Study of career depending on the field of activity. Types of management decisions. I. Depending on the field of activity in the proposed classification, economic, organizational are distinguished. Depending on the field of activity

The professional experience of the applicant plays a key role for future employment! Therefore, you need to correctly provide information about the areas and companies in which you worked before. Let's see: how and why to specify the area labor activity how to write a resume and cover letter when changing it.

What is the field of activity

The field of activity is the type of work or service in which a company or person takes part. Choosing future profession the area of ​​work is initially determined, and then a specific vacancy in the field.

For example: an accountant can work in the general financial sphere, as well as in a narrower one - tax. And an electrician, both in production and in a narrower one - automotive.

What are the areas of activity

It is worth starting with the division of labor into two categories - commercial and non-commercial. Activities can bring not only material income, but also give spiritual satisfaction. If there comes a period when yours, for example: carving figures from wood, receives demand and is sold, the occupation becomes commercial.

The world market economy consists of related areas of employment, which include: government structures, business, education, medicine and creativity. But if you go deeper, you can break down a person’s labor into narrower categories:

  • Working specialties, production
  • Retail
  • Secretariat, office work, AHO
  • Agriculture, agribusiness
  • Media, publishing, printing
  • Insurance
  • Construction, architecture
  • Service sector
  • Telecommunications and communications
  • Top management, senior management
  • Transport, auto business
  • Personnel Management,
  • Finance, banks
  • Jurisprudence

Scope of the company

The field of activity of a company or production is a fixed range of services provided and work performed as provided for by the tax code.

When registering a business, one or more KVED codes (classifier of types economic activity) to inform government bodies what kind of work the organization will do.

There are a huge number of different companies in terms of specifics, and each of them has its own economic classification.

Sections of the first level of KVED

Cover letter when changing the field of activity

Need to add a resume cover letter, for more frank facts: explain the reason for leaving your previous job and justify your interest in the current vacancy. Concisely summarize your strengths, list strengths, giving profitable stories of real situations.

To consolidate, declare a desire to learn, show interest on a volunteer basis, tell us about communication with colleagues in new profession, from which you will learn the necessary details for successful work.

My name is ( enter your first and last name).

I have heard positive feedback about the LLC company and its team more than once. I studied your corporate website, and it became quite obvious to me that you are exactly the company and the team that I always wanted to be a part of.
Recently, I saw an open vacancy for “Intern in the Strategy and Development Department” on the company’s website and I want to offer my candidacy for this position.
I understand perfectly well that this is the initial stage. However, this is my conscious choice, as this position is of great interest to me. I am ready to learn, gain new experience, develop and work based on long term.
I carefully read the requirements specified in the vacancy and I am sure that I can apply for this position, as I have the necessary education in the field of marketing / management, I know English language and also have experience with office programs.
I am ready to study analysis and market research in order to bring fresh ideas, which, in turn, will bring the necessary result and benefit to the company, as well as allow me to contribute to its development.

Thank you for considering my candidacy. I would be grateful for a response and an invitation to an interview at a convenient time for you.

Please contact me on contacts:

I recommend that you strengthen your appeal by sending your resume to the HR email along with a cover letter, and then call the recruitment service and ask them to consider your candidacy. This should show your motivation for getting the job.

I hope I helped you understand the topic, but remember: the information in the application form and letter should, at least minimally, reflect the requirements of the vacancy. And also that there are no ideal candidates and you always have a chance to get a desired job. Share the article with your friends in social networks check resume for and don't forget to ask

Goals and objectives of management

3. socio-political

4. financial and economic

5. marketing

6. personnel management

Features of management in conditions market economy

1. orientation of the organization to the demand and needs of the market

2. striving to improve production efficiency, obtaining optimal results at the lowest cost

3. economic independence of organizations, ensuring freedom of decision-making

4. ensuring transparency of financial and economic activities

5. constant adjustment of goals and programs depending on the state of the market

6. identification of the final result of the organization's activities, summing up, analysis of financial and economic activities

7. use of modern information base for multivariate calculations when making reasonable and optimal decisions

Types of management and its components

Types of management:

1. Administrative - management of public and private enterprises

2. State - activities of links executive power at the national level

3. Strategic - associated with setting the goals of the organization and maintaining certain relationships with environment that allow her to achieve her goals and correspond to her internal capabilities. (strategy - a set of rules that guide an organization when making decisions management decisions long-term nature; action plan). This issue requires compliance with the norms of organizational behavior

4. Production - a system of elements that characterize production, its organization and Maintenance. Goal: Fulfillment production program, which determines the list of quantities and terms, as well as the cost of manufactured products

5. Innovative (innovation is the profitable use of innovations in the form of new technologies, types of products and services, organizational, technical and socio-economic decisions of an industrial, financial, commercial, etc. nature). Purpose: practical use of scientific, scientific and technical results and intellectual potential in order to obtain a new or improve an already manufactured product, its production method, as well as meet the needs of society for competitive goods and services

6. Investment (investment - long-term investments capital for profit). Purpose: investment management in a specific sector of the economy, in the development of the company, production

7. Marketing management (marketing is the process of identifying, analyzing and shaping consumer needs and desires, directing resources to the company to satisfy them with greater benefit for the manufacturer). Purpose: the activity is aimed at developing concepts and proposals for strategic planning, coordinating activities with other production structures, as well as analyzing and monitoring the goals set for marketing

8. Personnel management - consists in personnel management at the enterprise. Goal: achieve the most effective use abilities of employees in accordance with the goals of the enterprise and society. At the same time, the health of each person must be observed.

9. Financial - manifested in budgeting and planning both at the macro and micro levels, this category also includes analysis of the received financial results in order to compare the obtained indicators with the planned ones, to identify positive and negative results of financial activities in order to take them into account in further planning

10. Accounting - consists in collecting and processing information, disclosing reserves to ensure a better use of the existing potential

Components of management: the mission of the company and its goals; planning (formation of ways to achieve the goal); organization (organization of the management process); motivation (determining the moments that contribute to the achievement of goals); control (of the management process itself or as an assessment (analysis of the results))

Principles of effective management

I. Principles of priorities: human factor, motivation, professionalism

II. Principles of critical factors: time factor, information technology, corporatism

III. Orientation principles: mission and strategy, quality, creativity

Management functions

1. planning - manifested in the definition of goals and priorities for the direction of development of the organization, as well as in the preparation of programs of necessary actions aimed at achieving the goals set. Types of scheduling: long-term (3-5 years), medium-term (at least 1 year), short-term (up to a year). Strategic planning is a set of decisions and actions taken by a manager to achieve the goals set by the organization. Kinds strategic planning: distribution of resources, adaptation to the external environment, internal coordination of the company's work, accounting for organizational strategies of past years

2. organization - manifested in the development of rules that are formulated by managers for the effective distribution of responsibilities and division of labor, which allows the transition from plans to actions. Organization features: organizational design is carried out by dividing the entire company into blocks in the most important areas, the organization of the work process is designed to ensure the effective functioning and interaction of various company structures

3. management - consists of a system of certain rules that contribute to the implementation of the goals and objectives. The management process implies a set of measures that allow the organization to achieve effective results while using minimal costs.

4. Motivation - is a process of stimulating the company's employees to activities strictly aimed at achieving the set goals. Types of motivations: moral influence (suggestion), economic incentives

5. control - is the observation of how effectively the organization is fulfilling its goal. This function assumes the possibility of correcting deviations from the chosen directions for the implementation of the task. Control allows you to timely identify and correct problems that have arisen before they become irreversible.

School of Scientific Management

1. School of "scientific management". Associated with the names of F. Taylor, Frank and Lily Gilbert. G. Gantt. They were engaged in: analyzing the content of work and its main elements, measuring the time spent on the implementation of labor methods, work movements, identifying unproductive movements, developing rational labor methods - all this was considered as a means of improving production. Efficient procedures, tools and equipment were also offered. The founders (F. W. Taylor) of the school proposed incentives to increase the interest of workers in increasing productivity and output. In addition, the need for rest and inevitable breaks in work was envisaged so that the time allocated to certain tasks was realistic. Also, production standards were set, for the excess of which you have to pay extra. The importance of selecting people who fit the job they are doing and the need for training were recognized. Management functions were singled out by the school of scientific management in a separate area professional activity

School of Behavioral Sciences.

The greatest contribution to the development of the behavioral direction was made by such scientists as K. Argyris, R. Likert, D. McGregor, Maslow. They studied various aspects social interaction, motivation, the nature of power and authority, leadership, communication in organizations, the quality of a person's working life. New Approach sought to assist the worker to a greater extent in understanding his own capabilities through the application of the concepts of the behavioral sciences to the construction and management of organizations. The main goal of the school was to improve the efficiency of the organization by increasing the efficiency of its human resources. Main postulate was that the correct application of the science of behavior will always increase the efficiency of both the employee and the organization.

The behavioral doctrine orients managerial activity to shift the emphasis from tasks to the person (care for the person). The person is seen as main value organization (which is based on professional and personal characteristics).

This school has deviated significantly from the school human relations focusing mainly on ways to build interpersonal relationships.

The fundamental principles of management formulated by the school, which are widely applied in personnel management modern organization:

v Loyalty to employees

v Responsibility as required condition successful management

v Creation of a psychological climate conducive to the disclosure of the abilities of the employees of the organization

v Establishing the share of each employee in the overall results

v Using people practices that ensure job satisfaction

v Manager Compliance ethical standards in business

v Honesty and trust in staff

13. School of Management Science. The School of Management Science was formed in the early 1950s. and is still operating successfully. The most famous representatives of this school are R. Akoff, L. Bertalanfi, S. Beer, A. Goldberger, D. Fosrester, R. Luce, L. Klein, N. Georgescu-Regan. The formation of the school of management science is associated with the emergence of cybernetics and operations research. At its core, operations research is the application of scientific research methods to the operational problems of an organization. After the problem is formulated, the operations research team develops a model of the situation. Model- a form of representation of reality, simplifying this reality, facilitating the understanding of its complexities. After the model is created, the variables are assigned quantitative values. This allows you to objectively compare and describe each variable and the relationships between them. Models acquire especially importance when decisions need to be made difficult situations requiring evaluation of several alternatives. A key characteristic of management science is replacement of verbal reasoning with models, symbols and quantitative values.

Control functions.

v Planning is a forward-looking, structured decision-making process based on the organization's goals

v Regulation - the formation of corrective control actions that bring the control object to the desired state. This function involves the selection, analysis and evaluation of ways to achieve the goals.

v Control - comparison of the actual state of the object with the planned or desired

v Accounting - the process of obtaining objective information about the current situation at the enterprise for the implementation of specified algorithms. After bringing plans to fruition. And also in the process of their implementation, a situation of deviation from the plan is possible.
Reasons for rejection:

The influence of the external environment

· Inaccuracy and inaccuracy of performance

Imperfection of the main plan

v Analysis is the process by which an idea of ​​the current situation on the object is formed. This function is designed to compare the planned and obtained results, as well as to identify the reasons for the deviation in the development of the object from the tasks set. Based on the data obtained as a result of the analysis, conclusions are drawn about various directions activities of the company (object).

Tasks and goals of the organization.

Organization goals- these are the final states or the desired result, which the labor collective strives to achieve. The organization always has at least one common goal, which all members of the labor collective strive to achieve. Organizations that have several interrelated goals are called complex organizations. It is important that the intended labor collective the goals for the organization were realistic and achievable.

§ The main ones are commercial (profit making, cost reduction, increasing profitability, solvency, financial stability, increasing market share) and social (attracting consumers and employees)

§ Providing - qualification and experience of employees, motivation, effectiveness of management (clearness of work, striving for results), efficiency of connectedness of departments.

The mission of the organization- this is a prescribed work or part of it (operations, procedures), which must be performed in a predetermined way within a predetermined time frame. They are determined by the interests of the owner, the amount of capital, the situation within the enterprise, external environment. From a technological point of view, tasks in an organization are assigned not to an employee, but to a position. In accordance with the structure of the organization, each position is assigned a number of tasks that are considered as a necessary contribution to the achievement of the goals of the organization.

v receipt of income by the owner of the enterprise (among the owners may be the state, shareholders, private individuals);

v providing consumers with the company's products in accordance with contracts and market demand;

v provision of enterprise personnel salary, normal

working conditions and opportunities for professional growth;

v creation of jobs for the population living in the vicinity of the enterprise;

v environmental protection: land, air and water basins;

v prevention of disruptions in the work of the enterprise (disruption of delivery, release of defective products, a sharp reduction in production volumes and a decrease in profitability).

Tasks: formation of an organizational structure, division into parts (divisions), delegation of authority and responsibility.

Organization functions.

Organization- a group of people united common goal, tasks and program. The meaning of the term "organization" is the process of organizing the activities of people or groups of people united to achieve some goal. An organization (enterprise) cannot exist unorganized, because organizational activity is the deciding factor.

Organization functions:

· Economic - consists in the fact that the team carries out joint labor activities at the enterprise, as a result of which material and spiritual values ​​\u200b\u200bare created for the purpose of their subsequent implementation.

· Social - consists in meeting the social needs of team members, such as the opportunity to work, communicate, receive moral and material rewards, share experience, etc.

32. The life cycle of the organization.


1. Creation (formation, entrepreneurship)

2. Growth (collectivity)

3. Maturity

1. Creation - characterized by fuzzy goals, but high creative possibilities.

2. Height – formation corporate culture, rules, setting high obligations.

3. Maturity - development and approval of the main positions and activities of the company, the formation of a complex structure of the organization, the conquest and approval of the organization in a certain sector of the economy.

4. decline - staff turnover, increasing conflicts.

Each organization seeks to overcome the stage of decline, maintain the position of the organization, maintain and increase production efficiency.

Organization elements.

1. Target - that for which this organization was created, operates and will operate in the future.

2. Mission (external goal) - for external participants in the process.

Ø Basic:

§ Commercial (profit, cost reduction, increase in market share)

§ Social (attracting consumers and employees)

Ø Providing (auxiliary):

§ Qualifications and experience of employees

§ Motivation

§ Effectiveness of management

§ Efficiency of unit connectivity

3. Staff - the totality of all human resources possessed by the organization; human capital(competence, education)

4. Control - the process of coordinating various types of activities, taking into account their goals, conditions for performing tasks, stages of implementing the plan.

The most important task of managers all levels of management - not to do the work yourself, but to organize others to do it.

The essence of the concept of "system".

System- a set of interrelated objects that form a certain integrity and unity.

System elements- parts of the system, which, as a rule, are indivisible.

Properties of the system- certain qualities that allow you to describe the system and distinguish it from other systems.

System connections- that which connects the elements of the system and its properties.

State of the system is estimated at a given time and is characterized by values ​​that are essential for the problem being solved.

Types of systems:

§ open (cybernetic) interact with the outside world, exchange information with the environment.

§ Closed (non-cybernetic) - there is no receipt of resources and exchange of information with the external environment. A closed system draws energy from within itself.

Basic laws.

The law of synergy: the sum of the properties of the organizational whole is greater than the arithmetic sum of the properties of its elements.

Law of Least: the structural stability of the whole is determined by the stability of its smallest link.

Development law: each system strives to achieve the greatest total potential during the passage of all stages of the life cycle.

Law of self-preservation: each system seeks to preserve itself, using its full potential for this.

The law of unity, analysis and synthesis: the processes of separation, specialization and differentiation, on the one hand, are complemented by opposite processes - connection, cooperation and integration; on the other hand, they contribute to the process of formation and development of the organization.

Law of information and order: in an organized whole there can be no more order than information.

Law of composition (consistency): reflects the necessary alignment of the goals of the organization, which should be directed towards the maintenance and implementation of more general goals that contribute to the effective functioning of the organization.

The law of proportionality (harmony): reflects the need for a certain relationship between the parts of the whole.

Law of Identity: For each organization there is the best and only inherent organizational structure.

Full order: the state when the boundaries of the system, the elements of the system and their interaction are defined.

The essence of the law of synergy.

The law of synergy: the sum of the properties of the organizational whole is greater than the arithmetic sum of the properties of its elements.

The resulting total effect is called synergistic. This law explains the emergence property of the system. For the final result of the organization's activity, the potential of not a single element, but their combination is important. The task of the manager: to optimize the interaction of elements for a positive synergy effect. Any action of the manager should be aimed at obtaining a positive effect.

The expression of the law of synergy introduced by I. Ansof:

1+1+1=5 is good teamwork.

1+1+1=3 – average team work.

1+1+1=2 - bad teamwork.

Leadership Theory

Leadership theory is the earliest approach to the study and explanation of leadership. The first researchers tried to identify those qualities that distinguish the "great people" in history from the masses. The researchers believed that leaders had some unique set of fairly stable and unchanging qualities that distinguished them from non-leaders. Based on this approach, scientists have tried to define leadership qualities, learn how to measure them and use them to identify leaders. This approach was based on the belief that leaders are born, not made.

Hundreds of studies have been conducted in this direction, giving rise to an extremely long list of identified leadership qualities. Ralph Stogdill in 1948 and Richard Mann in 1959 attempted to generalize and group all previously identified leadership qualities. So, Stogdill came to the conclusion that basically five qualities characterize a leader: mind or intellectual abilities; dominance or dominance over others; self confidence; activity and vigor; business knowledge. However, these five qualities did not explain the emergence of a leader. Many people with these qualities remained followers. Mann suffered a similar disappointment. Among the seven personal qualities leader that he identified, the mind was the best predictor that its owner would be a leader. However, practice has not confirmed this. Despite this, the study of leadership qualities was continued until the mid-1980s. The most interesting result was obtained by the famous American consultant Warren Bennis, who studied 90 successful leaders and identified the following four groups of leadership qualities: attention management, or the ability to present the essence of the result or outcome, goal or direction of movement / action in such a way that it is attractive to followers; management of meaning, or the ability to convey the meaning of the created image, idea or vision in such a way that they are understood and accepted by followers; trust management, or the ability to build one's activities with such constancy and consistency as to gain the full confidence of subordinates; self-management, or the ability to know and recognize one's strengths and weaknesses so well in time that one can skillfully attract other resources, including the resources of other people, to strengthen one's weaknesses.

Benineh invites leaders to share power within the organization to create an environment where people feel valued and empowered to know what they are doing and that they are part of the cause. The organizational environment created in this way should instill strength and energy in people through the quality of work and dedication to work. Subsequent study led to the allocation of four groups of leadership qualities: physiological (height, weight, build or figure, appearance or representativeness, etc.) psychological, or emotional (manifested in practice mainly through the character of a person), mental, or intellectual, and personal business qualities(they are more in the nature of the skills and abilities acquired and developed from the leader in the performance of their functions).

Leadership theory suffers from a number of shortcomings. First, the list of potentially important leadership qualities is almost endless. For this reason, it became impossible to create the "only true" image of the leader, and, consequently, to lay any foundations for the theory.

Secondly, for various reasons, such as the failure to find ways to measure many leadership qualities, it was not possible to establish a close relationship between the qualities considered and leadership and help to practically identify the latter.

Summarizing what has been said, we can conclude that the approach that studies leadership qualities is undoubtedly interesting, but, unfortunately, has not yet been useful in practice. However, it served as an impetus for the emergence and development of other concepts of leadership and proved to be a reliable deterrent in overestimating the behavioral and situational foundations of leadership.

Types of conflicts

In terms of reasons conflict situation There are three types of conflicts.

The first is the conflict of goals. In this case, the situation is characterized by the fact that the parties involved in it differently see the desired state of the object in the future.

The second is a conflict caused by the fact that the parties involved disagree in their views, ideas and thoughts on the problem being solved. The resolution of such conflicts requires more time than the resolution of conflicts related to conflicting goals.

And finally, the third is a sensory conflict that appears in a situation where the participants have different feelings and emotions that underlie their relationship with each other as individuals. People simply irritate each other with the style of their behavior, doing business, interacting. Such conflicts are the most difficult to resolve, since they are based on causes related to the psyche of the individual.

Based on the levels of organizational interaction, five levels of conflicts in the organization can be distinguished: within the individual, between individuals, within the group, between groups, and within the organization. These levels are closely related. Ways to resolve conflicts can be force, power, persuasion, cooperation, compromise, avoiding conflict, agreeing to give in, attracting a third force, playing a game, etc. Let's consider each type of conflict separately.

Intrapersonal conflict occurs within an individual and is often a conflict of purpose or a conflict of views in nature. An intrapersonal conflict becomes a conflict of goals when an individual chooses and tries to achieve mutually exclusive goals. Intrapersonal conflict takes on the character of a conflict of views, when an individual recognizes the inconsistency of his thoughts, dispositions, values, or his behavior in general.

Interpersonal conflict involves two or more individuals if they perceive themselves as being in opposition to each other in terms of goals, dispositions, values, or behavior. This is perhaps the most common type of conflict.

Intra-group conflict is more than a simple sum interpersonal conflicts. This is usually a collision between parts or all members of the group, affecting the group dynamics and the results of the group as a whole. Production, social and emotional processes within the group influence the emergence of causes and ways to resolve intra-group conflicts. Often, an intra-group conflict arises as a result of a change in the balance of power in a group: a change in leadership, the emergence of an informal leader, the development of grouping, etc.

Intergroup conflict is a confrontation or clash between two or more groups in an organization. Such a confrontation can be professional-production (designers - production workers - marketers), social (workers and management) or emotional ("lazy" and "hard workers") foundations. Usually such conflicts are of an intense nature and, if they are not properly managed, do not give any of the groups a gain.

The development of intra-group conflict leads to intra-organizational conflict. It is sometimes very difficult to distinguish between these two types of conflict. Intra-organizational conflict, however, is most often associated with confrontation and clashes arising from how individual works or the organization as a whole, as well as on the basis of how power is formally distributed in the organization. There are four varieties of this conflict: vertical, horizontal, linear-functional, role-playing. So, vertical conflict is a conflict between levels of management in an organization. Horizontal conflict involves parts of the organization that are equal in status and most often acts as a conflict of goals. The development of horizontal links in the structure of the organization in many ways helps to resolve it. Linear-functional conflict is more often of a conscious or sensual nature. Its resolution is associated with improving the relationship between line management and specialists, for example, through the creation of task forces or autonomous groups. A role conflict occurs when an individual performing a certain role receives a task that is inadequate to his role.

F. Taylor and M. Weber saw destructive properties in conflicts and in their teachings proposed measures for the “complete” elimination of conflicts from the life of an organization. However, we know that this has not been implemented in practice. Behavioral and then modern schools of management found that in most organizations conflicts can also have constructive beginnings. Much depends on how the conflict is managed. Destructive consequences occur when the conflict is either very small or very strong. When the conflict is small, most often it goes unnoticed and thus does not find its adequate resolution. The differences seem very small to encourage participants to make the necessary changes. However, they remain and cannot but affect the effectiveness common work. A conflict that has reached a strong state is usually accompanied by the development of stress among its participants. This, in turn, leads to a decrease in morale and cohesion. The constructive side is more pronounced when the level conflict is sufficient to motivate people. Usually such conflicts arise on the basis of differences in goals, objectively determined by the nature of the work performed. The development of such a conflict is accompanied by a more active exchange of information, coordination of different positions and a desire to understand each other. In the course of the discussion of differences that cannot be ignored, but cannot be combined in current form, produced compromise solution based on a creative and innovative approach to the problem. This decision leads to more effective work In the organisation. The presence of positive properties in the conflict is often the reason that such conflicts are artificially built into the structure of the organization in order to obtain the desired positive effect. So, the sighting of documents in different services and departments is one of such cases.

Goals and objectives of management

Goals of management: obtaining (increasing) profit; increasing the efficiency of management; satisfaction of market needs; maximization of economic indicators; solution of social issues

Management tasks: to make people capable of joint action and make their efforts effective; setting simple, clear and visible goals; enterprises and each employee must develop their needs and be able to meet them; security effective management personnel; organization of production of competitive goods; improvement of the production and management process; introduction of the latest science-intensive and resource-saving technologies; improving product quality; lower production costs

The main tasks of management: first, it is required to make the desired possible, and then real; to achieve the most effective results at the lowest possible cost

Areas of activity of management

1. production - is responsible for ensuring the tasks of the production cycle

2. administrative - responsible for ensuring communication in the process and organization

3. socio-political

4. financial and economic

5. marketing

6. personnel management


  • Economic. This is a kind of state policy aimed at changing economic processes in the right direction. The subjects of such a policy (they also act as its executors) are the state itself, authorities at all levels, as well as various unions and associations that are not related to state structures. Implementation economic policy state occurs by different branches of government. Submission for discussion and approval of its main directions takes place in the parliament. In turn, the Government is responsible for its implementation, distributing certain tasks to all relevant bodies.
  • Social. This type is aimed at regulating the totality of relationships in society. Who is social policy aimed at?
  1. Family members.
  2. Representatives of various nationalities, classes and groups.
  3. On the interaction between families, nationalities, groups and classes.

Social policy "flows" from economic policy. In a market economy, it has a goal - to satisfy all the urgent needs of the representatives of society. This allows for peace in society. Without economic growth there will be no opportunity for the functioning of the market economy, as well as for smoothing the conflicts that arise in society.

  • Cultural. It is a component of social policy. It is aimed at ensuring that those mechanisms that ensure the continuity of certain actions work. In other words, this is a specific type of activity to influence a person, which aims to form a certain worldview in her. It is through the prism of the latter that a person perceives and evaluates the surrounding reality.

The main objectives of the cultural state policy:

  1. To develop and introduce into society certain ideals and values ​​that reflect the concept of humanism.
  2. To develop in each citizen the criteria for an adequate assessment of the events taking place around him.
  3. Install feedback, and on its basis to correct the decisions already made.
  4. Preserve the features and specifics of national culture.
  5. To provide guarantees for all sections of society of the breadth of choice of cultural values, as well as their accessibility.
  • Demographic. It is a set of measures implemented by state institutions and non-profit organizations aimed at controlling and / or changing the current situation in the field of demography. It is implemented in three main areas:
  1. Strengthen the health, and consequently, the life expectancy of the population.
  2. Control migration processes and, if necessary, regulate them.
  3. Support and preservation social institution families, stimulating the birth rate.
  • National. special kind state policy, which is a set of measures and tools to ensure dialogue between representatives of various nations and ethnic groups, taking into account and realizing national interests. The authorities implementing this type of policy form a certain attitude towards the divergence of national interests in the society. There is also a constant search for new solutions for favorable ways of interaction between the subjects of interethnic relations.
  • Military. This area is not independent. It directly depends on the course of foreign and domestic policy. The task of the state here is to ensure the formation and functioning of the military structure. If necessary, mobilize funds to protect the population and national interests.
  • Youth. This is a set of measures of a different nature (economic, legal, personnel, informational, scientific, etc.) to ensure the possibility of self-realization among young people, as well as increasing their level of potential to achieve a certain social status. In other words, this area provides young people with the desire to acquire knowledge, lead a healthy lifestyle, get a prestigious job, etc. In the process of its implementation, there is continuous interaction with citizens and civil society institutions.
  • Ecological. This area state activity is aimed at establishing an understanding of the current environmental situation in a certain territory and water area, and the associated effects and disadvantages. In a global sense, it is a set of measures and methods for influencing the environment.
  • Personnel. It is designed to provide the country with qualified employees. For this, it is being developed whole strategy work of the state with workers at all levels, in order to fully and rationally implement personnel potential countries.


  • Internal. It is represented by a whole set of directions. To put it simply, it is designed to preserve the existing social and political system, or reform it if necessary.
  • foreign policy. Direction of activities to establish relationships with other countries; political course in international affairs.


  • public policy. This overall plan actions of various state bodies aimed at solving issues important for the citizens of the country. Includes elements such as developing a political strategy, defining priority direction development of society, etc.
  • Party politics. A party is an organized group of citizens. They are passionate about one idea and pursue goals that correspond to the interests of certain segments of the population.
  • Politics public organizations and movements. This is also a voluntary association of citizens, but it does not apply to state bodies. Sometimes for such organizations the concept of the “third sector” (public) is used as an addition to the public and private.


  • modernization policy. This is the process of changing the existing political structure of society due to the fact that each of its members can influence the adoption of certain government decisions. This term is applied to those countries that are making the transition from a traditional society to a modern one.
  • policy of national reconciliation. It is aimed at finding ways and solutions to resolve the disagreements and conflicts that have arisen in society in a peaceful way. Based on peace negotiations.
  • "Great Leap Forward" policy. It implies two directions: industrialization and collectivization. The first involves the accelerated creation of the foundations of heavy industry in order to strengthen defense complex countries. But the needs of the population are ignored. The second is based on the same accelerated creation of only peasant economic associations. In post-revolutionary times, this was called "dispossession".


  • Local. What is it like? The way that exists in a particular organization or municipality.
  • Regional. It applies to individual administrative-territorial divisions (republics, territories, regions). It is called upon to ensure the most rational distribution of forces to equalize the standard of living of the population.
  • National. Guidance for authorities (in particular, this concerns the executive branch). Directs their activities, and ensures legitimacy and compliance with social customs.
  • International. Its subjects are independent state entities that interact with each other.
  • World (global level). Acts as a regulating factor international relationships. They, in turn, change and also change the character and its direction.

Any company tries to please its customers. But gaining a decent reputation in the market is not easy, especially for those who entered it not so long ago. It doesn't work out for everyone. "ITDom" succeeded.

From bolts and screws - "turnkey"

ITDom (head office in Nizhny Novgorod) has been operating for only four years, but the company has already established itself as a reliable partner in the IT industry. Without information systems Few people get by today, and it is imperative to choose a reliable supplier.

Elena Vladimirovna, if you were asked to name the main "reference points" of the company, what would you note?

Dynamic development, highly qualified employees, individual approach to customer requests, favorable conditions for the supply and maintenance of various IT systems: servers, uninterruptible power systems, software, telecommunication systems, personal computers and components, devices for printing, copying and scanning, engineering systems, security systems, burglar alarms, video surveillance, etc.

Our clients already know: "ITDom" is a full range of services for the creation and maintenance of corporate information systems, regardless of the size of the organization.

The company "ITiDom" has own production, and we can assemble equipment much cheaper than well-known world brands. We release personal computers under its own trademark "MIR", as well as video recorders "MAGNA". There are practically no questions about service and assembly from our customers: more than ten thousand products account for less than 0.2% of service calls.

That is, figuratively speaking, from bolts and cogs - "turnkey"?

Yes, as I said, we provide a full range of services. The priority is an individual integrated approach.

What are you doing to make potential customers aware of your company?

We host webinars and face-to-face meetings, we organize business breakfasts and online training - the possibilities are many.

The financial turnover of the company is growing year by year. Due to what: an increase in the number of customers, more complex and, accordingly, more expensive orders? What's stopping you from growing faster?

Both factors play a role. There were more clients, tasks became more complicated. What's stopping us... Perhaps sanctions. Import substitution does not always satisfy the customer. Nevertheless, we expect ITDom's turnover to increase by 10-15 percent this year.

Today, almost any business unit - from a small office to large corporation- Uses IT infrastructure. As a rule, it includes server hardware, network equipment, personal workstations, telephony, call center, video conferencing, server and application virtualization, and much more. ITDom company is ready to offer complex solutions for the modernization and deployment of IT infrastructure for businesses of any size. We conduct a full audit of the current technical condition and requirements for the IT infrastructure of the enterprise. We will help with the supply of systems of any complexity and configuration, we will give the necessary advice on the selection of the required equipment and software, we will provide qualified installation, installation and maintenance of equipment.

Service under warranty

Any device can fail. And here the warranty service provided by the manufacturer comes to the rescue. ITDom has a specialized service center for MIR and MAGNA products.

What are the benefits of warranty service in your center?

Our company provides maximum services for the convenience of customers. Specialists will repair the equipment either on site or in a service center. Advantages: prompt departure, fast diagnostics, removal and delivery of devices service center. Repair of PCs, MIR servers and MAGNA video recorders is carried out only with original components.

Can the product be withdrawn from warranty service?

In some cases, yes, if the defects are caused by a violation of the rules for its operation, storage or transportation, set out in the "User's Guide", mechanical damage that occurred after the transfer of the goods to the customer, removal of seals or markings from any part of the product. In addition, maintenance should only be carried out by our specialists and not by the customer or a third party. And, of course, circumstances are taken into account force majeure(fire, elements, lightning, etc.). There are also a number of restrictions, which we always warn the customer about in advance.

Even stops are smart

The Rostelecom company will present its new development in the cities of Russia - the "smart stop". At the end of last year, the first such stop appeared in Nizhny Novgorod, this year we presented the project at the Second Economic Forum in Saratov.

Many have heard about the benefits of "smart stop". Some have even seen and used. But few are aware that it was ITDom that implemented this decision...

Yes, we are directly related to the Smart Stop project. Its construction and "saturation" is our work. It is very pleasant that both citizens of Nizhny Novgorod, and Saratov, and guests of the cities were able to appreciate the capabilities of ITiDom.

Smart Stop is an innovative project for Russia. An electronic scoreboard shows the arrival time of the transport. The touch panel provides access to information services: city news and weather forecast. On the interactive map, you can see where the sights, hotels, restaurants, cafes are located and get directions. The pavilion is equipped with a Wi-Fi hotspot, video surveillance and an emergency call button. It's easy to even order a taxi. Convenience, comfort, safety - this is how you can evaluate the main advantages of "smart stop". And the fact that we became a partner of the project speaks volumes.

How many "smart stops" have already been installed?

In Nizhny Novgorod - about a hundred. Negotiations are now underway with the leaders of Saratov and other regions.

Already have positive reviews?

One of the participants of the Saratov Forum expressed, it seems to me, the main idea when he spoke about equipping a “smart stop”. I will quote: “I was very pleased with the attitude towards the urban environment, which is demonstrated by ITDom. This gives us the opportunity to see the world in a new way, more interesting, bright, dynamic. Moreover, what is important: not only to apply modern technologies today, but also think about tomorrow. I would like ITDom to help us in this in the future"

Hello, we are looking for talent!

A phrase from the category of "worn", but vital: "Cadres decide everything." No matter how banal it may seem, but practice has repeatedly convinced - it is.

At the beginning of the conversation, you mentioned the highly qualified specialists of your company. Where are you looking for footage?

We invite both experienced specialists in various IT fields and young talents - senior students and university graduates. Anyone has the opportunity to build a career in IT, master new technologies, study in Russia and abroad, and take part in major projects.

And what are your professionals capable of?

In short, we can: provide customers with effective tools in the field information technologies, to offer optimal solutions for business development, to help realize the existing potential.

Please continue the phrase: “We will solve all the issues of your company that relate to…”

- … technical equipment, support of electronic infrastructure, supplies and installation necessary for work electronic means communications.

We have accumulated extensive experience in the implementation of various projects, have earned the trust of customers in the regions Russian Federation, have established themselves as a reliable partner of the largest manufacturers of IT equipment and software.

"ITiDom" is always ready to offer products with the best combination of price and quality. We solve two interrelated tasks: we provide customers with the most optimal hardware and software solutions in the field of computer equipment, presentation and office equipment, as well as create and implement individual projects and solutions in the field of information technology.

What can you guarantee to employees?

Continuing professional development: opportunities for training, advanced training, acquisition practical experience for work modern equipment participation in trainings, seminars, conferences and exhibitions, career, bonuses and bonuses, a full social package, compensation for working expenses ... You can list for a long time.

And, of course, the atmosphere in the team plays an important role. I can say with confidence: we have a wonderful team of purposeful and talented people!

The versatility and complexity of the career phenomenon is also reflected in the diversity of its types, the diversity of its approaches to its typology. For the classification of career types, many different bases, features, and criteria can be distinguished.

On the basis of individual professionalism.

From the point of view of individual professionalization, one can single out professional and official (intraorganizational) careers.

A professional career is characterized by the predominance of professional specialization in the labor activity of a person, work mainly in one subject professional area, achievement and recognition by the professional community of the results of his work, authority in a particular type of professional activity. As a rule, a person's professional career develops in an organization, and it often happens that professional achievements create the prerequisites for the formation of an intra-organizational career or an official career in an organization.

Official career reflects the change in the predominantly official status of a civil servant, his social role, the degree and space of official authority in the organization. This movement, both vertically and horizontally job structure In the organisation.

In the direction of movement of the employee in the structure of the organization.

According to the directions of movement of an employee in the structure of the organization, there are the following types of careers:

A vertical career involves climbing to a higher level of the structural hierarchy. Most often, a career is identified with this species.

A horizontal career is the movement of an employee to another functional area of ​​activity, or the performance of a certain service role at a level that does not have a rigid formal fixation in organizational structure(acting as the head of the temporary target group and etc.). Also, a horizontal career is a career of a specialist. The set of positions corresponding to this type of career is called a parallel career ladder and emphasizes its alternativeness to the career ladder. An employee acquires the status of a highly qualified specialist, performs more and more responsible assignments, enjoys the trust and respect of colleagues and superiors, and has a higher salary level.

Under the centripetal career understand the movement to the leadership of the organization. For example, inviting an employee to meetings that were previously inaccessible to him, meetings of both a formal and informal nature; gaining access to informal sources of information, confidential appeals, important individual assignments of management.

Power career is associated either with the formal growth of influence in the organization by moving up the management hierarchy, or with the growth of the informal authority of the employee in the organization;

Qualifying career involves professional growth, movement tariff scale one profession or another;

A status career is an increase in the status of an employee in an organization, expressed either by assigning the next rank for length of service, or an honorary title for an outstanding contribution to the development of the company;

A monetary career is an increase in the level of remuneration of an employee, namely: the level of remuneration, the volume and quality of social benefits provided.

Classification according to the characteristics of the course of the career development process

The type of process gives information about its occurrence, direction and internal organization, its external connections, interactions and mutual transitions in relation to other processes. At the initial stage of the study of the career process model, it is advisable to typify it, reflecting the direction and sequence of the level of human vital activity in form.

By the nature of the flow.

By the nature of the flow, the following types of processes are distinguished:

At linear type development occurs evenly and continuously;

The non-linear type characterizes the movement, which is carried out by jumps or breakthroughs;

Sometimes there is a similarity of processes, but at the same time they differ in the level of complexity, in this case we can say that the process develops in a spiral.

As a special case of these types, stagnation (stagnation) is distinguished, the stage of the absence of any significant changes in a career.

According to the degree of stability, continuity.

According to the degree of stability and continuity. the division of a career into stable and unstable, intermittent and continuous is justified.

As far as possible implementation.

Where feasible, the following classification of careers is appropriate:

A potential career is a personally built work and life path by a person based on his plans, needs, abilities, goals. It can influence the actions, behavior of a person, it can be fully implemented, partially or not implemented at all.

A real career is something that a person managed to realize over a certain period of time, in a certain type of activity, in a specific organization.

By time of implementation.

Here are some of the types of careers by the time of their implementation:

A normal career is the gradual promotion of a person to the top of the job hierarchy in accordance with his constantly developing professional experience. The limit of this job development due to the level of his professional incompetence. The duration of a career is on average equal to the duration of a person's active labor activity (about 40 years).

A high-speed career characterizes a rapid, but still consistent promotion along the vertical of the organizational structure. In terms of time, this career is two to three times less than the duration of a normal career. These are, as a rule, the careers of gifted, outstanding personalities. If for a normal career the average length of tenure is 3-5 years, then for a high-speed one it is 1-3 years.

- "Landing" career - spontaneous replacement, as a rule, of senior positions in the organizational structure. The need and duration of stay in a occupied position is due to various reasons: the need to provide practical assistance and strengthen the leadership of the organization, the need to indicate the passage of a position for a particular person, and others. People with such a career are always ready to take any position and follow the prescribed instructions. For representatives of such a career, it is not the process of doing something that is important, but the fact of filling a position, since they differ not in professionalism, but only in the ability to be present at the position.

A typical career - achieving the heights of professionalism, recognition in the professional community, occupying the highest official status in the organizational structure is associated with reproducing the full cycle of a person's professional life and a consistent change in official status in the organization.

According to the direction of the ongoing changes, there are:

The ideal form of the career process is its upward development. This is a progressive type of career process. Each subsequent stage of change in it differs from the previous one by a higher level of abilities and possibilities of life activity. It incorporates previous results and prepares the need for a later stage. The changes that occur in this case are irreversible, since each action has consequences that go into the future, the acquired knowledge and experience accumulate.

In addition, career typology can be applied on the basis of belonging to a certain branch of professional activity, a certain profession.

A rare career does without downturns in the states of various activities. The nature of the decline is reflected in the form of a downward movement of the career process. This is a regressive type of career process. Such declines occur when a person’s abilities and activity do not correspond to the requirements of his status, structural reorganizations in the field of activity, diseases, and so on.

Forms of career processes often undergo changes. The reason for this is the continuous influence of various kinds on a person and society, as a result of which the direction of career processes, the intensity of their development, internal and external relationships and connections change. At separate stages of any career movement, all the named forms of processes can develop.