Submarine Antey technical characteristics. The nuclear submarine pr.949A "Antey" will be completed and modernized. Nuclear submarines in the Russian fleet

After the improvement of the potential enemy’s naval weapons (F-14 “Tomcat” carrier-based fighter-interceptors, S-3 “Viking” anti-submarine aircraft), the “anti-aircraft” capabilities of the SSGN of the 675th project (even after their modernization) seemed insufficient to guarantee the destruction of groups. It was necessary to create a new, much more powerful and long-range missile system with an underwater launch, ensuring the delivery of massive underwater attacks on ships (mainly aircraft carriers) from significant distances with the ability to select the target to be hit.

For the new complex, a new carrier was also needed, which could fire salvos of 20–24 missiles from an underwater position (according to calculations, this concentration of weapons could “pierce” the missile defense of a promising aircraft carrier formation of the US Navy). In addition, the new missile carrier had to have increased stealth, speed and diving depth to ensure separation from pursuit and the ability to overcome enemy anti-submarine defenses.

Preliminary work on the 3rd generation missile submarine began in 1967, and in 1969 the Navy issued an official technical specification for a “heavy submarine missile cruiser” equipped with an operational missile system.

The project, which received the code “Granit” and number 949, was developed at the Rubin Central Marine Engineering Design Bureau under the leadership of P.P. Pustyntsev. In 1977, after his death, I.L. Baranov was appointed chief designer, and chief supervisor from navy– captain of the second rank Ivanov V.N. It was assumed that in the development of the new missile carrier, scientific and technical groundwork would be widely used, as well as individual design solutions obtained during the creation of the world's fastest Project 661 submarine.

The Granit missile system, developed by OKB-52 (today the Research and Production Association of Mechanical Engineering), had to meet very high requirements: maximum range - at least 500 km, maximum speed - at least 2500 km/h. “Granit” differed from previous complexes with a similar purpose in its flexible adaptive trajectories, versatility in launch (surface and underwater), as well as carriers (surface ships and submarines), salvo firing with a rational spatial arrangement of missiles, and the presence of a noise-proof selective control system.

Fire was allowed at targets whose coordinates had a large error, as well as when the data had become outdated for a significant period of time. All operations for launch and daily maintenance of rockets have been automated. As a result, “Granit” acquired a real ability to solve any naval combat tasks with one carrier.

However, the effectiveness of long-range anti-ship missile systems was determined to a large extent by the capabilities of target designation and reconnaissance systems. The “Success” system, based on the Tu-95 aircraft, no longer had the necessary combat stability. In this regard, in the early 1960s. Industry science and industry were tasked with creating the world's first all-weather space system for monitoring surface targets throughout the world's oceans and issuing control commands with direct transmission of information to weapons carriers or ship (ground) command posts.

The first government decree on the start of development work on the development of the MCRC (maritime space reconnaissance and target designation) system was issued in March 1961. The country's largest design teams and research centers were involved in this large-scale work.

The parent organization that was responsible for the creation of the ICRC was initially identified as OKB-52, under the leadership of General Designer V.N. Chelomey. OKB-670 (Red Star Research and Production Association) of the Ministry of Medium Machine Building was responsible for the development of a unique (unparalleled in the world to date) nuclear on-board power plant for satellites included in the system. But OKB-52 did not have the necessary production capacity, providing serial production of spacecraft for the navy. Therefore, in May 1969, the Leningrad design bureau and the Arsenal plant named after them were connected to the program. Frunze, who became the leaders in the “sea” satellite program.

The MCRC "Legend" system consisted of two types of spacecraft: a satellite with a nuclear power plant and an on-board radar station, as well as a satellite with a solar power plant and a space station for electronic intelligence. The Arsenal plant already in 1970 began producing prototypes of spacecraft. In 1973, flight design tests of a radar reconnaissance spacecraft began, and a year later - a radio reconnaissance satellite. The radar reconnaissance spacecraft was put into service in 1975, and the entire complex (with the electronic reconnaissance spacecraft) in 1978.

The space complex for electronic reconnaissance provides detection and direction finding of objects that emit electromagnetic signals. The spacecraft has a high-precision three-axis orientation and stabilization system in space. The power source is a solar energy system combined with buffer chemical batteries.

A multifunctional liquid-propellant rocket system provides stabilization of the spacecraft, correction of the altitude of its orbit, and delivery of a pre-acceleration impulse during the launch of the spacecraft into orbit. The mass of the device is 3300 kg, the orbital inclination is 65 degrees, the altitude of the working orbit is 420 km.

Launch of Granit missiles from SSGN pr.949 Granit - OSCAR-I, 1987

The 17K114 space complex was intended for maritime space reconnaissance and target designation and consisted of the 17F16 spacecraft equipped with a two-way side-view radar, which provided 24-hour and all-weather detection of surface targets. The onboard power source was a nuclear power plant, which, upon completion of the active operation of the device, is separated and transferred to a high orbit.

The multifunctional liquid-propellant rocket system stabilized the spacecraft, corrected the altitude of its orbit, and also issued a pre-acceleration impulse when entering orbit. The mass of the device is 4300 kg, the inclination of the orbit is 65 degrees, the altitude of the working orbit is 280 km.

In addition to the space component, the ICRC includes shipborne points for receiving data directly from spacecraft, which ensure their processing and issuance of control instructions for the use of missile weapons (developed by the Kiev scientific and production association “Kvant”).

In November 1975, tests began on the P-700 RK, which received the same name “Granit” (as the SSGN code). Tests were completed in August 1983. In April 1980, even before their completion, the lead submarine cruiser of Project 949, K-525, was accepted into the Northern Fleet.

Like all previous Soviet ones, the Project 949 SSGN has a two-hull architecture - an external hydrodynamic shell and an internal durable hull. The aft part with the tail and two propeller shafts is similar to nuclear submarines with Project 661 cruise missiles. The distance between the outer and inner hulls provides a significant reserve of buoyancy and survivability in the event of a torpedo hit. However, for the same reason, the submarine has a huge underwater displacement - 22.5 thousand tons, of which 10 thousand tons is water.

The durable cylindrical body was made of AK-33 steel, the thickness of which was 45-68 mm. The hull was designed for a maximum diving depth of 600 meters (working depth - 480 meters). The end bulkheads of the durable hull are spherical, cast, the aft radius is 6.5 meters, the bow radius is 8 meters. The transverse bulkheads are flat. The bulkheads between compartments 1 and 2, as well as compartments 4 and 5, are designed for a pressure of 40 atmospheres and have a thickness of 20 mm.

Thus, the submarine is divided into three shelter compartments for emergency situations at depths of up to 400 meters: in the event of flooding of part of the pressure hull, people have a chance to escape in the first, second or third, or in the aft compartments. Other bulkheads inside the rescue zones were designed for 10 atmospheres (for depths up to 100 meters). The robust body was divided into 9 compartments:
The first is a torpedo;
The second is control, AB;
The third is the radio room and combat posts;
The fourth is living quarters;
Fifth – auxiliary mechanisms and electrical equipment;
The sixth is reactor;
The seventh and eighth are GTZA;
Ninth – propulsion electric motors.

Open launchers of missiles "Granit" SSGN pr.949

Launcher SM-225/SM-225A of the Granit complex (Asanin V., Domestic missiles. // Equipment and weapons)

The fencing of the retractable device shafts was shifted towards the bow. It is distinguished by its large length - 29 meters. In addition to retractable devices, it contains a pop-up rescue chamber capable of accommodating the entire crew, containers for portable anti-aircraft missiles, and two VIPS devices designed for firing hydroacoustic countermeasures. The fencing of the retractable device shafts (as well as the light hull) is equipped with ice reinforcements and a rounded roof intended for breaking ice during ascent in difficult ice conditions. Retractable bow horizontal rudders are located in the bow. The lightweight body has an anti-hydroacoustic coating.

The ship's power plant is maximally unified with the main power plant of the Project 941 SSBN and has a two-stage depreciation system and a block design. It includes two OK-650B water-cooled reactors (190 MW each) and two steam turbines (total power 98 thousand hp) with an OK-9 main turbo-gear unit, which operate through gearboxes that reduce the rotation speed by two propeller shaft. The steam turbine unit is located in two different compartments. There are also two turbogenerators (3200 kW each) and two backup diesel generators DG-190 (800 kW each), as well as a pair of thrusters.

The main power plant, due to its dual-shaft design, has 100% redundancy. The main turbo-gear unit, steam generating unit, electric motors, autonomous turbo generators, as well as the shaft line and propeller of one side are duplicated by the second side. In this regard, if one element or the entire mechanical installation of one side fails, the submarine does not lose its combat capabilities.

The main armament of the Project 949 SSGN includes 24 Granit anti-ship missiles in twin launchers. Containers with missiles are placed outside a durable housing with a constant elevation angle of 40 degrees. Target designation of anti-ship missiles was provided from satellites of the 17K114 space reconnaissance and target designation system. The submarine was equipped with a pop-up buoy-type antenna - “Zubatka”, which allows you to receive radio messages, satellite navigation signals and target designation while under the ice and at great depths. The antenna is located behind the wheelhouse fence in the superstructure.

Project 949A nuclear attack submarine with open starboard missile silos

The 3M45 missile of the Granit complex, which has a nuclear (500 Kt) or high-explosive warhead (750 kg), is equipped with a KR-93 sustainer turbojet engine with a solid-fuel ring rocket booster. The maximum fire range is from 550 to 600 km, the maximum speed at high altitude corresponds to M=2.5, at low altitude – M=1.5. Launch weight – 7 thousand kg, body diameter – 0.88 meters, length – 19.5 meters, wingspan – 2.6 meters.

Missiles can be fired not only singly, but also in one salvo (up to 24 anti-ship missiles launched at a very high rate). During salvo fire, targets are automatically distributed between missiles. A salvo ensures the creation of a dense group of missiles, making it easier to overcome enemy missile defenses. Organizing the flight of all missiles in a salvo, additionally searching for a warrant and “covering” the missile flying higher than the others with the included radar sight, allows the rest of the anti-ship missiles in the salvo to fly in radio silence mode on the marching section.

During the flight of the missiles, there is an optimal distribution of targets between them within the order. Complex flight path and supersonic speed, high noise immunity of radio-electronic equipment, as well as the presence of a special system for deflecting enemy aircraft and anti-aircraft missiles provide the Granit, when fired in a full salvo, with a high probability of overcoming the missile defense and air defense systems of an aircraft carrier formation (it is believed that nine missile hits are needed to sink a US Navy strike aircraft carrier " Granite"). To increase the survivability of the missile warhead against close-range weapons, it was made armored.

Torpedo-missile automated complex "Leningrad-949" makes it possible to use torpedoes, as well as “Wind” and “Waterfall” missile-torpedoes at all diving depths. The complex includes two 650 mm and four 533 mm torpedo tubes equipped with a fast loading device with transverse and longitudinal feed racks located in the bow of the submarine, and Grinda torpedo fire control devices. The fast loading device allows you to use the entire torpedo ammunition within a few minutes. The ammunition load includes 24 torpedoes (650-mm anti-ship missiles 65-76A, 533-mm universal USET-80), missiles and anti-submarine missiles (84-R and 83-R). Torpedoes can be fired from depths of up to 480 meters at speeds from 13 knots (65-76A) to 18 knots (USET-80).

The basis of the radio-electronic weapons of a nuclear submarine with cruise missiles of Project 949 is the BIUS MVU-132 “Omnibus”, the consoles of which were located in the second compartment in the control center. The boat is equipped with the MGK-540 "Skat-3" sonar system, consisting of a NOR-1 mine detector, a MG-519 "Arfa" mine detection station, an MGS-30 emergency response station, a NOK-1 navigation circular detector, and a MG-512 "Vint" , echometer MG-543, MG-518 “North”. All these tools make it possible to automatically find, find and track various targets (up to 30 targets simultaneously) in narrow and broadband direction finding modes in the infrasound, sound and high-frequency ranges.

There is a low-frequency towed receiving antenna, which extends from the upper tube on the stern stabilizer, and hydrophones located on the sides of the light hull. The SAC operates at a range of up to 220 kilometers. The main mode is passive, but it is possible to automatically detect, measure the heading angle and distance to the target with an echo signal (in active mode). A demagnetizing device is installed along the lightweight body.

Automated navigation complex "Medveditsa" consists of a direction finder, a navigation system for reference to hydroacoustic beacons, an ADK-ZM space system, a GKU-1M gyrocompass, a KM-145-P2 magnetic compass, inertial systems, logs and other devices connected to the Struna digital computer complex. All communications equipment is combined into the Molniya-M complex.

Intelligence data from aircraft or spacecraft can be received on the Zubatka buoy antenna in an underwater position. The received information, after processing, is entered into the ship's combat information and control system "Omnibus". The submarine also has an MTK-110 television-optical complex, which allows visual observation from an underwater position at depths of 50...60 meters.

For the crew members of the nuclear submarine with Project 949 cruise missiles, optimal conditions were created for autonomous navigation of a long duration (autonomy is estimated at 120 days). The personnel were provided with individual permanent sleeping places in 1-, 2-, 4- and 6-bed cabins. The compartments with living quarters were equipped with a radio broadcast network. The submarine has a dining room and a wardroom for simultaneous meals for forty-two sailors, for baking bread and cooking - a galley, consisting of a cooking and preparation compartment. The supply of provisions, designed for complete autonomy, was located in pantries and provision rooms (including freezers). Submarines also have a gym, solarium, swimming pool, living area, sauna and so on.

In all modes, when the main power plant is operating, the air conditioning and ventilation system provides the rooms with standard air values ​​for humidity, temperature and chemical composition. The chemical regeneration system ensures the content of carbon dioxide and oxygen within the established standards in the submarine’s compartments during the entire voyage in autonomous mode. The air purification system eliminates the content of harmful impurities.

The emergency means of convoy rescue developed for Project 949 submarines are superior to similar means of submarines of previous projects. The design buoyancy reserve is more than 30%, which ensures surface navigation and unsinkability in the event of complete flooding of any compartment of the pressure hull, as well as two adjacent main ballast tanks of one side adjacent to the flooded compartment. The VVD reserves provided for by the project provide the ability to blow ballast in the amount necessary to compensate for negative buoyancy in the event of flooding of any compartment with damage to two main ballast tanks at a depth of less than 150 meters. The time for blowing out all tanks from periscope depth is less than 90 seconds.

For emergency purging, powder gas generators are used. The hydraulic system operates from a pair of redundant pumping stations steering and ship hydraulics, located in the ninth and third compartments. In the event of a complete blackout of the submarine, they have the energy reserve necessary for three shifts of the bow horizontal and stern rudders. The submarine's drainage facilities ensure the removal of water not only on the surface, but also at all depths, including the maximum, and the total pumping at the maximum depth is more than 90 cubic meters per hour.

The length of the submarine is divided into two rescue zones: from the 1st to the 4th compartment and from the 5th to the 9th compartment. In the bow area there is a pop-up chamber that accommodates the entire crew from the maximum depth (in the enclosure of retractable devices). The aft area is equipped with an individual rescue system - by exiting the emergency hatch in diving equipment. The hatch is located in the ninth compartment. All zones are separated by intercompartment bulkheads, the main purpose of which is to ensure the unsinkability of the vessel.

The autonomous buoy of the B-600 complex, rising from depths of up to 1 thousand meters, provides automatic transmission of data over a distance of up to 3 thousand kilometers for 5 days about an accident on a submarine and its coordinates at the moment the buoy separates from the boat. The rescue hatch of the ninth compartment makes it possible to use the submariner's rescue equipment. The hatch is equipped with a locking system with manual or semi-automatic control, ensuring the exit of submariners from depths of up to 220 meters, as well as locking when exiting via a buoy from depths of up to 100 meters without flooding the 9th compartment. Placing the coaming platform above the 9th compartment ensures the landing of a deep-sea rescue apparatus or a rescue bell, which is lowered along a guide rope.

In the USSR Navy, Project 949 boats were classified as nuclear-powered missile submarines of the first rank. In the west they received the designation Oscar class. According to domestic experts, the Project 949 SSGN, based on the “efficiency/cost” criterion, is the most preferable weapon against enemy aircraft carriers. The cost of one Project 949-A submarine as of the mid-80s was 226 million rubles, which at face value was only 10% of the cost of the multi-purpose aircraft carrier Roosevelt ($2.3 billion excluding the cost of the air wing). At the same time, according to the calculations of industry and naval experts, one nuclear-powered submarine was capable of disabling a number of escort ships and an aircraft carrier with a high probability.

But other fairly authoritative experts questioned these assessments, believing that the relative effectiveness of these submarines was greatly overestimated. In addition, the problem of identification and target designation for any long-range weapon, and especially missile weapons, has always been the “Achilles heel”. To effectively hit moving targets such as ships, it was necessary to obtain target designation immediately before the shooting itself, that is, in real time. Such target designation for nuclear submarines with cruise missiles according to AUG, in principle, can be obtained from reconnaissance aircraft (Uspeh-U) and spacecraft (MCRC Legend).

However, the spacecraft is very vulnerable - even before the start of a combat operation it can be shot down, suppressed, and reconnaissance aircraft will have to obtain data in the zone of dominance of a potential enemy’s aircraft, fighting with it, and it will be simply unrealistic to receive information from a surface vessel during combat operations .

It is also necessary to take into account the fact that an aircraft carrier is a universal combat weapon capable of solving a wide range of tasks, while a submarine was a ship of a more narrow specialization. And if you don’t compare with the aircraft carriers of the US Navy, then two Project 949 submarines were more expensive (even in the Soviet Union, where mass production of nuclear submarines was going on) than, for example, the heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser of Project 11435 “Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov”.


On the Project 949 SSGN, starting from the second hull, a towed hydroacoustic system antenna was installed, located on the upper vertical stabilizer in a tubular fairing.

Construction program

The construction of Project 949 SSGNs has been carried out since 1978 in Severodvinsk at the Northern Machine-Building Enterprise (SSZ No. 402). 2 hulls were built - K-525 (Arkhangelsk) was introduced into the fleet on 02.10. 1981 and K-206 (“Murmansk”) commissioned on 12/20/1983.

Further construction was carried out according to the improved project 949-A. Initially, it was planned to build at least 20 nuclear submarines with cruise missiles, but the collapse of the Soviet Union and economic crisis actually crossed out this program.

Main characteristics of Project 949 SSGN:
Surface displacement - 12,500 tons;
Underwater displacement - 22500 tons;
Basic dimensions:
Maximum length – 144 m;
Maximum width – 18.2 m;
Draft along the vertical line – 9.2 m;
Main power plant:
— 2 pressurized water reactors OK-650B, with a total power of 380 mW;
— 2 PPU;
— 2 GTZA OK-9
— 2 steam turbines with a total power of 98,000 hp. (72000 kW);
— 2 turbogenerators, power of each 3200 kW;
— 2 diesel generators DG-190, power 800 kW;
— 2 shafts;
— 2 thrusters;
— 2 seven-blade propellers;
Surface speed – 15 knots;
Underwater speed – 30…32 knots;
Working immersion depth – 480…500 m;
Maximum diving depth – 600 m;
Autonomy – 120 days;
Crew - 94 people (including 42 officers);
Strike missile weapons:
- launchers SM-225 sea-based anti-ship missile systems P-700 "Granit" - 12 X 2;
— anti-ship missiles 3М45 (SS-N-19 “Shipwreck”) – 24;
Anti-aircraft weapons:
Launchers of the man-portable anti-aircraft missile system 9K310 "Igla-1"/9K38 "Igla" (SA-14 "Gremlin"/SA-16 "Gimlet") - 2 (16)
Torpedo weapons:
650 mm torpedo tubes - 2 bow;
650-mm torpedoes 65-76A – 6;
533 mm torpedo tubes - 4 bow;
533-mm torpedoes USET-80 – 18;
Anti-submarine guided missiles 83-R "Waterfall"/84-R "Wind"; Shkval missiles - instead of some torpedoes;
Mine weapons:
— can carry mines instead of some torpedoes;
Electronic weapons:
Combat information and control system - “Omnibus-949”;
General detection radar system – MRKP-58 “Radian” (Snoop Head/Pair);
Hydroacoustic complex MGK-540 "Skat-3";
Electronic warfare equipment:
“Anise”, “Zone” (Bald Head/Rim Hat, Park Lamp) 2 X VIPS for launching the GPA;
Navigation complex:
— “Synthesis” space navigation;
— “Bear-949”;
— GKU-1M gyrocompass;
— ADK-ZM “Parus” space navigation;
SCRC target designation means:
— “Selena” (Punch Bowl) AP cosmic. Coral systems;
— MRSC-2 AP aviation system"Success";
Radio communication complex:
— “Bark” PMU;
— “Molniya-M” (Pert Spring);
— “Zubatka” buoy antenna;
State identification radar system: "Nichrome-M".

Project 949A “Antey” (Oscar-II class)

After the first two ships built under Project 949, construction of submarine cruisers began under the improved Project 949A (code “Antey”). As a result of modernization, the boat received an additional compartment, which made it possible to improve the internal layout of weapons and on-board equipment. As a result, the ship's displacement increased slightly, while at the same time it was possible to reduce the level of unmasking fields and install improved equipment.

Currently, Project 949 boats are put into reserve. At the same time, the group of Project 949A submarines is, along with naval missile-carrying aircraft, and long-range aviation, in fact, the only means capable of effectively resisting US aircraft carrier strike forces. Along with this, the group’s combat units can successfully operate against ships of all classes during conflicts of any intensity.

The durable hull of the double-hull submarine, made of steel, is divided into 10 compartments. The ship's power plant has a block design and includes two OK-650B water-water reactors (190 mW each) and two steam turbines (98,000 hp) with an OK-9 GTZA, driving two propeller shafts through gearboxes that reduce the speed of the propellers . The steam turbine unit is located in two different compartments. There are two 3200 kW turbogenerators, two diesel generators DG-190, and two thrusters.

The boat is equipped with the MGK-540 Skat-3 sonar system, as well as a radio communication, combat control, space reconnaissance and target designation system. Reception of intelligence data from spacecraft or aircraft is carried out underwater using special antennas. After processing, the received information is entered into the ship's BIUS. The ship is equipped with an automated Symphony-U navigation system that has increased accuracy, an increased range of action and a large volume of processed information.

The main armament of the missile cruiser is 24 supersonic cruise missiles complex P-700 "Granit". On the sides of the cabin, which has a relatively large length, outside the durable hull there are 24 paired onboard missile containers, inclined at an angle of 40°. The ZM-45 missile, equipped with both nuclear (500 Kt) and high-explosive warheads weighing 750 kg, is equipped with a KR-93 sustainer turbojet engine with a ring solid-fuel rocket booster. The maximum firing range is 550 km, the maximum speed corresponds to M=2.5 at high altitudes and M=1.5 at low altitudes.

The launch mass of the rocket is 7000 kg, length is 19.5 m, body diameter is 0.88 m, wingspan is 2.6 m. Missiles can be fired either singly or in one salvo (up to 24 anti-ship missiles, launched at a high tempo). In the latter case, target distribution is carried out in a salvo. The creation of a dense group of missiles is ensured, which makes it easier to overcome enemy missile defense systems. Organizing the flight of all missiles in a salvo, additionally searching for a warrant and “covering” it with an activated radar sight allows the anti-ship missile to fly on the cruising sector in radio silence mode.

Supersonic speed and a complex flight path, high noise immunity of radio-electronic equipment and the presence of a special system for removing enemy anti-aircraft and aircraft missiles provide the Granit, when firing in a full salvo, with a relatively high probability of overcoming the air defense and missile defense systems of an aircraft carrier formation.

The submarine's automated torpedo-missile system allows the use of torpedoes, as well as the Vodopad and Veter missile-torpedoes at all diving depths. It includes four 533 mm and four 650 mm torpedo tubes located in the bow of the hull.

The Granit missile system, created in the 80s, was already obsolete by 2000. First of all, this relates to the maximum firing range and noise immunity of the missile. The element base underlying the complex is also outdated. At the same time, the development of a fundamentally new operational anti-ship missile system is currently not possible for economic reasons. The only real way to maintain the combat potential of domestic “anti-aircraft” forces is, obviously, the creation of a modernized version of the “Granit” complex for deployment on the 949A SSGN during their scheduled repairs and modernization.

It is estimated that the combat effectiveness of the modernized missile system, currently under development, should increase approximately three times compared to the Granit missile system currently in service. The re-equipment of submarines is supposed to be carried out directly at their bases, while the time and costs for implementing the program should be minimized. As a result, the existing group of Project 949A submarines will be able to operate effectively until the 2020s. Its potential will be further expanded as a result of equipping the ships with the Granit missile variant, capable of hitting ground targets with high accuracy using non-nuclear weapons.

/Based on materials And /

Which were designed in the early 80s at Rubin Design Bureau. Project 949A submarines are, in fact, an improved version of Project 949 Granit ships, work on which began in the late 60s. The main task of these submarine cruisers is to destroy enemy carrier strike groups.

The first Project 949A submarine was adopted by the USSR Navy in 1986. A total of eleven submarines of this series were built, eight of which are currently serving in the Russian Navy. Another submarine is being mothballed. Each of the “Anteevs” bears the name of one of the Russian cities: Irkutsk, Voronezh, Smolensk, Chelyabinsk, Tver, Orel, Omsk and Tomsk.

One of the most tragic pages in the recent history of the Russian fleet is associated with Project 949A submarines. In August 2000, the Kurs nuclear submarine and its crew perished in the Barents Sea. The official causes of this disaster still raise many questions.

One of the main tasks facing the Soviet Navy after the end of World War II was the fight against American aircraft carrier groups. Project 949A “Antey” became the pinnacle of development of highly specialized submarine cruisers - “killers” of aircraft carriers.

The cost of one Antey submarine was 226 million Soviet rubles (mid-80s), which is ten times less than the cost of an American Nimitz-class aircraft carrier.

History of creation

At the end of the 60s, the development of two projects began in the USSR, inextricably linked. OKB-52 began work on creating a new long-range anti-ship missile system that could be used against powerful enemy ship groups. First of all, it was about the destruction of American aircraft carriers.

Around the same time, the Rubin Central Design Bureau began creating a third-generation submarine missile carrier, which would become a carrier for a new missile system and replace the obsolete Project 675 nuclear submarines.

The military needed a powerful and effective weapon capable of hitting enemy ships at significant distances and a submarine with greater speed, stealth and diving depth.

In 1969, the Navy prepared an official assignment for the development of a new submarine, the project received the designation “Granit” and the number 949. The military’s requirements for a new anti-ship missile were also formulated. They had to have a flight range of at least 500 km, high speed (at least 2500 km/h), and launch from both underwater and surface positions. This missile was planned to be used not only to arm submarines, but also surface ships. In addition, the military was very interested in the possibility of salvo firing - it was believed that a “flock” of twenty missiles had a better chance of penetrating the layered air defense of an aircraft carrier order.

However, the effectiveness of long-range anti-ship missiles was determined not only by their speed and the mass of the warhead. A reliable system of target designation and reconnaissance means was needed: the enemy first had to be found in the vast ocean.

The “Success” system that existed at that time, which used Tu-95 aircraft, was far from perfect, so before Soviet military-industrial complex The task was set to create the world's first space system for searching for surface objects and monitoring them. Such a system had a number of advantages: it did not depend on the weather, could collect information about the situation over vast areas of the water surface, and was practically inaccessible to the enemy. The military demanded that target designations be issued directly to weapon carriers or command posts.

The lead organization responsible for the development of the system was OKB-52 under the leadership of V. N. Chelomey. In 1978, this system was put into service. She received the designation "Legend".

In the same year, the first submarine of Project 949, the K-525 Arkhangelsk, was launched; in 1980, it was commissioned into the fleet; in 1983, the second ship of this project, the nuclear submarine K-206 Murmansk, entered service. The submarines were built at the Northern Machine-Building Enterprise.

At the end of 1975, testing began on the main weapon of these submarine cruisers - the P-700 Granit missile system. They were successfully completed in August 1983.

Further construction of the submarines was carried out according to the improved project 949A “Antey”. The modernized nuclear submarines now have one more compartment, which improves its internal layout, the length of the ship increases, and its displacement increases. More advanced equipment was installed on the submarine, and the developers managed to increase the ship's stealth.

Initially, it was planned to build twenty nuclear submarines according to the Antey project, but the collapse of the Soviet Union adjusted these plans. A total of eleven ships were built, two boats, K-148 "Krasnodar" and K-173 "Krasnoyarsk", were scrapped or are in the process of being scrapped. Another submarine of this project, K-141 Kursk, was lost in August 2000. Currently, the Russian fleet includes: K-119 "Voronezh", K-132 "Irkutsk", K-410 "Smolensk", K-456 "Tver", K-442 "Chelyabinsk", K-266 "Eagle" , K-186 "Omsk" and K-150 "Tomsk".

The completion of another nuclear submarine of this project, K-139 Belgorod, will continue according to a more advanced project - 09852. Another submarine of the Antey type, K-135 Volgograd, was mothballed in 1998.

Description of design

Submarines of the Antey project are made according to a double-hull design: an internal durable hull is surrounded by a lightweight external hydrodynamic hull. The aft part of the vessel with its tail and propeller shafts generally resembles the Project 661 nuclear submarine.

The double-hull architecture has a number of advantages: it provides the ship with an excellent reserve of buoyancy and increases its protection against underwater explosions, but at the same time significantly increases the ship's displacement. Submarine displacement of this project is approximately 24 thousand tons, of which about 10 thousand are water.

The durable hull of the submarine has a cylindrical shape, the thickness of its walls is from 48 to 65 mm.

The body is divided into ten compartments:

  • torpedo;
  • management;
  • combat posts and radio room;
  • Living spaces;
  • electrical equipment and auxiliary mechanisms;
  • auxiliary mechanisms;
  • reactor;
  • GTZA;
  • rowing electric motors.

The ship has two areas for crew rescue: in the bow, where the pop-up camera is located, and in the stern.

The submarine's crew number is 130 people (according to other information - 112), the vessel's navigation autonomy is 120 days.

The submarine cruiser "Antey" has two OK-650B water-water reactors and two steam turbines that rotate propellers through gearboxes. The ship is also equipped with two turbogenerators, two DG-190 diesel generators (800 kW each) and two thrusters.

Submarines of the Antey project are equipped with the MGK-540 Skat-3 sonar system, as well as space reconnaissance, target designation and combat control systems. The cruiser can receive information from a satellite system or from aircraft in an underwater position using special antennas. The boat also has a towed antenna, which extends from a pipe located on the stern stabilizer.

The 949A submarines are equipped with the Symphony-U navigation system, which is characterized by increased accuracy, a large range and can process a significant amount of information.

The main type of nuclear submarine weapons are P-700 Granit anti-ship missiles. Missile containers are located on both sides of the wheelhouse, outside the boat's durable hull. Each of them has an inclination of 40°. The missile can carry a conventional (750 kg) or nuclear warhead (500 Kt). The firing range is 550 km, the missile speed is 2.5 m/s.

The submarine cruiser can conduct both single firing and launch anti-ship missiles in one salvo, firing up to 24 missiles at a time. Granit anti-ship missiles have a complex trajectory, as well as good noise immunity, which makes them a serious threat to any enemy. If we talk about the defeat of an aircraft carrier order, then the likelihood of this is especially high during salvo fire. It is believed that to sink an aircraft carrier, nine Granites must hit it, but even one accurate shot is enough to prevent aircraft from taking off from its deck.

In addition to missiles, Project 949A Antey submarines also have torpedo weapons at their disposal. The submarines have four torpedo tubes with a caliber of 533 mm and two with a caliber of 650 mm. In addition to regular torpedoes, they can fire missile torpedoes. Torpedo tubes are located in the bow of the ship. They are equipped with an automatic loading system, so they have a high rate of fire - the entire ammunition load can be fired in just a few minutes.

Nuclear submarine of project "Antey"

Below is a list of all nuclear submarines of this project:

  • "Krasnodar". Disposed of at the Nerpa plant.
  • "Krasnoyarsk". It is in the process of being dismantled; its name has already been assigned to another Project 885 submarine.
  • "Irkutsk". Currently undergoing repairs and modernization under Project 949AM. Part of the Pacific Fleet.
  • "Voronezh". It is in service with the Northern Fleet.
  • "Smolensk". It is part of the Northern Fleet.
  • "Chelyabinsk". It is part of the Pacific Fleet. Currently undergoing repairs and modernization under Project 949AM.
  • "Tver". It is in service with the Pacific Fleet.
  • "Eagle". It is undergoing renovations, which should be completed this year.
  • "Omsk". It is part of the Pacific Fleet.
  • "Kursk". She died in the Barents Sea on August 12, 2000.
  • "Tomsk". Part of the Pacific Fleet, currently undergoing repairs.

Project evaluation

To assess the effectiveness of the Antey submarines, you should first of all pay attention to the main weapon of these submarine cruisers - the P-700 Granit anti-ship missiles.

Developed back in the 80s of the last century, today this complex is clearly outdated. Neither the range of this missile nor its noise immunity meet modern requirements. And the elementary base on which this complex was created has long been outdated.

Submarines of project 949A "Antey" - a series of Soviet and Russian nuclear submarines (SSGNs), armed with P-700 Granit cruise missiles and designed to destroy aircraft carrier strike formations. According to NATO classification - “Oscar-II”. The project is a modification of 949 “Granite”.

History of creation

The design assignment was issued in 1969. The development of Project 949 became a new stage in the development of SSGN-class submarines, which, in accordance with the concept of asymmetric response, were entrusted with the task of countering carrier strike formations. New missile submarines were supposed to replace the submarines of projects 659 and 675 and in accordance with terms of reference superior to them in all main parameters - they could launch missiles from both surface and submerged positions, had less noise, higher underwater speed, three times more ammunition, and missiles with radically improved combat capabilities. Project 949 became the pinnacle and end of the development of highly specialized submarines - “aircraft carrier killers”.

In the face of persistent underfunding of the fleet, which began in the early 1990s, the Russian Navy was forced to make a series of difficult decisions aimed at preserving the core of the fleet, including the submarine one. This led to a sharp reduction in the submarine fleet and the accelerated withdrawal of ships early dates buildings and in poor condition, the use of available funds to maintain new ships.

Project 949 RPKs (2 units were built) were withdrawn from the fleet in 1996. At the same time, the construction of new ships continued - in the mid and late 1990s, the construction of several Project 949A RPKs was completed. The condition of the 12th boat of the project is unknown; according to one information, it was completed at the end of 1999, according to another, it was dismantled after laying down. The 4th (in order in the series) RPK Project 949A K-173 (Chelyabinsk? Krasnoyarsk?) was withdrawn from the fleet in 1998.

It was planned to develop a PKK for a similar purpose, the next, 4th generation, based on the 949A project, but a decrease in funding did not allow the development of this project.


Project 949 and 949A missile submarine cruisers (RPK) have an underwater displacement of about 18,000 tons (some sources indicate the figure is 24,000 tons), are equipped with a nuclear power plant and are one of the newest submarines Russian fleet. The main weapons are the Granit anti-ship missiles, located in 24 launchers. The main purpose of these boats is to strike enemy naval formations (primarily, of course, carrier strike groups of the US Navy).

Like other Russian submarines, Project 949 and 949A RPKs have a double-hull architecture - an internal strong hull and an external hydrodynamic shell (American submarines have a single strong hull, with additional hydrodynamic fairings, for example a sonar fairing). A distance of 3.5 m between the inner and outer hulls provides a significant reserve of buoyancy and survivability when hit by torpedoes.

It is believed that these submarines maneuver at low speed, although the power plant allows them to develop an underwater speed of up to 30 knots in order to catch up and take the desired position in relation to the target. RPK Project 949A is approximately 10 m longer than the first two ships of Project 949. Perhaps this increase in size was used to accommodate a quieter power plant and more advanced electronic systems. The Project 949A RPK also features larger rudders, which should improve maneuverability under water.


Throughout the middle compartments, in side containers outside the durable hull, there are 24 3M-45 missiles of the P-700 Granit complex, which are the main weapon of the boats. The containers are tilted forward from the vertical at an angle of 40-45° and are closed in pairs with twelve fairing lids that form part of the lightweight body. Torpedo armament is represented by six bow torpedo tubes: 2x650 mm and 4x533 mm. The ammunition includes 8-12 missile torpedoes and torpedoes of 650 mm caliber and 16 torpedoes of 533 mm caliber.


In December 2011, RIA Novosti, citing a source in the military-industrial complex, reported that a modernization project had been developed at the Rubin Central Design Bureau. It is planned to replace the Granit missiles with more modern Onyx missiles, as well as equip submarines with the Caliber missile system. It is planned to modify the launch containers without altering the hull. The replacement of weapons of nuclear submarines with Northern Fleet will be carried out at the Zvezdochka plant, and for TF - at the Zvezda plant.

Main characteristics
Displacement 14,700 t
Full displacement 24,000 t
Length 154 m
Width 18.2 m
Draft 9.2 m
Power point 2 OK-650V reactors with a capacity of 190 MW each
total rated power 98,000 l. With.
Surface speed 15 knots
Underwater speed 32 knots
Working depth 500-520 m
Limit depth 600 m

Confronting American aircraft carrier groups was the main task of the Soviet Navy immediately after the end of the Great Patriotic War. It was for this purpose that “killers” of aircraft carriers began to be created - Soviet highly specialized submarines of the Antey 949A project.

Start of creation

In the 1960s, Soviet designers worked on two interconnected projects. OKB-52 employees were working on a new anti-ship missile system intended to destroy enemy naval formations, and workers from the Rubin Central Design Bureau were designing a third-generation submarine missile carrier. It was subsequently planned to be used as a carrier for a new missile system. The military needed both a powerful and very effective weapon capable of destroying enemy ship groups, and a submarine with high performance stealth and depth of immersion. In the future, after the modernization of a number of submarines, these qualities will be combined in the Antey class submarines.

Project "Granite 949"

In 1969, the Navy set Soviet designers the task of creating a new submarine. The rocket it transports must meet the following requirements:

  • It must have high speed: at least 2500 km/h.
  • Range - 500 km.
  • Designed for launch from both underwater and surface positions. It was planned to use them on submarines and surface ships.

Since in most cases the enemy’s layered air defense is penetrated by a “flock” of two dozen missiles, the Soviet military was interested in the possibility of firing in a salvo. According to the developers, to achieve the effectiveness of anti-ship missiles it is necessary, in addition to high speed and a large mass of combat units, also equip them with reliable systems that provide target designation and reconnaissance.

System "Success"

With the help of this world's first Soviet space system, surface objects were identified and monitored. “Success” had the following advantages:

  • Absolute independence from weather conditions.
  • The collection took place over a huge area.
  • Inaccessibility to the enemy.

Target indications were received by weapon carriers and command posts. The production of nuclear submarines was carried out by workers of the Northern machine-building enterprise. In 1980, according to Project 949, the first nuclear submarine “Arkhangelsk” was ready, and in 1983 - “Murmansk”.

Nuclear submarines "Antey", project 949A

After the successful completion of the Granite project design work were carried out according to a more improved project. In the documentation it is listed as 949 A "Antey". Due to modernized equipment and an additional compartment, the submarine had an improved internal layout, increased length and displacement. In addition, the developers managed to increase the stealth ratings of this submarine.

At the very beginning, it was planned to produce twenty nuclear submarines under the Antey project. K-148 Krasnodar is considered the very first nuclear submarine of this class. She was launched in 1986. Soon after this submarine the K-173 Krasnoyarsk was ready. At the moment, these submarines are in a state of dismantling. Despite the serial production of twenty nuclear submarines planned by the Soviet leadership, only eleven units were produced under the Antey project. K-141 Kursk, manufactured in 1994, was sunk in August 2000.

Nuclear submarines in the Russian fleet

Currently in service with the Navy Russian Federation The Antey class nuclear submarines consist of the following:

  • K-119 "Voronezh" (Northern Fleet).
  • K-132 "Irkutsk" (Pacific Fleet).
  • K-410 "Smolensk" (Northern Fleet).
  • K-456 "Tver" (Pacific).
  • K-442 "Chelyabinsk" (Pacific Fleet).
  • K-266 "Eagle" (currently under repair).

  • K-186 "Omsk" (Pacific).
  • K-150 "Tomsk". (Pacific Fleet).

Another submarine, K-135 Volgograd, created under Project 949 Antey, is currently being mothballed. And the K-139 “Belgorod” will be completed according to project 09852.

APL 949 device

The Antey type has a two-hull design: a lightweight outer hydrodynamic cylindrical body surrounds the inner one, which differs from the outer one in its high strength. The thickness of its walls exceeds 6 cm. Due to this double-hull architecture, nuclear submarines have the following advantages:

  • Submarines are provided with high buoyancy.
  • Nuclear submarines are protected from underwater explosions.
  • Submarines have increased displacement.

The hull of nuclear submarines consists of the following departments:

  • Torpedo.
  • Managerial.
  • Compartments for combat posts and radio room.
  • Residential premises.
  • Department for electrical equipment and auxiliary mechanisms.
  • Reactor.
  • GTZA Department.
  • Compartment with rowing electric motors.

In the event of an accident, a nuclear submarine is equipped with two zones ( bow and stern), in which the crew can wait for salvation. The crew consists of 130 people. According to other data, the number does not exceed 112. The submarine can remain in autonomous mode for no more than 120 days.

Description of the power plant

The block power plant of the nuclear submarine consists of two OK-650B nuclear reactors and two OK-9 steam turbines. Their power is 98 thousand liters. With. They operate using ridge screws using gearboxes. The nuclear submarine has two additional diesel generators DG-190 with a capacity of at least 8 thousand 700 liters. With.

Submarine combat control

The Antey nuclear submarine is equipped with MGK-540 Skat-3 sonar systems and systems that provide space reconnaissance, target designation and combat control of the submarine. Information received by a satellite or aircraft is transmitted to the submarine using special antennas. Additionally, Antey-class submarines are equipped with a towed Zubatka antenna.

Its location is the stern stabilizer. The buoy-type antenna “Zubatka” is intended for receiving radio messages and signals by a boat located at very great depths or under a thick layer of ice.

Navigation in the submarine is provided by the special Symphony-U complex. High accuracy, long range and volume of processed information are the characteristic features of this navigation system.

What are the submarines armed with?

The armament of the Antey-class nuclear submarines is represented by two types:

  • P-700 “Granite” (24 units). The location of the missile containers was on both sides of the wheelhouse behind the wall of the pressure hull (the middle part of the submarine). To close them, special fairing covers are used, which are part of the outer casing. The container is installed at an angle of 40 degrees. The missiles can be used both conventional (weighing up to 750 kg) and equipped with nuclear warheads. PRKs move at a speed of 2.5 m/s and are designed for distances of up to 550 km.
  • Mine-torpedo tubes (four pieces). Two of them have a caliber of 533 mm, the rest - 650 mm. They are designed to fire both conventional torpedoes and torpedo missiles. The location of these devices was the bow of the nuclear submarine. Due to the system responsible for automatic loading, the torpedo weapon has a high rate of fire. In just a few minutes, the entire ammunition load, consisting of missile torpedoes (12 units) and torpedoes (16 units), can be fired by the Antey submarine.


  • The nuclear submarine above water has a displacement of 12 thousand 500 cubic meters. m.
  • The displacement under water is 22 thousand 500 cubic meters. m.
  • Antey class ships can reach speeds of up to 15 knots over water.
  • Underwater their speed is higher: 32 knots.
  • Submarines can dive to a maximum depth of 600 m.
  • The submarine can remain autonomous for 120 days.

The feasibility of serial production of "Anteev"

As many Russian experts note, Antey-class nuclear submarines, in terms of their effectiveness, are the most preferable means of combating enemy aircraft carriers. In the 1980s, the cost of manufacturing one nuclear submarine did not exceed 227 million rubles (only 10% of the price of the American Roosevelt). But the effectiveness of the Soviet nuclear submarine turned out to be very high: Antey poses a danger to the aircraft carrier and its accompanying ships. According to other experts, the effectiveness of Anteev is overestimated. This is due to the fact that nuclear submarines are ships with narrow specialization. In this regard, they cannot fully resist multi-purpose aircraft carriers.


Today, developments from the 1980s are considered quite outdated. In this regard, in 2011 it was decided to replace the Granit-700 anti-ship missiles with more modern Onyx and Caliber missiles.

This will allow Antey to become a universal tool for solving a wide variety of problems.

Nuclear Submarine- a strong and deadly machine. Nowhere else on the planet is there such a concentration of people and firepower. truly fought on the front of the Cold War, but with all their strength they cannot compare with the power of the seas. A submariner's greatest enemy is not the potential enemy, but the ocean itself. The deep sea environment will look for a flaw in the steel cocoon submarine. It might rush in and drown her. The sea can make a submariner its prisoner and kill him with terrifying slowness.


Shock atomic submarines Project 949 are unique submarine missile carriers that have become a real threat to surface ships of the "" type. Interest in them has always remained great on the part of foreign intelligence services as a treasury of secrets.

The rapid modernization of the naval weapons of a potential enemy gradually negated the capabilities of the Soviet submarines missile carriers. Now aircraft carrier strike groups of the NATO fleet could deliver 1,500 nuclear strikes on the territory of the USSR within three days. By that time Soviet Union has already developed an anti-ship complex " Granite" Its missiles were completely autonomous along the entire flight path, had a multi-variant target attack program and increased noise immunity, which made it possible to use them to destroy group surface chains. The Soviet military leadership instructed three design bureaus at once to create a carrier of such missiles, a cruising submarine third generation. After the development of tactical and technical specifications in December 1978 at the Central Design Bureau for MT " Ruby"The keel of the first was laid in Leningrad submarine, opening a series of nuclear-powered ships of Project 949.

Project 949 received the code " Granite" P.P. was appointed chief designer. Pustyntsev.

The lead submarine K-525 was launched in 1980 and entered service on October 2, 1981. NATO forces classified it as " Oscar" The next submarine, K-206, entered service in 1983.

nuclear submarines of project 949 "Granit" photo


complex "Granite"

launching of the submarine "Omsk"

submarine "Omsk"

submarine "Smolensk"

After the first two submarine cruisers, construction began submarines according to the improved project 949A cipher " Antey"(according to NATO classification - " Oscar II»).

As a result of modernization submarine received an additional compartment, allowing designers to improve the internal layout of weapons and on-board equipment. As a result, the displacement submarine project 949A increased by 2000 tons, at the same time it was possible to reduce the level of unmasking fields and install improved equipment.

Submarines Project 949 are double-hulled ships with a durable cylindrical hull, divided into 9 compartments. The lightweight body is covered with a special anti-hydrolocation coating.

To facilitate ascent in ice, the conning tower has a reinforced rounded roof. Bow horizontal rudders submarines installed in the bow and retracted inside the lightweight hull. There are also two thrusters.

Main weapons Project 949 submarines are 24 anti-ship missiles " Granite", located along the sides of the launchers. Rockets can be fired either singly or in one gulp. Torpedo tubes with ammunition capacity of 26 torpedoes are installed in the bow. The torpedo tubes are automated and equipped with a quick loading device, with longitudinal and transverse feed racks, which allows you to shoot all the ammunition within a few minutes.

Project 949 submarines are equipped with a sonar system " Scat", navigation complex " Ursa"and radio communication complex" Tsunami».

The main power plant has a block design and includes two nuclear reactors of the OK-650B type and two steam turbines of the OK-9 type with a capacity of 98,000 hp. s, working through gearboxes on propellers. Additionally for auxiliary functions submarines Project 949 are equipped with two diesel generators of the DG-190 type, the power of which is 8700 hp. With..

Submarines Project 949 differ from their “colleagues” in having fairly decent conditions of comfort and habitability for personnel for long-term autonomous navigation.

All crew members SSGN project 949 are provided with individual sleeping places in one-, two-, four- and six-berth cabins. The submarine has a wardroom and a dining room for 42 sailors to eat at the same time. A stock of provisions for complete autonomy is placed in provision rooms freezers and storage rooms. The missile carrier also has a gym, swimming pool, solarium, sauna and living area.

The leadership planned to have twenty submarines of this type, but only 13 were built. None of them submarines did not serve its term. Already decommissioned by 2001 submarines K-525 and K-206 of project 949, K-148 and K-173 are in storage. Submarines K-132 and K-119 require major repairs.


Once submerged under water, a nuclear submarine makes less noise than the sea itself, and its nuclear reactor can supply electricity to a small city. The ears of a nuclear-powered hydroacoustic submarine are capable of hearing the sound of feeding shrimp or whales. Nuclear submarine must always function, so work on it continues around the clock. Powerful and technically advanced submarines still remain vulnerable. And when something happens, the consequences are too often deadly.

August 2000. Russian nuclear Submarine « Kursk» K-141 stands at the pier of the Western Arctic base of the Russian Navy Zapadnaya Litsa. The submarine's crew of 118 people is an intelligent, courageous and close-knit brotherhood and is not much different from the crews of foreign submarines. The submarine is operated by amazingly young people. The average age of the crew is 24 years. Like all submariners, the cruiser's crew is glad that they are going to sea. " Kursk" leaves his home base, heading for exercises in the Barents Sea.

August 12, 2000 at 09:00 crew submarine preparing to practice a torpedo attack. The role of the target is played by the atomic " Peter the Great" The commander of the Northern Fleet of the Russian Federation, Admiral Popov, gives the order to begin. The American one is nearby observing the Russian exercises. Suddenly her sonar picks up a terrible noise. The explosion caused the detonation of the submarine's torpedo compartment. Kursk". Two minutes later, seismographs record a second powerful explosion. Mighty " Kursk", the giant deadly weapon of war is destroyed. Most of the crew died immediately, but 24 surviving submariners gathered in the ninth compartment.

« Kursk" lay in relatively shallow water. On board the cruiser " Peter the Great"couldn't believe that Submarine sank. Several hours passed before the alarm was raised. The first hours of a disaster are decisive. But only 30 hours later, Russian rescuers went to the Kursk submarine. Russian media reported that the nuclear submarine experienced technical problems and the submarine deliberately sank to the bottom.

The truth in the form of rumors reached the relatives waiting for the submariners in the military town of Vedyaevo. Mothers and wives did not know what to believe or who to believe. Navy representatives gave conflicting information. Relatives were told that with the submarine " Kursk“A connection has been established and knocks are heard from it.
Despite official statements, Russian rescuers were unable to dock with the nuclear submarine. Kursk" This was due to the place where the submarine lay. There was a strong current there, which made it difficult to accurately dock with the emergency site. However, the Russian Navy did not accept help from the United States and other countries. With each passing hour, the chances of saving someone were fading.

Four days after the accident " Kursk“The military leadership continued to refuse any foreign assistance. For more than a week, distraught mothers and wives hoped against hope that the submariners could still be saved. Finally, Russian officials admitted that they could not reach the people in the submarine.

Later rescue teams from Norway and Great Britain were invited. The submarine was found. Using a hammer, the rescuers opened the hatch and, thanks to the milk that did not flow inside like a white veil, the rescuers realized that all 118 people submarine « Kursk"died. After days of outright lies from officials, the commander of the fleet, Admiral Alexander Popov, spoke on television: “ Life goes on, raise your children, raise your sons, and forgive me for not being able to save your loved ones».


For the large-scale operation to raise the Kursk, about 40 sets of documents of various kinds were developed. Many force majeure circumstances that could arise during the ascent were discussed. Finally, the Project 949 submarine Kursk in October 2001, with the help of the vessel GIANT 4" created by the company " MAMMOET" was raised. The submarine was lifted at a speed of 9 meters per hour. Operation was successfully completed. After fixing the object, the ship was sent to the Murmansk region to the ship repair plant in Roslyakovo. Then the ship was brought into a floating dock, where nuclear submarine « Kursk"was secured in a submerged position. After pumping water from the dock, people were presented with a terrible picture. The submarine had no bow compartment, and what was left of it was torn to shreds. Then it was delivered to Snezhnogorsk for further disposal.

Technical characteristics of the Project 949 nuclear submarine “Granit”:
Surface displacement - 13,400 tons;
Underwater displacement - 22500 tons;
Length - 143 m;
Width - 18.2 m;
Draft - 9.2 m;
Immersion depth - 400 m;
Surface speed - 15 knots;
Underwater speed - 30 knots;
Power reserve - unlimited;
Autonomy - 110 days;
Crew - 107 people;
Power plant - nuclear;
Turbine power - 100,000 hp;
Impact missile:
Anti-ship missile system P-700 "Granit"
Ammunition - 24 ZM-45 missiles;
Anti-aircraft missile:
Anti-aircraft missile system 9K310 “Igla-1” - 2;
Torpedo tubes 650 mm - 2 (bow);
Torpedo tubes 533 mm - 4 (bow);
Ammunition - 24 torpedoes;