The quality of our production capacity is constant. Increasing production capacity. Examples of problem solving

Production capacity (PM) determines the amount of goods that the enterprise is able to produce. This is an important competitive indicator.

The concept of production capacity

PM is understood as the maximum volume of products that an enterprise is able to produce within a given time frame. When calculating this parameter, the used equipment and available resources are taken into account. These include:

  • production capacity;
  • energy;
  • raw materials;
  • staff.

There are many types of PM. This is the design, and planned, and balance capacity. It is measured in units of measurement of the volume of production: a ton, a piece, and so on. The full use of capacity ensures the release of more goods, reducing their cost. The company gets the opportunity to quickly accumulate funds from the sale of products and direct them to re-production, equipment upgrades.

Factors affecting the size of production capacity

Production capacity parameters are determined by the following factors:

  • The perfection of the technologies used.
  • Product range and quality.
  • The quality of work organization.

Sometimes the results of PM calculations in different periods differ significantly. This is the result of the instability of the factors given above. For example, the company is constantly introducing new equipment. The production technology and the tools used in this are the main factors affecting the power parameters.

Values ​​used in calculations

To calculate the PM, you need to know the following parameters:

  • List of available equipment, its quantity for each type.
  • Mode of operation of equipment.
  • Mode of operation of production areas.
  • Employee qualifications.
  • Progressive technology standards.
  • The complexity of the equipment.
  • Nomenclature and assortment of goods.

Before making calculations, it is necessary to analyze key features work in the enterprise.

Basic calculation rules

When determining production capacity, the following rules must be taken into account:

  • When taking into account the available equipment, each of the forms of equipment must be taken into account. Non-working equipment, tools that are being repaired or idle cannot be excluded from accounting. Only reserve equipment, which serves as a replacement for the resources used, is not taken into account.
  • If new equipment is put into service, it should be accounted for when it started to be used.
  • It is necessary to take into account the maximum possible fund of equipment operation. In this case, the adopted shift mode is taken into account.
  • You need to focus on comparable values ​​of equipment operation and power balance.
  • The calculation uses values ​​based on the full load of resources.
  • When determining the PM, the downtime of the equipment, regardless of its causes, is not taken into account.

The head is obliged to provide for reserves of PM. This is necessary to be able to quickly respond to an increase in demand. For example, the enterprise works on a certain PM. However, the demand for garden carts produced by the entity is increasing dramatically. To meet all the needs of consumers, it is required to increase production capacity. This is what reserves are for.

Production capacity calculation

The calculation is carried out on the basis of passport and design standards. If the employees of the enterprise consistently exceed the established norms of labor productivity, the increased indicator is taken into account. Consider the calculation formula:

M = Tef * H

  • M- productive capacity,
  • H is the passport productivity of equipment per unit of time,
  • tef- the planned fund of its work.

To determine Tef, you need to subtract from the calendar fund (365 days) weekends, holidays, intervals between shifts, downtime and other times when the equipment was not in operation.

IMPORTANT! The determination of the parameters that are needed for calculations is carried out for each workshop or section.

Analysis of the functioning of the enterprise

Analysis is required to determine optimal loading resources. Consider its features:

  • It is assumed that the products are manufactured on a limited number of machines. You need to count their number.
  • It is necessary to calculate the time spent on processing a unit of production on the equipment.
  • When the time for the production of a unit of goods is known, it is possible to determine the optimal quantity of products that can be produced for a selected period of time.

The manager can reduce the rate of production of one of the types of products. In this case, the equipment is released for the production of other types of goods.

Why is critical point analysis necessary?

Critical point analysis is required when determining the optimal PM value. Its essence lies in drawing up a graph of the dependence of expenses and income on the volume of manufactured products. As a result, the point at which the expenses of the enterprise are similar to its income is determined. That is, this is the point at which the subject works without loss. Based on this graph, it is possible to justify the PM, which will be optimal in a particular case.

How to increase production capacity?

There are two ways to increase the value of PM: with and without large cash costs. Consider methods involving financial injections:

  • Installation modern equipment.
  • Update of emergency equipment.
  • Dealing with wear and tear on equipment.
  • Improving the quality of raw materials or intensifying the regime.
  • Complete modernization.
  • Extending equipment life.
  • Carrying out scheduled repairs.
  • Providing regular maintenance.

There are two ways to increase the PM without significant financial investments: by increasing the working time fund and by reducing the labor intensity of the production of goods. Consider the options when choosing the first method:

  • Increase in the number of available equipment.
  • Increase in the number of shifts, which will ensure uninterrupted operation.
  • Improving the organization of repair work.
  • Reducing production cycles.
  • Optimization of the exploitation of the available space.
  • Optimization of work activity planning.
  • Work on a narrow specialization.

Consider ways to reduce the complexity of production:

  • Improving the production technology of products.
  • Increasing the serial production.
  • Increasing unification.
  • Standardization of goods.
  • Modernization of existing equipment.
  • Increase in technical equipment.
  • Changing the rules of time.
  • Rational use of labor hours.

You can increase the PM as one of the listed methods, and due to their combination.

What should an employer do if he wants to change the production capacity in better side? Consider specific examples:

  • Providing additional jobs.
  • Elimination of unreasonable losses of time.
  • Encouraging employees to increase productivity.
  • Improving the qualifications of employees.
  • Staffing of workplaces with modern technology.
  • Improving the structure of fixed assets.
  • Organization of measures to reduce the consumption of raw materials.

The smallest production capacities are in enterprises with morally and technically obsolete equipment.

Production capacity of the enterprise - this is the largest volume of products, services and works that an enterprise can produce during the year. At the same time, their specific nomenclature and range are established. Also, it is necessary to fully use all available resources.

Production capacity is measured in physical units (meters, kilograms, pieces).

The production capacity of the enterprise is determined by the number of products produced, various works and services. The production capacity of any enterprise is the main limitation of production volumes.

The main indicator of a company's productive forces is its production capacity. The optimal production volume is the volume, which allows to fulfill the concluded contracts for the production of goods or works within a certain period of time. In addition, minimum costs and maximum efficiency must be observed.

In market conditions the production capacity of the enterprise sets the volume of the company's proposals received during the year, takes into account the availability and consumption of resources, current prices and their changes.

In addition, it is necessary to keep in mind the calculation of the break-even point. The question arises - what is it?

Break even- this is the minimum amount of output at which the company fully pays for the costs, but at the same time does not receive a profit. Thus, the company's profit directly depends on the difference between the volume of goods produced and the break-even point. If the difference between these two concepts is large, then, accordingly, the profit is greater.

So, the production capacity of the enterprise is a clear expression of the ability of the enterprise to produce certain commodity. What is the production capacity?

This is the maximum feasible annual production of a good, various services or documented work. This should take into account the full use of all the resources of the enterprise, apply all the latest technologies and methods of organizing labor and production. Let us conclude that the production capacity of the enterprise is the ability of the enterprise to produce its goods during the planned period of working time.

Our country has long entered into market relations. In market conditions, the heads of companies and firms have the right to set a high limit on the production capacity in the planned period. But at the same time, management must take into account existing technical, economic and social features.

With the right planning the production capacity of the enterprise, it is necessary to take into account not only the reasonable use of available resources, but also to stabilize the manufacture and filling the market with manufactured goods.

The production capacity of the enterprise also depends on the technology and organization of production, the level of qualification and experience of the staff, as well as the prospects for the development of the above factors. The production capacity must always be compared with the production program. This ratio is necessary to achieve a balance between supply and demand for goods and services. If demand exceeds supply, an increase in production capacity must be reproduced. All these factors must be taken into account when drawing up a production plan.

Analysis production capacity of the enterprise.

So, production capacity is the most possible production of goods for a certain period of time in physical terms in the planned quantity. It should also be borne in mind the full use of equipment and territory for production, the latest technologies, excellent organization of production and labor, high quality goods.

The production capacity of the enterprise is constantly changing. Thus, it must be compared with production program. An important factor planning production capacity of the enterprise is the implementation of a balance between supply and demand for manufactured products. If demand exceeds supply, it is necessary to plan an increase in the production capacity of the enterprise.

Technology and organization of production are also characterized by production capacity. This characteristic also includes the number and qualifications of employees, the level of growth and development opportunities of the company.

The production capacity of the whole enterprise is determined by the capacity of the leading divisions of the enterprise. What are leading workshops, units, etc.? These are those on which the largest number of technological operations are performed. As a rule, they produce finished products.

Let's take an example. The production capacity in the manufacture of furniture directly depends on the quantitative ratio of manufactured products in the total volume of its output, the size of the production area, the calculation of the area per one workplace, fund of working hours from one workplace. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account specifications workplace and the complexity of the product.

An analysis of the production capacity of an enterprise can be performed using certain indicators, which, as a rule, are calculated in accordance with planned and actual data. What is the object of analysis? These are all units, production sites, workshops and the enterprise itself.

Plant capacity analysis includes a detailed study of the rules for using the equipment present and the scheduled time.

After that, it is necessary to analyze the progressiveness of the equipment and technologies used in this enterprise, examine the conditions for the use of equipment, analyze all issues related to the organization of enterprise productivity and labor.

Production capacity calculation

The production capacity of any enterprise must be determined in physical terms in the products that this or that company produces.

The calculation of production capacity is made in those units of measurement of goods that are accepted in the contract or plan of the enterprise.

This calculation is made for all departments of the company. As a rule, the calculation begins to be made from the lowest to the highest level, from the sections of the plant to its shops, from the shops to the plant.

To calculate the capacity of the enterprise, it is necessary to use the fixed assets of production, the duration of the operation of the equipment and the use of space.

In addition to the power calculations mentioned above, the "Balance of production capacity" is also compiled. This document describes the following characteristics:

  1. volume of production
  2. production capacity at the beginning of the year
  3. capacity growth due to expansion, repair, various technical and organizational measures, changes in the range
  4. reduction in capacity due to a change in the range and disposal of production capacity
  5. enterprise capacity at the end of the current year
  6. average annual capacity of the enterprise
  7. utilization factor of the organization's production capacity.

Consider the main factors affecting the size of the company's production capacity.

  1. quantity and quality of equipment (machines, workbenches, aggregates, mechanisms)
  2. technical and economic standards for equipment operation
  3. the level of progressiveness of equipment and technologies used
  4. operating time of the equipment
  5. the degree of organization of labor and production
  6. production area
  7. quantity and range of goods produced.

When calculating the capacity of the enterprise, spare equipment is not used, as well as equipment used to train employees.

The performance of the equipment used is determined on the basis of those progressive standards that are used for all types of equipment.

It is necessary to pay attention to next aspect. In our time, market relations have not yet been fully formed. In the current environment, some companies have lost interest in calculation of production capacity. What explains this? Many enterprises do not guidelines according to the calculation of production capacity for certain types of industries. In addition, there is a decline in production volumes, since the products are not in demand on the market. Why are produced goods not in demand? The reasons for this phenomenon may be the low quality of products, their competitiveness and, of course, the price. Excess capacity (more than sold output) is rarely taken into account. There are some examples that should not be forgotten. In order to respond in a timely manner to changes in the consumption market, companies need to have special spare capacities. This will allow enterprises to supply their goods in accordance with the concluded contracts in right time and in the right amount. In addition, enterprises in this case have the opportunity to react with lightning speed to an increase in demand and change the production profile in connection with those goods that are in great demand on the market.

Types of production capacity

The production capacity of the enterprise is divided into design, input, output and average annual. Design capacity is determined by the project of construction, refurbishment and expansion of the company. By input power is meant the power as of the beginning of the year. It indicates the production capabilities that are available to the organization at the beginning of the planning period. The output power is the power at the beginning of the year. The average annual capacity of an enterprise is a simple term that does not require explanation. This is the average capacity for the current year.

It is also necessary to pay attention Special attention on the use of production capacities of the enterprise, which are characterized by several indicators. The most important indicator is considered the coefficient of utilization of production capacity. What it is? Coefficient the use of production capacity is the ratio of output per year to the average annual capacity. The next indicator is the load factor of the equipment. It is the ratio of the time actually used by the equipment available to the available time for the same equipment in the current planning period.

Capacity utilization

How can you best improve use of the production capacity of the enterprise?

First of all, it is necessary to improve the use of the equipment fleet, to reduce the period of equipment's stay in the installation.

Optimum use of equipment operation time, reduction of downtime, reduction of equipment repair time.

It is also necessary to remember about increasing the productivity of the equipment, reducing the consumption of additional time, increasing the working speed.

How is the use of the enterprise's production capacity at the present time?

First of all, this is due to the growth in the quality and competitiveness of manufactured goods, the improvement marketing activities, expanding sales of manufactured products.

What features of its use exist in our country in the conditions of modern market relations?

There are 2 groups that affect the degree of capacity utilization of production. The first group does not depend on economic activity specific companies. She is referred to economic structure market and the degree of concentration of manufacture of goods. The second group includes orders, the level of training of employees, the availability of raw materials at the enterprise, fuel, electricity, the structure of the company's organization, etc. The most important factor is the availability of orders for manufactured products.


In conclusion, we highlight the basic concepts necessary for a clear understanding of the term "production capacity of the enterprise".

Production capacity is the most optimal volume of production planned for a specified reporting period in a given nomenclature and assortment, taking into account the correct use of technical devices and space for the production of available modern equipment, rational organization labor and production.

During the formation the production capacity of the enterprise take into account such concepts as assortment, nomenclature, quality of products, the number of basic equipment, its average age, working hours technical equipment during the year under a certain regime, the size of the area for production.

Satisfaction of market demand directly depends on production capacity of the enterprise. Market demand often changes in assortment, volume and nomenclature. We came to the conclusion that the production capacity should be able to reorganize the production process in time, which directly depends on the competitiveness of products, volume, assortment and nomenclature.

Under production capacity enterprise is understood as the maximum possible output of products in a certain range, assortment, of the appropriate quality in the planned period with the fullest use of equipment and production facilities, taking into account the use of advanced technology.

Production capacity is determined by the range of manufactured products, taking into account the profile of the enterprise. In conditions when the activity of the enterprise is focused on meeting the demand of consumers, the production capacity is determined based on the portfolio of orders. Production capacity is measured, as a rule, in physical terms or in conventional units of measurement adopted in the plan.

The concepts of "production capacity" and "production program" are not identical. If the first shows the ability of the enterprise under certain conditions to produce the maximum amount of products per unit of time, then the second characterizes the degree of use of capacity in this period of time.

When determining production capacity, one should proceed from the following provisions:

    calculation of production capacity is carried out for the entire range of products manufactured by the enterprise. In the conditions of multi-product production, the production capacity is calculated according to typical representatives established for homogeneous groups of products. The criterion for bringing homogeneous products to one type is the coefficient of labor intensity;

    the production capacity of an enterprise (workshop) is determined by the capacity of the leading divisions (workshops, sections), taking into account measures to eliminate bottlenecks. Leading division it is considered one in which the main technological operations for the manufacture of products are performed; where the largest share of total living labor is spent and where the main part of fixed assets is concentrated. For example, for machine-building enterprises, assembly and machine shops are leading. Under " bottleneck» means the discrepancy between the capacities of individual workshops, sections, groups of equipment and the capacities of the departments for which the capacity of the workshop, the entire enterprise is established. Let's assume that if machine-building enterprise includes the procurement, mechanical and assembly workshops in the main workshops, and the mechanical workshop is determined as the leader, then the capacity of the entire enterprise will be determined by the capacity of the mechanical workshop. At the same time, the throughput of the procurement and assembly shops and its ratio with the capacity of the leading shop will be calculated, as a result of which “narrow” or “wide” places will be revealed. In turn, under broad place» means the excess of the capacity of individual units of the capacity of the enterprise (workshop) as a whole;

    the calculation of capacity is carried out for all production units of the enterprise in sequence from the lowest to the highest: a group of technologically homogeneous equipment → production site → shop → the enterprise as a whole. At the same time, the capacity of the subdivisions is determined, "narrow" and "wide" places are identified. Debottlenecking helps to increase the level of capacity utilization of the respective unit;

    production capacity is dynamic. She is subject to change. Therefore, the calculation of production capacity is tied to a specific date - at the beginning and end of the planning period.

The calculation of production capacity is based on the following data: the quantitative composition of the equipment; equipment operation mode; progressive technical standards of labor intensity or equipment productivity; range of manufactured products.

The quantitative composition of the equipment. The calculation of production capacity includes all production equipment assigned to this unit: both operating and inactive due to malfunction, repair, modernization, lack of load. The following are not taken into account: 1) equipment of auxiliary departments of the enterprise (for example, mechanical repair, instrumental, electromechanical), as well as sections of the same purpose in the main production shops; 2) backup equipment.

For shops of a number of enterprises (for example, light industry), as well as assembly shops of machine-building enterprises, the main factor in determining capacity is production areas. Auxiliary areas are not taken into account.

The operating mode of the equipment is set based on the specific production conditions and from the maximum possible fund of equipment operation time:

a) for enterprises with a continuous production process, the maximum possible fund of time is equal to the number of calendar days in a year multiplied by 24 hours, minus the time required for capital and scheduled preventive repairs;

b) in discontinuous production, the maximum possible time fund is determined by the formula:

Where calendar fund equipment operation time in days;
- the number of days off in a year;
- quantity public holidays per year;
- the number of shifts;
- duration of one shift in hours;
- time spent on capital and scheduled preventive repairs, hour; – reduction of working hours on all pre-holiday days, hour.

Technical standards of labor intensity or equipment productivity. To calculate the production capacity, technical design performance standards are used. Provided that they are achieved, progressive norms based on the steady achievement of the foremost are taken into account. In mechanical engineering, the indicators achieved by the best workers, constituting 20-25% of all workers, for the best quarter are taken as sustainable.

Nomenclature of manufactured products. The production capacity is determined for each item of manufactured products in the planning period. But in multi-product industries (engineering, sewing, knitwear, etc.), the production program can only in rare cases be included in the calculation of power without preliminary processing. It is brought into a more convenient form. To do this, the nomenclature is enlarged by combining different product names into groups according to design and technological similarity and bringing each group to one basic representative product.

At enterprises equipped with the same type of equipment, production capacity can be determined by the formula:


Where Q– quantity of equipment, pcs.;
- regime fund of the operating time of a piece of equipment, hour; P - technical norm of productivity of this equipment, pieces / hour.

In multi-product production, due to the lack of performance data for most process equipment, the following formula is used:


- labor intensity of a set of products manufactured on this equipment, norm-hour / piece.

The production capacity, calculated on the basis of the maximum value of all its components, is the initial one and determines inputpower, that is, the capacity at the beginning of the planning period, usually a year. During the year, the production capacity undergoes a change due to the commissioning (increase) of new capacities and the retirement of capacities. The increase in capacity can be achieved through:

    implementation of measures to eliminate "bottlenecks";

    increasing the productivity of equipment through modernization;

    increasing the amount of equipment;

    redistribution of work between certain types and groups of equipment;

    possible increase in equipment shifts;

    enterprise reconstruction;

    commissioning of capacity due to the expansion of the enterprise and as a result of new construction, etc.

Disposal of production capacity is possible in case of liquidation of fixed assets due to depreciation and obsolescence, lease of equipment (leasing), liquidation of capacities due to force majeure, and for other reasons.

A change in the range of products produced can lead to both an increase and a decrease in production capacity.

As a result, the production capacity at the end of the planning period is output power– is defined as follows:

- production capacity at the beginning of the planning period (input capacity);
– commissioning of capacities as a result of construction of new, expansion of existing capacities;
– power increase due to reconstruction;
- increase in capacity as a result of technical re-equipment and other organizational and technical measures;
– increase (decrease) in capacities due to changes in the range of products;
- a decrease in power due to its retirement due to dilapidation and wear and other reasons.

In order to determine the amount of power that will actually function during the planned year, determine the value average annual power:


- respectively input and output production capacities in i-th month of the planning period;
- the number of months of operation of the input i-th month of capacities until the end of the year;
- the number of months until the end of the year during which those who retired from work will not function i th month of power.

Design production capacity- the capacity provided by the project of new construction, reconstruction or expansion of the enterprise (workshop). The development of the design capacity is carried out gradually, in accordance with the approved standards. Timely and full development of design capacities is of great importance and is a reserve for increasing the volume of production. With the full development of the design capacity, it is transformed into capacity at the beginning of the planning period (input capacity).

All types of production capacity are reflected in the balance of production capacity, which can be developed by enterprises. The balance is drawn up according to the nomenclature and assortment of products. If there are divisions within an enterprise with a closed production cycle for the production of homogeneous products, the production capacity of the enterprise is determined by the sum of the capacities of these divisions.

So, the balance reflects: production capacity at the beginning of the year; changes (increase, decrease) in power per year; average annual production capacity; the level of use of the average annual capacity.

As already mentioned, production capacity is measured for each type of product in natural units of measurement or conditionally natural. But along with the natural measurement in enterprises with heterogeneous output, cost meters can also be used.

Any enterprise has the final result of a certain product, product, service or work. In this case, production possibilities act as the main limitation of production volumes. Specific value production possibilities of any company lies in the optimal production volume and its production capacity.

The optimal volume of production is the volume that ensures the fulfillment of the concluded contracts and obligations for the production of products within the established time frame with minimal costs and the highest possible efficiency. Production capacity represents the company's annual supply, taking into account the availability and use of resources, changes in the level of current prices.

Production capacity calculation

The value of production capacity is the volume of fixed assets, including the degree of their use. Thus, the production capacity can be defined as the maximum possible output of products per unit of time in physical terms in the established nomenclature and assortment according to the plan, with full use of equipment and production area. The calculation of production capacity takes into account the application of advanced technology, improvement production organization and organization of work, ensures high quality products.

Production Capacity Factors

Several factors can influence the value of production capacity, among which are:

  1. the number and composition of installed machines, equipment, units and mechanisms,
  2. technical and economic use of mechanisms, machines,
  3. progressiveness of engineering and technology in production,
  4. equipment working time fund,
  5. the level of organization of labor and the production process,
  6. production areas of the main workshops and the enterprise as a whole,
  7. the intended assortment and nomenclature of products that have a direct impact on the production of products in the presence of certain equipment.

In the case of determining the composition of equipment, a set of equipment of the main production is taken into account in accordance with the types that are installed at the beginning of the year, as well as those put into operation in the planned year. The calculation of production capacity does not include standby equipment, equipment for experimental and experimental sites, equipment that is used for vocational and technical training.

Method of calculation

The calculation of the production capacity of the enterprise cannot be carried out once, since it changes over time. The calculation of production capacity takes place on a certain calendar date, mainly on January 1 of the planned year and January 1 of the next. At the same time, input power is calculated in the planned year, and output power in the next year. The production capacity calculation also calculates the annual average capacity used to compare plans and output reports. finished products. IN general view the formula for calculating the production capacity is presented in the following form:

MP = Pob * Fob

MP = Fob/T

Here MP is the power indicator,

Pob - productivity in pieces per unit of time,

Fob - equipment time fund,

T - labor intensity.

Output and average annual power

The output and average annual capacity of an enterprise can be calculated using several formulas. The output power is calculated using the following formula:

Mout \u003d Mvh + Mvv - Mvyb

Calculation of the average annual capacity of the enterprise is carried out according to the formula:

M cf \u003d Mvx + (Mvv * n1 / 12) - (Mvyb * n2 / 12)

Here Mvv is the input power,

Mvh - input power,

Mvyb - outgoing power,

H1 - months of operation of the introduced capacity,

H2 - months of absence of retired capacities

Examples of problem solving



Exercise There are two complexes in the workshop of the enterprise, next year it is planned to buy another one. Parts are produced in this area. It takes half an hour for the complex to produce one set. At the beginning of the period, 4 sets of parts are produced for 1 hour, and 6 sets at the end of the period. The actual working time fund is 7200 hours. It is necessary to determine the input, output power and average production power.
Solution Calculation of input production capacity:

7200 * 4 = 28,800 sets

Output production capacity calculation:

28,800 + 7200*2 = 43,200 sets

Average production capacity calculation:

28,800 + 14,400 * 5 / 12 = 34,800 sets

Answer 28800 sets, 43200 sets, 34800 sets

Increasing the efficiency of using production capacities is achieved in two ways: by increasing its extensive and intensive use.

Intensive ones include:

1. Improvement of the structure of fixed production assets.

Since the increase in output is achieved only in the leading shops, it is important to increase their share in the total value of fixed assets. An increase in fixed assets of auxiliary production leads to an increase in the capital intensity of production, since there is no direct increase in output. But without the proportional development of auxiliary production, the main workshops cannot function with full efficiency.

2. Reduction of whole-day downtime of equipment, increase in the coefficient of shift of its work

An important reserve for increasing the efficiency of using the production capacities of operating enterprises lies in reducing the time of intra-shift downtime of equipment, which at a number of enterprises reaches 15–20% of the total working time.

3.Improving the reproductive process of the equipment.

4.Intensification of production processes.

Intensification of production, the process of development of social production, based on the ever more complete and rational use of technical, material and labor resources based on scientific and technological progress.

5. Elimination of imbalances in the capacities of existing workshops, sections and groups of equipment.

6. Deepening the specialization of factories, workshops and sections in order to increase the serial production and introduce advanced technology.

Extensive paths include:

1. Reducing the amount of redundant equipment and the rapid involvement of uninstalled equipment in production.

2.Introduction of efficient equipment and advanced technology;

3. Increasing the degree of loading of equipment per unit of time, which can be achieved by modernizing existing machines and mechanisms, establishing the optimal mode of their operation.

4. Increasing the hourly productivity of the equipment.

5. Development of rational cooperation of factories, workshops and sites.

6. Increasing the shift work of shops and sections.

Extensive reserves for improving the use of equipment should be used in the first place, since their involvement in production does not require large capital investments. After all, these reserves are the specific content of such a factor in increasing the economic efficiency of production as improving the organization of production, labor and management. First of all, it is necessary to reduce the number of idle equipment, introduce a well-thought-out system of scheduled preventive maintenance of equipment, increase shift work, especially for high-performance equipment, increase the level of mechanization of assembly and assembly work, improve the organization of work of production capacity by expanding cooperative ties both within the industry and and intersectoral.

Conclusions and offers.

Having carried out a comprehensive economic and economic analysis of the JSC "NOVODEREVENKOVSKSELKHOZTEKHNIKA" enterprise, it was found that the size of the organization in the period from 2008 to 2010 as a whole did not undergo major changes. So the output of marketable products decreased by 16%, and the average annual number of employees increased by 4%. Indicators of the size of the enterprise, such as the area of ​​agricultural land, the availability of tractors at the end of the year did not change at all.

The coefficient of specialization equal in 2010 to 0.56 showed that the specialization of the enterprise is high. According to its structure, the economy is a grain direction.

Enterprises efficiently use their material resources. This is evidenced by the indicators of material efficiency increased by 85% and material consumption decreased by 46%.

It is also worth noting that the turnover of working capital of the enterprise for the period under review decreased by 29.1%. Accordingly, the duration of one revolution increased. In 2008, the duration of one turnover averaged 159.4 days, in 2009 the duration of the turnover increased to 193.1 days, in 2010 the turnover amounted to 226.3 days.

Profitability of working capital of the enterprise has a growth dynamics due to the increase in net profit by 3.4 times and a slight increase in the average annual cost of working capital. In 2010, the return on working capital increased by 5.7% compared to 2008.

The largest share in the cost structure is occupied by material costs and labor costs.

Labor productivity in the production of meat, milk and grain as a whole increased over the analyzed period.

It is also worth characterizing the indicators of capital productivity and capital intensity. Because they are the main ones in determining the efficiency of the use of fixed assets. In 2010, compared with 2008, the return on assets decreased by 0.27 rubles, while the capital intensity increased by 0.06 rubles. The decline in capital productivity reflects lower sales growth. The change in capital intensity shows an increase in the volume (value) of fixed assets by 1 rub. sales volume

In general, the company does not conduct its business efficiently. Since many types of profitability decreased in 2010 compared to 2008. Return on sales decreased by 3.58%. Profitability of production and return on assets during this period decreased by 3.2% and 4.7%. Cost recovery also decreased by 4%. The rate of return decreased by 4.85%.

Analyzing the financial condition of the enterprise, it should be noted that it is financially stable. Although it cannot be recognized as liquid, since, in general, liquidity ratios have values ​​below the regulatory limits, i.e. the company will not be able to pay off its debts in the near future.

Extensive reserves for improving the use of equipment should be used in the first place, since their involvement in production does not require large capital investments. After all, these reserves are the specific content of such a factor in increasing the economic efficiency of production as improving the organization of production, labor and management. First of all, it is necessary to reduce the number of idle equipment, introduce a well-thought-out system of scheduled preventive maintenance of equipment, increase shift work, especially for high-performance equipment, increase the level of mechanization of assembly and assembly work, improve the organization of work of production capacity by expanding cooperative ties both within the industry and and intersectoral. All these activities can lead to an increase in capital productivity, production efficiency, they are easily implemented in the production and economic activities of the enterprise.

Every enterprise has equipment that is not in use: it is either not yet installed, or it is installed, but idle. The reasons for the presence of uninstalled equipment are:

Non-fulfillment of capital construction plans and schedules of construction and installation works;

Acquisition of equipment without taking into account the real need for it;

Change of the nomenclature of let out production.

The reasons for downtime of installed equipment are determined on the basis of records of its operation, which is usually kept by shop mechanics. But this accounting covers only long-term equipment downtime, which practically exceeds half of the working shift (although formally downtime of 1 hour or more should be included in the accounting). Most downtimes lasting less than an hour are not accounted for, and they account for the majority of all lost equipment uptime. Therefore, in order to find out the causes and the actual amount of equipment downtime, a photograph of the operation of the equipment is taken. An analysis of these photographs taken in the Rostov region showed that the largest proportion of downtime is due to shortcomings in the organization of production. The loss of equipment operation time due to this reason should be minimized or completely eliminated. A significant proportion of downtime is the equipment being under repair. This is due to the fact that more than half of the equipment fleet has been in operation for over 10 years. The main reserves associated with reducing equipment downtime due to repairs are the improvement of the organization of repairs at the plant and the increase in the overhaul period of equipment operation by improving its operation. It is necessary to increase the output of spare parts, replaceable units, and to create an exchange fund of equipment at repair enterprises.

The second direction of improving the use of production capacity are intensive reserves. While extensive reserves have their natural limits, intensive reserves are practically inexhaustible. Intensive reserves find their concrete expression in the following:

Improving the design of manufactured products;

Deepening the specialization of factories, workshops and sites in order to increase the serial production and introduce advanced technology;

Expansion of unification, normalization and standardization of products;

Upgrading and upgrading equipment;

Introduction of scientific organization of labor in the workplace.

The practice of enterprises shows that the cultural and technical level of workers largely determines the level of labor productivity, the quality of products produced, and the efficient use of equipment. Technological progress makes ever greater demands on the general theoretical training of industrial enterprises. The high level of general education of an employee allows him to more rationally use and work time. A sample survey found that for machine operators with a low general education level (9 grades), the useful use of equipment is 80-85%, and for workers with an education of 9-11 grades - 92-95%. Using the methods of mathematical statistics, it was determined that with an increase general education for one class, the useful use of equipment increases by an average of 0.7%.

The qualification of the worker, his training in work allow for a more complete use of the equipment. For workers with an experience of 1-3 years, the useful use of equipment is 92.9%, and with an experience of more than 13 years - 98.0% (data for the Ural plant). As established by the study, the use of equipment increases by an average of 0.25% with an increase in the length of service in the same enterprise and at the same workplace by 1 year. A more experienced and more skilled worker knows better the equipment on which he works, prevents its rapid physical deterioration, protects it from accidents, and quickly masters advanced work methods.


Increasing the efficiency of the production and economic activities of a modern enterprise largely depends on the use of its production capacities. Productive capacity industrial enterprise- an objective technical and economic category that characterizes the maximum possible output of products with the achieved or planned level of technology, technology and organization of production. From this it follows that the analysis of the use of production capacities of the enterprise plays an important role in modern conditions management.

Production capacity determines the level of production of products, goods and services, the degree of containment of the volume of output or the upper limit of sales of products. Ultimately, production capacity means the ability of an enterprise to produce its products within a given period of working time. Its upper limit is due to the availability of production areas, technological equipment, labor resources, material and capital. Production capacity can be expressed in units of production, mass of goods, linear values, rubles, man-hours and other indicators.

It is customary to distinguish between theoretical, practical, normal and other types of production capacity.

Determining the production capacity of an enterprise begins with clarifying the production and economic structure of individual sections and workshops and assigning specific work to workplaces (equipment). At the same time, certification is carried out to ensure that all jobs are taken into account, identifying among them that do not comply with progressive technical, technological, organizational solutions, reducing the use of manual and heavy physical labor, as well as jobs with unfavorable working conditions, eliminating inefficient jobs, increasing the shift ratio equipment.

Increasing the efficiency of using production capacity is a complex problem. It covers not only the issues of capital investments (investments) and the use of equipment, but is also closely related to issues of organization, planning, technical preparation and production management, as well as increasing the interest of the enterprise in the best use of equipment.

The main ways of improving the utilization of production capacities are to unlock extensive and intensive reserves, as well as to raise the general educational and technical level of the workers.


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