Business plan for the development of a kindergarten. Step-by-step preparation of a business plan for a kindergarten. Share this page with your friends! Thank you

The problem of assigning a child to kindergarten still remains relevant, despite government measures. Increasingly, parents are unable to place their children in municipal institution at the ages of 1.5 to 3 years, there is a problem in other age categories. Therefore, your own private kindergarten in the future can bring good and stable income. But there are many bureaucratic formalities in this matter. Will help you understand them kindergarten with calculations.

Market analysis

Over the past 10–15 years, the government has been implementing measures to increase the birth rate in Russia. This may include providing maternity capital and other assistance to families. However, at the same time, the number of municipal kindergartens is still insufficient. The market situation is as follows:

  • In total, about 70% of the needy population in Russia has been provided with places in kindergartens;
  • almost 2,000,000 children do not go to kindergartens or attend private institutions;
  • the share of private gardens is quite small - there are about 2,500 - 3,000 of them, which is only 5% of the total;
  • on average across the country there are only 626 places in preschool educational institutions per 1,000 children;
  • the niche is not crowded, entrepreneurs have excellent prospects for developing their own business.

The most attractive idea of ​​opening a private kindergarten will be for cities or towns. In them, 7-8 children out of 100 cannot get into a municipal institution due to lack of vacancies. But in villages the situation is somewhat different: there are 93 children per 100 places.

The level of competition in the field of kindergartens is not very high due to the lack of places. However, other market participants should not be underestimated. Competitors in this niche will be:

  1. Municipal kindergartens. Many parents trust them more. The low cost of the services provided also plays a role here. Usually it includes meals, additional classes conducted by third-party specialists, and trips to the pool.
  2. Private kindergartens. There are very few of them. Such institutions cannot provide serious competition, including due to the small number of places.
  3. Chains of private kindergartens under a well-known brand. There are more and more of them now, and people give preference to such establishments rather than private owners. Therefore, it makes sense to think about opening your own kindergarten as a franchise.

Opening a kindergarten franchise

Today, for aspiring entrepreneurs, a franchise is an excellent opportunity to start their own business, eliminating most risks and reducing start-up costs. This format of running your business has many advantages:

  • saving time - franchisees do not need to develop the concept of their kindergarten or select suitable methods;
  • the presence of proven methods of work that produce results (especially for developmental kindergartens);
  • consulting support (a conscientious franchisor not only provides a ready-made business model, but also helps to draw up a business plan for a specific city);
  • availability of a ready-made brand, known to people, which attracts loyal customers even before opening;
  • cost reduction (due to assistance in finding and purchasing equipment, providing teaching materials, no need to seriously spend money on advertising the establishment);
  • assistance in obtaining subsidies (since a private kindergarten is a socially significant business, financial support may be provided within the city, region, or country in the form of cash deductions, exemptions from taxes and fees).

The effectiveness of a franchised kindergarten will largely depend on the correct choice of the franchisor. The most popular offers in this area are:

Baby club Little country Baby Way
Format Baby Club (3 hours per week), Baby Garden (50 hours per week) Full-fledged kindergarten with additional developmental classes (speech therapist, dance, art studio, music, etc.) A full-fledged kindergarten with a unique curriculum (options available for small cities and metropolitan areas)
Children's age From 8 months to 6 – 7 years From 1 – 1.5 to 7 – 8 years From 1.5 to 7 years
Start-up investments 2,500,000 – 5,000,000 rubles 1,500,000 – 10,000,000 rubles 880,000 – 10,000,000 rubles
Lump sum payment 990,000 – 1,400,000 rubles 600,000 – 5,000,000 rubles (depending on the number of groups) 500,000 – 850,000 rubles
Royalty 7% of revenue 5% of income 4% of income, but not less than 7,500 rubles per month

Opening a kindergarten under one of the presented franchises will not be cheap, since such establishments are designed for a large number of places Additionally, the franchisor charges a fee for the provision of teaching materials and programs developed in accordance with existing standards (for example, education in “Little Country” kindergartens complies with Federal State Educational Standards).

Choosing a kindergarten format: list of services

There are many types of private kindergartens. First of all, an entrepreneur must decide what services he will provide to his clients:

  1. organizing the child’s leisure time while the parents cannot be with him;
  2. solution of educational and educational issues.

Do you need a license for a kindergarten?

Disputes regarding obtaining a license to operate a kindergarten have been around for a long time. The answer to the question depends on what list of services the organization provides. If we are talking about childcare and supervision, then you do not need to obtain a license. But it will be necessary when providing the following services:

  • preschool education (kindergartens);
  • additional education (children's center).

If an institution is engaged in the systematic education of children (English language clubs, preparation for school), then without a license it will not be possible to conduct such activities.

Just a few years ago, only non-profit organizations (CHUDO, ANO, NOCHU and others) could obtain licenses. Now there is such an opportunity commercial organizations, and even individual entrepreneurs. The Law on Education No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012 enshrines just such a right (Article 91, paragraph 2).

If an entrepreneur does not want to obtain a license, but plans to include the provision of training services, then it makes sense to enter into agreements with teachers to rent premises. They, in turn, must register as individual entrepreneurs and charge separately for lessons. If a person conducts teaching activities individually, then he does not need to obtain a license.

If the organization decides to obtain a license, then first you need to carefully study the requirements prescribed in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 966 of October 28, 2013. For example, everyone needs to obtain permission from the Ministry of Emergency Situations educational organizations to obtain a license. But if we are talking about an individual entrepreneur or an organization providing training, then this document will not be required. In general, the licensing procedure looks like this:

  1. applying to Rospotrebnadzor for a conclusion and receiving it (usually it takes up to 30 days);
  2. development and approval of programs;
  3. payment of state duty;
  4. contacting regional government authorities that issue a license (for example, the Department of Education) and obtaining a license - this takes another 60 days.

Obtaining a license for a kindergarten is a long and painstaking process that requires additional costs, but an entrepreneur can get a lot of benefits:

  • a training document issued by the organization will be recognized as official;
  • you can count on subsidies and benefits from the state (for example, for renting municipal real estate for low prices);
  • Possibility of obtaining a tax deduction for training.

Having once received a license (it has an unlimited validity period), the organization will be able to provide educational activities and receive subsidies from the state. The main thing is to meet all the requirements and successfully pass scheduled checks(the first is made a year after obtaining a license).

Premises for kindergarten

Until recently, a kindergarten had to be opened in non-residential premises. Their operation in residential buildings was strictly prohibited. But the situation changed dramatically after the appearance of SanPiN No. dated December 19, 2013. It specifies the requirements for preschool groups located in housing stock. Moreover, the appearance of the document not only made it possible to use the premises in apartment buildings for organizing a kindergarten, but also simplified the procedure for obtaining various permits. For example, such organizations are allowed to:

  • equip a common bathroom for children and adults;
  • supervise children for 14 hours a day;
  • equip a play area at the rate of 2 meters for each child;
  • combine play and sleeping areas;
  • use three-tier beds.

There are many concessions available for private kindergartens in residential buildings. For example, they may have stove heating, no water supply if there is a mechanized water supply, or no sewage system if there is a cesspool. All this made it possible to open kindergartens even in very small settlements.

The state made such concessions due to an acute shortage of places in kindergartens. This should encourage the emergence of new organizations. But for gardens operating in non-residential premises, the requirements still remain strict.

As for the placement of a kindergarten from the point of view of attracting customers, everything is simple: large organizations should open in the central part of the city with high traffic, small enterprises - in residential apartment buildings, mainly in those parts of the city where there are few kindergartens or there are not enough of them for accommodation of all children in the area.


Since the goal of an entrepreneur is to make a profit, then open non-profit organization it makes no sense. The most attractive option is or, and in the first case you can get more support from the state.

When registering a business, the entrepreneur must indicate activity codes. If you do not plan to obtain a license, then OKVED code 88.91 should be indicated - “Provision of day care services for children.” Otherwise the following can be used:

  • 11 – “Preschool education”;
  • 41 – “Additional education of children and adults” (subgroups 1 – sports, 2 – culture and 9 – other varieties).

The most attractive taxation system for a kindergarten is. Additionally, it is possible to receive deductions.

Kindergartens can receive a preferential income tax rate (0%) in the period from January 1, 2016 to January 1, 2020. Moreover, this applies to organizations providing childcare services. But only licensed enterprises with at least 15 full-time employees can take advantage of the right to the benefit. Other requirements are also imposed on such applicants.

Equipment and renovation of premises

Opening a kindergarten requires the presence of a bedroom and playrooms, a kitchen, and a toilet. When it comes to placement in non-residential premises several groups, then you will have to separately provide:

  • wardrobe – 15 m2;
  • dining room – from 15 – 20 m2 depending on the number of groups;
  • kitchen – 9 – 10 m2;
  • utility rooms for storing equipment and laundry - at least 3 m2 each;
  • bathroom - 10 m2 (in non-residential premises on each floor there should be 2 toilets - for boys and girls);
  • groups - 2 m2 for each person in the play area and space for placing beds (for a group of 10 people, at least 15 - 20 m2 is required).

All premises must be in appropriate sanitary condition. Repairs will cost approximately 400,000 rubles. When using the premises of former municipal kindergartens, costs can be reduced to 50,000 - 200,000 rubles.

It is also important to purchase everything necessary equipment. The minimum set for 3 groups looks like this:

  • furniture and all kinds of office equipment - from 500,000 rubles;
  • obtaining a license, registration and resolving legal issues – 30,000 rubles;
  • sign for the building – 50,000 rubles;
  • purchase of teaching aids, toys and other equipment - from 50,000 rubles.

In total, about 630,000 rubles will be spent on equipping the premises. For a regular kindergarten group, the costs will be significantly lower - about 150,000 - 200,000 rubles.


To operate a kindergarten with 3 groups, 3 teachers and 3 assistant teachers, 1 nurse will be required. It will not be possible to do without a qualified accountant. Assistant teachers can additionally be assigned responsibilities for cleaning the premises and preparing meals. This is an excellent option if there are older groups in the kindergarten, where the teacher can independently cope with childcare.

All employees working directly with children must have a health certificate, appropriate qualifications and a certificate from a psychiatrist. They are required to undergo scheduled examinations on time.

When selecting teachers, it is important to pay attention to the education, work experience and character of the teacher. It is important that he knows how to find mutual language with children and their parents. The presence of original teaching methods and various specializations will also increase the likelihood of attracting new clients.

Elite kindergartens often employ psychologists, speech therapists, drivers, trainers, and security guards.

Sales plan and promotion

The average cost of keeping a child in a private kindergarten is 25,000 rubles per month. The final price will depend on the population of the city, the solvency of clients, and the demand for the service. At 100% load monthly income will be 750,000 rubles. But achieving such attendance is possible only after a few months. At first, the group’s occupancy may be 35–60%. Everything will depend on the correct promotion of the kindergarten. There may be several options here:

  • placing a sign on the facade of the building;
  • distribution of leaflets;
  • posting notices on the entrances of nearby houses;
  • placement of signs;
  • advertising on windows (especially effective when placed in residential buildings);
  • Internet promotion - website creation, group management;
  • cross-marketing (posting information in children's clinics, beauty salons, hairdressers, pharmacies, shopping centers).

Cross marketing is one of the most popular and effective ways to promote business and services today. This strategy is fully justified in relation to kindergartens and educational centers.

Financial results

When drawing up a business plan for a kindergarten, you need to set aside 2–3 months for registration and obtaining permits. At the same time, you can promote your kindergarten and renovate the premises. You can, for example, hold a “parents day”. It will not be possible to make a profit at this moment, but there will be expenses. It is better to count them among the start-up costs, including:

  • rental deposit – 150,000 rubles;
  • repairs – 400,000 rubles;
  • purchase of equipment – ​​630,000 rubles;
  • advertising – 100,000 rubles (including sign);
  • registration costs – 25,000 rubles.

The total amount will be 1,305,000 rubles. After the preparatory stage, the kindergarten will begin to make a profit. At 80% load, the income will be 600,000 rubles. Part of this will go towards costs:

  • rent – ​​70,000 rubles;
  • salary – 250,000 rubles;
  • advertising – 10,000 rubles;
  • utility costs - 15,000 rubles;
  • food for children – 80,000 rubles;
  • taxes – 36,000 rubles.

The total is 461,000 rubles. The profit in this case will be equal to 139,000 rubles. Hence the profitability will be 139,000/600,000 rubles = 23.17%. The payback period will be equal to: 3 months + 1,305,000/139,000 = 12.39. Therefore, after 1 year and 1 month you can pay back starting investments and start making actual profits.

If we take into account that the entrepreneur uses a preferential tax rate and rents premises from the state at a favorable price (in some cities there are programs that allow you to rent old children’s butts for 1 ruble per 1 m 2, subject to repairs), then the payback period may even decrease to 6 – 8 months.


Opening a kindergarten is not an easy idea, but one that can generate stable income in the future. Drawing up a business plan will help not only make the calculations correctly, but also draw up a clear plan for further actions. If desired, the entrepreneur will be able to receive subsidies from the state and tax breaks, which will further increase the profitability of his own business.

Already long years The problem of kindergarten does not become less relevant for parents. Firstly, it’s very difficult to get there now; you have to wait in line almost before the baby is born (it’s even accepted Government program compensation to parents for kindergarten). And secondly, the enrollment in groups is so large that an individual approach to the child is simply excluded, which greatly affects the development of the baby. Private kindergartens come to the rescue. If you put in enough effort, it's pretty profitable view business. Read on to learn how to open a private kindergarten.

It’s worth noting right away that high-quality child care requires a serious investment. The main tasks that the future owner will need to solve are the selection of premises and personnel, as well as the collection of all required documentation.

Registration of a legal entity is a rather troublesome period, which by law should take a month. In practice, this period increases significantly. After you have registered a legal entity, you need to go through several levels to coordinate the implementation of specific activities. It is necessary to put educational institution registered with the tax office (there he will be assigned a taxpayer identification number - TIN) and in all extra-budgetary funds: pension and social insurance, as well as in the organization state statistics.

If educational activities are carried out legal entity, it is necessary to undergo licensing and obtain a license that will give the right to such activities. The license is issued State bodies education management and local government.

You can obtain a license by providing the following documents:

1. Charter of the organization.

2. Lease agreement for premises or ownership rights to it.

3. Tax registration document.

4. Conclusions of the sanitary-epidemiological station and firefighters on compliance with all safety rules in the educational institution.

5. A document stating that the institution has all the necessary material and technical base and educational literature.

6. Educational program of the institution for each age group.

7. Data on the teaching staff and the number of children.

Obtaining a license is prerequisite. Otherwise, the founders may be subject to criminal liability. At the same time, activities that do not subsequently involve the issuance of educational documents are not subject to licensing. These include classes in clubs, sections, organizing leisure time, providing consultations, conducting trainings, etc.

The choice of premises must comply with all norms and requirements for preschool educational institutions, regardless of whether it is in your property or under a lease agreement. Employees of the sanitary and epidemiological station will be required to visit the kindergarten long before opening to ensure compliance with all rules. Each child must have at least six square meters of space; there must be separate rooms for sleeping, games, a gym, and a medical office. It is mandatory to install a fire alarm around the entire perimeter of the kindergarten.

The next cost item will be equipping the kindergarten premises with all the necessary equipment. These are educational toys, stationery items, children's furniture (chairs, tables, beds, individual lockers for clothes), methodological manuals, equipment for free play and educational activities. It is necessary to equip the teacher and children musical instruments, and the gym with equipment for outdoor games and physical activities. You should also purchase furniture, cutlery and utensils for eating, pots, towels and other household supplies.

Personnel are selected in the same way as in a state kindergarten. It is mandatory to have teachers, nannies, a health worker, a cook, a cleaner and a manager on staff. Depending on financial capabilities, a private kindergarten may have a psychologist, security guards and a sports coach. Parents associate non-state kindergartens with highly qualified specialists, for whose work they are willing to pay good money. Therefore, the selection of employees must be approached with all responsibility and scrupulousness, so that they, in turn, carry out preschool preparation at a decent level.

This type of business is not considered highly profitable; moreover, opening it takes a long period of time due to the preparation of all documents. How can you increase profitability when opening a private kindergarten? The answer is simple: it is necessary to introduce additional services (for example, clubs). Therefore, this direction is very promising.

In the early 2000s, the country's birth rate declined sharply. People did not live in the most better times, and the economy was just beginning to exit and stagnated for a long time. Against this background, thoughts about children appeared extremely rarely, and the number of newborns rapidly decreased. At one point, it became clear that kindergartens were not staffed to the required level. It was decided to close many until better times. And now better times have come, there are more and more young mothers and fathers every day, but there are no more kindergartens.

If you see that in your area, city, region, there is a real problem with sending your child to a good kindergarten, then you need to think about how to satisfy the demand for this type services.

In one of our previous articles, we talked about how to open a children's development center, an analogue to all well-known kindergartens, only with a limited number of children. The article was more of an advisory and informational nature, and there were very few numbers and specific facts. Many readers began to request a detailed and working business plan for opening a kindergarten.

At first the idea seemed good and necessary to us, but we had no practical knowledge in this area. And just a month ago, our team met a man who has been developing his own private kindergarten for three years. We asked him to give us an excursion into his business, to give advice and recommendations, to introduce him to figures, expenses, profits, and everything that would be of interest to our readers.

I would like to say right away that the kindergarten is open in Moscow, but all the advice is valid for any other city. It is clear that you will have to make a certain correlation by numbers, well, this is no longer a problem, the main thing is to know what to count in the first place, and what to refuse.

Business plan for a private kindergarten

As we have already said, the kindergarten operates in Moscow, and a premises measuring 500 square meters was needed for rent. Rent– this is not the main expense item, because there are many other mandatory ones. Among them:

  • Repairs in the first year - 100 thousand rubles. This is a one-time investment that is necessary in any case. No matter how good the premises are, you will have to modify something, taking into account the fact that it will be a kindergarten. In the future, repairs will be local and not so expensive.
  • Equipment against fire safety, alarms, panic buttons - installation 30,000 rubles, maintenance per year 100 thousand rubles. You should not skimp on safety, because you will be working with children whose lives their parents have entrusted to you.
  • Contract with a private security service – 1 million rubles per year. It's not cheap, and you can find more loyal services. The price depends on the scope of services that the private security company offers.
  • Furniture, equipment, inventory, toys, dishes, etc. - from 5 million rubles.

Current expenses:

  • The rent for the premises is 500 thousand rubles per month. It would be ideal if the premises already exist, because a significant expense item would be eliminated. Otherwise you will have to pay quite a bit. Also, premises of this size, and even non-technical ones, are not so easy to find. This is the first place to start.
  • Utilities – 80 thousand rubles
  • Food for 40 children and 20 employees – 200 thousand rubles
  • Consumables. It all depends on how intensively you work and use everything. In this case, it is 60 thousand rubles per month.
  • Salary, bonuses, social benefits and taxes – 1.1 million rubles per month.
  • Advertising – 100 thousand rubles. Here it’s up to your wishes, but at the initial stages such expenses cannot be avoided.


  • Entry fee (a kind of membership) – 68 thousand rubles
  • Monthly payment. The kindergarten operates 9 months a year, and summer period closes. For 40 children, the fee is 25 million rubles per year, which is approximately 5,750 rubles per month.
  • Individual lessons with a child (drawing, foreign languages, singing, etc.) - 100,000 rubles per year.
  • Short-term groups (up to 8 children) – 500 thousand rubles per year.

Minimum staff for a kindergarten

Employees are an integral part of your business. IN this business In the plan, we will indicate the required minimum number of employees that must be present for the normal functioning of the kindergarten. In the process of activity and development, you can attract more and more new people who will expand the network of services provided and increase your earnings. It could also be teachers foreign languages, art, music. But at the initial stage you will need:

  • Each group has 2 teachers and a nanny. In our case there are 2 groups.
  • Musical director
  • Child psychologist who specializes in preschoolers
  • Speech therapist
  • Kitchen staff - a cook and two assistants
  • 2 nurses
  • Territory cleaner
  • Caretaker or building worker

For getting this kind licenses (to conduct educational activities) you need:

  • Copy of the enterprise charter
  • A copy of the premises rental agreement or purchase and sale agreement
  • Conclusion from the SES and firefighters
  • Educational program plan. What, how, how and why you will do
  • Evidence of the availability of material and technical capabilities to carry out such activities
  • Information about teachers, their work experience, education
  • Information on the number of children in kindergarten

As you can see, you need to collect a lot of documents, get more than one permit, and go through dozens of authorities. And that’s all if you decide to choose NOU. To open a regular private kindergarten you need to register as individual entrepreneur. There is no need to obtain any licenses, and the requirements from regulatory authorities are much lower. For example, if an individual entrepreneur violates some SES norms, he will pay a fine of 1,000 to 3,000 rubles. For non-state educational institutions, these same violations will cost 20-40 thousand.

If you decide to open a kindergarten in an apartment, then let’s say right away that this is not entirely legal. Firstly, you will have to negotiate with the SES and firefighters, because it is practically impossible to comply with all their instructions in the apartment. And the earnings here will also not be very comforting. Even in a spacious apartment you can work with a maximum of 10 children.

The best option for a home kindergarten would be to use a cottage. In it you can educate 40-50 people, and at the same time bring everything to the required safety standards. Most the best option will register you as an individual entrepreneur and name the kindergarten as a Child Development Center (CDC) or a Child Care Center (CCC).

The algorithm of action for a kindergarten at home is similar to that for a non-state educational institution, only without obtaining unnecessary licenses and permits.

Kindergarten business plan: personnel recruitment

Your kindergarten staff is the foundation successful business. You need to understand that it is the people you choose who will communicate with the children, the children will tell their parents about him, and they will tell their friends about him. A good teacher, nanny, excellent cooks - this is your goal and guideline.

But no matter how document professionals people are, you must interview them under very close scrutiny. You can even set up a camera, record everything you say, and then track reactions to certain questions. Always hire new people with a mandatory probationary period.

In any case, you will need:

  • Educator- This is the person who should inspire trust and respect in parents. He must think in the same social language as young mothers and fathers. Required condition - profile higher education and work experience. It would not hurt to find out why the person quit his previous job, what was the impetus for such a decision, take the phone number of the previous manager and personally find out everything that interests you.
  • Methodist– a person who draws up methods for raising and developing children. This is not a theorist who knows about children from books and lectures at the institute, this is a practitioner who has worked in a state kindergarten, who easily finds contact with parents, who knows modern tendencies education and development of children.
  • Psychologist. Not worth taking young specialist. Although there are a lot of smart young psychologists now, it’s not worth the risk. Take a person with experience, but he must not be of Soviet caliber. The person must be middle-aged, up to a maximum of 35.
  • Director. If you yourself have nothing to do with pedagogy and have never encountered kindergartens, then you need a person for the position of director who can organize the proper activities of the kindergarten.
  • Household worker. Any household worker, even that same cleaning lady, must clearly understand that your kindergarten is not a government office where everything is government-owned. He must be economical and hardworking. He must perceive the kindergarten as something of his own and work with appropriate dedication. From you there is a good salary and motivation, from the economic worker, quality work done.

Employee retention and development

If you want to be the best, always go one step ahead of competitors, use current methods and approaches to education, then you need to attract super professionals in their field. But such people will have to be motivated so that they stay with you and do not go to work for a competitor. It’s clear that the best motivation is increasing wages. But it is necessary not only to increase it, but to involve employees in such a way that they receive bonuses for certain achievements.

Also try to create a team atmosphere. Holidays, joint vacations, birthdays - everything should unite your team, everyone should feel that they are part of something big and important.

Many girls are thinking about opening their own kindergarten. I think it’s no secret that this business is better suited for women. And if a girl becomes a mother, then after two years the desire can develop into a need. Why give your child to someone if you can organize your own kindergarten. If opportunities allow, then you need to try. Here are some tips that will definitely help those who decide to engage in this risky and very responsible business:

1. If you have never worked in this field, then you do not need to shoulder all the responsibilities. It is better to hire a director with experience in an administrative position and teacher education. Ideally, if this is the former head of the kindergarten. The director can significantly simplify your life, because he will help you choose a good and professional staff, choose a room, equip it with the necessary furniture, etc.

2. Justify the choice of premises. It is very good if you have suitable premises in your property. This will remove most of the costs. But, most likely, you will have to rent the premises, which will entail additional risks and responsibilities. Try to establish a trusting relationship with the landlord from the first days, to make him a like-minded person.

3. Make friends with SanEpidemService employees. This should not be an evil official whose arrival you are afraid of, but a real friend who will advise, help, give advice and recommendations in order to avoid unnecessary problems and fines in the future.

4. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the regulatory framework for running your business. Understand all the intricacies of taxation. This will allow you to build your business more efficiently and legally.

5. Always monitor the ratio of income and expenses. Many kindergartens introduce entrance fees to cover certain risks and gain additional profit.

Sincerely, Anatomy of Business project March 17, 2014 8:25 pm

An increase in the birth rate, huge queues for a place in a state (municipal) kindergarten and a general improvement in the quality of life of Russians leads to the fact that opening a private kindergarten as a business is becoming a very promising direction.

In addition, this is a great opportunity for a woman to open her own business. After all, finding a job today for a mother “on maternity leave” is not at all easy. In cities with a population of over a million, this service is becoming increasingly popular. Smaller cities are gradually catching up.

Advantages of opening a private kindergarten as a business idea

In addition to private kindergartens, which are registered in accordance with all the rules and have a license to provide educational services, there are also home kindergartens. Such institutions usually operate semi-legally. In an apartment in which only a few rooms are dedicated to a garden.

To create such a kindergarten, you only need to register your activities as an individual entrepreneur. However, by law commercial activities not allowed in residential premises. This is punishable by the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation and a fine of 10 to 15 minimum wages (1000-1500 rubles).

Opening a private kindergarten is excellent.

For parents and their children, the advantages of a private kindergarten over a home one are obvious:

  • children's safety (own fenced area for walking, security);
  • legality (the state, by issuing permission to the kindergarten, thereby takes part of the responsibility for its activities upon itself).

How to open a private kindergarten?

A kindergarten is a preschool educational institution, the creation and operation of which is regulated by the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” and SanPin standards. The activities of a preschool institution are subject to mandatory licensing.

At home, in an apartment

Organizing a private kindergarten in an apartment is not entirely legal. Engaging in commercial activities, according to the law (Article 17 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation), is permitted in premises classified as non-residential.

In addition, it is almost impossible to bring the apartment into full compliance with fire safety standards and SanPin (for preschool institutions).

It will not be possible to accommodate more than 6–8 children in standard apartment dimensions. Including games room, bedroom and dining area.

If you still decide to create a kindergarten in an apartment, then you need to register as an individual entrepreneur. Rent a large 3-4 room apartment. Think through the fire safety system down to the smallest detail. Make a good repair. Purchase the necessary furniture, toys and other equipment. Good example You can watch such a kindergarten in this video:

A practical and correct decision would be to organize a private kindergarten at home. In such an institution several groups can be educated at once, with a total number of 40-50 people. Not very big a private house or a cottage will do just fine.

The most cost-effective content for a private kindergarten is considered to be 3 groups of 10-15 children each.

The necessary conditions

The premises of the future kindergarten must meet all SanPin and State Fire Supervision standards provided for preschool institutions. Thus, according to the standards, a minimum of 4 square meters is provided for each child. m. Must be:

  • separate room for sleeping;
  • separate room for games and activities;
  • a separate room for physical education and outdoor games, music classes;
  • various teaching aids, toys;
  • laundry room with washing machine;
  • catering unit with all the necessary equipment for preparing and eating food;
  • equipped medical office;
  • bathroom

To operate the kindergarten you will also need the following personnel:

  1. A director who must have good organizational skills (if you do not plan to manage the kindergarten yourself).
  2. Educator. More precisely, two teachers per group and a nanny.
  3. Methodist. Must have a good understanding of modern early development methods.
  4. Psychologist.
  5. Kitchen and laundry workers.
  6. Cleaners.

Permits and documents

To obtain a license to practice educational activities you need to collect a certain package of documents:

  • charter of a private kindergarten;
  • a document confirming the institution's registration;
  • premises rental agreement (or purchase and sale agreement);
  • conclusions from the SES and GosPozhnadzor that the premises meet all the necessary requirements;
  • certified educational program;
  • a document confirming that all necessary educational and methodological literature is complete;
  • information about accepted personnel and the number of groups.

Calculation of approximate investments for starting a business

  1. Rent of premises – 35-500 thousand rubles per month, depending on the region and other conditions.
  2. Repair - from 100 thousand rubles.
  3. Alarm and fire-fighting equipment – ​​130-150 thousand rubles (installation plus maintenance).
  4. Payment for public utilities– about 80 thousand rubles.
  5. Security (private security service) – 1 million rubles per year.
  6. Meals (children and employees) – about 200 thousand rubles.
  7. Salary to employees – 1.1 million rubles (plus taxes and deductions).
  8. Advertising – about 100 thousand rubles.
  9. Other expenses – about 60 thousand rubles per month.

Competition assessment

SWAT analysis. Strengths:

  • no queues for admission;
  • individual approach to each child;
  • a small number of children in the group;
  • high-quality and varied food;
  • rich educational programs developed on the basis of popular early development methods;

We must not forget that the private kindergarten employs only highly qualified employees; it is well equipped with educational and play materials.

An important advantage is to provide the most comfortable conditions for children to stay in the kindergarten (room for games, sleeping, feeding) and
flexible work schedule.

Weak sides:

  • entrance fee for a place in kindergarten;
  • high monthly fee for a child;
  • low business profitability;
  • increased level of social responsibility;
  • long payback period of the project (3-5 years).

Organizing a business in this area opens up such opportunities as attracting state attention to the problems of preschool education, maintaining and improving the level of qualifications teaching staff, providing jobs with higher wages.

It also ensures the expansion of the range of educational services provided, the active involvement of innovations in educational process, creating a competitive kindergarten brand. However, it is important to take into account the instability of the economic situation in the country and negative trends in the functioning of the family institution.

Where to start?

In order to organize a private kindergarten at home, you first need to register as an individual entrepreneur or register the kindergarten as a non-profit educational institution. This takes about a month.

  1. Produced registration of D/s for tax registration, (assigned TIN).
  2. Produced registration in Pension Fund , MHIF, FSS and State Statistics Committee to obtain OKVED and OKPO codes.
  3. Selecting a suitable room and a long-term lease agreement or purchase and sale agreement is concluded.
  4. Rented or purchased the premises are being renovated. It is brought into compliance with the standards of SanPin and GosPozhnadzor.
  5. The kindergarten is equipped with furniture, toys, literature, etc.
  6. SES and Fire Department employees are invited, which issue appropriate conclusions on compliance with all necessary standards.
  7. The Charter is being created of a new institution, employees are hired, and a staffing table is written.
  8. Advertising is given, clients are being sought.

At the final stage, a kindergarten that has passed all the “tests” is issued a license giving the right to engage in educational activities.

Experienced parents understand that a lot depends on a child’s education, and the foundation of quality education is laid in kindergarten. Today at government institutions groups are overcrowded. In addition, teachers rarely use modern methods early development. For this reason, many parents prefer private institutions. This creates a successful niche for development profitable business. In this case you will need good ideas for a business plan, required documentation, staff and premises.

Small groups and modern equipment are the advantages of private kindergartens

Legal registration of a private kindergarten and a list of necessary documents

The educational sphere in our country has always been state-owned, therefore, when opening a private educational institution, its owners will face the problem of obtaining various permits and licenses. A preschool institution can open individual, individual entrepreneur or legal entity.

If a preschool institution is opened by a legal entity, it must be registered in a non-profit form. The application for registration is considered for 1 month. After this, the work is coordinated with various authorities, tax authorities, extra-budgetary funds, and state statistics bodies. To have the right to open a preschool, you must obtain a license issued by the Department of Education.

Necessary documents for a mini-garden:

  • premises rental agreement;
  • charter;
  • the program according to which children will be trained;
  • documents confirming the availability of the necessary educational materials;
  • detailed data on the number of staff and children;
  • certificate from the tax service;
  • certificate from the fire service;
  • a certificate from the sanitary service indicating that the premises comply with the requirements of SanPiN.

Obtaining a license to open a home kindergarten is not so easy. However, the operation of such an institution without the appropriate documentation may result in criminal liability.

Many organizations try to operate without a license, positioning a home kindergarten as a training center. However, an unplanned problem can cause serious problems, including serious fines, closure of the kindergarten, and even criminal penalties.

Premises requirements

One of the most difficult tasks is finding the optimal premises. It must comply with the following standards:

  • For each child in kindergarten there must be at least 6 square meters. meters of area;
  • At least three zones must be equipped: a play area, a bedroom and a dining room;
  • moisture-resistant materials should be used to cover the walls;
  • The height of the ceiling and window sills must correspond to the standard.

A private kindergarten as a business can be organized in an apartment. However, according to the law, residential premises cannot be used to conduct private business. In addition, it is almost impossible to comply with all the conditions in the apartment.

Private preschool educational institutions must be located in a separate and protected area

To accommodate groups, it is recommended to rent a separate building. An excellent option would be to rent an unused public kindergarten. In this case, the building already meets all standards, so all that remains is to make repairs and purchase the necessary furniture, dishes, toys and educational materials.

Necessary equipment and furnishings of the kindergarten premises

The list of what is needed to open a private kindergarten must be continued with appropriate equipment and furniture. In this case, it becomes necessary to purchase the following:

  • tables for eating, activities with children and creativity;
  • small chairs;
  • beds;
  • lockers in the locker room;
  • pillows and blankets;
  • bed linen and towels;
  • utensils for eating and cooking;
  • equipment for preparing and storing food;
  • washing machine;
  • Sports Equipment;
  • toys;
  • educational and children's literature;
  • stationery;
  • goods for creativity.

At the same time, furniture should be hypoallergenic, pillows and blankets should be made of silicone, and toys should be safe and modern. Creative and educational materials must be consistent with the curriculum.

The main requirement for equipment and furnishings is modern appearance, bright colors and environmental friendliness

A business plan for a private kindergarten may include not only a monthly fee, but also a one-time entrance fee. This will allow newly opened establishments to receive the required amount for the purchase of inventory, as well as cover all costs and quickly gain a foothold in the market.

Catering is one of the most important factors. In kindergarten, meals can be 3-5 times a day. Children's nutritional requirements are the first thing that future clients look at when searching for the optimal preschool for their child.

Catering in a private kindergarten

Nutrition should be healthy and nutritious, so you won’t be able to save money on it. To increase the revenue and income of a private kindergarten, it is recommended to prepare questionnaires for parents on the nutritional requirements of their children. This will allow you to prepare food for children based on their preferences.

High-quality personnel selection

When solving a problem it is worth Special attention pay attention to personnel selection. The hiring of teachers and cooks should be carried out at the stage of opening the institution, because the quality of work of a private kindergarten will depend on the staff. Experienced specialists know how to build good relationships with children and also win over parents.

When planning a small business, consider that for every four three-year-old children, one member of staff is required. If this is a group of ten children, then it requires one nanny and two teachers. At the same time, educators must have appropriate education, and all staff, including the cook and nanny, must have a health certificate. If the kindergarten has several groups, then an additional cleaner may be required.

A home day care business plan can be structured to ensure maximum return on investment. In this case, the nanny can perform the duties of a laundress and cleaner. To ensure additional income, it is recommended to find a choreography specialist, English language, music. Don't forget about medical worker. It is not profitable to hire a nurse separately, so it is better to sign an agreement with a reputable ambulance service.

Having additional classes in a private preschool is the path to a successful business

How to open a family kindergarten: marketing plan

Due to the fact that large cities are overcrowded and many people need kindergarten services, it seems that competition between private educational institutions absent.

However, in Lately Dozens of new establishments open every year. In order not to think through advertising yourself and ensure rapid income growth, you can think about purchasing best franchise. It will be easier to open a training center as a franchise, but in this case additional expenses should be included in the plan.

To attract customers, you can place advertisements in in social networks, order advertising in windows and on transport. You also need to come up with additional benefits. For example, this could be transporting children home or extra classes.

Profitability and payback of a private kindergarten

Without an accurate calculation of all the data on income and expenses, it is difficult to calculate how much it costs to open a kindergarten. When renting premises, opening a kindergarten will include the following costs:

  • obtaining permits;
  • repair;
  • buying furniture;
  • purchasing bedding;
  • purchase of household appliances;
  • connection to the Internet and communication services;
  • purchasing toys, educational materials, stationery, and art supplies.

Initial costs are approximately 500-700 thousand rubles.

A business expense calculator should also include monthly expenses. These include:

  • rent;
  • communal payments;
  • staff salaries;
  • food costs;
  • additional expenses.

Thus, the monthly fee is approximately 400 thousand rubles. If 20 children attend the kindergarten, the monthly income will be approximately 500 thousand rubles. This will make the total profit equal to approximately 100 thousand rubles, so the opening of the establishment will pay off in about a year, taking into account the full occupancy of the kindergarten.