Freelance exchange of remote work. Mastering freelancing from scratch: where to start and in what direction to move. The best freelance exchanges

Good day to you, dear friends! Tell me a little secret and tell me your own fears get in the way? How many opportunities have you had to sacrifice because of an obsessive self-doubt? How often do you feel hurt and get mad at yourself for the fact that other people become successful and implement those ideas that you did not dare to implement? If you have never experienced such feelings, then I am amazed, because you are a real rock! If you are already accustomed to such sensations and resigned to their presence in your life, well, it's a pity, here I am powerless to change anything.

My article today is designed for those of you who, despite fear, are ready take risks and follow your dreams, desires and ideal life. In previous articles, I told you about the features of freelancing, showed you the strengths and weaknesses of the life of a freelance worker. Since you have a complete picture of the life of a remote worker, you have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat it consists of, it's time to figure out how to become a freelancer from scratch.

What is a freelancer?

I am sure that many of you would appreciate the opportunity to go in a dressing gown and slippers to your work office, located just a couple of meters from the bedroom and kitchen. To make this dream come true, it is enough just to change your stable job in the company to a remote one. Interested in such a prospect? Then let's figure out what is freelance work on the Internet, and who is a freelancer.

If we hit back a little in hoary antiquity and go back to the Middle Ages, it will become clear that in those days freelancers were called freelance knights. Today, this title is worn by people who work from home and work on individual projects for a fee. Freelancers can be involved simultaneously in several areas of activity and work with several customers at once.

By the way, work is far from always remote, free workers are also found among builders who make repairs in apartments and houses, and among plumbers who skillfully repair pipes. Nevertheless, in the vast majority of cases, employers and contractors find each other precisely in the Internet. They also carry their working relationships there. In general, it was the growth in the popularity of the Internet that provoked the freelance boom and made this type of employment in demand.

In some way, individual entrepreneurs can also be considered freelancers, however, in no case should these two concepts be equated. This is because a freelancer is usually one single person hired to do a specific amount of work. But an individual entrepreneur may well have a staff that he will manage.

Freelance work remotely is complete lack of leadership, weekdays from Monday to Friday and strict planning of the working day from 9 to 18.

Counting money: how much can you earn?

Well, let's move on to the most interesting - counting money? I am sure that many of you are eager to find out how much freelancers earn, and what you can count on if you change jobs. I must say right away that earnings on freelance will largely depend on the amount of time you devote to work, the field of activity, your qualifications and experience. In addition, in many ways, your success will also depend on the ability present your services. Based on my own experience, I can safely say that an experienced freelancer can earn 2 or even 3 times more than his office colleagues in similar positions.

Well, if you translate experience, skill, qualifications and hard work into numbers, it turns out that the average freelancer earns about $ 500 a month. Moreover, this amount can be earned both by a person without education, and by a highly qualified specialist with a higher education. In the case of freelancing, customers look directly at your skills and talents, and not at the color of the diploma. It is for this reason that such a profession ideal for students who are looking for work and are just gaining experience.

It is not at all rare that freelancers manage to get 2-3 thousand dollars per month. True, such amounts are most often earned professional designers, programmers and website optimizers. If you are not going to completely abandon your main job, continue your studies at the university or want to find a part-time job for the weekend, then freelancing profitability for you will be about $ 150-200 per month. In general, not such bad money, is it?

Registration on the freelance exchange FL.RU

Who is freelance for?

If you don’t know where to start building your own freelance career, I suggest you first figure out what How close is this lifestyle to you?. To do this, it is enough to get answers to a few simple questions.

What personal qualities and skills should a good freelancer have?

Successful a remote worker is, first of all, a self-confident, resourceful, enterprising, active, flexible and, of course, organized person. In addition, you will need to learn how to work in the " multitasking". This skill is simply necessary in order to manage to carry out several projects at the same time and meet the deadlines agreed with the customer.

How to determine the amount of payment for services?

For beginner freelancers, this question often becomes a real stumbling block. To determine the amount of remuneration for your own work, I advise you explore websites and forums, which reveal the topic of the value of the profession in which you plan to earn remotely. In addition, a win-win way to find out the cost of working from home for newbies is to find out how much an hour of labor of a similar full-time specialist costs, and increase it by 25-50%(This amount includes additional expenses such as taxes, insurance, pension contributions, equipment and office supplies). Don't forget that at least a quarter of your work will consist of activities that you won't be able to pay for (this includes analytics, marketing, accounting, and the like).

If you get a chance, try to find out how much experienced freelancers who specialize in the same industry as you charge for their services. In order not to face the problem of how to make money on freelancing for a beginner, I advise you during the first working year to work at a slightly reduced rate. This will simplify the search for clients, allow you to quickly gain experience and declare yourself as a specialist.

Do your research

If you really want to learn freelancing for beginners and become a successful professional, you will have to careful analysis.

Try the work-zilla exchange with simple tasks

Step-by-step guide "How to become a successful freelancer"

Well, now let's figure out how to start working as a freelancer on the Internet, and what you need to have in order to succeed in this business.

  1. Get a computer and free access to the Internet. Now your way to the office and back will look something like this: turn on the laptop - you are at work, turn it off - the working day is over. Remember! When you sit in front of the monitor screen, you are a first-class specialist, no more, no less. Try to develop a habit and bring it to the level of a reflex.
  2. Create wallets in electronic payment systems. About that, you can find out in my separate article. However, in addition to an electronic wallet in this payment system, I advise you to also get wallets in Yandex Money, Qiwi. Despite the fact that this method of paying for freelance services is the most convenient and in demand on the network, I advise you not to neglect the opportunity to receive money also for bank cards. Keep your debit card handy at all times. Personally, I use tinkoff bank card . By the way, it will not be superfluous to have a bitcoin wallet in your arsenal.
  3. Installing software for your work and the normal functioning of the PC. It’s not enough just to put a laptop on the desktop, you also need to take care of its “stuffing”. Install a good and reliable antivirus on your computer, office products like Word and Excel, download a handy screenshot and an Internet browser in which you can bookmark the most frequently used sites and web pages. A program for reading books and other text files in pdf format will also come in handy.
  4. Creation of accounts in popular social networks and their design. Since you will transfer all communication with customers online, you also need to take care of communication programs. In addition to having email and pages on social networks, it makes sense to install skype, viber and whatsapp. In general, the more options for communication you find, the better. As for the design of profiles in social networks, they should look like quite formal and appropriate. The account must contain several of your real photos, in which you look well-groomed and attractive. Whatever it was, but your profile is a kind of resume, your business card by which the employer will evaluate you.
  5. Choosing a profession, to which you have the makings and predisposition, in which you can develop as a professional. You can read about the most in-demand professions for a freelancer in 2017 in my separate article, but for now, let's take a quick look at the list of vacancies that can be found on sites for beginner remote workers.

Main list of professions and vacancies

So that you have an idea of ​​what a freelancer does and can find the most suitable type of activity for yourself, I decided to sketch out a short list of the most popular and in-demand specialties on the Internet services market. Here's what I got:

Completing tasks from 500 rubles on the Kwork exchange

Where to go in search of work?

It can be quite difficult for beginners at first - it is not clear where to look for customers, how to offer their services, which sites to monitor in order to find employment. To make this task a little easier, I will give you a few ideas, which will simplify the process of finding the first customers:

  1. Register on specialized freelance exchanges. There are many sites on the network that bring together free performers and customers. I will present the best exchanges for remote workers to you a little further, but for now I advise you to think over the structure of your own portfolio and decide what you will write in your work account.
  2. Browse vacancies on websites, portals and web projects that interest you. It is quite possible that your favorite online store is just looking for a remote operator to process orders, or perhaps the VKontakte group needs a new moderator.
  3. Submit job search ads on specialized sites, study the offers already available on them. For example on hh website
  4. Use your social media page as a platform for self-promotion. I talked about that in a separate article. Now we are talking about how to present your service by writing an appropriate advertising post and fixing it on your wall.
  5. Make a separate group on a social network, where you tell about your service, and promote it. Read about it in my article.
  6. Become a regular visitor to thematic forums for finding remote work. Forums like , seobuilding, , And .

The main freelance exchanges

As for specialized exchanges, for employment, I recommend that you use the following services:

  • . An excellent platform for finding customers and contractors in the field of IT technologies. Remote advertisers, programmers, webmasters and designers - the best labor force and interesting projects can be found here. Here you can create your own directory, as well as explore the ranking of the best freelancers. By the way, the same service also has a store where you can put up for sale the fruits of your intellectual labor (articles, translations, site templates, and others).

Registering an account on the exchange

  • weblancer . In my opinion, the most successful exchange for beginners who are just starting to surf the endless expanses of freelance. In addition to the fact that many diverse projects have been collected here, the site administration is quite strict in ensuring that scammers and swindlers do not appear on the service.

Registering an account on the Weblancer exchange

  • - the oldest and, perhaps, the best online freelance exchange in RuNet. Here you will have at your disposal a convenient mechanism for searching for projects of any level of complexity, and the opportunity to fully communicate with a potential customer. For a fee, you can raise your position in the freelancer rating.
  • Kwork . An innovative freelance exchange, which is famous for its non-standard approach to organizing labor relations between customers and contractors. This site is more like a store where all services are sold at a single price - 500 rubles.
  • - online store of freelance services at a fixed price. Here you can sell your work for no less than 100 rubles. This approach to registration of labor relations solves the problem of large volumes of work and low wages.
  • . A specialized copyright exchange where you can find writing jobs, sell ready-made articles, or order content for your own websites or groups on social networks.

Use the copywriting exchange

For a more detailed list of all the exchanges where you can find orders, I will present in the article "The best exchanges for remote workers." Here you will find sites with inexpensive, but at the same time quite simple projects, as well as with foreign, complex, interesting and quite generous orders in terms of payment.

First steps

Well, so that your job search is crowned with success in the shortest possible time, here's to you a little briefing how to act newbie on the exchange:

We do not make mistakes: what do novice freelancers “undermine” on?

To ensure your remote worker career doesn't go down the drain and end before it even starts, take a look at some of the most common mistakes almost all green freelancers make and try to avoid them.

Never take your workplace lightly.

Despite the fact that many remote workers start their careers at home, it makes sense to consider renting a separate office, workplace, or at least allocate a room in an apartment, equipping it as an office. Organization of the workspace is a must. Believe me, lying in bed with the TV on is extremely difficult to tune into a working mood.

Diversify your risks and never rely on a single customer

Even taking into account the fact that many companies treat freelancers with great respect, value their work and often pay more than their regular employees, you should not fall into complacency. No matter how valuable an employee you are, it is much easier to refuse your services than to fire an office employee.

Plan for periods of downtime and unemployment in your budget

Without a temporary absence of orders in freelancing, unfortunately, there is nowhere to go. That is why I advise you save a small amount every month as an emergency reserve in case one project is completed and another has not yet been found. Such financial protection for your home front will allow you to accept downtime as something integral and mundane. Oh yes, do not forget that you will need money for the holidays. Because the vacation pay in freelance is not expected, you will need to take care of the financial component yourself.

Don't let things go by themselves

Your professionalism in what you charge the customer for should be on par with your professionalism in the matter of doing business. try about a quarter of the working day to devote to administrative and marketing matters. In moments of blockage, when a lot of work accumulates, it is easy to lose vigilance, stop looking for new customers and decide that workload is a constant phenomenon. Without control of your own business, success is not possible. Difficult times and serious difficulties will arise literally out of nowhere if you do not learn business management, you cannot reduce debit to credit.

And finally, some useful tips that will help you at the start of your career as a remote worker:

Do not be afraid of difficulties at the beginning of the journey

The ability to go through thorns to the stars will be very useful to you in free swimming. The skills of self-motivation to work, planning working hours, the ability to find clients and arranging the workplace - all this will be simply necessary at first to lay a solid foundation for a freelance career.

Be careful and don't trust anyone

Make it your rule work only on prepaid. You don't have to be too gullible towards strangers if you don't want to be left with nothing. After the project is completed in full, do not rush to immediately transfer it to the customer. Submit a small portion for review, let the employer make sure the work is done and pay for it. Only after that you can safely send him work. If the person refuses to pay, say goodbye. You leave the advance payment to yourself in order to recoup the time and effort spent on the project.

Prepare terms of reference in advance and discuss the scope of upcoming work

Detailed TOR and specified scope of work is an integral part of your interaction with the customer. This will allow you to avoid misunderstandings with the employer about what you are taking money for and what you are obligated to do, it will insure you if you are required to implement more work than was agreed at the beginning.

Learn to say "No!"

Understand that You can't earn all the money in the world, and therefore it is necessary to learn to refuse people. Calculate your time so that it is enough to complete all orders within a predetermined time frame. Do not spray, because the quality of your work and, as a result, your reputation will suffer from this. Do not rush to load all your time with orders, because no one has canceled going to the movies, relaxing, implementing your own projects and just lying on the couch.

Open IP

The issue of paying taxes is a serious and, as a rule, unresolved problem by many freelancers. Register as an individual entrepreneur, regularly replenish the state treasury with taxes and sleep peacefully. The tax authorities will not break through your doors, and pension contributions will accumulate and work for the benefit of your old age.

Connect with like-minded people

It's not uncommon for freelancers to come together and work as a team to complete complex projects. You can find a vacancy for working in a group on one of the thematic forums. It is quite possible that such cooperation will develop into the opening of your own company, and you will be able to forget about work forever. In this case, you can search for customers through the same freelance exchanges.


In general, I can safely sum up and say that freelance is a great start for your own promotion, self-realization and earning really worthy money. In addition to the fact that you will have decent income, you will gain valuable experience, find new clients and be able to create an amazing portfolio, which, I want to say, will never be superfluous. The most important - never stop and never stop evolving. If you feel like it's time to grow up as a professional and go free-swimming - go for it! You will always have time to return to your old office life, so do not be afraid of change.

That's all for me, dear friends. I sincerely wish you success in such serious undertakings. See you soon!

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Greetings! The popularity of freelancing is growing, interest in remote work is increasing, but the questions of finding a job remain open. Since we managed to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of this type of employment, we detailed training course"", I think it's time to start selecting the appropriate vacancy or find some interesting projects. Considering that for many of you freelance will be a real novelty, I decided to act as a guide who will give you a tour of the online job market. Finding a job online is easy. The main thing in this business is to know where to look, and what to look for. Opening certain sites, we now and then see colorful banners: “Working as a freelancer on the Internet - vacancies for beginners.” But which of these offers are really suitable for novice remote workers, and which ones are better left for professionals, we will try to find out right now.

Main activities for freelance

Well, let's not waste time and start looking for the most suitable vacancy for ourselves. Among the most popular job opportunities on the Internet were:

Remote work in your profession

A lot of still "green" and inexperienced freelancers do not know where to start for a beginner, and in which direction to move. In general, it is for this reason that many novice remote workers are trying to find orders via the Internet in their immediate specialty.

Most often, journalists, SMM managers, Internet marketers, programmers and translators are looking for work outside the office. However, if you have any other specialty, you can safely Change from stationary to telecommuting. However, in this case, the degree of remoteness will directly depend on the specifics of work and how necessary your regular presence in the office is.

Website content

One of the simplest types of remote work, which at the same time is a full-fledged employment option. Sites can be filled either copy-paste, or rewrite. In the first case, the freelancer will need to compose texts by copying information on a given topic from several sources. As for the rewrite, here you will have to retell the previously read text in your own words. To start working in this area, it is enough to post your resume on several popular job search sites or find the appropriate vacancy on a specialized freelance exchange. In addition, it is not uncommon for offers for such remote work to be published on news and trade sites. This may seem strange to some, but it best option for remote work for beginners, since quite decent money is paid for filling the site, and there are no specific requirements for the skills of freelancers in such positions. All you need is skill competently and express your thoughts concisely.

Creation of SEO texts

Somewhat more difficult work than the already mentioned rewrite and copy-paste. In this case, you will need to create unique texts, organically using " keywords» for search engines. This type of earnings is more difficult, and therefore they pay better for it. To make it clearer what your remote work from home as an SEO copywriter will be, I will give an example. Most of the tasks that you have to perform will look something like this: you will need to write a description for the phone model according to pre-specified " keys”(words that need to be organically inserted in the text of the article). Specialists in this industry earn in Russia from 20 to 50 thousand rubles a month.

Start earning on the Weblancer exchange

Moderator vacancy

A completely different type of earnings in the network, fundamentally different from all previous options. The duties of the moderator include checking the published comments and ads for compliance with the rules established by the site. Suppose that some random user posted an offensive comment containing obscene language and not the most favorable wishes. In this case, you, as a moderator, are simply obliged to correct this comment or delete it altogether. By the way, deleting and correcting comments does not apply to all reviews. Healthy criticism is always welcome. However, she must be objective and reliable.

On average, such work requires about three hours a day, which makes this type of income an ideal part-time job for many categories of citizens - schoolchildren, students, working people looking for additional work. Quite a few people are looking for a job online as a moderator because it allows them to not give up offline work.

Content filling of Internet sites

Another type of work that you can do without leaving your home. To make money on filling sites with content, you will need to look online for descriptions for specific categories of goods, copy them and transfer them to the site for which you are working. On average, you will need to fill in about 200 commodity items daily, which takes about 3-4 hours. With proper performance of your duties, you can earn about 10-15 thousand rubles per month. Agree, very good side job?

Promotion in social networks

An ideal job for those who cannot imagine life without social networks and “hang” in them every day for several hours. Promotion implies systemic increase in the number of subscribers in groups and activity in communities in general. Vkontakte, Facebook, Twitter - all these sites consist of a huge number of publics, groups, communities and blogs, the owners of which rarely have enough time to promote them personally. As a rule, such people are willing to pay other users to promote their own creations.

Online consultant on the site

A specialist who answers questions from site visitors. This person helps with the selection of goods, making payments, talks about promotional offers of the store, and the like. It is best to look for such vacancies from direct employers who are the direct owners of the sites. Since today you can install the appropriate application on your mobile and receive messages that customers on the site need your help, you do not have to sit at the computer all day waiting for visitors.

Personal Assistant for an Internet Entrepreneur

Another group of professionals working remotely. Since all Internet entrepreneurs and infobusinessmen earn money online from the comfort of their homes, it is quite logical that they need assistants. remote. The list of functions that you have to perform as a personal assistant includes sending letters to subscribers, searching for potential partners, interacting with other freelancers, and performing other tasks. You can find the appropriate vacancy in social networks, on the websites of information businessmen, in their groups and communities.

Social Media Marketing Specialist

A highly demanded position today. Since social networks have become real springboard for promoting business projects, it is not at all surprising that a huge number of new professions have grown in this field. Targeting specialists prepare, set up and place ads, monitor ad statistics and adjust them. Since there are not so many aces in this area, the high earnings of these specialists are quite understandable.

Contextual advertising specialist

In the same way as his targeting colleague, he is engaged in the preparation, placement and further optimization of the advertisement. The only difference between these two professions is that the field of activity of a contextual advertising specialist is not a social network, but all kinds of search engines.

Designer, web designer

I decided to combine these two vacancies into one item, because today the network is in demand for design professionals in any form - from landscape projects, computer games to the development of templates for websites and applications. Despite the fact that there are quite a lot of designers on the net, the profession is still quite in demand, and freelance sites in Russia are full of ads offering jobs to specialists in this industry.

Programming and website development

The entire business is now actively moving online, so large and small businessmen are acquiring their own websites in order not to lose their clientele. It's easy for programmers golden time- there is a demand for their work in all industries - from restaurants to trade. Freelancers in this industry can safely earn several thousand dollars a month.

Work with translations from foreign languages

Well, I guess everyone knows how to freelance in this industry. Specialists with knowledge of several languages ​​are always held in high esteem. If you know foreign languages, can translate technical or artistic texts and do it without mistakes - welcome to the world of remote work!

The easiest professions to earn money

Have you ever thought about writing reviews for money on the Internet? But such work is a dime a dozen. Deciphering captchas, writing comments, recommendations, reviews - all this is not fiction, but real reality. Let them not pay so much for it, but 2-3 thousand rubles a month is always a nice bonus to the salary. Especially when you consider that such work will not take you more than 2 hours a day.

Try the work-zilla exchange with simple tasks

Who is the most demanded in the market of Internet professions?

Most of you are at a crossroads right now. This is not surprising, because when deciding to change your usual life and become a freelancer, it is very important do not make a mistake with the choice of profession. I am sure that many of you are now thinking about which specialists are the most in demand and highly paid today. To answer this question, it is enough to move away from the online sphere. Think about who makes good money in your world offline what are these people doing?

Most likely, all of you will come to a common denominator in this matter and say that the one who is a professional in his field, who loves his job and does it perfectly. In general, this rule also works with online work. To become in demand and, as a result, a highly paid specialist, you need to think not about who is paid more - a programmer, copywriter or video editing specialist. You need to choose a profession that you will like to do, that will bring you pleasure. Betting money won't make you happy or make you love her. And, believe my experience, the lack of desire, inspiration and motivation will not lead you to success and wealth.

Popular freelance exchanges for beginners and not only

Well, now a few words about where to go in search of work. On the web, you will find many sites offering work for freelancers. To protect you from scammers and scammers, I highly recommend working only with time-tested and other freelance exchanges. I have sketched out a small list of venues where you Necessarily find your first orders and be able to start your career as a remote worker. So the list includes:

Registering an account on the FL.RU exchange

  • weblancer . One of the best, in my opinion, freelance exchanges for beginners who are just starting their journey as a remote worker. Convenient classification of projects, strict screening of unscrupulous customers, the opportunity to get to know a potential employer better in personal correspondence - all this contributes to the search for really high-quality and interesting projects.
  • Advego - a specialized exchange that works exclusively with specialists textual directions. Here, copywriters, rewriters and authors of articles will find work.

Registering an account on the Advego exchange

  • . Another version of the copyright exchange, where you can earn money by writing texts according to the finished terms of reference or sell ready-made texts.
  • Etxt - one of the most convenient and lively exchanges, which not only provides novice copywriters with work, but also holds promotions with cash prizes. Just recently there was a campaign Million completed orders”, during which the performer who completed the millionth order, and the customer who paid for this work, received cash rewards.

Registering an account on the Etxt exchange

Where else to go in search of remote work?

On freelance exchanges alone, white light did not converge like a wedge. You can safely use to search for remote work and other sources. For example:

  • Various job search websites. Often they have vacancies for remote workers.
  • In groups and communities in social networks. Public owners periodically recruit moderators, administrators, or just assistants to maintain the group. See the posts, read the news, do not hesitate to "knock" in a personal and ask about the availability of vacancies.
  • Young entrepreneurs, who are just starting to form a team of specialists, are actively looking for talented freelancers to implement their own projects.
  • Online shopping. Please note that on the websites of any stores there is always a tab " Jobs". Periodically check what your favorite sites offer, and it is quite possible that the job you need will be found very quickly.

You can find a more detailed overview of job search sites for remote workers in my separate article “The Best Exchanges for Remote Workers”.

Wage: how much to really earn on the stock exchange?

There is no single answer to this question. In freelancing, as in anything else and in any other field of activity, you will receive as much as customers value your work. To help you orient yourself, I'll tell you what's good designer on average, they pay 30,000 rubles for developing a template for a site. Considering that an experienced professional can do this job in 2 weeks, it turns out that earning $ 1,000 in a month is a common thing.

As for writing texts, then copywriters who have chosen this industry as their main activity can earn around 10,000 rubles a week. That is, the amount in the region of 600 dollars is obtained per month.

Well, now a few words about " pitfalls and how not to run into them:


Well, on this, it seems to me, today's review can be completed. I hope that the most pressing issues troubling most newbies in the freelancing world, we decided. In conclusion, I just want to add that the more skills you have, the more job options you can choose for yourself. develop, improve knowledge and skills, grow in a professional sense, and then success and financial independence will be just around the corner. And that's all for me, my friends. See you soon!

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This section presents vacancies in various areas and specializations, such as:
Web development;
engineering and more.
Jobs are presented for both experienced professionals and beginners. If you are looking for long-term cooperation, striving to find a suitable and interesting remote job that will bring not only pleasure, but also a stable income, then the most interesting, relevant and in-demand vacancies are collected here. Start working on the Internet today and enjoy its undeniable advantages.


Mystery shopper

Job openings for Mystery Shopper

Best job after new year

Mystery shoppers over 18 years old are required to order and check the payment instrument of different branches of Russian banks

It is necessary to check the work and service of banks, in relation to customers

25.01.2020 2

Administrator remotely


PC operator remotely

We offer work on the Internet, which does not require special skills.

Suitable for everyone who has 3-4 hours of free time and a desire to earn. You can learn on the job.


PC and free internet access.

Confident use of a PC.

Learning, desire to earn, purposefulness, sociability.


Recruitment of employees for remote work, namely:

Placing information about vacancies,

Providing information to candidates

Remote interviewing and follow-up.

training (in parallel with work),

part-time, with active work

- reward.

You choose your own work schedule. Training is free, assistance and advice during training around the clock. Payment by piecework-premium on a card or cash in a bank.

For more information contact by e-mail [email protected]

Viber, telegram - 89212352172 (do not call)







Required employee for remote work on the Internet. The job is suitable for everyone who has a desire to earn money and 3-4 hours of free time per day. Training is possible on the job. Applications are accepted by email[email protected]

Applicant requirements:

— Availability of a PC and free access to the Internet.

- Confident PC user.

- Trainability, purposefulness, communication skills.

Working conditions and schedule:

- Distant work

— Free schedule

- Corporate training

– Payment by piece-bonus on a card or cash in a bank

- passive income




Work from home employee

Employees are required to work via the Internet. The job is ideal for mothers on maternity leave, because it takes 3-4 hours a day to work at a time convenient for you. Work without leaving the family.

Requirements: purposefulness, activity, desire to work and earn money, the presence of a PC or tablet with free access to the Internet. Conditions: The work schedule is free from 3-4 hours a day, at a time convenient for you. Registration in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Pension contributions, career growth.

Details via email: [email protected]


Part-time work

Required employee for remote work. Online training is free. The offer is valid only for RUSSIA

Requirements:, desire to earn money, confident PC user, creativity, flexible work schedule, it is advisable to devote 3-4 hours a day. Conditions: Registration in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, piecework salary, Pension deductions, length of service, career growth.


PC work at home

Real job with real income. No sales, no investment. No risk. There is free education.

The offer is valid for RUSSIA

Requirements: purposefulness, literacy, activity, the desire to work and earn money, the presence of a PC with free access to the Internet, the desire to learn, the work schedule is free from 3-4 hours a day. Conditions: Registration in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, official salary, Pension contributions, length of service, career growth.

Details via email: [email protected]


Work is carried out only at home, no need to go anywhere. It does not require a lot of time and special skills. Information work. On-the-job training. The vacancy is relevant throughout the Russian Federation.


Job responsibilities:


Sending details by email:


Work (part-time work) at home

Work on the Internet from home, which does not require special skills. Can be combined with the main work. Suitable for everyone who has a desire to earn money, and there are 3-4 hours a day of free time.
Requirements: Confident PC user, knowledge of Microsoft office programs, dedication, ability to learn, possibly without work experience.
Responsibilities: recruitment on employment sites, online interviews.
Conditions: remote work from 4 hours a day
Applications are accepted by e-mail: [email protected]


work from home manager


Consultant work (part-time job) at home

We invite employees to work remotely. Suitable as part time or main job. The vacancy is relevant throughout Russia, for women on maternity leave, housewives, students. Work on the Internet that does not require special skills. You can learn on the job.

Requirements: the presence of a PC and free access to the Internet, the availability of free time 3-4 hours a day. Desire to work and earn, competent speech.

Responsibilities: work with clients (consulting); email processing.

Conditions: convenient flexible schedule, you choose your own working hours. Free training, assistance and advice during training, support in everything.

All details by email: [email protected]


Work (part-time work) at home

We invite girls on maternity leave, housewives, students to work remotely. The job is suitable as a part-time or main type of employment.

Requirements: PC and free internet access.

Responsibilities: work with e-mail and databases, reporting.

Conditions: official employment, work in a friendly team, work from home or office. Opportunity for career growth. Free training, assistance and advice during training, support in everything.

[email protected]


Work (part-time work) at home


work from home manager

We invite responsible employees.

Requirements: purposefulness, trainability, possibly without work experience. Desire to work and earn, communication skills.

Responsibilities: posting information on the Internet to attract customers

Conditions: official employment, work in a friendly team, work from home or office. Opportunity for career growth. Free training, assistance and advice during training, support in everything.

All details to the email address: [email protected]


Work from home specialist

Work remotely via the Internet. Suitable for women on maternity leave, housewives and students. It does not require a lot of time and special skills. On-the-job training. The vacancy is relevant throughout the Russian Federation.
Requirements: knowledge of the PC at the user level (e-mail, social networks), free access to the Internet, possibly without work experience.
Job responsibilities: posting information on the Internet to attract customers, conducting online consultations.
Conditions: schedule from 3 hours a day, official employment, experience is possible.
Sending details by email: [email protected]


Consultant work (part-time job) at home


Work (part-time work) at home

Work on the Internet without leaving home. There is a desire to earn money and some free time, 3-4 hours a day. We invite girls on maternity leave, housewives, students.
Requirements: Internet access, experience with e-mail, free time 3-4 hours a day, seriousness and the ability to self-educate.
Responsibilities: working with e-mail and databases, reporting.
Conditions: official employment, work in a friendly team, work from home or office, the possibility of personal and professional growth. (for those living in Russia)
Send resume by e-mail: [email protected]


Remote work on PC. Without investments


For novice authors and people who want to start earning without leaving home, we offer remote work at a computer. The essence of the task is descriptions of games for Android devices (smartphones, tablets). The information is taken from the Internet, the work is not difficult, in the process of work we help, train, and provide support for the editor. I clarify that at the time of training you are already EARNing real money, successful test tasks are paid.


Work (part-time work) at home


Work from home specialist


Consultant work (part-time job) at home

We invite responsible employees.

Requirements: purposefulness, trainability, possibly without work experience. Desire to work and earn, communication skills. Responsibilities: posting information on the Internet to attract customers.

All details to the email address: [email protected]


Work (part-time work) at home

We invite girls on maternity leave, housewives, students to work remotely. The job is suitable as a part-time or main type of employment.

Requirements: PC and free access to the Internet Responsibilities: work with e-mail and databases, reporting.

Conditions: official employment, work in a friendly team, work from home or office. Opportunity for career growth. Free training, assistance and advice during training, support in everything. (for those living in Russia)

Hello friends! Are your fears bothering you? How many opportunities have you missed by letting uncertainty take over? Have you ever been hurt by watching others manage to embody what you lack the courage to do?

If you have never experienced such feelings, then you are a unique case, a rock man. If you constantly experience them, but this has become a habitual state and does not interfere with your life, I can hardly help you. Today my article is for those who are scared, but who are ready to take a risk and take a step towards their desires. I will tell you how to become a freelancer from scratch.

In the previous article, we analyzed . Now I want to tell you where to start and where to go to become a successful freelancer.

Hardware setup

I would not talk about obvious things if they did not help to tune in to the right wave. The most difficult thing is to make a decision and take the first step. Let these simple actions become a kind of initiation into freelancers:

  1. Prepare a computer with internet access. This is the main tool of a freelancer, moreover, it is his office. Turn on the installation that from now on your laptop is your work, opened it - came to work, closed it - left work. In front of the monitor screen, you are a cool specialist, period. It should become a habit, or even better, become a reflex.
  2. Get e-wallets. This method of payment for services is very common in the world of remote work. And how it motivates to further action!

Restoring the facade

To communicate with customers, you will use all possible methods: email, pages on social networks, Skype, phone, Viber, WhatsApp - whatever is more convenient for the client. The more contacts, the better!

All profiles and names should look formal and adequate. Would you agree to give an order to a performer with the nickname 4elovek muxa666 and the corresponding avatar? Creative, but a rich imagination is better to demonstrate in a different way.

Your profiles must have your name and your face. Well-groomed and combed. How would you look if you were going to business negotiations offline?

In remote work, the same laws apply - they are greeted by clothes. Take a high-quality photo where you look presentable, and let it become your business card. Let the heroes know by sight.

The design of your pages on social networks is very important. When making this or that entry, posting this or that photo, remember that one day a person will come to your page who wants to give you a job. What will he see? What conclusions will he draw? It is in your hands to create any image that will work for you or against you.

Choosing a profession

If you already know exactly what you want to do as a freelancer, that's great. If you have no idea where to start, I recommend you read the book "7 professions for quick money on the Internet". After reading it, you will have no questions left about how to start working remotely. You can get the book absolutely free.

We grow and develop

You have taken the first step and decided on a profession - the hardest part is over! From now on, your habitual state should be constant development. Read, watch, listen - in a word, absorb everything that in one way or another can contribute to your professional growth and inspire new ideas.

From my own experience, I can say that an excellent start is online courses in the chosen direction. You find yourself in an environment of like-minded people and get a professional mentors. Such courses help to avoid a lot of bumps that self-taught beginners fill.

I foresee objections that such training, as a rule, is paid. Pay for your education or not, the choice is yours. But any business requires investment. If you decide to learn a new profession from scratch, then the business project is now you. And for your development, investments are needed: time, effort, intellectual resources.

Financial investments will help speed things up and in a short time you will receive information that you will collect on your own for much longer, and in the work of a freelancer, time is money. Learn to plan effectively.

We create a portfolio

We read movie reviews before we go to the cinema. My girlfriend will not go for a manicure without first getting acquainted with the work of the master. I won't order a bouquet for her without going through the catalog of my chosen florist. Reviews for everything and everything make life much easier, save time and money.

Needless to say, when choosing a contractor, any customer will want to get acquainted with his work in order to assess the level of professionalism. That is why the presence of a portfolio and reviews of satisfied employers will be a big trump card when looking for orders.

In order to do it, you need to work for free. Tell your friends and acquaintances what you are doing now, for sure there will be those among them who need your services right now. Especially for free. To reach a larger audience, you can place a similar ad on your pages on social networks. Believe me, the first orders will not be long in coming.

Having in your arsenal examples of work performed, it will be much easier for you to build relationships with the following customers.

With each new order, you will grow in your eyes and this is a very pleasant feeling. Fears will gradually recede, and they will be replaced by competence and self-confidence.

Where to find freelance work

All job search tips for aspiring freelancers come down to signing up. The cost of orders on exchanges is minimal and those who want to get big money from the first days will be disappointed there.

But if you look at the exchange as a platform for finding regular customers, then the possibilities are endless. Very often, employers place a test task for 100 - 200 rubles in order to find a responsible contractor for a bulky job. This has happened to me many times.

Don't be afraid to take on assignments that seem too difficult. You won't know if you're into it or not until you try it. Challenge yourself. The Exchange is a survival school for recruits. Many give up, and those who overcome obstacles move on to the next level.

I have already considered the topic.

Where else to find a job

Do not limit yourself to exchanges, this is not the only opportunity to find a job. I want to convey to you the main idea: every site, every blog, every Internet project is a potential source of income for you. Realizing this, it will be much easier for you to get rid of fears and develop in the field of remote work and freelancing.

Here are a few more ways to find jobs online:

1. Follow projects that interest you. Very often, they place information about the search for employees directly on the main pages. For them, this is the most effective way to find an interested specialist, for you it is the most effective way to find a job you like.

2. Direct Search- if you really want to join a project, you can contact its creators directly. Who will lose from the fact that you write a letter or message on a social network with a vivid story about yourself and your strong desire to work in this particular team?

Such an appeal will definitely not go unnoticed, because it:

  • very personal;
  • based on a sincere interest in a particular topic.

And even if right now this employer has nothing to offer you, he will definitely contact you when your services are needed. This happened to me too many times.

3. Job site ads. Despite the fact that most companies require relevant experience, you can always impress with your cover letter, test assignment, suggestions for optimizing the company's work.

We keep the brand

Reputation is everything. She must be flawless. Many freelancers have a problem - optionality. As a customer, I had to deal with the fact that tasks were not completed on time or were not completed at all. And this is with my willingness to pay well for quality services.

It is clear that such performers are unlikely to have a freelance career, but my time was wasted forever. And my time is also money.

Your word is iron! Called the deadline - handed over the task on time. This should be the main rule.

Customers carefully transfer competent and responsible specialists to each other. If you have quality work and an impeccable reputation, over time, you will no longer need to look for orders, employers will come to you themselves.

As a parting word

If you dream of becoming a freelancer and working remotely, but it seems to you that this is not for dummies without special education, read on carefully:

I am convinced that desire and a determined attitude are not “from scratch” at all, this is more than half of the success.

You need to do very little - fill the theoretical gap, if there is one at all, and then use your discipline, diligence and dedication.

I wish you to turn your fears into a driving force, dear readers of my blog. They can be made to work for your success.

If you need support and a step-by-step plan of action, then come to our training "".

Remote work is an ideal way to earn money for those who prefer to plan their own working day and determine the pace of tasks that is comfortable for them. The Weblancer exchange provides an excellent opportunity to find a project that requires your skills, or to find contractors for the job yourself.

Remote work: the best format for cooperation

The list of specialties that are gradually moving away is constantly growing. Now it is not only copywriting, web design or programming, but also consulting (financial, legal), translations, site administration, SMM, as well as graphics, identity and many other areas. Remote work, as practice has shown, is beneficial to both parties of cooperation.

In order to find a performer on our freelance exchange, you do not need to go through a tedious registration procedure: creating and placing a project takes no more than a couple of minutes. You need to indicate which remote work vacancy requires closing, what exactly is required from the contractor, and also determine the cost of the work. You can specify that you want to receive responses by email, and then we will automatically forward them there.

Remote work at home: free schedule, good income

Working remotely from home, the vacancies for which you can find in this section, is a good way to find a source of regular income, and it will not be associated with an inconvenient office work schedule. If you have a computer with Internet access, the ability to write texts or student papers, programming, bookkeeping, drawing or other valuable skills, then remote work is just right for you!

It is not difficult to start earning on your skills with the Weblancer exchange: register, indicate the specialization in which you would like to look for projects, and then you need to monitor new orders from customers and leave your feedback (applications). If you are a beginner, it may make sense to start with simple and inexpensive tasks first. Then, when you have already gained experience and filled out a portfolio, you will be able to choose orders that are interesting for you and set your own price.

Remote work via the Internet will open up excellent prospects for you. And we will be glad to become a platform that will help you conquer new heights!