Rights of housing cooperatives to a land plot. How can a member of a construction cooperative register a land plot for the construction of an individual residential building, formed by dividing a land plot provided by a housing cooperative. Land under an apartment building for rent or with

Housing cooperatives have been known since Soviet times, but since then the conditions for entry and participation in them have changed. Despite the fact that cooperatives are quite rare in the modern world, they still exist and are of interest to potential buyers of new buildings.

Housing cooperative then and now

From the point of view of legislation, a housing construction cooperative (HBC) is a voluntary association, which includes individuals for joint construction or purchase of housing. However, in practice, explains Maria Litinetskaya, managing partner of Metrium Group, they today play a different role than their prototypes from the Soviet era. At that time, building cooperatives were partially financed by the state or enterprise, and therefore were a real instrument for providing the population with housing. Of course, these days not a single voluntary association of shareholders has enough money to build an apartment building. Therefore, housing construction cooperatives are most often created by developers themselves as one of the legal schemes for attracting citizens’ money to build a house.

Today, housing cooperatives must simultaneously meet two main criteria to be able to attract Money:

Firstly, have the status of a developer (for this you need to obtain a construction permit);

Secondly, to have a plot of land on which construction is allowed.

Before changes were made to the law on housing construction cooperatives in mid-2016, tightening the degree of control over the activities of housing cooperatives, developers often used the scheme of concluding an investment contract between the owner land plot and the cooperative carrying out the construction. Currently, such an agreement is illegal, since in this case the land plot does not belong to the housing cooperative, and, accordingly, the obligations of the housing cooperative to the members for the construction of the house are not secured in any way.

Current legislation in the field of housing cooperatives contains a mandatory requirement to maintain a publicly accessible register of members indicating the size of the share contribution and the specific residential premises to be transferred upon completion of construction of the house.

IN general view The scheme for participation in housing cooperatives currently looks like this: the developer creates a housing construction cooperative, which attracts potential buyers of apartments in residential complex. Buyers sign a participation agreement with the cooperative and become its shareholders. The housing cooperative, in turn, enters into an investment contract with the developer and directs the collected funds from shareholders to the construction of housing. Despite the apparent simplicity of the scheme, there are many pitfalls that can play both in favor of the buyer and against him. They will be discussed in more detail below.

Pitfalls of a housing cooperative

Perhaps the main feature of buying an apartment through a housing cooperative is the absence of an equity participation agreement (DPA). All acquisition conditions are regulated by the agreement of participation in the housing cooperative, as well as the charter of this organization.

It is not difficult to guess that all the fundamental documents (charter and standard contract participation) are written in the interests of the developer, since it is he who creates the housing cooperative. This means that in the event of disputes, the developer behind the created cooperative will be in a more advantageous position.

In particular, the housing cooperative is not obliged to fix the final cost of the apartment, and by decision of the meeting the final price can be increased, and more than once, warns Maria Litinetskaya. In this case, the housing construction cooperative has the right to demand additional contributions from shareholders under already paid contracts. Also, he is not responsible for the timing of the project if they are not specified in the charter or participation agreement. Therefore, it is impossible to present a penalty in case of violation of construction deadlines. The procedure for returning funds is stipulated in the statutory documents, so if the cooperative has financial problems, getting your money back is problematic. Finally, the contract itself with housing cooperatives is not necessarily subject to state registration, which can lead to “double sales” of apartments in a new building. Because it is difficult for the buyer to check whether an agreement has been concluded with another person for the same apartment.

There are other risks for the housing cooperative participant, related not to the formalization of the relationship, but to the legal status cooperative and shareholder. Thus, from the point of view of the law, a member of a housing construction cooperative is not a consumer of services, and therefore is not protected by the relevant Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights. This deprives a member of a housing cooperative of the opportunity to demand from the cooperative the proper fulfillment of its obligations, first of all, the quality of construction. In addition, the cooperative is not obliged to eliminate identified shortcomings and construction defects.

Finally, another significant disadvantage of purchasing through housing cooperatives is the lack of mortgage lending with state support. Banks are generally reluctant to provide loans for the purchase of housing through a housing cooperative, since, in their opinion, the lack of state registration of legal relations associated with the purchase of an apartment under such a scheme is a less reliable instrument than a registered agreement for participation in shared construction.

Despite a large number of disadvantages, housing cooperatives also have their advantages. Thus, participation in a housing construction cooperative allows you to receive installments for a long period. For example, Etalon City offers installments until 2023, notes Natalya Barankova, lawyer at Peresvet-Invest JSC. When selling apartments by concluding a DDU, installment plans are usually provided until the end of construction. After putting the house into operation and registering ownership rights, the participant in shared construction becomes the owner of the apartment.

In addition, after completion of construction, the right to manage the house automatically passes to the members of the housing cooperative, who can transform the cooperative into a HOA - a homeowners' partnership. Thus, buyers themselves can choose a management company (MC), whereas with a DDU, the selection of a management company for a completed house remains the prerogative of the developer.

Another advantage for a member of a housing cooperative, says Renata Belyaeva, head of the legal department of the KASKAD Family of companies, is that, if desired, the buyer can directly participate in the life of the cooperative and be aware of it financial activities. This is possible because the highest governing body is the general meeting of members of the housing construction cooperative, and this gives it the right to control the implementation of the provisions of the charter and act in the interests of the members of the housing cooperative.

And, probably, the biggest advantage of purchasing an apartment in a housing cooperative is the attractive price. The developer is not required to bear the costs of civil liability insurance, as in the case of sales through the conclusion of agreements for participation in shared construction, which increase the price of the property.

Renata Belyaeva also draws the attention of potential buyers to the fact that currently the legislation on legal relations with housing cooperatives has become significantly stricter. Obligations for the cooperative to disclose information to members of housing cooperatives and regulatory authorities in the field of construction were introduced. Fines have been introduced for violation of the legislation on attracting funds from citizens with deviations from the requirements of the law in an administrative manner in the amount of 500 thousand to 1 million rubles, criminal liability has been introduced for persons guilty of attracting funds from citizens bypassing the law on a large and especially large scale . All changes are designed to minimize the risks of “double sales” and thereby reduce the number of citizens deceived by developers.

Is there a future for housing cooperatives?

Today, in the new buildings market, the vast majority of objects are sold through the conclusion of an agreement for participation in shared construction and an agreement for the assignment of the right of claim to it. DUDS provides maximum protection to buyers within the framework of 214-FZ (registration is carried out in Rosreestr, all conditions for the purchase of real estate are clearly stated in the contract, and mechanisms for obtaining compensation for non-fulfillment of conditions are provided). At the moment, DDU is the most reliable on the construction market.

As already mentioned, purchasing through housing cooperatives is a very risky scheme. This is understood not only by clients, but also by developers themselves, which is why housing cooperatives are not widespread - their share in the capital market, for example, does not exceed 9% of the total supply.

As a rule, housing cooperatives are used by developers as a temporary scheme to attract client funds in the absence of the necessary permitting documentation, in particular, registered ownership or lease rights to a land plot, as well as a published project declaration. After receiving the necessary documents, developers usually re-sign equity participation agreements with the housing cooperative participants.

Maria Litinetskaya believes that in the foreseeable future this scheme will not be popular while there is a significantly safer way to participate in shared construction - preschool education. The use of housing cooperatives by developers will continue to be sporadic.

Thus, if there is a real opportunity to purchase an apartment in a housing cooperative, you need to weigh all the pros and cons and decide whether it is suitable this method exactly for you.

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On the territory of the Alfa housing cooperative, the opportunity and right to register for a long-term lease of land plots on which residential buildings are located are available to residents who have officially registered their ownership rights to houses built or acquired by them on the territory of the cooperative, i.e., who have State Registration Certificates in their hands rights to the object.

Due to the fact that each land plot on which the house of a specific resident of the village is located, previously allocated to him in accordance with the developer’s agreement, is part of the general (initial) land plot at the disposal of the Alfa housing complex on the basis of a land lease agreement with the City Department property of the city of Moscow, a resident who has decided to formalize the lease of a plot must, first of all, conclude an agreement with the Alfa housing cooperative on the conditions for the withdrawal of this plot from the Cooperative’s lands. To do this, you must submit a corresponding application addressed to the Chairman of the Board of Alfa Housing Insurance Company. The application can be submitted either in paper form at the office of the board or on the Internet via Personal Area resident, located at lk.site.

The agreement concluded between the housing cooperative "Alpha" and the resident on the withdrawal of a land plot from the Cooperative lands is supported by a copy from the general plan of the Cooperative site for the withdrawn plot. If the applicant does not have the specified copy (which is also Appendix 1 to the developer’s agreement), its production can be ordered simultaneously with the submission of an application for the preparation of the above-mentioned agreement.

All further actions, the ultimate goal of which is the conclusion of a long-term lease of a land plot, the owner of the house has the right to carry out both independently and through a person trusted/authorized by him.

Any legal operation or transaction with real estate, the subject of which is a land plot, is impossible if information about this plot is not in the state real estate cadastre and it is not assigned a state registration number (cadastral number). Without registering a land plot with the state cadastral register, it is impossible to conclude a lease agreement for it.

To register a property for cadastral registration, this object must first be formed (that is, created, formed as a plot). The formation of a land plot is carried out by drawing up an appropriate boundary plan for this plot. A boundary plan is a package of documents that reflects information or clarifications on a land plot and contains its main characteristics necessary for registering it with the cadastral register. The preparation of the boundary plan is carried out by cadastral engineers specially certified for these purposes on the basis of contractual relationships.

Cadastral engineers carry out a complex of boundary works in order to establish the actual boundaries of the land plot, including the geodetic coordinates of the site. After survey work is completed, information about the land plot is submitted to the Moscow City Property Department for the preparation and issuance of an order approving the layout of the land plot on the cadastral map (plan) of the territory in the city of Moscow. After the issuance of this order, a boundary plan is drawn up directly for transmission to the cadastral chamber of the city of Moscow, which, in turn, on the basis of the boundary plan, carries out cadastral registration and state registration of the land plot. After completing the process of registering a land plot and registering it with the cadastral register, an application for assistance is submitted to the Moscow City Property Department public services for the provision of a land plot for rent to the copyright holder of a building or structure located on the land plot.

The duration of the process for providing a land plot for lease, which includes the entire complex of the above-mentioned measures, based on established practice, is at least 6 months.

Cooperatives in a new way: what is a housing cooperative with state support

RBC Real Estate understands the intricacies of the new law on housing construction cooperatives (HCS). The amendments are intended to simplify the mechanisms for creating cooperatives with state support and significantly increase the number of citizens who will be able to build their own housing.

Photo: TASS/Interpress/Svetlana Kholyavchuk

On September 1, 2016, changes to Federal Law No. 161-FZ “On promoting the development of housing construction” came into force in Russia. The amendments are intended to simplify the mechanisms for the creation and operation of housing construction cooperatives (HCS) with state support. Such cooperatives are voluntary associations of citizens created for the construction of housing.

Currently in Russia, according to the Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending (AHML), whose press service provided RBC-Real Estate with information about the new law, about 10 thousand people are registered in such cooperatives. The law will significantly increase the number of potential shareholders of housing cooperatives, as follows from the agency’s materials.

Housing and construction cooperatives created in accordance with Law No. 161-FZ differ significantly from those previously organized by some developers, AHML told RBC Real Estate. According to the agency's experts, housing construction will cost cooperative shareholders on average 30% less than market value due to the provision of free land plots to AHML, the lack of a developer's margin and the reduction of contractor costs (for servicing loans, marketing, etc.). In housing cooperatives with state support, the risks of defrauded shareholders are eliminated, since the register of shareholders is maintained by the cooperative itself under the control of the companies-employers of the cooperative members, as well as government authorities, the agency explained. Housing cooperatives created by new scheme, independently control the expenditure of funds, the selection of design organizations and contractors. The legislation also establishes a ban on the voluntary liquidation of a cooperative before the date of transfer of residential premises into the ownership of all its members.

Housing cooperatives in the USSR

Symbolic keys to a new cooperative house. Sverdlovsk, 1985 (Photo: Valery Bushukhin / TASS Photo Chronicle)

The first housing cooperatives appeared in the Soviet Union in 1921, after the NEP. By 1937, such associations ceased to exist. One of the first examples of such cooperatives is the famous Sokol village in the area of ​​the metro station of the same name in Moscow. Its construction was started by shareholders in 1923, and the village was completed by 1930.

Cooperatives were revived again in 1958 by a resolution of the Council of Ministers. At that time, this was required by an acute housing shortage, which arose due to a sharp increase in the urban population. Funds from shareholders were raised for construction, but the state provided a loan in the amount of 70% of the cost of housing for a period of 20 years. However, the majority of the population still could not afford it. In addition, there was also a waiting list to join Soviet cooperatives, and shareholders lost the right to receive free housing from the state. Therefore, the share of housing cooperatives in the total volume of housing construction in the USSR did not exceed 10%.

What will change in housing cooperatives with state support

One of the main innovations is the simplification of the procedure for transferring a land plot to a cooperative (the condition on the transfer of a land plot after payment of 20% of share contributions has been cancelled), as well as eliminating the risk of defrauded shareholders. These amendments, according to AHML, will make it possible to build affordable housing on lands transferred by the agency for free use to cooperatives, which will improve the living conditions of Russians of the relevant categories.

In addition to the changes to No. 161-FZ, amendments have been prepared to Housing Code RF, which make it possible for members of cooperatives with state support to attract credit funds to pay a share fee secured by a share (by analogy with a mortgage secured by equity participation agreements - DPP).

Major changes to Law No. 161-FZ, regulating the activities of housing cooperatives with state support

as amended, valid until 09/01/2016 as amended, effective from 01.09.2016
Lack of the right to purchase residential premises or land for citizens who joined the housing cooperative and subsequently ceased to belong to the corresponding categories Reservation of the right to purchase residential premises or land for citizens who joined the housing cooperative and subsequently ceased to belong to the corresponding categories
Availability of a condition for the transfer of land after making 20% ​​of the share contributions Cancellation of the condition on the transfer of land after making 20% ​​of the share contributions
Compliance of housing under construction with the criteria for classification as economic class There is no requirement for housing under construction to meet the criteria for classification as economic class
Submitting a petition to the housing cooperative to admit new members to the housing cooperative and further consideration by AHML The notification nature of sending information to AHML about the admission of new members to the housing cooperative

New amendments are also planned to the resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation, which will expand the circle of participants in housing cooperatives with state support:

  • inclusion of young professionals under the age of 35 (including citizens living alone) in all categories, while in the category young specialist may include one of the family members;
  • eliminating the restriction on the presence of a child in a young family;
  • eliminating restrictions on need and availability of land;
  • reducing the work experience limit to one year;
  • exclusion of restrictions for employees who are administrative, technical and maintenance personnel;
  • the possibility of employees of enterprises and organizations with state participation (in which the state share is 50% or more) joining the housing cooperative;
  • introduction of a procedure for confirming and checking the solvency of potential members before admission to the housing cooperative.

Who can become a shareholder

Today, shareholders of housing cooperatives can be citizens who meet certain criteria: young scientists, scientific and engineering workers of state academies of sciences, state scientific centers and scientific organizations, military personnel, scientific and pedagogical workers of higher education. educational institutions, employees of educational institutions and healthcare and cultural institutions, as well as employees of organizations of the military-industrial complex and federal government employees.

In this case, one member of the housing cooperative has the right to own one share, which corresponds to the right to acquire ownership of one residential premises. According to AHML expert estimates, the above legislative changes will allow us to significantly increase the number of citizens who will be able to build themselves housing at a price significantly lower than the market price.

How to organize a housing cooperative

The decision to organize a housing cooperative is made by a meeting of founders, at which the charter of the housing cooperative is also approved, corresponding to the established standard form. The charter defines the procedure for forming the property of the cooperative, admitting members of the cooperative and expulsion from the cooperative, the procedure for holding general meetings of the cooperative, the competence of the board, chairman, audit commission, and the procedure for paying the value of shares in the event of leaving the cooperative.

The number of members of the housing cooperative must be at least five, but not more than the number of apartments in a building under construction / individual residential buildings.

As part of the support provided, AHML transfers land plots in federal or municipal ownership for free use to housing cooperatives for construction on such plots apartment buildings, houses of blocked development, individual housing construction projects and engineering infrastructure.

Housing cooperatives can also be transferred free of charge architectural projects and documentation for housing construction projects. Such documents can be issued by the Ministry of Construction of Russia, the authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local municipalities based on a written request from the cooperative.

It should be noted that AHML, in order to provide housing and construction cooperatives, involves land plots from federal ownership into circulation, including those in use by state authorities and institutions. At the same time, the ability of AHML to provide land plots for construction directly depends on the active assistance of the right holders of federal land plots in the process of their involvement.

Procedure for creating a housing cooperative:

  • contacting the AHML with information about the intention to create a housing cooperative and providing primary information (type of development, approximate number of members of the cooperative, desired location of the construction site, etc.);
  • formation of lists of citizens;
  • sending an application to AHML for the provision of a land plot;
  • formation of a land plot for the purpose of further transfer to the cooperative;
  • creation and registration of housing cooperatives;
  • submitting an application to AHML for the transfer of a land plot for free use;
  • adoption by the AHML board of a decision to transfer the land plot to the cooperative;
  • signing an agreement for the free use of a land plot;
  • construction of apartment buildings, blocked-off buildings or individual housing construction projects, as well as engineering infrastructure within the boundaries of these land plots;

The procedure for registering a land plot by members of garage-building cooperatives

For those who have not yet managed to register the land plot under the State Land Construction Company as their property or do not know how to do this, the Agency of State Property and Land Relations together with the Regional Land and Property information center and the Association of Garage and Construction Cooperatives developed a detailed procedure for registering a land plot in two versions.

FIRST OPTION – registration of land according to general rules land legislation.

It is applied when the land plot is under the right of permanent (indefinite) use or lease from GSK. At the same time, the garage boxes have been registered in the cadastral register, and the ownership rights of the GSK members in relation to all or part of the garage boxes have been registered.

In this case, the procedure for registering ownership of garages is simplified, since a commissioning certificate is not required. However, when registering such a plot of land, members of the GSK may encounter a problem when the boundaries of the plot are not established or the garage boxes occupy a larger area than they were provided with. Another difficulty is that not all members of the GSK want to register the land plot as common shared ownership or for lease.

In the first option, members of the GSK do not fall under the law “On Garage Amnesty”, because This law is aimed at registering land plots under garages that cannot be acquired by members of a garage-building cooperative as their property on the grounds and in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

In order to register ownership of garage boxes, members of the GSK need to contact the Rosreestr Office, providing the following documents: passport; receipt of payment of the state fee for registration of property rights; notarized power of attorney; GSK certificate confirming full payment of share contributions; certificate of copyright holder.

If the boundaries of the plot are not established, GSK orders a boundary plan of the land plot from the cadastral engineer and contacts the State Property Agency to enter information about the boundaries of the land plot into the Unified State Register real estate.

If the land plot has a GSK lease right, the chairman applies to the State Property Agency with an application to terminate the land plot lease agreement. The application must contain the following information: name and address legal entity; date, lease agreement number and cadastral number of the land plot. A passport and protocol are attached to the application general meeting GSK. Within 30 calendar days, the State Property Agency reviews the application and prepares a draft agreement on termination of the lease agreement.

If the right of permanent (perpetual) use of the State Property Committee has been registered for the land plot, then the chairman applies to the State Property Agency with an application indicating: the name, address of the legal entity, cadastral number of the plot. The application must be accompanied by: passport; minutes of the general meeting of the GSK; a copy of the document confirming the state registration of a legal entity (for a legal entity); extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate; documents certifying the right to land. The State Property Agency reviews the application within a month and prepares a draft order on termination of the right to permanent (indefinite) use of the land plot.

To acquire a land plot in common shared ownership or for lease with a plurality of persons on the tenant side, members of the State Property Committee apply to the State Property Agency with an application for the provision of a land plot without holding a tender.

The application must indicate:

address, passport details;
cadastral number of the plot, basis for provision;
the type of right under which the applicant wishes to purchase the land;
details of the decision on seizure (if the site is seized for state and municipal needs);
purpose of use;
lease term;

address for contacting the applicant.

The following documents are attached to the application:

a document certifying the applicants’ rights to the premises of garage boxes;
a document establishing the rights of the applicants to the land plot;
a list of structures on the land plot owned by the applicant, indicating the addresses and cadastral numbers of the buildings.

Applications from members of the State Property Committee are considered by the State Property Agency within 30 calendar days. Based on the results of the review, a draft purchase and sale agreement or land lease agreement is prepared. After the parties sign contracts for the sale or lease of a land plot, state registration of the rights of GSK members to a land plot is carried out in the Office of Rosreestr for the Ulyanovsk Region.

SECOND OPTION – registration of a land plot into the common shared ownership of members of the garage cooperative in accordance with the law “On Garage Amnesty”.

If there are no primary documents for the provision of a land plot for the construction of a civil society building, or there is no construction permit due to the lack of documents for the land, and, accordingly, the garage boxes are not registered in the cadastral register and are not registered as the property of citizens, members of the civil society building have the right to purchase a land plot in common shared ownership for free.

To form a land plot, members of the State Property Committee have the right to apply to the State Property Agency with an application for approval of the layout of the land plot on the cadastral plan of the territory, attaching to it a diagram prepared cadastral engineer. Based on the results of consideration of the application, a decision is made to approve the layout of the land plot on the cadastral plan of the territory, which is the basis for registering the land plot with the state cadastral register.

To acquire a plot of land into common shared ownership free of charge, members of the GSK apply to the State Property Agency with an application in which indicate:

Full name, address, passport details, cadastral number of the requested land plot;
the basis for the provision of the land plot;
type of right to purchase;
details of the decision to seize the site for state or municipal needs (if any);
purpose of use;
details of the decision to approve the document territorial planning(if the land plot is provided for the placement of objects);
details of the decision on preliminary approval of the provision of the plot (if the land plot was formed or its boundaries were clarified);
applicant's address.

The following are attached to the application:
copy of the passport;
a copy of the charter of the garage cooperative, certified by the chairman of the GSK;
a copy of the document confirming the powers of the chairman of the State Committee;
list of GSK members; certificate of full payment of the share contribution;
a copy of documents confirming the allocation of a land plot to the garage cooperative;
conclusion on the compliance of the capital construction project with the requirements of urban planning standards and fire safety rules;
extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate.

Applications from members of the State Property Committee are considered by the State Property Agency within 30 calendar days. Based on the results of the consideration, a draft order is being prepared to provide ownership of a land plot free of charge, which is the basis for state registration of the ownership rights of GSK members to a land plot in the Office of Rosreestr for the Ulyanovsk Region.

Information provided by the State Property Agency
and land relations of the Ulyanovsk region

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1. Land plots of a unified development institution may be transferred for free use to cooperatives created to provide housing for citizens specified in Part 4 of this article, in accordance with the federal laws regulating the activities of such cooperatives, taking into account the specifics established by this article. Land plots of the unified development institution are transferred to cooperatives for free use for the construction of apartment buildings, residential buildings, including individual housing construction projects, and the construction of engineering infrastructure within the boundaries of these land plots.

(see text in the previous edition)

(see text in the previous edition)

ConsultantPlus: note.

Effect of Part 3 of Art. 16.5 (as amended by Federal Law No. 239-FZ dated July 23, 2013) applies

3. Citizens specified in part 4 of this article have the right to a one-time inclusion in the lists of citizens entitled to be accepted as members of a cooperative to which a land plot of a unified development institution is transferred in accordance with this Federal Law, and a one-time entry into membership of such a cooperative, except for the case provided for in part 3.1 of this article. If the citizens specified in part 4 of this article are members of a housing construction cooperative, which in cases provided for by the Land Code Russian Federation and other federal laws, land plots in state or municipal ownership are provided for free use; it is not permitted to include these citizens in the lists of citizens entitled to be accepted in accordance with this Federal Law as members of this cooperative.

(see text in the previous edition)

ConsultantPlus: note.

Effect of Part 3.1 of Art. 16.5 (as amended by Federal Law No. 239-FZ of July 23, 2013) applies to citizens excluded from the lists of persons entitled to be accepted as members of the housing cooperative and (or) who ceased membership in the cooperative before July 24, 2013.

3.1. Citizens excluded from the lists of citizens entitled to be accepted as members of the cooperative, and (or) who ceased membership in the cooperative before they acquired ownership of residential premises or ownership of land plots intended for the placement of individual housing construction projects, retain the right to inclusion to the lists of citizens who have the right to be accepted as members of the cooperative, and (or) joining the cooperative if such citizens belong to the categories of citizens who have the right to be accepted as members of the cooperative, and meet the grounds for inclusion in the lists of citizens who have the right to be accepted as members of the cooperative in accordance with this article. Citizens who are members of the cooperative, if they are excluded from the lists of citizens entitled to be accepted as members of the cooperative in accordance with this article, if grounds arise for their exclusion from these lists after becoming members of the cooperative, retain the right to acquire ownership rights to residential buildings premises or ownership rights to land plots intended for the placement of individual housing construction projects.

(see text in the previous edition)

3.2. Citizens who have exercised their right to acquire ownership of residential premises or ownership of land plots intended for the placement of individual housing construction projects, in accordance with Part 3.1 of this article, are not allowed to be included in the lists of citizens entitled to be accepted as members of the cooperative. , and (or) the entry of such citizens into members of the cooperative.

(see text in the previous edition)

4. For the purposes of this Federal Law The Government of the Russian Federation determines the categories of citizens from among those who hold positions in the federal state civil service, perform military service, public service other types established by federal laws, and (or) for which work in federal government bodies, on federal government unitary enterprises, in federal government institutions, state research centers and federal state educational organizations, state academies of sciences, government institutions included in the structure Russian Academy sciences, organizations of the military-industrial complex, information about which is included in the consolidated register of such organizations, organizations specified in Part 6.1-3 of Article 11 of this Federal Law, is the main place of work and which can be accepted as members of cooperatives provided for by this Federal Law, and the grounds for including these citizens, as well as citizens with three or more children, in the lists of citizens entitled to be accepted as members of such cooperatives. Categories of citizens from among those for whom work in institutions and organizations specified in Part 6.6 of Article 11 of this Federal Law is the main place of work and who can be accepted as members of the cooperative (with the exception of citizens with three or more children), and grounds inclusion of these citizens in the lists of citizens entitled to be accepted as members of such a cooperative is established by state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

(see text in the previous edition)

5. The rules for the formation of lists of citizens entitled to be accepted as members of the cooperative are approved by federal government bodies, governing bodies of state academies of sciences, scientific organizations that have been assigned the status of state research centers, and federal state educational organizations, published in official media mass media relevant federal government agency, the governing body of the State Academy of Sciences and are posted on the official websites of these bodies and academies on the Internet information and telecommunications network. The rules for the formation of lists of citizens who have the right to be accepted as members of a cooperative created from among the employees of institutions and organizations specified in Part 6.6 of Article 11 of this Federal Law are approved by state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and are posted on the official website of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the information and telecommunications Internet network. The rules for the formation of lists of citizens entitled to be accepted as members of a cooperative created from among employees of organizations of the military-industrial complex, information about which is included in the consolidated register of such organizations, are approved by those specified in paragraphs 1 - 4 of part 6.12 of Article 11 of this Federal Law and authorized to appeal to the unified development institute with petitions from federal authorities executive power, governing bodies of state academies of sciences and are posted on the official websites of these bodies on the Internet information and telecommunications network. The rules specified in this part for the formation of lists of citizens entitled to be accepted as members of a cooperative may contain the order of inclusion of citizens in such lists. The rules for the formation of lists of citizens entitled to be accepted as members of a cooperative created in accordance with Part 6.1-3 of Article 11 of this Federal Law are approved by the organizations specified in Part 6.1-3 of Article 11 of this Federal Law and are posted on the official websites of these organizations in the information telecommunications network "Internet".

(see text in the previous edition)

5.1. The standard charter of a housing construction cooperative, which was created for the purpose of providing residential premises to citizens specified in part 4 of this article, and complies with the conditions established by this article, is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

5.2. If a citizen with three or more children submits an application for inclusion in the list of citizens entitled to be accepted as members of a cooperative, to the local government body at the place of residence of such a citizen, for the purpose of inclusion in the specified list, those approved by the state authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in In accordance with this article, the rules for the formation of lists of citizens entitled to be accepted as members of the cooperative.

6. The number of members of the cooperative should not exceed the number of residential premises created on the land plot of a single development institution and intended for single-family residence, specified in the application sent to the single development institution in accordance with Part 6.1 of Article 11

(see text in the previous edition)

7. The constituent documents of the cooperative must contain the following provisions:

1) only citizens can be members of the cooperative;

2) one share corresponds to the right to acquire ownership of one residential premises;

3) one member of the cooperative is granted the right to own only one share;

4) a ban on the transfer of a share by a member of the cooperative before the date of registration of the ownership right of such a member of the cooperative to the residential premises, with the exception of the case of inheritance of the share;

(see text in the previous edition)

5) a ban on the voluntary liquidation of the cooperative until the date of transfer of residential premises into the ownership of all its members;

6) in the event of termination of membership in a cooperative due to the withdrawal or expulsion of a member of the cooperative from the cooperative, as a result of which it becomes possible for new members to join it, the right to join the cooperative arises only for the citizens specified in part 4 of this article;

7) in the event that the cooperative itself acquires a share from a member of the cooperative, disposal of such a share is possible only by transferring it to the citizens specified in part 4 of this article;

8) construction of apartment buildings, residential buildings, including individual housing construction projects, and engineering infrastructure facilities within the boundaries of a land plot transferred for free use to the cooperative, as the purpose of the cooperative’s activities.

(see text in the previous edition)

8. If a cooperative was created for the purpose of constructing individual housing construction projects, the constituent documents of the cooperative, along with the provisions provided for in Part 7 of this article, may also contain a provision that members of the cooperative have the right to independently construct individual housing construction projects.

9. The constituent documents of the cooperative must be published in the official media of the relevant federal government body, the State Academy of Sciences and posted on the official website of the said body or the official website of the Academy of Sciences on the Internet. The constituent documents of a cooperative created from among the employees of the institutions specified in Part 6.6 of Article 11 of this Federal Law must be published in the official media determined by the highest executive body of state power of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, the head municipality, and are posted on the official website of the respective subject of the Russian Federation, municipal entity (if there is an official website of the municipal entity) on the Internet information and telecommunications network. The constituent documents of a cooperative created from among employees of organizations of the military-industrial complex, information about which is included in the consolidated register of such organizations, must be posted on the official websites of the federal executive authorities specified in paragraphs 1 and 4 of part 6.12 of article 11 of this Federal Law, on the Internet information and telecommunications network, the constituent documents of a cooperative created from among the employees of organizations specified in Part 6.1-3 of Article 11 of this Federal Law must be posted on the official websites of such organizations on the Internet information and telecommunications network.

(see text in the previous edition)

10. Land plots of a unified development institution may be transferred for free use to a cooperative, provided that previously such a cooperative:

(see text in the previous edition)

1) the land plot of the unified development institute was not transferred or provided for housing construction in the manner established by this article, with the exception of cases of transfer or provision of additional land plots of the unified development institute to previously created cooperatives in the event of an increase in the number of members of such cooperatives. In this case, the additionally transferred or provided land plots must be located within the boundaries of the populated area on the territory of which the land plot previously provided to such a cooperative is located;

(see text in the previous edition)

2) a land plot in state or municipal ownership was not transferred or provided without bidding (competitions, auctions) in cases provided for by federal law, with the exception of cases of transfer or provision of additional land plots in state or municipal ownership, previously established cooperatives if the number of members of such cooperatives increases. In this case, additionally transferred or provided land plots must be located within the boundaries of the populated area on the territory of which the land plot previously provided to such a cooperative is located.

(see text in the previous edition)

(see text in the previous edition)

11. Land plots of a unified development institution intended for the placement of apartment buildings, residential buildings, including individual housing construction projects, and the construction of engineering infrastructure facilities are transferred to cooperatives for free use for the period of housing construction. At the same time, land plots intended for the placement of social infrastructure facilities, transport infrastructure in accordance with the envisaged territory planning projects within the boundaries of these land plots and the parameters of the planned construction of social and transport service systems necessary for the development of this territory are subject to free transfer into the ownership of the municipality or property of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, within the boundaries of which such land plots are located, in the manner prescribed by parts 4 and 5 of Article 16.3 of this Federal Law.

(see text in the previous edition)

12. Sending a proposal to conclude an agreement for the free use of a land plot of a unified development institute in the housing sector to a cooperative is carried out within one month from the date the unified development institute in the housing sector makes a decision to transfer the land plot for free use to the cooperative.

(see text in the previous edition)

12.1. In an agreement for the gratuitous use of a land plot of a unified development institute, concluded with a cooperative, a unified development institute, a maximum share of the total area may be established non-residential premises in an apartment building, with the exception of common areas, in the total area of ​​the apartment building, if this agreement provides for the construction of an apartment building.

(see text in the previous edition)

13. The cooperative does not have the right to transfer its rights and obligations under the agreement for the free use of a land plot of a unified development institution to a third party.

(see text in the previous edition)

13.1. The cooperative notifies the unified development institution about the receipt of a construction permit or a notification about the compliance of the parameters of an individual housing construction project or a garden house specified in the notice of planned construction with the established parameters and the admissibility of placing an individual housing construction project or a garden house on a land plot (hereinafter referred to as the notification about the compliance of the planned for the construction of an individual housing construction project) in relation to the apartment buildings, residential buildings, including individual housing construction projects, and engineering infrastructure within the boundaries of land plots transferred for free use to the cooperative, provided for in the agreement for free use, with the attachment of a notarized copy of such permission or notifications.

(see text in the previous edition)

14. The Unified Development Institute, government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local self-government bodies of municipalities on whose territories land plots transferred in accordance with this Federal Law for free use to cooperatives are located, have the right to assist in the connection (technological connection) of apartment buildings, residential buildings (including individual housing construction projects), engineering infrastructure facilities within the boundaries of the land plot to engineering and technical support networks outside the boundaries of the specified land plot.

(see text in the previous edition)

15. The agreement for the gratuitous use of a land plot of a unified development institute by a cooperative may be terminated early, and the right of the cooperative to gratuitously use a land plot of a unified development institute may be terminated early by the court upon application of the unified development institute in the event of non-use of the land plot for the purposes of construction of apartment buildings, residential buildings, including objects of individual housing construction, and objects of engineering infrastructure within the boundaries of a land plot transferred for free use to a cooperative, within three years from the date of conclusion between the cooperative and a unified development institute of an agreement for the free use of a land plot of a unified development institute, with the exception of the time in during which the land plot could not be used for its intended purpose due to natural disasters or other circumstances precluding such use.

(see text in the previous edition)

15.1. The Unified Development Institute has the right to refuse the agreement (execution of the agreement) for the gratuitous use by the cooperative of the land plot of the Unified Development Institute in the following cases:

1) if the cooperative, within three years from the date of conclusion between the cooperative and the unified development institute of an agreement for the gratuitous use by the cooperative of the land plot of the unified development institute, has not fulfilled the obligation provided for in part 13.1 of this article;

2) use of a land plot transferred to the cooperative for free use for the construction of facilities not provided for in the agreement for free use.

15.2. In the cases specified in Part 15.1 of this article, the contract for the gratuitous use by the cooperative of the land plot of the unified development institute is considered terminated from the moment the cooperative receives a notification from the unified development institute about the unilateral refusal of the agreement (execution of the contract) for the gratuitous use by the cooperative of the land plot of the unified development institute.

16. Acquisition of rights to land plots of a unified development institution on which apartment buildings, is carried out in the manner established by Article 16.4 of this Federal Law.

(see text in the previous edition)

17. From the date of notification of the unified development institution by the cooperative about the commissioning or receipt of notification of the compliance of the constructed or reconstructed individual housing construction project or garden house with the requirements of the legislation on urban planning activities (hereinafter referred to as the notification of compliance of the individual housing construction project) in relation to residential buildings, including individual housing construction projects located on land plots of the unified development institute, and the submission by the cooperative to the unified development institute of information on the distribution of the formed land plots of the unified development institute between members of the cooperative, the unified development institute carries out:

(see text in the previous edition)

1) free transfer of formed land plots of a unified development institution, occupied by residential buildings, including individual housing construction projects, into the ownership of citizens who are members of the cooperative;

(see text in the previous edition)

2) free transfer of the formed land plots of a unified development institution, intended for the placement of engineering infrastructure facilities or occupied by them, into the ownership of the cooperative.

(see text in the previous edition)

18. Federal executive body performing the functions of developing public policy and legal regulation in the field of construction, architecture, urban planning, government bodies of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation and local government bodies of a municipality, based on a written request from a cooperative, have the right to transfer to it free of charge architectural projects and design documentation of housing construction projects (the right to use them).

(see text in the previous edition)

19. Reorganization of a cooperative, including its reorganization in order to ensure the maintenance of apartment buildings, residential buildings, including individual housing construction projects, built on land plots of a single institution for the development of apartment buildings, liquidation of the cooperative is carried out in the manner established by the federal laws regulating the activities of such a cooperative, taking into account the specifics , which are provided constituent documents of such a cooperative in accordance with Part 7 of this article.

(see text in the previous edition)

20. If, within one year from the date of adoption of the decision provided for in paragraph 2 of part 1 of article 12 of this Federal Law and containing an order in accordance with paragraph 3 of part 4 of article 12 of this Federal Law, the land plot of a unified development institution is not transferred to a free use by a cooperative due to the fact that the corresponding cooperative has not been created or does not meet the conditions established by this article, or due to the fact that an agreement for the gratuitous use of a land plot of a unified development institute has not been signed with the cooperative, the unified development institute has the right to dispose of such land plot in other ways in the ways provided for in Part 1 of Article 12.2 of this Federal Law.

(see text in the previous edition)

21. For the purposes of housing construction and (or) construction of engineering infrastructure facilities, the cooperative, independently or with the involvement of a technical customer, concludes, taking into account the provisions provided for in parts 27 and this article, an agreement for the construction of housing and (or) construction of engineering infrastructure facilities (hereinafter referred to as the agreement construction contract) with a person who complies with the requirements established by part 26

(see text in the previous edition)

22. The cooperative, taking into account the provisions provided for in part 27 of this article, enters into an agreement to perform the functions of a technical customer with a person who meets the requirements established by part 25 of this article.

23. If a construction contract with a general contractor or contractor is concluded by a technical customer, such a contract is concluded taking into account the provisions of Part 21 of this article.

25. If a cooperative concludes an agreement to perform the functions of a technical customer, the following mandatory requirements are presented to the person with whom the cooperative enters into such an agreement:

1) the specified person has experience working as a technical customer, provided that the total total area of ​​capital construction projects put into operation with the participation of the specified person as a technical customer for the last three years preceding the date the specified person provided the cooperative with the documents provided for in Part 28 of this article, is no less than the total area of ​​apartment buildings, residential buildings (including individual housing construction projects), provided for by the draft of such an agreement;

(see text in the previous edition)

26. When a cooperative or technical customer enters into a construction contract, the following mandatory requirements are established for the person with whom such an agreement is concluded:

1) the specified person has experience working as a person carrying out construction, provided that the total total area of ​​capital construction projects put into operation with the participation of the specified person as a general contractor, a contractor under a construction contract for the construction of these objects over the last three years preceding the date of provision to the cooperative by the specified person of the documents provided for