Franchise for the production of auto chemicals and detergents. Business: production of auto chemicals under your own brand How to produce auto chemicals

Market players speak of the production of auto chemicals and auto cosmetics as a fairly problem-free activity. There are only two main difficulties, solving which you will be able to establish successful production more likely. The first problem is finding an adequate technologist. The second is the search for raw materials for production...

Raw materials issue

The problem with the supply of inexpensive raw materials can become one of the most important at the start of a business. It so happens that in Russia there is a very meager market for raw materials for the production of auto chemicals. It is very difficult, for example, to find suppliers of sulfanol P, one of the main components in the production of detergents. Often our manufacturers have to make purchases abroad, which sharply increases costs and makes production more expensive.

Among the well-known domestic companies producing raw materials for auto chemicals, several companies can be distinguished. Thus, OAO Nizhnekamskneftekhim (Tatarstan) produces neonols. Khimprom LLC (Chuvashia) – produces phosphoric acid esters, OKSANOL-KD6, short-chain synthanol ALM-7. CJSC Organic Products Plant produces CSN. If you try hard, you can make components from Russian raw materials that are comparable in characteristics to their foreign counterparts.

Equipment and production technology

In principle, there are no secrets in choosing equipment. The main equipment here is a container for mixing components. Clandestine production that does not have serious capital often makes do with ordinary plastic barrels. If you have money, then it is better to take stainless steel containers. In this case, the likelihood of product spoilage is reduced, and the quality increases.

It is also important to consider the issue of waste disposal. After washing the containers, a lot of dirty water remains, which has to be stored and then transported on our own or with the involvement of public utilities.

Unique technology production is simply not available: all enterprises keep recipes strictly secret. One of the most proven ways is to hire an experienced technologist. But he still needs to be found, and the specialist will require an appropriate salary. There is another way out: you can purchase raw materials from a large foreign supplier who will provide you with the basic recipe. And you can already approach it creatively.

For example, to make car shampoo you will need approximately the following recipe: 3% alkali, 3% - liquid glass, 10% - synthanol ALM-2, 2% - SLES 70%, 3% - isopropanol, 70 g - Trilon B.

Basic recipes for the production of the same antifreeze and antifreeze are freely available, but with car cosmetics and detergents it’s more complicated.


The premises for organizing production should be chosen at a distance from residential buildings. The ideal option is to be located in the industrial zone of the city. Not only is rent cheaper here, but there are practically no problems with regulatory authorities.

The area of ​​the room must be at least 50 square meters. m., with water supply, sewerage, 380 volt electricity and heating. If we are talking about a legal business, then a basement will not work, because windows and an exhaust hood are required.

You can register a business as usual individual entrepreneurship on a simplified taxation system. The most suitable OKVEDs are: “24.66.3 - Production of lubricants, lubricant additives and antifreezes” and “24.66.4 - Production of other chemical products”.

Main consumers - how to organize sales of products

Sales of products can be established in several ways. The first is to look for clients yourself, traveling around commercial offers local car washes and auto parts stores. Thus, shampoos are very popular among car washers, and spare parts stores are actively purchasing products for blackening rubber, engine washing, liquid wax, different kinds polishes, antifreeze and antifreeze.

The second option is posting ads on the Internet. You can place information on message boards about wholesale supplies of auto chemicals and auto cosmetics. It would also be a good idea to make your own website, which will show the reputability of your company. It can be promoted using contextual advertising- one of the most effective ways advertising for today. Creating and promoting a website will cost 40 – 60 thousand rubles.

In this material:

The production of auto chemicals is promising and profitable. Car owners have to pay attention appearance and the purity of their Vehicle, therefore, the demand for special cleaning and other compounds is consistently high.

Production of auto chemicals: relevance, pros and cons of a business idea

Car chemicals usually mean windshield wipers, car shampoos, antifreeze, de-icers and some other products.

Among the advantages of starting a business for the production of such compounds:

  • the level of competition is still low;
  • no need for major start-up investments;
  • simplicity of the technological process.

You can organize a workshop in a room with an area of ​​only 50 square meters. m, and a minimum of personnel can work at the enterprise - a technologist and 1-2 general workers.

The disadvantages of business are associated with the instability of demand for individual species products in different seasons of the year. Various “anti-freeze” products will sell well only in frosty conditions, but car shampoos are bought mainly in the warm months. There is a stable demand at any time for windshield wipers.

The lack of necessary technical knowledge will not be an obstacle to starting a business: you can work as a franchise. For 400–500 thousand rubles, the business owner will receive the right to work under the name of a well-promoted brand using already proven technology. Also, he will not have to deal with the preparation of documents confirming the quality of the products.

Market analysis: assessment of demand, level of competition and risks

Before you finally decide to organize such a business, you should objectively evaluate competitive environment in the region. We are talking not only about enterprises that produce auto chemicals, but also about the range of similar products presented on the local market - it is possible that consumers will prefer to buy “imported” products, for example, because of their more affordable price. Expensive European compounds, aimed primarily at premium cars, are unlikely to become the main competitor - they have firmly occupied their niche. We will have to fight with cheap Chinese products.

Analyze whether there is a demand for the product: whether there are other local manufacturers, how local residents treat their cars, whether they often buy detergents. Particular attention should be paid to the number of car washes - all of them are possible wholesale consumers of the product.

The main business risk is the lack of demand for products. However, if this happens, the enterprise can be reoriented and produce other compounds on the same production line, for example, household and professional cleaning products.

Organizing a business for the production of auto chemicals by stages

Enterprise registration

You can work in the format of an LLC or individual entrepreneur - the first option is more solid and preferable if the business is opened by two or more partners, as well as if close cooperation with legal entities. A simplified tax system is suitable. The next step is concluding agreements with local utilities and obtaining a fire inspection permit.

From the OKVED classifier you should select two codes at once - 24.66.3 and 24.66.4. They regulate the production of certain lubricants and chemical products. If you choose to work independently rather than through a franchise, you will have to register a trademark.

You should also contact your local standardization body to obtain technical specifications for each product. IN general view this procedure looks like this:

  1. a description of the product and its production process is developed;
  2. samples are made;
  3. prototypes along with a package of documents are sent to a standardization institution;
  4. products undergo laboratory tests;
  5. if there are no complaints about the quality of auto chemicals, a commission will be sent to production;
  6. Based on the conclusion of the inspectors, a document confirming receipt of the technical specifications is issued.

Product quality control is not one-time, it is carried out with established regularity. Unscheduled audits are also possible - if problems arise with auto chemicals or a complaint is received about it to the SES or another authority. If the newly appointed commission reveals serious violations, the certificate is suspended until the problems are resolved or completely revoked.

Registration of technical specifications usually takes at least 6 months. To speed up this process, you can contact a company specializing in such services.

Over time, when the business has developed so much that it is ready to enter the international market, it will be necessary to obtain a certificate of conformity under the ISO 9001 protocol.


The choice of room size depends on the production method and the volume of products produced: you can start in your own garage, but it is better to immediately equip a full-fledged workshop. Its minimum area is 50 square meters. m, a production, warehouse and administrative area should be allocated. The space should be well lit, but without direct sunlight on the equipment and reagents.

All necessary engineering communications must be installed in the room; it is important to maintain the desired temperature – no higher than 20℃. Supply and exhaust ventilation is required, and the workshop must be heated in winter.

The waste from this production is water with chemical residues, and it must be disposed of in a certain way. An excellent option would be to rent a room with a sewer leading to a wastewater treatment plant. Otherwise, you will have to conclude an agreement with the utility company on regular pumping waste water or hire a sewer truck.

It is prohibited to discharge contaminated water into nearby reservoirs or local ditches - this can result in penalties ranging from monetary penalties to criminal liability.

The building for the workshop should be located at a distance from residential buildings. Convenient access roads for freight transport should be provided.


To produce auto chemicals, the following automated equipment is required:

  • vacuum reactor;
  • storage tank;
  • raw material dispensers;
  • bottling plant;
  • washing equipment.

You can buy equipment with a lesser degree of automation and thereby reduce starting investments into business. On the other hand, a fully robotic line will help save on the number of workers.

You should definitely purchase a certain amount of workshop, warehouse and office furniture: tables, chairs, racks, shelves, cabinets.

Raw materials

The recipe for making car chemical compositions is different for different manufacturers, but the basis of all products can be called demineralized water, special chemical concentrates (for example, surfactants for car shampoos), and the required additives.

If auto chemicals are produced for use by private individuals, less concentrated raw materials are used in the manufacturing process. For professional touchless car washes, detergents are usually stronger.

All raw materials today are freely available on the market - there will be no problems with their purchase. But it is important to entrust the selection and improvement of the recipe to an experienced specialist.

Company personnel

At first, only two people can work at the enterprise: a technologist and a general worker, but as the business grows, the staff will have to be expanded. Several more general workers, an equipment repairman, a storekeeper, a manager, and security guards will be needed. It is advisable to entrust accounting to a visiting specialist.

Advertising and Marketing

  • creating your own business card website, maintaining pages on social networks and contextual advertising;
  • placement of external presentation materials;
  • distribution printed products in the locations of vehicle owners;
  • submitting advertisements to local media;
  • phone calls and emails potential buyers with a proposal for cooperation.

Sales can be established in two ways:

  1. create your own marketing department or enter into an agreement with a third-party agent who will promote auto chemicals;
  2. sell manufactured goods to intermediary companies at wholesale prices.

Most owners of such enterprises prefer the second option: it allows you to fully concentrate on production process, requiring distributors only to comply with contracts in which it is advisable to establish a minimum monthly purchase volume.

Financial indicators of the project

Business in the automotive industry is becoming increasingly attractive to entrepreneurs. And this niche does not always mean high costs for opening a business. For example, the production of car shampoos compares favorably with other business ideas due to its simplicity. With proper organization of activities, it is quite possible to as soon as possible reach the break-even point.

Our business assessment:

Starting investments – from 800,000 rubles.

Market saturation is average.

The difficulty of starting a business is 6/10.

Car detergents differ in composition from “standard” household chemicals - they contain more aggressive substances that can remove even heavy dirt from the surface of the car. The products are actively used by both car owners and car washes.

What is attractive about business?

  • There are not many enterprises producing auto chemicals in Russia. Products in demand on the market, if you think about it marketing strategy, will quickly find its buyers.
  • Simple technology will allow you to start a business even for those who only studied chemistry at school. The production process is carried out using automated equipment, which will avoid spending on paying salaries to qualified specialists - you can hire employees with professional education.
  • There is a large selection of production lines on the market - choose inexpensive machines to minimize capital costs.
  • Compact equipment will make it possible to open a mini-enterprise in small areas - even in a garage.

Where to begin?

The production of car shampoo as a business is an attractive direction. But before you start implementing the idea, it doesn’t hurt to study the market:

  • Are there any similar companies in the region?
  • Is the demand for car cleaning products high?
  • Are there many car washes and potential wholesale buyers? finished products?

In parallel with market analysis, start looking for wholesale clients. This way you will open a workshop, having already concluded lucrative contracts with customers. Having finished collecting information, you can begin registering a business, searching for premises, purchasing raw materials and equipment.

Legal registration of business

The production of car wash shampoo is not subject to mandatory licensing. All an entrepreneur needs is to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC, choose a taxation scheme, and obtain permission to conduct activities from supervisory services.

Obtaining documents from fire and sanitary inspections may take a long time, since the process of producing finished products will use chemical concentrate and other fire-hazardous substances that are harmful to human health.

If you plan to produce car shampoos under your own brand, you will need to invest in brand development and registration.

Car shampoo manufacturing technology

A recipe will be required according to which the products will be produced in the future. You can hire a specialist to develop the mixture. If you have enough experience and knowledge, you can start preparing the recipe yourself.

To expand your customer base, plan to release several types of car shampoos - for automatic car washes (contactless) and private use, for cars and trucks.

Contactless car shampoo is produced on the basis of desalted water, chemical concentrates and additives. All ingredients are commercially available and relatively inexpensive. Choose only high-quality raw materials - this will directly affect the final result of washing the car. Car washes will refuse to cooperate with you if you supply them with shampoo that does not perform its functions.

The car shampoo production technology consists of several stages:

  • Dosing and mixing of components.
  • Heating the mixture.
  • Cooling the mixture.
  • Pouring liquids into containers.

The production is considered waste-free - the soapy water released during the process can be used in the next production cycle.

Workshop technical equipment

The main feature of this line of business is that equipment for the production of car shampoo for contactless washing can additionally produce windshield cleaning and cooling liquids. All that is required is to reconfigure and thoroughly flush the line.

The production line is the most expensive part of organizing a business. You can buy equipment with a productivity of up to 700 kg/hour for at least 700,000 rubles. This is quite enough for a small enterprise. You can reduce your investment by purchasing a supported line.

The production of contactless car shampoo is carried out using the following equipment:

  • dispensers,
  • drives,
  • vacuum reactor,
  • filling machine,
  • washing equipment.

The line is compact in size - it can be installed on 15 m2. But additional space will also be required - rooms for staff, warehouses for raw materials and finished products, an office.

Sales channels and profit calculation

To buy equipment for the production of car shampoo and equip the premises to start work, you will need at least 800,000 rubles (including supported equipment). It’s great if by the time the business opens you have already found buyers! Products can be offered to car dealerships, car washes, and gas stations.

The production of car shampoo for contactless washing with established sales channels will recoup all costs after 1-2 years. Car detergents cost wholesale market from 70 rubles. At the same time, their cost is 30-50% lower.

It may seem that the market for household and automotive chemicals is overcrowded with offers from large and famous brands. This is true. At least this statement is true for retail. In the wholesale part of this business, not everything is so simple. Any trading business- this is a markup. The higher it is, the more successful the business. Therefore, private production of household chemicals not only has the right to life, but can also bring good profits. If you know where to start.

Any household chemical is a mixture of various components. Perfumes, deodorants, liquid soap, car wash or hair shampoo. Everything is approximately the same in composition. The difference, as they say, lies in the details and concentration. In the so-called technical conditions and recipes. This is not a secret for modern man.

Take any washing powder and, for example, toothpaste. Both products, to everyone’s surprise, will contain surfactants (surfactants). Chemical compounds that reduce surface tension. In simple terms, a surfactant dissolves, reduces or destroys the molecular bonds of another substance. For example, fat or organic food residues. That’s why the powder washes away and the toothpaste cleanses. Only in the first case there will be a lot of surfactants, in the second - a very small part of the total volume.

Alkyl benzene sulfonate is the most common surfactant used in synthetic detergents.

This is, of course, not a paper sausage. And not the “Chinese miracle” - plastic rice. On the contrary, thanks to modern chemical industry and the production of modern surfactants, various detergents that can clean half an apartment with one drop have become more accessible to humanity; cosmetics that remove makeup without streaks - micellar water is an aqueous solution of a group of surfactants of a certain concentration; washing with bleaching without chlorine; and much more that makes our life easier, saving time on hygiene, washing and cleaning.

That is why modern household chemicals, when properly produced, are the same from any manufacturer. Be it a large brand, or a little-known enterprise opened in a small workshop. It all comes down to the recipe. Large brands have their own ingredients, small brands have theirs. And the key to profitable production is a good chemical technologist. Knowledgeable of the entire production process. And it turns out that a small enterprise produces a detergent that is not inferior to a well-known brand. But it costs 5 times less. There are no costs for advertising and other management. Now let’s explain all the nuances.

How to open a household chemicals production. Differences in production levels

Before starting production, you need to decide what to produce and how. The level of equipment of private enterprises producing household chemicals varies depending on the form of these enterprises.

The cheapest and most accessible type of business in the production of household chemicals is packaging finished products in your own containers. All you need is a packaging line. Such an enterprise purchases finished products in bulk in large containers - barrels, cubes or tanks. On the packaging line, products are separated into individual packaging, a label is affixed, put into boxes or pallets, and sent to the finished product warehouse. The volume of product purchased from another production is accompanied by all necessary documents, including certificates of conformity and specifications. Have you seen similar products? On its label you can read - produced by order of some company, production address, company address.

The disadvantage of this approach is complete dependence on the manufacturer of the final product. The control of finished products carried out by the manufacturer can be very mediocre. And the client sends complaints to the parent company where the packaging was carried out. A definite plus is the speed of “production”. Orders can be placed with several companies at the same time. It is enough for the company itself to establish sales of packaged products; for this, a well-developed marketing department will be useful. And later, having decided on sales channels, outsource packaging altogether (by the way, packaging production is also a very promising business idea).

Second in terms of investment volume are dilution and mixing enterprises. The basis of such production is reactor plants. Reactors are special containers for mixing solutions. The cost, as well as the size, of installations vary. From 50 to 5000 liters.

The simplest reactors are designed for mixing liquids that are indifferent to the effects environment- shampoos, cosmetic liquids, detergents and the like.

The most expensive ones, made of stainless food steel, with automatic additional dispensing containers, are designed for mixing volatile liquids and medical solutions. Such installations “mix” perfumes and other perfume compositions that are demanding in terms of the technical production process.

As you may have guessed, at such enterprises they prepare what is packaged in the first type of production. The main task is to purchase components or concentrates. The latter are easier; just add water, following the manufacturer’s instructions, and package.

The essence of production is simple - all components, in a certain sequence and concentration, are mixed with prepared water in a special reactor. Some liquids require heating to a certain temperature, this will trigger the desired chemical reactions. Industrial reactors, unlike artisanal and home-made ones, can do this - they are fully automated and strictly monitor all ongoing processes, according to the laid down program.

After mixing, the finished liquid is sent to wholesale customers, or to its own packaging line. At the last stage, the working mixture is packaged, a label is glued... However, the main clients of such enterprises remain wholesale customers or OEM orders. Where, under any brand, according to its own original recipe expressed in specifications, the required solution is mixed and packaged. Such orders are less profitable because they are strictly regulated in terms of terms, volumes and prices. But they are more stable - they allow you to load the entire enterprise for a long time. An intermediate option is production division. Some of the working mixtures are sent wholesale buyers or packaged under the customer’s brand; the other is packaged and sold under its own brand. Preferably in wholesale quantities. In this case, the marketing department has much more tasks - to find wholesalers, to find customers with a brand, to find buyers for its own brand. But, it's worth it.

OEM - original equipment manufacturer - “original equipment manufacturer”. A company that produces something. Which may be sold under a different brand name.

The third option is to open your own chemical production. Allowing the production of all kinds of household detergents, as well as their direct basis - surfactants. Such deep processing enterprises are quite expensive businesses that require large initial capital costs. However, there is less competition and demand is more stable. Enterprises of the second category will line up for concentrated raw materials.

It is the second option that becomes the basis for most beginning entrepreneurs. And it is the foundation of this business idea.

Businessmen with limited funds choose those forms of production where the essence of the process is reduced to diluting concentrates of ready-made chemicals in water to the required proportions. Garage entrepreneurs work on a similar principle, diluting concentrated antifreeze liquid, antifreeze or car shampoos for contactless and contact washing. With subsequent packaging of the finished mixture. The advantages of such a business are low production costs. Everything you need is found in any room - mixing installations, water, electricity and plastic containers with labels. The activity is not subject to licensing. It is enough to develop your own technical specifications, passports of product quality conformity and you can enter the market. It is not uncommon for such enterprises to have pavilions at regional car markets. They fully ensure the sale of the entire volume of finished products.

With the accumulation of the necessary capital, it is possible to modernize the enterprise to expand the line of household chemical products produced. And for this, first of all, you will need not so much equipment as local Walter White - a character in the TV series "Breaking Bad" (Sony Pictures Television International, USA, 2008-2013) - a chemical technologist who works as a school teacher. He knew how to synthesize various chemicals as correctly as possible using available materials. In reality, an ordinary smart chemist will do; he doesn’t have to be a teacher. Of course, you can buy a ready-made recipe from any chemical laboratory or the equipment manufacturer. But sometimes it costs more than maintaining a full-time unit.

The tasks of a full-time chemical technologist should include the development of recipes and production technologies for products in the areas planned for launch.

  • Retail: ready-to-use auto chemicals and auto cosmetics;
  • Wholesale: specialized auto chemicals for car washes (car shampoos, polishes, waxes, cleaners, etc.);
  • Stations Maintenance: technical fluids (coolers and antifreezes, lubricants, flushing, cleaners, etc.);
  • Household technical fluids: coolants for heating systems, flushing for water supply, etc.;
  • Windshield washer fluids for winter and summer;
  • Household and industrial chemicals for cleaning: cleaning liquids and concentrates;
  • Perfumery and cosmetics: perfumes, eau de toilettes, colognes, lotions, micellar water, other cosmetics;
  • Construction technical fluids: primer, varnishes, paints. Hydrophobizing liquids - a new direction for this type of business, has high margins. Water repellents are liquids that, after penetrating into the structure of the material, provide vapor permeability and water-repellent properties;

In addition to the above, a chemical technologist or organization representing similar services, can help with:

  • Development and creation of safety data sheets, technical specifications, etc.;
  • Selection of suppliers of raw materials;
  • Quality control and refinement of the properties of manufactured products;
  • Selection and launch of the necessary equipment;

To summarize, we can say that the production of household and auto chemicals, in modern business realities, is quite a profitable business. Since there is no need to make the bases, they buy ready-made ones. The main tasks solved in this type of entrepreneurship are the production of in-demand competitive products and the search for sales channels. Why is an original recipe developed for any production?

The number of cars in Russia is growing inexorably; with the growing motorization of the population, niches for the production of goods for cars are actively developing. Today we will consider a popular business idea, the implementation of which does not require large financial investments and complex business processes - this is the production of car shampoos, a business that allows you to recoup your investments in the shortest possible time and start earning money.

From the classic household chemicals that each of us uses when washing dishes, car detergents contain more aggressive substances that allow you to wash off various contaminants from the body. Shampoo is regularly purchased by car washes, as well as car owners who wash their cars themselves.

What is attractive about this business?

  1. Most of the products are imported from abroad; in Russia the market is not yet completely filled with enterprises producing auto chemicals. Faithful marketing campaign, and you will take market share.
  2. The composition of the product and production technology are easily accessible; the production process takes place in automated equipment.
  3. The market for production equipment is quite developed, which allows you to save money on a limited budget.
  4. Production does not require large areas. It is possible to install compact equipment even in a garage.

Studying the market

Car shampoo production as a business - promising direction. But first you need to conduct research on this market and answer the questions:

  • presence of competitors in the region
  • Demand for car cleaning products
  • number of car washes and potential clients
It is important to note that regardless of the fact that the car market in Russia is developing rapidly, the situation in different parts of our country may differ dramatically, i.e. Study the market first, only then make a decision. By studying the demand for auto chemicals, you can establish business connections with potential wholesale buyers.

Legal aspects

The production of car wash shampoo is not subject to mandatory licensing. To start your business, you just need to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC if you wish, and also choose the optimal taxation scheme; the next step will be to obtain permission from the fire and sanitary inspection, because The production process involves the use of fire hazardous chemical concentrates harmful to human health.

Car shampoo manufacturing technology

The range of car shampoos is mainly divided into two types:

  • standard concentrate (diluted 1 to 3 or 1 to 5)
  • enhanced concentrate (diluted up to 1 to 12)
The composition of contactless car shampoo includes desalted water, chemical concentrates and additives; the ingredients for production are freely sold and are relatively inexpensive. To develop your own recipe, you need to involve a specialist. To obtain high-quality shampoo, it is necessary to use appropriate raw materials; if the shampoo does not perform its main function, then such a product will not find its consumer.

The technological process can be divided into the following stages:

All components in a certain dosage are mixed in a container;
- the mixture is heated;
- natural cooling of the mixture;
- We pack the resulting liquid into containers.

During the production process, soapy water is released, which can be reused for the next batch, i.e. Our production is becoming waste-free.

Workshop equipment

A distinctive feature of equipment for the production of car shampoos is their versatility. Using one production line, we can produce windshield washer fluid, antifreeze and antifreeze, solvent, wheel and engine cleaner, rubber blackener for tires, the only thing that is required between different productions is flushing the system and the necessary reconfiguration.

The dimensions of the line are quite compact and allow it to be placed on an area of ​​15 m2. For communications we will need electricity and running water.

Calculation of profit and payback

Initial investments for the production of car shampoo, which will be used to equip the workshop, purchase automatic line and raw materials will amount to at least 850-900 thousand rubles. The cost of 1 kilogram of car shampoo concentrate for contactless washing is 30-40 rubles. The cost of detergents on the wholesale market starts from 80 rubles, the difference between the cost and the selling price will be our profit.