Why I want to become a military officer. Profession - military. Some interesting essays

Boys dream

Every boy in childhood dreams of being the protector of his family and friends. To stand guard over the borders of the native land is characteristic of every patriot of his Fatherland. However, when deciding on the choice of a profession, it is necessary to remember the difficulties that military service brings. An officer, ensign, sergeant or private does not belong to himself. At any moment, the Motherland can give an order to go from the most remote point in the world for an indefinite period. There may not be normal living conditions. There may be a real danger to life and health.

Of course, every young man who is preparing to enter the military service or planning to enter a higher military educational institution sees himself in the future as an experienced warrior with many awards. However, not all the fates of the military are successful: some are captured, injured and even become disabled, many tragically die in the course of combat missions.
You need to be prepared for all this. Temporary difficulties are nothing compared to the loving eyes of women and children during the Victory Parade, when civilian population looks with tenderness at his defenders.


Severe discipline and Spartan conditions will help to form a solid character. It is necessary from an early age to develop punctuality and respect for elders if you decide to devote your life to military service.

The Russian army is rightfully considered one of the most courageous and combat-ready armed formations in the world. Many branches of the military have no equal in terms of the level of training and the volume of complex tasks already completed in extreme conditions.

The army is a friendly family

The army for me is a friendly family, where you can get advice and help at first, and then respect and honor.

Entering military service, a person sacrifices some of his rights: the right to choose a place of residence, the right to manage his own time and destiny. In return he gets some social guarantees. You can end your career at a relatively young age, receive pension payments from the state, travel or start your own own business. Although they choose the path of a soldier not because they want to get an apartment from the country, cash or orders and medals.

Defense of the Motherland - that's why I want to become a military man

Just someone has to defend the Motherland. And no one will do it better than the son of his Fatherland. Therefore, I decided to choose the profession of a military man.

Round-the-clock drill and anecdotal situations are a thing of the past. The modern army needs smart young people with a flexible mind and a deep understanding of high-tech systems. Following the traditions of previous generations, modern fighters are mastering new types of weapons that have no analogues in the world.

Greatest honor

Special Operations Forces, Aerospace Forces, Missile Forces, Submarine Fleet Russian Federation are the pride of the armed forces and navy country, with which all countries on the globe are considered. To become a part of this well-coordinated machine, to be ready to defend the interests of the state is the greatest honor for every Russian person.

9th grade, 11th grade.

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The duties of people performing military service in units and institutions of the Armed Forces include the performance of military duty. This service is not just a profession, but a vocation. Society and the state as a whole assigns socially responsible functions to military personnel.

There is no place in the military profession for people with poor physical fitness and weak willpower. After all, the main task of the military is to protect and hold the territory, as well as human and material resources. People in active service are obliged to unquestioningly comply with all orders for necessary military actions, operations and measures. They must be able to predict the required number of pieces of equipment and manpower to be deployed. Their duties include detecting potential hazards, as well as compiling emergency reports.

Depending on the assigned military rank and official position, all employees are divided into chiefs (senior) and subordinates (junior). Strict observance of subordination is an integral part of service in the ranks of the army.

The demand for the military profession is average. Service in the army is not so popular today, many young people try to avoid the draft and try to evade the service. A small salary, strictness and some restrictions in the army frighten young potential defenders of the state. Meanwhile, the Russian military has always been distinguished by courage, courage and selflessness. This profession is considered honorary, it is treated with great respect. Employees are guaranteed and compensated by law. There are benefits for them when they enter educational establishments, when traveling to public transport. Soldiers are entitled to quite a long vacation and early retirement. Families in which the husband is in active service are provided with housing. These facts are, of course, a nice bonus.

But as in any kind of activity, in addition to pluses, the military profession has its minuses. A person serving does not have to choose the city and climatic conditions where he and his family need to move. Sometimes irregular working hours and night shifts require a lot of patience and perseverance from employees and their families. A feature of the military profession is also that it is risky and dangerous, since those serving at sea, in the air or on land, if necessary, can be sent to "hot spots" at any time.

Personal qualities

The main qualities of the military character in the first place include high morality, decency and, of course, patriotism. People in uniform are organized, honest and principled, observant and resolute. They must be demanding not only to themselves, but also to their colleagues. Military personnel have the ability to analyze the available facts and predict the future course of events. Only people with a normal psyche who control their emotions can serve in the army.

Good physical endurance, discipline, efficiency - these characteristics are far from the last in the list of qualities that people in military service should have. For most, the word "military" is certainly associated with such words as self-control, courage and endurance.

Education (What do you need to know?)

People with strong-willed character traits and organizational skills who can respond quickly and make decisions quickly should try their hand and become a military man. You can master this profession by obtaining a specialized secondary or higher education. Future army officers study at military schools, academies, institutes and universities.

Place of work and career

Servicemen work in military organizations, research institutes. Of course, people of this profession serve in military garrisons, divisions, units, etc. They also work in peacekeeping troops and go to "hot spots". Teaching activities are also possible.

Some employees in the army try to get a high rank, which makes it possible to receive a good military pension after service. People in this profession should not be engaged in any entrepreneurial activity. Therefore, those who want to open their own business in the future should not connect their lives with the army.

Each of the military professions is honorable and important. Border guards protect the borders of our Motherland from enemies on land; maritime borders are guarded by military sailors on ships; tankers are fighting on tanks; gunners know all types of weapons, shoot from cannons and mortars; paratroopers are able to neutralize any enemy, shoot perfectly, jump with a parachute and drive military vehicles; rocket scientists are well versed in rocket technology, and the marines attack the enemy from the sea. All the military are ready at any moment to protect the civilian population, that is, you and me.

On February 23, the whole country celebrates a holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day, but some military professions have their own holidays and in other months of the year: in May - at the border guards, in July - at the sailors, in August - at the pilots, in September - at the tankers, in November - at the gunners, missilemen and marines. That's how many professions in the army!

In peacetime, the military conducts training battles in the seas and forests, in the steppes and mountains, and modern technology helps them in this: ships and planes, tanks and all-terrain vehicles, mortars and rocket launchers. To keep this technique in order, you must be a highly educated specialist.

Becoming a military man in our country is an honor, but also difficult. The soldier must have the qualities, allowing him with honor and dignity to bear the title of defender of the Fatherland: love for the Motherland, its history, culture, traditions, people, high military discipline, loyalty to military duty and military oath, readiness to defend freedom and independence at any moment
Russia. If you decide to choose this profession, then remember that without good schooling and sports, it will be almost impossible to do this!

In most cases, young people become military at military age. At this time, the young men pass military service. After graduation, you can stay in the contract service and continue your military career, get a higher education, which will help you get the rank of officer. You can enroll in military schools, after which you are awarded military rank. To do this, you need to go through a military medical commission and pass exams.

Military- a heroic, respected and very necessary profession! Many boys dream of the army, but you need to prepare for it now!

Before each person sooner or
late becomes a choice - who to become? AND
in front of me now, too, stood up like this
question. I thought for a long time who to me
become, as there are many important things in the world
professions. For example, a doctor is very
an important profession, because without these
people we could not correct ourselves
health; seamstress, without her we would go to
ugly clothes, if she
in general we had; confectioners, without
which we would not have bread and
other baking.
But the military, in my opinion, is almost
the most main profession, because
Without him, there would be no one to protect us.

There is such a profession - to defend the Motherland.
Now that the state is transferring the Armed Forces to
contract recruitment system, namely the profession. And if
earlier the main motive to link fate with the army was patriotism, then
what drives yesterday's schoolchildren today, who, despite
to the many temptations of promising career development on
civilian, choose the profession of a military man?

The reasons for the "longevity" of the military profession: even if the world
the whole world will not be easy beautiful phrase, but quite palpable
reality, the fear of war will always live in the hearts of people.
Average salary (in the world): 14.13 thousand dollars per year for service in
contract. The social package also includes medical insurance for
serviceman and members of his family, food allowance, scholarships
and grants for education, extended leave.

Profession military, implies
also the presence of many personal qualities in
its owner.
You need to be a good organizer, the military profession cannot
be carried out without career growth,
at least a small unit will definitely have to command.

The military profession is not insured against the risk, it is possible that you
you will have to get acquainted in the process of working with "hot spots",
where hostilities or peacekeeping campaigns take place.
You need to be able to make decisions quickly and adequately. After all, "on
map" can be human lives. Forecasting
development of the future situation. Controlling your emotional

There are no random people in the army

Of course, among the future defenders of the Fatherland there are those who
who cannot endure the hardships of army life and takes the path
violations of military discipline. However, here such are revealed and
are screened out during the entrance examinations.
There are no random people in the army. Despite all
economic advantages of military service, without a sense of patriotism
it is impossible to endure its hardships and hardships.

Being a military man means for me to be strong, courageous, to be able to
overcome difficulties, protect yourself, family and country. We are not so
far gone from the Chechen war, during which the feeling of patriotism
among today's youth has increased significantly.
And I will have such a good profession -
defend the homeland

The land, wounded by explosions, has long been overgrown with quivering birch groves, and the echoes of the war are captured in the lines of military songs. Fathers and grandfathers, brothers and sisters, who returned and remained on the battlefields, passed on to their descendants the unforgettable memory of the courage and heroism of the whole

people. Following the precepts of the heroes of the Fatherland, I clearly understand who I want to become. An essay about the difficult but honorable profession of a military man, perhaps, will alarm the heart of today's reader.

I wanted to become a military man as a child, when I sat on the lap of my grandfather, a veteran of the Great Patriotic War, and admiringly touched the medals on his chest. They were heavy, cool, and each with its own history. For hours, with my mouth open, I listened to stories about the bloody war, vividly drawing pictures of those terrible battles in my childish imagination.

On Victory Day, grandfather put on a full dress uniform, I put on his cap with a star, and we went to a military parade.

And around the same order-bearing grandfathers and grandmothers, surrounded by a crowd of happy, laughing, carefree children and adults, congratulated each other, hugged and cried. Everyone at this holiday tried to come closer to the veteran, give flowers, bow his head in gratitude for the holy victory. I was terribly proud of my grandfather.

The profession of the military became the choice of my dad. Immediately after serving in the army, he entered a military school, and as a young lieutenant went to fight in Afghanistan. He returned alive and well, but with some kind of hidden pain in the courageous look of steel-gray eyes and tightly compressed pale lips. He never told anyone about this war, except for his father, when occasionally they closed in the kitchen and talked until the morning. Growing up, I myself learned a lot about Afghanistan from documentaries, the Internet, and the press. And imbued with his dad the greatest pride and, of course, the deepest respect.

My future profession- Officer of the Armed Forces. Why do men become soldiers? Probably, someone because of all sorts of material benefits and benefits. But I want to believe that many of our guys feel a sense of patriotism. They want to be useful to their country, to become its support and protection.

We all know that when a border guard with a dog runs into the night in search of saboteurs, he protects the inviolability of the borders. When a naval officer stands with binoculars on board a ship or at the periscope of a submarine, he is guarding the territorial waters. Well, when an air defense soldier vigilantly watches the sky, he controls the airspace of the country. Each branch of the armed forces performs a specific function, trying to educate in its ranks worthy, literate, and most importantly, brave defenders of the Fatherland.

A boy, yesterday's schoolboy or student. leaves for military service in order to return literally a year later as a stronger, matured and mature citizen of his homeland. The army school gives an awareness of the importance of each individual for the common good.

Why do I want to become a military man. The answer is obvious. The military profession imposes a huge responsibility on people who have made this choice. Personally, I want to continue the tradition of my family, to become a competent professional, to defend my Motherland. and therefore all their loved ones and their fellow countrymen, proudly carry the title of a career officer. From a purposeful cadet, I want to grow into a combat commander. To be for your soldiers not only a mentor, but also a friend, and an older brother, and a reliable comrade. I want to go through life confidently and nobly, without disgracing the military honor, awards and wounds of my heroic veterans - my grandfather and father.

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