Journal of registration of personal files of employees in the dow. How is the personal data of employees stored in the enterprise? How to make an internal inventory - sample

And 20 of the Instruction on the procedure for the formation, maintenance and storage of personal files of employees, approved by the resolution of the Belkomarchiv dated March 26, 2004 No. 2 (hereinafter referred to as the Instruction), it is established that personal files are stored in the personnel department separately from other files.

To record and ensure the safety of personal files, a journal (book) of personal records is kept, the form of which is established in Appendix 5 to the Instruction. When registering a personal file in a journal (book), the following columns are filled in: personal file number; surname, name, patronymic of the employee; date of registration of the case; deregistration note.

The personal file number is its serial registration number assigned to the personal file when registering, i.e. when registering in a journal (book).

The date of registration of a personal file is the date of registration of a personal file in the journal (book) of registration of personal files. Registration of a personal file must be carried out on the day it includes a copy of the order (instruction, decision, resolution) on hiring (appointment to a position).

The order on hiring Yanushevich Iosif Pavlovich was signed on March 26, 2007. A copy of this order was drawn up and certified in in due course March 28, and was transferred to the personnel department on March 31 and on the same day included in the employee's personal file. Consequently, the personal file of Yanushevich Iosif Pavlovich will be considered formed on March 31, 2007, and on the same day it must be registered in the personal affairs journal (book).

If the organization did not keep a journal (book) for recording personal affairs, then after the establishment of the corresponding journal (book), all personal files of employees available in the personnel department must be registered simultaneously.

In the column "Mark on deregistration" the date of transfer of the personal file from the personnel service to the archive of the organization is indicated, and the signature of the person who issued the corresponding mark is also affixed. This date corresponds to the date from the inventory of the affairs of the structural unit, compiled in the personnel service when transferring documents to the archive of the organization. The date at the end of the inventory is affixed by the employee of the personnel department and the head of the archive of the organization (the person responsible for the archive) after the completion of the procedure for receiving and transferring personal files. Before being transferred to the archive, the personal files of dismissed employees continue to be registered with the personnel service.

An example of the design of a journal (book) for accounting for personal affairs is given in the appendix.

To ensure the prompt search for personal files, in addition to the journal (book), it is also advisable to maintain an auxiliary alphabetical file ( note 1). It is rational to keep an alphabetical file cabinet in the event that personal files are systematized in the personnel service not alphabetically by the names of employees, but in order registration numbers personal files (clause 19 of the Instruction allows for both order of systematization of personal files in office work). Normative legal acts do not define the form of a personal file record card, therefore it is drawn up arbitrarily. The mandatory structure of such a file cabinet has not been established either. At the same time, it seems appropriate to divide the alphabetical card file into two blocks: the personal files of the employed and the personal files of the dismissed. As employees leave, the cards will be moved from the first block to the second. From last block alphabetic cards will be transferred to the archive of the organization simultaneously with personal files, where they will be formed into the reference file of the archive.

In the personnel service, other auxiliary file cabinets can be maintained, formed according to various criteria, for example: a file cabinet on a structural and alphabetic basis ( note 2), separate file cabinets for the personal files of pensioners working in the organization, employees with academic degrees (titles), etc. Auxiliary file cabinets are of great help in quickly finding the necessary information when preparing HR reports and filling out statistical forms.

Note 1. In addition to the special alphabetical card index, the numbers of personal files can also be recorded in the personal registration cards of employees f.T-2.

Note 2. In such a card file, cards for personal affairs are distributed by structural divisions, and within structural divisions - alphabetically by surnames. This allows you to quickly select the personal files of all employees of the required structural unit.

An organization that maintains the personal files of employees, for the convenience of their accounting, starts an appropriate journal. This document is not valid normative act at the level of federal and even regional legislation is not provided, therefore, the employer develops its form on its own and approves it by its order or order.

The journal as such makes it easier to work with the personal data of employees, which are organized into subfolders:

  • all information is systematized;
  • her search takes little time;
  • convenient to use;
  • ensured optimal level protection of personal data from third parties;
  • after all, it looks aesthetically pleasing.

As we have already said, this procedure for storing personal data is mainly used in the civil service, where it is mandatory. Therefore, the approach there is quite serious:

  • documents for dismissed and current employees are stored separately from each other;
  • as a rule, the storage of these documents is a separate room or an isolated room;
  • all papers and folders are placed in metal cabinets, excluding access by third parties;
  • only a select few, specially designated employees, have access to the premises or storage.

This is not all. To get acquainted with the contents of their case, and a civil servant is obliged to get acquainted with its contents at least once a year, a separate place is allocated, as a rule, it is located in a storage facility, but, depending on the footage and the organization’s capabilities, a separate room may also be allocated.

This, as already mentioned, for governments, for all other organizations, the rules and storage procedures are established by the company's management, but with one iron requirement that the law prescribes - the personal data of employees must be protected, and no one is allowed to violate the confidentiality regime.

The register of personal records of workers, a sample of which we have provided below, is used, as a rule, in order to record the fact that a specific person and for a specific purpose have become familiar with personal information from a particular case. In general, they use an acquaintance card for this, which is actually stored, but it is more convenient to use the journal for inspectors: you can immediately see how work is being done at this section of personnel records management in the organization.

Rules for registration and filling

There is no single form for keeping a register of cases. You can independently change the rules of registration and filling. It usually includes columns:

  • personal file number;
  • FULL NAME. employee;
  • date of admission (date of registration of the personal file), date and number of the order for employment;
  • job title;
  • structural subdivision;
  • date of dismissal (date of closing of the personal file), date and number of the termination order employment contract with an employee (dismissal);
  • if necessary, you can use the "Notes" column.

For quick search you can additionally make a magazine in the form of an alphabetical book with a cutting on the right, assigning separate pages to each letter. By the first letter of the employee's last name, it will be easy to find the desired page. A regular A4 checkered notebook with a hard cover will serve as a compass in numerous safes with cases. It is enough to enter your full name in it. employee and case number.

When an employee is hired, a personal file is drawn up for him - a special set of documents containing all necessary information about the employee. All cases are recorded in a special journal or book of records of personal affairs in chronological order of receipt of employees in the organization.

Appointment of the book

The book of accounting for the personal files of employees is necessary to register and ensure the safety of all documents for hired employees. Its purpose is to clearly chronologically enter information about which of the employees and on what date cases were filed. Information may not be provided for all the personnel of the organization, since not all business entities are required to form personal files. This paragraph concerns public institutions for which such obligation is established by law.

Only the personal files of the employees on whom the company draws up these documents will be recorded in the accounting book. However, many organizations decide to file files for all hired employees, as this is very convenient in the conduct of personnel records management. Documents for each employee are in separate numbered folders, stored in accordance with established rules.

The advantages of maintaining personal files and a journal of their registration can be considered:

  1. Organization of high-quality personnel records management at the enterprise;
  2. Simplicity when searching for documents for any of the employees;
  3. Ability to maintain personnel records in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Important: if an enterprise draws up cases for personnel, then a book of their registration must also be kept, according to which you can track the movement of these documents in the organization.

How to arrange a book

The book for registering cases, like any other accounting book, must be designed accordingly. Since economic entities (except for state institutions) are not required to maintain this accounting register, they have the right to use a standard form or develop it on their own. It would be correct to fix this form of the journal in the documentation on personnel records management as an application, for example, to the regulation on personnel records at the enterprise.

The personal affairs book must be numbered without fail, and the first sheet for entries will be numbered from the number "2". The sheets are numbered without any gaps in strict chronological order. In addition, the book must be laced, that is, stitched with strong threads in 2-3 punctures. The ends of the threads are brought out to the back of the book and left 5-6 cm long.

A special sticker is pasted on top of them for the certification signature of an authorized employee and the seal of the organization is affixed. As for the certification signature, as a rule, it is affixed by the head of the organization or the person responsible for maintaining the personal files of employees. Also, the date when the magazine was laced, and the seal, part of which should be on the sticker, and the other - directly on the magazine, are put down.

The main things you need to pay attention to when registering a book for registering personal files:

  1. The title page should contain the name of the organization, the name of the book itself and the date it was started;
  2. It must be laced;
  3. All sheets must be numbered;
  4. It must have a sticker with the signature of an authorized person and the seal of the organization.

As for the internal content of such an accounting book, a non-governmental organization has the right to independently develop the form of its sheets and decide what information the book will contain.

Information to be included in the book

Since such a book contains information about which particular cases of employees were registered at the enterprise, most often it includes the following data:

  1. The number of the personal file in order (it is also indicated on the personal file itself to simplify the search);
  2. Date of establishment of a personal file - all dates must be posted in chronological order;
  3. Data directly related to the employee, including full name, his personnel number, position in the preparation of the case;
  4. The closing date of the personal file, when the employee leaves the organization;
  5. Place of storage of a closed personal file;
  6. Note - any information necessary for the implementation of high-quality accounting of personal files of employees.

All this information is presented in the personal affairs book in a special table with columns, which are also subject to numbering. Each of the rows of the table is numbered in chronological order without gaps, blots or corrections. If, nevertheless, an error was made when making the entries, it must be corrected, and the corrected entry must be certified by the signature of an authorized person and the inscription “Believe corrected” indicating the date the corrective entry was made.

Important: the information contained in the book for accounting, like any other data in personnel office work, should have restricted access.

In other words, the log should be kept away from unauthorized persons who can use the available data.

In addition to the personal affairs register, you can create a kind of card index, which will contain cards with information on personal affairs and documents in them for each employee. The creation of such a directory is not mandatory, but rather advisory in nature to simplify personnel records at the enterprise.

When making labor relations a personal file is started, which is registered in the register. Below is a sample of it. In the article we will answer questions of interest regarding the work with the above document.

Its formation begins from the moment the order for employment is issued and is carried out until dismissal. The management of the enterprise has no obligation to formalize the files of employees. According to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 30, 2006 No. 609, it applies only to state and municipal authorities authorities.

Despite this, many enterprises have been charged with personnel services maintaining this document. Subsequently, this greatly simplifies the work, since all information is systematized, and its search takes a minimum of time.

What is included in the personal file of the employee

This is a folder with documents (copies) sewn into it for an individual employee. Consider the list:

  • job application;
  • with additional agreements;
  • personal sheet on personnel records;
  • a self-written questionnaire or autobiography;
  • a copy of the diploma of education;
  • job description;
  • characteristics, letters of recommendation;
  • photocopies of passports, marriage certificates, birth certificates of children;
  • extracts of personnel orders (transfer to a position, representations);
  • awards, promotions;
  • violations, ;
  • other documents.

How to file an employee's personal file

Complete the title page. Indicate the last name, first name, patronymic, date of commencement of work (it coincides with the day the case was filed) and the assigned number. Make entries in neat handwriting, in blue, black or purple ink. Avoid blots and corrections.

Be sure to make a description of the information in your personal folder. For each document, the following information is displayed:

  • Name;
  • filing date;
  • number of sheets;
  • the inventory is certified by an authorized specialist.
Title page of the employee's personal file sample

When a document is removed from the folder, a mark is placed in the internal inventory. They enclose a substitute certificate, which reflects when, by whom, for what, for how long the paper was taken. The authorized employee and the one who received it are certified with signatures. Withdrawal is possible only with the permission of the head of the enterprise or the head of the personnel department.

Sometimes it is necessary to make corrections to the title page or to the inventory of documents. This happens when a person changes their last name or other data, and also if the clarifying information differs from the data already entered (the patronymic is written incorrectly). In this situation, the personnel officer must certify the corrections made with the seal of the enterprise and his signature.

Don't forget photography. On the reverse side of the picture, the surname, name, patronymic of the depicted employee is written. The information is certified by a personnel specialist and the seal of the employer. Enter the date of the photo.

All folders are stapled and fixed in the registration log.

Keeping personal files of employees

Documents are stored in a fireproof cabinet, which is locked and sealed.

The head of the personnel department and the specialist working with these documents have access to the database of personal folders. He is appointed by order and is instructed. The personnel officer is also obliged to familiarize himself with the signature adopted at the enterprise.

If necessary, the information can be used by the immediate supervisor of the employee. For information, the interested person contacts the head of the personnel department or the enterprise. An order is issued for familiarization with the documents. Only the information that meets the requested request is provided. Before receiving the information of interest, the head of the department or other official is familiarized with the Regulations on the personal data of employees approved at the enterprise and certifies this with a signature.

Only the employee has free access to his work. It can be issued to him against signature before the end of the working day. Then the folder is returned to its place.

How many years are personal files of employees kept?

After dismissal or retirement, folders can be transferred to a new place of work (on special request) or sent to the archive.

At the same time, the period of storage of documents in the personnel department is: 10 years for civil servants and three years for everyone else.

When a case is transferred to the archive, it is stapled, numbered and described. Stored for 75 years.

After the expiration of the period, the documents are destroyed. However, the personal data of citizens who held leadership positions, who had government awards and titles, are stored permanently.

Managing the affairs of employees requires additional time and staff resources. But a well-formed database is a good assistant in the work of the enterprise.

Each company from time to time is tested on the type of storage and processing of personal data of each employed employee. If there are any inconsistencies, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the terms of the legislation and prepare as much as possible for all kinds of checks.

Over the past 6 years, the legislature has often paid attention to the protection of personal data in the enterprise. Over the course of this time, the Law on Personal Data was adopted, and additional changes were made to Labor Code RF. It is he who now regulates the protection of personal data of an employee and is introduced in the form of additional regulations. This should guide every person who is related to such information.

Rules for the storage and processing of personal files of employees

When creating a personal file of an employee, you need to take into account some of the nuances:

  • Documents of temporary use in the personal archive should not be. That is, temporary documents should be stored separately from permanent ones;
  • Take care to exclude original documents from the personal file for permanent storage;
  • Each document must be submitted in one single version;
  • One file in the archive should not exceed more than 40 millimeters (4 cm);
  • The main folder should contain both documents and explanatory annexes to them.

Please note that federal law it is forbidden to expose and include in the processing information about the employee. We are talking about religious and political relations, data about private life - without written permission. Personal data can be used in the form of employment or taking into account the promotion of an employee, ensuring the safety and security of the employee's property.

How to file an employee's personal file?

Personal files must be filed uniformly and neatly. This prevents the loss of extremely important documentation.

The personal file of the employee is drawn up in the following way:

  • The main sheet contains all the data of the employee: last name, first name and patronymic, as well as the date when the personal file was opened;
  • If they are stored in the same folder, sort them alphabetically for ease of further work;
  • Keep track of the total amount of pages in one case. The quantity should not exceed 250 units.

The need for a register of personal files of employees

The need for this journal exists for every enterprise. There is no single journal format. But you can create it yourself or buy it in the store. The content may vary depending on the activities of the organization.

The journal contains data on personal files that were once filed in a particular organization. In a similar column, additional personal information is entered, date, surname, name and patronymic of the employee, and so on. Closing the case is accompanied by a log entry in the form of the reason and the date of closure. If optional data is entered into the employee's case form, you can use an additional column called - Note.

Do I need to keep a register of employees leaving on business trips?

Today there is an order, according to which a register of people who went on a business trip is drawn up.

According to the new rules, each manager must keep records of his own employees who are sent on business trips both across the territory Russian Federation as well as to foreign countries. In order for this accounting to be carried out, two forms of registration of employees who have gone on a business trip are required:

  1. Journal of employees who went on a business trip;
  2. Register of employees who arrived from a business trip.

To organize the accounting of travel workers, the head of the company must appoint an authorized person who is responsible for registering departures and arrivals. In addition, the employer must keep a log of departure and arrival for five years from the date of registration.

How long is an employee's personal file kept?

The legislation obliges each head of the company to store data that is created over time. The HR department is responsible for this. In addition, the law on joint-stock companies and the LLC is obliged to keep such documents. These include:

  • orders;
  • Regulations;
  • Documents on personnel and the like.

Today, personal files must be kept in the archive for 75 years. However state authorities plan to cut this period four times, saving budgetary cash. Indeed, for the storage of one case, the costs are about 40 rubles a year.