Download a sample letter of guarantee for deferment. What is a letter of guarantee from an employer? What does it give and confirm? Sample legal document. How to present a letter of guarantee

  1. Act-receipt for performance warranty and paid works telephone repair. Form No. tf-2-22 ( letter Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of February 22, 1994 No. 16-36)

    Financial statements, Accounting→ Act-receipt for the performance of warranty and paid works telephone repair. Form No. tf-2-22 (letter of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated February 22, 1994 No. 16-36)

    6 form no. tf-2/22 stamp of the communication enterprise with the address, no. telephone act-receipt no. on performance warranty and paid works for the repair (cross out the unnecessary) of telephone sets (f., i., o. of the subscriber) (date of receipt of the application ...

  2. Warranty letter to complete works on the object

    Contract for the provision of services, works → Letter of guarantee for the completion of work at the facility

    (to the customer) warranty letter(executor/name of the organization giving the guarantee), OGRN, as an executor works at the facility located at...

  3. Sample warranty letters

    Contract for the provision of services, works → Sample letter of guarantee

    sample warranty letters completed on company letterhead. certified by a company seal, signature of the head and ...

  4. Warranty letter. Payment for the delivery of goods

    Contract for the supply of goods, products → Letter of guarantee. Payment for the delivery of goods

    20 y. position, name of organization addressed to letter warranty letter I ask you to deliver the goods, according to the application No. dated "" 20, we guarantee payment from the current account No. in ...

  5. Warranty letter(option)

    Agreement for the provision of services, works → Letter of guarantee (option)

    Amp to the director (manager, head) date, reference number (name of the enterprise) warranty letter we ask you to perform services in the form (subject of appeal) we guarantee payment from the current account No.

  6. Warranty letter(form)

    Debt, loan agreement → Letter of guarantee (form)

    on the letterhead of the guarantor organization, the name of the bank (or corner stamp, date, reference number) warranty letter(name of the guarantor organization) guarantees the repayment of the loan issued by (name of the bank) (name ...

  7. Warranty letter

    Debt, loan agreement → Letter of guarantee

    warranty letter(on the letterhead of the guarantor organization) we guarantee the repayment of loans issued and to be issued (to ...

  8. Warranty letter(annex to the international leasing agreement)

    Leasing agreement, agreement → Letter of guarantee (annex to the international leasing agreement)

    warranty letter warranty letter no. issued. (name of the organization-lessor) place of issue. (address) 1. in St...

  9. Warranty letter on granting a legal address to a registered enterprise

    Guarantee agreement → Letter of guarantee on the provision of a legal address to the registered enterprise

    to the Moscow registration chamber ref. no. branch warranty letter the present warranty letter is a guarantee of the proper fulfillment of the obligations assumed ...

  10. Warranty letter to provide the address of non-residential premises for the registration of an LLC or any other legal entity

    Articles of Incorporation, statutes → Letter of guarantee for the provision of an address non-residential premises to register an LLC or any other legal entity

    On the letterhead of the owner date city warranty letter organization .......... which is the owner of the building (non-residential premises ...), located at the address ...

  11. Warranty letter to provide an address for registration of a limited liability company (option 2)

    Memorandum of association, articles of association → Letter of guarantee for the provision of an address for registration of a limited liability company (option 2)

    At the request of the city "" 201 warranty letter we notify you that the limited liability company "" provides ...

  12. acceptance certificate works, completed fulfillment certain work. Form N T-73

    Documents of office work of the enterprise → Act on the acceptance of work performed under a fixed-term employment contract concluded for the duration of a certain work. Form N T-73

    Private signature) (decryption of the signature) on admission works, completed under a fixed-term employment contract concluded for a while fulfillment certain work ...

  13. Warranty letter to provide an address for registration of a Limited Liability Company (option 1)

    Memorandum of association, articles of association → Letter of guarantee to provide an address for registration of a Limited Liability Company (option 1)

    Permission to sublease without additional approvals or, if such a clause is not found in the contract, an additional letter from the owner for permission to sublease this premises.

  14. Warranty letter the founder providing his home address as the legal address of the enterprise

    Guarantee agreement → Letter of guarantee from the founder providing his home address as the legal address of the enterprise

    to (registration authority) from (full name) who is the founder of (full name of the enterprise) warranty letter the present warranty letter is a guarantee of the proper fulfillment of the obligations assumed by me ...

  15. Sample. Order (instruction) on admission to work. Form No. t-1 ( letter State Tax Service of the Russian Federation dated 10.20.95 No. pv-4-17-69n)

    Employment contract, contract → Sample. Order (instruction) on employment. Form No. t-1 (letter of the State Tax Service of the Russian Federation dated 10.20.95 No. pv-4-17-69n)

    Approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia no. +-+ form code +-+ order (instruction) on admission to work(last name, first name, patronymic) +-+ date +- credit to work from +- to +-+ (with a trial period...

There are many types of letters of guarantee, they differ in purpose and function. Each of them is formed in accordance with the rules and regulations business correspondence. A properly executed letter of guarantee speaks of the conscientiousness of the sender and his high level of professionalism.

Letter of guarantee- This normative document, which is a guarantee of fulfillment of obligations between companies, for example, on payment of an invoice or delivery of goods, as well as the timing of the order. Such a document is a formal instrument business communication.

The letter of guarantee must be written on a sheet of A4 format. When writing such a document, it is worth using an official, business style.

The components of a letter of guarantee are as follows:

  1. Document header

In the upper right corner of the document, the recipient and sender are written, both the name of the organization and the full name of the director, in the left outgoing number.

  1. The main body of the document. Here the applicant must prescribe what the guarantee consists of.
  2. Final part. At the end of the document, the applicant must sign and stamp.

Payment guarantee letter

The payment guarantee letter indicates that the sender undertakes to make payment on time. Here you must specify exact payment amount, and it is obligatory both in capital form and in digital form. It is also necessary to include in the document all the details of the company and Bank details. In some cases, the sender indicates responsibility for late or incomplete payment.

At the end of the document, the signature of not only the applicant, but also financial director company or accountant.

A letter of guarantee for payment is formed to an already concluded contract and is a kind of addition and obligation.

Letter of guarantee for the performance of work

A letter of guarantee for the performance of work is intended to confirm the completion of a certain number of works. Such a letter is provided by the contractor before the conclusion of the contract. Here it is necessary to write a specific list of works with the designation of the deadlines for the implementation of each stage of work.

Note - The letter of guarantee for the performance of work may contain a note on the quality of the work performed. Such a mark demonstrates the conscientiousness of the performer. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, quality is declared at once by several rules depending on the type of product or service, for example, GOST or SNiP.

Letters of guarantee

Sample filling and form of guarantee or letter of guarantee from a potential landlord

OOO "Retrans"






k\s __________________



OOO " New world»

Vasiliev O.Yu.

Letter of guarantee

Subject to the conclusion of a lease agreement, I authorize, when registering Novy Mir LLC, to use as the location of the non-residential premises that belonged to me: Lermontova 128.


Certificate of registration of ownership

Director of LLC "Retrans" ______________________________________________ Karnaushenko V.S.

Letter of guarantee for the supply of goods from the manufacturer

Most often in large companies, due to the debt of a long presence in the market, their own clearly defined requirements for filling out an application of this type have been formed. However, there are also standard forms of the filling form.

In this case, it is necessary to indicate not only the name of the product, but also its article.

Letter of guarantee of employment or from the employer

An Employment Guarantee Letter is a kind of commitment by an employer to hire a candidate for a particular position. Here the candidate's data, the full name of the position and salary are indicated.

Such a letter is most often required for persons who are not citizens of the Russian Federation.

Letter of guarantee for employment

This document, despite the general similarity with the previous one, has a number of differences, primarily in that it has clear wording admission to the job of the candidate fixed ordered to enroll in the staff.

Letter of guarantee for inviting a foreigner

Such a letter is necessary to guarantee the foreign person that the applicant is ready to bear all expenses related to his arrival, departures to the country, residence, and is also ready to take him to work.

Letter of guarantee for practice and training

This letter is usually provided for educational institutions by the enterprise as a guarantee of the student's admission to practice or study at the company. Such a letter is written in the name of the rector.

Letter of guarantee to the bank

A letter of guarantee is written in the same way for legal entities, the fact is that there are no other options for writing a letter of guarantee to a bank. Such a document is filled out depending on its function and occupies an important place in the activities any companies.

Letter of guarantee to the tax office

A letter of guarantee to the tax office is written on behalf of the owner and is a confirmation of the presence of a legal address. This confirmation is essential for tax service when registering an LLC.

Repair letter of guarantee

This letter is used when the contractor undertakes to fulfill repair work on time. It may also be the obligation of the administration to allocate cash for the repair work of the municipal facility.

Warranty letter for equipment

The letter of guarantee for the equipment is intended as an obligation of the executor of the contract to maintain the equipment in working and proper form for a certain period of time. An example of such a commitment would be:

Thus, a number of features of the formation of a letter of guarantee can be distinguished:

  1. First of all, it is important to remember that this document is a guarantee, which means that it must contain relevant data and notes.
  2. Each letter of guarantee has its own structure, namely, a header, the main and final part of the document.
  3. There are many options and purposes of a letter of guarantee, the form of writing for each type is the same, only the main text will change.
  4. A letter of guarantee can be issued both before the conclusion and after, it all depends on its type.
  5. In addition to the director's signature, the payment guarantee letter is signed by the accountant or financial director.

A letter of guarantee is a document of a regulatory nature. This paper acts as a guarantee that the contractor provides to the customer. In most cases, this type of relationship occurs between legal entities. There are many types of documents. One of these is a letter of guarantee on the performance of work, download its sample for free below.

Filling out the paper should be given Special attention because it is an important business communication tool. In this case, it guarantees the fulfillment of certain obligations under the contract in the form of performance of work.

It is allowed to draw up a letter of guarantee in free form, because current legislation The Russian Federation does not provide a unified form for filling out. At the same time, it is necessary to adhere to business style spelling and follow the rules of the Russian language.

How to write a letter of guarantee on the performance of work correctly

The following information must be included in the letter:

  • the name of the sending organization and the receiving organization. Exact company name and full name of directors;
  • outgoing document number;
  • Date of preparation;
  • main part. It indicates the specific conditions for the provision of a guarantee, as well as the services to which it applies. In this example, the author of the letter of guarantee undertakes to perform work in specific dates in accordance with a previously concluded agreement or contract;
  • Full name of the employee who wrote the letter, his signature and seal.

The main purpose of this type of document is to confirm the completion of certain work. Basically, the paper is prepared and handed over to the customer before the conclusion of the contract. At the same time, the agreement must indicate the list of services necessary for the implementation and the date of completion of each of them.

In the future, a note on the quality of work performed may appear in the letter of guarantee. In this case, the nature of the services provided is regulated by the Legislation of the Russian Federation.

Types of letters with a guarantee

A letter of guarantee can act as a substitute for other papers. If this document is drawn up to guarantee the performance of work (obligations under the contract), it is permissible to use it together employment contract. Most often, such a need arises when it is inappropriate to conclude an agreement.

It is important to note that the contract includes 2 parts - an offer and an acceptance. If the letter of guarantee replaces the agreement, it can only act as one of its components.

  • Offer.

An offer is a proposal sent to a specific person. There are situations when the application of an offer is used to attract a group of recipients. At the same time, the interests of the recipients must be clearly declared in the paper.

In this case, the guarantee document may be linked to the offer only if the following actions are noted in it:

  • offer to pay for services after they have been provided;
  • offer to perform certain works;
  • an offer to order a service.

The document covers all detailed conditions cooperation. This is because it replaces a certain part of the contract. Upon receipt of such a letter, the addressee has the right to agree to the conditions specified in it. Such an action is equivalent to the conclusion of an agreement.

  • Acceptance.

Situations are allowed in which the letter acts as the second component of the contract. This phenomenon occurs when receiving and accepting the contractual terms sent earlier. For example, a company receives an offer commercial type. The management agrees to the conditions prescribed in it on the basis of advertising.

It should be noted that if the sender of the letter of acceptance has decided to withdraw the document, it is recommended to do this as soon as possible. This is necessary so that the paper does not have time to reach the addressee, or he does not take any procedural steps.

Thus, there are several ways to take on guarantees for the performance of work, one of which is the issuance of a letter of guarantee, its sample is presented below.

A letter of guarantee for payment is a business correspondence document that contains a promise by one person (legal or natural) to pay for goods, services or work to another person (natural or legal).

Sample letter of guarantee for payment

A payment guarantee may relate to goods and services already received, that is, in essence, the letter contains a request for a deferred payment and a promise to pay off the debt within a certain time frame. Also, the letter can guarantee the performance of any already paid work or services.

A letter of guarantee from a legal entity is drawn up on the letterhead of the organization, from an individual - on a regular sheet of A4 format.

Form of guarantee letter for payment

The form of this document is not strictly regulated. Usually, a person guaranteeing future payment writes it in free form according to a certain template of a guarantee letter for payment, taking into account general rules conducting business correspondence.

The letter of guarantee for payment from a legal entity must contain:

  • outgoing number and date of compilation;
  • addressee data - to whom the letter is sent (name of organization, full name of the head);
  • guarantee of payment for goods, services, work, etc.; the text of the guarantee letter itself usually looks like this: “The company (name) guarantees to make payment for (name of goods or services) in the amount of (amount payable, including in words) on time (until which date) on the basis of (the document on which the goods, services are provided and payment is made).
    In addition, for additional confirmation of the guarantee, the text of the letter can include obligations to pay penalties for late payment.
  • signatures of the head of the organization and the chief accountant (since we are talking about money), certified by the seal of the organization.

A letter of guarantee from an individual contains:

  • in the "header" - the name, address, telephone numbers, organizations, full name and position of its head, as well as the full name and address of the person who writes the letter of guarantee;
  • in the text of the letter - a promise to pay for a product or service (perform work), the amount, terms and method of payment;
  • the signature of the compiler and the date of writing the letter.

- This is a document that contains a guarantee of the implementation of the obligations assumed by one party in relation to the other. This document gives the addressee a written confirmation that the promises and conditions, one way or another related to the interests of the addressee, will be fulfilled by the sender. Such obligations and conditions may be: the provision of any services, the performance different kind work, payment of debt and so on.

Document value

A letter of guarantee on the performance of work assures that a certain work (service) will be completed by the sender of the document in full by a certain date. If the execution process includes several stages, then it is possible to specify several dates. With the help of such a document, the recipient can control not only the timing of the completion of cases, but also their quality.

Also, this document is an argument in the proceedings in the event that in the process of fulfilling obligations, any problems arose or they were not completely fulfilled.

The legal meaning of the document can be found in.

When is it necessary?

Most often, the preparation of a written guarantee notice is required in cases where one of the parties is not sure that the agreements will be fulfilled on time or in full (in such a situation, the entire scope of obligations should be written in the main part of the document), or when the terms specified in the contract already violated.


A letter of guarantee on the performance of work is provided by the performer of this work. It is signed by the head of the legal entity and the employee involved in financial matters in this executing organization.

Important! Such a document can be used not only to regulate relations between legal entities, it can also be used in relations between individuals.


The attributes of a letter of guarantee include:

Letters of guarantee must be written in formal style - conversational style is not allowed. They are drawn up on a sheet of A4 format, the content should not exceed one page.

If the document is drawn up, then it must be drawn up on the letterhead of the organization, indicating all the details. From an individual, it can be drawn up in an arbitrary written form. How to an individual write a letter to the legal address, you can find out.

How to write correctly?

Features of drawing up a letter of guarantee:

More details about correct spelling we talked about the letter of guarantee, and read about the requirements for the document, the responsible person and other nuances of compiling and writing the document.

Who is responsible for fulfilling the obligations under the contract?

The sender of the letter, that is, the executor, who undertakes to fulfill his part of the agreement in a quality manner and within the time specified in the document, is responsible for the fulfillment of guarantees.

A letter of guarantee with a prescribed performance of obligations does not replace the contract. However, when properly drafted, it can help resolve disputes when they arise.

Shipping methods

There are several options for transferring this type of document:

  1. One of the official options is to send documentation by mail. by registered mail with a description of the attachment and a letter of receipt.
  2. Transfer the document to the recipient through the secretary or office. In this case, two copies should be prepared, on one of which an employee of the recipient's organization will put a stamp on the acceptance of the document.
  3. In practice, another method is used (time costs are minimal) - sending by fax or Email with the subsequent transfer of the original by the above options.

In this material, we talked about a letter of guarantee on the fulfillment of obligations under the contract. But on the pages of our site there are other articles from our experts on how to write various letters of guarantee. For example, such.