Converting snt to tsn step by step instructions. Smooth transition from snt to tsn. What you need to know about the land plots of IZHS, DNP, and SNT

Natalya Mikhailovna is an excellent cleaning specialist. Arrived on time. Very punctual. I brought with me (on the subway) a vacuum cleaner, and a bucket, and a mop, a bunch of detergents for all types of surfaces and for all types of pollution. For more than 6 hours without a break, she worked hard like a bee, unless she buzzed ...

wherein. The apartment after Natalya Mikhailovna shines and smells sweet. Only the ceilings remained unwashed, but they are stretched, recently installed, still clean. Natalya Mikhailovna contrived to perfectly clean all my windows at sub-zero temperatures outside. And all this was done without any " magic kicks" from my side. So to speak "by default". I am 100% satisfied. Natalya Mikhailovna worked out her money by 200%. I recommend her to everyone. I will continue to use her cleaning services. I have not come across such a responsible approach to work for a long time. respect

Grade 5+

Sergey, m. Kaluzhskaya

Order services: Cleaning after repair. Cleaning of the apartment.

Thanks Nuriz! Very well cleaned to disgrace ********** apartment. Used special equipment ******. Very nice cleaners. They worked together with an assistant. Thank you.

Grade 5

Tanya, m. VDNH

Order services: Cleaning. Washing windows. Washing household appliances.

I ordered a general cleaning in a one-room apartment. Thanks to Angela, I was shocked. Came on time. I am 101% satisfied with the result. Thanks a lot. Everything glitters and sparkles. The cleaning quality is perfect. The master got to the most dusty places of the apartment. Windows cleaned like...

they have no glass. Things are neatly folded in the closet. The kitchen has found new life. The dishes are snow-white, I even cleaned the burnt pan, I was in complete shock. I will be ordering more and recommend to everyone. Before, after a bad cleaning, I didn’t order cleaning services, but I was lucky with Angela. The price is very small, for what happened to my apartment, it's a miracle!!! Thank you for being professionals.

Grade 5+

Evgenia, Korolev

Order services: Cleaning of a one-room apartment. Spring-cleaning.

The first time I used cleaning services, and even with I was, to be honest, distrustful, would they definitely be removed? I have been thinking about an au pair for a very long time. Now I am in a position and it is very difficult for me to put the apartment in order. And we are lucky! I studied the list...

specialists and I was certainly inspired by the impressive list of grateful clients. I am very happy to meet Edita. My expectations were not just met, the meeting exceeded all possible expectations. Yes, Edita was really a godsend for those who are looking for a responsible assistant. She will easily fit into the place of an au pair. She turned out to be a woman with professionalism and well versed in household chemicals. She approached the task of cleaning with all seriousness and responsibility. I am absolutely delighted! Already agreed on cooperation! With great pleasure I will again invite you to help us with the cleaning! Edita, thank you very much and good health in the New Year!

Grade 5+

Katerina, Lyubertsy

Order services: Cleaning of a three-room apartment. Spring-cleaning.

A clean entrance is not only pleasant, but also safe. Walking along the gap between the street and the apartment, you can bring on shoes a lot of pathogens of various diseases, especially for pets, so cleanliness is necessary and cleaning the entrances is an urgent need.

Most often, it is done by an outsider, to whom the tenants pay for cleaning on their own initiative. Within the framework of the legislation, this problem should be solved by the management company, on the balance sheet of which the apartment building is located.

Cleaning of entrances within the framework of the legislation

It is not necessary to maintain a separate cleaner for each entrance - one person can take as many sites as he can keep clean and tidy. But the entrance must be removed and not by the residents, unless one of them works in the management company in the appropriate position.

The person cleaning the entrance should be guided solely by the rules and regulations that govern his work. Residents of the entrance can file a complaint against the cleaner, substantiating it. They have the right to do this if the entrance is cleaned less frequently than indicated in the rules, the cleaner does not appear in it at all, or violates other rules.

The complaint is written to the head of the management company. As a rule, for the first time, a negligent employee is warned, and for the second time, if the shortcomings are not eliminated, he can be fired.

Advice: To find out which management company maintains your home, you need to go to the site and specify the address.

Entrance cleaning schedule standards

The cleaning lady is obliged:

  1. Sweep with a wet broom the grounds of the first / second floors, the territory of the garbage chute and the elevator - daily.
  2. Do the same on all landings - twice a week.
  3. Wipe the area near the garbage chute with a damp cloth daily.
  4. Wet cleaning of the entire entrance - twice a month.
  5. Wet cleaning in the elevator - twice a month.
  6. Washing the floors in the elevator - daily.
  7. Washing windows - once a year.
  8. Cleaning near the entrance to the front door - 1 time per week.
  9. Cleaning and washing of the entrance doors of the entrance, electrical panels, ceiling lamps - 1 time per year.
  10. Washing railings and batteries - twice a year.

*Daily wet cleaning of the entire entrance is not included in the standards.

It would be nice to hang a cleaning schedule listing all the actions and their frequency right in the entrance, mark what has already been done and update it every year.

Parameters of the quality of cleaning entrances

To determine the quality, there is no single standard, if only because the entrances are in a different state. A major overhaul has recently been made somewhere, new buildings shine not only with materials, but also with technical equipment, and old houses live out their lives, covered with dust and cobwebs.

Therefore, you can determine the quality of cleaning simply by walking along the entrance and making sure that there is no visible debris left in it (cigarette butts, cans of drinks, cigarette packs), frankly dusty and dirty islands, as well as an unpleasant smell.

Some tenants get annoyed at the sight of drawings and graffiti. But the fact is that the cleaning products issued by the management company do not always cope with them. If cleaning is done with sufficient frequency, and the drawings remain, the cleaner is not to blame.

Insist on repairs and make sure that "artists" do not appear in the entrance - the task of the residents themselves.

If the standards for cleaning the entrance are not observed

Residents of the entrance in case of violation of sanitary and hygienic standards and the cleaning schedule have the right to complain about the inaction of the cleaner. If the cleanliness of the entrance does not reach the GOST standards, you should contact certain authorities. First you need to disturb the manager of the residential company that provides the cleaner. In the absence of any response and correction of the situation, residents can contact the district administration, which controls the management companies.

But complaints should be filed strictly following the order of instances. To begin with, it will be the management company itself, a complaint is filed in any form addressed to its head. Then the sequence is:

  • Organization for the protection of consumer rights.
  • If this does not help, then you should write a complaint to the district or city Housing Inspectorate.
  • If this complaint remains unanswered, the tenants have the right to apply to the Prosecutor's Office.

All appeals are made in any form. It should indicate exactly what standards are not met by the cleaner, mention that this work is paid monthly, since the amount of payment for it is always included in the cost of housing maintenance and require that it be performed at the proper level.

It would be useful to write a complaint to the consumer protection organization, especially if the management company did nothing to keep the entrance clean. In this case, you should describe the situation not only with the sanitary condition of the entrance, but also complain about the inaction of the head of the housing office.

In response, the management company may offer to conclude an additional contract with a clear listing of the cleaner's duties and the deadlines for their implementation. If, for some reason, timely cleaning cannot be done (for example, there are not enough employees), the management company is obliged to exclude the payment for cleaning at the entrance from the monthly payment. Then the tenants have the right to hire an outsider and pay for his work on their own.

An alternative to cleaning the entrance by an employee of the management company

If the management company cannot or does not want to provide high-quality entrance cleaning services apartment building and signed the relevant agreement, removing the fee for this service - the tenants have the right to solve this problem on their own.

Several variants:

  1. Write a schedule for cleaning the entrance and strictly follow it. Among the shortcomings this method– the lack of the possibility of cleaning due to work or for other reasons.
  2. Hire a person and pay for his work yourself. Minus - it is not always possible to maintain a balance of "price-quality".
  3. Once in a certain period, hire employees of a cleaning company, paying for their services by sharing.

For selection correct option, which will suit all tenants, you should collect a council of representatives from each apartment or bypass everyone with a survey.

In most cases, Entrance residents choose a cleaning company, because It is staffed by cleaning professionals. In addition, cleaning of the entrance by cleaning specialists can be both one-time and permanent basis. In the case of the second option, an Agreement for the maintenance of the premises is concluded between the residents of the entrance and the cleaning organization, which indicates the amount of work performed to clean the entrance, cost and frequency.

Cleaning entrances at affordable prices from VKOService

We have been operating for over 12 years. The result of cleaning the entrance is visible to the naked eye, our customers no longer have to guess: - "Was there a cleaning today?"

Entrance cleaning price

*Depends on several factors: scope of work, cleaning requirements and frequency.

Clarifications on the transition to TSN from 01/01/2019 in accordance with 217-FZ

Why are SNT, DNP, ONT and other familiar abbreviations changed to TSN?
How to switch from DNP to TSN. Is it possible to stay in the DNP?

Let's understand what is SNT and what is TSN. Horticultural non-profit partnership (SNT), dacha non-profit partnership (DNT), gardening non-profit partnership (ONT), partnership of real estate owners (TSN) - the name of the organizational and legal forms of our associations as legal entities.

The list of organizational and legal forms is clearly regulated by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation Article 50. “Commercial and non-profit organizations". The Civil Code of the Russian Federation was amended on May 5, 2014, in accordance with which, in Article 50 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation there is no indication of SNT, ONT, DNT and other variations of the names of partnerships. In subparagraph 4 of paragraph 3 of Art. 50 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation from January 1, 2019, changes will be made. SNT with ONT will appear in the Civil Code, but not as independent organizational and legal forms, but as a type of partnership of property owners (a similar situation is currently with HOAs). Literally, all partnerships will become either Gardening Associations of Property Owners or Gardening Associations of Real Estate.

In this regard, the tax inspectorate of new forms (for registration of a new SNT / amendments to the charter / change of the legal address of the current SNT) with a non-existent organizational and legal form cannot physically accept. But, in practice, variations are registered - STSN, OTSN, STTSN ... Is it worth using this and “inventing” new organizational and legal forms? Not worth it. In any case, all of them will be guided by the same special law - FZ No. 217.

How to change SNT to TSN?

Very simple. Decision general meeting make any changes to the bylaws. Better yet, develop a fundamentally new partnership charter, taking into account the provisions of 217-FZ.

After approval by the decision of the general meeting of the new form of the Charter. The chairman of the board notarizes form 13001, in which the old organizational and legal form (SNT) appears on the first page, and TSN is already indicated on the second. The obligation to make a decision on changing the OPF by the general meeting of members of the SNT is not legally established. It passes automatically, since the tax office cannot accept another form.

So, the certified form P130001, the protocol on the approval of the new form of the Charter (even if only the comma was changed), the new Charter, the receipt of payment of the state fee (800 rubles) are submitted by the chairman of the board to the tax office at the location of the partnership. After 5 days, in an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities under the same OGRN (the main state registration number) and TIN (individual taxpayer number) we see not SNT, but TSN.

"SNT" is no more, there will be no "dacha residents" either! 217-FZ enters from 01/01/2019 ... What to do? Where to run?

First, don't panic! The legislator does not oblige to urgently change the abolished organizational and legal forms to TSN. Hypothetically, for a long time it is possible to remain SNT, DNP, DNT, ONT, etc.

If you are summer residents, then you will become gardeners. Nothing in your life will fundamentally change. And now garden and dacha partnerships are legally in exactly the same conditions. This is what dictated the unification of these concepts by law.

The legislator also does not call for urgent changes to the Charter of the SNT. But the need to make changes is dictated by legal aspects. The old statutes will also be in force with the introduction of 217-FZ, but in the part that does not contradict the new law. The problem is that in the old charters there are not and cannot be some sections and provisions that are necessary for the partnership for the normal conduct of financial and economic activities. As a result, we get the old charter, in which half is invalid and a third is not. There is little point in such a document. Especially with the prospect of litigation.

This may especially affect cases of recovery in judicial order arrears on membership, earmarked contributions and fees for the use of infrastructure facilities from individuals.

This is now all the documents to change ...

Article 54 of Federal Law No. 217 clearly states that when switching to TSN, it is not required to make changes to title and other documents containing the previous names. Such changes can be made at the request of interested parties.

Most of all, in connection with the transition to TSN, ordinary gardeners are frightened by the prospect of replacing certificates of ownership of land and buildings.

Firstly, what you want to change is the address of the landmark (For example, Moscow region, Mozhaysky district, s / p Such and such, SNT "Romashka" section 23), and not the real (postal) address of the site (house).

Secondly, the landmark does not carry a legal load, it is not a postal address, and there have long been more proven methods for determining the exact location of an object. For this, a survey is carried out.

Thirdly, if you change certificates, in return you will be given not a new certificate, but an extract from the USRN, since it is the entry in the Unified Register of Rights to Real Estate that confirms the ownership of a certain citizen to a certain property. Certificates are no longer issued.

When to switch to TSN?

Until 01.01.2019 the charter developed taking into account the provisions of 217-FZ will be invalid in those provisions that contradict 66-FZ. Starting from January 1, 2019, the old charters in terms of provisions will contradict 217-FZ and will also partially be invalid. At the same time, the old charter in the new year may become a problem (problems when opening an account, during collection and other legal proceedings). The conclusion is obvious, but in practice everything is more complicated.

The ideal solution is to approve new form charter by the decision of the general meeting of members in December, register the charter with the tax office in January. The problem is that few partnerships will be able to gain a quorum at the December meeting ...

As an option, approve a new form in September-October, submit a charter for registration in the new year. With this option, you should be prepared for a fine of 5,000 rubles, since it takes only 3 days to register a new charter from the moment the relevant decision is made by the general meeting.

Outcome: each partnership chooses when to approve a new form of charter, based on individual characteristics and existing plans for the near future (the number of sites, the "political" situation in the partnership, the presence of an intention to collect debts in court, etc.).

IMPORTANT! New charters (developed in accordance with the provisions of Federal Law No. 217) in terms of structure and practical application will be different from what we are used to. 217-FZ is variable: it assumes that each partnership, for one reason or another, will choose the optimal principle of interaction for itself (within the partnership). In order for this principle to become official (that is, it applies to all gardeners within the boundaries of horticulture (horticulture) of this particular partnership), legal, it must be determined by the charter. Not by the decision of the general meeting of members, not by the decision of the board, not because “we are so used to it”, but precisely by the charter, moreover, registered with the tax office.

The first in "AiF. In the country" this news was announced by our reader Anatoly Sudekov from Moscow. At our request lawyer Yuri Volokhov explained the situation.

On September 1, 2014, the Federal Law of May 5, 2014 No. 99-FZ came into force, which introduced very significant changes to Chapter 4 "Legal Entities" of Part One Civil Code RF. Thus, it is envisaged that from September 1, 2014, new horticultural non-profit partnerships (SNT) and homeowners' associations (HOA) should be created in the form of a partnership of property owners.

Don't panic

What should SNT boards do now: re-register, change seals?

Re-registration of HOA and SNT in connection with the entry into force of the Federal Law of May 5, 2014 No. 99-FZ is not required. Constituent documents, as well as the names of HOA and SNT, created before the day the said law came into force (that is, before September 1, 2014), are subject to alignment with the new norms of Chapter 4 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation at the first change in the constituent documents of such legal entities. That is, there are no deadlines for making changes.

By the way, the state duty is not charged when registering changes in constituent documents.

Suppose that in 2015 a large public facility will be created in your SNT, and in connection with this you will need to amend the charter of a horticultural non-profit partnership (in the list of common use property). Then, at the same time, the entire charter should be brought into line with the new provisions of Chapter 4 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, and, among other things, the words “association of property owners” should appear in the name of the legal entity.

Documents are the same

What should SNT members do? Will registration certificates for land and buildings obtained earlier be valid? Or will they need to be replaced with new ones?

Gardeners should be reassured by the fact that changing the name of a legal entity does not require amendments to title and other documents containing its former name. What does this mean? The name of the horticultural association will someday change (as already mentioned, it will contain the words "partnership of property owners"), and this, of course, will be reflected in its charter. But in title and other documents that gardeners have in their hands (for example, certificates of state registration ownership of the land), no changes need to be made: they will continue to indicate the corresponding horticultural or dacha non-profit partnership.

Changes are minimal

Now each SNT needs to be reworked - charter?

Specially, and even more urgently, there is no need to change the charter. The law says that founding documents of the mentioned legal entities, until they are brought into line with the new norms of Chapter 4 of the Civil Code, act in the part that does not contradict the said norms. That is, from September 1, all those provisions of the specific charter of the SNT that do not contradict the norms provided for in new edition Chapter 4 of the Civil Code remain in force. However, a preliminary acquaintance with the innovations convinces that neither members of the HOA, nor members of horticultural non-profit partnerships will have to thoroughly “shovel” their charters.

I will also note one more provision of Federal Law No. 99. From September 1, 2014 to those created before this date legal entities accordingly, the norms of Chapter 4 of the Civil Code are applied already in a new edition. Namely: the rules on partnerships of real estate owners apply to associations of homeowners, horticultural, gardening and dacha non-profit partnerships. But since chapter 4 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, including articles 123.12-123.14, which are directly devoted to associations of property owners, contains mainly only general provisions, then this will have little effect on homeowners, summer residents and gardeners.

Conclusions are comforting

Federal law on horticultural associations of citizens is now repealed?

Federal Law of April 15, 1998 No. 66-FZ on horticultural associations of citizens, as well as the norms Housing Code RF on HOA, not canceled, but continue to operate. Although, of course, in due time they will be adjusted.

And this means that the charters of the HOA, SNT and other non-profit associations will not have to be rewritten from beginning to end.


If you, dear readers, still have questions about the new law (or are concerned about other legal issues), please contact us. We will definitely answer!

Paying for "individualism"

I got out of SNT, I do gardening on an individual basis. I make contributions to the current expenses of SNT, earmarked contributions. Do I still have to pay contributions for the salaries of the chairman and accountant of the partnership, the amounts of which are established by the members of the SNT?

S. N. Mishunov, Moscow region

Responsible lawyerGennady Kropotov:

You write that you pay contributions for the current expenses of SNT. And in accordance with article 1 federal law dated April 15, 1998 No. 66‑ФЗ “On horticultural, horticultural and dacha non-profit associations of citizens” current expenses of SNT include cash, contributed to the remuneration of employees who have concluded employment contracts with SNT, and other similar expenses.

In addition, your site continues to remain on the territory of the partnership. The maintenance of infrastructure facilities and other common property requires expenses, which include the remuneration of the chairman and accountant of the SNT.

Important: if you made contributions for the acquisition (creation) of the common property of the SNT, then the fee for using it for you cannot be more than established for the members of the partnership.