What does the type of house mean an individual project. Which house project to choose: individual or standard? Individual projects of houses

In today's article, we will talk about non-serial or non-standard houses in the context of redevelopment approval.

To begin with, let's figure out what does atypical house mean?

The term "non-serial house", so to speak, floating. Precise definition non-serial house does not exist. The only wording that somehow reflects the situation is " individual project".

Redevelopment of a three-room apartment in a house built according to an individual project:

And somehow, this term cannot be tied to something, since a non-serial house can be of the 18th century and built in 2017.

And in order to draw definite conclusions by the end of the article, let's start from the opposite with the concept of "serial" or "typical house".

Everyone is well aware that during Soviet Union mass construction of houses began. Since housing was required a lot and in short term, houses were built according to a specific, pre-designed type or series.

The development of typical series of houses was carried out by such research institutes as TsNIIEP Zhilishcha (Central Research and Design Institute of Residential and Public Buildings - series GMS-2001, P111M, S-222, etc.), MNIITEP (Moscow Scientific Research Institute of Typical and Experimental Design - series P44, P44T, II-49, II-57, II-18, P3, P3M, MG601, etc.), Mosproekt (Series KOPE) and others. These institutions are the authors of most of the series of houses with which Moscow is built up.

That is, one project was developed with various variations in the context of its application to the planning decision of the site (for example, with rotary sections) and this project it could be used an infinite number of times for building houses, which greatly reduced the cost of the process, since in fact the house was always ready on paper.

But what are custom houses? Who built them and how to coordinate redevelopment in them?

Atypical houses - these are houses built by an architect on an individual project (that is, there is one such house or several of them in Moscow).

Usually atypical houses are brick or monolithic. However, there are exceptions. In our practice, we have also seen atypical series of panel houses. At least we have looked at appeals to various state organizations could not recognize not only the series at home, but even the author.


So, what kind of houses can be non-serial:

1. And it can be very old houses. In our practice, there was one house built in 1718.
That is, these are houses a priori before the period of typical housing construction, which began in the 1960s.

Window from 1950 to 1960, the so-called transitional. During these years, the first brick standard series and individual non-standard ones were built. More precisely, they had a series - let's say II-01, II-02, II-04, etc. But in fact, they are also more likely to be attributed to individual series, since houses can differ in design.

2. The houses are truly individual years of construction from 1960 onwards. These houses were built together with houses during the period of typical housing construction and, as a rule, they were classified as elite houses at that time (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Central Committee, etc.).

3. Modern brick and monolithic houses. These are usually individual houses (LCD-such-and-such) developed by one architectural bureau (group, workshop, etc.) in general, some commercial organization. And here is the situation. This architectural bureau creates a project, implements it, and then at some time ceases to exist, at least as entity. And that's it.

It turns out that this house:
- atypical and non-serial (does not apply to any type series);
- individual (in one copy);
- without the author of the project or with a non-existent author (the organization - the author of the project - has ceased to exist as a legal entity).

Now let's analyze the situation in the context of coordinating redevelopment.

Coordination of redevelopment in non-standard houses is practically no different from coordination of redevelopment in serial houses.

The first thing to do is to develop project documentation.

To agree on the planned redevelopment, it is necessary to develop a project and a technical opinion on the possibility of its implementation.

To agree on the completed redevelopment - a technical opinion on the admissibility and safety of previously completed work (TOR after the fact).

Item 1 - Houses built around 1940.

In these houses, in connection with the construction technology used at that time, wooden or mixed floors. And in this regard, the set of project documentation is always the same:

  1. Technical opinion from State Unitary Enterprise Moszhilniiproekt.
  2. A redevelopment project from any design organization with SRO approval (including ours, we will be grateful if you order this documentation from us).
  3. Analysis of the redevelopment project in the State Unitary Enterprise Moszhilniiproekt.

There is only one way here, and if we affect the supporting structures and if we do not. The set of project documentation is one. More like houses with wooden or mixed floors, we have covered the topic in this article.

Item 2 - In non-serial houses (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Central Committee, including series II-01, II-02, II-04 etc.), since 1955 with reinforced concrete floors can be ordered technical conclusion And redevelopment project in any organization with SRO approval, including ours. (This is if we do not affect the supporting structures).

If we affect them, then the project documentation must be ordered from the State Unitary Enterprise Moszhilniiproekt, since the authors of the projects of houses built in those years no longer exist and, according to the existing regulations, the documentation must be ordered from the institute replacing the missing authors of the projects of houses, i.e. at State Unitary Enterprise Moszhilniiproekt.

Item 3 - Same as point 2.

All of the above is true for redevelopments that are only planned.

If the redevelopment has already been completed, then it is necessary to order a technical opinion on the admissibility and safety of previously completed work.

But in this article we will not widely disclose the topic of redevelopment in non-serial houses, there is a lot of information, the article, in our opinion, will turn out to be very large and difficult to read, we will describe these nuances in some separate article. Let's just say that the principle is similar, but there are some variations in the completeness of the developed documentation.

The project of redevelopment of an apartment in a non-standard house:

In our organization, the cost of developing project documentation as part of a redevelopment project and a technical opinion on the possibility of redevelopment is 20,000 rubles.

The cost of developing a technical opinion on the admissibility and safety of previously completed work will be 20 000 rubles.

An example of a technical opinion from the State Unitary Enterprise MoszhilNIIproekt:

Another technical opinion developed by the State Unitary Enterprise MoszhilNIIproekt is located on this page .

In case your home is architectural monument, then the technical conclusion is also being developed at the State Unitary Enterprise MosZhilNIIProekt.

And the redevelopment project is ordered from an organization licensed to carry out activities to preserve cultural heritage sites (our organization has this license).

PROJECT INDIVIDUAL project for the construction of buildings or their complexes on a selected site, developed if necessary to ensure the originality and peculiarity of architectural and spatial solutions

(Bulgarian; Bulgarian) - individual project

(Czech; Čeština) - individual project

(German language; Deutsch) - Einzelprojekt

(Hungarian; Magyar) - egyedi terv

(Mongolian) - gantsaarchilsan tosol

(Polish language; Polska) - project indywidualny

(Romanian; Român) - project unicat

(Serbo-Croatian; Srpski jezik; Hrvatski jezik) - individual projek(a)t

(Spanish; Español) - proyecto exclusive

(English language; English) - individual design (scheme)

(French language; Français) - project individual

a construction project developed in the absence or impossibility of using standard designs, and also, if necessary High Quality solutions for the most critical and complex facilities.

Construction dictionary.

See what "INDIVIDUAL PROJECT" is in other dictionaries:

    individual project- A project for the construction of buildings or their complexes on a selected site, developed if necessary to ensure the originality and peculiarity of architectural and spatial solutions [Terminological dictionary for construction in 12 languages ​​... ...

    According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, a set of measures aimed at the privatization of federal property of particular importance for the country, region or industry and providing for the pre-sale preparation of this property with the involvement of an independent ... ... Financial vocabulary

    individual project- - [A.S. Goldberg. English Russian Energy Dictionary. 2006] Topics energy in general EN custom design … Technical Translator's Handbook

    Official terminology

    A; m. [from lat. projectus projecting forward] 1. A developed plan for the construction, construction, manufacture or reconstruction of smth. Diploma, course, competition item. The palace was built according to the project of a famous architect. P. hydraulic turbines. P. residential building ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    project- A; m. (from lat. projectus protruding forward) see also. design 1) A developed plan for the construction, construction, manufacture or reconstruction of something. Diploma, coursework, competitive project / ct. The palace was built according to the project of a famous architect. Project … Dictionary of many expressions

    - ... Wikipedia

    Individual project for the privatization of federal property- An individual project for the privatization of federal property is a set of measures aimed at the privatization of federal property of particular importance for the country, region or industry and providing for pre-sale preparation ... ... Dictionary of legal concepts

    Applicable project- a project designed for mass construction (standard project); an individual project that is reused (repeatedly) without making significant changes to the main design solutions and technical economic indicators project. Source … Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    This term has other meanings, see Fram (meanings). Fram is a literary project of the Amphora publishing house and Max Fry. The name FRAM is made up of the first letters of Fray + Amphora, and also implies the famous polar ship Fram, the name ... ... Wikipedia


  • Individual design and construction of your home,. Home of your dreams! You will find it in our book containing detailed descriptions individual mansions. You will receive all necessary information about architectural options, building materials and…

Before ordering a project for a future home, many people have the following questions:

  • order an individual project or choose a typical one from the catalog?
  • what difficulties can be if you order a typical house project?
  • what is the advantage of an individual project?

In this article, we will answer all your questions about individual and standard projects, their advantages, disadvantages and features, as well as in which cases it is better to order an individual project, and in which you can get by with a standard one.

Typical house designs

Disadvantages of typical house designs

  • Typical projects may not meet the specifics of your site: size, landscape, location of the premises.
  • The house that you will build according to a standard project has already been built many times before you. This fact may confuse someone that somewhere there are exactly the same built houses.
  • A typical house design is not amenable to significant changes. If you start to make significant changes in the design of the house, move its external walls, significantly reduce or increase the area, then in the end something incomprehensible can turn out from a beautiful and thoughtful house. In this case, we recommend developing a project from scratch using the elements of a finished project, but without taking it as a basis.

Individual projects of houses

An individual house project implies that the architects will develop a project just for you, taking into account all your wishes. Each stage will be coordinated with you and in the end you will receive a project of your dream home that will satisfy all your needs.

In which case should I order an individual house project?

  • You can not choose the house that suits you from the catalog finished projects or you like the layout in one house, the facades in another, the presence of a garage in the third. In this case, the architect will be able to put it all together and design for you the house that will meet all your requirements.
  • You clearly know what kind of house you need. If you have already thought out the layout, materials, dimensions, area and other elements of the house in advance and you just need to design it, then in this case an individual project will suit you. The architect will take into account all your requirements and develop a project for your dream home.
  • Your site has features for which it is impossible to choose a standard project. These features may include: small or custom sizes site, the proximity of neighboring buildings, difficult terrain. In this case, the architect will develop a project that will take into account all the features of your site, emphasize its advantages and hide its shortcomings.
  • Do you have special requirements or want to build an unusual home. For example, you want to have your own soundproofed music studio in your house, or a beautiful fountain in the hall, or an unusually shaped terrace. Any non-standard solution can be realized only with the help of individual design.
  • You want your home to be completely unique. As mentioned above, typical projects are built many times. If you want your home to be the only one, then an individual project will suit you. In this case, the architect will design for you a house that only you will have.

Disadvantages of custom design

The disadvantages of individual design include cost and time. However, this is only a disadvantage in relation to typical projects. If you order a project for a large house, then the cost of developing an individual project can be even 10 times higher. At the same time, the development time starts from 2 weeks and can take several months, depending on the complexity and area of ​​the house. On average, the development of a house project takes 4-5 weeks.


To summarize all of the above, it makes sense to order a typical project if you have a limited budget and there will be no original solutions in your house, and you also need a house project urgently.

If you want to fully realize all your dreams regarding the future home and are ready to overpay for it and expect several weeks of development, then feel free to order an individual design!

As we have already written in many articles, there are many types of houses in Moscow and in the Moscow region. These houses may differ according to such criteria as: the main material used in construction, the year of construction, the series and design of the house, and so on. These distinctive features can divide houses into separate projects.

There are houses built before the period of mass construction, and there are serial houses, such as P-44, II-18, etc. Serial houses have been built since the 1950s in in large numbers. All of them have similar characteristics with the houses of their series, and they are designed mainly for the majority of middle-class residents.

Projects of serial houses were developed by such institutions as MNIITEP, MosZhilNIIproekt, MosProekt, etc. Redevelopment in such houses is carried out almost “according to the template”, since many activities are very similar, especially in houses of the same series.

But in addition to all typical houses and houses built before the 50s, there are also individual projects. apartment buildings. These buildings are mainly single apartment buildings, which were built in one, two or three copies (less often - more), most often these are high-rise buildings of an elite and business level.

Many of these houses have certain features that facilitate the redevelopment process, and also make it possible to carry out those repair and construction activities that could not be carried out in houses built according to standard projects. For example, in some apartment buildings, built according to an individual project, there are no internal load-bearing walls, and instead of them there are load-bearing columns - this allows you to change the configuration of the room with the union, separation and creation of new rooms.

For houses built according to an individual project, more often after the completion of construction, the author of the house project “disappears”. Therefore, when redevelopment in the apartments of these houses, when the development of a technical opinion is required, the owners have to contact either the GBU Expert Center or the State Unitary Enterprise MosZhilNIIproekt.

The project of a house is a document of control over the architectural and construction quality, as well as the consumption of constructive and finishing materials. Having decided to build without a project, you will not have accurate information about what and how it should be, you will not be able to control the consumption of materials and funds. The consequences may be different: the foundations may not withstand the loads or there will be no stairs to the second floor.

However, the consequence of construction without a project is not only low architectural and construction quality and illiquidity finished house, but also the impossibility of legal construction, and as a result, the impossibility of registering a house as a property. You will need a copy of the project documentation already when applying for a building permit.
The project of the house includes two main parts:

1. architectural and construction

This section contains architectural and construction drawings, which indicate the accuracy characteristics of the geometric parameters of buildings, structures, structures and their elements.

Floor plans - they show the placement of individual rooms and their dimensions, areas, placement of walls, door and window openings, kitchen and sanitary facilities, equipment;

Roof truss plan - it shows the system of roof structural elements and their sections;

Specification of the elements of the roof truss structure - a list of the range and quantity;

Roof plan - it shows its shape, dimensions, angle of inclination of the roof slope, as well as the placement of dormer windows, lucarnes, skylights and ventilation pipes;

Sections of the house - they show all the elements of the building after crossing it along or across from the roof to the foundations, i.e. sections of the floor, ceilings, roofs;

Facades of the house - they show appearance houses from the main entrance, behind and on the side;

Specification of elements of door and window joinery - a list of windows and doors in the project and how to open them;

Structural section

This section provides general data, layouts of elements of foundations, ceilings, stairs, truss structures, detailed drawings of individual units, specifications of products and materials.

Cross-section of foundations - it shows the dimensions of strip foundations, the depth of their base, the materials used for their manufacture;

Calculations for static and strength.

The architectural and construction part should include not only facades, but also detailed drawings with dimensions and material parameters. In the case of medium and large lightning hazard, it is necessary to make a lightning protection installation, that is, an additional lightning rod section.

2. engineering.

Engineering documentation in most cases has three sections:

- "Plumbing and sewerage",

- "Heating and ventilation"

- "Electrics".

In addition, the architectural passport of the project must be attached to the project:
The structure of the architectural passport includes:
Copy of the license of the author of the project, explanatory note, colored facades, facades along the axes, floor plans, sections along the axes, roof plan.