Concept, types, control functions. General, private and auxiliary management functions. the concept of the effectiveness of management functions The concept of management functions and types of functions

Theme 6

Control functions

In this topic, the interested reader will find answers to the following questions:

    the concept and meaning of the management function;

    the place of the management function among the categories of management;

    types of management functions;

    general (basic) management functions;

    specific (specific) management functions;

    special control functions;

    planning as a management function;

    organization as a management function;

    leadership as a management function;

    motivation as a function of management;

    control as a function of management;

    carriers of general and specific management functions;

    interconnection of management functions;

    the role of a specific management function when creating a management body;

    control function as an object of economic analysis of the control system.

In production and economic practice (and in economic literature) we often come across expressions: such and such a specialist performs his functions well, the specialist does not cope with the performance of his duties, the personnel department performs the functions (development of current and future plans for staffing the enterprise, studying the business qualities of the enterprise’s specialists in order to select personnel to fill vacant positions managers, issuance of certificates on the present and past labor activity of employees, etc.).

It turns out that certain functions are performed by both the specialist and the department. In addition, in one case, the employee of the administrative apparatus performs functions, and in the other case, official duties. What is it, an inaccuracy of expression or some kind of contradiction? Let's try to figure out why we consider the conceptual apparatus of the category under study.

6.1. The concept and meaning of the control function

Before turning to the concept of a control function, let us consider the concept of a function in general.

Function(from Latin functio - execution, implementation) has a number of meanings

    activity, duty, work;

    work performed by an organ, body (function of the liver, salivary gland);

    duty, range of activities (job responsibilities of a labor economist);

    purpose, role of one or another structural element (function of the landing gear of the aircraft, gearbox of the car);

    the role played by a certain social institution in relation to the whole (function of the state, family in society);

    dependent variable (in mathematics, physics).

From the consideration of the concept of function, it follows that any work performed by an individual employee or unit can be called a function quite reasonably. But due to the established norms and rules, when drawing up organizational documents (regulations on divisions and job descriptions of employees), a list of works performed by a division is called functions, and a list of works performed by an employee - official duties. In the latter case, it is emphasized that the official is given a range of duties for which the employee is responsible, since the job description defines legal status worker.

Now about the control function as a special category under study, the general concept of which we have already given. It remains only to emphasize the specifics of managerial work, where management functions are implemented.

Control function - view management activities, with the help of which the subject of management influences the managed object.

All functions performed by employees of the enterprise are divided into two groups (Fig. 6.1.1.):

Rice. 6.1.1.

Or otherwise, the control functions are performed in the control system, and the production functions - in the controlled system.

The control function answers the question of who does or should do what in the production management system.

Production functions - this is the activity of production personnel for the production of products and services.

The value of the control function. In the theory of production management, the issue of management functions is one of the central ones. It reveals the essence and content of management activities at all levels of management.

The emergence of management functions is the result of differentiation of purposeful influences, division and specialization of labor in the field of management. The content of management is connected with the content of production, is determined by it and follows from it.

The place of the management function in a number of main categories of management science is determined by the following scheme (Fig. 6.1.2.):

Fig 6.1.1

Judging by the distribution scheme (see Figure 6.1.1.), the management function occupies a key place among the main categories of management science. This suggests that the development of the structure, the application of management methods and tools, the selection and placement of personnel, etc. should be carried out taking into account the composition and content of management functions and the effectiveness of their implementation, i.e., the use of most management categories involves linking them with management functions.

Control function - special kind activity, expressing the direction of the implementation of a targeted impact on the controlled object.

Two ways to implement the control function. The formation of the control system and the impact on the controlled system are two directions for the implementation of the control function.

Rice. 6.2.1.

These two areas are in constant communication and interaction, their unity characterizes the stability and correlation of the production process and the management process.

Definition of the control object. In general, any specific joint production and economic activity can serve as a video control object. But since the types of activities in a separate production system are very diverse, and their number is large, it is advisable to single out only structurally separate production links as an object of management.

The control object is a structurally separate production unit that performs one of the stages or part of the stage of the production and economic process and is the receiver of a purposeful control action.

The production and economic activity of an enterprise can be divided into three stages and eight stages (objects):

1. The preparatory stage contains three stages (objects):

1) scientific and technical preparation of production;

2) economic preparation of production;

3) social preparation of production;

2. The production stage contains three stages (objects):

1) main production;

2) auxiliary production;

3) service production.

3. The final stage contains two stages (objects):

1) sales of products;

2) financial activity.

Stages of production and economic activity are structurally isolated and are objects of management.

In turn, each of the stages can be divided into smaller structurally separate control objects in accordance with different levels of the control system.

For example, at the stage of scientific and technical preparation of production, the following control objects can be distinguished:

Research and design work;

Development of technology for manufacturing products;

Experimental production.

6.3. Classification of control functions

All control functions are divided into three groups (Fig. 6.3.1.):

Rice. 6.3.1.

General (basic) management functions. These include:

1) planning;

2) organization;

3) leadership;

4) motivation;

5) control.

In the management literature, there is no single classification of general (basic) management functions. Various authors call these functions differently and number them from four to seven. Thus, the function "leadership" is called coordination and regulation, and the function "motivation" is called stimulation. In addition, accounting and analysis are often referred to as common functions. But accounting, as we will see below, has a specific function, and analysis is one of the methods for studying economic processes.

All five general (basic) control functions are arranged in a logical sequence.

General management functions are performed by the heads of management units (departments, services) together with their subordinate specialists, as well as the heads of production units with their headquarters. In other words, without exception, all managers and management units perform common (basic) management functions.

Concrete (specific) control functions. The content of specific management functions at various enterprises reflects the specifics of production (type, complexity of production and products, specialization, scale, etc.).

Each specific function is closely related to a dedicated control object. Therefore, the establishment of the quantitative composition of control objects serves as the basis for determining specific control functions corresponding to each selected control object.

Specific functions and the controls assigned to them are formed according to the following logical chain (6.3.2.):

Rice. 6.3.2.

The number of specific management functions in the enterprise will be as many as the areas (types) of production and economic activities that serve as objects of management. To manage a particular area of ​​activity, a management body (department, service, bureau) is created.


Section Logical Structure

3.1. The concept and classification of control functions

In general, the field of activity, called the management of the company, can be divided into separate functions, which are concentrated in three main groups:
- general management (establishment regulatory requirements and management policies, innovation policies, planning, organization of work, motivation, coordination, control, responsibility);
- management of the structure of the enterprise (its creation, subject of activity, legal forms, relations with other enterprises, territorial issues, organization, reconstruction, liquidation);
- specific areas of management (marketing, R&D, production, personnel, finance, fixed assets).

If the structural aspects of the enterprise's activities are defined, then all management functions are divided into general and specific.

The management function is a type of activity based on the division and cooperation of management and is characterized by a certain homogeneity, complexity and stability of the impact on the object by the subject of management.

Control functions and the establishment of the scope of work for each function are the basis for the formation of the structure of the control system and the interaction of its components.

General functions are allocated according to the stages (stages) of management. In accordance with GOST 24525.0-80, these include:
- forecasting and planning;
- work organization;
- motivation;
- coordination and regulation;
- control, accounting, analysis.

Functions allocated by field of activity are called specific. GOST recommends their typical composition:
- prospective and current economic and social planning;
- organization of work on standardization;
- accounting and reporting;
- economic analysis;
- technical preparation of production;
- organization of production;
- management technological processes;
- operational management of production;
- metrological support;
- technological control and testing;
- sales of products;
- organization of work with personnel;
- organization of work and wages;
- material and technical supply;
- capital construction;
- financial activities.

Management functions are a specific type of management activity, which is carried out by special techniques and methods, as well as the corresponding organization of work.

As you can see, one of the main components that make up the content of management are functions. Thus, in order to perform this or that relatively simple work, it is necessary to determine in advance what you need to get as a result, how to organize the business, motivate and control its implementation. These are the control functions. Although management techniques have improved over time, the fundamental management functions have remained relatively unchanged.

Each management function is the scope of a specific management process, and the management system for a specific object or type of activity is a set of functions connected by a single management cycle. This is the essence of the process approach to the study of management functions.

Henri Fayol, who owns the development of the theory of administrative management, at the beginning of the twentieth century. identified five initial functions, or elements, of the administrative process: foresight, organization, command, coordination, control.

But very often they talk about only four management functions - planning, organization, motivation and control.

Concept Russian management as a process of performing interrelated functions of planning, organizing, coordinating and regulating, motivation, control, united a number of management theories, in particular, the school of scientific management, administrative theory, a behavioral school that studies the trends in people's behavior based on the development of needs and the emerging theory of motivation. In further development, the process model of management was refined and expanded, deepened as a result of applying the methodology of system and situational approaches to management, sociological research, economic and mathematical methods and modeling.

The essential characteristic of management is a function or type of activity to lead people. This feature of any type of management was noted by Mary Parker Follet in defining management as ensuring that work is done with the help of others. In the process of management development, the essence of management received the interpretation of "impact" on people to coordinate and streamline their actions in joint work through the motivation of behavior.

The most complete content of management as a process reflects the main functions that general condition management of social and socio-economic processes. The impact process will be real when it is completed in production and economic activities, where any means of interaction are used: goals, strategies, methods, management structures. Therefore, the management process can be considered as a process of interaction between the subject and the object of management, where the ideas of the subject are realized, i.e. manager. This group of functions is combined by the process of development and implementation management decision, which has universal stages in a certain sequence, which can be interpreted as groups of management functions, i.e. types of activities for the development and implementation of management decisions.

The essential feature of management determines the presence of a manager - a subject of management, a professional manager who has undergone special training, giving him the right to perform the functions of managing people.

In market conditions, not only functions should be fixed, but also resources associated with the performance of these functions and decision-making, specific types of responsibility for the effectiveness of management.

For managers, knowledge of the relationship and interaction of groups of management functions creates the conditions for acceptance right decisions in the field of formation and functioning of management systems.

Let us note the main features of management functions. Management relations in a market economy are multifaceted, multilayered, because they reflect different facets of socio-economic relations between people and teams employed in the production and non-production areas of activity of organizations of various forms of ownership.

Important feature management functions, due to the specifics Russian economy, lies in the need for a high degree of adaptability to changes in the external and internal environment.

Transitional stage of development market economy Russia is characterized by a special nature of the interaction of market levers of management and the system state regulation. Therefore, the functions of management, in addition to their integration role, ensure the adaptation of production and economic systems to new and frequently changing state regulators, as well as adaptation to new market conditions in all areas of economic and social activity.

Adaptability is understood as the ability to maintain the qualitative certainty of the management function under changes in the socio-economic environment. The system of adaptive elements of the management system includes the entire set of means of influence: target, regulatory, coordinating, activating, motivating, controlling, self-organizing. It follows from this that the system of means of influence and interaction for each function should be flexible and ensure less loss of resources when socio-economic and organizational and technical factors change.

The processes of adaptation to erroneous decisions and negative phenomena in the control system should also be noted. Thus, the current practice of reforming production relations (one-time price release, the introduction of legislative acts retroactively, the lack of mechanisms for their implementation) causes indignation in the economic environment and adaptation to these conditions of the lower levels (concealment of income, non-payment of taxes, non-execution of state decisions.

Management functions have a specific nature, special content and can be carried out independently, be both unrelated and inextricably linked, moreover, they seem to interpenetrate each other. In other words, in the management system, all management functions are combined into a single holistic process. administrative management

Management means leading something, someone.

management is a functionally organized system (biological, social, technical) that ensures their integrity;

serves the interests of the interaction of any system of elements;

The internal quality of an integral system, the main elements of which are subject-managing and object-managing;

· involves the internal interaction of the subjects that make up the system and the interaction of integral systems of various hierarchical levels;

management is the control action of the subject on the object;

· it is real only when the subordination of the object to the subject of control is obvious.

General management functions:



· regulation;

· methodological guidance;

work with personnel;

· control.

General functions are general personal interactions between subjects and objects of management, stable, relatively independent, specialized types management activities. Each function is objectively necessary.

General management functions are specific, personalized in the functions of individual bodies, structural unit and positions. This determines the competence of structural units.

1. System orientation:




methodological guide.

2. Provide system:




organizational and structural support;


3. Operational system management:

direct regulation of activities;


activity evaluation.

Theme 8
Public administration

This is a specific kind state activity, a kind of social management with the functioning of which the formation of administrative law is associated.

The term public administration is widely used in the legislation of countries. The 1993 Constitution introduced a new term - executive power.

Main features:

1. A specific type of activity for the implementation of a unified state power.

2. Activities of an executive-administrative nature, the main way is the execution, that is, the enforcement of laws.

3. Activities of special subjects - government bodies.

4. Executive activities carried out in the process of daily and direct management various areas the life of society.

5. The activity is subordinate to the law, carried out on the basis of and pursuant to the law.

Specific features:

1. Verticality, subordination, hierarchy.

2. Implementation of legally authoritative powers in an administrative order, that is, extrajudicial.

3. The possibility of administrative lawmaking.

4. Inclusion in the mechanism of state administration not only of executive and administrative bodies, but also of all other parts of the administrative apparatus.

Fundamental circumstances:

1. Public administration and its functions government bodies There is component single mechanism of state power.

2. State administration is connected with its executive appointment.

Theme 8: Administrative and legal foundations of the theory of public administration
executive power

The mechanism of state power determines the transition from the division of labor to the division of powers. With the adoption of the Constitution Russian Federation the principle of separation of powers, which had previously been ignored, was proclaimed.

State power is united in its manifestations:

1. Legislative power.

2. Executive power.

3. Judicial power.

State power should be built on a certain functional-competent specialization. This means that it is power in its state legal expression that serves as a single basis for the functioning of the subject.

The main features of the executive power.

1. Relatively independent variety of state power.

2. Independent only in the functional-competent sense.

3. Exists along with the legislative and judicial authorities, i.e. is an indispensable attribute of the state-imperious mechanism.

4. This is the ability and opportunity to have a decisive impact on the activity, behavior of people. A distinctive feature is that power is exercised to different subjects.

5. It is not identical to executive activity, since executive activity is not power, but a form of its practical implementation.

6. It is personified in the activities of special subjects endowed with executive competence.

7. Organized and carried out on the basis of federalism.

Two main aspects of executive power.

legal - the right and ability of the subject to control someone, to subordinate other people to his will, to issue acts, to carry out organizational work;

political - includes a complex of political and legal phenomena and, above all, the apparatus of state administration, the competence of its bodies and employees.

Executive agencies.

The executive authorities of the Russian Federation include federal executive authorities and executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, which form a single system.

The modern legal status of executive authorities is characterized by common positions:

1. Representing one of the branches of the unified state power, they enjoy relative legal independence in the exercise of executive power and in relations with the subjects of representative and judicial powers.

2. For the most part, executive bodies are formed with the decisive participation of the President of the Russian Federation and authorized subjects of the executive power of the Russian Federation.

3. Executive authorities are not accountable and are not controlled by a representative authority

4. Bodies received a significant opportunity to influence the law-making activities of representative bodies.

5. Bodies of executive power are independent within the limits outlined by law.

6. Possess state power, including the issuance of legal acts and their implementation.

7. Subordination of the activities of executive authorities.

8. Bodies of executive power have civil legal capacity.

Types of executive authorities.

There are various criteria for dividing them into types:

1. Depending on the state structure:


subjects of the Russian Federation.

2. By organizational and legal forms:


Councils of Ministers with the status of government;


state committees;



main departments and departments;




the administration;

departments and others.

These parameters are enshrined in regulatory legal acts that determine their status.

Executive authorities are created and operate at various levels. By general rule governments, councils of ministers, ministries, state committees are formed at the level of the republics, but at present their formation is also permissible at the level of subjects of the Russian Federation.

The federal bodies were formed in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 09.03.2004 No. 314 “On the system and structure of federal executive bodies”.

The Decree defines the functional purpose, competence and organization of the work of federal executive bodies.

The federal ministry is the executive body that implements public policy in the established field of activity and intersectoral coordination.

The Federal Service is a body of special competence that performs control and supervision functions and functions for the protection of public safety and law and order.

Federal agency - perform special functions for the management of state property and the provision of public services.

This normative legal act was supplemented by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 20, 2004 “Issues of the structure of federal executive bodies”.

3. By the nature of competence are divided into:

General organs.

· Industry.

· Intersectoral.

· Intra-industry.

4. In order to resolve subordinate issues:



Theme 8: Administrative and legal foundations of the theory of public administration
Executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation

Towards unified system Executive authorities distinguish 2 groups of executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

1. Bodies that, together with the federal executive authorities, form its unified system.

2. Executive authorities of the subjects of the federation, formed on the subjects of jurisdiction not attributed to the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation.

The subjects of the Russian Federation form their executive bodies in accordance with federal law dated 06.10.1999 "On general principles organizations of legislative (representative) and executive bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation”, as well as the normative acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation themselves, establishing their status.

The system of executive authorities of various subjects of the federation have significant differences in the number and forms of their constituent bodies.

The systems and forms of executive power in the republic are determined by their Constitutions, as well as laws and other acts.

In other subjects of the federation - charters adopted in accordance with the laws and Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation.

Bodies of general competence:

Councils of Ministers or Governments of the Republics. They are formed either by representative bodies (headed by chairmen) or by the President (headed by the President);

Administrations of territories, regions, autonomous districts, autonomous regions, that is, subjects of the Russian Federation.

Bodies of sectoral and intersectoral competence.

In the republics - ministries, state committees, committees and main departments;

In other subjects of the Russian Federation - the main departments, departments. committees, departments;

At the non-republican level - departments.

There are features of the organization of the executive power of cities of republican significance. Operate against Moscow. And the system of executive authorities of the city of Moscow includes: the mayor's office, the government of Moscow, sectoral and territorial administrations of the city and other bodies created by the mayor. At the same time, the concept of the Moscow city administration is introduced, which is identical to the mayor's office. For St. Petersburg, the scheme is the same, but the concept of the mayor's office as an executive body of state power is excluded.

Theme 9: Forms and methods of management
The concept of administrative-legal forms

In the general scientific understanding, the form is closely related to the concept of content, the form is understood as this or another variant of the expression of the content.

With regard to the executive power, the form is a way of expressing its state-legal content, that is, all legal qualities as a branch of power.

On the other hand, the actions performed by the subjects of executive power are different in nature, which means that the variants of their external expression must also be different.

Executive authorities carry out many activities that are not related to management. To determine the forms, it is important to combine these methods performed by the executive authorities.

Importance also have the consequences of externally expressed managerial actions. In some cases, they cause direct consequences of a legal nature, in others they do not. The first ones are de actions that express the control action on both extra-apparatus and intra-apparatus relations. Forms of management can be:

· as forms of realization of the executive power;

as an implementation of management activities;

Control form- an externally expressed action of the executive body, an official, carried out within the framework of his competence and causing certain consequences.

The implementation of executive power is possible only in the administrative-legal form.

State-administrative activity can be expressed in legal and non-legal form.

The system of actions of the executive bodies, which form the administrative- legal form:

1. According to the degree of legal expression:

main (publication of legal acts);

Based on them (actions that have a legal orientation of registration).

2. According to the results achieved:

· positive regulation;

reaction to a negative phenomenon in the sphere of public administration.

3. By direction:

Influencing public relations (external orientation);

Influencing the activity of the lower administrative apparatus (internal).

4. By volume:

Mandatory, specific.

5. By addressee:

· public administration(activity of the entire system of executive power);

self-organization (within the given executive body).

6. By the nature and methods of resolving the issue:

Procedural actions


7. By legal content:


· prohibitive;


The executive branch has only legal forms its expression in their system.

The leading role is played legal acts management.

Theme 9: Forms and methods of management
Legal acts of management

This is an important means of practical implementation of the goals and functions of administrative power. They are the decisions that the subjects of management make in the process of daily and direct management of various spheres of public life.

The main features that determine the legal nature of the legal acts of management.

1. Legal acts of management are a form of executive and administrative activity.

2. Subordination of the legal act of management.

3. Legal acts of administration are issued on behalf of a certain structural unit of the state apparatus.

4. Legal acts of management are unilateral authoritative declarations of their authors.

5. Legal acts of management are always properly executed. Registration consists in following the adoption procedure (agreement, discussion, voting) and compliance with necessary measures office work (number, date, author), its signing and approval, registration or publication.

6. All legal acts of management entail legal implications. Depending on this, they are divided into:

who establish, change, abolish the rules of law;

entail the emergence, change, termination of relations that serve as legal facts.

Legal acts of management- a special type of subordinate official legal acts adopted by the subjects of executive power in the process of executive and administrative activities, drawn up in accordance with the rules of law, containing unilateral expressions of power and entailing legal consequences.

Control functions are various types of work that must be performed in the process of managing an object.

The performance of functions can be considered in relation to the position (functions of an employee, official), subdivision (functions of a department, service, etc.), governing body (functions of a ministry, state committee, etc.). management functions reflect the division, specialization and cooperation of managerial work both horizontally and vertically.

Correlation of the concepts "goal", "task", "management functions". The goal and objectives, as a rule, require a number of functions to be implemented. That is, the achievement of the goal, the task consists of determining what functions need to be performed, and their practical implementation (who performs them and how).

Function types. Functions are divided into two types - general (basic) and specific (specialized, special).

For the first time general functions were singled out by A. Fayol (1841-1925). Summarizing practical experience activities of leaders, he attributed to the general functions of foresight, organization, leadership, coordination and control. A. Fayol wrote: “To manage means to foresee, organize, lead, coordinate and control. To foresee is to explore the future and sketch out a program of action. To organize means to create a double organism of the enterprise, material and social. To lead means to make personnel function. To coordinate means to connect, unite, harmonize all acts and all efforts. To control means to see that everything happens in accordance with established rules and orders.

At present, the general functions are as follows: forecasting (scientific-technical and socio-economic), planning (scientific-technical, socio-economic and organizational), organization (has several semantic meanings), activation (stimulation, motivation), coordination, accounting and control.

The practical meaning of general functions is that they cover the entire management cycle (from setting goals, tasks to planning and subsequent accounting, monitoring actual results) and the variety of specific functions is associated with the implementation of general ones.

Specific functions with varying degrees of detail (which is reflected in their wording) reflect the needs (current and future) of the process of managing a given object, its part or element.

The main problems in the field of specific functions are as follows:

  1. determination of the composition of functions that must be performed when managing (managing) this object. For this, an analog approach, recommended sets (lists), a modular principle (quantitative and qualitative characteristics of objects and subjects of management) are used;
  2. linking functions and organizational structure or determining the organizational forms by which functions will be performed;
  3. consolidation of functions with the help of regulations - regulations on divisions and job descriptions.

There is an organizational mechanism for the distribution and consolidation of functions. The organizational and executive system (OIS) is considered to be such a mechanism. Its purpose is to create certainty in the work: who should do what and by what time. The elements of the OIS are:

  • goals, objectives (what needs to be achieved, fulfilled);
  • participants (who does the work);
  • functions, responsibilities (what needs to be done);
  • rights (what can be done);
  • responsibility (assessment of actions and inactions, guarantee of performance of work);
  • time (at what time the work is performed).

OIS is used both in the formation, refinement of the organizational structure, and in daily activities when organizing the implementation of certain tasks.

The IPO is created through such regulatory means as regulations on subdivisions and job descriptions.

Regulation is an organizational and legal document that regulates the activities of divisions. As a rule, it consists of sections:

  • the general part - determining the status of the unit in the management system; indications of who it is headed by, to whom it is subordinate; degree of independence; participation (if necessary) in the implementation of the target program;
  • main tasks - the activities of the unit are determined, for the implementation of which it is responsible;
  • functions (duties) - contains a list of functions of the unit with a specification of work for each function;
  • rights - the rights of the unit are indicated, as well as (there is such an option) of its head;
  • management organization - described organizational structure divisions;
  • relationships with other departments - is developed on the basis of incoming and outgoing documentation with the definition of the main relationships;
  • Responsibility - the responsibility of the unit and its head for the performance of tasks and the implementation of functions is established.

This section is the most difficult to develop, since it needs to indicate the application of sanctions for non-fulfillment or poor-quality performance of tasks, functions, and also to determine the conditions under which this or that responsibility arises. At the same time, the entry is more often made: "The unit is responsible for the implementation of the functions and tasks assigned to it."

When developing regulations on subdivisions, model provisions where changes and clarifications are made as necessary.

Another common regulation by which the place and activities of employees are determined are job descriptions. Distinguish between standard and individual job descriptions.

Typical job descriptions are developed in relation to the positions of employees, have a single structure and provide the possibility of individualizing the content. Their presence reduces the time required to compile instructions that take into account the uniqueness of this system and the available posts.

Individual job descriptions are developed in relation to a specific position (and even a specific person holding a particular position), taking into account the characteristics of this body, unit and employee.

job descriptions as juristic documents are put into effect either by the decision of the head (approval of instructions by signature; order to introduce instructions), or by decision of the governing body.

The instructions include sections, the composition of which depends on a detailed or more general presentation of their content. The most characteristic sections are:

  • introduction - the name of the position and unit is recorded;
  • general part - the main tasks of the employee are indicated; the procedure for replacing an employee during his absence, whom and for what duties this employee replaces; subordination by position; procedure for appointment and dismissal; composition of subordinates (for managers).
  • responsibilities - listing the main and additional responsibilities; requirements for special knowledge; level of special training and indication of experience practical work; the main conditions for the relationship with other employees - the list, quantity, terms of receipt, preparation and transfer of documents are reflected; joint preparation of information, etc.;
  • rights - lists the rights in relation to this position;
  • responsibility - tasks or functions for which the employee is personally responsible are noted;
  • performance evaluation criteria - despite the complexity this section, when developing it, it is desirable to clearly articulate what and how is assessed in relation to this position.