Bad Weather Division. missile corvettes of the ussr navy. Small missile ships - the future of the Russian Navy? Small missile boat

From its birth in 1967, Project 1234 turned out to be extremely controversial and elevating the Soviet desire for specialized ships to an absolute - it was not without reason that a separate class was created specifically for it. Previously unseen "ship hunters" immediately attracted the attention of military experts around the world, who vigorously discussed the question: what is the Soviet "toothy baby" in fact - a "pistol at the temple of capitalism" or an easy target? These controversies do not subside to this day, when the domestic fleet is at a crossroads: whether to continue the Soviet tradition or switch to the Western paradigm of multifunctional ships?

Our fleet inherited 15 small missile ships (RTOs) from the Soviet Union: 13 Project 12341 RTOs and two Project 1239 Hovercraft RTOs. and four - to the Black Sea Fleet (two ships of project 12341 and two of project 1239). As a result, today this class of ships is one of the most numerous in the fleet. It is noteworthy that every single one is in service.

However, the need for these ships is the subject of much debate and controversy. Many people think that in modern concept fleet, such highly specialized ships should be replaced by multipurpose corvettes. The combat effectiveness of RTOs in the face of powerful electronic countermeasures and the presence of ground attack aircraft in the enemy is also questioned. In addition, today the tasks of RTOs in the same way can be performed by fighter-bomber aircraft and coastal missile systems. How justified are these doubts and is the age of RTOs really over?

Advantages and disadvantages

To begin with, you should understand the advantages and disadvantages of small missile ships, applying them to modern realities.

The first and most basic advantage is powerful missile weapons. The main caliber of MRK project 1234 - six missiles P-120 "Malachite" reach a speed of M = 1 and have a maximum range of up to 150 km, the guidance system is active radar with a "safety net" IR sensor. With a powerful warhead (WB) and impressive speed, these missiles are capable of taking out quite large ships, such as a destroyer (EM) and, with several hits, even a missile cruiser (RKR).

For example, during the Krym-76 exercise, two missiles were enough to sink a decommissioned Project 30 bis destroyer with a displacement of 2,300 tons, thereby demonstrating excellent guidance accuracy. An important advantage is the relatively large ammunition load, which makes it possible to produce massive volleys.

However, the P-120 missiles also have significant shortcomings.. First of all, we can note the insufficient launch range compared to some classmates, for example, for the closest competitors - Exocet and Harpoon missiles, it is 180 and 315 km, respectively. In addition, the considerable size of the rocket itself imposes significant restrictions: on the experimental Nakat RTO of project 1234.7, armed with relatively small P-800 Oniks missiles, it was possible to place twice as many launchers.

Further, the very ability to use weapons at maximum range depends on reliable target designation (TA). The capabilities of the airborne radar do not allow to give a clear control center at extreme ranges, therefore it was initially assumed that RTOs would receive more accurate information from reconnaissance aircraft Tu-95RTs and other ships.

The next indisputable advantage of the 1234 project is its excellent speed and mobility.. The relatively small displacement and powerful engine allow it to reach a top speed of 35 knots along with good agility. In combination with a relatively large navigation autonomy (10 days), this gives RTOs advantages both at the operational level - you can quickly transfer combat units to the right directions, and in battle, where good maneuverability allows, for example, to evade a torpedo or be the first to take a position for rocket launch. However, these qualities inherited from the boat turn into very mediocre seaworthiness. Nevertheless, for operations in the coastal and near-ocean zone, it is quite sufficient.

Another important factor is production. Project 1234 ships are relatively inexpensive, can be built at almost any military shipyard capable of producing a ship with a displacement of up to a thousand tons, and the construction period under emergency circumstances and under the stress of all possibilities will be within three to four months. This combination distinguishes RTOs from all other classes, except for boats.

But along with these advantages, RTOs are not without very significant drawbacks:

- the first and most important - the almost complete defenselessness of such a ship from air attacks. Of the anti-aircraft artillery weapons, it has only one six-barreled 30-mm AK-630 installation and one 76-mm AK-176 (very conditional as an air defense weapon), and from the missile - the Osa-M air defense system, which has a firing range of no more 10 km. As experience shows, including real combat, the probability of intercepting an enemy anti-ship missile (ASM) by these means is small, not to mention the possibility of fighting directly with strike aircraft.

- The second drawback is the low survivability of RTOs: as shown by the tragic experience of the "Monsoon", who died during the exercises when hit by a P-15 rocket with an inert warhead, the ship is very fire hazardous due to the hull material - aluminum-magnesium alloy. Small sizes cause insufficient buoyancy and safety margin. As a result, many consider RTOs to be "disposable" ships - for one volley.

Application possibilities

Paradoxically, for all its narrow specialization, the Project 1234 small rocket ship is relatively versatile. In the conditions of a large-scale conflict in the ocean theater, several options for using RTOs are possible:

- due to their powerful armament, these ships are able to support overcoming the air defense of a large enemy naval formation, making a significant contribution by launching six P-120 missiles;

- using their speed and mobility, RTOs can operate as part of the "hit and run" tactics, making surprise attacks on transport convoys, landing craft and destroyers of anti-aircraft defense and anti-missile defense;

— escort and protection of own convoys.

All three of these options run into the already identified drawback: the firing range. It is difficult to assume that RTOs will be able to approach, for example, an aircraft carrier strike group at a distance of 120 km and survive: even on the approaches, it will be guaranteed to be detected and destroyed by carrier-based aircraft, unlike carriers of large anti-ship missiles of the P-500 and P-700 types, capable of opening fire for 500 km.

The second tactic also has vulnerabilities. The first of these could be the return fire of more long-range anti-ship missiles (for example, the Harpoon widely used on NATO ships). On board destroyers and escort frigates, a helicopter armed with short-range anti-ship missiles is possible (Penguin and Sea Skua missiles can be launched at a range of 28 and 25 km, respectively). As noted above, the anti-aircraft capabilities of a small missile ship are not enough to guarantee the repulsion of such an attack.

A similar situation develops when using RTOs in defense: in modern conditions the attack on the convoy will most likely be carried out with the help of strike aircraft. Only our own fighter-interceptors can effectively deal with this threat.

But the main factor limiting the use of a small missile ship in the conditions described is the need for accurate target designation, and, consequently, active interaction with other parts of the fleet, including in conditions of powerful electronic suppression. For full-fledged work, it is necessary to provide AWACS or support a larger surface ship armed with a target designator helicopter.

Another logical role for RTOs could be coastal defense. In many ways, ships of this type fit well into the requirements for a guard ship: good artillery armament, decent speed, and autonomy. However, as sailors note, RTOs with their missile weapons are “redundant” for such tasks - missile boats and small artillery ships are quite enough to protect the sea border.

All these concepts originate in the 70s of the last century, when small rocket ships were created. Today, all of the above tasks can be performed by the Air Force. Lightweights are built for strike missions cruise missiles X-31 and X-35, which are suspended even on light fighters. Moreover, the X-31 product is superior to the P-120 both in speed (M = 2) and in range (160 kilometers). The X-35 "Uranus" missile is capable of reaching the target along a combined trajectory, has a smaller size, which allows you to increase ammunition and produce more massive volleys, and also provides a smaller effective dispersion surface (ESR).

Coastal defense against a serious enemy, which will be too tough for a missile boat (RKA) and a small artillery ship (MAK), can be produced by coastal missile systems and the same aircraft. on the side air force there are several factors:
- less vulnerability to enemy oncoming fire (recall that the range of aviation anti-ship missiles allows you not to enter the enemy air defense zone);
— high speed and mobility;
— no need to spend a long time in the threatened zone;
- Flexibility and versatility.

Many believe that modern designs of multifunctional corvettes, combining the strike power of Project 1234 with a developed air defense system, anti-aircraft defense capabilities, the presence of a helicopter, better survivability and seaworthiness, are deprived of the shortcomings of RTOs. Almost all countries that had analogues of RTOs in service went this way: Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Germany withdrew 25, 20, 15 and 20 units of missile boats from the Navy over the 90s, respectively. Instead, it is the corvettes of increased displacement that are being put into operation.

Moreover, for domestic realities, a corvette with an anti-submarine bias is more preferable, since it is enemy submarines that pose a great potential threat in our vast territorial waters. Working together with aviation, such corvettes (if built in sufficient numbers, of course) can significantly reduce the danger.

As a result, it turns out that small missile ships really remain out of work: today more advanced means of destroying enemy ships have been created, capable of attacking faster and more efficiently. However, everything is not as clear as it seems at first glance.

Let's begin with MRK is a very unpretentious ship. A few floating piers, a fuel depot and an electrical network are enough to equip a temporary base. A modern attack aircraft, on the other hand, needs a much more developed infrastructure, not to mention the fact that the airfield is a primary target for attack, and therefore, in the conduct of hostilities, it is likely to require frequent repairs.

Further, an aircraft cannot, like a ship, conduct long-term passive tracking of a target during a period of heightened confrontation or when a potential enemy ship invades territorial waters (recall the incident with the American cruiser Yorktown in 1988). The main thing in this case is the ability to immediately strike at the target upon receipt of such an order, and the RTO that has entered the firing line in advance will have an advantage over the aircraft that has just taken off from the base.

But the decisive factor is that today, compared to new corvette projects and, to a lesser extent, fighter-bombers, small missile ships have a fully developed weapons system, well-developed tactics, and there are trained staffs that provide structures and full-fledged ship formations.

In other words, Project 1234 MRK is a very reliable and proven ship, guaranteed to be able to perform its tasks with maximum efficiency. It is a completely different matter - which are still a novelty - both the class of the ship itself, which did not exist in the Soviet naval doctrine, and in terms of installed weapons, which have not yet been tested in exercises.

In no way denying the need to move forward and build a new generation of ships, it must be admitted that now Russia needs a combat-ready and provided with all the necessary RTOs than a completely new corvette, but undeveloped in the fleet and in production. Of course, it is pointless to continue building old Soviet projects, but it is also impossible to just leave the accumulated rich experience overboard. The best way out seems to be a significant increase in the potential of existing buildings through modernization with the installation, for example, Onyx missiles in the 2x9 version, the Kashtan air defense system and new electronic equipment. Sailors would not refuse an unmanned aircraft for reconnaissance and target designation.

The preferred measure would be to build up the RTO group by producing a modernized version. For example, the capacities of the Vostochny shipyard and the Almaz shipbuilding company can produce up to four RTOs per year. This measure will help plug significant gaps in the naval defense, including in the middle sea zone, which is not covered by lighter ships. In the future, with proper modernization of shipyards and development of production, RTOs at the end of their service life should be replaced by corvettes, provided that the number of new ships will at least not be inferior to those decommissioned.

Of course, one cannot remain silent about the relatively new one, which is the development of the river MAK project 21630 "Buyan". Armed with UVP for eight Caliber or Onyx missiles, as well as 100-mm A-190M and 30-mm guns, it is nevertheless not an alternative to the heavier project 1234, since it can operate exclusively in the near sea zone. But it is precisely in interaction that these two types of RTOs can provide an acceptable level of security for our borders and economic zones.

Summing up, let's say that today our fleet needs, first of all, a completely clear and well-thought-out concept of warfare, which ensures the setting of tasks and requirements for each class of ships. And although the system for the interaction of old specialized ships with new ones built according to the Western model of application has not been developed, it is at least unreasonable to neglect the remaining RTOs from the USSR.

Do not forget that the combat effectiveness of these ships was confirmed during the "five-day war" in South Ossetia. Under the current conditions, when the fate of the fleet is still unclear, it is better to rely only on proven and reliable solutions, and as a result, several old RTOs may be preferable to a mythical promising destroyer.

Project 1234 ships are designed to fight warships and merchant ships of a potential enemy on closed seas and in the near ocean zone. “The high firepower of the Malachite complex determined the desire of Soviet admirals to push small missile ships into the Mediterranean Sea,” where, starting from the spring of 1975, they regularly carried out military service as part of the 5th Mediterranean squadron of ships of the Navy.

In the process of combat service, the ships of the project were also involved in a number of tasks that were unusual for their intended purpose - they provided combat training submarines, aviation, air defense forces; acted as anti-submarine ships and rescue ships; guarded the sea state border USSR, were the hosts of the visits of the ships of the Navy of foreign states.

Construction and testing

The construction of small rocket ships of project 1234 has been deployed since 1967 at the Leningrad Primorsky shipyard(built 17 units) and since 1973 at the Vladivostok shipyard (built 3 units). Until April 25, 1970, the first two small rocket ships built in Leningrad had only a digital tactical name: the lead MRK-3, the first production hull - MRK-7. Subsequent ships were assigned "weather" names, traditional for Soviet patrol ships of the Great Patriotic War, for their "weather" names were called the "bad weather division". The last three ships of project 1234 built in Leningrad did not enter the USSR Navy, but were immediately converted according to the export project 1234E for the Indian Navy.

The lead ship of the project ("Storm") by the fall of 1969 was transferred to internal waterways to the Black Sea and for fifteen months, starting from March 27, 1970, participated in joint tests, during which he performed 20 launches with the Malachite missile system. Of these launches, four launches were emergency, six launches were rated as partially successful (missiles fell into the sea, not reaching the target by 100-200 m), during the remaining 10 launches (50%) a direct hit was achieved, including during the last firing , performed by a three-rocket salvo on June 20, 1971. On the basis of these tests, on March 17, 1972, the Malachite complex was adopted by surface ships.

During the exercises "Crimea-76", which took place in the summer of 1976, at a meeting of the leadership of the 5th Mediterranean squadron of ships of the USSR Navy in the presence of the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy S. G. Gorshkov, the commander of the 166th division of small missile ships, captain 2nd rank Prutskov, made several proposals for the modernization of Project 1234 ships. The division commander suggested: moving the Osa-M air defense system from bow to stern, where it was less susceptible to wave overwhelm in stormy weather, installing a jamming station and a 76-mm automatic artillery mount for self-defense; establish bread baking on ships, for which purpose install flame ovens, as on destroyers. The commander-in-chief promised to take these proposals into account, and subsequently all of them (except for the proposal to change the location of the air defense system) were implemented on the ships of project 1234.1.

The second series of ships of Project 1234 (or Project 1234.1) was built at the same factories as the first: fifteen ships were built at the Primorsky Shipyard and four at the Vladivostok Shipyard. The remaining seven ships of project 1234E (out of ten) were built at the Vympel shipyard in Rybinsk.

A total of 47 ships of project 1234 and its modifications were built: 17 units of project 1234, 10 units of project 1234E (export), 19 units of project 1234.1 and one ship of project 1234.7 ("Roll").

Hull and superstructure

The hull of the project 1234 ship is smooth-deck, has boat lines, as well as a slight sheer; recruited according to the longitudinal system of the set of ship steel grade MK-35 increased strength. For most of the length, the hull has a double bottom and is divided into ten watertight compartments by nine bulkheads (on frames 11, 19, 25, 33, 41, 46, 57, 68 and 80), the transom is located along the 87th frame. Two bulkheads (on the 11th and 46th frames) and the transom are entirely made of steel grades 10 KhSN D or 10 KhSN 2D (SHL-45), for the remaining bulkheads the lower part is made of steel grades SHL-45, and the upper part is made of aluminum -magnesium alloy brand AMg61. Parts of bulkheads made of AMg61 were attached to steel parts and bottom, side and deck coamings using AMg5P alloy rivets on insulating pads.

The superstructure of the island-type ship is three-tiered and is located in the middle part of the hull. It is made of aluminum-magnesium alloy AMg61, with the exception of gas baffles. The internal bulkheads are also made of light alloy, and the connection of light baffles with a steel hull for corrosion protection is made on bimetallic inserts. Service and living quarters are located in the superstructure, on the main deck and on the upper and lower platforms. The height of the guard rails located along the sides of the ship in the area from the 1st to the 32nd and from the 42nd to the 87th frames does not exceed 900 mm.

The ship's spar consists of a four-legged truss-type foremast made of light alloy pipes and more developed on ships of Project 1234.1. On the foremast there are antennas of radio engineering devices and communications, signal halyards and navigation lights, antennas of radar stations.

The standard displacement of the ships of the basic design is 580 tons (according to other sources - 610 tons), the total displacement is 670-710 tons. The maximum length of the ships reached 59.3 m (54.0 m along the design waterline), the maximum width - 11.8 m (8.86 m at the waterline). The average draft along the design waterline is 3.02 m. The standard displacement of the ships of project 1234.1 is 640 tons, the total displacement is 730 tons. The maximum length of the ships reached 59.3 m (54.0 m along the design waterline), the maximum width was 11.8 m (8.96 m at the waterline). The average draft along the design waterline is 3.08 m.

Power plant

The main power plant (MPP) of Project 1234 ships and its modifications is made using the traditional echelon scheme and is located in two engine rooms (MO) - bow and stern. In the forward MO there are two 112-cylinder four-stroke main engines M-507A, working on the side shafts, and in the aft compartment there is one M-507A engine, working on the middle propeller. Each of the main engines consists of two seven-block (eight cylinders per block, cylinder diameter 16 cm, piston stroke 17 cm) star-shaped 56-cylinder M-504B diesel engines). Diesel engines are interconnected through a gearbox; the main engines each operate on their own fixed-pitch propeller. The screws protrude 1350 mm below the main line. The diameter of each of the three propellers is 2.5 m. The engine life exceeds 6000 hours at a crankshaft speed of 2000 rpm. The power of each of the engines is 10,000 liters. s., weight - 17 tons. During operation, the first installed engines had design flaws: the oil in the main engines had to be changed after 100 hours, and their engine life was only 500 hours; during the operation of the engines, gas contamination of the premises from their exhaust was observed. Subsequently, these shortcomings were eliminated, and the oil began to be changed three times less often.

The power of the power plant allows the ship to reach a full speed of 35 knots (34 knots on ships of projects 1234.1 and 1234.7), although some ships exceeded this figure. For example, while on exercises, the Zarnitsa small rocket ship repeatedly showed a full speed of 37-38 knots. Combat economic (operational-economic) speed - 18 knots, economic speed - 12 knots. The cruising range at full speed reached 415 nautical miles, combat economic speed - 1600 nautical miles (1500 for ships of projects 1234.1 and 1234.7), 12-knot economic speed - 4000 nautical miles (3700 for ships of projects 1234.1 and 1234.7) or 7280 km.

The ship also has two DG-300 diesel generators with a capacity of 300 kW each (both in the aft MO) and one DGR-75/1500 diesel generator with a capacity of 100 kW. Two MOs also housed a fuel tank with a capacity of 650 liters, a consumable oil tank with a capacity of 1600 liters, a thermostat for the cooling system TS-70 and mufflers DGR-300/1500.

Steering gear

To control the ship's course, a steering device is provided, consisting of a two-cylinder R-32 steering machine with a piston drive for two rudders and a Piton-211 control system. The steering machine is equipped with two electric variable displacement oil pumps. The main one is located in the afterpeak, the spare one is in the tiller compartment. Both hollow balanced rudders are streamlined; The rudder blade is made of SHL-45 steel. The limiting angle of the greatest turn of the rudders from the middle position to the side is 37.5°, the time for shifting the rudders to an angle of 70° is no more than 15 seconds. Both rudders can operate in the mode of roll dampers.

Mooring device

The mooring device consists of spiers, bollards, bale planks, views and mooring cables. In the bow of the ship there is an anchor-mooring electro-hydraulic capstan SHEG-12 with a speed of sampling a steel cable with a diameter of 23.5 mm of about 20 m/min and a traction force of 3000 kg. In the stern of the ship there is a mooring capstan ShZ with a hauling speed of about 15 m/min and a pulling force of 2000 kg. On the deck of the ship in the area of ​​the 14th, 39th and 81st frames there are six bollards with pedestals with a diameter of 200 mm. The same number of bale planks with outlines are located in the area of ​​the 11th, 57th and 85th frames. Three views are installed in the bow and stern, as well as on the forepeak platform. Each ship includes four mooring cables 220 m long and two chain stoppers.

anchor device

The structure of the anchor device of the ship includes the SHEG-12 capstan, the bow Hall anchor weighing 900 kg, the anchor chain of increased strength with spacers with a caliber of 28 mm and a length of 200 m; two chain stops, deck and anchor fairleads and a chain box located under the forepeak platform). The anchor device provides anchoring at depths up to 50 m with anchor and anchor chain etching at a speed of 23 m/min or 5 m/min when the anchor approaches the hawse. The anchor capstan control panel is located in the wheelhouse, and the manual control column is located on the deck (on the breakwater on the port side).

towing device

The towing device of Project 1234 ships consists of a bollard with bollards with a diameter of 300 mm (located in the center plane in the region of the 13th frame), a bale bar with rollers in the DP (area of ​​the 1st frame), a towing hook in the DP aft at the transom, towing arc, 100-mm towing kapron rope 150 m long and towing view in the forepeak.

Rescue Devices

Rescue devices on the ship are represented by five PSN-10M life rafts (for 10 people each) located on the roof of the first tier of the superstructure, four lifebuoys located on the side of the wheelhouse in the area of ​​the 41st frame and the 1st tier of the superstructure in the area of ​​71- of the frame, as well as individual ISS life jackets (provided for all crew members).

On the first ships of the project, the Chirok crew boat with a capacity of 5 people (together with the helmsman) could be taken as a rescue vehicle. The boat was placed on two davits of the Sh6I / YAL-6 type, located on the deck on the port side behind the gas baffle. However, the boat and davits were often damaged by a jet of flame during anti-ship missile launches, and therefore they were dismantled in the late 1970s; they were no longer used on Project 1234 ships.


Small missile ships of project 1234 have satisfactory controllability on the wave at the bow heading angles, but at the stern heading angles the ships do not obey the rudder, “roll” appears and a large yaw begins along the course. At low speeds, with sea waves up to 4-5 points, the flooding and spattering of the deck and superstructure are not too significant, there is no flooding of the air intake shafts. At speeds over 14 knots, spray reaches the roof of the wheelhouse. Seaworthiness for the use of weapons - 5 points. The initial metacentric height is 2.37 m, the coefficient of transverse stability is 812 tm, the heeling moment is 19.8 tm/°. With a standard displacement, the buoyancy margin reaches 1835 m³.

Project 1234 small missile ships have good agility: the 360 ​​° turn time does not exceed 200 s (at a rudder angle of 25 °), the tactical circulation diameter does not exceed 30 ship lengths. The run distance to a full stop from full speed is no more than 75 ship lengths, an emergency stop is possible in 55 seconds.


The number of personal crew of Project 1234 small missile ships in the state is 60 people, including 9 officers and 14 foremen. The number of the crew of the ships of project 1234.1 was increased by four people (an officer and 3 sailors), on the only ship of project 1234.7, the regular number of the crew was increased by one more sailor and reached 65 people.

The commander's cabin is located at the bow of the first tier of the superstructure (in the region of the 25th-32nd frames). It is divided into three rooms: an office, a bedroom and a bathroom. The wardroom of the foremen, if necessary, can be used as an operating room. On the upper platform in the area of ​​the 33-41st frames there are three double and two single officer cabins, in the area of ​​the 24-33rd frames there are one six-bed and two four-bed cabins for the foremen (midshipmen). The team is located in two cockpits: in the 27-seater on the upper platform (in the region of the 11-24th frames) and in the ten-seater in the region of the 11-19th frames.

In order to improve the habitability of personnel, three types of insulating structures were used in the design of the ship's hull: to protect against penetrating impulse noise (plates of flexible PVC-E foam plastic reinforced with PVC-1 foam plastic plates), to reduce airborne noise (VT-4 mats with filling light alloy sheets) and to protect premises from cooling (plates of various grades of foam plastic and expanded polystyrene, heat-insulating mats made of staple and nylon fibers).

Autonomy in terms of provisions - 10 days. On the ships of the Black Sea Fleet, which served in the Mediterranean Sea and were supplied with food irregularly, bakeries were installed, which were not originally envisaged by the project.



The Central Design Bureau "Almaz" was developed in St. Petersburg, under the leadership of the chief designer I.P. Pegov under the supervision of the military representative of the Navy Captain I rank B.V. Dmitriev, to fight against surface ships and merchant ships of a potential enemy on the closed seas and in the near sea zone, as well as to patrol the area of ​​​​responsibility for the purpose of blockade and patrol duty. According to the ten-year shipbuilding program for 1964-1973, adopted by the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of August 10, 1963, it was planned to build 40 small rocket ships. Technical project medium missile carrier was ready in 1964.

The ship's hull is smooth-deck, with some sheer in the bow, made of high-strength steel grade MK-35 along a longitudinal framing system with a transom-shaped stern. The ship had an upper deck and platforms (upper and lower) at the fore and aft ends, as well as a double bottom along most of the length of the hull. The double-bottom space was used to store fresh water and fuel. The internal bulkheads were made of light alloy type AMg61, and the connection of light baffles with a steel hull for corrosion protection was made on bimetallic inserts. A three-tiered island-type superstructure was located in the middle part of the hull and was made of aluminum-magnesium alloy AMg61 (except for gas fenders). The spar is represented by one four-legged mast made of light alloy pipes. Service and living quarters were located in the superstructure and on two (upper and lower) platforms. The ship's commander's cabin was located at the forward end of the first tier of the superstructure (the area of ​​the 25th-32nd sp.) and consisted of an office, a bedroom and a bathroom. On the upper platform, in the area of ​​the 33rd-41st frames, there were three double and two single officer cabins. Also on the upper platform, in the region of the 24-33rd frames, one six-bed and two four-bed cabins for midshipmen were placed. The midshipmen's wardroom was used as an operating room according to the combat schedule. To improve the habitability of personnel, 3 types of insulating structures were used. Firstly, protection against penetrating impulse noise from slabs of flexible foam plastic PVC-E reinforced with foam plastic slabs PVC-1. Secondly, soundproof structures to reduce airborne noise from VT-4 mats made of staple and nylon fiber, followed by lining with light alloy sheets in the area of ​​engine rooms. Thirdly, thermal insulation to protect the premises from cooling from alternating layers of PSB-S expanded polystyrene plates and FS-7-2 foam plastic. As practice has shown, all these materials ignited easily during a fire and released asphyxiating substances, which greatly increased the death rate of personnel in a combat situation.
The unsinkability of the ship was ensured by division into 10 watertight compartments:

  1. Forepeak, chain box;
  2. Kubrick No. 1 for 27 people, Kubrick No. 2 for 10 people, hold;
  3. The premises of the ZiF-122 ZiF-122 air defense system "Osa-M" and anti-aircraft missiles;
  4. Midshipmen's corridor, 3 midshipmen's cabins, midshipmen's wardroom, air defense combat post, fuel tanks;
  5. Officers' corridor, 5 officers' cabins, officers' wardroom, fuel tanks;
  6. Central control post of the machine plant, gyro post, fuel tank;
  7. Bow engine room;
  8. aft engine room;
  9. Staff canteen, AK-725 gun mount barbette, artillery ammunition cellar, fuel tanks, bilge water tanks;
  10. Afterpick, tiller compartment.
According to calculations, the ship should remain afloat when any two adjacent compartments are flooded, provided that the compartments adjacent to the flooded compartments are kept "dry".

The fire-fighting equipment consisted of a ZhS-52 liquid fire extinguishing system for extinguishing fuel and fuel fires in engine rooms using freon 114B2. The system had two manual control posts (in each MO), two tanks with a capacity of 45 liters of freon and two 10-liter tanks with high pressure air (HP). Freon was launched into the engine room by displacing it with compressed air at a pressure of 8 kgf/cm2.
Air-foam fire extinguishing system SO-500 for extinguishing small fires in engine rooms with air foam. In a special tank, 50 liters of foam concentrate PO-1 (foamer) and 10 liters of compressed air were stored in the tank. The mixture was 4% foam and 96% water. To service these two fire extinguishing systems, there was a ship's compressed air system (pressure 150 kgf / cm2).

The steering device with the R-32 electro-hydraulic steering machine (with a piston drive for two rudders) and the Piton-211 control system provided control of two streamlined hollow balancing rudders. The two-cylinder steering machine is equipped with two electric variable displacement oil pumps (the main one is in the afterpeak, the spare one is in the tiller compartment). The time for shifting the rudders to an angle of 70 degrees does not exceed 15 seconds. For the first time on ships of this class, two rudders in the mode of roll dampers are provided.

The anchor device is represented by an anchor-mooring electro-hydraulic capstan SHEG-12 (the control station is located on the breakwater on the port side), a Hall bow anchor weighing 900 kg, an anchor chain with a length of 200 m (a chain of increased strength with buttresses, caliber 28 mm), chain stoppers , deck and anchor fairleads, chain box (located under the forepeak platform). The SHEG-12 spire provides anchoring at depths up to 50 m with etching or hauling of the anchor and anchor chain at a speed of 23 m/min (when the anchor approaches the hawse, the speed decreases to 5 m/min). The spire control panel is also available in the wheelhouse, and the manual control column is located on the deck near the spire.

The ship's mooring device included a SHEG-12 bow capstan with a cable hauling speed of about 20 m/min (steel cables with a diameter of 23.5 mm are used) and a pulling force of 3000 kg. In the stern of the ship there was a mooring capstan ShZ with a hauling speed of about 15 m/min and a pulling force of 2000 kg. Six bollards with pedestals (diameter 200 mm) were attached to the deck of the MRK, welded to the deck in the region of the 14th, 39th and 81st frames. Six bale planks with bastings were located in the area of ​​the 11th, 57th and 85th frames. Three views were installed in the bow, stern and on the forepeak platform.

The towing device of the ship is represented by a towing bollard with bollards with a diameter of 300 mm (located in the diametrical plane in the region of the 13th frame), a bale bar with rollers in the DP (area of ​​the 1st frame), a towing hook in the DP (aft at the transom), a towing arc, towing kapron rope 150 m long (circumference 100 mm) and towing view in the forepeak.

Rescue equipment included 5 PSN-10M life rafts (for 10 people each), 4 life buoys and individual life jackets. At the first RTOs (in overload), the Chirok crew boat with a capacity of 5 people, including the helmsman, was used as a rescue vehicle. On the deck, on the port side (behind the gas baffle), there were two davits of the ShbI / YAL-6 type. Due to the fact that the boat and davits were often damaged by a jet of flame during the launch of P-120 missiles, in the late 70s. they were dismantled and were no longer used on the ships of this project.

The power plant is mechanical, three-shaft, diesel-diesel with three DDA-507A units with a capacity of 10,000 hp each. each, which work through summing reversible gearboxes for three fixed-pitch propellers with a diameter of 2.5 meters. The unit is equipped with two M-504B diesel engines with a capacity of 5000 hp each. With. each has a reduction gear that provides joint and separate operation of diesel engines, a reverse clutch, and supercharging. The M-504B diesel engine has a rotation speed of 2000 rpm. and are characterized by reliability and a resource of 4000 hours. The main gear (total reversible gearbox) can serve up to the first complete overhaul in 6000 hours. In the forward MO there are two M-507A main engines, working on the side shafts, and in the stern - one M-507A engine, working on the middle propeller. The mass of the M-507A engine is 17 tons. Full speed reached 35 knots, combat economical speed - 18 knots, and economical speed - 12 knots.

The AC power system 380 V, 50 Hz was powered by two DGR-300/1500 diesel generators with a capacity of 300 kW each (one DG-300 is located in the aft MO) and one DGR-75/1500 diesel generator with a capacity of 100 kW .

The armament of the ships consisted of:

  1. From 1 twin 57-mm AK-725 universal turret gun mount with a barrel length of 75 calibers. The gun mount is located on poop. The turret is unarmored and made of 6 mm thick duralumin with an internal surface covered with polyurethane foam to prevent fogging. The rate of fire of the AU was 100 rounds per barrel, continuous cooling with sea water, unitary tape ammunition supply for 550 rounds per barrel in the turret space. The loading of the barrels was carried out automatically due to the recoil energy, and the loading into the receiver was carried out manually. The calculation included 2 people. AU with the help of an electric servo drive ESP-72 turns to the left or right at an angle of up to 200 ° from the stowed position, and the vertical pointing angle ranged from -10 ° to + 85 °. The initial velocity of the projectile reached 1020 m / s, and the firing range at a sea or coastal target was up to 8.5 km using shipborne target detection tools and the maximum ceiling was up to 6.5 km. AU has a mass of 14.5 tons. The aiming of the gun mount is carried out automatically and semi-automatically using remote control. For automatic fire control of 57-mm artillery, an FCS is installed combined with the MR-103 Bars radar, and for semi-automatic control, a remote control panel with a Kolonka-type ring sight is installed.

The fire control system of the universal 57-mm artillery "Bars-1234" consisted of:

  • From the artillery fire control device (PUAO) "Bars" which included:
    • a central firing machine (calculating and decisive device), which, based on incoming data from the MP-103 Bars control radar, controlled 1 twin 57-mm caliber installation, issuing data for firing air, surface and coastal targets, taking into account the movement of its ship.
  • Noise protection equipment.
  • The Titanit general detection radar served as a means of detection and target designation.
  • After receiving target designation, the target was automatically taken to escort the MP-103 Bars firing radar.

The MR-103 "Bars" fire control radar is designed to control the fire of automatic gun mounts (AU) of 57-mm and 76-mm calibers. The station allows you to track surface, air and coastal targets and controls the firing of one gun of a universal 57-mm caliber. Radar with antenna post, automatically accompanies the target at a distance of up to 40 km without interference and 30 km if they are available. The station has a field of view in azimuth of 180 °, and the illumination of the situation and the reflection of current information is carried out on an indicator with a CRT.

The 4P33 fire control system for the Osa-M air defense system consisted of:

  • Noise protection equipment.
  • Information about the target can also come from the Titanit general detection radar.

The ships were equipped with the Titanit general detection radar, the Don navigation radar, the MRP-11-12 Zaliv RTR radar, the Nichrome state recognition equipment, and Khmel-2 infrared night vision equipment.

General detection radar "Titanit" is designed to detect air, coastal and surface targets and target designation to ship weapons, receive information from aviation air surveillance and direction finding systems - the MRTS-1 system (marine radio-technical target designation system), and also provides control of joint combat operations and provides a solution to navigation problems. The complex operates in active and passive modes, allows you to exchange information and control strike missile weapons and joint combat operations (USBD). The main antenna post DO-1 in a fiberglass fairing was located on the roof of the wheelhouse and provided active target detection ("A") and passive target detection ("P") modes. Two DO-2 antenna posts in fairings located on both sides of the DO-1 antenna post provided the mode of receiving information for managing joint combat operations (USBD). The antenna post DO-3, located on the roof of the cabin in front of the DO-1 post, provided the control mode for the Malachite strike missile system. The antenna post DO-4, located on the mast at the rear under the frame of the direction finder, provided a mode for transmitting information for managing joint military operations (USBD). Antenna post DO-5, located on the mast in front of the direction finder frame, provided the navigation mode. The antenna post DO-6, located on the mast, provided the mode for receiving information from the MRTS-1 system (marine radio target designation system). The radar is all-weather and can be operated in various climatic zones. In active mode, with normal radar observability, the detection range of a surface target is up to 40 km. In passive mode, the station provides detection of radiation from operating transmitters of surface ships, depending on the frequency range and power of electronic equipment, up to 120 km (when working with aviation at an altitude of 2 km, the target detection range is 150-170 km). In navigation mode, the detection range was characterized in the range from 40 meters to 7 km. The time of continuous operation of the complex does not exceed 12 hours. The time of bringing the complex into combat readiness without a performance check does not exceed 5 minutes, and with a performance check - does not exceed 20 minutes.

The RTR complex provided:

The ships were built at the plant No. 5 Primorsky in St. Petersburg (16) and at the plant No. 202 in Vladivostok (2).

The lead Burya entered service with the Black Sea Fleet in 1970.

Tactical and technical data project 1234 Displacement: standard 600 tons, full 700 tons Maximum length: 59.3 metersLength according to design waterline: 54.9 meters
Maximum width: 11.8 meters
Width on design waterline: 10.16 meters
Nose side height: 7.6 meters
Board height amidships: 5.55 meters
Board height in the stern: 5 meters
Hull draft: 2.4 meters
Power point:
3 FSH screws, 2 rudders
Electric power

current 380 V, 50 Hz
Travel speed: gross 35 knots, economic 12 knots,
cruising range:
Seaworthiness: 5 points
Autonomy: 15 days
Armament: .
anti-aircraft missile: 1x2 launcher ZIF-122 SAM "Osa-M"
electronic warfare:
Radar RTR MRP-11-12 "Zaliv".
radio engineering: 1 RLC "Titanit", night vision equipment
"Hmel-2", state identification equipment "Nichrom".

Crew: 60 people (9 officers, 14 midshipmen)

In total, missile ships were built from 1970 to 1982 - 18 units.

    Project 1234E small missile ships
- were developed as an export option for the Indian, Libyan and Algerian navies. On export ships, the main engines of the M-507 type of export design were installed, at which the full speed was no more than 34 knots.

The armament of the ships consisted of:

  1. From 1 twin 57-mm AK-725 universal turret gun mount with a barrel length of 75 calibers. The gun mount is located on poop. The turret is unarmored and made of duralumin 6 mm thick with an internal surface covered with polyurethane foam to prevent fogging. The rate of fire of the AU was 100 rounds per barrel, continuous cooling with sea water, unitary tape ammunition supply for 550 rounds per barrel in the turret space. The loading of the barrels was carried out automatically due to the recoil energy, and the loading into the receiver was carried out manually. The calculation included 2 people. AU with the help of an electric servo drive ESP-72 turns to the left or right at an angle of up to 200 ° from the stowed position, and the vertical pointing angle ranged from -10 ° to + 85 °. The initial velocity of the projectile reached 1020 m / s, and the firing range at a sea or coastal target was up to 8.5 km using shipborne target detection tools and the maximum ceiling was up to 6.5 km. AU has a mass of 14.5 tons. The aiming of the gun mount is carried out automatically and semi-automatically using remote control. For automatic fire control of 57-mm artillery, an FCS is installed combined with the MR-103 Bars radar, and for semi-automatic control, a remote control panel with a Kolonka-type ring sight is installed.
  2. From 1 short-range air defense system "Osa-M" located in the bow of the hull below deck in a special cellar, which also contains ammunition from 24 9M-33 missiles. The launcher of the ZIF-122 complex (PU) with 2 launch guide beams located vertically and with a rotating part is located below deck in the stowed position, and the missiles are placed in five pieces on four drums. When switching to a combat position, the lifting part of the launcher rises along with two missiles. After the launch of the first rocket, the drum rotates, providing access to the loading line of the next rocket. After the launch of the second rocket, the launch beams automatically become vertical, turn to the nearest pair of drums, and the lifting part of the launcher falls behind the next two rockets. The reload time of the launcher is in the range of 16-21 seconds. Rate of fire - 2 rounds per minute for air targets and 2.8 rounds per minute for surface targets, the time for transferring fire to another target is 12 seconds. Weight PU without ammunition is 6850 kg. Rocket 9M-33 is single-stage with a dual-mode solid propellant engine. The starting charge is telescopic, and the marching charge is single-channel. The rocket is arranged according to the "duck" aerodynamic scheme, i.e. has rudders in the bow. Four wings are structurally combined into a wing unit, which is movably mounted relative to the body and rotates freely in flight. With an average flight speed of up to 500 m / s, the rocket can maneuver along the "three-point" or "half straightening" trajectory. The missile is controlled in flight by a radio command guidance system with automatic target tracking and SAM output to the line of sight. When the rocket leaves the launcher, the radar fuse is cocked and the last stage of the fuse is removed. The radio fuse begins to emit radio-magnetic pulses. When a radio command signal is given from the SU counting device, the warhead (15 kg) is detonated within a radius of up to 15 meters from the target. In the event of a missile flying past the target, a command is given to the missile for self-destruction with the detonation of the warhead. The control system consists of a radar station, which has a target detection channel, a target tracking channel and a missile tracking channel, as well as a radio command channel for the missile and a calculating device. Targets are detected at a distance of 25 to 30 km at a target height of 3.5-4 km and a speed of up to 420 m/s, and at high altitudes at a distance of up to 50 km. Target tracking and the issuance of radio commands is carried out at a distance of up to 15 km. The minimum target engagement height is 60 meters above sea level.
  3. From the Termit-E strike anti-ship complex, which includes four P-20 Termit-E anti-ship missiles with a flight range of 15-80 km at a speed of 1.1 M, a warhead weight of 513 kg and a marching height of 25 to 50 meters . Type of homing head - combined homing with radar and thermal channels. The missiles are capable of carrying nuclear warheads with a yield of 15 kt each. The missiles are placed side by side on the upper deck in two twin non-guided, non-stabilized, non-armoured, non-damped container launchers KT-20-1234E. Launchers have a constant elevation angle - 9 °, and their axes are parallel to the diametrical plane of the ship.
  4. From 2 launchers of fired interference (KL-101) of the PK-16 interference complex of 82 mm caliber with a package of 16 guide tubes. Designed for setting radar and thermal distracting and misinforming decoys to counter guided weapons with radar and thermal guidance (homing) systems. The shells are manually installed in the guides of the launcher and then the firing process is automatic or semi-automatic. The rate of fire was 2 volleys / s. for any given sequence of projectiles, the range of setting false radar targets is from 500 meters to 3.5 km, and false thermal targets - from 2 to 3.5 km. The method of firing is automatic, remote, in volleys, and semi-automatic, remotely, with single shots. Bringing the loaded installation to combat readiness is carried out without the personnel entering the upper deck and consists in setting the specified firing mode on the remote control and opening the front cover. Combat maintenance of a charged installation is carried out by one number. Type of jamming projectiles RUMM-82 (TSP-60). The weight of the unloaded launcher was 400 kg.

The ships were equipped with Rangout general detection radar, Don navigation radar, RTR MRP-11-12 Zaliv radar.

Radar of general detection "Rangout", designed to detect air, coastal and surface targets and target designation of naval weapons. The station had two power levels (20 and 100 W) and could carry out all-round visibility at a frequency of 4 or 12 rpm. and allowed to control strike missile weapons. The antenna post in a fiberglass fairing was located on the roof of the wheelhouse and provided an active target detection mode in the 8-12 GHz range at four fixed frequencies spaced within a range of ± 10 MHz. With normal radar observability, the detection range of a surface target of the destroyer type is up to 25 km, of the cruiser type is up to 60 km.

The Don navigation radar was designed to illuminate the navigation situation and solve navigation problems and provide all-round visibility. The 3-cm waveband station had a cruiser-type target detection range of up to 25 km and an air target detection range of up to 50 km. The slot antenna was placed on the top of the mast. 310 mm CRT all-round indicator. The time to prepare the radar for operation from a completely off state is about 5 minutes. The time of continuous operation of the station is unlimited.

Radio-technical intelligence radar (RTR) MRP-11-12 "Zaliv", was intended to detect the radiation of operating ship and aircraft radars. The complex has an antenna post for detecting radiation, located in front of the cabin on the roof of the second tier of the superstructure. The centimeter wave station had a continuous operating time of 48 hours. The time to prepare the radar for work was 30 seconds.
The RTR complex provided:

  • reconnaissance and identification of radar emissions of various types in all weather conditions.
The complex had an open structure, which made it possible to provide further modification in relation to the composition of electronic weapons and deployment on a surface ship. In order to increase the effectiveness of protecting the ship from anti-ship missiles (ASM), together with the RTR complex, 2 PK-16 passive jamming systems were installed on the ship.

Ships were built at plant No. 5 Primorsky in St. Petersburg (3) and at plant No. 341 "Vympel" in Rybinsk (7).

The lead ship was handed over to the customer in 1977.

Tactical and technical data project 1234E Displacement: standard 600 tons, full 680 tons Maximum length: 59.3 metersLength according to design waterline: 54.9 meters
Maximum width: 11.8 meters
Width on design waterline: 10.16 meters
Nose side height: 7.6 meters
Board height amidships: 5.55 meters
Board height in the stern: 5 meters
Hull draft: 2.4 meters
Power point:
3 FSH screws, 2 rudders
Electric power
2 x 300 kW diesel generators and 1 x 100 kW diesel generator, variable
current 380 V, 50 Hz
Travel speed:
combat economic 18 knots
cruising range:
Seaworthiness: 5 points
Autonomy: 15 days
Armament: .
artillery: 1x2 57-mm AK-725 assault rifle from the MR-103 "Bars" radar
missile: 2x2 launchers KT-20 anti-ship missiles P-20 "Termit-E"
anti-aircraft missile: 1x2 launcher ZIF-122 SAM "Osa-M"
electronic warfare: 2 launchers KL-101 for setting passive interference PK-16,
Radar RTR MRP-11-12 "Zaliv".
radio engineering: 1 Rangout radar.
navigational: 1 navigation radar "Don", 1 gyro heading indicator GKU-1,
AP-3U autoplotter, NEL-7 echo sounder, LI-80 log,
mag. compass KI-13, direction finder RP-50R
Crew: 50 people (9 officers)

In total, missile ships were built from 1977 to 1985 - 10 units.

    Small rocket ships of project 1234.1
- were developed at the Almaz Central Design Bureau as a corrected version, with reinforced artillery and radio equipment.

The armament of the ships consists of:

  1. From the Malachite strike anti-ship complex, which includes six P-120 Malachite anti-ship missiles with a flight range of 15-120 km at a speed of 0.9 M, a warhead weight of 840 kg and a marching height of 50 meters. Type of homing head - combined homing with radar and thermal channels. The missiles are capable of carrying nuclear warheads with a yield of 200 kt each. Automated pre-launch preparation of a rocket salvo was provided by KAFU "Dolphin-1234". The missiles are placed side by side on the upper deck in two built-in non-guided, non-stabilized, non-armoured, non-damped launchers KT-120-1234 container type 8.8 m long. The launchers have a constant elevation angle of 9 °, and their axes are parallel to the center plane of the ship . The missile's flight altitude is controlled by an altimeter, which allows you to determine the missile's flight altitude, even when it is actively maneuvering.
  2. From 2 launchers of fired interference (KL-101) of the PK-16 interference complex of 82 mm caliber with a package of 16 guide tubes. Designed for setting radar and thermal distracting and misinforming decoys to counter guided weapons with radar and thermal guidance (homing) systems. The shells are manually installed in the guides of the launcher and then the firing process is automatic or semi-automatic. The rate of fire was 2 volleys / s. for any given sequence of projectiles, the range of setting false radar targets is from 500 meters to 3.5 km, and false thermal targets - from 2 to 3.5 km. The method of firing is automatic, remote, in volleys, and semi-automatic, remotely, with single shots. Bringing the loaded installation to combat readiness is carried out without the personnel entering the upper deck and consists in setting the specified firing mode on the remote control and opening the front cover. Combat maintenance of a charged installation is carried out by one number. Type of jamming projectiles RUMM-82 (TSP-60). The weight of the unloaded launcher was 400 kg.

The fire control and control system of the universal 30-mm and 76-mm artillery "Vympel-A" consists of:

  • From the Vympel-A artillery fire control device (PUAO), which includes:
    • central firing machine (calculating device), which, on the basis of incoming data from the MP-123/176 Vympel-A control radar, controls 1 76-mm caliber unit and 1 30-mm caliber unit, simultaneously issuing data for firing from taking into account the movement of your ship, and also enters corrections for misses during firing.
  • Equipment for selection of moving targets and noise protection.
  • The means of target designation is the RLC of general detection "Titanit" or "Monolith".
  • After receiving the target designation, the target is automatically taken to escort the MR-123/176 Vympel-A radar.

The MR-123/176 Vympel-A fire control radar is designed to control the fire of automatic gun mounts (AU) of 30 mm and 76 mm calibers. The station allows you to track surface, air and coastal targets and controls the firing of one universal 76-mm caliber gun and 1 30-mm caliber machine gun. Radar decimeter wave range, automatically accompanies air targets at speeds up to 600 m / s at a distance of up to 40 km and in the presence of interference at a distance of up to 30 km, and surface targets such as a torpedo boat up to 4 km.

The fire control system 4Р33А for the Osa-MA air defense system consisted of:

  • From the guidance and loading drives of the complex.
  • Noise protection equipment.
  • From a radar channel operating in the centimeter wave range for target detection, target tracking and sighting of missiles, transmission of commands, which reduces the reaction time of the complex and faster missile guidance to the target.
  • Information about the target can also come from the Titanit or Monolith general detection radar.

The ships were equipped with Titanit or Monolith general detection radar, 2 Pechora navigation radars, Vympel-R2 electronic warfare radar, Nichrome state recognition equipment, and Khmel-2 infrared night vision equipment.

Radar general detection "Monolith", installed on ships under construction since 1986, was intended to detect and track air, coastal and surface targets and target designation of naval weapons, as well as provide control of joint combat operations (USBD). The complex operates in active and passive modes, allows you to exchange information and control strike missile weapons and joint combat operations (USBD). The main antenna post DO-1 in a fiberglass fairing is located on the roof of the wheelhouse and provides active target detection ("A"), passive target detection ("P") and missile weapon control (URO) modes. Two antenna posts DO-2 in fairings located on both sides of the mast provide the mode of receiving and transmitting information ("Bridge") for the control of joint combat operations (USBD). The radar is all-weather and can be operated in various climatic zones. In active mode, the detection range is not available. In passive mode, the station provides detection of radiation from operating transmitters of surface ships, depending on the frequency range and power of electronic equipment up to 250 km.

The Pechora navigation radar was designed to illuminate the navigation situation and solve navigation problems. The station operated in the 3.2-cm wavelength range and had a pulsed radiation power of 12 kW. The set of the station included: an antenna-rotary device (device A), an indicator (device I), a transceiver (device P), a true motion device (device D), a device for assessing the safe divergence of ships (device "Alder"). The width of the antenna radiation pattern in the horizontal plane was 0.8°, and in the vertical plane 20-25°. The screen diameter of the cathode ray tube was 310 mm, and the range scales had division marks of fixed range circles of 0.5/0.25; 1/0.25; 2/0.5; 4/1; 8/2; 16/4; 32/8; 48/12 miles respectively. The duration of the probing pulse on the range scales of 0.5 and 1 mile was 0.07 μs. The detection range of a coast 60 meters high with an antenna installation height of 15 m above sea level was at least 37 km, a destroyer about 18.5 km, and an average sea buoy is usually detected at a distance of 5.5 km. The dead zone does not exceed 25 meters. The time required to bring the station into operation does not exceed 4 minutes. The time of continuous operation of the stations is not limited.

Electronic warfare radar (EW) "Vympel-R2" is designed to detect the radiation of operating ship and aircraft radars, as well as missile homing heads (GOS) and create active interference for them. The complex has 2 antenna posts for detecting radiation, located side by side on the sections of the wings of the navigation bridge and 2 antenna posts of active countermeasures, located side by side on the mast.
The electronic warfare complex provides:

  • automated reconnaissance and identification of various types of radar emissions;
  • automated creation of active jamming and management of passive jamming;
  • solving the problems of electronic warfare, coordinated with the solution of problems of fire weapons for air defense and missile defense of a surface ship.
The complex has an open structure, which allows for further modification in relation to the composition of electronic weapons and placement on a surface ship. In order to increase the effectiveness of the protection of the ship against anti-ship missiles (ASM), together with the EW complex, 2 PK-16 passive jamming systems were installed on the ship in the aft sector;

The state identification system is represented by one RAS - a combined interrogator-responder "Nichrom-RRM" with the device 082M. RAS "Nichrom" allows you to identify surface and air targets to determine their belonging to their armed forces. The interrogating antenna is built in AP DO-3. An additional interrogator "Nickel-KM" with the device 082M is built into the antenna post 4R-33.

The Khmel-2 infrared night vision equipment made it possible to carry out covert communication at night, with the ships completely darkened, as well as to observe and find infrared lights. The time of continuous operation of the device was 20 hours, the direction finding range was up to 3.7 km, and the distance determination was up to 750 meters. The system operated from a 27 V DC network.

The ships were built at the plant No. 5 Primorsky in St. Petersburg (14) and at the plant No. 202 in Vladivostok (5).

The lead Burun entered service with the Northern Fleet in 1978.

Tactical and technical data project 1234.1 Displacement:Maximum length: 59.3 metersLength according to design waterline: 54.9 meters
Maximum width: 11.8 meters
Width on design waterline: 10.16 meters
Nose side height: 7.6 meters
Board height amidships: 5.55 meters
Board height in the stern: 5 meters
Hull draft: 2.4 meters
Power point: 3 M-507A diesel-diesel units, 10,000 hp each,
3 FSH screws, 2 rudders
Electric power
2 x 300 kW diesel generators and 1 x 100 kW diesel generator, variable
current 380 V, 50 Hz
Travel speed: full 34 knots, economic 12 knots,
combat economic 18 knots
cruising range: 1600 miles at 18 knots, 4000 miles at 12 knots
Seaworthiness: 5 points
Autonomy: 15 days
Armament: .
missile: 2x3 launchers KT-120 anti-ship missiles P-120 "Malachite"
anti-aircraft missile: 1x2 launcher ZIF-122 SAM "Osa-MA"
electronic warfare: 2 launchers KL-101 for setting passive interference PK-16,
EW radar "Vympel-R2".
radio engineering: 1 RLC "Titanit" or "Monolith", equipment for night
AP-3U autoplotter, NEL-7 echo sounder, LI-80 log,
mag. compass KI-13, direction finder RP-50R
chemical: 1 VPKhR chemical reconnaissance device, dosimeters
KID-6V, 10 insulating gas masks

In total, missile ships were built from 1978 to 1992 - 19 units.

    Small rocket ships of project 1234.7
- This is a modernized version of Project 1234.1 with an updated Onyx anti-ship missile system, which includes twelve P-800 Onyx anti-ship missiles.

The armament of the ships consists of:

  1. From 1 single-barreled 76-mm universal turret gun mount AK-176 with a barrel length of 54 calibers. The gun mount is located on poop. The tower has a lightweight version, made of aluminum-magnesium alloy Amr61 4 mm thick, with streamlined rounded shapes. The rate of fire of the AU is 75 shots with a break of 30 minutes, the barrel is continuously cooled by sea water, the ammunition includes 152 shots. The loading of the barrel is automatic, continuous on both sides, clip-on. The feed system consists of a platform on which there are 2 horizontal conveyors with 2 clips of 76 shots, 2 chain elevators with receivers and 2 pendulums driven by a common electric motor. Manual filing is possible. The survivability of the barrel is 3000 shots. The calculation includes 2 people. AU using a remote electric drive ESP-221 turns to the left or right at an angle of up to 175 ° from the stowed position, and the vertical pointing angle ranges from -15 ° to + 85 °. The initial velocity of the projectile reaches 980 m / s, and the firing range at a sea or coastal target is up to 15 km using shipborne target detection tools and the maximum ceiling is up to 8 km. AU has a mass of 13.1 tons. The aiming of the gun mount is carried out automatically and semi-automatically with the help of remote control and manually on the VD-221 double sighting sights located in the turret itself. To control the firing of 76-mm artillery, an FCS is installed combined with the MR-123/176 Vympel-A radar.
  2. From 1 six-barreled 30-mm AK-630M assault rifle with a long barrel of 54 caliber, located in the aft part on the roof of the first tier of the superstructure. A turret-type gun mount with a rotating block of barrels in a casing with a longitudinal-piston breech block, which provides for forced reloading of the shot and extraction of the cartridge case. The rate of fire of the installation is 4000-5000 rounds / min. The vertical pointing angle is from -12 to +88°, and the horizontal pointing angle is up to 180°. The initial velocity of the projectile is 960 m / s, the firing range is up to 8.1 km. The feed of the machine is tape, the tape for 2000 rounds is located in a round magazine. The calculation of the gun includes 2 people. The mass of the installation is 1,918 kg. The assault rifles have a remote control system from the MR-123/176 Vympel-A radar.
  3. From 1 short-range air defense system "Osa-MA" located in the bow of the hull below deck in a special cellar, which also contains ammunition from 24 9M-33M2 missiles. The launcher of the ZIF-122 complex (PU) with 2 launch guide beams located vertically and with a rotating part is located below deck in the stowed position, and the missiles are placed in five pieces on four drums. When switching to a combat position, the lifting part of the launcher rises along with two missiles. After the launch of the first rocket, the drum rotates, providing access to the loading line of the next rocket. After the launch of the second rocket, the launch beams automatically become vertical, turn to the nearest pair of drums, and the lifting part of the launcher falls behind the next two rockets. The reload time of the launcher is in the range of 16-21 seconds. Rate of fire - 2 rounds per minute for air targets and 2.8 rounds per minute for surface targets, the time for transferring fire to another target is 12 seconds. Weight PU without ammunition is 6.85 tons. Rocket 9M-33M2 is single-stage with a dual-mode solid propellant engine. The starting charge is telescopic, and the marching charge is single-channel. The rocket is arranged according to the "duck" aerodynamic scheme, i.e. has rudders in the bow. Four wings are structurally combined into a wing unit, which is movably mounted relative to the body and rotates freely in flight. With an average flight speed of up to 500 m / s, the rocket can maneuver along the "three-point" or "half straightening" trajectory. The missile is controlled in flight by a radio command guidance system with automatic target tracking and SAM output to the line of sight. When the rocket leaves the launcher, the radar fuse is cocked and the last stage of the fuse is removed. The radio fuse begins to emit radio-magnetic pulses. The radio fuse was modified in the rocket by introducing a two-channel receiver into it with an autonomous height analysis circuit at the time of cocking. When a radio command signal is given from the SU counting device, the warhead (15 kg) is detonated within a radius of up to 15 meters from the target. In the event of a missile flying past the target, a command is given to the missile for self-destruction with the detonation of the warhead. The control system consists of a radar station, which has a target detection channel, a target tracking channel and a missile tracking channel, as well as a radio command channel for the missile and a calculating device. The conditions for auto-tracking a target in passive jamming have been improved by introducing an external coherence mode in the target tracking station. Target detection occurs at a distance of 25 to 30 km at a target height of 3.5-4 km and a speed of up to 500 m / s, and at high altitudes at a distance of up to 50 km. Target tracking and the issuance of radio commands is carried out at a distance of up to 15 km. The minimum target engagement height is 25 meters above sea level.
  4. From the Oniks strike anti-ship complex, which includes twelve P-800 Oniks anti-ship missiles with a low-altitude trajectory flight range of up to 120 km at a speed of Mach 2, and a combined high-altitude trajectory of up to 300 km at a speed of Mach 2.6 and a combat mass parts of 250 kg and a marching height from 10 meters to 14 km. Type of homing head - combined homing with radar and inertial channels. The missiles are placed side by side on the upper deck in two geared non-guided, non-stabilized, non-armored, non-damped launch containers CM-403. Launchers have a constant elevation angle - 15 °, and their axes are parallel to the diametrical plane of the ship. The missile's flight altitude is controlled by an altimeter, which allows you to determine the missile's flight altitude, even when it is actively maneuvering.
  5. From 2 launchers of fired interference (KL-101) of the PK-16 interference complex of 82 mm caliber with a package of 16 guide tubes. Designed for setting radar and thermal distracting and misinforming decoys to counter guided weapons with radar and thermal guidance (homing) systems. The shells are manually installed in the guides of the launcher and then the firing process is automatic or semi-automatic. The rate of fire was 2 volleys / s. for any given sequence of projectiles, the range of setting false radar targets is from 500 meters to 3.5 km, and false thermal targets - from 2 to 3.5 km. The method of firing is automatic, remote, in volleys, and semi-automatic, remotely, with single shots. Bringing the loaded installation to combat readiness is carried out without the personnel entering the upper deck and consists in setting the specified firing mode on the remote control and opening the front cover. Combat maintenance of a charged installation is carried out by one number. Type of jamming projectiles RUMM-82 (TSP-60). The weight of the unloaded launcher was 400 kg.
  6. From 2 launchers (PU) fired interference PK-10 "Courageous" caliber 120 mm with 10 installed projectiles. Designed to increase the effectiveness of the ship's air defense in the final homing sector of air attack weapons by setting radio-electronic and optoelectronic decoy targets. The firing mode is automatic - in volleys, manual - in single shells. Type of jamming projectiles AZ-SR-50 (radar), AZ-SO-50 (optical-electronic). The mass of PU was 336 kg.

The ship was equipped with Monolith general detection radar, 2 Pechora navigation radars, Vympel-R2 electronic warfare radar, Nichrome state recognition equipment, Khmel-2 infrared night vision equipment.

The ship was refitted at plant No. 5 Primorsky in St. Petersburg.

The lead "Nakat" entered service with the Northern Fleet in 1996.

Tactical and technical data project 1234.7 Displacement: standard 630 tons, full 730 tons Maximum length: 59.3 metersLength according to design waterline: 54.9 meters
Maximum width: 11.8 meters
Width on design waterline: 10.16 meters
Nose side height: 7.6 meters
Board height amidships: 5.55 meters
Board height in the stern: 5 meters
Hull draft: 2.4 meters
Power point: 3 M-507A diesel-diesel units, 10,000 hp each,
3 FSH screws, 2 rudders
Electric power
2 x 300 kW diesel generators and 1 x 100 kW diesel generator, variable
current 380 V, 50 Hz
Travel speed: full 34 knots, economic 12 knots,
combat economic 18 knots
cruising range: 1600 miles at 18 knots, 4000 miles at 12 knots
Seaworthiness: 5 points
Autonomy: 15 days
Armament: .
artillery: 1x1 76mm AK-176 assault rifle and 1x6 AK-630M assault rifle
from the radar MR-123/176 "Vympel-A"
missile: 2x6 launchers SM-403 anti-ship missiles P-800 "Onyx"
anti-aircraft missile: 1x2 launcher ZIF-122 SAM "Osa-MA"
electronic warfare: 2 launchers KL-101 for setting passive interference PK-16,
2 launchers PK-10 "Courageous", electronic warfare radar "Vympel-R2".
radio engineering: 1 RLC "Monolit", equipment for night
visions "Hmel-2", state recognition equipment "Nichrome".
navigational: 2 navigation radar "Pechora", 1 gyro heading indicator GKU-1,
AP-3U autoplotter, NEL-7 echo sounder, LI-80 log,
mag. compass KI-13, direction finder RP-50R
chemical: 1 VPKhR chemical reconnaissance device, dosimeters
KID-6V, 10 insulating gas masks
Crew: 62 people (9 officers, 14 midshipmen)

In total, missile ships were converted in 1996 - 1 unit.

    Project 1234EM small rocket ships
- this is the modernization of the export RTOs of the Algerian Navy. The modernization project was developed at Almaz Central Design Bureau under the leadership of Chief Designer Yu. V. Arsenyev. The project provides to replace the obsolete drum missile system"Termit-E" on the "Uran-E" complex, as well as to strengthen anti-aircraft, radio engineering and navigation weapons.

The armament of the ships consists of:

  1. From 1 twin 57-mm AK-725 universal turret gun mount with a barrel length of 75 calibers. The gun mount is located on poop. The turret is unarmored and made of duralumin 6 mm thick with an internal surface covered with polyurethane foam to prevent fogging. The rate of fire of the AU was 100 rounds per barrel, continuous cooling with sea water, unitary tape ammunition supply for 550 rounds per barrel in the turret space. The loading of the barrels was carried out automatically due to the recoil energy, and the loading into the receiver was carried out manually. The calculation included 2 people. AU with the help of an electric servo drive ESP-72 turns to the left or right at an angle of up to 200 ° from the stowed position, and the vertical pointing angle ranged from -10 ° to + 85 °. The initial velocity of the projectile reached 1020 m / s, and the firing range at a sea or coastal target was up to 8.5 km using shipborne target detection tools and the maximum ceiling was up to 6.5 km. AU has a mass of 14.5 tons. The aiming of the gun mount is carried out automatically by remote control. For automatic fire control of 57-mm artillery, an SLA combined with the MR-123-02 "Bagheera" radar is installed.
  2. From 1 six-barreled 30-mm AK-630M assault rifle with a long barrel of 54 caliber, located in the aft part on the roof of the first tier of the superstructure. A turret-type gun mount with a rotating block of barrels in a casing with a longitudinal-piston breech block, which provides for forced reloading of the shot and extraction of the cartridge case. The rate of fire of the installation is 4000-5000 rounds / min. The vertical pointing angle is from -12 to +88°, and the horizontal pointing angle is up to 180°. The initial velocity of the projectile is 960 m / s, the firing range is up to 8.1 km. The feed of the machine is tape, the tape for 2000 rounds is located in a round magazine. The calculation of the gun includes 2 people. The mass of the installation is 1,918 kg. The assault rifles have a remote control system from the MR-123-02 "Bagheera" radar.
  3. From 1 short-range air defense system "Osa-M" located in the bow of the hull below deck in a special cellar, which also contains ammunition from 24 9M-33 missiles. The launcher of the ZIF-122 complex (PU) with 2 launch guide beams located vertically and with a rotating part is located below deck in the stowed position, and the missiles are placed in five pieces on four drums. When switching to a combat position, the lifting part of the launcher rises along with two missiles. After the launch of the first rocket, the drum rotates, providing access to the loading line of the next rocket. After the launch of the second rocket, the launch beams automatically become vertical, turn to the nearest pair of drums, and the lifting part of the launcher falls behind the next two rockets. The reload time of the launcher is in the range of 16-21 seconds. Rate of fire - 2 rounds per minute for air targets and 2.8 rounds per minute for surface targets, the time for transferring fire to another target is 12 seconds. Weight PU without ammunition is 6850 kg. Rocket 9M-33 is single-stage with a dual-mode solid propellant engine. The starting charge is telescopic, and the marching charge is single-channel. The rocket is arranged according to the "duck" aerodynamic scheme, i.e. has rudders in the bow. Four wings are structurally combined into a wing unit, which is movably mounted relative to the body and rotates freely in flight. With an average flight speed of up to 500 m / s, the rocket can maneuver along the "three-point" or "half straightening" trajectory. The missile is controlled in flight by a radio command guidance system with automatic target tracking and SAM output to the line of sight. When the rocket leaves the launcher, the radar fuse is cocked and the last stage of the fuse is removed. The radio fuse begins to emit radio-magnetic pulses. When a radio command signal is given from the SU counting device, the warhead (15 kg) is detonated within a radius of up to 15 meters from the target. In the event of a missile flying past the target, a command is given to the missile for self-destruction with the detonation of the warhead. The control system consists of a radar station, which has a target detection channel, a target tracking channel and a missile tracking channel, as well as a radio command channel for the missile and a calculating device. Targets are detected at a distance of 25 to 30 km at a target height of 3.5-4 km and a speed of up to 420 m/s, and at high altitudes at a distance of up to 50 km. Target tracking and the issuance of radio commands is carried out at a distance of up to 15 km. The minimum target engagement height is 60 meters above sea level.
  4. From the Uran-E strike anti-ship complex, which includes sixteen 3M-24E Uran-E anti-ship missiles with a flight range of 5-130 km at a speed of 0.9 M, a warhead weight of 145 kg and a marching height of 5 to 10 meters and the final height of approach to the target from 3-5 meters. Type of homing head - combined homing with inertial and active radar channels. The missiles are placed side by side on the upper deck in four quadruple non-guided, non-stabilized, non-armoured, non-damped launch containers KT-184. The launchers are placed in pairs, side by side one after the other and have a constant elevation angle of 35 °, and their axes are parallel to the diametrical plane of the ship.

The ships were equipped with the MR-352ME Pozitiv-ME air situational illumination radar, the Harpoon-E surface illumination radar, the Gorizont-25 radio navigation system (RNS) and the SOD-1234EM type data exchange system.

The MR-352ME Pozitiv-ME airborne surveillance radar is designed to detect air, coastal and surface targets. The station is a three-coordinate, centimeter-wave range has an energy capacity of 4 kW and provides automatic target allocation and output of target designation data to artillery fire control systems. The antenna post with a phased antenna array (PAR) is located at the top of the mast and provides an active target detection mode. The radar simultaneously accompanies up to 50 targets and outputs data on 16 of them to the artillery fire control system. With normal radar observability, the detection range of an air target is up to 150 km.

Surface illumination radar "Harpoon-E", designed to detect surface and low-flying targets, early warning about the radar detection of one's ship, the issuance of missile weapons by the control center, as well as the reception and processing of information from external sources via radio communication in the interests of the control center. The station has an energy capacity of 1 kW and provides active (A) and high-precision passive (P) modes of displaying the surface situation. The antenna post is located on the roof of the cabin. The active mode is used to control missile weapons (URO), can handle up to 100 targets and has a target detection range of up to 35 km under normal radar observability, and up to 90 km with increased refraction. The passive mode allows you to detect enemy radar radiation in the frequency range of 0.8-12 GHz and has a target detection range of up to 120 km, depending on the frequency range. Station readiness time for operation is 5 minutes. The time of continuous operation of the radar is 24 hours with a break of 1 hour.

The radio navigation system (RNS) "Horizont-25" is designed for automated control of the vessel and solving navigation problems. The system allows you to continuously calculate and display the position of the vessel and its movement parameters with reference to the sea chart and radar image, maintain an electronic ship log and playback of recorded navigation information, as well as solve navigation problems and prevent ship collisions.
The complex consists of:

  • Navigation radar MR-231 "Horizont";
  • Electronic Cartographic Navigation and Information System (ECDIS) MK-54IS;
  • Satellite navigation receiver МТ-102 with power supply IP~ 220/=24 V;
  • UPS uninterruptible power supply;
  • printer;
  • RP power distribution boxes.
The Horizon-25 system provides autonomous operation of the complex components in case of failure of one of the devices, the accuracy of obtaining navigation parameters, the possibility of increasing the number of indicators from the ECDIS, as well as a wide range of interfaced navigation equipment (logs, gyrocompasses, receiving-indicator satellite systems, echo sounders).

The data exchange system of the SOD-1234EM type is designed to ensure the joint operation of Russian-made radio-technical weapons with foreign ones. Two antenna posts DO-1 in radomes were located on both sides of the mast and provide a mode for receiving control information for joint work with other ships, aircraft and coastal posts. Two antenna posts DO-2 in fairings were located on both sides of the mast and provide a mode for transmitting control information when working together with other ships, aircraft and coastal posts.

The ships were modernized at the plant number 190 "Severnaya Verf" in St. Petersburg.

The head "Salah Reis" was handed over to the customer in 2001.

Tactical and technical data project 1234EM Displacement: standard 600 tons, full 670 tons Maximum length: 59.3 metersLength according to design waterline: 54.9 meters
Maximum width: 11.8 meters
Width on design waterline: 10.16 meters
Nose side height: 7.6 meters
Board height amidships: 5.55 meters
Board height in the stern: 5 meters
Hull draft: 2.4 meters
Power point: 3 M-507 diesel-diesel units, 10,000 hp each,
3 FSH screws, 2 rudders
Electric power
2 x 300 kW diesel generators and 1 x 100 kW diesel generator, variable
current 380 V, 50 Hz
Travel speed: full 34 knots, economic 12 knots,
combat economic 18 knots
cruising range: 1600 miles at 18 knots, 3500 miles at 12 knots
Seaworthiness: 5 points
Autonomy: 15 days
Armament: .
artillery: 1x2 57mm AK-725 assault rifle and 1x6 30mm assault rifle
AK-630M from the radar MR-123-02 "Bagheera"
missile: 4x4 launchers KT-184 anti-ship missiles 3M-24E "Uran-E"
anti-aircraft missile: 1x2 launcher ZIF-122 SAM "Osa-M"
radio engineering: 1 MR-352ME Pozitiv-ME radar, 1 Harpoon-E radar.
navigational: 1 RNS "Horizon-25", 1 gyro,
AP-3U autoplotter, NEL-7 echo sounder, LI-80 log,
mag. compass KI-13
Crew: 50 people (9 officers)

In total, missile ships were modernized from 2001 to 2009 - 3 units.

During the Cold War, an arms race unparalleled in its scale unfolded. The economy of the USSR worked at the limit of its capabilities and the armed forces of the country, without interruption, received more and more advanced types of weapons, mastered new methods of conducting armed struggle. the Soviet navy as component armed forces, also did not go unnoticed by the leadership of the state.

appeared warships that determined a different nature of warfare at sea. They were incomparable, anti-submarine ships with a fundamentally new power plant, nuclear submarines with a hull made of titanium alloys, nicknamed "" in the fleet. The list can be continued for a long time, but let's add to it an epoch-making, fundamentally new warship project 1234 . It was during this period that the efforts of Soviet scientists, designers and workers created warships in terms of characteristics, they were not only not inferior to foreign ones, but often surpassed them.

IN warships project 1234 paradoxically combined small displacement and huge strike power, low cost and expected high combat effectiveness. They were meant to be destroyed large warships the enemy, to defeat the caravans of ships and ships of the enemy at the sea crossing and the destruction of enemy landing groups. The term " carrier killers". The leadership of the USSR Navy had great hopes for them, and once the Commander-in-Chief of the USSR Navy, Admiral S. G. Gorshkov, admire these warships, said with pathos: These RTOs are a pistol at the temple of imperialism". The brainchild of Admiral Gorshkov in the west was called "missile corvettes", and according to the NATO classification they received the code designation " Nanuchka».

the history of the creation of RTOs of project 1234 code "Gadfly"

The accumulated experience in the operation and construction of the first Russian missile boats made it possible to start designing small missile ships(RTOs), which were called "medium missile carriers". The fleet needed a small, but seaworthy ship with more "long-range" than boats, missiles with over-the-horizon target designation, with enhanced artillery and anti-aircraft weapons.

Terms of reference for the design of a new RTOs received the design bureau " Diamond". Chief designer warship, which received the cipher " Gadfly"And project number 1234 was assigned to I.P. Pegov. It was required to place two three-container launchers in the hull " Malachite", a radar complex for target designation of missile weapons" Titanite”, electronic warfare equipment, the Osa-M anti-aircraft missile system and the AK-725 artillery mount with the Bars control radar. Attempts to place a gas turbine plant on the boat were unsuccessful, since they had large dimensions, there was no time to create a new one, and the designers decided to use the existing three-shaft main power plant on the new ship with two M-504 type diesel engines running on each shaft. The shafts were connected through a gearbox, and the engine had 12 cylinders.

small rocket ship according to NATO classification "Nanuchka"

The leadership of the Navy decided to transfer the built warship from the class of missile boats to a special class small missile ships. There are no foreign analogues in the world and still remain unsurpassed in terms of the "price-quality" criterion. An export version was also created later. RTOs project 1234E(export) with the placement of four single-container P-20 launchers.

According to the improved project 1234.1, 47 ships were built at shipyards for the Soviet Navy.

design features RTO project 1234 code "Gadfly"

Architecturally smooth-deck hull warship project 1234 has boat contours, not much sheer and is made of high-strength ship steel. RTOs have very good maneuverability associated with agility and a quick stop.

MRK project 1234

MRK project 1234-1

For electronic warfare purposes RTOs are equipped with two or four passive jamming launchers, which are a package with sixteen guide tubes with cantilever mounts on the trunnion and vertical wall. False radar targets can be set at a distance of up to 3.5 km from the ship. Radio engineering complex system " Titanite» provides active and passive detection of targets, receiving information from aviation systems air surveillance and direction finding, and also ensures the development and issuance of target designations to the command post, control of joint combat operations and provides the solution of navigation tasks. Navigational radar station « Don"and electronic intelligence" gulf". Infrared equipment « Khmel-2"allows for joint navigation and covert communications at night, with complete blackout of the ships, as well as to observe and find infrared lights.

head RTO and armament

Head RTOs was laid down on the slipway of the Leningrad Primorsky shipbuilding plant under the designation " MRK-3 January 13, 1967. The ceremonial launching took place on October 28, 1968. He was impressed by the strength and power of such a small warship. The descent was attended by the Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union A. G. Gorshkov, who decided to assign names to different weather elements. " MRK-3"was named" Storm"and became part of the USSR Navy, while in the port of Novorossiysk. During the transition from the factory RTOs worked a large number of training tasks and carried out firing from all complexes. Until 1972, he left 3823 miles astern. In 1982 RTOs« Storm" together with RTOs« Thunder"performed tracking the US strike aircraft carrier CVA-67" "" in the Mediterranean Sea. For military service, the rating was "excellent" and 4956 miles were covered.

RTO "Moroz"

RTO "Passat"

RTO "Rain"

To combat low-flying anti-ship missiles on improved projects 1234.1 RTOs were placed automatic installation "AK-630-M" with the artillery fire control system "MP-123/176".

launcher ZIF-122 and missiles 9M-33 SAM Osa-M

shooting SAM Osa-MA

cold sighting of AK-176 and AK-630 artillery mounts

artillery firing AK-725

RTOs projects 1234 And 1234.1 occupied their niche in the strategy and tactics of the Soviet Navy in the early 70s. The surface fleet was replenished with powerful warships, whose strike capabilities made it possible to solve the tasks of destroying large enemies. The destruction of convoys and so on. RTOs perfecting tactics combat use as part of homogeneous and heterogeneous tactical groups, they significantly increased the capabilities of the fleet in the fight against the alleged enemy. RTOs began to perform combat service in the Mediterranean Sea, and forced the command of the US Navy's 6th Fleet to reconsider the concept of defensive operations of air strike groups in this direction. Combat capabilities RTOs were in full demand in the Pacific Ocean in the South China Sea.

By the early 1980s, the USSR had a solid "mosquito fleet". It included missile boats of projects 205 and 206MR, which were replaced by large missile boats of project 12411. They were supplemented by small missile ships of projects 1234 and 1234.1.

The latter were considered very modern ships and were built until the collapse of the USSR. However, back in the 1970s, work began on a replacement for Project 1234 RTOs. Naval sailors sought to get a ship built using the most advanced technologies and with high speed and seaworthiness. This required a transition from traditional displacement structures to ships with dynamic support principles. Initially, they relied on deep-submerged hydrofoils. In 1981, an experimental small rocket ship MRK-5 (project 1240) was built, using this principle. But for a number of reasons, he did not go into the series. The concept of a skeg hovercraft (KVP) was recognized as more promising. Such a ship is a kind of catamaran, the hulls of which serve as a barrier for an air cushion created by superchargers. Front and rear airbag retention is provided by a flexible guard. Unlike amphibious STOLs with a soft air cushion guard, which slide above the water on the move, in skeg STOLs, the lower part of the side hulls remains immersed in water during movement. This makes it possible to use conventional propellers, rather than air propellers (as in amphibious STOLs).


The order for the creation of a strike ship of the near sea zone according to the skeg KVP scheme was issued in 1972 to the Almaz Central Marine Design Bureau. The project received the number 1239 and the code "Sivuch". L. Yelsky was appointed chief designer. In a tactical sense, it was a development of the RTOs of projects 1234 and 1234.1, but differed from them in a number of ways. technical features. In particular, a large deck area has become a characteristic feature of the catamaran, which made it possible to avoid the restrictions on the placement of weapons inherent in traditional monohull ships and create more comfortable conditions for the crew. The designers who created the 1239 project had to solve a number of problems that first confronted shipbuilders. Including the development of propulsion and injection systems, which ensured high survivability and efficiency. Create a device for cleaning flexible air cushion barriers when the ship is moving in a displacement mode. Provide multi-mode movement (from low speeds in displacement mode to full speed on an air cushion when launching a missile attack).

For a comprehensive development of design solutions, small experimental boats "Strepet" and "Ikar" were built, which differed in the contours of the side hulls-skeg. "Strepet" showed the best hydrodynamic qualities, but "Icarus" turned out to be more seaworthy. As a result, it was he who was chosen as a model for "Sivuch".

In parallel, the development of the main power plant was underway. After evaluating several options, the choice was made on the diesel-gas turbine plant of the CODAG scheme (with the joint operation of diesel engines and gas turbines at full speed). For high-speed mode, rotary lowering columns were provided with propellers driven by gas turbines. Their design is similar to the corresponding units of the MRK-5 (project 1240), also developed at the Almaz design bureau.


MRK project 1239 is a displacement catamaran with aerostatic unloading - that is, the air cushion created by superchargers does not completely unload the hull, lifting it out of the water. In the bow and stern, the air cushion is held by an inflatable flexible guard. The ships are two narrow hulls covered by a platform 64 meters long and 18 meters wide. The ship has a shallow draft only on high speed, but even in this case columns with coaxial propellers. If a high-speed spurt is needed, the gap between the hulls in the bow and stern is closed with inflatable barriers, the side columns with propellers are lowered into the working position, and the diesel superchargers installed on the upper deck are started. Due to air blowing into the space between the shells, the sediment decreases from 3.3 to 1.5 m and, accordingly, the wave resistance and frictional resistance of water are sharply reduced. Having risen on an air cushion, the ship can accelerate to a speed of 55 knots and travel 500 miles in this position.

Project 1239 ships are equipped with a combined power plant. It includes two cruising diesel engines (working and at full speed), two gas turbines full speed and two diesel superchargers to create an air cushion.

Under diesel engines, the ship is capable of accelerating to 27 knots, but the cruising speed is 12 knots. At this speed, RTOs can travel up to 2,500 miles. Even if both main engines and gas turbines fail, the ship will be able to move on diesel superchargers at speeds of up to three knots due to the expiration of air from the air cushion into the stern.


The main armament of the Sea Sivuch is the Moskit anti-ship missile system with 3M80 missiles (or their improved modifications). Eight anti-ship missiles are located in two four-shot launchers located on the sides of the superstructure. Target designation for missiles is provided by the MR-144 "Monolith" radar with an antenna mounted on the roof of the wheelhouse under a large fairing. All other armament of a small missile ship is intended mainly for self-defense.

In the aft part of the superstructure, the Osa-MA2 air defense system with a lowered twin launcher is located. Its ammunition load includes 20 missiles. The main caliber of the Sivuch artillery armament is the 76-mm AK-176 gun mount, located in front of the superstructure (316 rounds of ammunition). To control its fire, the MR-123-01 Vympel-A radar is used. For self-defense against low-flying anti-ship missiles and enemy aircraft, two 30-mm six-barreled AK-630M artillery mounts are used, located at the ends of the ship (ammunition load of 3 thousand shells). They receive target designation from the Vympel-A radar, there are also backup sighting devices - sighting columns.

Detection of air and surface targets is provided by the MP-352 "Positive" radar. There is also a short-range navigation radar MR-244-1 Ekran, which was replaced in 2008 by a more advanced radar MR-231-1 Pal. The ship is equipped with the Pritok navigation system, the Vympel-R2 electronic warfare system, and the Buran-7 radio communications system.


The construction of the ships of project 1239 was carried out at the shipyard named after. M. Gorky in Zelenodolka. The lead ship, initially designated MRK-27, and in 1992 named Bora, was accepted into trial operation on December 30, 1989 and became part of the Black Sea Fleet. In 1991, during the next exit to the sea, MRK-27 got into a severe storm in the Kerch Strait. Waves tore off the cover of the bow guard, and water began to flow into the hull. To save the ship, the commander had to turn it around and slowly return to the base astern. The following year, MRK-27 was repaired using parts from the unfinished third unit of the project. In subsequent years, Bora remained part of the Black Sea Fleet.

The second MRK-17 ship (renamed Samum in March 1992) arrived in the Black Sea for testing in November 1992. In 1993-1994, he was transferred in several stages by inland waterways to the Baltic. For some time he was laid up in St. Petersburg, and in December 1996 he began state tests. They ended only in February 2000, when the ship was officially commissioned into the fleet. In July 2002, Samum returned to the Black Sea. Currently, both RTOs are part of the 166th division of small missile ships of the 41st brigade of missile boats of the Black Sea Fleet. In addition to combat training in the Black Sea, since 2014, they have alternately made trips to the Mediterranean Sea.


Despite their unique characteristics, Project 1239 ships were not massively built - the series was limited to only two units. There are several reasons for this, and one of them is the colossal cost of the ship, which is 5.5 times higher than the price of the Project 12411 missile boat. The “Achilles heel” of the Sea Sivuch was its technical complexity. Although the hovercraft is capable of accelerating to 55 knots (more than 100 km / h), the process of switching from a displacement mode to a pillow can take tens of minutes. Special requirements are imposed by the body material - aluminum-magnesium alloy, which is subject to corrosion. The passport service life of the hull is 15 years (although at present both Sea Stellers have significantly exceeded this limit). The autonomy of the ship is also considered insufficient. Therefore, the construction of RTOs of project 1239 for the Navy Russian Federation stopped. Failed to interest the project and foreign customers.

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