Submarines of the Russian Navy (diesel-electric). Submarine device Submarine scheme

British Navy Submarine Upholder (Ally)

Submarines float effortlessly on the surface of the water. But unlike all other ships, they can sink to the bottom of the ocean and, in some cases, swim in its depths for months. The whole secret is that the submarine has a unique two-hull design.

Between its outer and inner hulls are special compartments, or ballast tanks, which can be filled sea ​​water. At the same time, the total weight of the submarine increases and, accordingly, its buoyancy decreases, that is, the ability to stay on the surface. The boat moves forward due to the operation of the propeller, and horizontal rudders, called hydroplanes, help it dive.

The inner steel hull of the submarine is designed to withstand the enormous pressure of the water, which increases with depth. When submerged, the trim tanks located along the keel help to keep the ship stable. If you need to surface, then the submarine is freed from water, or, as they say, ballast tanks are blown out. Navigational aids such as periscopes, radar (radar), sonar (sonar) and satellite communications systems help the submarine to navigate the desired course.

In the image above, the 2,455-ton, 232-foot-long British attack submarine, shown in section, can move at 20 miles per hour. While the boat is at the surface, its diesel engines generate electricity. This energy is stored in rechargeable batteries and then consumed in scuba diving. Nuclear submarines use nuclear fuel to turn water into superheated steam to power its steam turbines.

How does a submarine sink and float?

When a submarine is on the surface, it is said to be in a state of positive buoyancy. Then her ballast tanks are mostly filled with air (near picture on the right). When submerged (middle picture on the right), the ship becomes negatively buoyant as the air from the ballast tanks escapes through the outlet valves and the tanks are filled with water through the intake ports. In order to move at a certain depth while submerged, submarines use a balancing technique where compressed air is injected into ballast tanks and water intake ports remain open. In this case, the desired state of neutral buoyancy sets in. To ascend (far right), compressed air stored on board pushes water out of the ballast tanks.

There is not much free space on the submarine. In the top picture, the sailors are eating in the wardroom. In the upper right corner - an American submarine in surface navigation. To the right of the photograph is a cramped cockpit where submariners sleep.

Clean air underwater

On most modern submarines, fresh water is made from sea water. And fresh air supplies are also made on board - decomposing fresh water using electrolysis and releasing oxygen from it. When the submarine cruises near the surface, it uses snorkels covered with caps - devices exposed above the water, it takes in fresh air and throws out exhaust air. In this position, above the conning tower, the boats are in the air, in addition to snorkels, a periscope, a radio antenna and other superstructure elements. The air quality on the submarine is monitored daily to ensure the correct oxygen content. All air passes through a scrubber, or scrubber, to remove contaminants. The exhaust gases exit through a separate pipeline.

Silent "predators" of the sea depths have always terrified the enemy, both in wartime and in peacetime. There are countless myths associated with submarines, which, however, is not surprising, given that they are created in conditions of special secrecy. An excursion into the device of nuclear submarines is offered to your attention in this feature.

The submarine's submersion and ascent system includes ballast and auxiliary tanks, as well as connecting pipelines and fittings. The main element here is the tanks of the main ballast, due to the filling of which with water the main reserve of buoyancy of the submarine is repaid. All tanks are included in the bow, stern and middle group. They can be filled and purged one after the other or at the same time.

The submarine has trim tanks necessary to compensate for the longitudinal displacement of cargo. The ballast between the trim tanks is blown with compressed air or pumped using special pumps. Trim - this is the name of the technique, the purpose of which is to "balance" the submerged submarine.

Nuclear submarines are divided into generations. The first (50s) is characterized by relatively high noise and imperfection of hydroacoustic systems. The second generation was built in the 60s and 70s: the shape of the hull was optimized to increase speed. The boats of the third are larger, they also have equipment for electronic warfare. The fourth-generation nuclear submarines are characterized by an unprecedentedly low noise level and advanced electronics. The appearance of the fifth generation boats is being worked out today.

An important component of any submarine is the air system. Diving, ascent, removal of waste - all this is done with compressed air. The latter is stored under high pressure on board the submarine: this way it takes up less space and allows you to accumulate more energy. High pressure air is in special cylinders: as a rule, a senior mechanic monitors its quantity. Compressed air is replenished during ascent. This is a long and laborious procedure that requires special attention. In order for the crew of the boat to have something to breathe, air regeneration units are placed on board the submarine, allowing oxygen to be obtained from sea water.

The nuclear boat has a nuclear power plant (where, in fact, the name came from). Nowadays, many countries also operate diesel-electric submarines (submarines). The level of autonomy of nuclear submarines is much higher, and they can perform a wider range of tasks. The Americans and the British have generally stopped using non-nuclear submarines, while the Russian submarine fleet has a mixed composition. In general, only five countries have nuclear submarines. In addition to the United States and the Russian Federation, the “club of the elite” includes France, England and China. Other maritime powers use diesel-electric submarines.

The future of the Russian submarine fleet is connected with two new nuclear submarines. We are talking about multi-purpose boats of project 885 "Ash" and missile submarines of strategic purpose 955 "Borey". Project 885 boats will be built by eight units, and the number of Boreys will reach seven. The Russian submarine fleet will not be comparable to the American one (the US will have dozens of new submarines), but it will occupy the second line of the world ranking.

Russian and American boats differ in their architecture. The United States makes its nuclear submarines single-hulled (the hull both resists pressure and has a streamlined shape), and Russia makes it double-hulled: in this case, there is an internal rough strong hull and an external streamlined light one. On the nuclear submarines of project 949A Antey, which included the infamous Kursk, the distance between the hulls is 3.5 m. It is believed that double-hulled boats are more tenacious, while single-hulled boats, other things being equal, have less weight. In single-hull boats, the main ballast tanks, which provide ascent and immersion, are located inside a strong hull, and in double-hull boats - inside a light outer one. Each domestic submarine must survive if any compartment is completely flooded with water - this is one of the main requirements for submarines.

In general, there is a trend towards the transition to single-hull nuclear submarines, since the latest steel from which the hulls of American boats are made can withstand enormous loads at depth and provides the submarine with a high level of survivability. It is, in particular, about high strength steel grade HY-80/100 with a yield strength of 56-84 kgf/mm. Obviously, even more advanced materials will be used in the future.

There are also boats with a mixed hull (when the light hull overlaps the main one only partially) and multihulls (several strong hulls inside the light). The latter include the domestic submarine missile cruiser of project 941 - the largest nuclear submarine in the world. Inside her lightweight hull are five rugged hulls, two of which are primary. For the manufacture of durable hulls, titanium alloys were used, and for lightweight ones, steel. It is covered with a non-resonant anti-radar soundproof rubber coating weighing 800 tons. This coating alone weighs more than the American nuclear submarine NR-1. Project 941 is truly a gigantic submarine. Its length is 172, and its width is 23 m. 160 people are serving on board.

You can see how different nuclear submarines are and how different their "maintenance" is. Now let's take a closer look at several domestic submarines: boats of project 971, 949A and 955. All of these are powerful and modern submarines serving in the Russian fleet. The boats belong to three different types The submarines we talked about above:

Nuclear submarines are divided by purpose:

· SSBN (Strategic Missile Submarine Cruiser). Being an element of the nuclear triad, these submarines carry ballistic missiles with nuclear warheads. The main targets of such ships are enemy military bases and cities. The SSBN includes the new Russian nuclear submarine 955 Borey. In America, this type of submarine is called SSBN (Ship Submarine Ballistic Nuclear): this includes the most powerful of these submarines, the Ohio-class boat. To accommodate the entire deadly arsenal on board, SSBNs are designed to meet the requirements of a large internal volume. Their length often exceeds 170 m - this is noticeably longer than the length of multi-purpose submarines.

LARK K-186 "Omsk" pr.949A OSCAR-II with open covers of the launchers of the Granit missile system. The boats of the project in the Navy have the unofficial name "Baton" - for the shape of the hull and the impressive size.

· PLAT (Nuclear torpedo submarine). Such boats are also called multipurpose. Their purpose: the destruction of ships, other submarines, tactical targets on the ground and the collection of intelligence. They are smaller than SSBNs and have better speed and mobility. PATs can use torpedoes or precision cruise missiles. These nuclear submarines include the American "Los Angeles" or the Soviet / Russian MPLATRK project 971 "Pike-B".

Submarine project 941 "Shark"

· SSGN (Nuclear submarine with cruise missiles). This is the smallest group of modern nuclear submarines. This includes the Russian 949A "Antey" and some American "Ohio" converted into carriers of cruise missiles. The concept of SSGN has something in common with multi-purpose nuclear submarines. Submarines of the SSGN type, however, are larger - they are large floating underwater platforms with high-precision weapons. In the Soviet / Russian fleet, these boats are also called "aircraft carrier killers".

Principles and arrangement of a submarine

Principles of operation and device of a submarine considered together as they are closely related. The defining principle is the principle of scuba diving. Hence, the main requirements for submarines are:

  • withstand water pressure in a submerged position, that is, ensure the strength and water tightness of the hull.
  • provide controlled dive, ascent, and depth change.
  • have an optimal flow around
  • maintain performance (combat capability) throughout the entire range of operation in terms of physical, climatic and autonomy conditions.

The device of one of the first submarines, "Pioneer", 1862

Submarine layout

Durability and water resistance

Ensuring strength is the most difficult task, and therefore the main attention is paid to it. In the case of a two-hull design, the water pressure (excess 1 kgf / cm² for every 10 m of depth) takes over rugged body, which is optimally shaped to resist pressure. Wrap is provided light body. In a number of cases, with a single-hull design, the pressure hull has a shape that simultaneously satisfies both the conditions of pressure resistance and the conditions of streamlining. For example, the hull of the Drzewiecki submarine, or the British midget submarine, had this shape. X-Craft .

Rugged body (PC)

The most important tactical characteristic of a submarine, the immersion depth, depends on how strong the hull is, what water pressure it can withstand. Depth determines the stealth and invulnerability of the boat, the greater the depth of immersion, the more difficult it is to detect the boat and the more difficult it is to hit it. Most important working depth is the maximum depth at which the boat can remain indefinitely without permanent deformation, and ultimate depth - the maximum depth to which the boat can still sink without destruction, albeit with residual deformations.

Of course, strength must be accompanied by water resistance. Otherwise, the boat, like any ship, simply will not be able to swim.

Before going out to sea or before a trip, during a test dive, the strength and tightness of the durable hull are checked on the submarine. Immediately before diving, air is pumped out of the boat with the help of a compressor (on diesel submarines - the main diesel engine) to create a vacuum. The command "listen in the compartments" is given. At the same time, the cut-off pressure is monitored. If a characteristic whistle is heard and/or the pressure is quickly restored to atmospheric pressure, the rugged housing is leaking. After immersion in the positional position, the command “look around in the compartments” is given, and the body and fittings are visually checked for leaks.

Light body (LC)

The contours of the light hull provide optimal flow around the design course. In a submerged position, there is water inside the light body - the pressure is the same inside and outside it and it does not need to be strong, hence its name. The light hull houses equipment that does not require isolation from outboard pressure: ballast and fuel (on diesel submarines) tanks, GAS antennas, steering gear thrusts.

Hull construction types

  • Single-hull: main ballast tanks (CB) are located inside the pressure hull. Lightweight hull only at the extremities. The elements of the set, like a surface ship, are inside a durable case.
    The advantages of this design: savings in size and weight, respectively, lower power requirements of the main mechanisms, better underwater maneuverability.
    Disadvantages: the vulnerability of a strong hull, a small margin of buoyancy, the need to make the CGB strong.
    Historically, the first submarines were single-hulled. Most American nuclear submarines are also single-hulled.
  • Double-hulled: (CGB inside the light body, the light body completely covers the strong one). For double-hulled submarines, the set elements are usually located outside the robust hull to save space inside.
    Advantages: increased reserve of buoyancy, more tenacious design.
    Disadvantages: an increase in size and weight, the complexity of ballast systems, less maneuverability, including when diving and ascent.
    Most Russian / Soviet boats were built according to this scheme. For them standard requirement- ensuring unsinkability in case of flooding of any compartment and the adjacent central hospital.
  • One and a half hull: (TsGB inside a light hull, the light hull partially covers the strong one).
    Advantages of one and a half hull submarines: good maneuverability, reduced diving time with a sufficiently high survivability.
    Disadvantages: less buoyancy, the need to fit more systems in a rugged hull.
    Such a design was distinguished by medium-sized submarines of the Second World War, for example, the German type VII, and the first post-war ones, for example, the Guppy type, USA.


The superstructure forms an additional volume above the CGB and / or the upper deck of the submarine, for use in the surface position. It is carried out light, in a submerged position it is filled with water. It can play the role of an additional chamber above the Central City Hospital, insuring the tank from emergency filling. It also has devices that do not require water tightness: mooring, anchor, emergency buoys. At the top of the tanks are ventilation valve(KV), under them - emergency flaps(AZ). Otherwise, they are called the first and second constipation of the CGB.

Strong felling (view through the lower hatch)

Strong felling

Mounted on top of a sturdy case. It is made waterproof. It is a gateway for access to the submarine through the main hatch, a rescue chamber, and often a combat post. It has upper And lower manhole. Periscope shafts are usually passed through it. A strong cabin provides additional unsinkability in the surface position - the upper hatch is high above the waterline, the danger of flooding the submarine with a wave is less, damage to the strong cabin does not violate the tightness of the strong hull. When operating under the periscope, cutting allows you to increase it departure- the height of the head above the body, - and thereby increase the periscope depth. Tactically, this is more profitable - an urgent dive from under the periscope is faster.

felling fence

Less often - fencing of retractable devices. It is installed around a strong deckhouse to improve the flow around it and retractable devices. It also forms a bridge. Easy to do.

Dive and ascent

When an urgent dive is required, use quick dive tank(Pulp and paper industry, sometimes called an urgent immersion tank). Its volume is not included in the estimated buoyancy margin, that is, having taken ballast into it, the boat becomes heavier than the surrounding water, which helps to “fall through” to the depth. After that, of course, the quick sink tank is immediately purged. It is housed in a rugged case and is durable.

In a combat situation (including in combat service and on a campaign), immediately after surfacing, the boat takes water into the pulp and paper industry and compensates for its weight, blowing the main ballast is by keeping some overpressure in the CGB. Thus, the boat is in immediate readiness for an urgent dive.

Among the most important special tanks:

Torpedo and missile replacement tanks.

In order to maintain the total load after the release of torpedoes or missiles from the TA / mines, and to prevent spontaneous ascent, the water that has entered them (about a ton for each torpedo, tens of tons per missile) is not pumped overboard, but poured into specially designed tanks. This makes it possible not to disturb the work with the CGB and to limit the volume of the surge tank.

If you try to compensate for the weight of torpedoes and missiles at the expense of the main ballast, it must be variable, that is, an air bubble must remain in the central state hospital, and it “walks” (moves) - the worst situation for trimming. At the same time, the submerged submarine practically loses control, in the words of one author, "behaves like a mad horse." To a lesser extent, this is also true for the surge tank. But most importantly, if you compensate for large loads with it, you will have to increase its volume, which means the amount of compressed air needed for blowing. And the supply of compressed air on a boat is the most valuable thing, it is always scarce and difficult to replenish.

Annular clearance tanks

Between the torpedo (rocket) and the wall of the torpedo tube (mine) there is always a gap, especially in the head and tail parts. Before firing, the outer cover of the torpedo tube (mine) must be opened. This can be done only by equalizing the pressure overboard and inside, that is, by filling the TA (mine) with water that communicates with the outboard. But if you let the water in directly from behind the side, the trim will be knocked down - right before the shot.

To avoid this, the water needed to fill the gap is stored in special annular gap tanks (CKZ). They are located near the TA or shafts, and are filled from the surge tank. After that, to equalize the pressure, it is enough to bypass the water from the CDC to the TA, and open the outboard valve.

Energy and survivability

It is clear that neither the filling and purging of tanks, nor the firing of torpedoes or missiles, nor movement or even ventilation occur by themselves. A submarine is not an apartment where you can open a window and fresh air will replace the used one. All of this requires energy.

Accordingly, without energy, the boat cannot not only move, but retain the ability to “float and shoot” for any long time. That is, energy and survivability are two sides of the same process.

If with movement it is possible to choose solutions traditional for a ship - to use the energy of burned fuel (if there is enough oxygen for this), or the energy of splitting an atom, then other sources of energy are needed for actions that are characteristic only of a submarine. Even a nuclear reactor, which provides an almost unlimited source of it, has the disadvantage that it produces it only at a certain rate, and is very reluctant to change the rate. Trying to get more power out of it is to risk the reaction getting out of control - a kind of nuclear mini-explosion.

So, we need some way to store energy, and quickly release it as needed. And compressed air has been the most the best way. Its only serious drawback is its limited supply. Air storage tanks are heavy, and the greater the pressure in them, the greater the weight. This puts a limit on stocks.

Air system

Main article: Air system

Compressed air is the second most important source of energy on a boat and, secondarily, provides a supply of oxygen. With its help, many evolutions are made - from diving and surfacing to removing waste from the boat.

For example, it is possible to deal with emergency flooding of compartments by supplying compressed air to them. Torpedoes and missiles are also fired with air - in fact, by blowing through the TA or mines.

The air system is subdivided into a system of high pressure air (HP), medium pressure air (HP) and low pressure air (HP).

The VVD system is among them the main one. It is more profitable to store compressed air at high pressure - it takes up less space and accumulates more energy. Therefore, it is stored in high-pressure cylinders, and released into other subsystems through pressure reducers.

Replenishment of VVD stocks is a long and energy-intensive operation. And of course, it requires access to atmospheric air. Considering that modern boats spend most of their time under water, and they also try not to linger at periscope depth, there are not so many opportunities for replenishment. Compressed air has to be literally rationed, and usually the senior mechanic (commander of the BS-5) personally monitors this.


Movement, or the course of a submarine, is the main consumer of energy. Depending on how the surface and underwater movement is provided, all submarines can be divided into two large types: with a separate or with a single engine.

separate is called an engine that is used only for surface or only for underwater travel. United, respectively, is called an engine that is suitable for both modes.

Historically, the first engine of the submarine was a man. With his muscular strength, he set the boat in motion both on the surface and under water. That is, it was a single engine.

The search for more powerful and long-range engines was directly related to the development of technology in general. He went through the steam engine and various types of internal combustion engines to diesel. But they all have a common drawback - dependence on atmospheric air. Inevitably arises separateness, that is, the need for a second engine for underwater travel. An additional requirement for submarine engines is a low noise level. The quietness of the submarine in the sneaking mode is necessary to keep it invisible from the enemy when performing combat missions in close proximity to him.

Traditionally, the underwater engine was and remains an electric motor powered by a battery. It is air-independent, safe enough and acceptable in terms of weight and dimensions. However, there is a serious drawback here - the small capacity of the battery. Therefore, the supply of continuous underwater travel is limited. Moreover, it depends on the mode of use. A typical diesel-electric submarine needs to recharge the battery after every 300÷350 miles of economic travel, or every 20÷30 miles of full travel. In other words, the boat can go without recharging for 3 or more days at a speed of 2÷4 knots, or an hour and a half at a speed of more than 20 knots. Since the weight and volume of a diesel submarine is limited, the diesel and electric motors play several roles. Diesel can be an engine, or a reciprocating compressor if it is rotated by an electric motor. That, in turn, can be a generator when it is rotated by a diesel engine, or an engine when it works on a propeller.

There were attempts to create a single combined cycle engine. The German Walther submarines used concentrated hydrogen peroxide as fuel. It proved to be too explosive, expensive and unstable for widespread use.

Only with the creation of a nuclear reactor suitable for submarines did a truly single engine appear that could run in any position indefinitely. Therefore, there was a division of submarines into atomic And non-atomic.

There are submarines with a non-nuclear single engine. For example, Swedish boats of the "Nakken" type with a Stirling engine. However, they only lengthened the time of the underwater course, without relieving the boat of the need to surface to replenish oxygen supplies. This engine has not yet found wide application.

Electric Power System (EPS)

The main elements of the system are generators, converters, storages, conductors and energy consumers.

Since most submarines in the world are diesel-electric, they have characteristics in the scheme and composition of the EPS. In the classic diesel-electric submarine system, the electric motor is used as a reversible machine, that is, it can consume current for movement, or generate it for charging. Such a system has:

Main diesel. It is a surface engine and a generator drive. Also plays a minor role as a reciprocating compressor. Main switchboard(GRSH). It converts the generator current into direct battery charging current or vice versa, and distributes energy to consumers. Propeller motor(HED). Its main purpose is to work on the screw. May also play a role generator. Accumulator battery(AB). Stores and stores electricity from the generator, gives it out for consumption when the generator is not working - primarily under water. Electrical fittings. Cables, breakers, insulators. Their purpose is to connect the remaining elements of the system, transfer energy to consumers and prevent its leakage.

For such a submarine, the characteristic modes are:

  1. Screw-charging. The diesel of one side rotates the propeller, the diesel of the other works for the generator, charging the battery.
  2. Screw flow. The diesel engine of one side rotates the propeller, the diesel engine of the other works for the generator, which supplies consumers.
  3. Partial electric propulsion. Diesels work on a generator, part of the energy of which is consumed by an electric motor, the other part goes to charge the battery.
  4. Full electric propulsion. Diesels work on a generator, all the energy of which is consumed by an electric motor.

In some cases, the system also has separate diesel generators (DG) and an economic propulsion motor (EDEP). The latter is used for a low-noise economical mode of "sneaking" to the target.

The main problem of storage and transmission of electricity is the resistance of the EPS elements. Unlike ground-based units, resistance under conditions of high humidity and saturation with submarine equipment is a highly variable value. One of the constant tasks of the electrician team is to control the insulation and restore its resistance to the nominal value.

The second major problem is the condition of the batteries. As a result of a chemical reaction, heat is generated in them and hydrogen is released. If free hydrogen accumulates in a certain concentration, it forms an explosive mixture with atmospheric oxygen, capable of exploding no worse than a depth bomb. An overheated battery in a cramped hold causes a very typical emergency for boats - a fire in the battery pit.

When sea water enters the battery, chlorine is released, which forms extremely toxic and explosive compounds. A mixture of hydrogen and chlorine explodes even from light. Considering that the probability of sea water entering the boat premises is always high, constant monitoring of the chlorine content and ventilation of the battery pits is required.

In a submerged position, for hydrogen binding, devices for flameless (catalytic) hydrogen afterburning - CFC, installed in the compartments of a submarine and a hydrogen afterburner built into the battery ventilation system, are used. Complete removal of hydrogen is possible only by venting the battery. Therefore, on a running boat, even in the base, a watch is kept in the central post and in the post of energy and survivability (PEZH). One of its tasks is to control the hydrogen content and vent the battery.

Fuel system

Diesel-electric, and to a lesser extent, nuclear submarines use diesel fuel - diesel fuel. The volume of stored fuel can be up to 30% of displacement. Moreover, this is a variable margin, which means it represents a serious task when calculating the trim.

The solarium is quite easily separated from sea water by settling, while it practically does not mix, therefore, such a scheme is used. Fuel tanks are located at the bottom of the light hull. As fuel is consumed, it is replaced by sea water. Since the difference between the densities of a solarium and water is approximately 0.8 to 1.0, the order of consumption is observed, for example: the port side bow tank, then the right side stern tank, then the starboard bow tank, and so on, so that changes in trim are minimal.

Drainage system

As the name implies, it is designed to remove water from the submarine. It consists of pumps (pumps), pipelines and fittings. It has sump pumps for quick pumping of large amounts of water, and drainage pumps for its complete removal.

It is based on centrifugal pumps with high performance. Since their supply depends on the backpressure, and therefore falls with depth, there are also pumps, the supply of which does not depend on the backpressure - piston pumps. For example, on the submarine project 633, the productivity of drainage facilities on the surface is 250 m³ / h, at a working depth of 60 m³ / h.

fire fighting system

The submarine fire system consists of four types of subsystems. In fact, the boat has four independent systems extinguishing:

  1. Air-foam fire extinguishing system (VPL);
  2. Water fire extinguishing system;
  3. Fire extinguishers and fire-fighting equipment (asbestos cloth, tarpaulin, etc.).

At the same time, unlike stationary, ground-based systems, water extinguishing is not the main one. On the contrary, the damage control manual (RBZH PL) aims to use primarily volumetric and air-foam systems. The reason for this is the high saturation of the submarine with equipment, which means a high probability of damage from water, short circuits, and the release of harmful gases.

In addition, there are systems prevention fires:

  • irrigation system for mines (containers) of missile weapons - on missile submarines;
  • irrigation system for ammunition stored on racks in submarine compartments;
  • irrigation system of inter-compartment bulkheads;

Volumetric chemical fire extinguishing system (VOX)

The Boat, Volumetric, Chemical (LOH) system is designed to extinguish fires in submarine compartments (except for fires of gunpowder, explosives and two-component rocket fuel). It is based on the interruption of a combustion chain reaction with the participation of air oxygen by a freon-based extinguishing agent. Its main advantage is versatility. However, the supply of freon is limited, and therefore the use of LOH is recommended only in certain cases.

Air-foam fire extinguishing system (VPL)

Air-foam, Boat (VPL) system is designed to extinguish small local fires in compartments:

  • electrical equipment under voltage;
  • fuel, oil or other flammable liquids accumulated in the hold;
  • materials in the battery pit;
  • rags, wooden sheathing, heat-insulating materials.

Water fire extinguishing system

The system is designed to extinguish a fire in the superstructure of the submarine and the cabin fence, as well as fires of fuel spilled on the water near the submarine. In other words, Not designed for extinguishing inside the solid hull of the submarine.

Fire extinguishers and fire equipment

Designed to extinguish fires of rags, wooden sheathing, electrical and heat-insulating materials and to ensure the actions of personnel when extinguishing a fire. In other words, they play a supporting role in cases where the use of centralized fire extinguishing systems is difficult or impossible.

  • All systems and devices of a submarine are so closely related to survivability and depend on each other that anyone who is allowed on board at least temporarily must pass a test on the device and safety rules on the submarine, including the features of the particular ship to which they gain access.
  • Wikipedia - Russian nuclear submarine of the Akula type (Typhoon) The most important tactical property of a submarine is stealth ... Wikipedia

    Russian nuclear submarine of the Akula type (Typhoon) The most important tactical property of a submarine is stealth ... Wikipedia

    There is an abbreviation "PLA" for this term, but other meanings can be understood by this abbreviation: see PLA (meanings). There is an abbreviation "APL" for this term, but other meanings can be understood by this abbreviation: see APL ... ... Wikipedia

    Schematic section of a double-hull submarine 1 strong hull, 2 light hull (and TsGB), 3 strong cabin, 4 cabin fencing, 5 superstructure, 6 ... Wikipedia

    Schematic section of a double-hull submarine 1 strong hull, 2 light hull (and TsGB), 3 strong cabin, 4 cabin fencing, 5 superstructure, 6 upper stringer LK, 7 keel Purpose of the submarine dive and ascent system (PL) completely ... ... Wikipedia

Submarines are a special class of warships, which, in addition to all the qualities of warships, have the ability to swim under water, maneuvering along the course and depth. According to the design (Fig. 1.20), submarines are:

Single-hulled, having one strong hull, which ends in the bow and stern with well-streamlined ends of light construction;
- one and a half hull, having, in addition to a strong body, also light, but not along the entire contour of the strong body;
- double-hulled, having two hulls - strong and light, the latter completely fitting around the perimeter of the strong one and extending the entire length of the boat. Currently, most submarines are double-hulled.

Rice. 1.20. Design types of submarines:
a - single-hull; b - one and a half body; in - two-hull; 1 - durable case; 2 - conning tower; 3 - superstructure; 4 - keel; 5 - light body

Rugged housing- the main structural element of the submarine, ensuring its safe location at the maximum depth. It forms a closed volume impervious to water. The space inside the pressure hull (Fig. 1.21) is divided by transverse watertight bulkheads into compartments, which are named depending on the nature of the weapons and equipment located in them.

Rice. 1.21. longitudinal section of a diesel-battery submarine:
1 - durable case; 2 - bow torpedo tubes; 3 - light body; forward torpedo compartment; 5 - torpedo-loading hatch; 6 - superstructure; 7 - durable conning tower; 8 - cutting fence; 9 - retractable devices; 10 - entrance hatch; 11 - stern torpedo tubes; 12 - aft end; 13 - rudder feather; 14 - stern trim tank; 15 - end (aft) waterproof bulkhead; 16 - aft torpedo compartment; 17 - internal waterproof bulkhead; 18 - compartment of the main propulsion motors and power plant; 19 - ballast tank; 20 - engine compartment; 21 - fuel tank; 22, 26 - stern and bow groups of batteries; 23, 27 - living quarters of the team; 24 - central post; 25 - hold of the central post; 28 - bow trim tank; 29 - end (bow) waterproof bulkhead; 30 - nasal tip; 31 - buoyancy tank.

Inside the pressure hull there are rooms for personnel, main and auxiliary mechanisms, weapons, various systems and devices, bow and stern groups of batteries, various supplies, etc. On modern submarines, the weight of the pressure hull in the total weight of the ship is 16-25 %; in the weight of only hull structures - 50-65%.

Structurally strong hull consists of frames and skin. Frames, as a rule, have an annular, and elliptical shape at the ends and are made of profile steel. They are installed one from the other at a distance of 300-700 mm, depending on the design of the boat, both on the inside and on the outside of the hull plating, and sometimes combined with both sides close.

The casing of the strong hull is made of special rolled sheet steel and welded to the frames. The thickness of the plating sheets reaches 35 mm, depending on the diameter of the strong hull and the maximum submersion depth of the submarine.

R e b o r k and rugged housing are strong and light. Strong bulkheads divide the internal volume of modern submarines into 6-10 watertight compartments and ensure the underwater unsinkability of the ship. By location, they are internal and terminal; in shape - flat and spherical.

Light bulkheads are designed to ensure the surface unsinkability of the ship. Structurally, bulkheads are made from a set and sheathing. A bulkhead set usually consists of several vertical and transverse struts (beams). The casing is made of sheet steel.

End watertight bulkheads are usually of equal strength with a strong hull and close it in the bow and stern parts. These bulkheads serve as rigid supports for torpedo tubes on most submarines.

The compartments communicate through watertight doors having a round or rectangular shape. These doors are equipped with quick-release locks.

In the vertical direction, the compartments are divided by platforms into upper and lower parts, and sometimes the boat's rooms have a multi-tiered arrangement, which increases the useful area of ​​the platforms per unit volume. The distance between the platforms "in the light" is made more than 2 m, i.e., somewhat larger than the average height of a person.

In the upper part of the strong hull, a strong (combat) cabin is installed, which communicates through the wheelhouse hatch with the central post, under which the hold is located. On most modern submarines, a strong cabin is made in the form of a round cylinder of low height. Outside, a strong cabin and devices located behind it, to improve the flow around when moving in a submerged position, are closed with lightweight structures called the cabin fence. The cabin plating is made of sheet steel of the same grade as the strong hull. Torpedo-loading and entrance hatches are also located at the top of the strong hull.

Tanks are designed for diving, surfacing, trimming the boat, as well as for storing liquid cargo. Depending on the purpose, there are tanks: main ballast, auxiliary ballast, ship reserves and special ones. Structurally, they are either durable, i.e., designed for the maximum immersion depth, or lightweight, capable of withstanding a pressure of 1-3 kg / cm2. They are located inside the strong hull, between the strong and light hull and at the extremities.

K and l - a welded or riveted beam of box-shaped, trapezoidal, T-shaped, and sometimes semi-cylindrical section, welded to the bottom of the boat hull. It is designed to enhance the longitudinal strength, protect the hull from damage when laying on rocky ground and placing it on a dock cage.

Lightweight hull (Fig. 1.22) - a rigid frame consisting of frames, stringers, transverse impenetrable bulkheads and plating. It gives the submarine a well streamlined shape. The light hull consists of the outer hull, bow and stern ends, deck superstructure, wheelhouse fencing. The shape of the light hull is completely determined by the outer contours of the ship.

Rice. 1.22. Cross section of a one and a half hull submarine:
1 - navigation bridge; 2 - conning tower; 3 - superstructure; 4 - stringer; 5 - surge tank; 6 - reinforcing rack; 7, 9 - knees; 8- platform; 10 - box keel; 11 - foundation of the main diesel engines; 12 - sheathing of a durable hull; 13 - frames of a strong hull; 14 - main ballast tank; 15 - diagonal racks; 16 - tank cover; 17 - skin of a light body; 18 - light body frame; 19 - upper deck

The outer hull is the watertight part of the lightweight hull along the rugged hull. It closes the pressure hull along the perimeter of the cross section of the boat from the keel to the upper watertight stringer and extends along the length of the ship from the bow to the stern end bulkheads of the pressure hull. The light hull ice belt is located in the area of ​​the cruising waterline and extends from the bow to the midsection; the width of the belt is about 1 zh, the thickness of the sheets is 8 mm.

The ends of the light hull serve to streamline the bow and stern of the submarine and extend from the end bulkheads of the pressure hull to the stem and stern, respectively.

In the bow end are placed: bow torpedo tubes, tanks of the main ballast and buoyancy, chain box, anchor device, sonar receivers and emitters. Structurally, it consists of a skin and a complex recruitment system. Manufactured from sheet steel of the same quality as the outer casing.

The stem is a forged or welded beam that provides rigidity to the bow edge of the boat hull.

At the aft end (Fig. 1.23) are placed: aft torpedo tubes, main ballast tanks, horizontal and vertical rudders, stabilizers, propeller shafts with mortars.

Rice. 1.23. Scheme of stern protruding devices:
1 - vertical stabilizer; 2 - vertical steering wheel; 3 - propeller; 4 - horizontal steering wheel; 5 - horizontal stabilizer

Achterpost - a beam of complex section, usually welded; provides rigidity to the stern edge of the submarine hull.

Horizontal and vertical stabilizers give the submarine stability when moving. Propeller shafts pass through horizontal stabilizers (with a two-shaft power plant), at the ends of which propellers are installed. Aft horizontal rudders are installed behind the propellers in the same plane with the stabilizers.

Structurally, the aft end consists of a set and sheathing. The set is made of stringers, frame and simple frames, platforms and bulkheads. The cladding is equal in strength to the outer hull.

superstructure(Fig. 1.24) is located above the upper waterproof stringer of the outer hull and extends along the entire length of the strong hull, passing beyond it at the tip. Structurally, the superstructure consists of a skin and a set. In the superstructure are located: various systems, devices, nasal horizontal rudders, etc.

Rice. 1.24. Submarine superstructure:
1 - knees; 2 - holes in the deck; 3 - superstructure deck; 4 - superstructure board; 5 - scuppers; 6- pillers; 7 - tank cover; 8 - sheathing of a durable hull; 9 - frame of a durable hull; 10 - skin of a light body; 11 - waterproof stringer of the outer case; 12 - light body frame; 13 - superstructure frame

Retractable devices(Fig. 1.25). A modern submarine has a large number of different devices and systems that ensure the control of its maneuvers, the use of weapons, survivability, the normal operation of the power plant and other technical means in various navigation conditions.

Rice. 1.25. Retractable devices and systems of the submarine:
1 - periscope; 2 - radio antennas (retractable); 3 - radar antennas; 4 - air shaft for diesel operation under water (RDP); 5 - exhaust device RDP; 6 - radio antenna (collapsing)

Such devices and systems, in particular, include: radio antennas (collapsing and retractable), exhaust device for diesel operation under water (RDP), RDP air shaft, radar antennas, periscopes, etc.

Table of contents

In continuation of publications about submarines that were previously in service with the Navy of the USSR and Russia, and converted into museums, we bring to your attention a brief overview of modern Russian submarines. In the first part, non-nuclear (diesel-electric) submarines will be considered.

Currently in service Navy Russia has diesel-electric submarines of three main projects: 877 Halibut, 677 Lada and 636 Varshavyanka.

All modern Russian diesel-electric submarines are built according to the scheme with full electric propulsion: the main engine is an electric motor powered by batteries, which are recharged on the surface or at periscope depth (when air enters through the RDP mine) from a diesel generator. A diesel generator compares favorably with diesel engines in smaller dimensions, which is achieved by increasing the shaft rotation speed and no need for reverse.

Project 877 "Halibut"

Project 877 submarines (code "Halibut", according to NATO classification - Kilo) - a series of Soviet and Russian submarines 1982-2000. The project was developed in the Central Design Bureau "Rubin", the general designer of the project Yu.N. Kormilitsin. The lead ship was built in 1979-1982. at the factory. Lenin Komsomol in Komsomolsk-on-Amur. Subsequently, the ships of project 877 were built, on shipyard"Krasnoe Sormovo" in Nizhny Novgorod and JSC "Admiralty Shipyards" in St. Petersburg.

For the first time in the USSR, the hull of the boat was made in an "airship" form with an optimal length-to-width ratio in terms of streamlining (slightly more than 7:1). The chosen form allowed to increase the speed of the underwater course and reduce noise, due to the deterioration of seaworthiness in the surface position. The boat has a two-hull design traditional for the Soviet school of submarine shipbuilding. The light hull limits the developed bow end, in the upper part of which there are torpedo tubes, and the lower part is occupied by the developed main antenna of the Rubikon-M sonar system.

The boats of the project received an automated weapon system. The armament included 6 533 mm torpedo tubes, up to 18 torpedoes or 24 mines. In Soviet times, the ships were equipped with the Strela-3 defensive air defense system, which could be used on the surface.

Submarine B-227 "Vyborg" project 877 "Halibut"

Submarine B-471 "Magnitogorsk" project 877 "Halibut"

Longitudinal section of the submarine project 877 "Halibut":

1 - main antenna SJSC "Rubicon-M"; 2 - 533 mm TA; 3 - first (bow or torpedo) compartment; 4 - anchor spire; 5 - bow hatch; 6 - spare torpedoes with a quick loader; 7 - bow horizontal rudder with a tilting mechanism and drives; 8 - living quarters; 9 - bow group AB; 10 - gyrocompass repeater; 11 - navigation bridge; 12 - attack periscope PK-8.5; 13 - anti-aircraft and navigation periscope PZNG-8M; 14 - PMU device RDP; 15 - strong felling; 16 - PMU antenna RLC "Cascade"; 17 - PMU antenna of the radio direction finder "Frame"; 18 - PMU antenna SORS MRP-25; 19 - container (fender) for storing air defense missile systems "Strela-ZM" MANPADS; 20 - second compartment; 21 - central post; 22 - third (residential) compartment; 23 - feed group AB; 24 - fourth (diesel generator) compartment; 25 - DG; 26 - cylinders of the VVD system; 27 - fifth (electromotive) compartment; 28 - GGED; 29 - emergency buoy; 30 - sixth (aft) compartment; 31 - aft hatch; 32 - GED economic progress; 33 - stern rudder drives; 34 - shaft line; 34 - aft vertical stabilizer.

Tactical and technical data of the project 877 "Halibut":

Project 677 "Lada" ("Cupid")

Project 677 submarines (code "Lada") - a series of Russian diesel-electric submarines developed at the end of the 20th century at the Rubin Central Design Bureau, the general designer of the project Yu.N. Kormilitsin. The boats are intended for the destruction of enemy submarines, surface ships and vessels, the protection of naval bases, the sea coast and sea communications, and reconnaissance. The series is a development of the project 877 "Halibut". The low noise level was achieved due to the choice of a single-hull structural type, a reduction in the dimensions of the ship, the use of an all-mode main propulsion motor with permanent magnets, the installation of vibration-active equipment and the introduction of a new generation of anti-sonar coating technology. Project 677 submarines are being built at the Admiralty Shipyards in St. Petersburg.

The Project 677 submarine is made according to the so-called one and a half hull scheme. The axisymmetric strong case is made of AB-2 steel and has the same diameter almost along the entire length. The bow and stern ends are spherical. The hull is divided along the length into five watertight compartments by flat bulkheads, by means of platforms the hull is divided by height into three tiers. The light hull is given a streamlined shape, providing high hydrodynamic characteristics. The fencing of retractable devices has the same shape as that of boats of projects 877, at the same time, the stern plumage is cross-shaped, and the front horizontal rudders are placed on the fence, where they create minimal interference with the operation of the hydroacoustic complex.

Compared to the Varshavyanka, the surface displacement has been reduced by almost 1.3 times - from 2,300 to 1,765 tons. Full submerged speed increased from 19-20 to 21 knots. The crew size was reduced from 52 to 35 submariners, while the autonomy remained unchanged - up to 45 days. Boats of the "Lada" type are distinguished by a very low noise level, a high level of automation and a relatively low price compared to foreign counterparts: the German type 212, and the Franco-Spanish project "Scorpene", while having more powerful weapons.

Submarine B-585 "St. Petersburg" project 677 "Lada"

Longitudinal section of the submarine project 677 "Lada":

1 - baffle of the main antenna of the SJC; 2 - nasal CGB; 3 - 533 mm TA; 4 - torpedo loading hatch; 5 - anchor; 6 - bow (torpedo) compartment; 7 - spare torpedoes with a quick loader; 8 - partition of auxiliary mechanisms; 9 - nasal AB; 10 - navigation bridge; 11 - strong felling; 12 - second (central post) compartment; 13 - central post; 14 - main command post; 15 - modular enclosure REV; 16 enclosure auxiliary equipment and general ship systems (bilge pumps, pumps of the ship's general hydraulic system, converters and air conditioners); 17 - third (residential and battery) compartment; 18 - wardroom and galley block; 19 - living quarters and a medical unit; 20 - stern AB; 21 - fourth (diesel generator) compartment; 22 - DG; 23 - partition of auxiliary mechanisms; 24 - fifth (electromotive) compartment; 25 - HED; 26 - fuel tank; 27 - stern rudder drives; 28 - shaft line; 29 - feed CGB; 30 - stern vertical stabilizers; 31 GPBA exit channel fairing.

Tactical and technical data of the project 677 "Lada":

* Amur-950" - export modification of project 677 "Lada" is equipped with four torpedo tubes and UVP for ten missiles, capable of firing a salvo of ten missiles in two minutes. Immersion depth - 250 meters. Crew - from 18 to 21 people. Autonomy - 30 days .

Due to shortcomings power plant the planned serial construction of boats of this project in its original form was canceled, the project will be finalized.

Project 636 "Varshavyanka"

Submarines of project 636 (code "Varshavyanka", according to NATO classification - Improved Kilo) multi-purpose diesel-electric submarines - an improved version of the export submarine of project 877EKM. The project was also developed in the Central Design Bureau "Rubin", under the leadership of Yu.N. Kormilitsin.

Submarines of the "Varshavyanka" type, which combines projects 877 and 636 and their modifications, are the main class of non-nuclear submarines produced in Russia. They are in service with both the Russian and a number of foreign fleets. The project, developed in the late 1970s, is considered very successful, so the construction of the series, with a number of improvements, continues into the 2010s.

Submarine B-262 "Stary Oskol" project 636 "Varshavyanka"

Tactical and technical data of the project 636 "Varshavyanka":

To be continued.