International craft competitions. DIY crafts for a school competition. Excellent master class with photos. DIY crafts made from sweets

Photos and videos of crafts, modeling, embroidery, etc. are accepted for the competition. In order for your work to receive the maximum number of points in this category, it is better to photograph it in high quality.
Your work can be done masterfully, or it can be amateurish, but it can be done in such a way that it is clear at first glance that the author’s soul is invested here. When evaluating competitive works, not only the technique of execution comes to the fore, but also the originality of the idea, the materials used, and the independence of execution.
The jury allocates works created from factory blanks (a toy sewn from blanks, painted plaster figures, etc.) into a special sub-category and evaluates them separately from original works.
We draw your attention to the need for the author to meet the age category specified in the application. The work of young children can be completed jointly with their parents, however, we urge you to indicate this in the comments to the application, and then all worthy works will be noted.


  • Modeling (for young children)
  • Application (for young children)
  • Wallow
  • Floristics
  • Interior decor
  • Souvenir
  • Soft toy
  • Quilling
  • Origami

Preservation and development of folk traditions:

  • Folk doll
  • Folk toy
  • Embroidery
  • Lace making
  • Crochet
  • Patchwork plastic surgery
  • Embroidery ribbons
  • Guilloche
  • Embroidery
  • Beads (panels, paintings)
  • Beading (women's jewelry)
  • “carving” and “painting” (on wood, fabric, glass, metal)
  • Product made from natural material (clay product - small plastic, relief, high relief, layer, plaque, medal, pottery, willow twig and vine, pine root, grass, birch bark, wood chips).

Founder and organizer of the Competition – All-Russian creative association “Academy of Talent”

Age categories of participants

The competition is held in several age categories, from preschoolers to adults. The author of the application chooses the age category independently, however, we draw your attention to the need to match the age of the author with the age category specified in the application. The work of young children can be completed with parents, however, we urge you to indicate this in the comments to the application, and then all worthy works will be noted.
3-5 years
6-9 years
10-14 years
15-17 years old
18-25 years old
From 25 years old

Evaluation criteria

  • artistic and aesthetic level
  • author's degree of professional skill
  • complexity of work
  • accuracy and workmanship
  • topic disclosure

Photos, videos of decorative and applied arts are accepted for the competition

Participants and requirements for competitive works

Anyone can take part in the All-Russian competition for children and adults:
children— preschoolers, schoolchildren, school groups, students, members of creative associations, clubs, studios, creativity centers, art schools and other children's organizations of the Russian Federation. Age – from 6 to 18 years.
adults— independent participants, teachers educational institutions Russian Federation of all types and types, teachers and specialists of preschool educational institutions different types, additional education teachers.
Competition entries can be completed individually or by a creative team.
Children's works are sent to the competition by a teacher, teacher or parents of a child participating in the competition.
Videos or photographs (digital) or scanned copies of works are accepted for the competition. Photos can be taken with a camera or taken using a cell phone. Images must be clear and of high quality.
The participant can send one or more works to the Competition at will.
At the request of participants, competition entries can be accompanied by a short comment in the registration form (there is a special column for comments).

Dates of the competition

Works for the All-Russian competition “New Names” are constantly accepted. Every day, works are submitted to members of the jury, who grade and determine the winners.
Diplomas are issued only in in electronic format. After submitting an application and paying the registration fee, the results reviewed by the jury are sent every Wednesday and Saturday during the week.

Conditions for participation in the competition

  • 1. Choose a nomination
  • 2. Fill out the competition application
  • 3. Make an organizational fee in accordance with the number of works submitted to the competition.

Evaluation of work and award documents

The Competition jury evaluates the entries. Based on the results of the competition, 1st, 2nd, 3rd place Laureates and Diploma Winner, Participant are determined.
All participants in the competition receive diplomas: the winners of the competition receive diplomas of laureates, diploma holders, participants receive diplomas of participants.

Payment of the registration fee

The registration fee for each competition entry (per 1 image) is 100 rubles.
If a participant sends several images (photos) to the competition, they are paid in accordance with the number of competition works: 2 works - 200 rubles, 3 works - 300 rubles. etc.

Participation in the competition FOR FREE

Applications are being accepted CONTINUOUSLY

results during 1-3 days, from the moment of application!

Payment award materials after summing up competition!

Goals and objectives

1. Stimulating the creative activity of children;

2. Activating children’s cognitive interest in the world around them;

3. Provide participants with the opportunity to demonstrate their creative abilities in a competitive manner;

Rules of participation

1. Participants are divided into age categories:

  • Preschoolers;
  • Pupils;
  • Educators (Teachers, Educators).

2. One creative work will be accepted from each participant. Group work is not allowed.

3. The competition is held in absentia on the basis of submitted copyright creative works(electronic).

4. Methods of performing competition works: beads, paper, fabric, etc.

5. The subject of the competition works is free.

Criteria for evaluating creative works

1. Creative fiction (originality, content, degree of structure of the material, accessibility of presentation, compliance with the stated topic)

2. Design (originality of design, style unity, compliance of design with content)

3. Artistic and aesthetic level of execution.

Application and award rules

1. Fill out the application on the page (Participation is FREE):

2. Within 1-3 days, your data will be entered into the results form. RESULTS

3. After you have found your results in the form, fill out an application for award materials (Paid service).

Every child loves to create something. It is difficult to determine at what age he managed to make his first funny craft, but after that a whole collection of works appeared in the house, made by small, skillful hands. What to do with these jobs as the child grows? It would be a shame to throw it away, put it on shelves, there is hardly enough space, since some kids are ready to do something new every day. We invite everyone to participate in all-Russian competitions of children's crafts and receive well-deserved prizes.

Goals and objectives of the crafts competition for preschoolers and schoolchildren

It would seem that there is nothing unusual in the fact that boys and girls love to do something with their own hands. But this is not at all true. Why do some children constantly make things, while others don’t want to work with any materials? This question is asked not only by parents, but also by preschool employees. To help children get involved in some kind of creativity, parents, and later educators, teachers, and additional education teachers must interest the little person in an unusual activity. Try to show them the manufacturing process, offer to see the final result in advance. And when children learn to make crafts with their own hands, take part with them in all-Russian competitions, which are held on the portal

Doing crafts develops a child. Anyone who works with paper or plasticine, beads or natural material, fine motor skills are well formed. It will be easier for them to learn to write, they will always take the initiative when performing creative work. In addition, making various products with your own hands also pursues other, no less important goals:

  • formation of perseverance;
  • education of accuracy in work;
  • development of interest in creative independent activity.

How to submit crafts at the All-Russian creative competition 2017 - 2018?

Almost any child can do the work. It will turn out even better and more interesting if an adult provides all possible help. But not everyone decides to submit a finished masterpiece to a remote competition. And not at all because they are not sure that their work will be appreciated, but because they do not know how to send it to the organizing committee.

Before you sit down to do the craft, you need to carefully read the regulations. Most likely, and this is the only way on the website, you do not need to submit your original work for the competition. The participant must take a photograph himself or with the help of his parents ready product and send only the photo along with the completed application to the specified address. The resulting photo cannot be processed in Photoshop or similar programs. There should be foreign objects in the photo. If the provision specifies the maximum permissible size of the sent file, then you should pay attention to these parameters. It turns out that everything is extremely simple: you still have work to do at home, and you have accepted participation in the competition.

How are children's competitive works at the All-Russian crafts competition evaluated?

Having completed the competition work and sent all the documents to the competition, each participant awaits the results with impatience and excitement. In their hearts, everyone hopes to get the coveted first place, but at the same time there are nagging doubts that, apparently, more original works will be sent. The work is assessed by the jury in accordance with the criteria specified in the regulations. In addition, the participants’ works are evaluated separately in age categories. Thus, you should not worry that the work of a preschooler will be in a less favorable position than the work of a high school student or an experienced teacher. And even if the participant in the competition did not become the winner, the important thing is that he was able to declare himself and take the first step towards victory.

Do you know how to do something with your own hands? Be sure to participate with your children in all-Russian craft competitions in the 2017-2018 school year. By the way, on our website and teachers participate in such events, competing in their age category.

about the third International competition creative works
"The world of crafts!"
(EXPRESS COMPETITION!!! Free diploma for the manager!!!)

1. General Provisions
1.1. This regulation defines the goals and objectives of the organizers and participants of the “World of Crafts!” competition. (hereinafter referred to as the Competition), the content and procedure for conducting the competition, the procedure for considering submitted materials and awarding the winners.
1.2. The organizer of the competition is Creative association artistic and intellectual development of children and youth “Step into art” (Barnaul).

2. Goals and objectives
2.1. The competition is aimed at identifying, supporting and socializing children and youth in various types creativity.
2.2. Competition objectives:
2.2.1. Formation of interest in the embodiment of various images and phenomena of the surrounding reality through arts and crafts and technical creativity;
2.2.2. Creating conditions for artistic self-expression of the younger generation.

3. Participants of the competition
3.1. Students of educational institutions of all types and types aged from 3 to 18 years (inclusive) who have submitted their work to the competition, an application for participation and paid the application fee are allowed to participate in the competition. Teachers from educational institutions are also a separate category of participants. Participants of the Competition are divided into the following age groups:
from 3 to 6 years;
from 7 to 10 years;
from 11 to 14 years;
from 15 to 18 years.

4. Competition nominations
Participants of the Competition can submit works in the following categories:
- Works from natural materials;
- Design;
- Author's doll;
- Textile technology;
- Mixed technique;
- Non-traditional materials and techniques;
- Small plastic;
- Folk toy;
- Technical creativity;
-Stained glass;
-Creative skills of teachers (see nominations above).
Criteria for evaluating creative works:
- Composition;
- Execution technique;
- Fantasy and originality.

5. Stages of the competition
5.1. Acceptance of creative works and applications from 03/01/19 – to 03/31/19;
5.2. Summing up the results of the competition 3-5 days from the date of application;
5.3. Distribution of award material upon summing up the results.

6. Conditions of participation
6.1. Fill out the participant application (online form on the website or according to the provided sample);
6.2. Pay the registration fee for participation in the competition; the receipt must indicate the name of the participant, the amount of payment and the nomination of the competition;
6.3. Send by e-mail participant's application (file in doc format), photo of the competitor's artistic work (JPEG), scanned copy or photo (legible) of the receipt for payment of the registration fee. If there are many participants, then you can send an application by filling it out in one file in doc format (according to the sample presented on the website).
6.4. Cost of participation in the competition for one individual work- 130 rubles, collective (two or more authors in one work) - 500 rubles. The number of works from one participant is not limited. Payment of the registration fee for each work. In addition to electronic version diploma, you can order a printed (physical) diploma sent by Russian Post ( by registered mail). The cost of a printed diploma is 200 rubles (if it is necessary to obtain a printed diploma, this amount must be added to the amount for participation in the competition and reflected in the application).

7. Evaluation of competition works
The organizers form a jury of famous artists, designers, architects, photographers, journalists, and leading experts in the field of art pedagogy. Various public organizations are also invited to serve on the jury.

8. Contacts
All necessary information You can find it on our website. A package of documents for participation in the competition, as well as questions and wishes, can be sent to us at: [email protected]

We wish you victories and creative success!
Sincerely, Ignatiev R.V.! (Head of the children's design studio, project administrator).