Small business management universities distance learning. Small business management specialty

Specialties that relate to the field of business and management traditionally occupy leading positions in the world rankings of the most prestigious professions. Accordingly, specialists in the field of business and/or management are permanent leaders in terms of financial income.

One of the main advantages of business education is its relevance and demand in the global market. Before successful businessmen and managers are opening up the broadest prospects in career growth, and also, according to world rankings, it is easier for them to find a stable and well-paid job.

In domestic realities (we are talking about large corporations and leading brands) specialists who have foreign diplomas are especially highly valued in the labor market. In Western companies, the approach to doing business, introducing innovation and analysis is very different from Ukrainian traditions. Therefore, a specialist who has knowledge of the rules of organizing business in the West is able to competently set the direction for the development of a domestic company or correct the course already taken. And such skills are highly valued by employers, including financially. It is no coincidence that top management of leading companies seeks to study abroad with internships in large Western structures.

Education in the field of business and management abroad can be implemented at several levels: business courses, bachelor's degree, master's degree. The choice of level depends on the needs and capabilities of the student.

Internships and advanced training courses

Universities in many countries can offer foreign students not only undergraduate or graduate programs, but also short-term professional courses advanced training, upon completion of which a certificate is issued.

These are the most economical programs. In a short time, vocational training abroad offers the opportunity to explore real experience foreign specialists. Many professional development programs include field trips.

Internships are also possible - training in practice or internship and work abroad. Paid internship lasts from a year to a year and a half and is considered work during which learning and exchange take place professional experience. This is a great opportunity for students to gain work experience before graduating from university. And most likely, when applying for a job, this line in the resume will be decisive.

Business-oriented BBA programs

Business and management programs provide an excellent foundation for an academic degree and a career in business. In business education, as in any other, the first step is the Bachelor of Business Administration(BBA) in areas such as Commerce and Business administration.

The program curriculum covers a wide range of core functional areas of the specialty, namely: management, organizational behavior, accounting, finance, marketing, sales, operations management, information technology, law, human resource management. Students learn the fundamentals of economics and quantitative analysis.

At the same time, the curriculum has a pronounced practical orientation. It promotes individual improvement through the development of skills such as decision making, teamwork, leadership, negotiation, communication and presentation.

The average length of study for a BBA program varies, but is usually 3-4 academic years.

Program B.B.A. is an independent initial step vocational education or included in the framework of continuing education and can be considered as a preparatory stage for a higher level - obtaining an MBA (Master of Business Administration) degree - Master of Business Administration.

At this stage, students gain knowledge in areas such as business management, personnel management and human resource management, marketing, law and others.

Requirements for admission to the VBA

Graduates of secondary schools who do not have the appropriate qualifications and sufficient practice in the field of management and administration can enroll in a Bachelor of Business Administration degree. The BBA program can also be considered as a postgraduate education, i.e. based on what has already been received higher education.

When it comes to education abroad, today it is much more economically profitable to obtain a bachelor’s degree in your native land, and go to overseas regions for postgraduate programs, for example, an MBA degree.

MBA sounds proud. And promising

Most of the company's board members have an MBA degree. Of course, yesterday’s graduates are unlikely to be immediately offered a leadership position on the board of an enterprise. Although such options are possible if it is non-profit organization or a growing startup. But over time, you will definitely earn the position of CEO (Chief Executive Officer), literally - chief executive officer or other senior official companies ( CEO, chairman of the board, president, director).

In terms of career paths, if you have a master's degree in business management (MBA), your options are virtually unlimited. You can do almost anything you want. Someone with an MBA degree is a desirable candidate for most employers.

“Career prospects for MBA applicants are promising,” the Graduate Management Admission Council report emphasizes. GMAC is an organization that unites the world's leading business schools and is also the owner and administrator of the GMAT (The Graduate Management Admission Test), the first and only standardized test developed specifically for business schools today.

The reason for this, according to GMAC, will be a change in employers' priorities. The main goal in the new year for many respondents will be to increase productivity. Business school graduates are trained to cope with such tasks, respondents are convinced.

According to two major GMAC studies, 74% of employers surveyed indicated that they plan to hire professionals with degrees in business administration. In addition, 22% of employers said they were going to expand the range of vacancies for graduates of these qualification programs.

Another study of the dynamics of global labor markets, conducted earlier by with a larger sample, including a survey of 12,100 companies from 42 countries, also showed a 36% increase in demand for MBA specialists.

The data obtained only confirms the recent trend towards hiring specialists with an MBA degree - this allows many companies to maintain their competitiveness in a tightening economic situation. Accordingly, the number of people wishing to enroll in business administration programs will increase. Therefore, if you are looking to achieve the best in your future career, an MBA is for you.

Research shows that 78% of business school graduates decide to obtain a business education while working as a middle or senior manager. 18% enroll in an MBA while still working as line specialists. Thus, managers tuned to successful career, plan it from the very first steps. And only 4% of those admitted to the MBA program are business owners.

Where to get a business education

According to BusinessTimes, there are about 10,000 business schools in the world today. In the rankings of the most prestigious schools in the world, institutions in the USA, Canada and Europe lead, although in lately Asian educational institutions also began to appear.

Cost of an MBA at business schools

In institutions included in the TOP-25 best schools in the world, the cost of training is approximately $35,000-50,000 per year (not taking into account the costs of accommodation, food, transfer, medical insurance and educational materials). Therefore, a two-year MBA program will cost on average about $100,000.

At mid-level universities and business schools, the cost of a year of study is 15,000-20,000 euros for Europe and 20,000-25,000 dollars in the USA.

Requirements for applicants for an MBA degree

University diploma;

Level in English IELTS 6.5 - 7.0;

2-3 years of experience in a position with high responsibility;

Age over 21 years.

The duration of the Master of Business Administration program is 1-2 years.

Who is leading the field of international business education today?

The world leaders in MBA education, the United States, are gradually losing their positions. One of the main trends of the last five years has been a decrease in the number of Europeans who send documents and GMAT test scores to American business schools.

The reason for the decline in interest is the high cost of US business school programs. For example, the cost of a two-year course at one of the best business schools in the United States, Stanford Graduate School of Business, is more than $150,000. For comparison: the cost of studying at one of the leading business schools in Canada, the Richard Ivey School of Business at the University of Western Ontario, which has the best average salary of graduates (more than 100 thousand US dollars according to FT), is 90,000 CAD (duration program 17 months). The cost of training for intermediate level programs is from $ CAD 24,000 per year. Today MBA programs and EMBA business schools in Canada are at the top of the priorities of students from many countries. There are several reasons for this.

First of all, there is a significant increase in the quality of business programs themselves in Canada and their recognition at the global level. Today, about 10 Canadian business schools appear in the latest Financial Times ranking of the world's best MBA schools.

Another reason why more and more students are choosing Canada is its flexible visa rules: while the US and UK are tightening visa rules, Canada, which is also an English-speaking country, on the contrary, is taking steps to simplify the visa procedure.

In addition, at a time when the UK intends to abolish the two-year post-graduation work permit for foreigners, many Canadian states are trying to attract qualified specialists from among foreign students.

A targeted government program to attract foreign students and the actual policies of Canadian business schools have led to a clear increase in interest in MBA programs in Canada from applicants from other countries.

Specialty "International Business"

How more companies enter the world market, the more professionals are required who know how to conduct business at the international level, who thoroughly know the conditions of international activity, the system of foreign economic regulation, international Management and marketing. In the age of globalization, one of the most popular specialties has become the specialty " international Business».

The specialty "International Business" is among the top five most promising professions, which in the near foreseeable future are designed to provide their owners with not only interesting job, but also high income.

One of the important advantages of studying abroad in the specialty “International Business” is the teaching strategy, which in almost all Canadian universities provides for the inseparability of theory from practice. This is reflected in the use of such forms of training as structured discussions, business games, trainings, master classes, and case studies. Practicing major specialists from among top and middle managers are always invited to give lectures.

Already at the very beginning of training, literally from the first courses, part practical classes takes place in enterprises or companies. To improve the qualifications of students, universities send them to participate in international competitions and programs, and also organize internships in other countries.

What is taught

Students studying the specialty “International Business” study the following major disciplines:

In addition to these disciplines, each university also teaches its own subjects that determine the specialization profile. This is the so-called “university component”, which is determined by the university itself. The choice of “university components” reveals the specificity and spirit of a particular educational institution.

For example, several political science disciplines are introduced into the specialty training program, such as “Foreign Economic Policy of Canada.”

After graduation

Students of the specialty “International Business” after completing their bachelor’s degree program can either continue their studies in the master’s program at the same faculty in the specialization program “International Business”. Or enroll in MBA programs in the chosen country or partner universities located in other countries, such as the USA, Great Britain, Canada, Czech Republic, Poland, Sweden, France, Australia, New Zealand and others.

The diploma program is mainly of an applied nature and provides the opportunity to work in low-level managerial positions in such areas as marketing, accounting, human resources management, etc. It is valuable that the specialty “International Business” does not at all prevent graduates from getting a job not only in international, but also in domestic companies - large and small.

If you are interested business education abroad, call or come company - our consultants will answer all your questions!

Small business is a type of entrepreneurial and management activities, which is based on its implementation by different subjects of market relations.

Generalized criteria that classify a business as “small” are:

  • low number of personnel;
  • low value of assets;
  • small annual turnover.

Such criteria are described in detail at the legislative level and vary depending on the type of business, taxation features and form of its organization.

Features of small business

In fact, small businesses are generally understood to be individuals that they plan to operate without forming a legal entity.

The staff includes not only those actually working at the enterprise, but also persons who work remotely, part-time, in different branches of the company (in the case of another form of legal entity).

If an enterprise violates the established number of personnel, then it is deprived of legal benefits, the amount of which is determined by the state, and a period of three months after the number of employees is restored within the norm.

The main features of a small business include:

  1. Flexibility and lightning speed of adoption management decisions. It is easier to “adapt” the work of a company to market conditions, which are constantly changing. This will not be as costly as in the case of large companies.
  2. The production process of the enterprise lends itself to more precise control. Adapting a product or service “to the consumer” is much faster and easier. A company can easily get ahead thanks to the speed of action on consumer reaction.
  3. Communication within the enterprise is much faster. This is due to the fact that within a small enterprise it is easier to communicate commands, discuss them and put them into action. It is worth noting that relationships with partners can be closer and more established than what happens with large enterprises, which gives a very good effect for development and obtaining profitable contracts and profits.
  4. The informality of relationships in a team, in the case of a small enterprise, is only beneficial and, as a rule, leads to positive results and brings quick returns.

Small Business Management Basics

Small business management is based on a system of principles, means and methods of enterprise management, which should lead to increased efficiency in the use of resources of time and money. Such management leads the company to achieve goals and financial growth.

In matters of enterprise management, increased cooperation between management and the employees themselves is evident. A leader, regardless of his ambitions, must understand this fact and maximize the achievement of a positive result, both on the part of his subordinates and on his own.

Managers (leaders) of a small enterprise, depending on the managerial focus, are divided into the following types:

  1. Head of Deposit.
  2. Head of Results.

The first type of managers is characterized by a focus on the schematic fulfillment of their duties, careerism and an unwillingness to produce managerial ideas. Such a specialist is very narrow in his professional interests and preferences, is not responsible and is afraid to take risks.

The results manager is the exact opposite of the first type. He quickly reacts to changes in the market situation and sometimes makes risky and radical management decisions. This person clearly delineates and cuts off unconstructive, illogical and insignificant aspects of the company’s activities, without losing authority among employees.

In a small business, there is a high probability that the manager will be a person who will be related to the founder or be his friend. As a rule, this threatens the company with low efficiency and will have a detrimental effect on its fate.

An important feature when choosing the management direction and strategy of a small business enterprise is flexibility, balance and adherence to the integrity of the concept of the enterprise itself.

As for control elements based on results, there are only two of them:

  • The essence of the concept is a system that is focused on results and realizing the company’s potential. It is expected to use various management techniques and actions to improve staff qualifications.
  • goal is the result of aspiration, focused on a specific temporary expression. Goals can be different types, which depends on the specific specifics of the enterprise’s activities.

There are the following stages in the small business management process:

  • effective planning (work is divided according to the time of obtaining results);
  • situational management;
  • control.

The implementation of this type of management leads to an increase in the perfection of the enterprise structure and educates professional managers. Changes in the course of such processes lead to increased financial results and the overall level of success of the enterprise.

From all this it follows that small business management, which is results-oriented, allows you to evaluate all the capabilities of the manager, testing his qualities as a leader and organizer.

Features of small business management

IN modern conditions development of market relations, there are many options for the development of small businesses. Such conditions dictate relatively difficult rules for novice businessmen, which, in turn, have a large number of different nuances.

In some cases, small business management is entirely based on planning, in others – on the direct development and operation of the enterprise.

Many businessmen first of all gather managers, develop a concept and ideology, deal with paperwork and other paper work, thus leaving no time for actions to develop the business itself. Other entrepreneurs, on the contrary, when they have received funds for the development of the company, be it a loan or another loan, begin to mobilize and work for results in a practical manner.

The ideal option would be to combine both a bureaucratic management style and a practical one, and in approximately equal proportions. A distinctive feature of small business management is the availability of little time for decision making, as well as not a very large volume of Money, which businessmen have at their disposal. All this is dictated and imposed external factors, in the context of a modern market economy.

It is also worth noting that small business involves working in a small team, which leads to an uneven distribution of workloads, tasks and responsibilities between all members of such a team.

Sometimes the panacea is hiring outsourcing or seasonal work, which provides greater flexibility in managing and monitoring results, clarity of results, cost savings and human resources, as well as guaranteed quality and deadlines in the form of contracts. As a rule, small businesses in this case often resort to help recruitment agencies and recruiting firms.

But the main distinguishing feature of small business management is considered to be high responsibility in making management decisions, which in itself determines the quality of the company’s management, the level of qualifications of managers and efficiency.

Business management - professional activity, including a wide range of tasks: from setting the goals of a business organization and choosing ways to achieve it to ensuring the necessary motivation of employees, accounting, analysis and evaluation of results. This is done both by managers who have subordinates, and by employees (specialists) of divisions of the company’s management apparatus - marketing, sales, personnel, strategic development etc. Anyone who sees himself in the future as a manager of projects, organizations in a variety of fields of activity, who plans to create his own business, will also be engaged in management.

Management requires talent and practice, but systematic education in the field of management develops abilities and creates a good basis for understanding the experience gained while working in an organization. It is impossible to obtain such an education on your own from books: an academic mentor and group project work are required.

The value of a basic university management education in developing a person's ability to lead others can be compared to the value of learning a foreign language in high school. It is known that those who, for various reasons, did not learn at school foreign language, then for the rest of their lives they find themselves in the role of catching up with colleagues who have received good school language training. The same goes for business management. If a person has fundamental knowledge, subsequent practical experience is strung on this basis, is better absorbed, and analyzed more deeply. That is why studying in educational programs in the direction of “Management” contributes to the formation of a fundamental advantage over those who master the management of business and people in business exclusively through empirical means, through trial and error.

Graduates of the EP “Business Management” master a wide range of competencies in various functional areas of management, which allows them to further build their careers, moving both along the organizational vertical and horizontal, periodically changing directions of activity (gaining experience in the sales department, in marketing, in production, service strategic planning etc.). This, as world experience shows, is one of the most effective models for developing the competencies of highly qualified managers.

At the same time, the educational program does not aim to prepare 21-year-old “captains” Russian business. After completing a bachelor's degree, graduates most often become specialists in the management apparatus of Russian and international companies, organize their own (small) business. Among the graduates of the Faculty of Business and Management there are those who, after working as specialists for several years, took management positions. The sense of purpose and high leadership qualities required by a modern manager are also instilled and developed in the highly competitive student environment at HSE.

Small business is always relevant in any city and in any country. Small business is various services and products people consume daily. Moreover, small-scale business is the main component of the normal development of the economic situation of the market system. Therefore, for the successful progression of a business, there are a number of specialties that will help in its development and management. This article is dedicated to this topic.

Small Business Management - Specialty

In order to have a good understanding of the psychology of market relations, as well as the psychology of people, to be able to work correctly with people, to communicate with them - all these are professions modern business. a management specialty will help you focus your knowledge on the most important aspects and nuances of business development. Thanks to this profession, you will master knowledge such as laws on management bases entrepreneurial activity, organizing activities in the commercial sphere, Internet business technologies, office work, the basics of economic activity, and much more.

You can obtain this specialty either as a primary or secondary degree, in correspondence or full-time. Upon completion of training in small business management, the management specialty will help you cope with problems at any stage of development. Moreover, you will gain skills in such areas of activity - organizing any legal forms, such as commercial and non-profit, state and municipal. Moreover, you will be able to formulate your business ideas, create and develop a business plan, analyze, calculate the cost of production, prepare financial statements, keep track of costs, and develop activities.

Small Business Financial Management

is a process that involves positive growth financial condition company and at the same time get as a result a certain amount of finance.

The company is part economic system, which consists of specific relationships between business partners. In the process of business development, the need arises to maintain financial relations with other enterprises, which, in fact, is the main component of the company’s finances. Thus, we can talk about the term “financial relations” as monetary relations, arising in the process of business activity, starting from its formation.

The main task of the head of the company is a rational and adequate method of distributing finances. Small business financial management is difficult process, in which you cannot do without special skills. It is necessary to understand terms such as accumulation or consumption fund, various types of loans, shares, etc. But

Part 1

As I understand it, in this section you are more interested in two main questions:

1. What will students study within this specialty?

2. Should you join them?

I will try to answer you.

What will our students study as part of this

The answer is everything! And it's not a joke.

What is a small business manager? This is a person who does almost everything himself. He finds ideas himself, does accounting himself, does marketing himself, selects employees himself, concludes contracts himself, etc. and so on. Of course, he doesn't do this on his own whim. It's just reality.

Be that as it may, it is obvious that A small business manager must know “everything about everything” . He must navigate all areas of business. He must be able to make a wide variety of decisions. He must be an amateur in everything and a professional in his field. And our task is to help you become such a person.

Should you choose this specialty?

If you dream about own business and serious wealth, then, logically, you are on the same path with us.

Not a single outstanding businessman has escaped the stage of small business. It was there that each of them made their first mistakes, hit their first bumps and learned all the intricacies of management.

Let us remember Eldar Ryazanov’s wonderful film “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears.” Its main character, Ekaterina Tikhomirova, works as a factory director. She has about 3,000 people under her command. And then one of her friends exclaims in her hearts: “And how do you manage to deal with them all?” “It’s difficult with the first three. And with the rest you already act according to the rules,”- Ekaterina answered.

A small business manager spends a lot of time and effort learning how to work with three employees. But what will he do when his business gets big? That's right, the same thing, only with three thousand.

Big business is a reflection of small business. At large enterprises they do everything the same as at small ones - only in large volumes. Therefore, anyone who has properly mastered the basics of small business will, with a high degree of probability, be able to successfully work in a large one. “You were faithful in small things, I will put you over many things,”- recorded in the famous biblical parable of the talents.

So A good small business education is a direct path to great wealth.

However, it is likely that you would rather work for someone else. Many people feel calmer this way. But even in this case, do not rush to close this document and think about this.

Let's say you have your own business. You decided to expand it. And now we are looking for a person for a new project.

Three candidates came for an interview. The first is an experienced financier. The second one worked in the HR department for a long time large company. Well, the third one at one time created a successful business from scratch, then sold it very profitably and now decided to join you. (Let's say he saw something very valuable in what you are doing. And he would like to do it with you).

Which of the three candidates will you hire? Most likely an entrepreneur.

So, what does it mean to earn a degree in Small Business Management? This means immersing yourself in all areas of business and learning 80% of everything you know good leader any large enterprise. This means feeling free from the rigid confines of gray reality, spreading your wings and soaring to new horizons. This means taking the path to real wealth in all its forms.

“Dare to dream!” - John Maxwell urged readers in one of his books. AND we are open to those who are ready to answer this call.

We hope we have briefly answered your questions. However, this is far from the most important thing to say now. For now, we have left without comment the question of how we intend to lead you to wealth. However, we did this on purpose. And if you are really interested in this information, you will find it in the second part of the story about the Small Business Management profile.

Part 2

Bernard Shaw once said: “Whoever knows how, does it. Those who don’t know how to teach”. That's why we don't just teach. First of all, we do. What exactly?

Once Plato opened his famous school - the Academy. It existed for 916 years and gave the world outstanding figures and thinkers.

Aristotle then founded his own school in Athens and named it the Lyceum. And again, the civilized world received an elite “forge of personnel.”

It is unlikely that we will be able to repeat what these outstanding people. But the dream is to create a unique educational institution will probably never leave us.

We are moving towards our dream. And those who enroll in the “Small Business Management” major will take an active part in its implementation. First as a student. And if he shows his efforts and demonstrates his abilities, then as a partner.

Many of us would like to one day show our grandchildren something and at the same time say: "I was there. I took part in this. There is my contribution here too. And I'm proud of it!"

If this is relevant to you, then join. Well, at the same time, you will also receive a state diploma of higher education. Agree, not the worst prospect.

So what are we going to do? And how will ours be built? educational process?

Let's answer this with another question: what does the head of a small business do?

That's right, he controls. Hence the name of the profile - "Control small business."

But what does it mean to “manage”? To give orders? Negotiate? Control?

On the one hand, yes. During the working day, the manager reads something, communicates with someone, watches something and listens to something. But for what? To ultimately make decisions.

This is what you must learn to do - make decisions. And the better quality they are, the greater your chances of becoming a rich person.

Hence, we see our educational task as helping you learn to make decisions. But how?

We have close ties with the business world. With their help, we find problems that are solved today various enterprises. And we will give you these tasks as part of the control workshop. And we will add theoretical materials to them, in which you will find ways to solve these problems.

Of course, not all disciplines can be accompanied by such tasks. But the main ones, the profiling ones, are fine.

Therefore, the process of your education will not be monotonous, but most likely, somewhat contrasting. When working with some courses, you will have to use your full potential. And even more. But in between the main subjects, you will be able to “take a breath” on the simpler ones.

Thus, In the process of learning on this profile, you will not just read and learn something. First of all, you will solve business problems. Not outdated. Not made up. But real ones, existing here and now. Over the years of research in the field of education, we have come to understand that this is one of the most effective ways training.

In the novel The Rainmaker, John Grisham describes newly minted lawyer Rudy Baylor's thoughts about his studies as follows: “Law school is just three years of wasted time. We spent many, many hours cramming information that we would never need. We were bombarded with lectures, the contents of which we immediately forgot. We memorized court precedents and rulings that would be changed or overturned tomorrow. If I had spent fifty hours a week under the guidance of a good lawyer for the past three years, I would have become a good lawyer myself. But now I am a third-year student who is frightened by the simplest legal problems and terrified by the upcoming final exams.”

We understand that we must be your “good lawyer” under whose guidance you will spend “fifty hours a week” making all sorts of business decisions. What is all this training for? So that later you will not be frightened by the “simplest” business problems and will not be terrified by the “upcoming final exams.” And life will constantly examine you.

Please also keep in mind that education on this profile is not limited to just studying the relevant lecture materials. We will also study computer programs that help solve business problems. But that's not all. We will also read best business books. Let's watch and discuss best movies. We carefully select all this and integrate it organically into the educational process. For what?

To make good decisions, it is important to be more than just a professional. You also have to be human. When, after a successful transaction, a manager pays a bonus only to himself, and leaves only a bare salary to his employees, he understands perfectly well that he is wrong. He knows that he may lose good assistants, and with them the opportunity to conclude such deals in the future. But greed takes over. The correct solution in this case is obvious. But to accept it, common sense alone is not enough. You also need to have a sufficient degree of humanity. And this quality can only be cultivated in yourself. This is what we also intend to help you with.

That's all we have for now. We think you have enough information to make a wise decision about “where to go to study.” And if you decide to come with us, then see you soon!