Catalog of organizations. Editorial and publishing activity Russian Scientific Research Anti-Plague Institute Microbe


The Russian Research Anti-Plague Institute "Microbe" (RosNIPCHI "Microbe"), located in Saratov, is the heir to the "Special Laboratory", established in 1897 in the Gulf of Finland on the territory of the fort "Alexander I" by the Decree of Emperor Nicholas II to develop methods fight against plague. After the revolution of 1917, the "Special Laboratory" ceased to exist, but the catastrophically rapid development of epidemics in the country dictated the need to create a scientific and methodological institution that would ensure a decrease in the incidence of the most dangerous infectious diseases in the Russian population. In order to study the epidemiology and microbiology of especially dangerous infections, Academician Zabolotny D.K. proposed the creation of a bacteriological institute in Saratov. The choice of Saratov to host the leading scientific anti-epidemic institution was due to political stability, the availability of highly qualified specialists, as well as the convenient geographical location of the city - in the center of extensive plague foci in the Trans-Volga region, the Caspian Sea and the South of Russia. This idea was realized thanks to the active assistance of Professor Bogomolets A.A. and energy of Professor A.I. Berdnikov, who headed the Department of Microbiology of the Saratov University, and then became the first director of the Institute. On the basis of the department, in October 1918, the Regional Institute of Microbiology and Epidemiology of the South-East of the RSFSR was established - the official date of the institute's formation (decision of the collegium of the People's Commissariat of Health of Russia dated November 15, protocol No. 10). In 1919, the name "Microbe" was attached to the official name of the institute as a postal code.
In 1920, in accordance with the decision of the collegium of the People's Commissariat of Health of the RSFSR (protocol No. 95 of December 13, 1919), the institute became an independent institution, independent of the university, and received a new name: the State Regional Institute of Microbiology and Epidemiology of the South-East of Russia of the People's Commissariat of Health of the RSFSR - "Microbe". It acquires the status of a scientific and operational center of the country in the fight against not only the plague, but also other especially dangerous infections, to which, since 1932, the newly created anti-plague institutes in Rostov-on-Don, Irkutsk, Stavropol, Alma-Ata have been subordinated in a methodical sense.
In 1940, the institute received union subordination and, in accordance with the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR No. 2201 dated October 31, 1940, it became known as the State Research Institute of Microbiology and Epidemiology of the South-East of the USSR of the USSR Ministry of Health "Microbe". In 1992, in accordance with the order of the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Russian Federation No. 31 dated March 30, 1992, the institution was renamed the Russian Research Anti-Plague Institute Microb of the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance of Russia. Since 1996, in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1217 dated 10/14/96, the institution was under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Health of Russia, and since 2005 - the Federal Service for Surveillance in the Sphere of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 32-r of 01/17/2005).
Within the walls of the institute, scientists who gained worldwide fame worked. Among them are S.M. Nikanorov, N.N. Zhukov-Verezhnikov, V.N. Fedorov, B.K. Fenyuk, I.G. Ioff, Yu.M. Korobkova, M.P. Pokrovskaya, V.M. Tumansky. The success of the scientific and practical activities of the institute has always been determined by close cooperation with leading specialists from other research institutions of the country, such as D.K. Zabolotny, N.F. Gamaleya, E.N. Pavlovsky, O.V. Baroyan, S.V. Prozorovsky, V.D. Belyakov, B.L. Cherkassky, V.I. Pokrovsky.
Behind successful work in the fight against plague, cholera and other especially dangerous infections, the Microbe Institute was awarded with diplomas of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of the RSFSR, thanks from the USSR Ministry of Health, and was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.
The Institute has made a great contribution to the development scientific directions on epidemiology, epizootology, microbiology, immunology, genetics and biotechnology of especially dangerous infections. Priority results have been obtained in the study of the phenotypic and genotypic variability of pathogens of OOI, the development unified system epidemiological surveillance of plague, cholera and other AIOs, the study of the mechanisms of natural foci, the characteristics of the ecology of AIO pathogens and the manifestations of epizootic and epidemic processes caused by them. The undoubted success of the Institute team in the field of immunology was the creation in 1939 of a live EB plague vaccine, which is still the most effective prophylactic drug in the country. Subsequently, a chemical plague vaccine, a whole series of cholera vaccines were constructed: cholerogen-toxoid + O-antigen for parenteral and per os administration, corpuscular vaccine, live cholera vaccine. Changes in the immune status of people vaccinated against plague and cholera are comprehensively characterized. Intracellular mechanisms of activation and transformation of lymphocytes in the process of immunogenesis to plague and cholera, their metabolic and energy supply have been studied in detail. In the field of microbiology, significant progress has been made in the development and application of new methods and tools for diagnosing especially dangerous infections: immunofluorescence and enzyme immunoassays, immunosuspension and latex agglutination methods, chemiluminescent immunoassay, flow cytometry, etc. Diagnostic immunobiological preparations have been created, incl. and using hybridoma biotechnology. A national collection of pathogenic microorganisms of especially dangerous infections has been created and stored in the Russian Research and Development Institute "Microbe". The staff of the institute developed and introduced into the daily practice of sanitary and preventive institutions the rules of personal and collective safety when working with OOI. Since 1962, the institute has been intensively conducting research on the genetics of especially dangerous infections. This direction was fruitful both in solving fundamental questions and purely practical problems. The ranges of phenotypic and genotypic variability have been studied, new data on the genetics of the virulence and immunogenicity of the plague microbe have been obtained. Based on the development of genetic taxonomy, proposals have been made on the taxonomy of the genus Yersinia. Fundamentally new diagnostic preparations and methods based on genetic probes and valuable polymerase reaction have been created.
At present, the institute is the largest research institution, organizational and methodological center for sanitary and epidemiological protection of the territory of the Russian Federation from the importation and spread of especially dangerous infectious diseases. The staff of the institute has about 600 employees, including 22 doctors, 87 candidates of sciences, 9 professors, many of them were awarded orders and medals.

In accordance with federal law dated 30.03.1999 No. 52-FZ "On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1999, No. 14, Art. 1650; 2002, No. 1 (part 1), Art. 2; 2003, No. 2, 167; No. 27 (part 1), art. 2700; 2004, No. 35, art. 3607; 2005, No. 19, art. 1752; 2006, No. 1, art. 10; No. 52 (part 1) , item 5498; 2007 No. 1 (part 1), item 21; No. 1 (part 1), item 29; No. 27, item 3213; No. 46, item 5554; No. 49, item 6070 ; 2008, No. 24, article 2801; No. 29 (part 1), article 3418; No. 30 (part 2), article 3616; No. 44, article 4984; No. 52 (part 1), article 6223; 2009, No. 1, article 17; 2010, No. 40, article 4969; 2011, No. 1, article 6; No. 30 (part 1), article 4563; No. 30 (part 1), 4590; No. 30 (part 1), art. 4591; No. 30 (part 1), art. 4596; No. 50, art. 7359; 2012, No. 24, art. 3069; No. 26, art. 3446 ; 2013, No. 27, Article 3477; No. 30 (part 1), Article 4079; No. 48, Article 6165; 2014, No. 26 (Part I), Article 3366, Article 3377; 2015, No. 1 (part I), article 11) in order to ensure the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population of the Russian Federation in terms of preventing the occurrence and spread of plague, other especially dangerous, natural focal, zoonotic infectious diseases, improving monitoring of natural foci of infectious diseases, interaction of anti-plague institutions of Rospotrebnadzor with territorial bodies Rospotrebnadzor, organizational, scientific, methodological and practical participation of anti-plague institutions of Rospotrebnadzor in ensuring federal state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance, I order:

1. Approve the Regulations on the organization of the activities of the system of anti-plague institutions of Rospotrebnadzor ().

2. Heads of territorial bodies of Rospotrebnadzor, chief doctors of federal budgetary healthcare institutions - centers of hygiene and epidemiology in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and for railway transport, directors of anti-plague institutions of Rospotrebnadzor to ensure interaction in accordance with the organization of the activities of the system of anti-plague institutions of Rospotrebnadzor.

3. I reserve control over the execution of this order.

Registration number 37785


Regulations on the organization of the activities of the system of anti-plague institutions of Rospotrebnadzor
(approved by the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare dated April 1, 2015 No. 274)

I. General provisions

1.1. The system of anti-plague institutions of Rospotrebnadzor is intended for scientific, methodological and practical support of federal state sanitary and epidemiological supervision aimed at preventing the occurrence and spread (hereinafter referred to as prevention) of plague, other especially dangerous, natural focal, zoonotic infectious diseases and sanitary protection of the territory of the Russian Federation.

1.2. The activities of the system of anti-plague institutions of Rospotrebnadzor are managed by the head of Rospotrebnadzor.

1.3. The system of anti-plague institutions of Rospotrebnadzor includes: the anti-plague center of Rospotrebnadzor, anti-plague stations of Rospotrebnadzor, research anti-plague institutions of Rospotrebnadzor (to the Regulation on the organization of the activities of the system of anti-plague institutions of Rospotrebnadzor).

1.4. An approximate structure of research anti-plague institutions of Rospotrebnadzor (hereinafter referred to as NIPCHI of Rospotrebnadzor) and anti-plague stations of Rospotrebnadzor is given in the Regulation on the organization of the activities of the system of anti-plague institutions of Rospotrebnadzor (hereinafter referred to as the Regulation).

1.5. Employees of anti-plague institutions of Rospotrebnadzor belong to the category of workers employed in work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions.

II. Tasks and functions of the system of anti-plague institutions of Rospotrebnadzor

2.1. The main tasks and functions of the system of anti-plague institutions of Rospotrebnadzor are:

1) scientific, methodological and practical support of the federal state sanitary and epidemiological supervision aimed at preventing plague, and participation in the implementation of a complex of sanitary and anti-epidemic (preventive) measures for the prevention of plague and other especially dangerous, natural focal and zoonotic infectious diseases, including number in natural foci;

2) provision of scientific, advisory, methodological and practical assistance to the territorial bodies of Rospotrebnadzor and bodies state power subjects of the Russian Federation in the field of health protection on the following issues: sanitary protection of the territory of the Russian Federation; organization and implementation of sanitary and anti-epidemic (preventive) measures in the event of plague and other especially dangerous, natural focal and zoonotic infectious diseases, their laboratory diagnostics; compliance with the requirements of special safety precautions for working with microorganisms I-II groups pathogenicity (danger). To provide this assistance, the subjects of the Russian Federation are assigned to the anti-plague institutions of Rospotrebnadzor in accordance with the Regulations, and the anti-plague stations of Rospotrebnadzor are assigned to the NIPCHI of Rospotrebnadzor in accordance with the Regulations.

3) ensuring the constant readiness of anti-plague institutions of Rospotrebnadzor and their mobile specialized anti-epidemic teams (hereinafter referred to as SPEB), the operating procedure of which is determined by Rospotrebnadzor, for the localization and elimination of epidemic foci of plague and other especially dangerous, natural focal and zoonotic infectious diseases of a bacterial and viral nature, anti-epidemic and sanitary and hygienic provision of rescue and recovery operations in areas of natural disasters and man-made disasters, including the prevention and elimination of the consequences of bioterrorist acts, as well as to ensure sanitary and epidemiological well-being during mass events;

4) implementation of information monitoring of the epizootic and epidemic situation on the incidence of plague and other especially dangerous, natural focal and zoonotic infectious diseases in the territories located outside the Russian Federation.

5) identification, evaluation and coordination of priority areas of research and practical anti-epidemic activities in the field of sanitary protection of the territory of the Russian Federation, biological safety and countering bioterrorism, epidemiology, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of plague and other especially dangerous, natural focal and zoonotic infectious diseases caused by pathogens of I-II groups of pathogenicity (danger);

6) ensuring the formation, replenishment and preservation of the national centralized collection fund of pathogenic microorganisms and their standard samples, procedures for their official deposit for the needs of patent examination, monitoring compliance with the requirements of the unified national procedure for recording and circulation of pathogenic microorganisms in the Russian Federation, conducting official quantitative attestation of pathogenicity ( hazards) of newly isolated and genetically modified strains;

8) development and production of medical immunobiological preparations for the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of plague and other especially dangerous, natural focal and zoonotic infectious diseases of a bacterial and viral nature;

9) training of personnel in order to carry out practical, research, educational, industrial, diagnostic and medical activities related to work with microorganisms of I-II groups of pathogenicity (danger);

10) participation in the development of draft regulatory, methodological and other documents on issues within the competence of the anti-plague institutions of Rospotrebnadzor

11) implementation of other works and services provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the charter of the relevant anti-plague institution of Rospotrebnadzor.

2.2. The implementation by anti-plague institutions of Rospotrebnadzor of the provisions and this Regulation is carried out in cooperation with the federal budgetary institutions of science "State Scientific Center for Virology and Biotechnology" Vector "and" State Scientific Center for Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology "of Rospotrebnadzor.

2.3. In order to fulfill the tasks and functions assigned to the anti-plague institutions of Rospotrebnadzor, they are assigned the relevant administrative territories (the principle of extraterritoriality).

2.4. In order to conduct epizootological monitoring in natural plague foci, anti-plague stations of Rospotrebnadzor are distributed in accordance with the Regulations.

III. Procedure for the operation of the system of anti-plague institutions of Rospotrebnadzor

3.1. The anti-plague institutions of Rospotrebnadzor, when carrying out their main activities, interact with the following bodies and organizations of Rospotrebnadzor:

1) territorial bodies of Rospotrebnadzor;

2) federal budgetary healthcare institutions - centers of hygiene and epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor;

3) scientific organizations of Rospotrebnadzor, including federal budgetary institutions of science "State Scientific Center for Virology and Biotechnology" Vector "and" State Scientific Center for Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology "of Rospotrebnadzor;

4) Rospotrebnadzor disinfection centers.

3.2. In order to coordinate the activities of the system of anti-plague institutions, Rospotrebnadzor approves priority areas activities of the system of anti-plague institutions of Rospotrebnadzor for the medium and long term.

3.3. In the event of emergencies of a sanitary and epidemiological nature, Rospotrebnadzor brings the SPES stationed on the basis of the Research Institute of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare to a state of high alert and sends the SPES to a given area in full, limited (groups of specialists) or enhanced composition to localize and eliminate epidemic foci of plague and other special dangerous, natural focal and zoonotic infectious diseases, elimination of the health consequences of natural disasters and unauthorized use of pathogenic biological agents, as well as ensuring sanitary and epidemiological well-being during public events.

3.4. Organizational support The activities of the system of anti-plague institutions of Rospotrebnadzor are assigned to the following anti-plague institutions of Rospotrebnadzor:

1) The Federal Public Health Institution "Anti-Plague Center" of Rospotrebnadzor, which must carry out:

Organization and control of epizootological monitoring and epidemiological surveillance of plague in its natural foci by anti-plague stations of Rospotrebnadzor;

Conducting an assessment and forecasting of the epidemiological situation in terms of the incidence of plague in the Russian Federation, together with the Research Institute of the Rospotrebnadzor, specified in the Regulation;

Coordination of the annual work plans of the anti-plague stations of Rospotrebnadzor, which the anti-plague stations of Rospotrebnadzor must first coordinate with the NIPCHI of Rospotrebnadzor specified in the Regulation, and the territorial bodies of Rospotrebnadzor, as well as analysis of their implementation based on the reporting materials submitted by the anti-plague stations of Rospotrebnadzor;

Control and analysis of the work of anti-plague stations of Rospotrebnadzor on issues of their core activities;

Organization of the integrated assessment the effectiveness of the activities of the anti-plague stations of Rospotrebnadzor, the preparation, together with the NIPCHI of Rospotrebnadzor, specified in the Regulation, and the submission to Rospotrebnadzor of proposals for improving the activities of the anti-plague stations of Rospotrebnadzor;

2) The Federal Public Health Institution "Russian Research Anti-Plague Institute "Microbe" of Rospotrebnadzor, which must carry out:

Coordination of the work of the system of anti-plague institutions of Rospotrebnadzor on the prevention of especially dangerous and natural focal infectious diseases of a bacterial nature and sanitary protection of the territory of the Russian Federation;

Organization of the work of the coordinating scientific council of Rospotrebnadzor for sanitary protection of the territory of the Russian Federation;

Providing scientific and methodological guidance in the implementation of scientific research by the anti-plague institutions of Rospotrebnadzor.

3.5. NIPCHI of Rospotrebnadzor, within the framework of the functioning of the system of anti-plague institutions of Rospotrebnadzor, should carry out:

1) scientific support for the activities of anti-plague stations of Rospotrebnadzor and methodological assistance on the prevention of plague, especially dangerous and natural focal infectious diseases;

2) carrying out research and testing work on the territory of natural foci of plague and other especially dangerous, natural focal and zoonotic infectious diseases together with the Federal State Health Institution "Anti-Plague Center" of Rospotrebnadzor and anti-plague stations of Rospotrebnadzor;

3) the implementation of the operational collection and analysis of information on the detection and spread of plague and other especially dangerous infectious diseases on the territory of the Russian Federation and abroad, as well as the correction of the boundaries of natural plague foci and other especially dangerous, natural focal and zoonotic infectious diseases associated with it; diseases;

4) ensuring the preparation of reviews and forecasts of the epizootic situation on the incidence of plague, other especially dangerous, natural focal and zoonotic infectious diseases, together with the anti-plague stations of Rospotrebnadzor;

5) development of short-term seasonal forecasts and recommendations aimed at reducing the risk of infection with natural focal infectious diseases, taking into account the epidemiological situation in the territory assigned to the NIPCHI data of Rospotrebnadzor;

6) training of specialists of Rospotrebnadzor, including programs of additional vocational education;

7) carrying out curatorial work by sending their specialists (curators) to the anti-plague stations of Rospotrebnadzor at least once a year, and in case of exacerbation of the epizootic activity of natural plague foci or epidemiological trouble for especially dangerous, natural focal and zoonotic infectious diseases - as necessary but not less than 2 times a year.

3.6. The anti-plague stations of Rospotrebnadzor and the Federal State Health Institution "Anti-Plague Center" of Rospotrebnadzor, within the framework of the functioning of the system of anti-plague institutions of Rospotrebnadzor, must carry out:

1) carrying out, in agreement with the territorial bodies of Rospotrebnadzor, an epizootological survey of transport hubs open for international traffic, and epizootological observation of territories adjacent to natural plague foci of foreign countries, in order to prevent the introduction of plague into the territory of the Russian Federation;

2) preparation of work plans for anti-plague stations of Rospotrebnadzor and their approval, provided for by this Regulation;

3) in natural foci of plague and foci of other natural focal infectious diseases combined with it:

Conducting epidemiological and epizootological monitoring and participation in sanitary and anti-epidemic (preventive) measures in accordance with the epidemiological situation and the forecast of epizootic activity of natural foci of plague, other natural focal and zoonotic diseases

Carrying out field deratization and disinsection in case of detection of a plague epizootic within the framework of annual volumes agreed with the relevant territorial body of Rospotrebnadzor and approved by the Federal Public Health Institution "Anti-Plague Center" of Rospotrebnadzor;

Participation in the control of immunization against plague of contingents of "high risk of infection" and in the organization of medical observation of the population and the identification of persons suspected of plague, as well as the effectiveness of village deratization and disinsection;

An annual assessment of the epidemic potential of individual areas of natural foci of plague and natural focal and zoonotic infectious diseases combined with it in order to rationally use forces and means while ensuring federal state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance;

Implementation of operational adjustment and redistribution of the volume of sanitary and preventive measures and laboratory tests for plague and other especially dangerous, natural focal and zoonotic infectious diseases in the event of a change in the epidemiological situation and the forecast of the epizootic activity of their natural foci;

Participation in the expert assessment of the territories of natural plague foci intended for use in economic, industrial, construction and recreational purposes;

The direction for the study of the strains of the plague microbe isolated in the natural foci of the plague of the Russian Federation to the Research Institute of Rospotrebnadzor upon completion of the examination in the spring-summer and autumn seasons;

Carrying out research and testing work on the territory of natural plague foci in conjunction with the Research Institute of Rospotrebnadzor;

Annual training of veterinary workers on the issues of epizootology, clinic, diagnosis and prevention of infectious diseases common to humans and animals.

3.7. Anti-plague institutions of Rospotrebnadzor carry out other activities, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation and the charter of the corresponding anti-plague institution of Rospotrebnadzor.

IV. The procedure for interaction of anti-plague institutions of Rospotrebnadzor with the territorial bodies of Rospotrebnadzor and other organizations subordinate to Rospotrebnadzor

4.1. The interaction of the anti-plague institutions of Rospotrebnadzor with the territorial bodies of Rospotrebnadzor in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation assigned in accordance with the Regulations is carried out on the basis of an agreement concluded by them, which provides for the obligations of the parties to prevent especially dangerous, natural focal and zoonotic infectious diseases, to ensure sanitary protection of the territory of the corresponding constituent entity of the Russian Federation and biological safety when working with pathogenic microorganisms.

The directions of interaction provided for by the agreement are taken into account when planning work.

4.2. As part of the interaction when planning joint events for the coming year:

1) the territorial body of Rospotrebnadzor, based on the analysis and assessment of the epidemiological situation of the incidence of especially dangerous infectious diseases (except for plague) in the subject of the Russian Federation, sends proposals for inclusion in the annual work plan of the corresponding anti-plague institution of Rospotrebnadzor;

2) the anti-plague institution of Rospotrebnadzor coordinates with the territorial body of Rospotrebnadzor in the relevant subject of the Russian Federation the measures in which it participates or intends to perform them independently.

4.3. As part of information exchange:

1) the anti-plague institution of Rospotrebnadzor sends information to the relevant territorial body of Rospotrebnadzor:

About the epizootic situation in natural foci of plague and natural foci of other infections combined with it in the supervised territory;

Review and forecast of the epizootic situation for especially dangerous, natural focal and zoonotic infectious diseases in the supervised territory, as well as in natural plague foci of the Russian Federation and CIS countries;

On the isolation of pathogens of especially dangerous infectious diseases from objects environment and material from people in the supervised area with proposals for a set of sanitary and anti-epidemic (preventive) measures (on-line);

2) the territorial body of Rospotrebnadzor provides the relevant anti-plague institution of Rospotrebnadzor with:

Monthly and final annual information on the incidence of infectious diseases among the population;

Operational information on cases of importation of especially dangerous infectious diseases and outbreaks of infectious diseases;

On the isolation of pathogens of especially dangerous infectious diseases from environmental objects and material from people in order to involve in the implementation of sanitary and anti-epidemic (preventive) measures;

Data on the epizootic and epidemic situation on natural focal, zoonotic infections obtained in the framework of interagency cooperation.

4.4. As part of the interaction in the implementation of sanitary and anti-epidemic (preventive) measures in the epidemiological surveillance of plague:

Provide federal state sanitary and epidemiological supervision, including epizootological examination of natural plague foci, and also provide recommendations to the territorial bodies of Rospotrebnadzor on the organization and implementation of measures to prevent plague;

They monitor the vaccination against plague of "contingents of high risk of infection" (organized by the executive authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the field of health protection), the organization of medical observation of the population in the territory of natural plague foci, the effectiveness of village deratization and disinfestation;

Prepare an overview and forecast of the epizootic situation in natural plague foci in the territory they supervise;

Conduct an expert assessment of the territories of natural plague foci intended for use in economic, industrial, construction and recreational purposes;

Organize and participate in the conduct of primary activities in identifying a patient suspected of having plague;

They control the vaccination against plague of "contingents of high risk of infection" (organized by the executive authorities in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the field of health protection) living on the territory of natural plague foci, in accordance with the recommendations of anti-plague institutions.

3) anti-plague institutions of Rospotrebnadzor together with the territorial bodies of Rospotrebnadzor:

Ensure the organization and implementation of activities for the localization and elimination of foci of plague diseases and the implementation of measures for the prevention of plague;

They monitor the readiness of medical organizations in case of detection of plague patients in plague-enzootic territories;

They carry out information and explanatory work on the prevention of plague among the population living in the territories enzootic for plague.

4.5. As part of the interaction in the implementation of sanitary and anti-epidemic (preventive) measures in the epidemiological surveillance of cholera:

1) anti-plague institutions of Rospotrebnadzor:

Carry out, in agreement with the territorial bodies of Rospotrebnadzor, monitoring of vibrioflora in environmental objects at "control" points;

Perform diagnostic studies on cholera of clinical material from patients and deceased with suspected cholera;

Inform the territorial bodies of Rospotrebnadzor about the isolation of strains of cholera vibrios from environmental objects and from people;

Confirm the taxonomic affiliation of strains of cholera vibrios isolated in the territory assigned to them, and evaluate their epidemic significance;

2) territorial bodies of Rospotrebnadzor:

Organize and carry out monitoring of vibrioflora in environmental objects;

Organize diagnostic studies for cholera of clinical material from patients and deceased with suspected cholera;

Organize routine diagnostic tests for cholera;

Provide operational information on the isolation of strains of Vibrio cholerae and transfer them to in due course to the anti-plague institution of Rospotrebnadzor assigned to them.

Develop comprehensive plans for cholera control measures;

They organize and carry out a complex of sanitary and anti-epidemic (preventive) measures in the foci of cholera and control their effectiveness in accordance with the current regulatory and administrative documents.

4.6. As part of the interaction in the implementation of measures for the sanitary protection of the territory from the introduction and spread of dangerous infectious diseases:

1) anti-plague institutions of Rospotrebnadzor:

At the request of the territorial bodies of Rospotrebnadzor, they provide advisory and practical assistance in checking and assessing the anti-epidemic readiness of medical and other organizations to work with especially dangerous infectious diseases;

On behalf of the territorial bodies of Rospotrebnadzor, selective checks of the anti-epidemic readiness of organizations intended for the deployment of a hospital and laboratory base are carried out, following which they submit proposals with appropriate justification to the territorial bodies of Rospotrebnadzor;

2) territorial bodies of Rospotrebnadzor:

They control the anti-epidemic readiness of medical organizations to carry out primary measures, as well as a hospital base intended for hospitalization of patients and persons with suspected diseases that are regulated by sanitary and epidemiological rules SP 3.4.2318-08 "Sanitary protection of the territory of the Russian Federation";

Organize and conduct, together with the anti-plague institutions of Rospotrebnadzor, training exercises and classes to implement primary measures in identifying patients with plague, cholera, contagious viral hemorrhagic fevers and other especially dangerous infectious diseases or who died from these diseases in medical organizations and checkpoints across the state border of the Russian Federation;

3) territorial bodies of Rospotrebnadzor and anti-plague institutions of Rospotrebnadzor jointly:

Conduct an analysis of the intensity of migration flows, transport and cargo flows, including with countries disadvantaged by dangerous infectious diseases;

Taking into account the transport links of the territory, they plan and ensure the conduct of an epidemiological survey of the territories of checkpoints across the state border of the Russian Federation and the territory adjacent to them, as well as vehicles crossing the state border of the Russian Federation.

Develop and correct comprehensive plans to ensure the sanitary protection of the territory of the subject of the Russian Federation from the importation and spread of especially dangerous infectious diseases, providing for the participation in their implementation of the anti-plague institutions of Rospotrebnadzor.

4.7. As part of cooperation on the prevention of natural focal diseases and infectious diseases common to humans and animals:

1) anti-plague institutions of Rospotrebnadzor:

Provide methodological and practical assistance to the territorial bodies of Rospotrebnadzor in organizing and carrying out sanitary and anti-epidemic (preventive) measures when registering cases of especially dangerous, natural focal and zoonotic infectious diseases, as well as to laboratories of federal budgetary healthcare institutions - centers of hygiene and epidemiology in organizing and conducting research material suspected of being infected with microorganisms of the II pathogenicity group;

Evaluate the effectiveness of deratization and pest control measures;

2) the territorial bodies of Rospotrebnadzor with the participation of anti-plague institutions of Rospotrebnadzor make proposals to the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on the development regional programs in the field of ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population in terms of natural focal and common for humans and animals infectious diseases, carry out their coordination and participate in their implementation, as well as develop administrative and regulatory documents at the regional level;

4.8. As part of the interaction in the implementation of laboratory diagnostics of especially dangerous infectious diseases:

1) anti-plague institutions of Rospotrebnadzor carry out:

Diagnostic study of clinical material and samples from environmental objects for the presence of plague pathogens, as well as for the presence of pathogens of especially dangerous infectious diseases of pathogenicity group II, received in the prescribed manner;

Identification and additional study of directed strains of microorganisms of the II pathogenicity group;

Sending to federal budgetary healthcare institutions - centers of hygiene and epidemiology the results of studies of clinical material, samples from environmental objects and strains of microorganisms sent for identification (verification);

2) federal budgetary healthcare institutions - centers of hygiene and epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor carry out:

Control during the sampling of clinical material from people for research on the presence of pathogens of especially dangerous infectious diseases;

Sampling from environmental objects;

Diagnostic study for the presence of pathogens of especially dangerous infectious diseases of the II group of pathogenicity of material samples from people and from environmental objects;

Referral for identification to the anti-plague institution of Rospotrebnadzor assigned to this subject of the Russian Federation of strains of microorganisms of the pathogenicity group II, isolated by laboratories;

Selection in accordance with the established procedure and delivery to the anti-plague institution of Rospotrebnadzor or storage until the arrival of specialists of the anti-plague institution of Rospotrebnadzor of samples of material for testing for plague (if necessary);

Sending clinical material, samples from environmental objects, isolated strains from foci of infectious diseases to the anti-plague institution of Rospotrebnadzor assigned to this subject of the Russian Federation to establish the etiological factor (in case of a threat of the spread of especially dangerous infectious diseases and / or liquidation of the consequences of emergency situations of a sanitary and epidemiological nature) .

4.9. As part of the interaction in the implementation of control over ensuring biological safety, countering bioterrorism, measures to prevent or eliminate emergencies of a sanitary and epidemiological nature:

1) anti-plague institutions of Rospotrebnadzor:

Participate in monitoring compliance with biological safety requirements when performing work using microorganisms of pathogenicity groups I-II in laboratories of federal budgetary healthcare institutions - centers of hygiene and epidemiology and other organizations on the territory of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation assigned to them;

Carry out work as part of commissions for monitoring compliance with biological safety requirements created in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation assigned to them;

Carry out confirmation of the results of laboratory studies obtained by federal budgetary healthcare institutions - centers of hygiene and epidemiology;

If a pathogen of pathogenicity group I is detected, further laboratory testing is carried out;

Provide methodological and practical assistance in the preparation of operational units and microbiological laboratories of federal budgetary healthcare institutions - centers of hygiene and epidemiology, elimination of the consequences of emergency situations of a sanitary and epidemiological nature, in the field of monitoring and prevention of especially dangerous, natural focal and zoonotic infectious diseases;

Carry out an expert assessment of proposals and projects for the use of the territory of natural plague foci for economic, industrial, construction and recreational purposes in the subjects of the Russian Federation assigned to them;

2) territorial bodies of Rospotrebnadzor:

Carry out measures to ensure their own readiness to carry out measures to eliminate the consequences of bioterrorist acts, including the preparation of operational units and a laboratory base;

Organize and carry out emergency sanitary and anti-epidemic (preventive) measures to prevent or eliminate the consequences of emergency situations of a sanitary and epidemiological nature;

Participate in the formation of the personnel of the SPEB NIPCHI Rospotrebnadzor;

Organize the conduct of research, testing, examinations, analyzes and assessments necessary for the implementation of epidemiological surveillance of especially dangerous infectious diseases;

3) federal budgetary healthcare institutions - centers of hygiene and epidemiology and anti-plague institutions of Rospotrebnadzor conduct sanitary and epidemiological examinations, examinations, studies, tests and other types of assessments aimed at preventing the occurrence and spread of especially dangerous infectious diseases.

* Resolution of the USSR State Committee for Labor and the Presidium of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions of October 25, 1974 No. 298 / P-22 "On approval of the List of industries, workshops, professions and positions with harmful conditions labor, work in which gives the right to additional leave and a shorter working day "; Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR dated 01.26.1991 No. 10 "On approval of the Lists of industries, jobs, professions, positions and indicators giving the right to preferential pension coverage"; Government Decree of the Russian Federation dated February 14, 2003 No. 101 "On the duration of the working hours of medical workers depending on their position and (or) specialty"

** Approved by Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation No. 3 dated 22.01.2008, registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on 03.04.2008, registration No. 11459, with amendments approved by Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation No. 29 dated 25.04.2008, registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on 26.05 .2008, registration number 11760

Annex 1
about the organization
system activities
anti-plague institutions

List of institutions included in the system of anti-plague institutions of Rospotrebnadzor

1. Federal public health institution "Anti-Plague Center" of Rospotrebnadzor.

2. Federal public health institution "Altai anti-plague station" of Rospotrebnadzor.

3. Federal public health institution "Astrakhan anti-plague station" of Rospotrebnadzor.

4. Federal public health institution "Dagestan anti-plague station" of Rospotrebnadzor.

5. Federal public health institution "Black Sea anti-plague station" of Rospotrebnadzor.

6. Federal public health institution "Primorskaya anti-plague station" of Rospotrebnadzor.

7. Federal State Public Health Institution "Anti-Plague Station of the Republic of Crimea" of Rospotrebnadzor.

8. Federal public health institution "North-Western anti-plague station" of Rospotrebnadzor.

9. Federal public health institution "Tuva Anti-Plague Station" of Rospotrebnadzor.

10. Federal public health institution "Khabarovsk anti-plague station" of Rospotrebnadzor.

11. Federal public health institution "Chita Anti-Plague Station" of Rospotrebnadzor.

12. Federal public health institution "Elistinskaya anti-plague station" of Rospotrebnadzor.

13. Federal public health institution "Kabardino-Balkarian anti-plague station" of Rospotrebnadzor.

14. Federal public health institution "North Caucasian anti-plague station" of Rospotrebnadzor.

15. Federal State Institution of Public Health "Volgograd Research Anti-Plague Institute" of Rospotrebnadzor.

16. Federal public health institution "Rostov-on-Don Order of the Red Banner of Labor Research Anti-Plague Institute" of Rospotrebnadzor.

17. Federal State Health Institution "Russian Research Anti-Plague Institute "Microbe" of Rospotrebnadzor.

18. Federal public health institution "Stavropol Research Anti-Plague Institute" of Rospotrebnadzor.

19. Federal public health institution "Irkutsk Order of the Red Banner of Labor Research Anti-Plague Institute of Siberia and the Far East" of Rospotrebnadzor.

Appendix 2
about the organization
system activities
anti-plague institutions

Approximate structure of anti-plague institutions of Rospotrebnadzor

I. Approximate structure of NIPCHI of Rospotrebnadzor

1.1. Management.

1.2. Scientific and anti-epidemic units:

1) department of epidemiology:

Laboratory of sanitary protection of the territory and emergency situations;

Laboratory of epidemiological analysis and forecasting;

Laboratory of epizootological monitoring;

Biosafety Laboratory.

2) department of diagnostics of infectious diseases (ensuring the functions of the Indication Center):

Laboratory for Diagnosis of Infectious Diseases;

Virology Laboratory;

3) department of educational programs and training of specialists.

1.3. Research departments:

1) department "Collection of pathogenic bacteria";

2) department of microbiology (providing reference functions);

3) department of immunology.

1.4. Experimental production divisions.

1.5. Scientific-organizational and methodical subdivisions.

1.6. Engineering and technical divisions.

II. Approximate structure of anti-plague stations (PCS) of Rospotrebnadzor

2.1. Management.

2.2. Leading divisions:

1) epidemiological department;

2) department (department, group) for ensuring biological safety;

3) laboratory of epizootological monitoring and non-specific prevention;

4) department of diagnostics of infectious diseases:

bacteriological laboratory

Virological laboratory

2.3. Departments of organizational and methodological support:

1) department (department, group) of the organization of activities;

2) department (department, group) documentation support with archive.

2.4. Administrative and economic divisions:

1) economic department:

Economic department (group);

Branch (group) public procurement and logistics;

Repair and maintenance department (group);

2) vivarium.

2.5. Anti-plague department (branch):

1) bacteriological laboratory;

2) zoological laboratory.

Annex 3
about the organization
system activities
anti-plague institutions

List of anti-plague institutions of Rospotrebnadzor and the subjects of the Russian Federation assigned to them to provide methodological and practical assistance on the prevention of plague and other especially dangerous, natural focal and zoonotic infectious diseases

No. p / p Name of the anti-plague institution of Rospotrebnadzor Subjects of the Russian Federation
1. FKUZ "Anti-plague center" of Rospotrebnadzor Belgorod region, Bryansk region, Vladimir region, Voronezh region, Ivanovo region, Kaluga region, Kirov region, Kostroma region, Kursk region, Lipetsk region, Moscow region, Orel region, Ryazan region, Smolensk region, Tambov region, Tver region, Tula region, Yaroslavl region, Moscow
2. Republic of Bashkortostan, Republic of Mari El, Republic of Mordovia, Republic of Tatarstan, Udmurt Republic, Chuvash Republic, Perm Territory, Kurgan Region, Nizhny Novgorod Region, Orenburg Region, Penza Region, Samara Region, Saratov Region, Sverdlovsk region, Ulyanovsk region, Chelyabinsk region
3. FKUZ Volgograd anti-plague Rospotrebnadzor Volgograd region
4. Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Republic of Khakassia, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Irkutsk Region, Kemerovo Region, Novosibirsk region, Omsk Region, Tomsk Region, Tyumen Region, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug
5. FKUZ RostovNIPCHI Rospotrebnadzor Rostov region
6. Republic of Ingushetia, Republic of North Ossetia - Alania, Chechen Republic, Stavropol Territory
7. Republic of Altai, Altai Territory
8. Astrakhan region
9. The Republic of Dagestan
10. Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, Karachay-Cherkess Republic
11. Kamchatka Territory, Primorsky Territory
12. Republic of Adygea, Krasnodar Territory
13. Republic of Crimea, Sevastopol
14. Republic of Karelia, Republic of Komi, Arkhangelsk region, Vologda region, Kaliningrad region, Leningrad region, Murmansk region, Novgorod region, Pskov region, Nenets Autonomous Okrug, St. Petersburg
15. Rostov region
16. Tyva Republic
17. Khabarovsk Territory, Amur Region, Magadan Region, Sakhalin Region, Jewish Autonomous Region, Chukotka Autonomous Okrug
18. Republic of Buryatia, Trans-Baikal Territory
19. Republic of Kalmykia

Appendix 4
about the organization
system activities
anti-plague institutions

The list of anti-plague stations of Rospotrebnadzor assigned to the research anti-plague institutes of Rospotrebnadzor to provide scientific and methodological assistance on the prevention of plague and other especially dangerous, natural focal and zoonotic infections

No. p / p Name of anti-plague stations of Rospotrebnadzor Name NIPCHI Rospotrebnadzor
1. FKUZ "Astrakhanskaya PChS" Rospotrebnadzor FKUZ "Elistinskaya PChS" Rospotrebnadzor FKUZ "North-Caucasian PChS" Rospotrebnadzor FGKUZ "PChS of the Republic of Crimea" Rospotrebnadzor FKUZ "North-West PChS" Rospotrebnadzor FKUZ RosNIPCHI "Microbe" of Rospotrebnadzor
2. FKUZ "Altai CHS" Rospotrebnadzor FHIZ "Primorskaya CHS" Rospotrebnadzor FHIZ "Tuvinskaya CHS" Rospotrebnadzor FHIZ "Khabarovskaya CHS" Rospotrebnadzor FHIZ "Chitinskaya CHS" FKUZ IrkutskNIPCHI Rospotrebnadzor
3. FKUZ "Dagestanskaya PChS" of Rospotrebnadzor FKUZ "Kabardino-Balkarian PChS" of Rospotrebnadzor FKUZ StavNIPCHI Rospotrebnadzor

Appendix 5
about the organization
system activities
anti-plague institutions

Distribution of anti-plague stations of Rospotrebnadzor for epidemiological monitoring in natural plague foci

No. p / p Abbreviated name of the anti-plague station of Rospotrebnadzor Subjects of the Russian Federation, in whose territories the focal anti-plague stations of Rospotrebnadzor examine natural plague foci Number of transport facilities inspected by anti-plague stations of Rospotrebnadzor
sea ​​and river ports airports other objects
1. FKUZ "Altai CHS" of Rospotrebnadzor Altai Republic - 1 3
2. FKUZ "Astrakhan CHS" of Rospotrebnadzor Astrakhan region, Republic of Kalmykia (4 districts), Volgograd region (4 districts) 3 1 7
3. FKUZ "Dagestan CHS" of Rospotrebnadzor Republic of Dagestan, Chechen Republic, Ingush Republic (1 district), Republic of North Ossetia-Alania (5 districts), Stavropol Territory (13 districts) 2 1 24
4. FKUZ "Kabardino-Balkarian CHS" of Rospotrebnadzor Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, Karachay-Cherkess Republic - 1 -
5. FKUZ "Primorskaya CHS" of Rospotrebnadzor - 5 1 4
6. FKUZ "Prichernomorskaya PChS" of Rospotrebnadzor - 7 3 4
7. FGKUZ "ChS of the Republic of Crimea" of Rospotrebnadzor - 5 1 6
8. FKUZ "North-West CHS" of Rospotrebnadzor - 2 2 6
9. FKUZ "North Caucasian CHS" of Rospotrebnadzor Rostov region (1 district) 1 1 3
10. FKUZ "Tuvinskaya PChS" Rospotrebnadzor Tyva Republic - 1 1
11. FKUZ "Khabarovsk PCChS" Rospotrebnadzor - 11 6 35
12. FKUZ "Chita PChS" of Rospotrebnadzor Transbaikal region - 1 10
13. FKUZ "Elistinskaya CHS" of Rospotrebnadzor Republic of Kalmykia, Stavropol Territory (1 district), Volgograd Region (1 district), Rostov Region (2 districts) - 1 2
TOTAL 31 20 99


* Railway stations, automobile checkpoints across the state border and others

Document overview

The system of anti-plague institutions of Rospotrebnadzor was determined and the procedure for its work was established. The system includes: Anti-Plague Center, Anti-Plague Stations, Research Anti-Plague Institutes (NIPCHI). A list of institutions included in the system is attached. Separately, an exemplary structure of each type of institution is attached.

The main tasks and functions of the system are spelled out.

Organizational support of the system's activity is entrusted to the Anti-Plague Center, Scientific Research Institute of the Anti-Plague Institute "Microbe".

The responsibilities of institutions within the framework of the functioning of the system are fixed. NICHI should carry out, in particular, scientific support for the operation of anti-plague stations, collection and analysis of information on the detection and spread of plague and other especially dangerous infections, preparation of reviews and forecasts of the epizootic situation in terms of morbidity.

Among the duties of the Anti-Plague Center and anti-plague stations are the examination of international transport hubs, monitoring of natural foci of plague, field deratization and disinfestation when a plague epizootic is detected, and medical observation of the population.

Attached is a list of anti-plague stations assigned to NIPCHI.

The procedure for the interaction of anti-plague institutions with other bodies and organizations of Rospotrebnadzor, including territorial bodies, scientific organizations, disinfection centers, has been established. Attached is a list of anti-plague institutions and the subjects of the Federation assigned to them.

Federal government agency Public Health The Irkutsk Research Anti-Plague Institute of Siberia and the Far East is a multidisciplinary research and anti-epidemic institution. Located in . Director - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Sergei Vladimirovich Balakhonov (since 2008).

Irkutsk Anti-Plague Institute of Siberia and the Far East: general information

The Institute is a multidisciplinary research and anti-epidemic institution that, together with departments, regional centers of hygiene and epidemiology and anti-plague stations of Rospotrebnadzor, provides epidemic well-being for especially dangerous bacterial and viral infections in the Siberian and Far Eastern Federal Districts. This is one of the five specialized research institutes of the anti-plague system in Russia and the only institution of its kind in Siberia and the Far East. Supervises 21 administrative territories. This includes institutions from Western Siberia (Tyumen, Kemerovo, Kurgan, Omsk, Novosibirsk and other regions) and to Primorsky Krai, including the republics of Sakha-Yakutia, Buryatia, Tyva, Khakassia, Altai.

The institute employs 75 researchers, of which 13 are doctors and 35 are candidates of medical and biological sciences.

The main tasks of the institute are: anti-epidemic work to investigate and eliminate epidemic outbreaks of especially dangerous and other natural focal bacterial and viral infections; research work; development and production of medical immunobiological diagnostic, prophylactic preparations and nutrient media; postgraduate training of specialists in especially dangerous infections, sanitary protection of the territory.

At the present stage, anti-epidemic work has acquired particular relevance in connection with the decisions of the G8 summit in St. Petersburg on July 15-17, 2006, aimed at improving the effectiveness of international response measures in emergency situations, reducing the impact of the consequences of natural disasters and man-made disasters on health population through the use of mobile units - modernized specialized anti-epidemic brigades (SPEB). Two SPES have been formed at the institute, a lot of work is being done to train personnel and modernize the material and technical base of the SPES, which involves the creation of modern mobile sanitary and anti-epidemic units of emergency response and autonomous functioning, using advanced diagnostic and information technologies in their activities.

The Institute performs the functions of the Regional Center for Monitoring Pathogens of Infectious Diseases of I–II Pathogenicity Groups and the Center for Indication of Agents and Diagnosis of Dangerous Infectious Diseases of Rospotrebnadzor for the subjects of the Siberian Federal District.

Institute staff published 20 monographs, more than 4000 scientific works. Prepared and approved over 250 sanitary regulations, guidelines, recommendations and instructions, more than 100 normative documents for diagnostic and prophylactic MIBP and nutrient media. Received 62 copyright certificates and patents for inventions. 28 doctoral and 135 master's theses were defended.

The institution maintains business and creative ties with colleagues from China and Mongolia. Cooperation with experts from the USA, France, Germany, Great Britain develops.

The research and production department of the institute produces immunobiological preparations and nutrient media for the medical institutions of the country. The Institute maintains standby production capacity to work in emergency situations.

More than 3,000 doctors, laboratory biologists, including 60 specialists from Mongolia, have been trained in especially dangerous infections.

The Institute has licenses: for the right to carry out educational activities in the field of vocational education; activities related to the use of pathogens of infectious diseases; medical activity. The Institute is accredited for scientific and technical competence and independence for the development of regulatory and methodological documents in the epidemiology section.

History of the Irkutsk Anti-Plague Institute

The fight against plague in Eastern Siberia in the pre-revolutionary period

Since ancient times, infectious diseases have claimed hundreds of thousands of lives. Ancient chronicles speak of plagues: thousands of years before our time, people were aware of epidemic diseases of plague, cholera, smallpox and other diseases.

Irkutsk was the center of Eastern Siberia, a crossroads for masses of people moving from Europe to the countries of China, Mongolia, and Japan. Irkutsk and Transbaikalia were places of exile, during the First World War - the movement of refugees. In the three years of 1897 to 1900 alone, more than 800,000 settlers arrived in Siberia, and from 1908 to the start of the First World War of 1914, more than three million. The low level of sanitary conditions, the lack of proper medical care created the prerequisites for the spread of the epidemic. In the Siberian Territory in 1914, there were only two sanitary-bacteriological laboratories for 20 districts, 260 districts, and 18,000 settlements.

On December 28, 1899, the Irkutsk provincial veterinarian reported to the Irkutsk governor (secretly): “To protect the Irkutsk province from the introduction of a plague epizootic from Mongolia, 8 veterinary guards are kept on guard at the border.” A ban was imposed on the import of tarbagan skins and on the entry of Chinese workers. In Manchuria, Chinese passengers were not allowed to travel at stations where there were no doctors. Medical observation posts were opened at railway stations. In tsarist Russia, as well as throughout the world, there was no state sanitary service, almost no study was done of the causes of epidemics. In the Irkutsk province since 1882 there was only one position of a sanitary doctor, only in 1913 a second position was approved. The question of opening bacteriological laboratories for the detection of diseases in the early stages of development arose sharply. In 1910, infectious barracks were built in a suburban area called Pshenichnaya Padya (a suburb of Rabocheye). In 1911 the barracks were converted into a plague observation point.

The high appraisal of the work of the Irkutsk plague experts, recognition of their merits in the elimination of a number of outbreaks, and scientific achievements gave reason to the Presidium of the East Siberian Regional Executive Committee to petition the People's Commissariat of Health for the organization of an anti-plague institute.

On June 5, 1934, by order of the authorized Council of Labor and Defense, the Irkutsk Anti-Plague Laboratory was reorganized, and the Irkutsk State Anti-Plague Institute - "Chumin" (later the Research Institute of Siberia and the Far East) was established - as a scientific and operational body to combat plague. Professor A.M. was appointed director. Skorodumov. On his initiative, the anti-plague system of Siberia and the Far East was organized, which included not only its central body - the anti-plague institute, but also two anti-plague stations - in the cities of Chita and Khabarovsk, anti-plague departments, and an anti-plague train.

All anti-plague institutions on the territory of the East Siberian Territory were subordinate to the Institute. In subsequent years, other especially dangerous diseases came under the responsibility of the Institute: cholera, brucellosis, tularemia, anthrax, arbovirus infections.

Starting from the first years of work, the institute began to train personnel for the anti-plague system of Siberia and the Far East, and to train epidemiologists. From 1931 to 1937, 32 specialists completed three- and four-month courses. The Siberian anti-plague system provided its points and departments with qualified personnel. In the first decade of its existence, the Institute dealt with issues of coordinating preventive measures to ensure epidemic well-being and preventing the introduction of especially dangerous infections from outside, as well as organizational and methodological management of a network of anti-plague institutions. The works of the institute for the study of plague were the largest in the Soviet Union during these years, for which the institute was awarded the badge "For the fight against the plague."

May 22, 1935 by Professor A.M. Skorodumov laid the foundation stone for the building of the Anti-Plague Institute, the construction of which began on the street. 3rd Sovetskaya (corner of Deputatskaya), now st. Trilissera, 38. The building was commissioned in December 1939.

After the arrest in 1937 of Professor A.M. Skorodumov, his student, the head of the zoological department, A.S. Fetisov.

In 1939, the institute organized the production of diagnostic serums and nutritional products. The first organizer and creator of the production of bacterial preparations at the institute was Professor Nikolai Akimovich Gaisky (1884–1947), who worked at the institute in 1939–1947. In 1943, under wartime conditions, he designed and put into practice a highly effective live attenuated tularemia vaccine.

In 1975, the technology for the production of nutrient media was changed at the institute, taking into account new achievements in this area: methods and equipment were developed for the production of preparations in dried form. The institute produced drugs not only for the needs of the country, but also to help foreign countries, in particular for Mongolia.

In 1984, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of its foundation, the institute was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor for its enormous contribution to the development of methods to combat plague and other especially dangerous diseases.

Professor N.A. Gaisky is a laureate of the State (Stalin) Prize. Professor I.F. Zhovty and E.P. Golubinsky were awarded the title of Honored Worker of Science of the Russian Federation. Many employees of the institute were awarded high government awards of the USSR, the Russian Federation and Mongolia.

Director of the Anti-Plague Institute

Over the years, the activities of the institution were led by:

  1. A.M. Skorodumov (1934–1937)
  2. F.F. Bugaichuk (1938–1940)
  3. V.N. Ter-Vartanov (1940–1941)
  4. N.I. Makarov (1941–1945)
  5. N.T. Bykov (1945–1948)
  6. N.D. Altareva (1948–1957)
  7. I.V. Domaradsky (1957–1964)
  8. M.I. Antsiferov (1964–1965)
  9. HELL. Safonova (1965–1978)
  10. E.P. Golubinsky (1978–2008)
  11. S.V. Balakhonov (since 2008)


Address: 664047, Irkutsk, st. Trilissera, 78.

Tel: 3952 220-135.

Sources and literature

  1. Balakhonov S.V. Irkutsk Order of the Red Banner of Labor Research Anti-Plague Institute of Siberia and the Far East (75 years since its foundation) // Priangare. Years, events, people: Electronic reference book of local lore.
  2. Golubinsky E.P., Zhovty I.F., Lemesheva L.B. About the plague in Siberia. - Irkutsk, 1987
  3. Irkutsk: Dictionary of Local Lore and History. – Irkutsk, 2011.
  4. Irkutsk Chronicle 1661–1940 / comp., author of the preface. and note. Yu.P. Kolmakov. - Irkutsk, 2003.
  5. Klimova E. Barrier to an invisible threat: the Irkutsk Research Anti-Plague Institute turned 75 years old // East Siberian Truth. - 2009. - September 22.
  6. Nozhninova F.D. Outpost for protection against especially dangerous infections (To the 75th anniversary of the Irkutsk State Research Anti-Plague Institute of Siberia and the Far East) // TsBS .