Marketing strategy for bringing a product to market. Strategies for promoting the product to the market. Promotion strategy and its types. The specifics of the marketing strategy for promotion in the industrial market. Analysis of the marketing activities of the enterprise LLC "Germeteks"

In order to improve the organization of work on conducting legal expertise of regulatory legal acts of the subjects Russian Federation for their compliance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal laws I order:

5. Territorial authorities conduct a legal examination of legal acts received in accordance with the procedure established by paragraph 2 of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of August 10, 2000 No. 1486 "On additional measures to ensure the unity of the legal space of the Russian Federation" (hereinafter - Decree No. 1486) and paragraph 7 of the Regulation on the procedure for maintaining the federal register of regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 29, 2000 No. 904 (hereinafter referred to as the Regulation).

Territorial authorities conduct a repeated legal examination on behalf of the Ministry of Justice of Russia, requests from the office of the plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal district, bodies state power constituent entities of the Russian Federation or on its own initiative, and the department of the Ministry of Justice of Russia for the subject (subjects) of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the department) also on behalf of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Justice of Russia for the subject (subjects) of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the main department)

6. Legal expertise is carried out in order to develop federal government bodies within their powers arising from paragraph "a" of part 1 of Article 72 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, together with government authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, of measures to ensure compliance with constitutions, charters, laws and other legal acts of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal laws.

7. Legal expertise is carried out within 30 days from the date of receipt of the legal act by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation ( territorial authority). If necessary, this period can be extended by the leadership of the Ministry of Justice of Russia (territorial authority), but no more than one month.

II. Legal due diligence

8. Legal acts are subject to legal expertise if they are of a normative nature.

Legal examination of repealed legal acts recognized as invalid, as well as legal acts whose validity period has expired, is not carried out.

Upon receipt of a legal act amending a previously adopted legal act, it is recommended to conduct a legal examination of the amended legal act and draw up expert opinion to the amended legal act. If a legal act amending a previously adopted legal act establishes new norms, it is also possible to draw up an expert opinion on the act on amendments.

If within the period established for the legal examination of a legal act, the territorial body received legal acts, making changes to it, the legal examination of the legal act is carried out taking into account all the changes made to it.

Legal examination of a legal act adopted jointly by state authorities of several constituent entities of the Russian Federation is carried out by a territorial body operating on the territory of that constituent entity of the Russian Federation, which is indicated as the first among the signatories of the legal act.

9. In the event of a legal examination of a legal act that invalidates other legal acts, suspends or extends their validity, the competence of the body to adopt the specified legal act, as well as the possibility of gaps in legal regulation as a result of invalidation, suspension or extension should be assessed. the operation of a legal act.

10. Legal acts received by the territorial body in the manner prescribed by paragraph 2 of Decree No. 1486, paragraph 7 of the Regulations, and in respect of which a legal examination was previously carried out by the territorial body, are subject to repeated legal examination.

a federal law or other act of federal legislation has been adopted on an issue regulated by a legal act;

there is reason to believe that the expert opinion contains an erroneous provision, there is no indication of a contradiction to federal legislation in the legal act, and the expert opinion should be changed;

on behalf of the Ministry of Justice of Russia, the main department, requests from the office of the plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal district, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as on their own initiative;

when conducting reviews of the rule-making of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, if more than 6 months have passed since the legal examination;

13. When studying the state legal regulation in the relevant area, the place of the legal act in question among other legal acts operating in the specified area, and their correlation is revealed. First of all, it should be established in pursuance or in accordance with which federal law (by-law) a legal act was adopted, whether the legal grounds that led to its adoption correspond to the grounds specified in the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal legislation. In order to study the state of legal regulation, it is recommended to analyze not only federal laws and by-laws, but also decisions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation affecting the relevant legal relations, as well as other judicial authorities of the Russian Federation. It is also necessary to take into account all the changes made to the federal regulatory legal acts, as well as to the legal acts of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

When analyzing the provisions of legal acts that are of a complex nature (in particular, codes), it must be borne in mind that there are also laws that determine the procedure for their entry into force and establish the specifics of the application of certain provisions of these legal acts. Such provisions are contained, for example, in the Federal Law of December 29, 2004 No. 189-FZ “On Enactment Housing Code of the Russian Federation” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2005, No. 1 (Part 1), Article 15; No. 52 (Part 1), Article 5597; 2006, No. 27, Article 2881; 2007, No. 1 (Part 1) , item 14; No. 49, item 6071; 2009, No. 19, item 2283; 2010, No. 6, item 566; No. 32, item 4298; 2011, No. 23, item 3263).

14. If an act or part of it is issued without violating the constitutional provisions on the delimitation of the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the authority of the body or official that adopted the legal act to implement the legal regulation of this issue should be checked.

When assessing the competence of a public authority of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, an official of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation to adopt a legal act, it is recommended, in particular, to take into account the following:

a) the general principles for the delimitation of powers between federal state authorities and state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are enshrined in Articles 26.1, 26.3, 26.3-1 of the Federal Law of October 6, 1999 No. 184-FZ "On general principles organizations of legislative (representative) and executive bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation”;

b) public authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are not entitled to regulate relations on issues joint management of the Russian Federation and constituent entities of the Russian Federation related to the types of activities, the licensing of which is carried out by the federal executive body in accordance with the Federal Law of May 4, 2011 No. 99-FZ “On Licensing certain types activities” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2011, No. 19, Art. 2716, No. 30 (Part 1), Art. 4590);

c) normative legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation cannot establish sanctions (measures of responsibility) for violations of the budgetary and tax legislation(Article 282 of the Budget Code of the Russian Federation (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 1998, No. 31, Art. 3823; 2011, No. 1, Art. 14) and Clause 6 of Part 2 of Article 1 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 1998, No. 31, article 3824; 1999, No. 28, article 3487; 2011, No. 30 (part 1), article 4593);

d) the laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation regulating liability for administrative offenses may provide for sanctions, if they are established within their competence, that is, on issues that do not have federal significance (Article 1.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2002, No. 1 (part 1), article 1; 2011, No. 30 (part 1), article 4601).

15. Analysis of specific legal regulations is the most difficult stage of legal expertise and, as a rule, goes beyond the literal comparison of the provisions of a legal act and the norms of federal legislation. It is recommended to study the meaning of the norm, as well as the legal consequences of its application. In some cases, it is recommended to consider several legal acts containing parts of the norm (for example, the dispositive part and sanctions may be contained in different acts).

When conducting legal expertise, it is necessary, first of all, to rely on the provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal laws. At the same time, it is recommended to take into account the Decree of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated October 31, 1995 No. 8 “On Certain Issues of the Application by the Courts of the Constitution of the Russian Federation in the Administration of Justice” (“ Russian newspaper”, 2005, No. 248). According to the specified decision, “the court, resolving the case, directly applies the Constitution, in particular:

a) when the provisions enshrined in the norm of the Constitution, based on its meaning, do not require additional regulation and do not contain an indication of the possibility of its application, subject to the adoption of a federal law regulating the rights, freedoms, duties of a person and a citizen and other provisions;

b) when the court comes to the conclusion that the federal law that was in force on the territory of the Russian Federation before the entry into force of the Constitution of the Russian Federation contradicts it;

c) when the court comes to the conclusion that a federal law adopted after the entry into force of the Constitution of the Russian Federation is in conflict with the relevant provisions of the Constitution;

d) when a law or other regulatory legal act adopted by a constituent entity of the Russian Federation on subjects of joint jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and constituent entities of the Russian Federation contradicts the Constitution of the Russian Federation, and there is no federal law that should regulate the legal relations considered by the court.

In cases where an article of the Constitution of the Russian Federation is a reference, the courts, when considering cases, must apply the law that regulates the legal relations that have arisen. The presence of a decision of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation on the recognition of unconstitutional one or another norm of the law does not prevent the application of the law in the rest of it.

When analyzing specific legal norms, discrepancies may arise between the current regulatory legal acts regulating the same legal relations (conflict of legal acts). In this case, it is recommended to be guided by the generally accepted provisions of conflict of laws. In particular, it should be taken into account that in the presence of a general and a special rule of law, a special rule is applied, in the presence of two normative legal acts of the same legal force, an act adopted later is applied.

16. In a number of cases, the conduct of legal expertise is associated with the study of the procedure for the adoption (promulgation) of legal acts provided for by federal legislation and (or) the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

For example, the Budget Code of the Russian Federation (Article 184.2) establishes a list of documents and materials that must be drawn up simultaneously with the draft budget.

The relevant rules are not formally established at the federal level, however, according to established practice, a legal act, as a rule, has the following elements:

acceptance form;

the name of the body that adopted the legal act (in order to determine the competence of this body);

a name that briefly reflects the subject of legal regulation, which must correspond to the content of the legal act;

date and place of acceptance and (or) signing;

full name of the position of the person who signed the legal act;

date (term) of entry into force.

whether the same term is used in the given legal act in the same meaning;

whether the terms have a generally recognized meaning;

whether the unity of concepts and terminology with the concepts and terminology used in federal legislation is ensured.

Assessing regulatory legal acts for compliance with the rules of legal technique, it is possible to use the Guidelines for the legal and technical design of bills.

18. In order to increase the efficiency and optimize the activities of territorial bodies for conducting legal expertise, it is recommended to conduct a regular analysis of contradictions to federal legislation identified in legal acts in order to determine the most typical ones.

It is also advisable to analyze the experience of conducting legal expertise by other territorial bodies using the federal register of regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The specificity of the subject of the Russian Federation, due to the peculiarity of the economic, political and other situation, is also reflected in the legal regulation of social relations. At the same time, there are contradictions to federal legislation common to all regions, the study of which is also necessary.

19. Typical contradictions between legal acts of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal legislation include:

restriction of the rights and freedoms of citizens guaranteed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal laws;

adoption by public authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation of legal acts:

on the subjects of jurisdiction of the Russian Federation, if this is not provided for by federal legislation;

violating the competence of the Russian Federation on subjects of joint jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and the constituent entity of the Russian Federation;

violating the principle of separation of powers;

on issues within the competence of local self-government bodies;

violation of the requirements of federal legislation regarding the form of adoption of a legal act;

the presence in the legal act of provisions that distort the content and meaning of the norms of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and other acts of federal legislation.

20. Signs of a contradiction between a legal act of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal legislation may also be:

absence legal grounds which, in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal laws, are necessary for the issuance of a legal act;

adoption of a legal act in pursuance of the canceled (invalid) act of federal legislation;

incorrect choice of federal law, which is the basis for the adoption of a legal act;

adoption of a legal act by a body, an official whose competence does not include this, or with excess of the powers granted to this body, an official;

violation of the procedure for the adoption (promulgation) of a legal act;

prohibition of actions of citizens and organizations, state bodies, permitted or prescribed by federal law;

permission or admission of actions of citizens and organizations, state bodies prohibited by federal law;

change in the grounds, conditions, sequence or procedure of actions of participants in legal relations established by federal law;

other signs.

21. Legal acts, including constitutions and statutes, often reproduce the norms of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and acts of federal legislation.

In this case, it should be borne in mind that the reproduction in a legal act of the provisions of a normative legal act that has great legal force does not indicate the illegality of this act.

22. The presence of gaps in legal regulation in a legal act should not be regarded as a contradiction to federal legislation.

The identified gaps in legal regulation are recommended to be reflected in the expert opinion as proposals for adjusting regional legislation.

23. It is recommended that the conclusion about the contradiction between the legal act of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal legislation be formulated taking into account the possibility of applying to the prosecutor's office to take prosecutorial response measures.

III. Preparation of an expert opinion based on the results of a legal examination

24. Based on the results of the legal expertise, a reasoned expert opinion is drawn up, in which it is recommended to reflect the following information:

details of the legal act (in the event that a legal examination of a legal act with amendments and additions is carried out, then the details of the legal act making amendments and additions, the adoption (edition) of which was the reason for the examination) are also indicated);

a reason for conducting a legal examination (adoption of a new legal act, amendments to it, changes in federal legislation, instructions from the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation, appeals from public authorities of the Russian Federation and constituent entities of the Russian Federation, persons replacing public office of the Russian Federation and constituent entities of the Russian Federation, requests from the office of the plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal district, instructions from the Ministry of Justice of Russia, instructions from the main department (for departments), and also, if there is reason to believe that the expert opinion contains an erroneous provision, there is no indication of the existing in a legal act contradicts federal legislation, as well as in cases specified in the Methodological Recommendations);

the subject of legal regulation and its compliance with the jurisdiction of the subject of the Russian Federation, the joint jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and the subject of the Russian Federation, or the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation, established by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal laws (indicating specific articles and paragraphs);

the state of legal regulation in this area (the list of acts of federal legislation for compliance with which the legal act was considered), the necessity and sufficiency of the legal act for the regulation of public relations;

assessment of the competence of the body of state power of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation that adopted the legal act, the official of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation;

compliance of the content of the legal act with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal laws;

compliance of the form and text of the legal act with the rules of legal technique.

25. When drawing up an expert opinion on the compliance of a legal act with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal legislation, the conclusion should be argued. If changes are made to the legal act aimed at eliminating the identified violations, it is also recommended to reflect this in the expert opinion.

26. When drawing up an expert opinion on the inconsistency of a legal act with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal legislation, it is recommended to most accurately describe the specific norms of the legal act in question that are contrary to the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal laws, as well as other acts adopted by state authorities of the Russian Federation in accordance with their competence . At the same time, it is not always advisable to rewrite (reproduce) the norms of a legal act; it is enough to state exactly that part of it that contains a discrepancy.

a provision of a legal act (paragraph, subparagraph, paragraph, part of an article, article, subsection, paragraph, section, chapter, part) that is contrary to the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal legislation, as well as its content;

violated provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, a federal law and (or) another act of a state authority of the Russian Federation (paragraph, subparagraph, paragraph, part of an article, article, subsection, paragraph, section, chapter, part) and their content.

For example: “Subparagraph * paragraph * article * of the Law of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation * establishes the authority of the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation * in the field of healthcare to determine the procedure for conducting medical examinations. At the same time, in accordance with paragraph 20 of Article 5 of the Fundamentals of the Legislation of the Russian Federation on the Protection of the Health of Citizens of July 22, 1993 No. 5487-1 (Bulletin of the SND and the RF Armed Forces, 1993, No. 33, Art. 1318; Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation 2004, No. 35 , Article 3607; 2007, No. 1, (Part 1), Article 21; 2009, No. 52, (Part 1), Article 4590) the establishment of the procedure for organizing and conducting medical examinations is assigned to the powers of federal state authorities in the field of protection the health of citizens.

Thus, subparagraph * of paragraph * of article * of the Law of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation * contradicts the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal legislation, since it was adopted in excess of the powers granted to the constituent entities of the Russian Federation by federal legislation.

It is not recommended to limit yourself to indicating only the numbers of the provisions of the normative acts under consideration, for example: “clause * of article * of the Law of the subject of the Russian Federation * contradicts article * of the Federal law *”.

If the conclusion about the contradiction of the norm of a legal act is argued by several logically interconnected federal norms, it is necessary to clearly indicate which of them specifically contradicts the norm of a legal act.

The conclusion based on the results of the legal examination can be argued by referring to the acts of the judiciary and the norms of international law.

27. The expert opinion of the territorial body is drawn up according to the model in accordance with methodological recommendations and signed by the head of the territorial body or a person replacing him. By decision of the head of the territorial body, the right to sign expert opinions may be granted to the deputy in charge of the issues of conducting legal expertise.

The expert opinion on the results of the legal examination by the Department is drawn up according to the model in accordance with the Methodological Recommendations and signed in accordance with the requirements of the Regulation of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, approved by order of the Ministry of Justice of Russia on January 27, 2010 No. 8 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on January 28, 2010, registration No. 16096), as amended by Order of the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated September 5, 2011 No. 306 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on September 12, 2011, registration No. 21771).

28. Expert opinion on the results of a repeated legal examination of a legal act at the request (application) of federal government bodies, government bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, persons holding public positions of the Russian Federation and constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as the office of the plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation in federal district is sent to the indicated bodies and officials.

IV. Organization of work to bring legal acts in line with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal legislation

29. If norms are found in a legal act that contradict the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal legislation, an expert opinion for consideration and taking measures to eliminate the identified violations should be sent to the state authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation that adopted the legal act. At the same time, the preparation cover letter not required.

If the public authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation that has adopted the legal act does not take measures to bring the legal act in line with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal legislation, a copy of the expert opinion on the inconsistency of the legal act with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal legislation is sent to the prosecution authorities for adoption public prosecutor's response.

It is not recommended to send conclusions to the prosecutor's office containing only comments of a legal-technical, editorial, terminological and stylistic nature, and also if the nature of the violations does not give grounds for considering the case in court.

An expert opinion on a legal act affecting the competence of federal executive bodies (their territorial bodies) or other state bodies, if necessary, may be sent to them.

If necessary, the Department may prepare: a draft decree of the President of the Russian Federation on the suspension of a legal act of an executive authority of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, a draft request to the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, as well as proposals on the use of conciliation procedures and other measures to eliminate contradictions between the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the federal legislation.

30. If the public authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation that adopted the legal act and the prosecutor's office disagree with the conclusions of the expert opinion of the territorial body on the presence (absence) in the legal act of norms that contradict the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal legislation, the territorial body is recommended to send a legal act for legal expertise to the Department or headquarters.

A copy of the expert opinion, answers from the body that adopted the act, prosecution authorities, etc. are attached to the legal act.

31. In case of agreement with the conclusions of the expert opinion of the territorial body, the Department (main department), within the limits of its competence, takes measures to bring the legal act in line with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal legislation, and in case of disagreement, prepares an appropriate expert opinion, which is sent to the territorial body .

It should be taken into account that the expert opinion of the Department, which revised the conclusions of the expert opinion of the territorial body on the presence (absence) in the legal act of norms that contradict the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal legislation, is the basis for revoking the expert opinion of the territorial body and conducting a repeated legal examination, taking into account the position Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation.

It must be borne in mind that if the conclusions of the expert opinion of the territorial body on the contradiction between the legal act of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal legislation are revised in the expert opinion of the main department, the territorial body, in agreement with the conclusions of the expert opinion of the main department, withdraws its expert opinion and conducts a second legal examination, taking into account positions of the main department, and in case of disagreement with the conclusions of the expert opinion of the main department, sends the legal act for legal expertise to the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, which makes the final decision on the presence (absence) in the legal act of norms that contradict the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal legislation.

At the same time, the expert opinion of the territorial body is subject to revocation only if, as a result of the legal examination, the Department (head office) established the erroneous conclusions of the territorial body at the time of the initial legal examination of the legal act. In the event that the conclusions of the expert opinion of the territorial body were revised in connection with subsequent changes in federal legislation that were not taken into account by the territorial body during the legal examination, or were not sufficiently reasoned, the territorial body conducts only a repeated legal examination of the legal act, the withdrawal of the expert opinion is not required.

*(1) Subparagraph 33 of paragraph 6 of the Regulations on the Department of Legislative Activities and Monitoring of Law Enforcement, approved by Order of the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated 04.03.2010 No. 51.

*(2) Item 21 of clause 6 of the Regulations on the Head Office and subsection 17 of clause 6 of the Regulations of the Administration.

*(3) Paragraph 4 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 3, 1995 No. 550 “On additional features Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation".

*(4) The normativity of an act is determined taking into account paragraphs 9, 10 of the Decree of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated November 29, 2007 No. 48 “On the practice of consideration by courts of cases on contesting normative legal acts in whole or in part” (“Rossiyskaya Gazeta”, No. 276, 2007).

*(5) Legal assessment of the procedure for promulgation (publication) of a legal act is carried out if there is information about the promulgation (publication) of the act.

*(6) Clause 2 of Article 3 of Federal Law No. 184-FZ of 06.10.1999 “On the General Principles of Organization of Legislative (Representative) and Executive Bodies of State Power of the Subjects of the Russian Federation”.

*(7) Clause 18 of Resolution No. 48 of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated November 29, 2007 “On the Practice of Court Consideration of Cases Contesting Regulatory Legal Acts in Full or in Part”.

*(8) Letter of the Office of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation dated November 18, 2003 No. vn2-18/490.

*(9) Paragraph 83 of paragraph 6 of the Regulations on the Head Office and subparagraph 78 of paragraph 6 of the Regulations of the Administration.


* is indicated in case of revealing norms that do not comply with the Constitution

Russian Federation or federal legislation.

Option 2:

Please consider accepting necessary measures in order to

cast ________________________________________________________________

(details of a regulatory legal act of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation)

in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal


Please inform the Ministry of Justice about the measures taken

_____________________________ _________________ _______________________

(position title) (signature) (initials, surname)


* is indicated in the case of sending an expert opinion to

territorial body of the Ministry of Justice of Russia.

** indicated in case of sending an expert opinion to the body

prosecutor's office and the body that adopted the act.

Document overview

Normative legal acts are subject to expertise. This does not apply to canceled and declared invalid, as well as those whose validity period has expired.

If one act corrects another, it is advisable to draw up an expert opinion on the amended act. The amendments themselves may be subject to examination if they contain new norms.

When conducting an examination of acts recognizing other acts as invalid, as well as suspending or extending their validity, the following points should be assessed. First, whether the body that adopted the act has the appropriate powers. Secondly, will there be gaps in legal regulation if the act is canceled, suspended or extended.

There are cases when the examination can be repeated. For example, if a federal law (federal by-law) is adopted on an issue regulated by the audited act.

During the examination, it is checked whether the form of the act, its goals, objectives, norms, the subject of legal regulation, the competence of the body that adopted the act, the procedure for adoption, promulgation (publication) of the Constitution and federal laws. In addition, the legal technique is evaluated (in particular, the details of the act). It is recommended to study the state of legal regulation in the relevant area.

It is established how each of these components is analyzed.

It is regulated how the expert opinion is prepared. The requirements that it must meet are defined. In particular, the conclusion drawn must be substantiated. Conclusion form approved.

It is determined how acts are brought into line with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal legislation.

Legal expertise is carried out by the Department of Legislative Activity and Law Enforcement Monitoring and territorial bodies.

The concept and features of the promotion strategy

Definition 1

The promotion strategy is one of the subtypes of functional marketing strategies. It is a strategy for choosing and using incentive methods aimed at ensuring the sale and marketing of the company's products. In other words, it is a sales promotion strategy.

A promotion strategy can also be defined as a complex marketing work, including a description of the target market segment, positioning, brand structure, distribution channels marketing communications and media plan.

The promotion strategy performs certain functions. In particular, these include:

  • informing;
  • exhortation;
  • reminder;
  • positioning;
  • retention;
  • formation of consumer demand;
  • incentives, etc.

The implementation of the promotion strategy is designed to create market awareness of new products, a corporate brand or a specific event. At the same time, it contributes to the gradual, consistent formation consumer preferences and attracts the attention of potential customers to the company and its products, encouraging them to make a purchase.

By maintaining market awareness, the promotion strategy seems to be reminiscent of potential clients about the company, its products and services, and also helps to retain loyal customers. It also positions the brand, product and business as a whole. The most important functions of promotion strategies. However, sales promotion and consumer demand formation are considered.

The promotion strategy allows the company to identify the current position of the company's products on the market and make a forecast for future development, taking into account the resource potential of the company and the state of the market. Thanks to it, market risks and opportunities are assessed, and free market niches and ways to penetrate them are determined.

Remark 1

The promotion strategy always implies the need for brand positioning and the creation of an integrated marketing communications system.

Basic elements of a promotion strategy

Being an integral element of marketing, the promotion strategy consists of many elements, the totality of which is a complex of marketing communications. IN general view they are shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Basic elements of the marketing communications mix. Author24 - online exchange of student papers

Advertising is the basis of the promotion strategy. In general, it is a targeted informative impact of a non-personal nature, carried out in relation to consumers in order to promote and sell the company's products. Its main purpose is to convey information to target audience which is carried out through the use of various media channels.

The second important element of the promotion strategy is direct sales promotion. In general terms, it should be understood as a multiple set of short-term promotional actions carried out by the company aimed at stimulating potential consumers to purchase or test goods and services.

Sales promotion can be directed to:

  • end consumers;
  • intermediaries;
  • trading agents.

The third element is propaganda or PR (public relations - public relations). This group includes various programs designed to promote and/or protect the image of a company and its products. Their main goal is to establish and maintain communications between the company and the public in order to achieve the strategic goals of the business.

The fourth element is personal selling, which should be understood as the direct interaction of representatives of the organization with one or more potential buyers in order to conduct presentations, answer questions and receive orders. In other words, this is a direct presentation of a product or service to a potential consumer, carried out by an official representative of the company.

In some cases, direct marketing is singled out as a separate group within the promotion strategy, based on direct (direct) interaction between the consumer and the manufacturer in the process of selling a particular product.

Development of a promotion strategy

The development of a promotion strategy is subject to a certain algorithm, which implies the need to go through a number of stages. In general, they are shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Stages of developing a promotion strategy. Author24 - online exchange of student papers

To penetrate new markets and strengthen positions in already occupied firms, it is necessary to take into account regional specifics. Understanding the strategic goals and objectives of business development plays an equally important role. The promotion strategy should correspond to the general concept of the company's development and complement the marketing strategy of its development.

An important step in developing a sales promotion strategy is to analyze the market, especially competitors. Here it is necessary to understand how competing firms market and promote their products, what tools they use, how they attract consumers.

Based on a deep analytical study in accordance with the overall marketing strategy, the company's goals are determined in the field of promotion and sale of its products in selected markets. The promotion policy is formed, the set and content of the tools of the marketing communications complex are determined. The process of bringing products to the end consumer is subject to planning.

An important role is given to the formation of the promotion budget. Here, the amount of expenses for the implementation of the measures proposed within the framework of the strategy is predicted, and planned sales indicators are also formed.

On the basis of the stages described above, the promotion strategy is formed. The mechanisms for bringing products to consumers and ways to stimulate consumer activity are determined. A special role is traditionally given to advertising policy.

An enterprise, depending on the market situation, can use the following types of promotion strategies:,

  • o Pull strategy. The company focuses its efforts on stimulating demand from end consumers, which in turn stimulates demand in the subsequent links between the end consumer and the manufacturer. Most often this strategy is used in the consumer market. But sometimes it is also used by companies operating in the industrial market, for example, "DuPont", which used this strategy to create demand for bolognese fabrics.
  • o Push strategy. In this case, the company focuses on stimulating intermediaries, which as a result leads to an increase in the consumption of goods by end consumers. This strategy is often used in the industrial market, as well as in cases where the competitiveness of the company is highly dependent on the market power of the sellers.

To implement the promotion strategy, the company develops a relevant set of marketing communications.

Complex of marketing communications

Integrated marketing communications - the concept of planning, organizing and implementing marketing communications, involving the joint coordinated use of communication elements in order to ensure a synergistic impact on the consumer and achieve the set strategic goals.

The marketing communications mix involves the use of personal and non-personal forms of communication.

In the process of communicative influence, companies try to have a holistic effect on the target audience, using rational and irrational incentives, influencing the weight of the senses. Based on the latter, the following communications can be distinguished: visual, auditory, olfactory, tactile, gustatory.

Due to the fact that this paper analyzes the promotion of industrial products, we will consider the specifics marketing strategy in the industrial market.

Industrial market - a set of relationships between market actors (manufacturers, intermediaries, consumers, banks, government agencies, individuals - agents, brokers, etc., firms offering services, etc.) carried out within the boundaries of a certain territory in a certain point in time.

The concept of marketing puts the focus for the seller (manufacturer) on the buyer. Marketing involves studying the needs and requirements of the buyer in order to take them into account in the production of goods. The ultimate goal of marketing is to satisfy consumer needs and preferences.

Given this theoretical premise, all buyers are divided into wholesale and retail. More precisely, it can be formulated that buyers can be individuals (as retail consumers) and firms (as wholesale consumers of the main product range and single consumers of unique products).

Thus, there is a division into industrial and consumer marketing, depending on the type of buyer (purchase purpose). In accordance with this, if the buyer is a retail customer and the purpose of the purchase is personal consumption, then consumer marketing takes place. If the buyer is wholesale and the purpose of the purchase is industrial consumption or resale, then industrial marketing takes place. The type of goods also does not matter, since the company may have buyers of both industrial goods and wholesale consumer goods. Enterprises producing consumer goods (FMCG) sell them in bulk either through their intermediaries (distributors, dealers, sales agents, wholesale depots), or by direct deliveries. The same thing happens with industrial products (PPTN). During the period when both types of goods are in the market channels of commodity circulation, they are the object of industrial marketing relations, and their movement is carried out within the industrial market, since the purpose of their purchase is further resale or industrial use.

Marketing comes down to working with the consumer. Methods of working with retail and wholesale consumers naturally fundamentally differ from each other. For example, wholesale buyer regardless of what product he takes - consumer goods or PPTN - behaves differently than retail. There are different rules of behavior and purchase motivation than in consumer markets. It is obvious that the pricing policy, communications and marketing strategy will also be different.

The subject of industrial marketing is the totality of relationships between market actors that arise as a result of their business activity - the relationship of purchase and sale. The object of industrial marketing is the industrial market.

Industrial marketing can be defined as an activity in the market of goods for industrial purposes, aimed at promoting these goods ( business services) from the enterprises that produce them to those organizations and firms that acquire them for subsequent use in production or resale without change. Industrial marketing covers the whole range of relationships between economic entities carried out within the boundaries of a particular area or industry. The essence of industrial marketing is to create for customers the consumer value of goods and services that are aimed at meeting the needs of organizations and achieving their goals.

The industrial market consists of the market for industrial and technical products, the market for consumer goods sold in bulk, and the market for industrial services. In the context of industrial marketing, understood as marketing focused on firms, the most interesting is the marketing of PPTN, as the most complex.

The means of promotion used in industrial marketing are the same as in marketing to consumers: advertising, sales promotion, public relations, direct marketing, personal selling. But it has a number of its own characteristics. The effectiveness of these funds directly depends on the type of market. So in the consumer market, as a rule, the main efforts and means of promotion are spent on advertising and only then on promotion, personal selling and PR. Another situation in the industrial market. Here, thanks to the presence a large number specialized professional publications, and especially thanks to the development of the Internet, customers are well informed about a product or service, its main characteristics and additional features. Again, if the buyer does not feel the need for an industrial product, it is almost impossible to convince him to purchase the product.

Under these conditions, the role of the image (reputation) of the company, information about it in the publications of the specialized press and, in particular, reviews of other corporate clients. It is no secret that many firms, before making a large purchase of durable goods, conduct a kind of industrial intelligence (the so-called monitoring of suppliers). That is why the main focus is on branding, PR and personal selling, and only then advertising and sales promotion.

Consider each of the tools and its features in the industrial market separately.

Advertising - information disseminated in any way, in any form and using any means, addressed to an indefinite circle of people and aimed at drawing attention to the object of advertising, generating or maintaining interest in it and promoting it on the market.

1) There are fewer buyers in the market for industrial goods and services. This limits the choice of both promotion methods in general and advertising media in particular. There are ways to promote that allow you to convey information in a differentiated way to the target audience: specialized (including advertising and information) press, exhibitions, and Internet advertising, souvenir and print advertising.

2) When making a purchase decision, buyers of industrial goods (services) are more guided by rational motives than by emotional or psychological ones. This factor most of all affects the content of advertising. The original creative and beautiful slogan (read - promises) should not crowd out the content of the advertising message or event. They should only initially attract attention against the general background. They should not "put pressure on the psyche."

3) Buying decisions are made by people with different social status. It can be either the owner or employee. The motives for buying from them, although mostly rational, are still different. For the owner, this is primarily an economic benefit for the business; for an employee, personal gain, recognition and confirmation of his status can play a role.

4) The buyer of industrial goods and services, like no one else, wants to have long-term, permanent and trusting partnerships with their suppliers. He is not interested in "new taste". The main selection criterion is convenient, constant and understandable terms of delivery and, most importantly, trust in the supplier.

Another feature of advertising, more typical for companies selling industrial goods, is due to the fact that not only the volume of demand is limited, but also the volume of supply, which depends on the supply of factories. The phenomenon of an overabundance of advertising information should be avoided. It is necessary to clearly analyze what volume of goods is planned to be purchased in the forecast period? What flow of customers is able to miss the warehouse complex? And only after that to advertise. Otherwise, the advertising campaign may be too intense and attractive, and demand will exceed supply. The relationship between the volume of advertising information and the volume of purchases - important feature advertising in the industrial market. The absence of such can lead to a situation where the buyer calls, attracted by appeals, and the goods are not available. The client, deceived in his expectations, will think a hundred times the next time before contacting such a supplier again.

Of particular importance in advertising on the industrial market are printed products and souvenirs. The consumer receives the bulk of information during negotiations, presentations, exhibitions and fairs. For a potential buyer, visibility is important, the ability to return to your offer after negotiations or a fair in a calm atmosphere, to find confirmation of the benefits of cooperation, and, in the end, to defend the need to conclude a contract with management or shareholders. And it is at this stage that printing products and souvenirs acquire great importance. The easiest way to do this is to have a solid set of your advertising and marketing materials on hand. At worst, at least a business card with the name of the company, last name, first name, patronymic and details of the contact person. Booklets, leaflets, catalogs, folders, presenters serve quite utilitarian purposes. And if this is supplemented with souvenirs: practically useful gizmos: pens, notebooks, key rings. Baseball caps, T-shirts, bags and other "oversized" gifts with company symbols are distributed, as a rule, directly to customers. After all, as you know, a person will clearly and for a long time associate such a thing with the company, influence the positive attitude of the consumer towards the supplier.

Internet advertising also has a number of its features. Since manufactured goods are not goods mass demand, advertising options such as mass mailing via e-mail, advertising in banner exchange networks or image advertising on popular Internet portals will not have a commensurate effect on the invested funds, so companies mainly use contextual and banner advertising on thematic portals. Industry and specialized sites and trading systems; sites of professional communities on the Web, including professional thematic Internet forums / conferences (“smart” work in them allows you to get not only the pleasure of communicating with colleagues, but also direct profit, but you should not engage in direct self-promotion on such forums - this The best way ruin the reputation of the company); non-core sites visited by representatives of the target audience, including the so-called "blogs" - virtual interest clubs - this is where enterprises operating in the industrial market should post information about themselves. As well as the creation of their own sites, the task of which is not limited to a story about yourself, but much wider.

It is necessary not only to disclose the company's data, but to sort and formulate the information in detail in such a way that it fully answers all the questions that a potential or real client may have at the time of considering the company as a supplier. The main feature is the presence of a catalog on the site, which can replace paper catalogs and not only allows buyers to make their choice remotely, but also to get acquainted with the main technical specifications goods. And this saves time for both the buyer and the office staff in the negotiations. That is, optimization of the use of employees' working time, indirect evidence to the buyer professional approach to work, respectful use of his time. If the product (or services) is fundamentally unsuitable for the buyer, this fact can be revealed at the stage of his preliminary acquaintance with the company. This reduces the likelihood of errors, as a rule, by inexperienced sales managers who are trying by hook or by crook to "drag" the buyer into the office.

The Internet, as a tool of marketing communications, has an undeniable convenience when communicating with remote regions, when the time difference can be 10 hours. Or when the experience of specialists from a leading region in a specific professional area is needed.

Interactive in its essence, the Internet is perhaps the most suitable channel for promoting complex goods and services with non-standard or non-mass target audiences. The Internet is as flexible as possible and allows any experiments.

The next element of company promotion that we will consider is public relations.

2. Features of public relations.

Public relations - a system of non-commercial relations with external organizations, influencing public opinion through means mass media; a type of image advertising activity that is carried out by firms in order to increase their popularity, fame, achieve mutual understanding, location and cooperation between the organization and the public.

Public relations events are mainly aimed not at promoting the consumer properties of the product, but at creating the image and popularity of the company (individual), explaining the positive value of the product for society or the consumer.

If earlier "PR" had more political overtones, today it is actively developing in the commercial environment.

PR laws are the same for all sectors of the economy, but their application in different markets always has specifics. Industrial enterprises, concerns and holdings are no exception.

promotion object. The first feature of PR for industrial enterprises is the object of promotion itself. If the consumer goods market predominantly promotes products or trademark products, then the object of promotion in the industry is the enterprise itself, and not its products as such. In other words, we are talking about PR for the manufacturer. The benefits of PR promotion in this case are that its positive reputation is automatically transferred to everything that it releases or sells. The low level of public awareness of enterprises is a typical problem for our market. Most often, the public does not imagine what is behind the name of the company. Moreover, she may not even guess that it is this company that produces specific products, and not another.

Goals of PR-promotion. It is very important to correctly formulate the goals of PR-promotion. First, PR goals and marketing goals are different concepts and should not be confused. For example, "increase market share by 15%" - marketing goal, and "achieving the company's fame in the business environment" is a PR goal that will contribute to the achievement of marketing. On the other hand, to achieve a successful result, PR goals must be related to marketing ones. Typical goals in the field of PR for enterprises operating in the industrial market are the following: increasing awareness in the business environment; formation/strengthening of reputation in the market; informing the general public; organization public opinion etc.

Audience research. PR is never "unaddressed", on the contrary, they affect certain types of public - a priority for the enterprise at the moment of its development. How to define priority audiences? The criterion is simple: if the actions or inaction of the audience can affect the market position of the company/enterprise - they are a priority. The most typical types of public that are important for industrial enterprises are: mass media (media); business environment; public organizations; state organizations; shareholders/investors; staff; partners.

Mass-media relations are important for any company, but, unfortunately, sometimes this is only remembered when some kind of information appears in the media. negative information. If in advertising the media are only a channel for transmitting messages, then in PR the media is a separate specific audience, relationships with which can both help the enterprise and harm, if they are not established or fragile. It is no coincidence that anti-crisis PR focuses on the media. Similarly, public organizations can bring a lot of trouble to an enterprise or even an entire industry. First of all, it is about public organizations for protection environment, consumer protection societies, as well as various informal associations of local residents.

The role of PR in building relationships with government bodies consists in the active public position of the enterprise and the organization of a positive public opinion in relation to the activities and products of the enterprise. Another nuance is to achieve the involvement of state officials in the activities of the enterprise. For example, one of the ways is to invite government officials to important events - the opening of facilities, the launch of a new production line, a round table with heads of industry structures, as well as to events for the media - press conferences, briefings, etc. Shareholders, investors, partners and staff are the so-called internal public of the enterprise. The importance of strong ties with them is obvious. As for the general public, ie. population, socio-economic issues are especially important for this audience. There is no doubt that industrial enterprise is a subject of the economy, but it is often forgotten that it is also a subject of society.

Channels and forms of information submission in the course of PR-promotion of the enterprise are diverse. It should be noted that there are no identical promotion programs - each of them is developed individually depending on the goals set, the market situation, the stage of development and the priorities of the customer company. In most cases, industrial market enterprises, holdings do not need bright advertising. Rather, they are interested in a reliable reputation in the business community, strong and well-established relationships with partners, investors, and other types of the public. It is reputation today that can become the main competitive advantage that is most difficult for competitors to neutralize. On the other hand, reputation is a margin of safety, a credit of trust in an enterprise in a crisis. Often 40% of the market value of an average company is its intangible assets and reputation.

3. Features of personal selling.

Personal selling is the most effective form of commercial communication between a manufacturer and consumers. The very principle of personal selling as a method of commercial communication is used both in the sale of consumer goods and in the sale of industrial goods. But it is in the process of concluding a transaction in the industrial market that the personality of the seller plays an important role.

Consider the principles of personal selling. If you reduce the sale to its simplest expression, then you can always distinguish two sides - buying and selling. The communication process is influenced by background variables, which include the personality of the seller, the perception of the partner and selling situations, hidden psychological relationships, the explicit and implied goals of the partners, as well as the feelings experienced by the client. The scheme of personal selling represents two main subjects of communication - the buyer and the seller - as equal participants in the process. In the process of communication, it is necessary to achieve a connection with the buyer. If the connection occurs, and the buyer is not put on the defensive, the sale is very likely to take place. On the contrary, if communication does not occur, if the buyer feels coerced, he is likely to resist the act of selling. It follows that the correct approach would be to ensure a real, meaningful meeting of the two partners.

Many experts consider the sale as a certain sequence of actions, brought to automatism and excluding any individual involvement. According to this approach, everything is to move through the stages, logically and inexorably following one after another. This theory suggests the possibility of manipulating people.

However, it is unlikely that the sale can be reduced to a certain set of predictable actions and events. The consumer is not in our power. Moreover, the development of consumer rights protection unions, the emergence of a whole science of "consumering", on the one hand, and the presence of unexplored depths in human nature, on the other hand, indicate that the consumer is absolutely indecipherable and is not a controllable object. In this regard, the definition of a sale proposed by the French researcher Philippe Coffret would be more appropriate: "Sale is an oral exchange between the buyer and the seller, during which the seller makes a presentation of the goods in order to conclude a transaction."

Selling is not a chance meeting, not a simple conversation, it is commercial activity in which everyone defends his own interest. In this sense, the act of sale can be viewed as a negotiation, because the interests of the parties do not always coincide. These negotiations take place between two individuals, each with their own status, role, motivations, real and imagined desires. Therefore, in the process of selling, streams of likes or dislikes arise and emotional ties are imperceptibly tied up or broken.

The following stages can be distinguished in the act of sale:

Negotiation: This requires the ability to persuade, reasoned response to objections and skillful use of expressive means of oral speech.

Establishing a relationship: this requires knowing how to accept a client or make a contact, approach the matter in the right way, closely monitor the development of the relationship and complete the transaction at the exact moment when it is required.

Satisfying the need: to capture or find the motives of the customer to buy, that is, the key points of his interest, to share the customer's concern and listen carefully to his complaints or criticism.

4. Features of direct marketing.

Of particular importance for enterprises operating in the industrial market is acquiring such a type of promotion as direct marketing. Thanks to him, you can inform the client about new products, price changes or the provision of new services. And also to congratulate the client on professional or personal holidays. At the same time, the exclusivity of direct marketing is that it is based on an individual approach to consumers or segments of consumers. The goal of direct marketing is to build constant communication with each of the available addressees in such a way that the addressee has a feeling of personal communication, concern for his needs, increase his self-esteem and sense of significance. The database should include the maximum number of customers, even the smallest ones. After all, clients are not only a source of income, but also a great source of secondary advertising - advice, recommendations, positive feedback, etc. If there are several contact persons in one company, it is desirable that the database has full coverage of them, because they are all "advertising agents" creating a wave of secondary advertising. At the same time, if there are more than three such persons, it is necessary to select the most influential of them and conduct mailings specifically to their names. The selection criterion is quite subjective and the decision to include a person in the database should be made by the one who works directly with him.

A few rules of direct marketing: The mailing list must have a clear informational reason, the mailing list must be named, the mailing list must be personal. The letter should resemble a small fascinating story. This is a salesman in an envelope. The database needs to be maintained on a regular basis. Once a quarter, clients are graded: new clients are assigned a status, some clients are "lowered" in status. At the same time, it is necessary to carry out mailings to new customers, starting with the first letters and gradually "reaching" them until the mailings of the current moment. Usually this does not cause difficulties - slightly adapted (date, etc.) letters are sent to clients: the same ones that were worked out for the rest. Psychologists say that everyone likes to receive letters. And they will bring not only profit, but something else that cannot be measured in money - respect, recognition and gratitude.

5. Features of sales promotion.

Sales promotion - the use of a variety of incentives designed to accelerate and / or enhance the response of the market. These include consumer incentives (sampling, coupons, etc.); stimulating the sphere of trade (offsets for the purchase, conducting joint advertising with a dealer, etc.), stimulating the firm's own sales staff (bonuses, competitions, etc.).

The peculiarity of sales promotion in the industrial market is that consumer stimulation is not effective. This is primarily due to the peculiarities of consumer behavior in the industrial market. Firstly, more than one person is involved in the procurement process, and secondly, the industrial goods market is low profitable. Therefore, in the first place is the stimulation of the company's staff, which helps to increase sales. The category of employees on which sales volume depends is stimulated: from marketers and sales managers to sales representatives. Stimulating sales by encouraging sales people is a vital part of running a business and one of the engines that makes it work. When stimulating sales staff, you never need to overdo it, but with skillful and competent encouragement, positive and pleasing results will not be long in coming. Also, do not neglect the thoughts and ideas of sales personnel, salesmen, merchandisers, because they are boiled in the thick of sales events, and their ideas can be more priceless than the results of an entire analytical department. The next nuance to consider when stimulating sales staff is a clear and well-defined goal. In this case, these are indicators of sales volume, i.e. decrease in goods in stock, or increase your budget (increase bank account).

So, the features of promotion include the fact that such means as advertising and sales promotion are not as effective as in the consumer market. Advertising is more informational. And PR and direct marketing come to the fore, that is, those means that form a favorable image, trust in the supplier and the company's reputation. The main means of promoting goods on the industrial market is most often personal selling.

In what ways and through whom to promote your product on the market? All entrepreneurs who want to occupy a certain niche and receive good income from business, are certainly familiar with such concepts as a marketing ploy and strategic planning. What do these terms mean? What are the rules for promoting goods and services on the market?

Let's try to reveal the secrets of the most effective ways their promotions, which have been considered the most effective for half a century.

What is promotion?

How to market your product in the most efficient way? To do this, it will be necessary to carry out a whole range of measures that will increase the demand for the products manufactured by the manufacturer and the services offered.

Promotion of goods on the market is a certain action, the purpose of which is to increase the efficiency of implementation through communicative influences on consumers, partners and staff. The objectives of these steps are twofold. On the one hand, the promotion of goods and services on the market is necessary to activate consumer demand. In addition, such events should support a favorable attitude towards the company.

Product promotion features

This concept is one of the main elements of marketing. This is confirmed by a number of very important functions assigned to it. Among them:

  1. Providing consumers with information about the product, as well as about its parameters. After all, even with explicit competitive advantages products and the presence of innovations associated with them, the release of products will be absolutely meaningless if it is not known to buyers. It is especially important to convey such information to the right audience if a new product is being promoted to the market. For example, ultrasonic washing machines put up for sale will be in demand by customers if the manufacturer explains their advantage by comparing them with conventional laundry appliances. A prerequisite this is the confirmation of such information by enthusiastic owners.
  2. Formation of the image of innovation, low prices and prestige. The promotion of a product on the market aims to create an idea among buyers about a particular thing, often exceeding its real consumer meaning. For example, plastic windows produced "lead-free", or shampoo with a pH of 5.5.
  3. Supporting the popularity of the goods or services offered on the market. A similar function is performed by reminding consumers of the need and importance of a particular product. For example, buyers should always remember that in their life the holiday comes only with Coca-Cola.
  4. Changing certain stereotypes in the perception of the product. Not always the idea of ​​a particular thing meets the expectations of the supplier and manufacturer. In order to change the negative trend, it is necessary to conduct a special campaign to promote the product on the market. For example, at one time the South Korean corporation "Samsung" increased the terms of warranty service for equipment up to three years. It was on this that the campaign for promoting the product on the market was built. Potential buyers were thus convinced that the products of this company are not inferior in quality to those produced by Japanese competitors, while their prices are lower, and the service is better.
  5. Stimulation of the subjects of the marketing system. The development of product promotion on the market is carried out taking into account the fact that the company can sell its products not through direct distribution channels, but through intermediaries. In this case, in order to increase purchases, it will be necessary to stimulate final demand, while using various strategies promotion.
  6. Realization of expensive goods. The price of a particular product or service is sometimes not a decisive factor in choosing a client. This happens when, in the eyes of consumers, a product is assigned a unique quality. So, during the ongoing promotion campaign, it is explained to potential buyers that the Tefal frying pan, although expensive, has a removable handle and can be compactly placed in a kitchen cabinet. At the same time, similar products of competitors do not have such properties.
  7. Favorable feedback about the company. A similar function of promoting goods to markets is sometimes called nothing more than hidden advertising. It is achieved through the actions of sponsors, the implementation social projects etc. And although in Lately this organization of promoting goods on the market has become very popular, it is still the last in its significance. After all, a low-quality product sold at a high price will certainly cause a negative perception of the consumer. Sponsorship will not help in any way to sell products in this case.

Increasing consumer demand

Marketing promotion of goods on the market provides four options for ways to increase consumer demand. Let's consider them in more detail.

Among all types of product promotion on the market, this is considered a non-personal form of communication carried out with the participation of paid media that disseminate information.

From this point of view, one should consider Advertising activity. After all, you can pay as much money as you like for information about a product, but if it is not in demand on the market, then the level of its sales is unlikely to rise.

Advertising effectiveness

Methods of promoting goods to the market through the media will bear fruit only if the information submitted to the consumer contains an assessment of this or that thing, as well as arguments in its favor.

  1. Objective. In this case, advertising promoting goods on the market contains logically understandable features of the product.
  2. Subjective. They are designed to form certain associations and emotions in the consumer.

But be that as it may, the information provided to a potential buyer should contain some kind of unique offer. At the same time, the consumer must understand that if he purchases the offered item or service, he will receive some specific benefit from this.

Perception of advertising

  1. Necessary information which is understandable, accessible and very quickly remembered. Such advertising does not require an impressive investment. Just a few lines in the newspaper are enough. An example of this is advertising about writing term papers and theses for students.
  2. Random information. It, as a rule, is not remembered at all or is remembered with difficulty. In this case, the information should be tied to the media - the advertising carrier. A potential consumer will find the ad he needs if necessary. For example, if he wants to install plastic windows in the house, he will open a free advertising publication. The main task of the seller in this case is to ensure that his offer catches the eye of the client.
  3. Unnecessary information. Sometimes advertising is ignored by the consumer or simply annoys him. This is always taken into account by marketing promotion of goods on the market. There is always unnecessary information. The product cannot be claimed by absolutely everyone. The main question in this case is what is the part of the audience for which advertising is unnecessary?

After the consumer understands the need to purchase the advertised product, he will decide on its purchase. The task of marketing is to correct definition target audience and means of promoting goods on the market, which will increase the volume of sales.

Direct (personal) sales

Among the ways to promote a product on the market, there is one in which the sale becomes possible thanks to a conversation held with a potential buyer. The second name of such activity is "direct marketing". When implementing such a strategy for promoting goods to the market, significant financial investments will not be required. At the same time, this method refers to a higher level of business organization compared to the banal one. retail or providing household services.

This type of promotion is impossible without the company's employees knowing the features of the goods sold, including their quality and operational aspects. This allows for better customer service.

A particularly important point

By ignoring the method of direct sales, sales volumes can be significantly reduced. This is observed even when all other marketing conditions have been met by the company. For example, when offering high-quality and cheap goods, with an ideal store location, a huge assortment and an effective advertising campaign, the rudeness and disinterest of sellers in communicating with customers is unlikely to allow point of sale get a profit.

The advantage of personal selling

When using this strategy to promote the product to the market, the positive is:

Individual approach that applies to each buyer;

The ability to transfer a large amount of information about the product to the consumer;

Availability feedback with the consumer, which allows short time correct manufacturing process And advertising campaign.

Disadvantages of Personal Selling

The negative side of such a marketing strategy is the high level of turnover costs. After all, the relationships that take place in the organization trading network often arranged in a pyramidal fashion. Personal selling is most effective when the seller offers an exclusive product on the market. If such trading is carried out simultaneously by retail outlets and traveling salesmen, then personal selling will be uncompetitive. In this case, in the eyes of the buyer, the product loses its exclusivity.


This type of strategy for promoting a product to the market is one of the varieties of public relations. This is an incentive that is not paid by the sponsor. Propaganda aims to attract the attention of potential buyers. It does not require any advertising costs.

Propaganda means

The main tools for such promotion of a new product on the market are:

Speeches at which representatives of the company participate with a welcoming speech;

Events in the form of press conferences or online meetings, holding anniversaries and seminars, etc.;

News in the media with information about the products of the enterprise and its employees;

Publications annual reports, brochures, newsletters and other printed materials;

Sponsorship in the form of allocation of financial resources and time for sports, charity and other significant events;

Means of identification in the form of using the logo (emblem) of the enterprise, business cards, uniforms for employees, etc.

Sales promotion

This term is understood as a set of activities that contribute to the promotion of products. This may include various elements of marketing related to relationships in distribution systems.

Measures to stimulate sales are directly related to the price of products, their consumer properties and sales channels. Such a marketing move involves influencing three recipients. Among them:

  1. Buyers. To encourage them to buy, the trading organization organizes lottery contests, promotions, loyalty programs, etc.
  2. Counterparties. To increase their volume trade deals and focus on the sale of the supplier's products, promotional materials can be provided, competitions based on the results of sales, assistance in training employees, etc. can be provided.
  3. Sales staff. Among the forms of incentives for such employees, there are: competitions in sales volume between employees, payment for health improvement vouchers at the expense of the company, accrual of material bonuses, etc.


The importance of the topic we have considered for the successful development of business is extremely high. Without the promotion of goods, it is unlikely that it will be possible to organize a profitable business.