The influential son-in-law of the new US President Donald Trump: what do we know about Ivanka Trump's husband Jared Kushner. Jared Kushner is a successful businessman and happy family man Jared Kushner. short biography

Jared Kushner, Trump's son-in-law,

I have long dreamed of becoming a senior advisor.

Jared Kushner, the 36-year-old son-in-law of the 45th President of the United States, Donald Trump, has taken over as a senior adviser at the White House.

At first it was just a guess, but after lawyers decided that the choice did not violate the Nepotism Act because the law did not apply to the White House, the guess became a designation. In this position, Kushner will focus on trade deals and Middle East issues.

The choice of the president is not accidental.

  • Even during the election campaign, it was Kushner who hired employees for Donald Trump’s election campaign and was responsible for the Internet strategy at the election headquarters. Largely thanks to his efforts, Trump won the election.
  • It is not without reason that knowledgeable people call his son-in-law the president’s right hand and the eminence grise in his team. Trump values ​​his son-in-law’s opinion very much: his favorite expression is “Jared will figure it out.”

What is Jared Kushner, the husband of Donald Trump's daughter Ivanka, like?

Jared Kushner. short biography

Jared Kushner, the eldest son of Charles Kushner, a real estate developer and billionaire, was born on January 10, 1981 into an Orthodox Jewish family.

Has Belarusian-Jewish roots:

  • his grandfather and grandmother came from Belarus and emigrated to America after the war.
  • Their son Charles was born there, and then their grandson Jared.

After graduating from a private Jewish school, Jared entered Harvard University and received a graduation diploma in 2003. Afterwards he continues his studies at New York University, graduating in 2007.

At 23, after his father was sent to prison for 2 years for tax evasion, his son heads his company, and at 26 he persuades his father to complete a major deal, as a result of which the family received a billion dollars. Currently, Jared is a co-owner of his father's company.

In addition to working with real estate, he is involved in publishing. At the age of 25, he purchased the weekly newspaper New York Observer for 10 million, changed the methods of presenting information, after which the newspaper’s circulation began to rise.

He met Trump's daughter Ivanka in 2008, and the wedding took place in 2009.

  • Moreover, for this, Ivanka had to convert to Judaism, since Jared’s parents saw their son’s daughter-in-law only of their faith. They insisted that Ivanka carefully study the Torah and observe all Jewish traditions.
  • Trump's daughter passed all the tests with honor, and now she and her husband are happily raising three children.

Little is known about Jared Kushner's eating habits.

  • It is noted that in the family they eat kosher food. For the sake of Shabbat, Ivanka even learned to cook from scratch and now every Saturday she pleases her family with the food she prepares, as Jared himself proudly tells reporters.
  • The family spends Friday evening and all Saturday together, turning off their phones for 25 hours. The spouses try to be together more often, even doing joint running training, since they work in different companies.

Jared Kushner's Prospects

During the election campaign, Trump appreciated the business skills and acumen of his son-in-law. He listens to his opinion more and more often and always consults with him in solving important issues.

Kushner's appointment as a senior White House adviser shows how much the president values ​​him. And some are already saying that over time, Jared Kushner may well run for president of the United States.

Trump wants to appoint his Chabad son-in-law as an adviser in the White House, and the most powerful woman in the White House will be his daughter, a Chabad activist

US President-elect Donald Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner could take over as a key adviser in the White House.

According to The Wall Street Journal, the appointment of the 35-year-old husband of Trump's daughter Ivanka as a senior or special adviser is being promoted by the president's future chief of staff, Reince Priebus, and his adviser, Stephen Bannon.

It is not yet clear whether the federal law banning the hiring of relatives applies to White House jobs. However, the son-in-law of the future president made it clear that he would get around this obstacle by refusing his salary.

Kushner, the owner of a development company founded by his father and the New York Observer newspaper, was actively involved in Trump's election campaign. In contrast to Hillary Clinton's tactics of appealing to traditional print and television media, the billionaire's son-in-law relied on the Internet and social networks. According to media reports, on the eve of the elections he was one of the closest advisers to the Republican candidate.

As Kursor said, Donald Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, is a descendant of Jewish partisans; his grandmother in her youth fought in the most famous “family unit” of the Belsky brothers, who fought the Nazis in the Belarusian forests from 1941 to 1944.

“I am the grandson of Jewish Holocaust survivors. On December 7, 1941, the day of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, the Nazis surrounded the ghetto of the city of Novogrudok and ordered its inhabitants to form two lines. So they divided people into the living and the dead,” Kushner told the newspaper in an interview The New York Observer, responding to accusations from some Jewish publicists that Trump is a "racist" and "anti-Semite" - My grandmother's sister, Esther, wanted to hide in a nearby house, but a local boy, who saw where she ran, dragged her out "Esther was among the approximately 5,100 Jews who died in the first 'action' against the Jews of Novogrudok."

Tuvia Belsky and his brothers, Zouche and Aaron, immigrated to Israel after the war, but moved to the United States in the 1950s.

In his interview, Jared Kushner said that he and his father-in-law never hid their sympathies for Israel. According to Kushner, the anti-Semitic slander against Donald Trump is the machinations of his political enemies.
As Kursor reported, two days before the presidential election, Ivanka and her husband came to the grave of the Lubavitcher Rebbe to ask for her father’s victory.

Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump got married in 2009. On the eve of the wedding, Ivanka underwent conversion, approved by one of the leading Orthodox rabbis in the United States.

A Jewish proverb says: “a Jew is not one who has Jewish parents, but one who has Jewish grandchildren.” Well, who is the new US President after this?

Is Trump good for Jews?

...When more than six months ago it became clear that Senator Bennie Sanders was hopelessly losing the primaries in the Democratic Party to Hillary Clinton, those Israelis who believed that “a Jewish president is bad for Israel” breathed a sigh of relief. Donald Trump did not cause any concerns among supporters of this theory - until they found out that the billionaire’s only daughter, Ivanka-Yael Trump-Kushnir, underwent Orthodox conversion in 2009, and since then has been leading a Jewish lifestyle, donating money to synagogues and Jewish schools, and She is also listed as an activist in the Chabad women's movement.

When, during another election show, Trump was directly asked about the religion of his eldest daughter, he did not deny it.

“Yes, one of my daughters is Jewish,” he said. - It wasn't planned, it just happened that way. And I'm glad it turned out this way. She has a wonderful Jewish family, and I have a wonderful son-in-law, a great guy, Jerad Kushnir.

Trump has five children from three marriages. Three sons - Donald Jr., Eric and Brown, and two daughters - Ivanka and Tiffany. But, of course, Ivanka-Yael was and remains the closest to him. Maybe the whole point is that she reminds Donald Trump of himself more than anyone else: like her father, Ivanka is both a successful manager and a brilliant TV show showman; like her father, she tries her hand at writing, and in addition, she is also a fashion model and one of the trendsetters for business women.

Ivanka Trump was also one of the leaders of Trump's election campaign. Political scientists have no doubt that in the near future Ivanka will become the most influential woman in the White House - without, of course, holding any official positions.

Model and fashion designer, writer and producer

Ivanka-Yael was born in 1981 from Donald Trump's first marriage to Czech model and bodybuilder Ivanna. In 2004, Ivanka, having already become a famous fashion model, graduated with honors from the School of Economics at the University of Pennsylvania. Thanks to her father's connections and position, she almost immediately entered the upper echelon of managers of the Forest City real estate company. And from there she soon moved to the marketing department of Dynamic Diamond Corporation, which specializes in the sale of diamonds.

However, young Miss Trump clearly wanted to prove that she was worth something in her own right. In the second half of the 2000s, she founded her own jewelry manufacturing company, the Ivonka Trump Collection. Soon the company also began producing women's clothing and shoes, which were advertised by the owner herself as a fashion model.

The success of “clothing and jewelry for the working woman from Ivanka Trump” was phenomenal. Ivanka formulated the ideology of her company simply: “These are clothes in which a woman is not ashamed to come to the office during the day, and in the evening she is not ashamed to appear in a restaurant if a man invites her there.”

In 2006, Ivanka took part in the popular reality show “The Candidate,” in which her father acts as host and producer at the same time, and lasted for six episodes, so she was offered participation in the next season of the show.

In the wake of her popularity, Ivanka began to be invited to various television shows, and in some of them she tried herself as a presenter - and again very successfully. And in 2009, her book “Trump Card” was published. How to Play to Succeed at Work and in Life,” which was even on the business literature bestseller list for several months.

By this time, she already had a whirlwind romance with Jerad Kushnir, the son of multimillionaire and one of the leaders of the Jewish community of New York, Charles Kushnir. By all accounts, they made a very beautiful couple, but it was not only about appearance - the young people were brought together by the desire to prove that they were both worth something, regardless of their fathers, and both were able to do this.

Love brought me to conversion

Jerad Kushnir, who also graduated with honors from the university, acquired the New York Observer newspaper at the age of 25, proved himself to be a talented editor, and by the age of 30 was already a media tycoon. The only obstacle to their marriage was that the Kushnirov family was not ready to accept a non-Jewish daughter-in-law, and then Ivanka announced that she was ready to convert.

“I have always had many Jewish friends, I have always been interested in Judaism, so I can’t even say what is the cause and what is the effect: my interest in Judaism or the fact that Jerad turned out to be a Jew who observes religious commandments,” she admitted in an interview. - In any case, I always knew that I wanted to marry a Jew.

It soon became clear that Ivanka, who by that time had occupied the post of vice president in one of her father’s companies, took her transition to Judaism more than seriously: she underwent not a reformist, but a strict Orthodox conversion, and began to observe religious commandments.

The wedding of Ivanka, who took the Hebrew name Yael, and Jerad Kushnir was played, of course, according to a religious ceremony. True, under the chuppah, Ivanka-Yael kept trying to take her husband’s arm, and the rabbi was forced to remind the bride again and again that until all the necessary words were said, she and the groom had no right to touch each other.

After the wedding, for 7 days, as prescribed by Jewish tradition, feasts with “sheva brachot” (“seven blessings”) were organized every evening. About a thousand guests took part in one of these feasts - almost all relatives of the large Kushnir family.

She prayed at the grave of the Lubavitcher Rebbe

So that the Almighty sends victory to her father.

Now Ivanka-Yael and Jerad Kushnir are raising three children - Donald Trump’s third grandson was born during the election campaign. However, the star couple constantly came to the attention of the media before that, and not only as participants in social events.

So last fall, journalists photographed Ivanka and Jerad as they left the synagogue in festive clothes.

“Charming Ivanka Trump holds her husband’s arm, and Jerad is holding a bag of fruit and a bouquet of flowers that he bought for his wife,” read the caption under one of the photos.

Although, if the journalists had shown greater conscientiousness, they would have found out that what Jerad Kushnir is holding in his hands is not a bouquet, but a lulav, which Jews offer during prayer on the holiday of Sukkot. And the box contains not fruit, but an etrog, which is part of the lulav.

Not long ago, one of the journalists invited Ivanka-Yael for an interview at a restaurant. She warned that she could only eat vegetarian food there.

“We keep kosher,” she explained.

—What other commandments of Judaism do you observe? - asked the journalist, shocked for some reason by these words.

- Another Saturday, the laws of family purity, and everything else. Of course, we do not observe everything as strictly and scrupulously as the ultra-Orthodox, but at the same time, to a much greater extent than, alas, other young Jewish families in America do.

- And this doesn’t burden you? - the journalist did not let up.

- What are you talking about?! - Ivanka answered. — The further I go, the more I understand that most of the commandments of Judaism are aimed at ensuring that a person has a truly happy family. For example, on Saturday, like it or not, the spouses find themselves together and can sort out all the relationships, resolve all conflicts and truly get closer to each other. My father, however, for a long time refused to understand why I couldn’t pick up the phone for 25 hours, but it seems that now even he has gotten used to it.

The Jewishness of Yael-Ivanka and Jerad Kushnir is manifested, of course, not only in the fact that they regularly attend the synagogue, keep kashrut, the Sabbath and the commandments of the purity of family life, but, as already mentioned, in their active participation in the life of the Jewish community of New York. York and donate a lot of money to Jewish schools and various community events. In addition, Ivanka and her husband do not hide the fact that they are great patriots of Israel, although they still have not decided where they will buy an apartment - in Jerusalem or Tel Aviv.

How Trump Vodka came to be

But as for Ivonka’s political views, they remain a mystery. It is known, for example, that in 2007, she donated money to Hillary Clinton’s election campaign.

However, this may be explained by the fact that Ivanka-Yael is a friend of Chelsea Clinton, the daughter of Bill and Hillary Clinton. Chelsea, as you know, is also married to a Jew, but did not convert. It is known that the friends agreed, regardless of the outcome of the presidential elections, to arrange a “get-together” in November.

Be that as it may, it is known that it was at the insistence of his daughter that Trump sent a note to the Western Wall on the eve of the election, and Ivonka herself prayed at the grave of the Lubavitcher Rebbe that God would send her father victory.

Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump at the inaugural ball, January 20, 2017

The news that Jared Kushner, a famous millionaire and part-time son-in-law of the 45th President of the United States, would enter the White House as a senior adviser, of course, was not unexpected. He has long had the reputation of being the closest partner to Trump. However, business and family ties are not the only things that connect these two. Throughout his father-in-law's election campaign, Jared was responsible for personnel policy at the campaign headquarters, and also supported Trump in his own newspaper, The Observer. And only the lazy don’t talk about his exceptional influence on President Trump now.

Jared Kushner (right) listens to Donald Trump's speech to US auto industry leaders, January 24, 2017

The Vanity Fair magazine has already dubbed Jared the “young copy” of his father-in-law, and the BBC calls him “the quiet millionaire behind Trump,” and we can confidently say that there are very eloquent facts behind such nicknames. Thus, Kushner was the only relative of Donald Trump whom the president-elect was the first to invite to visit the White House immediately after the election results were announced. And while Donald Trump was having his first official conversation with Barack Obama, journalists managed to capture Jared Kushner walking around the area of ​​the famous mansion in the company of Denis McDonough, the chief of staff of the White House under Barack Obama. Journalists immediately assumed that McDonough was sharing with Kushner all the secrets of doing business in the presidential administration.

Ivanka and Jared at the inaugural ball, January 20, 2017

Finally, in January, Donald Trump officially announced the appointment of his son-in-law as his senior adviser. Few doubted that such an appointment was possible in practice, but whether it was legally possible is a big question. The fact is that the US Anti-Nepotism Act of 1967 prohibits American officials from hiring relatives in their departments. The public also feared that the advisory post would allow Kushner to promote his own business interests at the presidential administration level. But Kushner himself hastened to reassure the country: if he enters politics, he will hand over control of his businesses, as well as provide full accounting of his financial condition. Moreover, the US Department of Justice did not see anything illegal in Trump’s decision, and therefore all those who disagree will have to come to terms with the fact that a new political clan may soon appear in the US.

Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner with their children leave the Capitol after the inauguration of the 45th President of the United States, January 20, 2017

Meanwhile, if a new clan does form, Kushner will give it several characteristic features that may frighten or inspire any American.

Catalyst and peacemaker

Jared comes from a family of Orthodox Jews and is known to have an exceptional respect for family history and the traditions of his people. His father, Charles Kushner, is not only one of the richest developers in the United States, but also leads the Jewish community in New York. Now that Jared himself boasts a multimillion-dollar fortune, he regularly makes donations to the needs of the community. Jared's wife Ivanka Trump also does not stand aside: she considers her main responsibility to be supporting traditional Jewish education.

Wedding photo of Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump, October 25, 2009

Family on a walk: pregnant Ivanka Trump with her husband and two children, on the eve of giving birth, March 26, 2016

By the way, the marriage between Donald Trump’s daughter and Jared Kushner would never have happened if Ivanka had not converted to Judaism. She herself admitted in an interview that she had always been interested in the Jewish faith and wanted to marry a Jew, and the fact that her lover turned out to be a zealous guardian of traditions only strengthened her intention. Moreover, Ivanka herself also prefers not to break tradition: together with her husband and children, she regularly attends the synagogue, and also observes kashrut and Shabbat.

Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump at the MET Gala, May 2, 2016

By the way, it was precisely the presence of a Jewish son-in-law that allowed Donald Trump to checkmate all those who accused him of anti-Semitism. And Kushner himself even published an appeal in The Observer in the summer, in which he told how his grandmother escaped from the Jewish ghetto in the Belarusian city of Novogrudok during the Second World War and, having joined the Belsky partisan detachment, met her future husband, with whom they and moved to the USA. This story was intended to prove to everyone that Donald Trump, having intermarried with a Jewish family, cannot be an anti-Semite by definition.

In the Donald Trump administration, Jared will not only take the post of senior adviser, but will also become the US special envoy to the Middle East. Kushner's main mission will be to resolve the conflict between Israel and Palestine. Commenting on his decision, Donald Trump said: “If Jared Kushner doesn’t achieve peace in the Middle East, no one will.”

Jared Kushner arrives for the inauguration of the 45th President of the United States, January 20, 2017

Business rhetoric for the White House

Like Donald Trump once, Kushner is accused of lacking any political experience. And Jared himself, like the entire Trump family, quite often compares the conduct of government affairs with business: with miscalculating risks, with concluding deals, and so on. In an interview, Kushner said: “The state consists of many layers - this is done in order to avoid mistakes. The problem with this approach is that it is very expensive and ineffective. In business, we empower smart people to do the work they need to do and give them the freedom they need to do it.”

America's two leading families at Donald Trump's inauguration, January 20, 2017

Moreover, Jared himself grew up in a wealthy family and often encountered confirmation of the eternal rule “Money is everything.” So, despite modest academic success in a Jewish school, Jared still entered Harvard (but only after the young man’s father donated an impressive amount to the development of the temple of science). However, such an “investment” by the father in his son’s education did bear fruit: while still a student, Jared was able to conclude a deal for Kushner Properties for $20 million.

A tender moment: Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner kiss during Donald Trump's inauguration, January 20, 2017

It is obvious that thinking in business categories is an established and long-established trait in the character of the 35-year-old millionaire. The American press especially loves to “catch” Jared and Ivanka by how they describe their love in the language of businessmen and businessmen. For example, the couple calls their acquaintance (which took place during a joint business lunch) and subsequent marriage “the best deal” they have ever made. And when talking about his family responsibilities, Jared calls Ivanka the “chief executive officer” of their home, and himself a regular “board member.”

Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner the day before Trump's inauguration, January 19, 2017

Jared Kushner as a senior adviser to President Trump at a meeting with the heads of auto industry leaders (pictured with the back of the heads of Ford Motor and Fiat Chrysler Automobiles), January 24, 2017

How much this approach will really help Jared help his father-in-law make big politics, time will tell. But one thing is clear: Donald Trump himself is not at all against it.

Crossing elites

As Ivanka admits in numerous interviews and on social networks, Jared is a very family man who deeply values ​​family ties. But here, not everything is so smooth, because, having become related to the Trump family (who, by the way, before Jared’s marriage to Ivanka were the Kushners’ main competitors), Jared is a welcome member of both famous families, which obviously deprives him of unity and harmony with his family .

Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump at the 2016 US Open tennis tournament, September 11, 2016

There is no enmity between the Kushners and the Trumps, but their affairs (including political ones) often intersect, and the center of the intersections, of course, is Jared.

Surprisingly, almost the entire Kushner family openly supports the Democratic Party. Jared’s younger brother Joshua Kushner even went out with his friend, top model Karlie Kloss, on January 21 to the so-called “Women’s March” against Donald Trump. Jared himself was once involved in supporting Democrats, but, of course, when his father-in-law entered the election race, he immediately reconsidered his priorities.

Joshua Kushner with his longtime friend, top model Karlie Kloss, 2016

Jared's father spent his entire life donating huge sums of money supporting Democrats. Often for the sake of commercial interest, for which he paid: in 2004, Charles Kushner was sentenced to two years in prison for illegally sponsoring politicians and tax evasion.

By the way, a criminal investigation against Jared’s father was then opened by the federal prosecutor from the state of New Jersey, Chris Christie, who then rose to the post of governor of the state, took part in the election race and, finally, became... a consultant to Donald Trump himself and was even considered for the post of vice president. president and head of the transition team.

Jared Kushner, at Trump Tower, January 2017

We don't know if the quiet and peace-loving Jared is truly bent on revenge, but one thing the press has made clear is that Chris Christie has not taken any of the proposed positions.

One of the most significant figures in the new American world is Jared Kushner, the husband of his beloved daughter Ivanka. Even during the election campaign, he was spoken of as the “gray eminence” in the candidate’s team. Trump's victory added political weight to Kushner: he is responsible for establishing relations with several countries and monitoring the fulfillment of presidential promises. His path to political Olympus looks like an easy walk, which cannot be said about the history of his family, which experienced ups and downs, but was able to fully take advantage of the opportunities opening up to the citizens of the United States.

“Family comes first” - this is how, in the manner of the godfather Don Corleone, in October 2016, Jared Kushner answered a question from The New York Observer magazine about who, in his opinion, should become president. And he clearly did not prevaricate - his entire biography serves as proof of this. And apparently, the understanding of how important it is to stick to your own people was instilled in Jared by the matriarch of the Kushner clan, Raisa, who survived the monstrous conditions of the Nazi occupation of Belarus.

Fight for life

1941 Western Belarus. Less than two weeks had passed since Germany’s attack on the Soviet Union: while the surrounded units of the Red Army were dying in the Novogrudok cauldron, the Germans took Minsk, and then Novogrudok itself.

All Jews in the city were forced to sew yellow stars on their clothes. Doctors, lawyers and representatives of other intellectual professions were shot right in the central square of the city. To wash away the blood, a detachment of cleaners was formed from 50 Jewish girls - among them was Raya Kushner.

Tens of thousands of unfortunates were driven into the Novogrudok ghetto, where purges were periodically carried out. By mid-1943, Rai's mother and one of her sisters had already died: the girl remained with her father, brother and second sister.

Then approximately 500 prisoners decided to escape from Nazi captivity. We dug a tunnel - with our hands. The escape was successful, but Rai's brother died. The remaining Kushners joined the partisan detachment of the Belsky brothers and, as part of it, waited for the arrival of the Red Army.

After the end of the war in 1945, Raya married carpenter Joseph Berkovich, whom she met in the detachment. They illegally fled to Italy on foot, where they received an American visa in a refugee camp.

Land of opportunity

Having moved to the United States, Joseph (by then becoming Joseph) settled with his wife in Brooklyn, New York. He worked on construction sites in New Jersey: “Hatchet Joe” was great at the townhouses he built and rented out. The Kushners quickly amassed a decent fortune. They had two sons, Murray and Charlie, and a daughter, Esther.

When his father died, Charles took over the family business. He succeeded - the family already owned 20 thousand apartments, shares in the banking and hotel businesses.

The Kushners spared no expense on charity - they financed the construction of yeshivas (Jewish educational institutions) and helped those in need. Raisa Kushner is one of the founders of the United States Holocaust Museum.

In 1981, Charles had a son, Jared. He grew up in a large, friendly and very religious family. His aunts, uncles and cousins ​​regularly visited them for Shabbat dinners.

Fall of the Patriarch

Charles Kushner became involved in politics and became a leading donor. Famous politicians from all over the country - including, for example - regularly visited him.

With the financial support of Charles Kushner, Jim McGreevy was elected governor of New Jersey: to circumvent the limit on the number of donations, Charles transferred money to the politician's campaign on behalf of other family members.

Having won, the governor rushed to return the favor by nominating Kushner to head the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. This would allow him to receive a generous contract to restore the Twin Towers destroyed on September 11, 2001.

However, not everyone liked this prospect. Charles's brother, Murray, once an ally and now a business competitor, accused him of embezzlement. As a witness, Murray brought in a former accountant of the Kushner Companies holding: he stated that Charles donated money to politicians that he illegally took from the working capital of his company.

The scandal in the eminent family attracted the attention of an ambitious New Jersey prosecutor: Charles Kushner was formally charged. He withdrew his candidacy from the election of head of the port authority. Charles considered his sister Esther to be the main culprit of the incident, who, he believes, helped the investigation.

Charles took revenge: he sent a prostitute to Esther’s husband, filmed their lovemaking and sent the video to his sister. However, he did not take into account that an attempt to destroy the witness’s marriage would be regarded as an attempt to put pressure on her and disrupt the course of the investigation. It turned out that Charles dug a hole for himself, and in order to somehow ease the situation, he was forced to confess to all his sins: 18 episodes of tax evasion, an attempt to influence witnesses and illegal financing of political campaigns. In 2005, he was sentenced to two years in prison.

Christie was triumphant, not suspecting that this triumph would come back to haunt his career about ten years later.

The family's new standard bearer

By this time, Jared had graduated - it was not so much his academic success that helped him get there as his father's multimillion-dollar donations - and decided to restore his family's reputation at all costs. To expand his media capabilities, he acquired The New York Observer, a newspaper popular among educated and influential residents of the Big Apple.

Charles was released after serving a year and a half. However, he did not return to the post of head of the company, leaving it to Jared - with a clean biography it is easier to get loans. Father and son formed a wonderful tandem - their business was booming, and soon the family owned several New York skyscrapers and a significant part of the prestigious Brooklyn Heights district. The Kushner company's staff expanded from 70 to 700 employees. Against the backdrop of these successes, no one remembered Charles’ criminal record.

In 2007, at a business dinner, Jared met the daughter of construction magnate Donald Trump, Ivanka. Two years later, when, at the insistence of the Kushner family, she studied at the synagogue and converted to Judaism, they got married.

March on Washington

In June 2015, Donald Trump announced his intention to fight for the presidency, and Jared immediately volunteered to help, because he believed that this was his family duty. But he had no real interest in the struggle for power. In addition, Jared grew up in a family that supports Democrats.

As Kushner himself later admitted, everything changed on November 9, 2015. That day, 10 thousand of his enthusiastic supporters gathered in a huge conference hall in Springfield (Illinois) to meet with Donald Trump. And Jared finally realized what real politics was.

He reconsidered his attitude to many issues. For example, previously the problem of immigration for him was reduced only to the influx of specialists to Silicon Valley, and he thought about reducing greenhouse gas emissions only in the context of the environment, forgetting about the needs of coal industry workers. Kushner traveled around the country with Trump, saw real America and the needs of ordinary citizens.

He set to work with zeal: looking for advisers for Trump, helping him write speeches, completely rethinking his online campaign strategy and fundraising campaign. Using Facebook, he turned a baseball cap with the politician's slogan “Make America Great Again” into a fashion accessory: targeted advertising on the Internet brought the campaign $80,000 daily. “He's just a rock star. A real mad scientist,” admitted Trump’s online campaign coordinator Brad Parscale.

At the pinnacle of power

Trump's victory allowed Kushner to get even with the offender of his family. Chris Christie, who sent Charles Kushner to jail despite his loyalty to Trump, was, thanks to Jared's efforts, erased from the president and deprived of the chance to get a place in the administration.

Kushner got, perhaps, the best office in the White House - his office is adjacent to the presidential dining room. The furnishings in the office are spartan - no trinkets or paintings on the walls. Here, sitting at a large desk, Jared solves key problems for America. He is responsible for many projects - the arms deal with Saudi Arabia, relations with China, Israel, Canada and Mexico, reform of the Department of Veterans Affairs and the fight against opioid addiction.

Kushner calmly works on long-term projects, without fear that the political winds will turn against him: Trump, like Jared himself, knows the value of strong family ties. They both came from the world of New York development, both are considered political newcomers. Family ties and a similar background - what else is needed for mutual trust and fruitful work?

Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner have been together for more than 10 years and have 3 children.

Despite the fact that a lot is written about this couple in various media, they are constantly in the public eye, there are many interesting facts about the development of their relationship that not everyone knows.

A list of such facts was compiled by the publication.

1. The media gave their couple the name J-Vanka

The media began using this name in 2007, when the couple was still hiding their relationship. By the way, Jared calls Ivanka Iva.

2. Ivanka described their first date as “their best deal ever.”

They were introduced by a real estate businessman who thought Ivanka and Jared could work out a business deal, but instead they fell in love.

3. They briefly broke up in 2008 over religion.

Jared is Jewish, so his parents were against his marriage to Ivanka, and the couple had to separate. But they soon got back together, Ivanka converted to Judaism, although even after that she had to go through a lot from Kushner’s parents.

4. They are both workaholics

Ivanka admitted that she is happy for her husband when he works late, because she knows how nice it is to fulfill her duties, and Ivanka herself is often late at work.

5. After they got engaged, Ivanka learned to cook.

“I was completely incompetent in the kitchen. There was a moment in my life when I would have Googled how to boil an egg,” Ivanka admitted in an interview. She added that she loves to cook for her husband and children, and does it at least once a week.

6. Ivanka told Forbes that Jared and her father “initially agreed on their love for her and real estate.”

When Jared realized that his relationship with Ivanka was heading towards marriage, he decided to have lunch with his future father-in-law at Trump Grill, where he informed Trump of the seriousness of his intentions. The businessman advised him to "get really serious about this relationship."

7. Jared wasn't involved in the wedding planning.

In an interview, Ivanka noted that Jared put a lot of time and effort into designing her special ring (with a 5.22-carat stone), so she felt that he had every right to relax while preparing the wedding party, which she was in charge of.

8. Ivanka included an ad for Donald Trump's golf club in her wedding invitations.

Guests were offered a free round of golf at one of Trump's specialty clubs.

9. “During the ceremony, the bride kept trying to take the groom’s hand,” noted the New York Post.

10. Donald Trump gave a very short and banal toast at a wedding.

He simply told the newlyweds to "be happy and enjoy life."

11. Their wedding song was very sad

Song Love This Year's David Gray sounded very romantic, but the verses included the words that "the heart is breaking." Later, Ivanka gave birth to their first daughter, Arabella, to the same song.

12. During their wedding, they exchanged flip-flops and a Hebrew book.

The insoles read "Jared" and "Ivanka" and "The Great Couple."

13. Gifts

After the wedding, Jared's parents treated the couple to a spa weekend, while Donald Trump invited them to play golf with Samuel L. Jackson and Anthony Anderson.

14. Donald Trump doesn't think Jared and Ivanka should do business together. Ivanka really didn’t like this interview.

15. Wedding ring

After the wedding, Ivanka often appeared without her wedding ring. In an interview The View she explained it this way: "I was engaged for 3 months and then I was married for about 8 days, so the ring is on my nightstand, I forget to put it on."

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