenario for the first grade's performance at a concert on Teacher's Day Poems: Let the Lights burn brighter in this hall, at this hour! And again we congratulate you, Our teachers! Teachers, teachers... Professions.

Scenario of a 4th grade propaganda team Characters: presenter K.A., Bluster Sh.A., Little Red Riding Hood G.K., cold S.D., S.K., doctor: S.A., ditties.

Scenario of a creative performance by the propaganda team “Make Life Safe” Script of a creative performance by the propaganda team. “Make life safe” Compiled by: teacher Sokolova M. Goal: activation of propaganda.

Scenario of the speech of the propaganda team “Road Forest Patrol” in the senior group Scenario for the speech of the propaganda team “Road Forest Patrol” Goal: Consolidating knowledge about the rules of behavior in children of senior preschool age.