Presentation template for parent meeting at preschool. Presentation “Parent meeting plan. Mbdou kindergarten "sailor" combined type art. Kagalnitskaya Rostov region

Presentation provides information to a wide range of people in a variety of ways and methods. The purpose of each work is the transfer and assimilation of the information proposed in it. And for this today they use various methods: starting from a blackboard with chalk and ending with an expensive projector with a panel.

The presentation can be a set of pictures (photos) framed with explanatory text, built-in computer animation, audio and video files and other interactive elements.

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Elena Kamaristova
Presentation “One day in the life of a kindergarten” for a parent meeting

Dear colleagues, I present to your attention presentation prepared for parent meeting at 1 younger group . Just recently our kids came to kindergarten . Moms and dads were very worried about that. how will adaptation proceed, how will their little child get used to new conditions, to children's team.

Unfortunately, many parents until they see in a preschool institution a potential assistant, a consultant in raising their child in the first years of his development. Families, especially young ones, do not have a sufficient understanding of life of a child in kindergarten, about the conditions of education and training created in preschool educational institutions. There were a lot of questions about this. Quite a bit of time has passed and our kids easily navigate the group, actively enter into relationships with the teacher and children, ask for help if necessary, and even go to kindergarten willingly. On the next parent meeting we decided to talk about one day from the lives of our children in kindergarten.

Publications on the topic:

Olga Aleksandrovna Shvetsova photo report “One day in the life of a kindergarten, or Knowledge Day for children and teachers” The whole world celebrates 1.

Presentation for the parent meeting “Art therapy in working with preschoolers” Goal: to introduce parents to art therapeutic techniques in working with children preschool age. Preschool childhood is one of the most.

Scenario of the reporting concert “Planet of Childhood. One day in the life of a kindergarten" Scenario of the reporting concert “PLANET OF CHILDHOOD” (one day in the life of a kindergarten) MBDOU “Trinity kindergarten No. 1 “Rodnichok” Prepared.

Topic: “First time in first grade”

Goal: to introduce parents to the new world of school; coordination of family and school requirements.

  • introduce parents to the teacher and his life values;
  • introduce parents to each other;
  • introduce the difficulties of a child's transition to school life and give recommendations and practical advice on the successful adaptation of first-graders.
  • introduce parents to the main areas of work during the adaptation period of a first-grader;
  • together, with the help of practical and logical actions, develop the basic patterns in the participation of parents in the educational process;

The material contains a summary of the first meeting, a presentation for it, a booklet, a first-grader registration form, and a list of necessary supplies.

The material for the parent meeting can be used by class teachers of grades 10-11 to prepare for the parent meeting. The presentation talks about the features of the Unified State Exam, the exam procedure, and filing an appeal. The last slide of the presentation can be printed by the class teacher for parents (websites).

The target audience: for 11th grade

Parent meeting “Basic human conditions.” The information will be useful for parents at any school level, as well as for teachers. Goal: to introduce parents to the basic human conditions and their behavioral manifestations; provide an opportunity for parents to determine their position in communicating with loved ones (using a test) and reduce conflict in communication. A presentation is attached to the abstract.

Target audience: for 1st grade

The transition of a student from primary to secondary school is an important stage in a child’s life. Our task is to ensure that this stage of the life of a younger teenager passes painlessly. The purpose of the parent meeting: to introduce the parent team to the features of children’s adaptation to learning in the fifth grade; offer practical advice on how to adapt a child to secondary school.

Target audience: for 5th grade

Presentation + report for a parent meeting on the topic "Family education. The role of the family in raising a child." The material will be useful for teachers of secondary schools. Family is the basis of primary socialization of the individual. No one doubts that the influence of the family on the child is stronger than the influence of the school, the street, and the media.

Target audience: for 1st grade

The parent meeting “12 against one or What prevents us from listening to the child” contains theoretical information and training tasks. The book used was Gippenreiter Yu.B. Communicate with the child. How? – 3rd edition, corrected and expanded – M.: “CheRo”, 2004. These materials can be used by class teachers, educational psychologists at parent class, school-wide meetings, in schools for parents as primary school, and in the middle management.

Goal: use the template to create a custom interactive game

Environment, editor in which the product is executed: Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2010


This template was made in Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2010 based on the “Labyrinth” game type. If the answer is correct, the student moves on to the next task, but if he makes a mistake, he starts the game over.

This template uses triggers. You need to write your own in the spaces provided for questions and answers.

Important: slides cannot be rearranged or deleted. Slide 8 must always be the last one. You can add slides for questions between slides 6 and 7 (duplicate slide).

Target audience: for teachers

These templates can be used to create presentations for lessons and extracurricular activities in any subject.

To create the next slide, you can do it traditionally: right-click and select the “Create Slide” command. You can do this: on the menu bar, select Home - Create Slide. Among the samples, select the one that is currently needed.

Target audience: for teachers

The game can be played by two or more students or teams. Players take turns answering questions. You can test yourself by clicking on the question card. If the answer is incorrect, then the card will say “Move Turn” and the next question will answer that question. If the answer is correct, then the card will say “True + 1.” Who will dial greatest number points, he will be the winner.

This template uses the “Animated Sorbont” technological technique. To write an answer, you need to disassemble the “sorbont”. To do this you need to do the following:

  1. Move the first transparent layer to the side.
  2. On the second layer, write your answer.
  3. Assemble the “sorbont” - the second layer and transparent on top.

This needs to be done with each slide. All other triggers are configured automatically.

Important: slides cannot be rearranged or deleted. You can add question slides between 3-5 slides.

Target audience: for teachers

Goal: use a template to create an author's presentation

Environment, editor in which the product is executed: Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2010

These templates can be used to create presentations for lessons and extracurricular activities in any subject.

To create the next slide, you can do it traditionally: right-click and select the “Create Slide” command. You can do this: on the menu bar, select Home - Create Slide. Among the samples, select the one that is currently needed.

Target audience: for teachers

Templates to create PowerPoint presentations. The archive contains 3 templates. This resource can be used to create presentations for lessons and extracurricular activities in any subject.

To create the next slide, you can do it traditionally: right-click and select the “Create Slide” command. You can do this: on the menu bar, select Home - Create Slide. Among the samples, select the one that is currently needed. Environment, editor in which the product is executed: Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2010.

Target audience: for teachers

Goal: use a template to create an author's presentation

Environment, editor in which the product is executed: Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2010

These templates can be used to create presentations for lessons and extracurricular activities in any subject.

To create the next slide, you can do it traditionally: right-click and select the “Create Slide” command. You can do this: on the menu bar, select Home - Create Slide. Among the samples, select the one that is currently needed.

Target audience: for teachers

Goal: use a template to create an author's presentation

Environment, editor in which the product is executed: Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2010

These templates can be used to create presentations for lessons and extracurricular activities in any subject.

To create the next slide, you can do it traditionally: right-click and select the “Create Slide” command. You can do this: on the menu bar, select Home - Create Slide. Among the samples, select the one that is currently needed.

The development provides advice to parents of future first-graders to prepare their children for school.

  • Tip one: the most important thing you can give your child is your attention.
  • Tip two: your positive attitude towards school and teachers will make the adaptation period easier for your child.
  • Tip three: your calm attitude towards school worries and school life will greatly help your child.
  • Tip four: Help your child establish relationships with peers and feel confident.
  • Tip five: help your child get used to the new routine.
  • Tip six: parents’ wise attitude towards school grades will eliminate a third of the child’s possible troubles.

Subject: Metasubject

Target audience: for 1st grade

This development is a summary of a parent meeting that can be held in grades 1 - 3. The purpose of the meeting is to familiarize parents with project activities and determine their role in the creation of a student project. The main tasks considered in this development: 1. Obtaining extensive information by those present about the technology of project-based learning, types and principles of the project,
2. Identification of key problems in project-based learning and the role of parents in creating a project.
3. Teach parents how to create a project.

Target audience: for 3rd grade

This development of the parent meeting will help parents evaluate themselves, determine their parenting methods, understand their mistakes and choose the right, genuine love for their child. The parent meeting can be held in the form of a round table so that parents are more active in discussing this problem. This meeting is intended for elementary school parents, but can also be used for parents of older students. The resource includes a presentation, notes, and musical accompaniment. The meeting includes two types of tests for parents, a method of children's drawings "My Family".

Presentation with notes for a parent meeting on the topic: Factors influencing student performance. Pictures, attentiveness exercises, and also talk about children’s computer addiction.

Target audience: for class teacher

The presentation is intended for parents. Goal: to expand parents’ knowledge about communication, to stimulate full communication between parents and children. What does it mean to love children? What does it mean not to humiliate, but to support? Answers to these and other questions are given in the presentation. There is a guide for parents on raising children.

Target audience: for psychologist

Lecture for parents. Theme: "Adolescence". The physiological characteristics of age are considered. Problems of communication between parents and adolescents. Some advice for parents.

Target audience: for the class teacher

The development contains a summary, a presentation for the parent meeting, and an application. The appendix contains questionnaires for children and parents, a reminder, exercises for developing reading awareness, and a list of literature about reading. This parent meeting is held as a dialogue with training elements.

Target audience: for the class teacher

The material can be used to conduct a class or school-wide parent meeting in primary school. The material contains booklets - instructions for parents, a slide show on the song by E. Asadov “Take care of your children”, a presentation for the parent meeting.
Goal: to create conditions for parents to develop an adequate understanding of the problem of the existence of cruelty and violence in the family.
Objectives: Study, summarize, systematize theoretical and practical material on the problem of child abuse.
To promote the formation of parents' ideas about true parental authority and the actualization of the need for its manifestation in relationships with children.

Target audience: for the class teacher