Theoretical approaches to the study of control problems. Modern methodological approaches to the study of pedagogical processes Approaches to the study of processes

Important for a systematic approach is the definition system structure-a set of links between the elements of the system, reflecting their interaction. The structure of the system can be studied from the outside in terms of the composition of individual subsystems and the relationships between them, as well as from the inside, when individual properties are analyzed that allow the system to achieve a given goal, i.e. when studying the functions of the system. In accordance with this, a number of approaches to the study of the structure of a system with its properties have been outlined, which should primarily include structural and functional.

At structural approach the composition of the selected elements of the system is revealed S and connections between them. The totality of elements and links between them makes it possible to judge the structure of the system. The latter, depending on the purpose of the study, can be described in different levels consideration. Most general description Structures are a topological description that allows defining the constituent parts of a system in the most general terms and is well formalized on the basis of graph theory.

Less general is the functional description when individual functions are considered, i.e. system behavior algorithms, and is implemented functional approach , which evaluates the functions that the system performs, and the function is understood as a property that leads to the achievement of the goal. Because a function maps a property and a property maps an interaction S systems with external environment E , then the properties can be expressed as either some characteristics of the elements S i (j) and subsystems S i systems or systems S generally.

If there is a certain standard of comparison, it is possible to introduce quantitative and qualitative characteristics of systems. For a quantitative characteristic, numbers are entered that express the relationship between this characteristic and the standard. The qualitative characteristics of the system are found, for example, using the method of expert assessments.

Manifestation of system functions in time S (t) , those. system operation, means the transition of the system from one state to another, i.e. state-space motion Z . When operating the system S very important is the quality of its functioning, which is determined by the performance indicator and is the value of the performance evaluation criterion. There are various approaches to the choice of performance evaluation criteria. System S can be evaluated either by a set of particular criteria, or by some general integral criterion.

It should be noted that the generated model M from the point of view of a systematic approach, it is also a system, i.e. S ΄ = S ΄ (M ) , and can be considered in relation to the external environment E . The simplest in terms of presentation are models that retain a direct analogy of the phenomenon. Models are also used in which there is no direct analogy, but only laws and general patterns of behavior of system elements are preserved. S . Correct understanding of relationships both within the model itself M, and its interaction with the external environment E largely determined by the level at which the observer is located.

A simple approach to studying the relationships between the individual parts of the model involves considering them as a reflection of the relationships between the individual subsystems of the object. This classical approach can be used to create fairly simple models. The real object to be modeled is divided into separate subsystems, i.e. initial data are selected D goals are set for modeling C , displaying individual aspects of the modeling process. For a separate set of initial data D the goal is to model a separate aspect of the functioning of the system, on the basis of this goal a certain component is formed TO future model. The set of components is combined into a model M .

Thus, the development of the model M based on the classical approach means the summation of individual components into a single model, with each of the components solving its own tasks and isolated from other parts of the model. Therefore, the classical approach can be used to implement relatively simple models in which separation and mutually independent consideration of individual aspects of the functioning of a real object are possible. For a model of a complex object, such a disunity of the tasks to be solved is unacceptable, since it leads to significant resource costs when implementing the model on the basis of specific software and hardware. Two distinctive aspects of the classical approach can be noted: there is a movement from the particular to the general, the created model (system) requires to be formed by summing up its individual components, and the occurrence of a systemic effect is not taken into account.

With the complication of modeling objects, it became necessary to observe them from a higher level. In this case, the observer (developer) considers this system S as some subsystem of some metasystem, i.e. systems of a higher rank, and is forced to move to the positions of a new systematic approach, which will allow him to build not only the system under study, solving a set of problems. but also to create a system that is integral part metasystems. For example, if the task of designing an automated control system by an enterprise is set, then from the standpoint of a systematic approach, one should not forget that this system is an integral part of an automated control system by an association.

The systems approach has been used in systems engineering due to the need to study real systems, when it turned out to be insufficiency, and sometimes an erroneousness, in making any particular decisions. The emergence of a systematic approach was influenced by an increasing amount of initial data during development, the need to take into account complex stochastic relationships in the system and environmental influences E . All this forced researchers to study a complex object not in isolation, but in interaction with the external environment, as well as in conjunction with other systems of a certain metasystem.

A systematic approach allows solving the problem of building a complex system, taking into account all factors and opportunities proportional to their significance, at all stages of the system research S and model building M .System approach means that each system S is an integrated whole even when it consists of separate disparate subsystems. Thus, the system approach is based on the consideration of the system as an integrated whole, and this consideration during development begins with the main formulation of the goal of functioning. Based on initial data D , which are known from the analysis of the external system, those restrictions that are imposed on the system from above, or based on the possibilities of its implementation, and based on the purpose of functioning, the initial requirements for the model are formulated T systems S .Based on these requirements, approximately some subsystems are formed P , elements E and the most difficult stage of synthesis is carried out - the choice IN components of the system, for which special selection criteria are used HF.

Several main approaches are used in MIS: systemic, integrated, situational, marketing, innovative, normative, behavioral.

Rice. 1.2.

A systematic approach is such a direction of the method of logic of scientific knowledge and practical activities, which is based on the study of any object as a complex integral cybernetic socio-economic system.

The main specificity of MIS is that this system considers management in an unconventional way. Management in IMS is analyzed as a system, i.e. the systematic approach implies consideration of any object as a system, and systemicity as a property of matter.

The main goal of management is to increase consistency in the following areas:

  • Practical activities;
  • cognitive activity;
  • habitat.

System is a collection of elements connected with each other, forming integrity, unity. As you know, any organization is an interaction of two subsystems: managing and managed. One is subordinate to the other. With a systematic approach, it is of great importance to study the characteristics of an organization as a system, i.e. characteristics of "input", "process" and "output".

With a systematic approach based on marketing research first examine the "output" parameters, i.e. goods or services, namely: what to produce, with what quality indicators, at what cost, for whom, in what time frame to sell and at what price? The answers to these questions should be clear and timely. As a result, the "output" should be competitive products or services.

The "input" parameters are then determined, ie. explore the need for resources (material, financial, labor and information), which is determined after a detailed study of the organizational and technical level of the system under consideration (the level of technology, technology, features of the organization of production, labor and management) and the parameters of the external environment (economic, geopolitical, social, ecological, etc.). And, finally, of no less importance is the study of the parameters of the process that converts resources into finished products. At this stage, depending on the object of study, they consider production technology or management technology, as well as factors and ways to improve it.

Thus, a systematic approach allows a comprehensive assessment of any production and economic activity and the activity of the management system at the level of specific characteristics. This will help to analyze any situation within a single system, to identify the nature of the "input", "process" and "output" problems. The application of a systematic approach makes it possible to best organize the decision-making process at all levels in the management system.

A complex approach involves taking into account both the internal and external environment of the organization in the analysis. This means that it is necessary to take into account not only internal, but also external factors- economic, geopolitical, social, demographic, environmental, etc. Factors are important aspects in the analysis of organizations and, unfortunately, are not always taken into account. For example, social issues are often ignored or put aside in the design of new organizations. When introducing new technology, ergonomic indicators are not always taken into account, which leads to increased worker fatigue and, as a result, to a decrease in labor productivity. When forming new labor collectives socio-psychological aspects, in particular, the problems of labor motivation, are not properly taken into account. Summarizing the above, it can be argued that an integrated approach is necessary condition when solving the problem of organization analysis.

situational approach is that the motivation for the analysis are specific situations, a wide range of which significantly affects the effectiveness of management.

With this approach, the control system, depending on the nature of the situations, can change any of its characteristics. The objects of analysis in this case can be:

  • management structure: depending on the situation and on the basis of volumetric calculations, a management structure is selected with a predominance of either vertical or horizontal links;
  • management methods;
  • leadership style: depending on the professionalism, number and personal qualities of employees, a management style is chosen that is either task-oriented or human relations;
  • external and internal environment of the organization;
  • organization development strategy;
  • technological features production process.

Marketing Approach involves the analysis of organizations based on the results of marketing research. The main goal with this approach is the orientation of the control system to the consumer. The implementation of this goal requires, first of all, the improvement of the business strategy of organizations, the purpose of which is to provide their organization with a sustainable competitive advantage. Marketing Analysis designed to identify these competitive advantages and the factors that determine them.

As the practice of conducting research has shown, such factors include:

  • quality of products or services;
  • the quality of management of the organization itself;
  • marketing quality, i.e. property of the product to meet the real needs of the population.

At the same time, it is important to take into account the competitive position, i.e. the position of the organization under study in the industry for a given period of time, since competition is an expensive event, and the market is characterized by high entry barriers.

Thus, the value of the marketing approach is to provide the organization with all the necessary information, the knowledge of which will allow for a long time to keep and maintain its competitive position in the industry.

Innovative approach based on the ability of the organization to quickly respond to changes dictated by the external environment. This concerns the introduction of innovations, new technical solutions, the steady resumption of the production of new goods and services to best meet the needs of the sales market. The key to the successful functioning of any organization is that it must not only keep pace with technological progress, but also be ahead of it. The introduction of innovation also requires a systematic analysis, namely, the organization's ability to introduce a particular innovation. The analysis process with an innovative approach is very complex and covers all stages of the product life cycle. Let's look at these stages.

  • 1. Analysis of the possibility of conducting research and development work. Here it is necessary to determine whether this organization has the necessary financial resources, since the development costs innovative ideas and their implementation is increasing. Typically, funding is provided investment companies, private and public funds, while funding a specific project or a new scientific idea. Financing is carried out in several stages: first, applied research, then experimental developments and at the final stage - financing of mass production. The search for reliable financial investors is of no small importance, since knowledge-intensive production is fraught with great uncertainty. Many innovations do not reach mass production due to the fact that they are rejected by the market, and financial risk is big enough here. At this stage, it is also necessary to find out if there is a special group of people in the team of performers who will be involved in the development and implementation of innovative projects, and what their professional training is.
  • 2. Analysis of the possibility of introducing the results of research and development work into production. Here it is necessary to determine the technical, organizational and economic feasibility of introducing new equipment or technology.
  • 3. Analysis of the possibility of bringing a new product to the market. The marketing approach should play a special role here. It is necessary to study the requirements of the market, the nature of products of this type that are in demand, determine where they are produced and in what quantity. Your own competitive position also plays an important role. It is at this stage of the analysis that the business (competitive) strategy of the organization should manifest itself to the greatest extent, on which the life expectancy of the product depends - from the first sales to saturation of demand and exit from the market.

With an innovative approach, one must remember that in order to compete successfully in the market, it is necessary to enable inventors to create new things, to create freely and bring their inventions to successful implementation. To do this, the team of inventors requires a certain freedom of creativity: the right to make decisions and be responsible for the final results. The management of the organization should be aimed at encouraging the initiative and enterprise of inventors.

Regulatory Approach is as follows. The analysis of any management system with the aim of improving it is connected with taking into account the set of the most important standards that guide the company's apparatus in its activities. These are standards established for each industry, for example, manageability standards, and standards developed by the designers themselves (Regulations on the organization, job descriptions, staffing and etc.).

Norms can have a target, functional and social orientation. TO target standards everything that ensures the achievement of the goals set for the organization. First of all, these are indicators of product quality, resource intensity of products, ergonomic indicators, reliability indicators, as well as the technical level of production.

TO functional standards quality and timeliness of the development of plans, a clear organization of units, operational accounting and control, strict distribution functional duties in every structural unit organizations.

Regulations in the social sphere should provide optimal conditions for the special development of the team. These include indicators of incentives and labor protection, indicators of the provision of all employees with the necessary technical means for successful work. This also includes the need to systematically improve professional growth, good motivation, legal and environmental regulations.

Thus, the normative approach in the analysis requires taking into account the entire set of standards in the management of resources, process and product. The more scientifically based standards there are for all aspects of the organization's activities, the sooner success will come in achieving the goals.

Behavioral Approach allows you to create all the necessary conditions for the realization of the creative abilities of each employee, awareness of their own importance in the management of the organization. Of great importance for managers here is the study of various behavioral approaches that general management recommends, and the study of the possibility of their application in the process of analyzing the organization. It must be remembered that a person is the most important element in the management system. A well-chosen team of like-minded people and partners who are able to understand and implement the ideas of their leader is the most important condition for economic success.

The study of management information in the organization

The primary task in MIS is the study of management information. First of all, an analysis of the structure of information is carried out. It is necessary to create an optimal database for decision making.

Purpose of analysis– measuring the amount of information and determining its content. Unit of economic information - information set - a group of data related by one common form and characterizing one entity.

First of all, it is necessary to highlight the information support of the organization's management system. This subject area of ​​the control object. Then the information support of subsystems of the subject of control is described.

In most cases this subject area of ​​functional subsystems - an information set allocated according to a certain form of representation. In essence, it can be a document. The subject area is characterized by indicators. Indicators however, it is an autonomous information set that has its own description algorithm.

The other part of the management information is the details. They are not divided into information sets and characterize individual properties of objects.

Measurement of information is carried out according to the forms of information sets or by content, natural volume - the number of values ​​for a particular information set is calculated.

Quantitative and qualitative analysis of information provides for its analysis in terms of stability, complexity, mass character, bandwidth information system and other characteristics.

Methods for comparing information allow you to evaluate the work of the organization, determine deviations from planned indicators, establish their causes and identify reserves. There are the following types of comparison used in the analysis:

  • reporting indicators with planned ones;
  • planned indicators with indicators of the previous period;
  • reporting indicators with indicators of the previous period;
  • performance indicators for each day;
  • with industry average data;
  • indicators of the technical level and quality of products of this enterprise with indicators of similar enterprises.

Comparison requires ensuring the comparability of the compared indicators (the quality of the assessment, the comparability of calendar terms, the elimination of the influence of differences in volume and assortment, quality, seasonal characteristics and territorial differences, geographical conditions, etc.).

Methodology - a system of principles, ways of organizing and building theoretical and practical activities.

Pedagogy is based on general scientific principles, which embodied the entire historical experience of cognition of various phenomena of the surrounding world and man himself and are used in all sciences. In addition, it has its own methodological principles, concretizing and supplementing general scientific ones, taking into account the specifics of its subject.

  • the principle of humanity, democratic pedagogy;
  • the principle of social conditionality of education;
  • the principle of personality formation in society and group;
  • the principle of the determining role of the activity of the personality itself in its own development and formation, etc.

In pedagogy, the following methodological approaches:
Systemic an approach:

  • considers all components in close relationship with each other; reveals the unity of the relationship of all components of the pedagogical system (goals, objectives, content, principles, forms, methods, conditions and requirements);
  • highlights the general properties and characteristics of individual components.
  • approves the idea of ​​the essence of a person as a person;
  • focuses the organization of the pedagogical process on the personality as a goal, result and criterion of effectiveness;
  • requires recognition of uniqueness, the right to freedom and respect;
  • uses reliance on the natural process of self-development of the individual.
  • approves the idea of ​​activity as the basis, means and main condition for the development and formation of personality;
  • orients the personality to the organization of creative work as the most effective transformation of the surrounding world;
  • allows you to determine the most optimal conditions for the development of the individual in the process of activity.

cultural an approach:

  • requires consideration of the problem in comparison with similar processes in the history of domestic and foreign pedagogy, from the standpoint of changes in modern culture;
  • provides an orientation to social and cultural requirements for the formation and development of personality.

In the course of the development of society, various paradigms (models, samples) of education and upbringing appeared, having both scientific and pedagogical and general cultural value.

Currently, in Russian pedagogy, the paradigm of a knowledgeable person (i.e., a person armed with a system of knowledge, skills and abilities) is being replaced with the paradigm of “a person prepared for life”, i.e. a person who is able to actively and creatively think and act, self-develop, intellectually, morally and physically improve himself. Accordingly, from this point of view, an “educated person” is not at all a “trained person” (that is, not a person to whom this or that portion of knowledge, skills and abilities has been transmitted in an educational way), but a person who has taken place as a person and is capable of further self-development and self-improvement.

The methodology of pedagogical research can be defined as the doctrine of the principles, methods and procedures for the cognition and transformation of pedagogical reality.

Any science in order to develop must be constantly updated with new facts. scientifically substantiated research methods are necessary for their accumulation.

Ushinsky also noted:

“If pedagogy wants to educate a person in all respects, then it must first recognize him in all respects too.”

Pedagogical research is a kind of creative activity in the search for new techniques, means and methods aimed at improving the educational process.

Methods pedagogical research - ways of studying pedagogical phenomena, obtaining scientific information about them in order to establish regular connections, relationships and build scientific theories.

Conversation- a research method used to obtain or clarify necessary information. It is carried out according to a predetermined plan.

The type of conversation is interview. It is carried out on predetermined questions, which are in strict sequence. The answers are recorded.

Testing- a targeted research method conducted in certain conditions and allowing to reveal the levels, parameters and results of the studied phenomena. Its hallmark is precision.

Questionnaire- a method of collecting information using a questionnaire. Respondents answer questions in writing.

The study of creative, written, graphic, control works students and school documentation (personal files of students, medical records, class journals, student diaries, etc.) provides information about the level of the student, his personality, attitude to activities, etc., as well as the level of organization of the educational process At school.

Observation- purposeful perception of a certain pedagogical phenomenon in order to get an idea about it, as well as specific material. It is carried out according to a predetermined plan.

A specially organized test of a certain hypothesis, method, method of work to determine their effectiveness is called an experiment. According to the time of action, a long-term and short-term experiment is distinguished. According to the conditions of organization, a natural experiment (carried out under normal conditions), laboratory (carried out under artificial conditions) and complex (combines both of the previous types) are distinguished. According to the final goals, the experiment is divided into ascertaining (the real state of the phenomenon under study is determined) and transforming (the truth of theoretical statements is revealed).

Analytical methods include qualitative and quantitative analysis of the studied objects and phenomena.

Generalizing methods include different kinds synthesis, identification of the common, insight into the essence of pedagogical phenomena.

Design methods include hypotheses, development of models and technologies, and design of results.

interpretational methods include making comparisons, analogies and explanations of the essence of pedagogical phenomena and collected facts.

Registration- identifying the presence of a certain quality and counting the number of people who have given quality present or absent.

Ranging- this is the arrangement of the available data in a strictly planned sequence and the determination of the place of the object under study in it.

scaling- the introduction of available digital data in the assessment of certain aspects of pedagogical phenomena. The subjects, answering the questions, choose one of the certain evaluative answers.

Systems approach -- this is such a direction of methodology, scientific knowledge and practical activity, which is based on the study of any object as a complex holistic cybernetic socio-economic system.

A systematic approach allows for a comprehensive assessment of any production and economic activity and the activity of the management system at the level of specific characteristics. This will help analyze any situation within a single system, identify the nature of the problems of "input" (resources), "process" (implementation) and "output" (finished products or services). The application of a systematic approach allows the best way to organize the decision-making process at all levels in the management system. It also includes management methods, management technology, organizational structure, management personnel, technical management tools, information. The links of the object between the elements are considered, as well as the external links of the object, allowing to consider it as a subsystem for a higher level:

· functional approach, which means the study of management functions that ensure the adoption of managerial decisions of a given level of quality at minimal costs for management or production;

· Whole-of-government approach to the assessment of the results of management activities and the costs of maintaining the management apparatus;

· Creative team approach to find the most economical and efficient way to improve the management system.

A complex approach assumes to take into account in the analysis both internal and external environment organizations. This means that it is necessary to take into account not only internal, but also external factors - economic, geopolitical, social, demographic, environmental, etc. Factors are important aspects in the analysis of organizations and, unfortunately, are not always taken into account. For example, often social issues are not taken into account or postponed when designing new organizations. When introducing new equipment, ergonomic indicators are not always taken into account, which leads to increased fatigue of workers and, as a result, to a decrease in labor productivity. When forming new labor collectives, socio-psychological aspects, in particular, the problems of labor motivation, are not properly taken into account. Summarizing the above, it can be argued that an integrated approach is a necessary condition for solving the problem of analyzing an organization.

To study the functional relationships of information support for control systems, we use integration approach, the essence of which is that research is carried out both vertically (between the individual elements of the management system) and horizontally (at all stages of the product life cycle).

Integration refers to the unification of management entities to enhance the interaction of all elements of the management system of a particular organization. With this approach, there are stronger links between individual subsystems of the organization, more specific tasks. For example, the control system sets the services and departments of the organization specific indicators of their activities in terms of quality, quantity, resource costs, timing, etc. Based on the implementation of these indicators, the set goals are achieved.

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1 The concept of research and characteristics of the study of control systems

1.1 Research and their role in scientific and practical activities

1.2 Characteristics of the study of control systems

2. Basic approaches to the study of control systems ...

2.1 Dialectical approach to the study of control systems

2.2 Process approach to the study of control systems

2.3 Situational approach to the study of control systems

2.4 Functional approach to the study of control systems

2.5 Reflective approach to the study of control systems

2.6 System approach to the study of control systems

2.7 An integrated approach to the study of control systems



Annex A

Annex B


In the conditions of the dynamism of modern production and the social structure, management must be in a state of continuous development, which today is impossible to ensure without exploring the ways and possibilities of this development, without choosing alternative directions. Management research is carried out in the daily activities of managers and staff and in the work of specialized analytical groups, laboratories, departments. The need for research in management systems is dictated by a fairly large range of problems that many organizations have to face. The success of the work of these organizations depends on the correct solution of these problems. The solution of these problems is not possible without a systematic approach to them, which makes the topic term paper relevant. The practical significance of the work is the need to formulate the main approaches to the study of organization management systems. The purpose of the study is the need to reveal the essence of the main approaches to the study. The objectives of the study are: to consider the concepts used in the study of control systems; determine the methodology for the study of control systems. The subject of research is the main approaches to the study of control systems.

The theoretical basis of the work was the works of domestic and foreign managers, economists: Anokhin P.K., Freidina E.F., Maksimtsov M.M., Mishina V.M., Mukhina V.I., Makasheva Z.M. and others.

1. The concept of research and characteristics of research systems


1.1 Research and their role in scientific and practical activities

Understanding the definitions of terms and concepts is of exceptional importance in management in general and in its study in particular. A.P. Chekhov in his work No. 1st Class Passenger" through the mouth of one of the characters said: "... if we knew what words are, we might have known ways to achieve it" This statement can also be attributed to the definitions of terms in area of ​​study of control systems.

Maksimtsov M.M. believes that research as a scientific work, scientific study and the process of cognition has always been under the scrutiny of scientists. In general, research can be understood as a scientific work or scientific study of the subject under consideration, any object, (phenomenon) in order to determine the patterns of its occurrence, improvement, development and acquisition of new knowledge. In fact, this is one of the main types of knowledge. 11 Maksimtsov M.M. Management. M., UNITI, 2005. - P. 86. At the same time, Mukhin V.I interprets it as a type of cognitive activity of an individual or a group, a team of researchers, which allows, on the basis of certain theories, methods and techniques of cognition, to study and evaluate the essence, features and trends in the development of phenomena, to find ways to use the knowledge gained. This fully applies to the study of the theory and practice of management, which is associated both with a specialized scientific function and with practical professional work in various fields and spheres of human activity (management, economics, production, art, education, etc.). 22 Mukhin V.I. Study of control systems. M., Publishing house "Exam" 2006. - P.22

Mishin V.M. also believes that research is a process of studying an object and obtaining new knowledge. It can also be considered as a scientific work, a type of cognitive activity; scientific study of a certain subject, any phenomenon (objects) in order to determine the laws and patterns of its occurrence, functioning, improvement, development, features and trends of transition from one state to another, obtaining and applying new knowledge in theory and practice. 11 Mishin V.M. Study of control systems. M., UNITY - DANA, 2005. - P.19

The study has fundamental characteristics that determine its direction and results. These characteristics primarily include: the need for research (the urgency and the need to solve problems and tasks): its purpose, object and subject, methodology, type of research, resources (a certain set of tools and opportunities to ensure the successful conduct of the study and the achievement of its objectives); the results of the study (as the final result and the effectiveness of the study, which determines the ratio and proportionality of the resources used to conduct the study and the goals achieved in this case), etc.

When conducting research, it is important to clearly and correctly define the purpose, object and subject of research. Of great importance is the research process itself, which is a set of sequentially performed operations.

Any research is effective only when the set goals are achieved. research work subject to other conditions (terms and costs). In this regard, the meaning that is inherent in the content of the concept of "goal" is of paramount importance.

In relation to research, it is most preferable to consider the goal as a desired new research result of the state of the subject of a certain research object, expressed qualitatively and (or) quantitatively, mainly with an indication of the timing of its achievement, performers and resources.

Obviously, the goal cannot be identical to the future result of the research, and therefore the achievement is probabilistic.

The necessity and importance of any research is determined by its need and the severity of the problem under consideration for society. Due to the fact that the results scientific research are the most important components of the productive forces, their role in human activity at the present time cannot be overestimated. The results of scientific research free a person from uninteresting hard work, allow him to engage in creative work, including professional scientific activity. The desire to engage in creative work in humans is inherent in nature, since the results of creativity make it possible to facilitate human life, make it more interesting and, ultimately, prolong the existence of man as a species.

The development of human creative activity and scientific thought has led to the fact that science has become the main driving force scientific and technical progress and development of all modern civilization.

Of particular importance here are scientific achievements that have determined the direction of development of world society.

The development of the sciences is now proceeding more and more along a pragmatic path, which significantly increases the practical role of research in human activity. Now the time has come for the wide use of the achievements of the most diverse scientific branches of knowledge, which were obtained with the differentiated development of sciences. This, in turn, leads to the integration of scientific disciplines, which led to the emergence of such sciences as systems theory, control theory, cybernetics, bionics, innovation, etc. It is at the intersection of sciences and in integrated areas of knowledge that scientific discoveries are increasingly being made.

The laws of the market are currently forming fierce competition, in which the managers of the organization are required to make new effective management decisions, usually related to the management of innovations and, accordingly, the conduct of research work, while the number of decisions made is constantly increasing, which obliges managers to acquire knowledge and skills in the study of SU and widely use them in practical activities.

1.2 Characteristics of the study of control systems

The need for a modern organization to meet the requirements market economy causes the need for its constant improvement, organizational development. The basis of organizational innovations is the study of the activities of organizations.

Research of control systems - this is a type of activity aimed at developing and improving management in accordance with constantly changing external and internal conditions. In the conditions of the dynamism of modern production and the social structure, management must be in a state of continuous development, which today is impossible to ensure without exploring the ways and possibilities of this development, without choosing alternative directions. 11 Korotkov E.M. Study of control systems. M., "DeKA". 2004. - p.48

Since control is a specific function, it is implemented by certain elements of the system. The system in the course of its functioning is divided into control and controlled subsystems. Indeed, that in systems there cannot be aimless processes, it is obvious that if there is a goal of activity, then there must be management of the achievement of this goal and the activity itself to achieve it. Thus, there is a separation of the functions of the control and controlled subsystems. Such a division is an objective necessity, caused by the complication of the processes of activity in all areas, the constant growth of the social nature of activity, and the increase in the interconnections of various processes. There is a need to harmonize the goals and efforts of individuals, teams of enterprises, industries, etc., to manage their joint activities. 11 Mukhin V.I. Study of control systems. M., Exam. 2006. - p.42

Figure A 1 shows the structure of the control system.

Management research is carried out in the daily activities of managers and staff and in the work of specialized analytical groups, laboratories, departments. Sometimes consulting firms are invited to conduct research. Necessity in research systems 22 System - a set of elements interconnected to achieve any function. management is dictated by a fairly large range of problems that many organizations have to face. The success of the work of these organizations depends on the correct solution of these problems. Studies of control systems can be different both in terms of goals and methodology for their implementation.

By goals research can be distinguished practical and scientific and practical. Practical research are designed for quick effective solutions and achieving the desired results. Scientific and practical research focused on the future, a deeper understanding of the trends and patterns of development of organizations, improving the educational level of employees.

According to the methodology of conducting, it is necessary to single out, first of all, studies of an empirical nature and based on a system of scientific knowledge.

Diverse studies on the use of resources own or involved, according to labor intensity, duration, information support organization of their implementation. In each specific case, based on the goals set, it is necessary to choose the necessary type of research.

Research and analysis of any specific management system as an object is necessary, first of all, to ensure competitiveness 11 Competitiveness is a complex of consumer and cost (price) characteristics of a product that determine its success in the market, i.e. the advantage of this particular product over others in the context of a wide supply of competing products-analogues of the enterprise in the market of goods (services), to improve the efficiency of the functioning of departments and the organization as a whole. It is possible to understand how successfully and in a timely manner the set goals are achieved only with the help of a study of the work of these units and specific executors and managers.

Research needs to be carried out not only when organizations are facing bankruptcy or a serious crisis, but also when organizations are functioning successfully and consistently achieving certain results. In this case, timely research will help maintain this stable level of the organization's work, find out what hinders or stimulates its work to a greater extent, so that the desired results are even better.

The need for research is also dictated by the constantly changing goals of the functioning of organizations, which is inevitable in the conditions of market competition and constantly changing consumer demand.

Research is needed from both scientific and practical points of view. From a scientific point of view, research involves the development and clear formulation of research methodology in order to develop fundamental theoretical provisions. From a practical point of view, research should be able to be carried out by specific people (analysts, designers, employees in departments), therefore, they need to be armed with specific knowledge, trained in various research methods, explained why this is needed and what goals are achieved. It is necessary to explain the main thing: research is carried out in order to build a specific (reference) model of the management system, to which the organization should strive.

Practice shows that specialists with ordinary work experience in research or economic organizations do not have special knowledge for such research.

Thus, from a practical point of view, conducting research imposes certain requirements on the composition and qualifications of a team of analysts and developers.

Researchers should:

Have experience in the management of specific production facilities;

Possess knowledge modern methods and management techniques;

Possess knowledge of operations research methods and systems analysis;

Have the ability to communicate with specialists of various levels and profiles;

In addition, researchers should be able to systematize the information received, initiate innovations in the organization.

The fulfillment of these requirements determines the need for special selection and training of researchers, since the efficiency of the enterprise depends to a large extent on the results of their activities. The training of such specialists is carried out in advance and is accompanied by an internship for researchers in the process of developing a new model of the control system.

Research of control systems 11 Control - the functions of the system, focused on maintaining its basic quality, or on the preservation of a certain program, which should ensure the stability of functioning (homeostasis), the achievement of a specific goal. includes:

Clarification of the purpose of development and functioning of the enterprise and its divisions;

Identification of enterprise development trends in a specific market environment;

Identification of factors that ensure the achievement of the formulated goal and impede it;

Collection of the necessary data for the development of measures to improve the current management system;

Obtaining the necessary data to link modern models, methods and tools to the conditions of a particular enterprise.

In the process of research and analysis of the work of the organization, the role and place of this enterprise in the relevant market sector is established; the state of production and economic activity of the enterprise; production structure of the enterprise; management system and its organizational structure; features of the interaction of the enterprise with consumers, suppliers and other market participants; innovative activity of the enterprise; the psychological climate of the enterprise, etc.

2. Basic approaches to the study of control systems

2.1 Dialectical approach to the study of control systems

The choice of methodological 11 Research methodology is a set of goals and initial ideas, ways, means and methods for studying phenomena. approach to research has the most significant impact on the process of its conduct and effectiveness, since the direction of all research work largely depends on this. Most of the studied objects are dynamic, internally interconnected objects that interact with the external environment, therefore one of the most acceptable approaches to their study is dialectical.

This approach comes from the essence of dialectics, which is the doctrine of the universal connections of phenomena and the most general patterns of development of being and thinking. The basic law of this doctrine is the law of unity and struggle of opposites, and the fundamental principle is the principle of universal connections of phenomena. This means that in order to study any subject, it is necessary to consider all its aspects and connections. At the same time, the development general process, goes through periodically repeating steps, but each time at a higher level, and all this is carried out in a spiral. 22 Makasheva Z.M. Study of control systems. M., KNORUS, 2008. - P.42

The spiral movement ensures the constant accumulation of knowledge and the achievement of new levels of development over time. In addition to the law of unity and the struggle of opposites of dialectics, in the course of cognition, one should be guided by such laws as the transition of quantity into quality, the negation of negation, realizing in the study the principles of ascent from the abstract to the concrete, the unity of analysis and synthesis, logical and historical, identifying different-quality relationships in an object and their interactions.

The approach under consideration predetermines the need to use the relevant principles.

Principles are a means of concretizing the approach. They, reflecting the practice of successful research, influence its result, and also act as pivotal points in the conduct of research, criteria for an intermediate assessment of effectiveness, limiters of a positive movement towards the truth and practical significance.

The system of principles of the dialectical approach to research includes at least 9 of the following principles, which are discussed in Figure B 1 . 11 Robert M. Encyclopedia modern management. M., VIPKenergo, 1992. - T. 1-5.

The principle of objectivity, which, perhaps, is most clearly manifested in the facts of the study, the construction of hypotheses, and the evaluation of its results.

The principle of movement and development. All phenomena must be considered taking into account their functioning and changes in quality, increase in viability, adaptation to conditions.

The principle of inconsistency is the most important principle of the dialectical approach. He prescribes the search for contradictions, as the leading force of all changes. It also includes an appropriate assessment of alternatives, the action of opposites, connections and dependencies.

The principle of scientific character, which establishes the functions of research, consisting in the need to describe, explain and foresee phenomena. Real scientific character is manifested in the ability to foresee and, on this basis, use the results of the study. Successful foresight is the highest level of research effectiveness. Everything that a person is able to design for the benefit of his life is a manifestation of the possibility of foresight.

The principle of verifiability by practice complements the above principle and determines the orientation towards the practical significance of the study. The statement that practice is the criterion of truth is not an empty phrase or an abstract thought. This is the reality of any research activities and one of the most important principles of the dialectical approach.

The principle of interaction. The dialectical approach is built on taking into account the diversity of connections, their systemic nature, and multivariance.

The principle of integrity is a necessary and natural complement to the above. The system exists only within the framework of a certain integrity, which must be seen, discovered, to find the boundaries of any phenomenon, its separation from the environment. Of course, integrity is always relative, it cannot be absolutized, but it is also impossible to ignore.

An important principle of the dialectical approach is the principle of relativity. It consists in understanding and searching for limitations, stages of research, comparative evaluation of the results, determination of the conditions for their use and accounting. The principle of relativity allows one to formulate criteria for selection or assessments.

The list of principles of the dialectical approach would be incomplete if the rule of genetic and historical certainty were not also indicated. Each phenomenon under study should be considered from the standpoint of its origin, stages of existence, chain of changes and historical trends.

In the success of any research big role play the means and methods of its implementation. The dialectical approach is also implemented in research methods. These methods manifest themselves in ways of dividing and connecting the whole and the part, the main and the secondary, the necessary and the accidental, the statics and the dynamics, the abstract and the concrete, and so on. The full composition of the dialectical research methods is shown in Figure B 1.

The starting position is the relationship of contradiction and identity. It is on this method that all types of analysis are built. Dialectical methods suggest considering any phenomenon in the duality of its properties and characteristics, finding their contradictions and interconnection (conditionality, unity, dependence). The properties of any phenomenon are split into opposites and appear before the researcher in the form of general and special, quality and quantity, cause and effect, content and form, etc.

2.2 Process approach to the study of control systems

Process 11 Process - a successive change of states in the development of something; The development of any phenomenon approach is known in relation to management in general. He considers managerial activity as the continuous implementation of a complex of certain interconnected activities and common functions management (forecasting and planning, organization, etc.). Moreover, the performance of each work of the general control functions is also considered here as a process, i.e. as a set of interrelated continuously performed actions that transform some inputs of resources, information, etc. into the appropriate outputs, results.

Inputs Outputs (results

(information, etc.) input transformations

Figure 1 - Main components of the research process

Often the output of one process is the input for another, and the control process itself is determined by the sum of all related functions performed. Within the framework of this approach, the study of SR should be considered as the performance of research work and general management functions for their implementation (research management cycle) as a process - a continuous series of interrelated actions, i.e. as work to achieve the goals of the study. The process approach is characterized by an orientation towards a set of continuously carried out actions for all research work with their identification and interrelated general management functions (forecasting, planning, organizing work, coordinating, performing work, regulating, activating and stimulating, accounting, monitoring and analyzing), transforming inputs into the outputs and represents process approach to the study of SU.

Technologically, the process approach to research is carried out sequentially, in parallel and in series-parallel, but the most viable of these approaches is series-parallel. 11 Freidina E.V. Study of control systems. M., "Omega - L", 2008. - P. 91

Figure 2 - Types of process approach to research:

A - sequential; B - parallel; B - series-parallel.

The advantage of the process approach is:

Continuity of interconnected research work;

Obtaining a synergistic research result;

More complete implementation of the requirements for research;

Continuous improvement of processes based on objective research results.

2.3 Situational approach to the study of control systems

At present, for a number of purposes of studying control systems, due to the need for a rapid change in management, it is extremely important to quickly carry out work and make informed management decisions. Such goals can be set as unforeseen management problems arise that require quick resolution and are associated, for example, with sudden changes in the markets, the need to urgently conclude a contract, work on the restructuring of management systems that is not within the established planned periods, etc. In a competitive environment, the cost of a delay in conducting a study and making a subsequent decision based on its results, even correct management decisions, can be very high, i.e. it is necessary to increase the efficiency of conducting research on control systems.

In these cases, a situational approach to the study of control systems should be used. The situational approach is an approach to the study of an object (problem, phenomenon, process) as a system in which the elements, internal and external relations that most significantly affect the results of its functioning are identified, and the goals of each of the elements are determined based on the general purpose of the object. 11 Mukhin V.I. Study of control systems. M., Exam. 2006. - P.65, the essence of which lies in the operational study of the current situation and the conduct of research work based on the use of predominantly standard research procedures and a kind of “instant photograph” methods management activities organization and its relationship with the external environment. However, in any case, one or another research method should be determined by the specific situation. 11 Situation - specific circumstances that affect control systems at a given point in time

In the general case, the situational approach to research is methodologically closely related to a similar approach to management, which was formed earlier and made a significant contribution to management theory.

By studying the current situation, one can better understand both the causes that caused it and the impacts that will be more conducive to achieving the objectives of the study of control systems in specific conditions and circumstances.

In the implementation of the situational approach, it is important to understand the researcher about the problem or task under consideration and the corresponding solutions.

In a situational approach, as well as in a systems approach, a process approach should be used.

The situational approach can be used in the following cases: 11 V. B. Remennikov Development of managerial decisions. M., UNITY - DANA, 2006. - P.46

1. If typical situations are repeated relatively often, requiring the same type of research work and stages of studying control systems, when standard research procedures, conclusions and decisions are developed in advance. This allows you not to spend a lot of time, labor and material resources to develop methods and conduct research, it is enough just to identify the real research and management situation and, according to a typical scheme, get ready-made conclusions and recommendations for making a decision. At present, this can be quickly done with the help of specially developed advising computer programs;

2. When situations arise that differ from typical ones and do not have standard ready-made research resolution procedures. For this option, the following is possible:

When deviating from a typical situation caused by the information uncertainty of the available information, specially developed advisers can be used. computer program with fuzzy logic; the implementation of such "advice" will allow you to draw research conclusions and make the best decision, but only with a certain probability;

With a complete deviation from the typical situation and the absence of information, methods should be used to make research conclusions. situational analysis(for example, factor, balance), which does not exclude the use of analytical computer programs.

When using the situational approach, the objects of study can be the methods and style of management, the development strategy of the organization, the internal and external environment of the organization, the subsystem of quality management, costs, etc. However, in a number of situations that have arisen, the object of study can be management systems as a whole.

The situational approach to the study of control systems is developing along with science 11 Science is a sphere of human activity, the function of which is the development and theoretical systematization of knowledge about reality; includes both the activity of obtaining new knowledge and its result - the sum of knowledge underlying the scientific picture of the world; designation of individual branches of scientific knowledge and technology. At present, it involves the use of economic and logical methods of analysis, the main methods of developing managerial decisions and, accordingly, has connections with computer science, intelligent advising and expert systems, decision theory and other sciences.

2.4 Functional approach to the study of control systems

Closely related to the dialectical approach is the functional approach. Its essence lies in the consideration of the studied CS or its constituent elements only from the standpoint of the external environment. In this case, the control system under study is presented in the form of a “black box”. This allows us to consider the relations of the system with other systems and the external environment in an abstract way, without delving into the processes occurring directly in the system under study. That is why everything that reflects the behavior and relationships of a functioning system thus represented is called a function, and the approach is functional.

When any parameters in the system under study are changed in connection with the ongoing process in the "black box", its state changes, including the relationship with the external environment. Knowing the principles of the processes occurring in the system, you can explore the system itself and gain new knowledge. For example, collecting information about failures and failures computer network enterprises, without delving into the essence of the processes occurring in it, you can give their forecast.

The functional approach, like the systemic and situational ones, does not exclude the use of the process approach in the study of control systems. In practice, the functional approach can be widely used in the study of economic phenomena, including planning, trends economic development, equity valuation, price changes, etc.

2.5 Reflective approach to the study of control systems

In the state educational standard for the specialty "Organization Management" it is written that one of the issues under consideration academic discipline is a reflective study. However, it is more correct to interpret it as a reflexive approach to research, which is more in line with the current terminology and the essence of this issue of research work in management.

Reflex (from lat. reflexus - reflection) - the physiological response of the body to certain influences, carried out through the nervous system. With this consideration, unconditioned (innate) and conditioned (acquired and acquired) reflexes are distinguished. During life, more conditional reflexes can not only disappear and be restored, but also, to a certain extent, transform into unconditioned ones.

Usually, control systems are reflex in nature, since in most cases, when conducting a study, it is always possible to predict the response of the system to various kinds of influences. At the same time, the system responds to a stronger impact with a greater reaction. Accordingly, the non-reflex control system reacts to the same influences ambiguously, in many ways. A non-reflex system becomes, for example, when stability is lost as a result of the inoperability of any element, the stressful state of managers, etc.

The participation of a person in management makes the situation non-reflex only in certain situations, since it is difficult to predict the actions of an individual in the presence of stress, risk situations, etc. Therefore, when studying CS, it is necessary to take into account the features of its main element - a person, and this requires analytical work of a socio-economic and organizational-technical nature and, accordingly, the use of various research methods (economic, mathematical, psychological, sociological, technical, economic-mathematical, socio- economic, etc.)

Therefore, the study of any control system should be preceded by the selection of two areas in the system, where a reflex response to influences and a non-reflex response, associated with a possible loss of system stability due to a human or technogenic factor, is carried out. For the reflex area of ​​the control system, i.e. in the conditions of its sustainability, research can be carried out more mathematical methods, for non-reflex - methods of psychology, motivation, theories of probability, catastrophes, etc.

Obviously, in the process of studying the control system, the researcher must solve problems under conditions of uncertainty, which does not allow using only facts. Making rational decisions and conclusions requires the inclusion of a professional perception of reality and its comprehension, i.e. the existing causal relationships of events do not literally lead from fact to fact, but go along the chain from fact to mental perception and from perception back to fact. At the same time, the perception for the researcher is not only a reflection of the fact itself, but depends on the current situation. The latter serves, as a rule, as the basis of perception, which can no longer be interpreted as a fact. Consequently, this approach largely converges with the ideas of D. Soros.

The researcher strives for rationality, but in a situation of information uncertainty it is limited by his knowledge (or you need to have large resources to collect objective information for its in-depth analysis). Therefore, in the ideal case, the research process is carried out both reflexively and intuitively, i.e. on the basis of research "flair".

The basis of the reflexive approach to the study is systematized and accessible for processing objective information about the internal and external environment of the studied CS in the required volume. Its source is the existing knowledge and practical experience of the researcher.

The intuitive approach to research is based on the limited explicit knowledge of the researcher, which makes it possible to form the cognitive process for the most part on unconditioned reflexes.

Reflective 11 Reflection is a reflection full of doubts and hesitations, an analysis of one's own thoughts and experiences; process

self-knowledge by the subject of his internal psycho-states. research approach. However, in this case, the study may have an imaginary accuracy. Yes, under quantitative indicators the plan may hide the uncertainty of its content, due to the figures adopted in the plan based on intuition, i.e. imaginary reflexivity will take place.

It depends on the situation and the amount of knowledge of the researcher which approach to the researcher dominates - reflexive or intuitive. As a rule, the approach that is preferred in a particular study prevails. The most constructive approach is one that contains a balanced balance of reflexivity and intuitiveness. If there is an imbalance, the adopted managerial decision may not be rational enough.

2.6 System approach to the study of control systems

A systematic approach is such a direction of the methodology of scientific knowledge and practice, which is based on the study of any object as a complex holistic cybernetic socio-economic system. 11 Mishin V.M. Study of control systems. M., UNITY - DANA, 2005. - P.107

A systematic approach is an approach to the study of an object (problem, phenomenon, process) as a system in which elements, internal and external relations are identified that most significantly affect the results of its functioning, and the goals of each of the elements are determined based on the general purpose of the object. 22 Mukhin V.I. Study of control systems. M., Exam. 2006. - p.65

In the most general view a system is understood as a set of interrelated elements that form a certain integrity, a certain unity.

Consider the basic principles of a systematic approach (system analysis).

1. Integrity, which allows considering the system at the same time as a whole and at the same time as a subsystem for higher levels.

2. Hierarchical structure, i.e. the presence of a set (at least two) of elements located on the basis of the subordination of elements of a lower level - elements of a higher level. The implementation of this principle is well seen in the example of any particular organization. As you know, any organization is an interaction of two subsystems: managing and managed. One is subordinate to the other.

3. Structurization, which allows you to analyze the elements of the system and their relationships within a specific organizational structure. As a rule, the process of functioning of the system is determined not so much by the properties of its individual elements, but by the properties of the structure itself.

4. Multiplicity, which allows using a variety of cybernetic, economic and mathematical models to describe individual elements and the system as a whole.

As noted above, with a systematic approach, it is important to study the characteristics of an organization as a system, i.e. characteristics of "input", "process" and characteristics of "output".

With a systematic approach based on marketing research, the “exit” parameters are first studied, i.e. goods or services, namely what to produce, with what quality indicators, at what cost, for whom, in what time frame to sell and at what price. The answers to these questions must be clear and timely. At the “output”, as a result, there should be a competitive product or service.

The login parameters are then determined, i.e. the need for resources (material, financial, labor and information) is investigated, which is determined after a detailed study of the organizational and technical level of the system under consideration (the level of technology, technology, features of the organization of production, labor and management) and the parameters of the external environment (economic, geopolitical, social, environmental, etc.). And finally, it is no less important to study the parameters of the process that transforms resources into finished products. At this stage, depending on the object of study, production technology or management technology is considered, as well as factors and ways to improve it.

Thus, a systematic approach allows us to comprehensively evaluate any production and economic activity and the activity of the management system at the level of specific characteristics. This will help to analyze any situation within a single system, to reveal the nature of the problems of entry, process and exit. The use of a systematic approach allows the best way to organize the decision-making process at all levels in the management system.

2.7 An integrated approach to the study of control systems

An integrated approach involves taking into account the analysis of both the internal and external environment of the organization. This means that it is necessary to take into account not only internal, but also external factors - economic, geopolitical, social, demographic, environmental, etc. Factors are important aspects in the analysis of organizations and, unfortunately, are not always taken into account . For example, often social issues are not taken into account or postponed when designing new organizations. When introducing new technology, ergonomic indicators are not always taken into account, which leads to increased worker fatigue and, as a result, to a decrease in labor productivity. When forming new labor collectives, socio-psychological aspects, in particular, the problems of labor motivation, are not properly taken into account. Summarizing what has been said, it can be argued that an integrated approach is a necessary condition for solving the problem of analyzing an organization.

To study the functional relationships of information support for management systems, an integration approach is used to enhance the interaction of all elements of the management system of a particular organization, the essence of which is that research is carried out both vertically (between individual elements of the management system ), and horizontally (at all stages of the product life cycle).

With this approach, there are stronger links between individual subsystems of the organization, more specific tasks. For example, the control system sets the services and departments of the organization specific indicators of their activities in terms of quality, quantity, resource costs, timing, etc. Based on the implementation of these indicators, the set goals are achieved. Integration across the stages of the product life cycle to the horizontal requires the formation of a unified and clear information management system, which should include, first of all, indicators of the quality and quantity of costs at the stages of research, design and technological preparation of production, as well as indicators of the actual production, implementation , operation and removal of the product from production.

Such consistency of indicators by stages of the product life cycle allows you to create a management structure that ensures efficiency and flexibility of management.

Vertical integration is a union of legally independent organizations for the best achievement of the set goals. This is ensured, firstly, by the unification of the efforts of people, i.e. a synergistic effect, and secondly, the creation of new scientific and experimental bases, the introduction of new technologies and new equipment. This, in turn, creates conditions for improving vertical ties between federal, municipal governments and individual organizations, especially in production and social spheres activities. Such integration provides the best control and regulation in the process of implementation of new decrees, resolutions and other regulatory documents. Integration gives organizations additional opportunities to increase their competitiveness through increased cooperation. There is a wider scope for the development and implementation of new ideas, the release of better products, efficiency in the implementation of decisions made.

The application of the integration approach creates the conditions for the best implementation of strategic tasks at all levels in the management system; at the level of the holding, individual companies and specific divisions.


So, research is a process of studying an object and obtaining new knowledge. It can also be considered as a scientific work, a type of cognitive activity; scientific study of a certain subject, any phenomenon (objects) in order to determine the laws and patterns of its occurrence, functioning, improvement, development, features and trends of transition from one state to another, obtaining and applying new knowledge in theory and practice.

The processes of differentiation and integration of sciences and the objective need to introduce the achievements of science into reality most clearly reflect the scientific and practical role of research on human activity on Earth. Taken together, the results of research, of course, have a strong impact on the entire civilization, geopolitics, the security of countries, the social, economic and technical policies of states, the social, social and professional status of people. It was the fruits of cognitive activity that determined the implementation in the world economy of the corresponding technological structures cycles that have significantly changed human life on the planet.

The laws of the market are currently forming fierce competition, in which the managers of the organization are required to make new effective management decisions, usually related to the management of innovations and, accordingly, the conduct of research work, while the number of decisions made is constantly increasing, which obliges managers to acquire knowledge and skills in the study of control systems and widely use them in practice.

The approach to research is one of the leading characteristics of its methodology. But it would be wrong to think that in the practice of research the problem lies only in choosing the most appropriate approach. In fact, each researcher combines different approaches, building his own research methodology. This is where the art of research finds its expression. Often there are also errors leading to misses and inefficiency.

For principles and methods do not operate by themselves, even when they are known. There are many of them and reality is rich in variety. There are always priorities in the juxtaposition of diversity. And the number of combinations of various factors, methods, techniques is endless.

Knowledge accelerates experience, but does not eliminate its necessity. Experience saves effort and increases the likelihood of success. Knowledge without experience does not mean much, and experience without knowledge is not always effective and, as a rule, short-sighted.



It is a doctrine of the universal connections of phenomena and the most general patterns of development of being and thinking


Combining management subjects to enhance the interaction of all elements of the management system of a particular organization


It is a process of studying an object and gaining new knowledge

Research of control systems

This is a type of activity aimed at developing and improving management in accordance with constantly changing external and internal conditions.


A complex of consumer and cost (price) characteristics of a product that determine its success in the market, i.e. the advantage of this particular product over others in the context of a wide offer of competing analogous products

Research Methodology

This is a set of goals and initial ideas, ways, means and methods for studying phenomena

The science

This is a sphere of human activity, the function of which is the development and theoretical systematization of knowledge about reality; includes both the activity of obtaining new knowledge and its result - the sum of knowledge underlying the scientific picture of the world; designation of individual branches of scientific knowledge

Research approach

The initial position of the researcher, which determines the choice of means and methods of research, the ways and organization of his behavior


Sequential change of states in the development of something; the development of a phenomenon


(from lat. reflexus - reflection) - the physiological response of the body to certain influences, carried out through the nervous system


A set of elements interconnected to achieve a certain function

Systems approach

This is such a direction of the methodology of scientific knowledge and practice, which is based on the study of any object as a complex holistic cybernetic socio-economic system


Specific circumstances that affect control systems at the considered point in time


Functions of the system, focused on the preservation of its main quality, or on the preservation of a certain program, which should ensure the stability of functioning (homeostasis), the achievement of a specific goal.


The desired result, expressed quantitatively and qualitatively, the future state of the control object, the achievement of which will provide a solution to the problem.

List of sources used

1. Ackoff R. About purposeful systems. [Text] /Ackoff R. Emery M. - M.: Soviet radio, 1974. -226s.

2. Anokhin P.K. Selected works: Philosophical aspects of the theory of the functional system [Text] ./Anokhin P.K. - M.: Nauka, 1978. - 345 p.

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