Differences between a marketer and an advertising manager. Marketing and its relationship with advertising. What do advertising and marketing have in common?

If you think that marketing and advertising are the same thing, you have nothing to do in business. Without knowing the basic terms, you will not be able to understand what the specialists are telling you, how they work and what they charge you for. Misunderstandings will make it difficult to promote goods and services on the market and, accordingly, will negatively affect the success of your business.

In today’s material, I propose to dot all the i’s and figure out how marketing differs from advertising and whether they have anything in common. In addition to theory, we will also consider the area of ​​practice - we will determine what the responsibilities of an advertising specialist are and what marketers do.

The difference between marketing and advertising today

Digital specialists - copywriters, marketers, PR specialists and SEO specialists know the terminology. Mini-survey conducted in thematic group, this only confirms:

Four people who do not see the difference between marketing and advertising most likely have recently changed their profession and have not yet fully understood the intricacies of the field of activity.

There are few ignorant entrepreneurs. People who start a business on a whim go bankrupt within 2–3 years from the moment the company is launched. The rest have to constantly engage in self-development and delve into the intricacies of their chosen field of activity.

Comment from a business owner on the difference between the concepts of “marketing” and “sales promotion.”

To get a feel for the difference between marketing and advertising, let's go over the definitions of these terms. Marketing has hundreds of them. I will give examples of the most memorable ones.

American marketer Jack Trout compared marketing to a movie in which the main character is a product. A less romantic definition of marketing was given by Mark Burgess, managing partner of Blue Focus Marketing, calling it the profitable transformation of customer needs into income.

Companies that are solely pursuing profit without regard for customer needs cause negativity.

The most accurate, in my opinion, definition of modern marketing was given by Renee Blodgett, founder and CEO of Magic Sauce Media. She calls marketing continuous communication with potential buyers. During these interactions, the company educates and informs consumers, building strong, trusting relationships. Customers become fans of the brand because they get exactly what they want most.

Perhaps the most striking manifestation of love for the brand.

The main goal of marketing is to make a product or service sell itself. It can be achieved through research, analysis and assessment of the needs of potential buyers, the state and development of the market.

What is Advertising

“Advertising is information disseminated in any way, in any form and using any means, addressed to an indefinite circle of people and aimed at attracting attention to the object of advertising, generating or maintaining interest in it and promoting it on the market.”

In other words, advertising can be called one of the marketing tools that helps stimulate sales. It is incorrect to compare or contrast these two concepts.It’s the same as asking: “Which is better - the body or the hand?”

Comparison of advertising and marketing

It is better to learn new things through simple and understandable examples. Let's look at what marketers and advertisers do to determine the differences between marketing and advertising.

A marketer is a specialist who helps companies promote the company's goods and services on the market and increase profits. Most of the time, this person is engaged in research - the market, competitors, assortment, needs and desires of potential buyers. Based on the data obtained, the marketer puts forward hypotheses that should have a positive impact on the brand and increase sales. All assumptions must be tested in practice.

IN large companies There are several specialists involved in marketing. Among them are analysts, brand managers, and marketing communications specialists.

Marketers promote products and services both offline and online. Specialists who operate online are called Internet marketers. The goals and objectives are the same, but the tools are different. For example, to assess customer attitudes towards a brand, a marketer can survey consumers at points of sale, and an online marketer, for the same purpose, will create surveys in public pages or send out letters with questionnaires via an email database. Some of the routine work is entrusted to other employees, for example, PR specialists, managers or advertising specialists.

Ideally, an advertising specialist deals only with advertising. It helps companies stimulate sales, so all questions about spending advertising budget and the number of sales are addressed specifically to him. Under the guidance of this specialist, designers and copywriters create creatives that will be shown to potential buyers.

Specialists who deal with online advertising often do everything themselves - write ad texts, create graphics for banners, launch campaigns and report on their results.

Usually an advertising specialist is subordinate to a marketer, because for the implementation marketing strategy It is he who is responsible for the company. The marketer determines through which channels it is best to advertise the organization’s goods and services, what budget it is advisable to allocate for promotion, and what results should be targeted.

Marketing and its role in the company's activities

Marketing and advertising are actively used by companies to sell goods and services. For the consumer, these tools provide an opportunity to be informed and satisfied with the products being manufactured. Often entrepreneurs and individual buyers confuse these concepts or identify them with each other. But in theory and practice, marketing and advertising are completely different phenomena that perform different functions.

Definition 1

From a professional point of view, marketing is a set of actions and activities aimed at promoting a product or service from manufacturer to consumer.

The main thing of marketing is its complex, or marketing mix, or 4P:

  • product – product, its properties and characteristics, quality, appearance etc.;
  • price – determination of price and various conditions (discounts, promotions, etc.);
  • promotion – promotion of a product or service (advertising, sales promotion, personal selling and public relations);
  • place – methods and methods of distribution of goods ( outlets, logistics).

Note 1

The role of marketing in the activities of companies is to determine the production potential and volume of the market for the sale of goods and services, develop effective product policy, identifying areas of competition and conquering a market niche, using promotion and distribution tools, as well as studying and forecasting market development.

Therefore, marketing in business performs the following functions:

  1. analytical (market research and analysis);
  2. production (product development);
  3. management and control (strategy development, marketing plan, implementation of marketing projects and programs);
  4. sales (selling goods and services);
  5. innovative (development of new products, introduction of technologies into production).

Marketing is a large-scale activity that accompanies a product from production to consumption. No sale of goods or services is carried out without marketing methodology and tools. The key task of marketing is to introduce a product to the market, deliver it to the buyer and make a profit.

The essence of advertising and its relationship to marketing

  • communication;
  • part of the product sales process,
  • marketing element;
  • art;
  • product of professional activity;
  • the process of transmitting information to the consumer;
  • industry.

In most cases, advertising is studied as a separate component of marketing. It is a means of promoting goods and services. Advertising includes the creation of slogans, texts, placement of materials in the media, the Internet, billboards etc. in most cases, it allocates a significant budget for advertising.

Note 2

Advertising as a type of communication appeared and became an element of the promotion complex, on which it stands modern marketing. But advertising serves marketing when it solves the problems of not only the manufacturing company, but also other participants in market relations.

Definition 2

  • accuracy of advertising positioning;
  • advertising impact assessment;
  • studying the need for advertising methods and techniques.

Marketing uses advertising for its own purposes, although advertising as an independent activity is not marketing and does not serve its purposes. It is advertisers, not marketers, who know how advertising promotes sales of goods and services.

Similarities and differences between marketing and advertising

Note 3

There is an opinion that a marketer by default is a good advertiser and vice versa. But this is the wrong point of view. Marketing is the management of the processes of selling goods and services based on research, market analysis, and also through promotion tools, which include advertising.

Advertising is one of the areas in marketing. Its goal is to disseminate information about products/services to attract the attention of consumers. Marketing is a broader category. Advertising is the engine of trade, i.e. marketing tool.

In addition to scale, another difference between marketing and advertising is their focus. Marketing has a clear commercial purpose– making a profit. Advertising can be both political and social in nature, i.e. not generating income, but attracting attention to certain individuals and members of the public.

Also, marketing is a static activity that includes strictly specific elements: product, price, promotion and place. Advertising has different kinds, creative approaches are used, i.e. This is a more dynamic area of ​​business activity.

Note 4

Thus, the main differences between marketing and advertising are:

  • scale (advertising is the most important element of marketing that increases sales);
  • commerce (marketing is a profitable project, advertising is not always associated with generating income);
  • technology (marketing is a system with stable elements: product, price, place and promotion; advertising uses classical and innovative means and tools);
  • independence (advertising may exist independently, but marketing without advertising does not work).

Everyone should exercise

your business

- IN Lately I study the labor market in several directions at once, this allows me to always keep my nose to the wind. I looked through more than a dozen vacancies on www.hh.ru, even took part in several interviews. There is a complete lack of understanding of the specifics of marketing, advertising and PR among the majority of current employers.

— Most often, a candidate is required who must be able to do absolutely everything. I’m not even talking about the fact that many people don’t see the difference between marketing and advertising. Does this affect the quality of personnel selection and the criteria for assessing the results of their work? Undoubtedly!

- So, I propose to figure out what each specialist should do.

PR manager

— PR is, first of all, creating a company’s reputation, managing public opinion regarding its goods and services.

— For some reason, it is common to think that a PR specialist should deal exclusively with contacts with the media and organizing events. The more mentions in the press (preferably free), the better. The more industry exhibitions and events you manage to appear in, the better. In fact, this is absolutely not true. With this approach, there is a substitution of goals and tools, confusion between soft and warm.

— The PR manager is obliged to develop and implement a clear mechanism for receiving reliable feedback from consumers. He must understand who influences the company’s reputation (salespeople, service department, customer support, location of sales and service points, packaging, media coverage of the company’s activities, hostile activity of competitors, discussions in in social networks and similar things) and manage these processes.

— Yes, a PR specialist must have truly great powers in order to quickly respond to events. For example, I once had to make a lot of effort to sell a client on the idea that it was necessary to monitor the processing of incoming calls by their sales department. So that everything is recorded and analyzed automatically, so that it becomes absolutely transparent how this or that manager achieves his indicators. Need I say that it was the sales department that resisted this innovation the most?

— To summarize, I will formulate it again: a PR manager must be able to see what is the source of a negative attitude towards the company, and what, on the contrary, is positive. At the same time, not only the reputation among consumers is important, but also the most friendly attitude of competitors and government agencies. Any negativity should be immediately stopped and eliminated, and any positive assessment should be scaled up.

Marketing Manager

— A marketer is the one who is responsible for the company’s position in the market. His main specialization is competition. He must understand what exactly ensures the retention of the existing market share, and make every effort to increase it.

— If we draw an analogy with military operations, then a PR specialist is diplomacy and intelligence services rolled into one, and a marketer is a strategist and commander in chief.

— A marketer simply must be able to do competitive intelligence. For example, when I advised one of my clients, the Vodokhod cruise center, I had to figure out how other market participants work: how they respond to incoming requests (by phone and through the website), by what principle they select a cruise program, how the sales process itself occurs and handling objections. I spent four days making calls (recording and processing conversations), traveling to sales offices, and auditing websites. But thanks to this, I formed the correct picture of what is happening in their market. The strengths and weak sides every player.

— It’s a big misconception to believe that a marketing manager should be involved in creativity and brand building, and pull out cool cases that are usually admired on the market. www.adme.ru This is dangerous nonsense. Creating a brand is a headache for a company’s brand manager, and even more so for its management.

— A marketer is, first of all, an analyst. He is studying target audience, he's testing different approaches to it. In addition, he must know how many customers a particular advertising channel brings, and at what price. At the same time, it is completely unnecessary to understand the nuances and subtleties of each of them. The main thing is to correctly interpret the results to fulfill your main task: generating a flow of high-quality incoming requests for the sales department. At the same time, a really good marketer builds a system, while a mediocre one is constantly engaged in manual control.

— An advertising manager is the working hand of a marketer. It is needed in cases where paid placements are required. A good advertiser always studies the market, because it is he who interacts with contractors (outdoor advertising, print media, SEO, context, media, website development, etc.). It is imperative to know the market for performers, and preferably even before the moment when you need to order certain services. Otherwise, there is a high probability of choosing the wrong people and subsequently even losing your job.

— Now I’ll tell you how one of my friends works. I think that he is doing absolutely the right thing. When he needs contextual advertising, he himself selects key queries, writes ad texts for each (!) search phrase, develops landing pages (he writes the texts himself, because he knows how, and outsources the layout to a freelancer), chooses an ad display strategy and budget, and then turns to agency. But only for placement!

Because The agency has a number of technical capabilities (for example, automatic control bets and holding a specific position in a special placement), this turns out to be profitable. They have a large budget for context, so it is also profitable for the agency to work with them, even without a commission, because handmade in this case is absent.


I understand that all of the above is rarely encountered in practice. But, you see, it’s not that difficult to organize if you put in the effort.

Russia has experienced a transition from an overly centralized command-type economy to predominantly market relations. Marketing helps solve this problem - something new in the economy, which in practice turned out to be well forgotten by the old and with the help of which back in the 30s of the 20th century, during the NEP period, the country's economy was built quite qualitatively and stably.

It would seem, what kind of marketing can we talk about in the former Russia? Here again it is appropriate to recall the name of the outstanding Russian scientist N.D. Kondratiev, who created and headed the world’s first Market Research Institute, as well as his numerous employees. It was they who began to seriously engage in research into the global commodity market, prices, the study of the consumer basket, demand as a function of many factors, and other economic objects and phenomena that today are classified as part of the marketing system. The study and analysis of the market situation, which was carried out by the staff of the institute, essentially, in the modern sense, constituted marketing research.

Advertising is one of the main elements of marketing. It is sometimes said that advertising is the main component of marketing communications. Both of these statements are fair and do not contradict each other. They simply reflect different aspects of the content of marketing activities. Let us dwell on some of the features of this activity in more detail.

The word “marketing” as an ing form comes from the English “market” and in translation means, first of all, market. Due to the conversion property inherent in the English language,

ku, the same word is a verb and is translated as sell or buy on the market; or sell, dispose of. Thus, this word incorporates a whole complex of concepts related to the market, so its use in speech is very convenient and it compares favorably with other linguistic forms. For example, the German word “der Markt” is translated only as bazaar, market; completely different words are used to denote the verbs “sell and buy”. In Russian, like in German, there is no verb derived from the word market.

In English and German languages The emphasis in this word is on the first syllable, besides, the German word is monosyllabic, so it is more correct to pronounce the word “marketing” in Russian with the emphasis on the first syllable. However, this is not at all necessary; the main thing is that the content of the word, the phenomena and concepts that are hidden behind it, is clear. Probably not without reason English word“market”, the derivative from which “marketing” has become an international term, also has a verb form. This speaks of the importance that in the XVII-XVIII centuries. The British emphasized the development of the market, and later - about the enormous contribution of America to the development of market relations and the formation of modern marketing.

An example of the creative symbiosis of advertising and marketing, their unity and complementarity is the activity of the American spouses Ruth and Andrew Eliot. In 1959, the Eliots invented the Barbie doll, naming it after their then-young daughter Barbie. Using fundamentally new approach, which consists in creating a doll - an analogue of an adult woman, as well as a new design and the latest bending materials, they created an entire industry and even the cult of “Barbie”. Marketing activities (the initial price of the doll to conquer the market was only $3) were organically complemented by a grandiose advertising campaign. At the same time, not only the doll itself was advertised, which later received “relatives” of both sexes, races and ages, but also its household products, including a whole range of related products - from sets of clothes and dishes, to houses and cars. Taking into account the gradual increase in the average price of a doll several times compared to the original, its cost with all accessories is currently significant. However, buyers may

gradually purchase appropriate sets for children, different in range and price, so that no social group of consumers, differentiated by income level, feels deprived.

Although some theoretical problems Russian scientists first began to study the market at the Market Research Institute under the leadership of Professor N.D. Kondratiev, later priority in the theory and practice of the formation of a modern market passed to the Americans. This was ultimately semantically indicated by the fact that the word “marketing” acquired international significance and is firmly entrenched in scientific and economic terminology.

Definition of Marketing. The main thing in any definition of marketing is the focus on the consumer of goods and services:

1. The most general definition of marketing is: "Marketing - is the identification, study, formation and satisfaction demand." This definition is universal, since it does not disclose how demand is satisfied and what goods, services, and other economic or non-economic objects it influences. Moreover, it does not matter, for example, what forms - material or intangible - the product has. However, such a general definition does not help much if the market problem is studied in the sphere of developed commodity-money relations.

2. Definition of marketing as a market, economic category: "Marketing- this is the identification, study, formation and satisfaction of demand for goods of tangible and intangible form, as well as services in the field of developed commodity-money relations or the market.”

3. Marketing is also a science course that studies the market as a special economic category.

4. From a practical point of view, the definition of marketing related to eliminating the contradiction between the manufacturer and consumer, which, as a result of the act of purchase and sale, is daily resolved on the market from the standpoint of achieving a narrowly utilitarian goal - meeting the demand of a specific consumer by a specific manufacturer.

5. Another definition, quite long, but describing all the basic elements of marketing: it's complex a system for organizing production, promotion and sales of products, focused on meeting the needs of specific consumers and making a profit or other positive effect based on research and forecasting of the market, market segments and niches, studying the internal and external environment of the organization, developing strategies and tactics of behavior in the market with the help marketing programs detailed in marketing plans.

There are more than 200 definitions of marketing in the world and domestic literature, which, with varying degrees of approximation, make it possible to reveal the essence of this phenomenon.

With the usual for Soviet Russia after the 30s of the XX century. approach, the manufacturer began to think seriously about sales after the product had already been produced. Modern marketing approach - it is necessary to produce a product that will certainly find demand. This task seems simple only at first glance. In fact, in the production and sale of each product, there are many different factors that determine success or failure in this business.

Marketing is important both for a simple market trader selling pies with dried apricots, and for a large car manufacturer. If in the first case there are bones in the filling, and the dough is unbaked, then the trader in the modern market will not be successful and will be replaced by another, with a better product. Moreover, this result will not depend on the degree of advertising efforts of traders, since in this case the best advertising is the quality of the product. Hence the conclusion - marketing exists and is implemented in production.

The second example, with a car company, would seem to also confirm this result. After all, despite the disproportionately different scales of the case, it can be assumed that a car company that produces low-quality cars with a defect in the braking system will quickly disappear from the market scene. But if we equalize these important factors quality, then who will win the competition? Probably the one who advertises his products better, who can best demonstrate the advantages of his product. Know-

In fact, marketing successfully exists not only in the production phase, but also is inherent in distribution, exchange and consumption. To some extent, marketing is the only art form that can be verified by the algebra of money. There is a well-known example when spouses, owners of a small business in Rostov-on-Doiu, periodically sold their goods - shoes, boots and sneakers - in Saratov. At first they took turns selling the goods. However, soon only the wife began to deal with the problem of sales, as she sold out the goods during the day thanks to the skillful technique of personal selling and the correct use of product advertising: skillfully using the “crowd effect”. She invited buyers using simple fair techniques - jokes and jokes and, repeatedly bending the soles of her shoes, demonstrated them high quality. The seller's art brought in considerable income in short term. Her money turnover rate was three times higher than that of her partner.

The marketing approach produced outstanding results even during the initial period of restructuring Russian economy, known as the beginning and development of the cooperative movement in the 80-90s of the XX century.

Let's consider an example related to the activities of the Fiton cooperative, as a result of which significant start-up capital was received for the subsequent development of a private business. This capital was obtained by leveraging the legacy of previous Soviet-era mismanagement, knowledge of market conditions, and taking advantage of favorable market conditions. During the functioning of the command-administrative economy, a large enterprise chemical industry, located in Engels, has been receiving polystyrene-based chemical fiber bobbins from suppliers for years. Polystyrene parts were to be returned to the supplier. However, the company preferred to pay low fines and for years threw these parts into a landfill, filling the surrounding ravines with them and covering them with soil. The Fiton cooperative is at a cheap price of several tens of rubles per 1 cubic meter, which were greatly depreciated at that time. m of soil with waste bought the right to develop and dispose of it from the enterprise. The plant received the money into the account; its management was surprised by the recklessness of the Fiton cooperative, which paid, as it seemed then, “for nothing.” However, having invested insignificant funds in the operation of a bulldozer, a washing machine, a crushing device and injection molding machines, the cooperative received significant profits.

A particularly large part of it was obtained from the Western market for recycled polystyrene. At that time, the demand for polystyrene was significant; prices for polystyrene granules were high and reached many tens of US dollars per 1 cubic meter. m of products. Having previously placed advertisements in many media, the cooperative was successfully able to sell a large number of recycled polystyrene on the foreign market, without neglecting the production of some types of products from this material on the local market.

Marketing mix. Includes the following main components: 1) commodity - based on the quality of the product, its range, trademark and service; 2) price - includes directly prices, credits, discounts and markups, discounts; 3) sales - these are distribution or sales channels, logistics, i.e. access roads, loaders, transport, warehouses, terms and routes for delivery of goods; 4) communication - includes a system of personal sales, public relations, promotion of goods and their sales, advertising.

If you carefully consider the concept of mix marketing, you will see that advertising, on the one hand, is one of the main elements of marketing. On the other hand, it ensures the implementation of all other elements of mix marketing in business practice.

Basic marketing components in which the role of advertising (including advertising itself) is especially important: creating a positive image of the company through public relations, or public relations; personal selling; direct marketing, or direct marketing; product promotion and sales promotion; publicity; propaganda; form style; image.

Contents of the organization's activities to create positive image, or public relations, At its core, it is an advertising campaign in which the image of the company acts as a “product”. Moreover, in the most similar campaign in different forms and combinations, certain advertising media may be used. For example, when organizing press conferences, holding meetings of senior managers

or representatives of the organization with consumers, the public and in a number of other cases, pre-prepared press releases, product catalogs, booklets, leaflets, souvenirs and other advertising means can be used.

Personal sales, in whatever form - passive, moderate, active or aggressive - they are carried out, they are all based on advertising actions and occur with appropriate advertising design, for example, in the presence of representative business cards or “badges” from sellers selling goods.

Direct marketing (direct marketing), or the establishment and maintenance of two-way communications between the manufacturer and the consumer based on the implementation of feedback, also includes both substantive features and specific forms of advertising activities.

Product promotion and sales promotion system represents a whole range of measures aimed at the speedy delivery of goods to the consumer and its distribution in the relevant market segments, by creating demand. From the definition itself it follows that advertising occupies a key place in this system. Certain elements of the product promotion system (for example, fairs, exhibitions, lotteries, competitions, work with dealers and other intermediaries) are also unthinkable without advertising.

Publicity is a system of measures to create a bright positive image of individual representatives of the organization, most often its senior managers. The purpose of publicity is to maintain benevolent interest on the part of society in its individual subjects. This goal is also achieved through advertising, in its direct or hidden form.

Propaganda- this is a direct, constant, active influence on consumers and society as a whole to create a sustainable programmable attitude towards certain social groups or the entire society to the subject or phenomenon declared in the propaganda effect. Propaganda can be based on a wide range of influences, including

using references to national interests and traditions. But in this case, both from the point of view of the use of means and the content of the communication process, propaganda is based on a kind of advertising action.

Form style there is the creation of certain stereotypes in the functioning and design of the external appearance of the organization in order to form and maintain a high organizational culture. Individual elements of corporate identity, such as, for example, advertising blocks, trademarks, uniforms, Business Cards and many others, in their essence, are simultaneously components of advertising influence.

The image of the organization, or its stable positive image, in the mass consciousness is not only formed, but also supported by using a diverse range of advertising means and influences. The peculiarity of advertising in its connection with the main components of the marketing and marketing communications system is that it is an active element in relation to the external and internal environment of the organization. Any enterprise operates in some environment, which at a given point in time can be considered a relatively stable marketing environment.

Currently actively developing new form marketing, most strongly associated with advertising - event marketing. Since "event" is on English language means an event, then this concept can mean event or entertainment marketing. Event marketing is a way of promoting a product, which is aimed at building, developing and strengthening trademark or brand by organizing non-standard spectacular promotions or special events. Most often, this form of marketing is used in conjunction with other forms.

Special events are divided into the following components: 1) working, or presentations, training seminars, conferences, etc.; 2) informative in an entertaining way or a company birthday, honoring an anniversary customer, tasting, fashion show, launch of a new product

product brands, etc.; 3) leisure - focused on entertainment and communication or concerts, quizzes, festivals, excursions, etc.

These events can be repeated or one-time, focused on a specific occasion or without a reason.

Event marketing has the following advantages: 1) almost any information “packed” in an entertaining form is experienced more emotionally and sensually, and therefore is better perceived and remembered; 3) event marketing is a kind of mix of direct advertising, direct marketing and public relations, due to which it acts through several communication channels at once; 4) the promoted event itself becomes a brand, which allows it to be widely used when building the company’s further advertising strategy; 4) an event marketing event has a long-lasting effect, since it begins long before the event in announcements, posters, press conferences and continues in subsequent media reports; 5) event participants can be considered as a large focus group in which the company tests its proposals. During the event, specialists accumulate knowledge about the consumer, which in some cases allows them to avoid unnecessary research costs; 6) the event is an opportunity to establish the necessary contact with journalists, and better shapes their interest and disposition than under normal conditions; 7) direct sales of goods can be organized at event marketing events; 8) high creativity and flexibility inherent in event marketing allow you to build original programs for companies various fields activities and with different financial capabilities; 9) events can be carried out jointly by several small companies on a parity basis; 10) the use of event marketing is possible where advertising is prohibited or does not work.

One of the new methods for increasing efficiency in the activities of advertising organizations may be benchmark-mark-

1 See: Kozitskaya N. Feel it!//Advertising Industry. 2003. No. 24. pp. 15-16.

tiig. Bench marketing is a systematic process of identifying best organizations and assessment of their activities, success factors, in order to borrow and, accordingly, transfer the best practices of these most effective organizations.

The environment that an organization either does not influence or influences indirectly is called external environment marketing. On the contrary, the external marketing environment directly or indirectly affects the enterprise. Factors direct impact - competitors, suppliers, consumers and other elements of the organization’s immediate environment. Factors indirect impact, environmentally related enterprises act as conditions for its functioning in production and social life.

Main elements of the external environment:

1) natural environment;

2) political institutions, law and the media;

3) economics and demographic factors;

4) culture, beliefs, customs and traditions;

5) science, technology and technology.

Of course, each of these complex phenomena environment can be differentiated and also decomposed into its component parts.

The first block will then include different climatic zones.

The second block will include such components as: the system of executive and legislative power; judiciary and arbitration; construction hierarchical structure authorities, their regional, municipal and local bodies; system of legislation, by-laws and regulations in a certain field of activity; possible transaction costs when implementing specific projects; degree of influence various means mass media on the consumer and much more.

The third block will obviously include such parameters to be assessed as the level of economic development on the macro, meso and micro scales: gross national and domestic

product, volume industrial production industries, level of competition, labor, raw materials and energy resources, price levels, availability of markets, profitability, financial and monetary system, gender, age and social structure of the population and many other parameters that need to be known when making decisions in the field of marketing and advertising.

The fourth block will include the following forms: various areas of art and the degree of their influence on consumers; traditional churches and religions; the influence of beliefs that are non-traditional for a given area; customs, habits and inclinations of consumers living in the region.

In the fifth block - various scientific directions, technical solutions and technologies, patent and licensing base, as well as prospects for their development and applied use.

Internal environment marketing The organization is formed with the help of factors controlled by top managers and marketing and advertising services. These include: 1) scope of activity, goals and objectives; 2) organizational structure; 3) corporate culture, corporate identity and image of the organization; 4) strategy and tactics; 5) marketing and advertising programs and related plans.

Most elements of the environment realize themselves through subjects - their specific carriers, namely people and organizations. But at the same time, all people are consumers. And from this point of view, marketing and advertising are extremely important and universal phenomena in the economy. After all, they are the ones who have permanent feedbacks and have powerful leverage over people who remain consumers throughout their lives.