Modern problems of science and education. The essence of marketing in physical culture and sports activities Marketing technologies in the work of sports organizations

Successful work physical culture and sports organization in the service market is impossible without effective system formation of demand, organization of external and internal logistics, service and sale of services. These elements are in the area marketing activities, which is a complex of the following coordinated processes:


Economic justification;

Service production management;

Promotion of services to consumers;

Management of the processes of pricing and sale of services.

The creation of such a system in a physical culture and sports organization is associated with the need to develop and implement a set of measures related to the integrated marketing system, within which the work of all departments of the organization is aimed at optimizing the interests of the consumer and the manufacturer.

The main objective of such marketing for the service provider is to achieve and maintain customer loyalty to the organization with the maximum commercial benefit for itself. With the help of the integrated marketing management system, the tasks of competitiveness, optimal loading of production units and obtaining maximum profit at the optimum cost of resources.

Practice shows that the starting conditions of a physical culture and sports organization that starts its business activities are usually characterized by the presence of a small set of marketing elements (minimum Advertising activity, studying the prices of competitors, primitive pricing). However, a physical culture and sports organization, if it plans to firmly and permanently establish itself in the market paid services in conditions of fierce competition, must have a reasonable concept of its development in various areas, and above all in the line of marketing.

According to the definition of F. Kotler, the marketing system includes the organization itself and all groups or subsystems interested in its work: consumers of services, employees of the organization, suppliers, advertising agencies, scientists, consultants and all those with whom the organization has established mutually beneficial business relationship. In this context, the marketing system of a company, whatever its size, should be considered as an open socio-economic system that is interconnected with other systems endowed with certain attributes.

Leading subsystem marketing system, of course, is a consumer of the services offered by a sports organization, therefore it is aimed primarily at optimizing the interaction between producers and consumers of services, including planning, pricing, promotion and implementation of high-quality services at a high level.

It is possible to talk about the marketing system of a physical culture and sports organization only when the organization has clearly formulated strategic and tactical targets, an effective mechanism for their implementation, combined with performance monitoring and situation analysis. The introduction of a marketing system means the transition of an organization to a marketing management model, which is characterized by the following:

The emphasis is on a self-fulfilling person;

The organization is seen as a living organism, which consists of people united by common values;

The organization must be characterized by a constant desire for renewal, aimed at adapting to external factors, the main of which is the consumer.

The marketing system can be implemented in various ways, depending on the goals set, the size of the physical culture and sports organization, its position in the service market, financial capabilities and other factors.

The philosophy and concept of management in conventional and marketing-oriented organizations are represented by a number of different aspects. The formation of a marketing approach, according to A. Razumovskaya and V. Yanchenko, is a reaction to rapid changes, constantly changing technologies and the uncertainty of the environment, a balanced combination of human values, organizational change and continuous adaptation to changes in the external environment.

Most often in Russia, the marketing system arises and is introduced into the structure of the organization in stages, along with the development of the organization. The most important point in identifying and developing the directions of this activity is understanding the behavioral model of the consumer of services, which should reflect not only the logic of the process of making a decision to purchase the services of this physical culture and sports organization, but also all the problematic blocks from the point of view of marketing that accompany its movement “from entry to exit.

The difference between the concepts of conventional and marketing-oriented organizations is as follows:

A typical organization focuses on operational issues, marketing oriented organization- on the strategy;

A conventional organization focuses on stability, a marketing-oriented organization - on timely adaptation to changes in external environment and impact on it

A conventional organization has a technological imperative, a marketing-oriented organization has an organizational imperative;

The most important resource of an ordinary organization - a production, marketing-oriented organization - is a human one;

The usual organization is characterized by the maximum fragmentation of work, simple and narrow specialties, for a marketing-oriented organization - the optimal grouping of work, broad, multi-aspect specialties;

An ordinary organization conducts external control (managers, staff of controllers, formal procedures), a marketing-oriented organization - self-control (self-regulating systems, self-discipline);

An ordinary organization has a pyramidal and rigid organizational structure, the development of vertical links (subordination - leadership), a marketing-oriented organization has a flat and flexible organizational structure, the development of horizontal links that provide effective interaction departments and employees;

For an ordinary organization, an autocratic style of management is characteristic, for a marketing-oriented organization - a democratic style based on the interest of all employees in the success of the organization;

An ordinary organization plays a competitive political game, a marketing-oriented organization - cooperation, collegiality;

In a conventional organization, the interest of employees in the success of the organization; in a marketing-oriented organization, lower-level employees are interested in the success of the organization;

An ordinary organization acts only in its own interests or in the interests of its divisions, a marketing-oriented organization acts not only in its own interests, but also in the interests of society;

For an ordinary organization, alienation is characteristic, for a marketing-oriented organization, involvement;

An ordinary organization shows a low risk appetite, a fear of it, a marketing-oriented organization is aimed at innovation and the associated risks.

The basis of the marketing system is formed by subsystems that reflect the relevant areas of marketing activities of almost any organization (company), namely: strategic marketing, external (distant) environment, service market (services, consumers, competition), promotion of services to consumers, production of services, pricing and sale of services, service and tangible factors, internal marketing, marketing information system, development of the organization (company). These subsystems are functionally and informationally interconnected and are aimed at solving the main marketing tasks.

Strategic Marketing solves management problems at the organization level: setting goals, forecasting, planning, coordination, control, as well as developing (adjusting) the corporate philosophy and mission, strategy, policy, procedures and other documents regulating marketing activities.

Marketing of the external (far) environment conducts an analysis of the external environment, forecasting the political situation, the legislative framework, the economy, demography, ecology, social environment, science and technology, mentality, geopolitical situation, general characteristics of the industry.

Service market marketing studies and monitors the market of core services for the organization and related services: segmentation of target niches, service consumers (needs, requests, preferences), core and related services, competitive environment.

Service promotion system to consumers controls the method (means of functional units), using

advertising (media, Internet, directories, etc.), sales promotion (promotions, discounts), corporate partners, direct sales, public relations, and also forms the image and general credibility of the organization through the first persons, PR managers, employees.

Marketing pricing and selling services manages the pricing and sale of services.

Internal marketing conducts training of participants in the main process (providing basic and additional services) in marketing technologies when hiring, manages the quality of the performance of marketing functions by participants in the process of forming long-term relationships with consumers of services, namely: the formation of a system of indicators, regular monitoring of indicators, the identification of deviations and their analysis, formation of control actions, implementation of actions (administrative decisions, training through trainings, individual adjustment), performance control, takes part in the certification of participants in the main process in the "marketing" section, organizing classes before certification, in order to increase employee motivation.

Marketing Information System (MIS) carries out information support making managerial decisions.

Organization development subsystem conducts marketing study (support) of new business projects and business ideas.

All tasks solved within the framework of integrated marketing are related to different types marketing.

External Marketing Complex is aimed at consumers of services and external organizations, i.e. for people who do not work in a specific physical culture and sports organization.

Internal Marketing Complex is the work of training, training and effective motivation of all employees of a sports organization.

Strategic Marketing involves a constant systematic analysis of market needs, which contributes to the development of promising services designed for specific consumer groups. Strategic marketing is carried out by network physical culture and sports firms that have a marketing service.

Interaction Marketing in the field of physical culture and sports services determines the ability of staff to serve the consumer at all stages of interaction with him. Each of the marketing directions is designed to ensure the achievement of the set goals in a complex.

Ivanov Andrey Practice Marketing #1 of 2013

Marketing also plays big role in the formation of the strategy of sports organizations, since before the implementation of the strategy, it is necessary to conduct a thorough analysis of the real market conditions and the competitive situation. For development and implementation effective strategy in the activities of sports organizations, it is necessary to carry out appropriate marketing research market environment, all elements of which must be taken into account.

Strategic Goals commercial sports organizations represent the results of activities for which the consumer ultimately pays money, and if the sports organization is unable to meet consumer demands, it is unlikely to be able to achieve the desired profit. And the significance of production, personnel, financial policy is ultimately determined by the ability of a sports organization to satisfy the customer's request. Thus, the purpose of marketing sports organizations is to meet business needs, allowing it to create added value for sports goods and services and not lose its competitive position.

Sports marketing management includes the analysis, planning, implementation and control of programs designed to build and maintain relationships with consumers of sports goods and services in order to achieve the goals of a sports organization. Sports organizations, in order to achieve their goals, must have the following marketing opportunities: established business processes, collective knowledge, competencies and resources, i.e. must develop a marketing strategy.

Sports organization marketing strategy

Essence and content of marketing strategy

A strategy is a logical concept with a specific purpose that integrates all the functions of a sports organization and directs them in one direction, and also reflects its capabilities and resources.

Strategy formation can be seen as a process of creating future plans and implementing them. There are six key factors that shape the strategy of a sports organization:

  • socio-political regulators and the attitude of society towards a sports organization;
  • industry attractiveness and competitive environment;
  • opportunities and threats to a sports organization;
  • strengths and weaknesses of the sports organization, as well as its competitive advantages;
  • personal ambitions, business philosophy and ethical qualities of managers;
  • the impact of values ​​and culture on the strategy of a sports organization.

The main task of the marketing strategy of sports organizations is to determine the directions for using the available resources in the existing environment to achieve long-term goals related to the survival and growth of the company and measures to implement this strategy. The marketing planning process includes stages from the formulation of the mission of the sports organization to the implementation of the strategy and control over its results. The mission contains the principles and values ​​of the sports organization and its top management. Thus, the mission of the non-profit partnership "Youth Hockey League" is formulated as promotion of youth hockey, its development and bringing it to a qualitatively new level.

The marketing strategy is developed taking into account the influence of the following factors:

  1. Competitive position of a sports organization.
  2. The strategic position of a sports organization.
  3. Stage of market development.

Based on this, the marketing strategy of sports organizations should be consistent with the goals and values ​​of the organization, its external environment, resources, capabilities and structure. The ability of sports organizations to implement the developed strategy is also influenced by a clear statement of tasks, information about the external environment; understanding and correct assessment internal forces and weaknesses; effective implementation of the strategy. At the same time, the strategy is a tool for fulfilling the following main management tasks: it acts as a support in the decision-making process and ensures the coordination of actions in sports organizations; is a source of coordinating and communicative organizational processes; shows the position of the sports organization in the market in perspective.

The marketing strategy describes how a sports organization intends to meet the needs of consumers for sports goods and services. It may also include activities of the sports organization to maintain relationships with other stakeholders (employees, supply chain). A marketing strategy is what an organization does to achieve its goals and objectives, which vary depending on the area of ​​activity. So, for example, the tasks of the Russian Ice Hockey Federation are as follows:

  • organization and holding of international competitions on the territory Russian Federation;
  • improving the system of training athletes highest qualification;
  • provision of measures to prepare for participation in international sports competitions and participation in them of national teams and club teams of the Russian Federation;
  • selection and placement of coaching staff for work in the national teams of Russia;
  • training, retraining and certification of coaches, referees and other hockey specialists;
  • assistance in organizing scientific research in the field of theory and methodology of hockey, the release of methodological literature.

To solve the tasks set in the strategy, planning is required, taking into account internal and external factors affecting the organization. A marketing strategy may consist of one or more marketing programs, each of which includes work with the target market (or markets) and a set of integrated marketing communications. Also, large sports organizations can include several areas of activity in their marketing strategy, each of which has its own target audience and competitors and can be strategically autonomous. For example, the Russian Ice Hockey Federation (FHR), which is an all-Russian public association created to develop and popularize hockey in the Russian Federation, enhance its role in the comprehensive and harmonious development of the individual, promote health, promote a healthy lifestyle for the population, in order to provide organizational and methodological support issues of interaction between the regional branches of the Federation, organizing and holding competitions at the interregional level, as well as to address other issues of the functioning of hockey in the regions, created Interregional Coordinating Councils in the following regions of the country: Center, Volga region, North-West, Ural-Western Siberia, Siberia-Far East. Such coordinating councils function taking into account the characteristics of a particular region of the country, which are taken into account when developing strategic directions for development.

Such sports organizations can achieve their goals using various strategies for each line of business, subsidiary, division, product line or other stand-alone entity operating under a parent company.

For example, the strategy of the Adidas-Salomon group is focused on five areas aimed at maximizing customer satisfaction and increasing the profitability of goods (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Adidas Consumer Satisfaction Model

The strategy of each direction determines its goals and objectives for long term, including competitive advantage, allocation of resources and coordination of functional areas of activity (marketing, financing, production, personnel policy). However, in this case, to maintain the organization as a whole, it is necessary to create a single information center.

Stages of developing and implementing a marketing strategy

To develop and implement a marketing strategy for sports organizations, it is advisable to regularly conduct a marketing audit, SWOT analysis, on the basis of which the marketing goal is further developed.

Rice. 2. Growth Strategies for Sporting Goods and Services: Ansoff Matrix

Growth strategies for sporting goods and services fall into four categories.

  1. Market penetration means that a sports organization is trying to increase its influence in an already existing market with already existing sports products and services. Existing customers can become more brand loyal, new customers can become repeat customers.
  2. The development of sporting goods and services involves increasing sales by improving the quality of existing sporting goods and services or by creating new ones for an existing market.
  3. Market development occurs when existing sports products and services are sold in new markets. This may be due to the start of sales in the international market or entry into new market segments.
  4. Diversification means producing new types of goods and services for new markets. This is a risky strategy, but it may be necessary when the sports organization's products and services and its markets have no future prospects. If old and new goods and services mutually reinforce each other (synergy effect), the possibilities for effective implementation of the strategy increase.

In addition to the overall strategy of the sporting goods and services and the market, it is necessary to develop strategic objectives for each type of sporting goods or service. For sporting goods and services, there are four alternatives: "build, maintain, harvest, and withdraw from the market." For new sports products and services, the goal is to win market share. As for existing goods and services, the strategic objectives depend on the specific situation. Once goals are formulated, ways to achieve them must be worked out.

The strategy, in addition to ways to achieve the goals, should consist of three main elements: target markets, competitors' goals, and establishing a competitive advantage. The choice of target markets depends on the results of the SWOT analysis; information about the goals of competitors is revealed during the analysis of the external environment, profits and incoming barriers.

Competitive advantages of a sports organization

Competitive advantage is defined as earning higher profits than the industry average. High financial indicators are the result of the promise and attractiveness of the very industry in which the sports organization operates, and the place it occupies, depending on the values ​​​​offered to the consumer and the costs that it incurs in creating them.

Strategies for Achieving Competitive Advantage

There are three strategies for achieving the competitive advantage of a sports organization: price leadership, differentiation and focusing. For the effective functioning of a sports organization, it is necessary to determine a strategy based on its position in the market.

The price leadership strategy implies that all the efforts of a sports organization are aimed at reducing their own costs, and hence the price of sports goods and services for the end consumer, for which it is necessary to look for sources of savings.

The differentiation strategy implies that the sports organization uses the uniqueness of its product, those qualities that many buyers value much more than the price advantage. This strategy is implemented through marketing, branding, advertising and PR tools to give the sports organization and its offerings a strong identity. As a rule, such a strategy is chosen by sports organizations that occupy a leading position in the market, since their profits must cover the costs of differentiation.

The focus strategy implies that a sports organization concentrates all its efforts on serving one or several fairly narrow market segments. Such a strategy requires the organization to focus on identifying, anticipating and meeting the needs of a selected group of customers, as well as track their satisfaction rate throughout the entire period of cooperation. Thus, the focusing strategy is based on the knowledge and acceptance by the consumer of the level of quality of the sports goods or services offered by the organization, and the latter's confidence in long-term relationships.

Sources of Competitive Advantage

There are two types of competitive advantage: cost advantage and differentiation advantage.

A cost advantage can be achieved through a low-cost distribution system, a highly efficient manufacturing process, or the use of highly qualified sales personnel. Sports organizations that have chosen a strategy to gain an advantage through low prices, seek to fill the market for sports goods and services, which, as a rule, are cheaper than comparable goods and services. The goal of such companies is to increase market share and, consequently, profits.

Differentiation advantage comes from a variety of factors, such as the use of high-quality raw materials, high quality of sports goods and services, well-established order fulfillment system. Sports organizations offer the buyer unique sports products and services that competitors do not have. Buyers pay a higher price for this, thus expressing their satisfaction and loyalty.

Thus, the competitive advantage is determined by both external environment factors and internal factors, which emphasize the use of tangible and intangible resources that a sports organization has, which implies that a sports organization has different opportunities to create a competitive advantage.

These two approaches give managers the opportunity to choose, form and develop the competitive advantage of a sports organization.

Based on the foregoing, it can be concluded that the use of marketing tools in sports organizations is a necessary condition for increasing their competitiveness. The marketing strategy covers a wide range of activities to solve organizational problems and is associated with the need to conduct a SWOT analysis in order to identify and take into account strengths and weaknesses organization, as well as the opportunities and threats of the external and internal environment. Many factors have an impact on the level of strategic changes carried out by sports organizations, the key of which is the availability of resources (human, financial, technological). Today, national and international sports organizations (governing bodies, clubs, federations, companies) recognize the expediency of using marketing tools in the interests of their development and achieving competitive advantages in the market of sports goods and services.

Marketing, as a production management system and the sale of goods, in the field of physical culture and sports (PKiS) is just beginning to enter the market.

To avoid difficulties with implementation, it is necessary to know the principles, functions and structure of sports marketing.

Sports Marketing Principles:

A. Knowledge of market opportunities in general and in a given economic region.

B. Deep study of the consumer (age, intellectual level, income).

B. Production according to demand.

Sports Marketing Functions:

1. Market depth research.

2. Planning the range of goods and services.

3. Organization of distribution of goods and services.

4. Stimulating the sale of goods and services.

In the structure of marketing of physical culture and sports, the following areas can be distinguished:

1. Manufacture and sale of simulators and equipment.

2. Marketing of consumer goods (clothing, footwear).

3. Marketing of services (massage, exercise therapy, tourism, hotels, excursion services, etc.).

4. Marketing in the field of elite sports (the application of the work of Russian coaches and active athletes in Russia and abroad), it can be designated as export marketing.

Marketing in the field of FKiS is an integral part general marketing. Orientation to the market production of goods and services in the field of physical culture and sports and sports implies a higher degree of organization, technical equipment, and professional training.

Marketing cannot be created overnight, it is formed gradually. For the FKiS sphere, it begins not so much with market research, but with the formation of the structure of services, advertising, and pricing policy.

Marketing programs have different purposes. This may be a program that determines the activities of an individual producer of goods and services of FKiS in the market. For example, the Volgograd Tennis School sets itself goals of various levels: to build courts, to teach children and adults how to play, to offer related services, etc.

Another type of marketing activity is a systematic analysis, control, planning, accounting for changes in the market where similar goods and services are sold. Without this, the successful activity of the sphere of physical culture and sports is impossible.

Marketing in the field of physical culture and sports is just beginning to take shape, and, unfortunately, there are practically no scientific approaches yet. Therefore, the rich experience of highly developed countries should be used.

The main goal of FKiS is to create its own segment of the market, at least within the country, and the main questions are how to provide the market with goods and services and guarantee a high income.

This goal can be achieved by:

increasing the volume of goods and services offered (if there is demand in the market); development of additional market share; improving the quality of offered goods and services.

Long-term marketing takes into account the following circumstances (Fig. 4):

1. Each market segment has its own specifics.

2. The sphere of physical culture and sports can focus on several market segments.

3. Individual enterprises, organizations, private manufacturers can

work in alliance with each other.

4. Before entering the market, it is necessary to have comprehensive information about the economic situation.

Fig.4. Marketing Management Process

In an industrial society, more and more significant place sports and recreation. Millions of people are involved in this area, it is served by scientific, industrial, commercial and other structures. Enormous funds are invested in the emerging industry, and it, in turn, creates significant capital. For example, the final of the European Football Champions Cup between the Red Star Olimpic teams attracted such great interest from almost 100,000 fans that the marketing profit was expressed in the amount of about 30 million dollars.

In the field of mass (recreative) sports, such types as shaping, aerobics and other health systems have become widespread. They collect a huge number of active participants by providing health services to the population, huge amounts of money are earned, the turnover is estimated at hundreds of millions of dollars.

Maintenance and management of the emerging industry constantly requires a careful study of the interests and needs of those involved in physical culture and sports. For their most complete and optimal satisfaction, serious research is needed on the production and consumption of goods, services, the introduction of new technologies, etc. This is only within the power of marketing, which ensures constant adaptation and innovative entrepreneurship both in the market as a whole and in its industry sector.

Marketing in sports and recreation is aimed at exploring the possibilities for the successful implementation of activity programs (training, recreation lessons, games, competitions, excursions, health promotions, etc.), while ensuring maximum profit.

In the marketing process, research is carried out on:

a) sports clubs, societies, groups of people united by common interests;

b) activity programs that satisfy these interests, and the values ​​that are achieved as a result of the implementation of these programs;

c) places, conditions and atmosphere for the implementation of programs;

d) issues of popularization of activity programs from the position of participants, organizers, sponsors and patrons;

e) the interests of the audience. Attention is also drawn to related attributes (designations of belonging): signs, colors, flags, emblems, names, songs (hymns), "uniforms" (T-shirts, scarves, caps, and so on), as well as images reflecting specific activity programs.

Marketing in sports and recreation is a chance, a challenge and the creation of conditions for the implementation of real programs for everyday work in the field of physical culture and sports. More and more convincing is the fact that there is no sport and recreation without marketing, and sport and recreation are unique Marketing communications. Therefore, during the period of transition to the market and directly in its conditions, an ever wider use of marketing is necessary, which can become a guarantor of the effectiveness of sports.

Questions for independent work

1. What is called marketing? Why do businesses and organizations resort to marketing?

2. Why is it important to study needs and motives in marketing?

3. How does a sports organization study markets?

4. What is the market in general and the sports market in particular?

5. What kind of economy is called a market economy?

6. Economic goals and functions of the market?

7. Are there objective laws in a market economy?

8. How to research the market situation?

9. How to evaluate the strategy of the main competitors?

10. What is the price?

11. Briefly analyze the interaction of market demand, as well as supply and price.

12. What tasks does the planning of work on physical culture and sports solve?

13. What is a targeted integrated program?

14. How are staffing requirements calculated?

Subject: « Marketing Features
physical culture and health services

in the subject "Marketing in sports"





Introduction ................................................ ................................................. ....... 3

Management of marketing activities in a sports and recreation organization .............................................................. ................................................. ........ 5

Pricing of sports and recreation services
How component effective marketing............................................................... 9

Conclusion................................................. ................................................. eleven

Literature................................................. ................................................. 12


Formation in the countries of the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe economic systems market type requires radical changes in approaches to the organization of management of sports and recreation organizations. In this regard, the actual task is to master the methods of sports marketing.

IN modern science a system of knowledge about sports marketing has developed (Mullin B., Hardy S., Sutton W., Klisinski J., Guskov S., Skully D., etc.). However, its use by specialists from post-socialist countries is very difficult, since it is based on the laws of marketing in a stable market environment. Given this, it is necessary to identify the objective prerequisites for the formation of sports marketing, to analyze the factors that determine the specifics of the marketing activities of sports and recreation organizations in transitional societies.

Sports marketing research in Ukraine faces a number of challenges: lack of official statistics characterizing the activities of sports and recreation organizations; the difficulty of obtaining information directly from the leaders of sports and recreation organizations and managers commercial structures- their sponsors. Do not allow for effective marketing and insufficiently high demand for physical culture and sports services; lack of interest of business and media representatives in establishing strong business ties with sports and recreation organizations; the lack of effective legislative incentives to support these organizations from the side of business, the lack of specialists in the field of sports marketing.

Sports and health organizations pay insufficient attention to working with direct consumers of services - people involved in health-improving physical culture, amateur athletes, spectators. At present, the scope of sports marketing is quite strictly limited by narrow limits and is reduced mainly to the work of finding sponsors.

In order to create the necessary prerequisites for the development of sports marketing, a number of tasks should be solved, the main ones being:

concentration of attention of sports and recreation organizations on providing high quality services, intensifying work with direct consumers of services;

ensuring the priority of sports values ​​in relation to possible commercial benefits;

Creation legislative framework stimulating business partnership between sports and recreation organizations and business representatives, as well as funds mass media;

formation of a balanced, critical attitude towards sports marketing of the heads of sports and recreation organizations;

creation of a system for training specialists in the field of sports marketing.

Marketing activity management
in a sports and recreation organization

Marketing management includes a number of stages: analysis of the capabilities of a sports organization, formulation of its mission, setting goals for marketing activities, developing a model of market behavior, developing a marketing strategy, developing an action program and budget, implementing activities, monitoring their results and correcting previous actions and strategies.

Analysis of the organization's capabilities in the market involves the study and assessment of the external and internal environment of the organization, namely:

analysis of the image and style of life of the population, the study of its needs in physical education and sports, the identification of real and potential customers;

the choice of market segments on which the organization should focus its main efforts;

assessment of financial, logistical, personnel and other capabilities of the organization;

study of the competitive environment, comparison of their capabilities and resources of their own organization with similar characteristics of competitors, analysis of opportunities for cooperation with competitors;

studying the possibilities of attracting additional finance from state, local budgets, extra-budgetary funds and non-state sources of financing, through soft loans, preferential taxation, etc.

Based on the analysis of opportunities, the organization chooses the type of market behavior.

After studying the external and internal environment of a sports organization, assessing the market situation and its prospects, the stage of formulating the mission and marketing goals of the organization begins.

The mission defines the main purpose of the organization in the broadest sense. It should reflect the position of a sports and recreation organization in relation to the external environment (sports movement, customers, competitors, society, the state, etc.), formulate the tasks of its activities, demonstrate the level of culture and working atmosphere of the organization. Obviously, the ultimate goal of marketing as a physical culture organization should be recognized as the desire for the most complete satisfaction of human needs in physical improvement, physical education and sports.

The mission of the organization is specified in a detailed list of goals and objectives, which can be conditionally divided into seven groups according to the main strategic areas of marketing activities:

1) the goals of the volume of services - an increase (or preservation) of the share of the organization's services, as well as the goals of sales (receiving orders), implemented by searching for new market segments;

2) the goals of increasing the competitiveness of basic and related services;

3) the goals of communications - achieving the necessary fame of the organization through advertising and the formation (improvement) of the image;

4) sales purposes - organization and improvement of distribution of services;

5) achievement (increase) of profitability of sports and health and sports services;

6) personnel development of the organization;

7) the objectives of the pricing policy.

The implementation of the target function involves the choice of a model of the organization's market behavior. The larger the organization and the better equipped it is, the higher the level of its claims. Such organizations are pursuing a policy of ousting competitors, increasing the profitability and competitiveness of their services, and expanding the coverage of potential customers with advertising.

Examples of market behavior models implemented
various sports and health organizations

More modest sports and recreation organizations are pursuing a defensive strategy. They follow the leaders in terms of basic health and sports services and marketing directions, they strive only to maintain the existing market share, achieve profitability, showing the greatest activity in improving services. The development of an offer of additional services, extensive advertising and marketing training of personnel is beyond their strength.

And, finally, the strategy of the weakest organizations can be described as the desire to survive. They strive to maintain their position and take active steps only to attract new customers and improve the offer of physical education and sports services.

The next element of marketing activity management is the formation of a marketing strategy by:

1) establishing a range of problems that need to be addressed;

2) determining specific ways to resolve them;

3) making a decision on the selection criteria for options that are most appropriate for a particular organization and its clients.

An important criterion for selecting acceptable options is their compliance with the needs of real and potential customers. Of course, many of the wishes of customers may turn out to be contradictory, unacceptable or impracticable, but for the most part they are based on past and present experience in the consumption of sports and health services, including those of competing organizations. And if a sports organization wants to optimize marketing strategy and at the same time better understand your customers, win their sympathy, get the preference of consumers in comparison with competitors, then taking into account the opinions of real and potential customers is very promising.

About 100 thousand various physical culture and sports organizations conduct their activities in physical culture and sports in Russia. Their managers and staff constantly have to deal with a wide variety of issues, from cleaning and filling ice rinks to organizing and holding large-scale sports and entertainment events, such as world championships and the Olympic Games. That is, in professional terms, the leaders of sports organizations are engaged in management.

Sports management is the theory and practice of effective management of physical culture and sports organizations in modern market conditions. It is one of the types of branch special management. With this approach, the organization is key concept sports management. From the standpoint of management, physical culture and sports are a set of special means and methods for the directed development of people's physical capacity.

The object of sports management as an independent science is a set of physical culture and sports organizations, the product of which is physical culture and sports services.

The subject of sports management is managerial relations that develop in the process of interaction between the subject and the object of management within organizations of physical culture and sports orientation and the interaction of these organizations with the external environment in the process of production and distribution of physical culture and sports services.

Sports management is closely related to the main factors of rents. market economy- forms of ownership, a system of free pricing, competition, the right of free choice for both a sports entrepreneur and consumers of services, the dependence of an entrepreneur's income on the results of his work and the situation on the market of physical culture and sports services, etc. Inclusion of physical culture and sports in the system of market relations determine the corresponding features of the management of this branch of the service sector.

Market economy tools contribute to the development of business in the field of physical culture and sports, the growth in the number of owners of physical culture and sports organizations, the expansion of the range, volume and improvement of the quality of physical culture and sports services provided. The main types of physical culture and sports services are:

  • -organized forms of physical exercises and sports in the form of lessons, sports and health clubs, sports teams and clubs, etc.;
  • - sports spectacles;

development of methods, methodological complexes of physical culture and health-improving classes, programs of physical education and training systems for athletes.

It should be noted the features of the functioning of physical culture and sports in market conditions. There are several of them, the main ones are:

  • - transformation of physical culture and sports into the service sector as a specific set of social and pedagogical forms of activity carried out for the purpose of physical education of the population;
  • - decentralization of management of the branch of physical culture and sports;

the increased variety of organizational and legal forms of physical culture and sports organizations;

Legal consolidation of the official status of professional sports and its development in Russia;

the ever-increasing economic importance of physical culture and sports, developing mainly on the basis of commercial cost accounting;

The emergence of competition between physical culture and sports organizations and free pricing for physical culture and sports services.

A physical culture and sports organization, as a rule, has not one, but several goals. One of them, for example, can be associated with mass physical culture and health work, and the other - with the sport of the highest achievements.

The ultimate goal of the management of a commercial physical culture and sports organization is to ensure the profitability or profitability of its work by rational organization labor.

Functions in sports management are relatively independent, isolated in the process of division of labor, specialized types management activities that express directions or stages of purposeful influence of the subject of management on the managed object. They are the main factor in the theory and practice of sports management, as they reveal its essence and the content of industry management activities. There are general and specific or sectoral management functions.

General functions of management. The emergence of sports management functions is an objective process. The management of physical culture and sports can be considered as a process of sequentially changing, logically following one after another actions, which are of a cyclic nature. Such actions of the subject of management, corresponding to successively changing stages of the management cycle, are called common functions management. They include: planning, organization, motivation, control and coordination

General functions, revealing the technology of social management, are universal, as they characterize any management process, regardless of its industry specifics and the size of the managed organization.

Let us briefly consider the content of these management functions.

Planning is a stage of management activity, the content of which is to determine the goals of the organization's activities for the coming period and the resources necessary for this (material, financial, labor, information). Planning from the point of view of technology is a system of technical and economic calculations presented in the form of tables, graphs and models that determine the ways to achieve the goal. The result of planning is a plan. The plan includes: the goals and objectives of the organization for the coming period, activities, a set of necessary resources with their distribution according to goals and objectives, responsible executors and deadlines for the implementation of planned activities.

Distinguish between strategic and operational planning. basis strategic planning is the preparation of forecasts showing possible directions for the development of the object.

In the long-term and current plans of a physical culture and sports organization, markets are determined potential consumers of their services, establish specific goals, objectives and targets for the provision of physical culture and sports services and the achievement of results, determine the necessary labor, financial, material resources and others. Planning as a function of sports management also includes the development of targeted integrated programs, business plans, calendar plans for competitions and sports events, organizational work plans, etc.

Organization is the next function of management. Its task is to form the structure of the organization, as well as to provide it with everything necessary for normal operation - personnel, premises, in cash, materials, equipment, etc.

Motivation - the stage of management, which provides for the creation of incentives and sanctions, material and moral interest in order to activate the personnel of a sports organization to effective work. In sports management, motivation includes, in our opinion, also activities aimed at activating the interest of the population in various sports and physical exercises, in the consumption of physical culture and sports services.

Control and accounting is a management stage, the task of which is to assess the quality of implementation of decisions made, quantification the results of the work of the physical culture and sports organization, as well as the operational accounting of the work carried out in the organization.

Coordination is a stage of the management process that ensures its continuity and uninterrupted operation. the main task coordination - achieving consistency in the work of all parts of the organization by establishing rational links between them, as well as with the public.

Specific functions of sports management.

The functions allocated according to the content of the controlled impact on the controlled object are usually called specific (specific or sectoral) management functions. Specific (sectoral) functions of sports management reveal the content of management in the field of physical culture and sports as a special socio-pedagogical system.

As an example, it is proposed to consider the system of specific functions of Moskomsport.

The regulation on the Committee of Physical Culture and Sports of the Government of Moscow states that Moskomsport, in accordance with the tasks assigned to it, performs the following functions:

  • - develops city programs in the field of physical culture and sports;
  • - develops draft laws and other normative legal acts of the city of Moscow regulating relations in the field of physical culture and sports, submits them and other proposals on issues related to the jurisdiction of the Moscow Sports Committee, for consideration of the relevant government agencies and officials, prepares opinions on draft regulations of other bodies executive power cities in the field of physical culture and sports;
  • - takes part in the development of a draft law of the city of Moscow from the budget of the city of Moscow, exercises control over the use of budgetary funds administered by the Moscow Sports Committee by budgetary institutions;
  • -carries out the functions of the manager of budgetary funds of the city of Moscow, established by the budgetary legislation and departmental classification of expenditures of the budget of the city of Moscow;
  • -performs the functions of a customer for the development and implementation of city programs in the field of physical culture and sports;
  • - approves calendar plan city ​​mass sports events, reviews, competitions, conducts city competitions, training camps, develops and approves regulations on holding city mass sports and sports events;
  • - takes part in in due course in the creation, reorganization and liquidation of state (municipal) unitary enterprises, institution, organization with the participation of the city of Moscow, exercises control over the financial and economic activity enterprises, institutions under the jurisdiction of Moskomsport;
  • -organizes legal support and provides methodological guidance on issues within the competence of Moskomsport;
  • - carries out, within its competence, control over compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow in the field of physical culture and sports;
  • -participates in the development of mobilization measures in the manner prescribed by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow;
  • -provides the development and implementation of measures for the training and advanced training of workers for the urban economy in the field of physical culture and sports;
  • - interacts with the media on issues within the jurisdiction of Moskomsport, informs residents of the city of Moscow about the most important areas of activity of Moskomsport;
  • - cooperates with federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments, commercial, non-profit organizations, citizens on the activities of Moskomsport;
  • -carries out international cooperation in the field of physical culture and sports;
  • - performs other functions in accordance with the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow.

General and specific functions of sports management function in a complex unity, forming an organizational and technological process. The system of management functions in a sports organization is a complex of types of management activities interconnected in time and space, carried out by the personnel of a sports organization.

The classification of the component composition of physical culture and sports makes it possible to single out for a sports club industrial enterprise an approximate set of the most significant specific functions of sports management, presented in table 2.

The process of interaction between general and specific functions of sports management on the example of a sports club can be represented as a matrix.

Table 2. Interaction of general and specific management functions in a sports organization




Control and accounting


Organization of mass physical culture and health-improving work among workers

Organization of industrial physical culture

4. Training of qualified athletes and sports reserve

5. Holding sports events

6. Selection, effective use of personnel.

7. Financial management In the organisation

8. Effective use sports facilities

To understand the process of interaction between the functions of sports management, it is necessary to note their close relationship with the organizational structure of the organization. The functional system is the basis for creating a physical culture and sports organization. The sports organization as a whole is the bearer of the general functions of sports management. The bearer of specific industry functions are individual structural units(departments, departments, etc.) of a sports organization.

It is important to note that the costs of performing general management functions are equal to the costs of performing sectoral, specific, functions.

Performing management functions - planning, organizing, motivating, coordinating and controlling - managers of a sports organization have to make a large number of decisions. The management decision-making process is cyclic in nature: it begins with the detection of a discrepancy between the parameters of the managed object and the set goals or planned targets, i.e. detection of a problem, followed by the adoption of a decision aimed at eliminating the identified problem, and, finally, the organization of the implementation decision.

Thus, the management process is a set of cyclic actions aimed at identifying the problem, finding its optimal solution and organizing the effective implementation of the decision taken, the result of which is the elimination of the problem.

The management problem lies in the discrepancy between the parameters of the actual state of the managed object and the planned or specified parameters. source problem situation An organization may have:

  • - deviations from the given states observed at a certain point in time or predicted for the future;
  • - changing goals or targets;
  • - impact on the object of external or internal factors.

To identify the problem and the factors that caused it, you need to have the appropriate information. Management information in sports management is a set of messages transmitted through communication channels that objectively reflect the development of a sports organization and are intended for management.

A set of factors and conditions that cause a certain problem to appear in a company is called a managerial situation in management. Consideration of the problem, taking into account the impact of internal and external factors on it, helps to identify and eliminate the problem situation that has arisen. The work done allows you to start looking for a solution to the problem.

Managers and staff of sports organizations in the management process have to make a large number of decisions, the quality of which determines the effectiveness of sports organizations. The managerial decisions made concern various aspects of the activities of physical culture and sports organizations, and coaches, teachers and other specialists are actively involved in their preparation.

The effectiveness of any physical culture and sports organization depends on the correctness and timeliness of decision-making. Therefore, it is important that every specialist in physical culture and sports has mastered theoretical knowledge and skills in developing managerial decisions.

A management decision in sports management is a creative act of a management subject (individual or group), which determines the activity program of a sports organization for the effective resolution of an urgent problem.

In order for management to be real and not be orders that cannot be fulfilled, decisions should be made on the basis of knowledge of the objective laws of the functioning of physical culture and sports in modern market conditions, subject to a certain technology.

In terms of form, management decisions on physical culture and sports are made in various forms. Therefore, we will clarify the meaning of the names and the content of the most frequently made management decisions in physical culture and sports.

An order is a legal act issued solely by the head of a physical culture and sports organization or his deputy, acting on the basis of unity of command in order to resolve the main and operational tasks.

An order is a legal act issued by the head of an organization, mainly a collegial governing body, in order to resolve operational issues. As a rule, it has a limited duration and concerns a narrow circle of officials.

Decree - normative act adopted collectively by the board of the sports club, the board of the sports committee, the presidium of the sports federation or the council of the SFSO. The resolution is a targeted solution to an urgent problem, indicating the goal, ways and resources, setting deadlines, executors and organizing control over implementation.

A plan is a set of tasks united common goal that must be completed in a certain order, sequence and in deadlines. The plan is the result of planning, the main tool for coordinating the efforts of the organization's personnel to achieve the goals.

The target program is a normative address document containing an exhaustive set of interrelated tasks, the implementation of which ensures the effective achievement of the goals set by the organization in a timely manner. The targeted comprehensive program includes activities of a program-methodical, organizational and socio-economic nature,

A business plan is a document that provides a comprehensive description of the main aspects of the planned future of a sports organization, analyzes the problems that arise in achieving the goal and determines the financial resources necessary to solve them. A business plan is a typical example of a company's strategic planning.

In recent years, management decisions in the form of various contracts, agreements, etc. have become widespread in the sports field.

In order to understand the diverse set of management decisions, they are usually classified.

Classification of solutions. Management decisions on physical culture and sports can be grouped according to several criteria.

  • 1. The decision is made by some subject (body) of management, a collegial body or an individual leader. According to the subjects and hierarchical levels of management that determine the scale of the action of management decisions, they are divided into decisions: state bodies of general competence; decisions of the State Sports Committee of the Russian Federation and sports committees as state bodies of special competence; decisions of departmental and local government bodies; and, finally, public decisions; associations and commercial organizations physical culture and sports orientation.
  • 2. By objects of management: for whom this solution is intended - sports committee, sports federation, sports club, sports facility, sports school, etc.
  • 3. According to the form of existence, decisions may be oral or written. The latter, in turn, are divided into resolutions, orders, orders, instructive and methodological documents, laws, presidential decrees, state educational standards, programs, plans, regulations, contracts, etc.
  • 4. According to the organization of the adoption of managerial decisions, they are divided into individual, collegial and collective.
  • 5. In terms of social significance, some decisions are initial, determining, for example, the “Law on Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation”, others are derivatives.
  • 6. According to the duration of the decision, it can be divided into operational and promising, strategic ones. Operational decisions are more common in the work of leaders of grassroots organizations. Strategic decisions are made mainly by the federal government.
  • 7. Divide decisions by the volume and direction of the content.

Some management decisions contain a general concept for the development of physical culture and sports in the country as a whole, others are more specific and relate to one or more organizations of physical culture and sports.

Management decisions must be made within the framework of the authority, rights and obligations of the sports leader that the subject of management has. Different kinds management decisions are also determined by different ways of their development and adoption, the sources and content of the information used, as well as the features of the implementation of the decisions made.

Typical structure of management decision. With all the variety of management decisions on physical culture and sports, there are some common features in the form of their construction, i.e. it is legitimate to talk about their typical structure.

Decisions on physical culture and sports most often structurally consist of four parts:

  • 1) the name of the decision and the name of the body that adopted it;
  • 2) content;
  • 3) signatures of the head;
  • 4) applications to the solution.

The operative part contains an enumeration of the prescribed actions, ways, methods and resources required for this. Responsible executors of measures, deadlines and persons providing control are indicated.

The text of the operative part must have an imperative form of presentation. The operative part is divided into paragraphs, each paragraph is numbered Arabic numerals. The paragraph must begin with an indication of the executive action expressed by the verb in an indefinite form. Both physical culture organizations as a whole and their structural subdivisions can be indicated as performers. In the last paragraph of the operative part, the persons who are entrusted with control over the execution of decisions are indicated.

Orders, resolutions and other adopted management decisions are signed by the head of the sports organization or his deputy.

Applications to the solution usually include an action plan, instructive and methodological materials, tables of social and pedagogical standards, etc.

Requirements for management decisions. For management decisions to be effective, they must meet a number of requirements:

  • - be comprehensively justified and timely, set realistic goals and deadlines;
  • - be based on complete and reliable information;
  • - do not contradict previously adopted documents, be consistent with them;
  • - be characterized by completeness of content, coverage of all issues of the problem;
  • - cover the object and subject of management, as well as the interaction between them;
  • - do not contradict current legislation rather rely on it;
  • - be within the limits of the competence, rights and powers established for the governing body.

Technology for developing a management decision on physical culture and sports

The technological process of preparing and making a managerial decision can be represented as certain logically sequential stages and steps.

Scheme for the development and implementation of simplistic solutions

  • 1. Identification of a problem situation to be solved and goal setting.
  • 2. Collection, processing and analysis of information necessary for a comprehensive justification of the decision.
  • 3. Development of alternative solutions and selection of the most effective, optimal option.
  • 4. Organization of the implementation of the decision.
  • 5. Monitoring the progress of the decision.

Methods of preparation and justification of decisions. Management decisions are made in various circumstances: under conditions of certainty, under conditions of risk, under conditions of uncertainty. Therefore, an important task in the process of making effective decisions is the optimal choice of methods for their development and justification.

Decisions are usually made using commission methods, brainstorming(brainstorming) and expert assessments.

In management practice, a distinction is made between individual (personal) and group (collegiate) methods of developing solutions. With the sole method, the leader himself prepares and makes a decision, relying on his knowledge and experience and on the knowledge and experience of his subordinates, takes full responsibility. With the collegial method, the decision is prepared collectively (commission, collegium, council). Decision-making is always carried out personally by the leader, who is directly responsible for this. Timely and accurate implementation of the decisions taken by the leader depends on his authority.

When developing solutions, a system analysis is used, which constitutes a method for streamlining the problem - clarifying the goals of physical culture as a social system, building a tree of goals, alternatives for achieving them, interconnections of system elements in the process of achieving goals, a list of measures to be taken.

The main form of implementation of management decisions is organizational and administrative activity, which is carried out using a complex of various management methods.

In the process of implementing the decision, an assessment of the effectiveness of its implementation is carried out. On the basis of this, the head of the sports organization makes a conclusion about the advisability of correcting the decision or removing it from control, i.e. transition to the preparation of the next decision or a new cycle of managerial work.

Summarizing the above, it can be noted that managerial decision serves as a troubleshooting tool in a sports organization.

Marketing in a sports organization. Marketing, being an integral component effective management physical culture and sports organizations operating in a market economy, itself is the object of management. Russian and foreign practice shows that the effectiveness of market activity management increases when strategic and opportunistic types of management are combined with a predominance of the strategic type. Based on this, the process of managing marketing activities includes the following elements: analysis of the market opportunities of a sports organization, formulation of the mission of the organization, setting goals for marketing activities, developing a model of the organization's market behavior, developing a marketing strategy (including the formation and selection of optimal strategy options), developing a program and action budget, implementation of marketing activities, monitoring of results, correction of previous actions and marketing strategies.

As the results of the analysis and generalization of literary primary sources, as well as the first practical steps of domestic physical culture and sports organizations in marketing management, show, the analysis of market opportunities involves the study and assessment of the external and internal environment of the organization, namely:

  • - analysis of the way and style of life of the population, study of the needs and requirements of various categories and groups of the population in physical exercises and sports, identification of real and potential clients of a sports organization;
  • - segmentation of the market represented by real and potential clients of the sports organization, the choice of market segments that the organization can serve best and on which it will focus its main efforts;
  • - analysis of the internal environment of a sports organization: assessment of financial, logistical, personnel and other capabilities, professional readiness of the organization's staff to work with target groups clients;
  • - study of the competitive environment: analysis of the position, potential and development prospects of the closest competitors - physical culture and sports organizations and facilities in terms of their financial, logistical, technological, personnel and other capabilities, range and quality of the physical culture and sports, additional and related services, characteristics of served clients; comparison (positioning) of the capabilities and resources of your own organization, the parameters of its services with similar characteristics of organizations and services of competitors, primarily in the market segments of interest; analysis of opportunities for cooperation with competitors in order to fulfill their (placement of their own) orders, combine advertising efforts, improve the level of marketing training of employees, etc.;
  • - studying the possibilities of attracting additional budgetary and extrabudgetary funds through program-targeted financing of physical culture and sports work with the population from state, municipal budgets, state extrabudgetary funds and non-state sources of financing, obtaining interest-free and preferential loans, preferential taxation, etc.

After the study of the external (primarily market) and internal environment of a physical culture and sports organization has been carried out, an assessment of the market situation and its prospects has taken place, the stage of formulating the mission and marketing goals of the organization begins.

Table 3. Examples of models of market behavior implemented by conditional "weak" and "strong" physical culture and sports organizations

"Strong" organization

"Weak" organization

Sustainable development strategy

survival strategy; reduction or "last resort" strategy


Shrinking Defense

Explerent strategy (focus on radical innovations)

Generics (copying products of leading sports organizations)

Violet (power) strategy - "squeezing out" competitors

Symbiosis (cooperation with stronger partners)

Differentiation (unique service)

mass marketing

Intensive Marketing

Passive Marketing

Planned strategy; matrix models of strategy

Learning from experience (trial and error)

As you know, the mission defines the main goal of the organization - a clearly expressed reason for its existence and contains the answer to the question of what the organization wants to achieve in the broadest sense. The mission statement should reflect the position of a physical culture and sports organization in relation to the external environment (physical culture movement, potential and real customers, competitors, society, the state, etc.), contain the tasks of its physical culture and sports and market activities, reflect and demonstrate the level of culture and working organization atmosphere. Despite the fact that the issue of developing a mission for physical culture and sports organizations is still open and waiting for its researchers, it is obvious that the ultimate goal of marketing for both commercial and non-commercial sports organizations should be recognized as the desire for the most complete satisfaction of human needs in physical improvement. physical exercise and sports.

The mission of the organization should have a spread in a detailed list of goals and objectives. Considering the lack of information about the marketing goals of physical culture and sports organizations in the specialized literature, we conducted our own research to fill this gap. To do this, we interviewed 159 managers (including marketing departments) and representatives of the administration of 56 Moscow physical culture and sports organizations; survey materials were processed by cluster analysis (the method of minimum dispersion was used; the square Euclidean distance served as a metric). As a result, it was found that the entire set of identified goals is divided into seven groups, reflecting the main strategic directions marketing activities of Moscow sports organizations:

  • 1) the goals of the volume of services - to increase (or maintain) the share of the organization's services, as well as the goals of sales (receiving orders), implemented by searching for new market segments;
  • 2) the goals of increasing the competitiveness of the main (physical culture, health, sports) and related services offered by the organization;
  • 3) the goals of communications - achieving the necessary degree of fame of the organization through advertising and the formation (improvement) of the image;
  • 4) sales purposes - organizing and improving the distribution (sales) of services of a sports organization;
  • 5) achievement (increase) of profitability of sports and health and sports services;
  • 6) personnel development of the organization;
  • 7) the objectives of the pricing policy.

The implementation of the objective function also provides for the choice of a model of market behavior of a sports organization, which can be judged by the nature of marketing goals. We noted that the larger the organization and the higher the category of the sports facility rented by it, the higher the level of its claims, which is expressed in the quantity, variety, degree of aggressiveness and clarity of the wording of marketing goals, the higher the degree of offensiveness, scale and scientific validity. applied models of market behavior.

Thus, organizations operating on the basis of sports facilities of the highest (first and second) categories set themselves a wide range of market goals; their marketing strategy is a combination of several strategies (implemented against competitors, different types of services, market segments, sports grounds, elements of the marketing mix, etc.) and has the character of a pronounced expansion. These organizations are pursuing a policy of ousting competitors by winning (increasing and retaining) their market share, increasing the profitability and competitiveness of their services, and expanding the reach of potential customers with advertising.

Much more modest are the claims of physical culture and sports organizations that have chosen third category facilities as their base; their strategy is also a combination, but from a smaller number of strategies, and is defensive in nature. Given their limited resources, they prefer to follow the market leaders in terms of core (health and sports) services and marketing directions. They strive only to maintain the existing market share, achieve profitability, showing the greatest activity in the direction of improving the basic and related services. The development of an offer of additional services, extensive advertising and marketing training of personnel is beyond their strength.

The strategy of physical culture and sports organizations based on facilities of the fourth category can be designated as a desire to survive. They strive to maintain their positions in all areas and take active steps only in relation to attracting new customers and improving the offer of physical education and sports services.

The relationship between the magnitude, category and choice of marketing strategy model is illustrated in Table. 1, which shows the so-called "extreme" options for market behavior models used by conditional "weak" and "strong" physical culture and sports organizations.

Table 4. The general scheme for constructing the matrix of the marketing strategy of physical culture and sports organizations

Marketing Issues

1. Type of service


Additional services

2. Level of service quality

According to the provided documents

3. Variety of assortment

By latitude


By depth

Narrow in most aspects

Narrow in all aspects

Marketing Issues

The main ways to solve marketing problems

I. Problems of forming a package of services

1. Type of service


Physical culture and health, sports

Accompanying the main order

Additional services

2. Level of service quality

According to the provided documents

According to the degree of compliance with customer expectations

3. Variety of assortment

By latitude


By depth

According to the degree of compliance with consumer needs

Narrow in most aspects

Narrow in all aspects

4. Priorities in relation to target consumers (engaged)

Legal imposition of restrictions on a number of criteria

The actual introduction of restrictions on a number of criteria

No limiting conditions

5. Volume and mode of rendering services

Scope of services (duration of the training program)

Readiness of the organization for the start of classes

Degree of service regularity

Schedule for the provision of services: the number of classes (lessons, sessions) per week; service unit duration

II. Block of pricing policy problems

6. Prices for services

Price level

Terms and forms of payment

Price adaptation - discounts

Price adaptation - markups

III, Block of communication problems

7. Problems of communicative activity

IV. Problems of organization of promotion and sales of services of a physical culture and sports organization

8. Problems of organizing promotion and sales

Service Promotion Intermediaries

Organization of promotion and sales

Promotion of sales of physical culture and sports services

V. Complex of personnel policy problems

9. Staff priorities

Professional priorities

Priorities regarding the personality of the personnel

The next element of marketing activity management is the meaningful formation of a marketing strategy, which requires a consistent solution of three tasks.

  • 1) establishing the range of marketing problems that the organization has to face, acting in line with the chosen model of market behavior;
  • 2) identifying specific ways to resolve these problems;
  • 3) making a decision on the methods (criteria) for selecting options that are most appropriate for a particular organization and its customers.

The essence of the proposed approach is to choose options and make decisions that are interpreted as choosing the best option from several professional situations. Ultimately, this work comes down to the choice of specific types (range and characteristics) of physical culture and sports, additional and related services, prices, communications, promotion of services, as well as personnel, i.e. main components of the marketing mix.

To solve the first two tasks, we carried out our own research, which was based on the results of: analysis and generalization of literary primary sources, normative and methodological documentation of organizations involved in physical culture, health and sports work with the population; telephone and personal surveys of representatives of the administration, staff, employees of marketing departments, coaching and teaching staff, sellers of services and clients of sports organizations; content analysis of information about the activities of physical culture and sports organizations contained on bulletin boards and advertising and information stands; content analysis of various forms of advertising messages about physical culture and sports organizations and the services they provide; included, not included and indirect observations of the market activities of sports organizations; making experimental purchases and their imitation. The research covered 50 Moscow commercial and non-profit physical culture and sports organizations and more than 2,000 people.

Their results allowed not only to establish the nature and scope of the problems that determine the policy of physical culture and sports organizations in relation to the formation of a package and characteristics of services, prices, communications, sales (sales) and personnel, but also to determine practical options for resolving them. The data obtained were summarized in a single matrix; the general scheme for constructing such a matrix is ​​given in the form of Table. 2.

The formed matrix is ​​a solution to the problem of structural and meaningful formation of a marketing strategy. Based on these data, a sports organization can choose and make the best decision to form its own strategy. This is of particular importance for newly created and especially small organizations that do not have their own marketing service and unable to pay for such work marketing firms or agencies.

After the main problems of marketing activity are established and the possible ways their resolution, the stage of making a decision on the choice of the most acceptable options begins. As part of this procedure, it is necessary, first of all, to exclude obviously impossible options. The main screening criteria can be the obvious inconsistency of the options under consideration and the lack of resources (material, technological, human, temporary, etc.) for their implementation. However, even after the elimination of obviously unacceptable options, the list of solutions to marketing problems, as a rule, remains too long. This means that other selection criteria must be involved.

From the point of view of marketing, the main one will be the selection of options according to the criterion of compliance with the characteristics of the needs and demand of real and potential customers of the sports organization.

Of course, all customer proposals cannot be mechanically approved as the main provisions of the marketing strategy, since in some aspects they may turn out to be contradictory, unacceptable or practically impossible to implement, especially with a significant discrepancy between the requirements for high quality and a wide range of basic, related and additional services, on the one hand on the other hand, and offers of low prices for purchased services on the other. However, positions target audience are very interesting and instructive, since they are mostly based on the previous and present experience of consumption of physical culture and sports services, including competing organizations. But if a sports organization intends to develop or optimize a marketing strategy and at the same time better understand and assimilate the wishes of customers, win their sympathy for itself, gain advantages and preferences of consumers in comparison with competing organizations, then the participation in this work of representatives of real and potential customers will be very fruitful. and promising.

The next criterion for selecting the best solutions is a comparative assessment of the economic efficiency (including depending on the marketing budget) of the available alternatives. However, as studies show recent years, in the most important sectors of the social complex: education, health care, the general culture of society and its part - physical culture - market relations have their own specifics associated with active state intervention in the process of production and consumption of relevant services. In these industries, the criterion of economic efficiency is losing its leading role, and the principle of "costs - profit" is giving way to the principle of "costs - social priorities". This means that the needs of those involved, as well as indicators of social and related pedagogical effects, come to the fore here.

After deciding on the choice of the most appropriate options for resolving each specific problem, a detailed, detailed description of the options for all components of the marketing mix is ​​made. In addition, the final formation of the strategy may require adjustment of the goals, ambitions, and mission of the organization. This work ends with the development of a program and budget for action.

The next element of marketing management is the practical implementation of marketing activities and monitoring their results. The effectiveness of marketing activities is assessed by the fact of obtaining managerial (economic and managerial) and socio-pedagogical effects. The main performance indicators here are:

  • 1. Successful implementation mission and achievement of the goals of the organization.
  • 2. Positive dynamics of normative financing of the organization; increase in the share of extrabudgetary funding.
  • 3. Increasing the level of material and technical equipment of a physical culture and sports organization, commissioning new premises, structures, equipment, inventory, optimizing the workload of sports facilities.
  • 4. Positive dynamics of the standard of living and psychological comfort of the personnel of the organization, growth of satisfaction with the conditions and nature of work.
  • 5. Increasing the number, stabilizing the composition and minimizing the losses of those involved, covered by the sports organization; stable attendance of physical culture and sports activities.
  • 6. Increasing the level of psychological comfort, satisfaction of the target audience with the chosen type of physical activity and the quality of service, a positive attitude towards physical culture, sports and physical culture and sports organization at the verbal and real levels.
  • 7. Growth of the bank of information on the course of research and innovation processes in a physical culture and sports organization, an increase in the number of implemented initiatives, products of joint creative activity of teachers and students, etc.
  • 8. Increasing the level of involvement of employees in the management of a sports organization; increasing the level of analytical culture of marketing management (from reproductive to constructive, and then to research).