How to open a car wash. How to open a car wash from scratch: business plan. Necessary equipment for a car wash

There are countries where a car can drive clean for weeks, even if the streets are slushy. But we can't do that. This means that in Russia the conditions for the car wash business are nowhere better.

For those who are thinking about opening “their own business” in one or another automotive-related service sector, car wash is one of the most obvious options for making money. This seems to be a simple matter, and there will always be demand.

To an uninformed motorist, it may seem that car washes employ the least qualified personnel among all automotive services, and that the business is run by entrepreneurs without any particular ambitions or talents. In itself, this occupation is not very inspiring: it is somewhat similar to the work of a shoe shiner. It is all the more surprising that in this area there are developed online communities of entrepreneurs, where participants lively discuss every nuance of the construction and equipment of car washes, the use of various auto chemicals, polishing technologies, and the like. There are even organizations that provide consulting (!) services in the field of car wash management. They are ready to help in organizing personnel, expanding the range of services, and, most importantly, they can put control and accounting on a professional footing. Moreover, consultants offer their services specifically to small businesses - car washes with three bays or more.

Needless to say, most of the owners of car washes did not graduate from business schools, but they don’t spend money on consultants either, preferring to get their money’s worth on their own, “optimize” taxation, or even put their business on an illegal footing, using the car wash as a cover for cash withdrawal.” black cash."

In the TV series Breaking Bad, the car wash business is depicted as a classic "money laundromat". Legend has it that in the 20s of the last century, American mafiosi bought laundries through which it was easy to legalize “black cash.” Any car wash, like a laundry, generates constant flow incoming cash, which is not very amenable to the control of inspection authorities. It is quite difficult to find out what part of the money in the cash register was actually paid by clients for actually rendered services, and what amounts were deposited into the cash register from fictitious clients for the sole purpose of cashing out money. However, the creators of the series consistently prove to us that this is not an example to follow. How much can you earn if you go the legal route? First you need to decide how much you need to invest...

Architecture of purity

Multi-colored, lurid structures made from sandwich panels have become a recognizable feature of the architecture of Russian cities. From an aesthetic point of view, these buildings can decorate only the darkest slums of the city outskirts. But such easily erected metal structures that do not require a foundation are an extremely cheap type of real estate that does not fall into the category of capital construction. The last point is a very important point. Issues of approval for the construction of a permanent building can put an end to the entire project.

Another advantage of the modular design is that the building can be gradually expanded (for example, adding a second floor in which you can open a cafe or a spare parts store). In addition, if necessary, a modular sink can be disassembled and reassembled in a new location. In any case, the miniature building, designed for one washing station, is quite ready for moving.

There are several companies operating in Russia that offer ready-made projects starting from a penny structure the size of a garage and costing from 700,000 rubles. to a multifunctional three-story complex with a total area of ​​650 sq.m., which houses eight washing stations, a tire service center, a store and a cafe. Such a design will cost about 10,000,000 – 15,000,000 rubles.

The most rational option for those who understand at least something about construction is to build it yourself. That is, do not resort to the help of an organization, but hire workers yourself, purchase necessary materials and sketch out a simple project.

God knows what kind of money - comparable to the price of a one-room apartment in the provinces. However, one must understand that so far we have only talked about the cost of the structure and equipment itself, but it is clear that the amount of investment grows several times if we also include the cost of land (and land in advantageous places within the city is already a question large investments). For a novice entrepreneur, it is much more logical to look for a ready-made car wash for rent. Here, of course, depending on your luck, but it’s not that uncommon. In the course of preparing this material, we talked with an entrepreneur who has been creating car washes in rented premises for several years and is successful at it. A decent looking building with an area of ​​270 sq. m, in which three “wet” and three “dry” posts are organized, costs him 150,000 rubles. per month (in central Russia).
So, let’s assume you have received the necessary premises and equipment. How it works?

Internal kitchen

The main expense item after renting (or building) a premises is labor costs. A car wash in a good, walk-through location should ideally operate around the clock, which means that the owner must introduce a shift schedule and flexibly vary the workload of staff depending on the flow of customers. As a rule, 20-40% of the proceeds goes to pay for the labor of washers, but downtime also needs to be paid for in an amicable way (about 400-500 rubles per day). Administrator remuneration can be calculated differently. If the car wash relies on a wide range of additional services (dry cleaning, polishing, treating the body with protective compounds, etc.), then it must be done so that it is beneficial for the administrator to interest the client in these types of work. Here it is logical to introduce several wage rates, depending on the average monthly bill.

Costs for water, electricity, gas (heating) are directly proportional to the number of posts and amount to about five to eight thousand rubles per month per post. But we must not forget that all equipment - even if it is quite simple at the sink - requires maintenance and periodic repairs. Hoses wear out, gate cables break, vacuum cleaners break down. Calculated for one post, it turns out to be a little - about 500 rubles per month.

Conflict situations

One of the unpredictable expense items and an eternal source of headaches for the car wash owner is conflict situations with clients. It is not very often that a car is damaged during the process of removing dirt from the body, but disputes can arise due to the fact that the owner did not see minor recent damage on a dirty car, but immediately after washing he draws attention to them. First of all, of course, he makes claims to the washer and the administrator. All car wash owners take advantage of the fact that most customers have little idea how to defend their case in court, and, therefore, entrepreneurs are extremely reluctant to compensate for damage voluntarily. Not to mention the fact that among the clients there are those who are no strangers to consumer extremism (on the basis of which they demand unreasonable compensation). However, if the fault of the car wash is really obvious, then the most honest thing for the entrepreneur would be to agree with the claims and give the client a receipt that you agree to compensate for the damage caused (calculation of damage is a separate issue; if there are disagreements, then the client must defend his innocence himself, involving independent experts). If an agreement cannot be reached, then a months-long trial cannot be avoided. And then there is the question of for whom this procedure will be more difficult and burdensome - for the client or for the entrepreneur.

Finally, more or less noticeable amounts will “dissolve” in various kinds of consumables. Here the spread can be quite large depending on the quality of the services offered. According to car wash employees, most organizations purchase the cheapest products: for example, for dry cleaning the interior (including leather), a concentrate costing 750 rubles can be used. for 10 liters, which is diluted with water. Serious car washes don’t do this, buying specialized products, but this is a completely different price level. For the same 750 rubles you get a bottle with a capacity of 0.5 liters, and this is not a concentrate, but a ready-made composition. As a result, the cost of consumables per month for a “no complaints” car wash will be 10,000 rubles, while for a pretentious “detailing center” they are five times more. How these mysterious “detailing centers” differ from ordinary car washes will be discussed below.

Debit and credit

If a novice entrepreneur has opened a car wash in an unsuitable location, or the location is not bad, but the premises are not satisfactory, then such a businessman can only sympathize: quickly moving to a better location or expanding the area is quite problematic. But some things can be changed on the fly, giving your sink a new impetus for development.

Pessimistic scenario

Input data:

Services - washing only (three wet stations and three dry)
Premises - for rent
Number of cars during the day (from 9:00 to 21:00, three cars per hour) - 30
Number of cars at night (from 21:00 to 09:00, 0.5 cars per hour) - 4
Cross-country ability - 1054 vehicles per month
Average check - 350 rubles.

Nanotechnology in the hands of a washer

IN last years There has been a new boom in the car wash industry - “high technology” and all that jazz. Businessmen always try to show off their clients and come up with certain new services, but here we are talking about a whole new phenomenon in the “washing” culture. Its name is “detailing”.

Abroad, there have long been top-class masters involved in caring for appearance supercars and other rare vehicles. They raise the art of car body cleaning and polishing, leather and plastic care, etc. to unattainable heights. And so, ordinary Russian car washes also began to adopt a wide range of a wide variety of luxury auto chemicals, which have gone far from the standard “shampoo for contactless washing.”

For fans of detailing, it's not enough for their cars to just look clean. If the car looks like it was just bought at a dealership, that’s another matter, but it’s even better if it gives the impression of being an exhibit at an international auto show. This means that all the little things in the engine compartment should shine perfectly, not to mention the interior and paintwork. All crevices around nameplates, moldings and emblems are cleaned, and each wheel is removed and thoroughly washed.

Of course, such an “elite” car wash is designed for a certain category of people who admire the brake calipers and stitching on the leather in the cabin as if they were works of art. And the cost of such a service is quite high - from 1500 rubles. And this is just the beginning. Real fans regularly undergo expensive body polishing, interior and wheel dry cleaning, ceramic nanocoating applied to the body, and much more. But there are progressive types of washing, designed for less refined clients.

It is, of course, difficult for a car wash administrator to convince a random client to become an inveterate “detailer.” But persuading him to try a premium car wash, which is only 200 rubles more expensive than a regular one, is quite possible. Here they will explain to you that regular shampoo, which is used for contactless washing, is actually only suitable for preliminary cleaning of the body. Somewhere there will be a matte coating, and some particles of dirt are literally magnetic to the body, and they also cannot be washed off so easily. Not to mention the fact that only special compounds that must be used to treat the car after washing can give the body a deep shine and protect it. That’s how they explain it, in any case, in all “respectable” washing centers. A specialist will definitely tell you that high-quality washing must certainly be two-phase and contact. At the first stage, only partial removal of the most severe contaminants occurs, but at the second, the washer will focus in detail on all difficult places. If you are particularly curious, they will explain to you that the second phase is carried out using compounds with a high content of tensides.

This service is no longer intended for individual maniac clients, but for the broader masses of motorists who love to keep their car in perfect condition. Almost any owner of a freshly purchased device is a potential client of such a “high-cleanliness” wash. And even more so for the fair sex.


A startup who can understand all the intricacies of car care, recruit and train a team, find investments and build own premises It's probably worth doing more promising business than washing cars. But let’s assume that this person invests all his talents in creating a “dream car wash”, and luck accompanies him. How much will he earn from this?

Pessimistic scenario

Input data:

Services - washing, detailing (three wet stations and three dry ones)
Premises - own
Cross-country ability - 1550 vehicles per month
Number of cars during the day (from 9:00 to 21:00, three cars per hour) - 36
Number of cars at night (from 21:00 to 09:00, 0.5 cars per hour) - 6
Average bill - 480 rub.

So, if you own a car wash, the flow of customers is decent, and the average check is optimistic, then the small business turns out to be quite a good income, from which a cafe, service station, or even a network of similar enterprises can gradually grow. However, all motorists are well aware of the condition of most car washes and the quality of their services. No matter how often our fellow citizens have to wash their cars, the washing business cannot be called the simplest and most profitable.

Every day, with every kilometer, any car becomes dirty to one degree or another. We are all used to seeing car washes for SUVs, minibuses and passenger cars, however, there is a catastrophic shortage of places where you can wash a 20-meter-long truck. Not every production facility, much less a food warehouse, will allow dirty vehicles into its territory; such requirements for heavy-duty vehicles are more common at food warehouses. While car wash is available in almost every city for passenger cars, in the case of heavy-duty trucks the statistics leave much to be desired.

The main consumers are truck drivers, bus drivers, and subsequently fleets. Since the flight can last 5 or more days (sometimes up to 2-3 weeks), drivers have to live in their cars. There they eat, sleep and live. Naturally, the cabin must be orderly and clean. But they don’t forget about the outside of the truck, which is why they use the services of car washes.

The essence of the business idea is to satisfy the need of drivers and owners of freight transport to wash heavy vehicles, tractors, and buses.

Experts say that a car wash as a business is a very profitable business. And in order for it to generate real income, a number of important points should be taken into account

It is assumed that cash will be provided by a bank or investors, and so that the costs of starting a business are not high, a portal car wash can be leased.

Capital investments- 2740.8 thousand rubles.

Net profit- 409 thousand rubles.

Payback period- 6-7 months.

Return on sales - 68,2%.

2. Description of the business, product or service

It is planned to start a business with one portal installation costing 2.5 million rubles. After the first installation has paid for itself, it is planned to install a second portal sink.

After the two installations begin to generate stable income, it is planned to install a stationary sink with the same portal installation. It will be possible to expand the range of services, for example, by opening a tire shop, because you always need to develop.

Also open small store auto parts consumables, i.e., these are motor oils, filters, various liquids such as antifreeze, antifreeze, mixtures for kindling diesel, etc. Later, open a car wash for passenger cars.

3. Description of the sales market

This business is just beginning to gain momentum in our country. And it is not developing very quickly at the moment. It is not very developed in our city either.

Washing trucks mobiles as a business is not only a promising, but also a highly profitable enterprise. Profits from such activities can significantly exceed the income received from car washes for passenger cars.

Just compare the cost of the service:

  • For the owner of a car, washing the car costs 250 rubles. (average price of service).
  • The minimum cost of washing trucks varies from 1,000 to 2,000 rubles.

Therefore, it is worth actively developing this industry, it will bring considerable profit and will enable truck owners to keep their freight car clean, and will provide people with jobs.

In our city, according to the 2gis portal, there are 9 car washes for trucks. There are more than 45 car washes for passenger cars. These are the main competitors. Most of them are located on the outskirts of the city, i.e., in places where there is a fairly large flow of cars.

Car wash place

Competitive advantage is expected to be achieved through the choice of location for the car wash and additional services. The car wash site is located along Dachnoe Highway.

Because Since this area is located on the outskirts of the city, the flow of both trucks and cars is ensured, especially in spring, summer and autumn.

4. Sales and marketing

5. Organizational structure

First you need to decide on the form of business organization. There are two options here: either registration as an individual entrepreneur ( individual entrepreneur), or “opening” a legal entity, for example an LLC. Each of these forms has its own pros and cons, so to make it easier to make a choice, you need to familiarize yourself with each of them in more detail.

Both for registration as an individual entrepreneur and for opening a legal entity it is required state registration, the order of which is determined Federal law on registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs. When contacting the registration authority, you must: in the prescribed form draw up an application, prepare and submit constituent documents, and also pay the state fee.
The next step will be to obtain permits that allow you to engage in a car wash business.

In particular, these are:

  • permission from local authorities who are in charge of the territory where it is planned to open a car wash. To receive it, you must submit a letter of request to the city or district administration for the allocation land plot for its construction;
  • car wash project, which is developed by a design organization. Mandatory this project must comply with current sanitary-epidemiological, architectural, environmental and fire standards and be agreed with the authorities responsible for compliance with all these standards;
  • permission from the architecture committee, sanitary and epidemiological station, security department environment, fire protection and labor protection for the provision of washing services Vehicle. If at least one of the conclusions listed here is missing, the project will not be approved;
  • an act of permanent or temporary possession of land, which is drawn up after approval of the project. Only after receiving this document you are allocated land and given a warrant for the construction of your facility.

This is a list of basic documents that are required to open a car wash. There are no special requirements for their composition and form.

6. Financial plan

7. Risk factors

Let's evaluate possible risks project on a 5-point scale.


  • Possible changes in legislation. Risk assessment - 1. This risk can tighten the environment for business development and reduce the level of profitability. Compensation is carried out at the organizational moment when introducing a form of government, type of ownership and form of taxation.
  • War, natural disasters, cataclysms, accidents and emergencies. Risk assessment - 1. The event can objectively lead to large material losses. Property may be severely damaged or destroyed. However, this risk is regulated by the insurance service.
  • Opening of new car washes in a city with a population of 410,000, lowering prices by competitors. Risk assessment - 3. As we have already said, demand exceeds supply, but income may fall slightly. This is regulated by the creation of a personal customer base, active promotions and the development of interesting offers. It is necessary to reward the client for his correct choice.
  • Seasonal reduction in the number of services. Risk assessment - 5. This risk does not have clear time limits. It all depends on the weather. This risk is managed marketing policy, shares, reduction in the number of employees.
  • Washing as a project
    • Description of services
    • Production plan
    • Recruitment
  • Financial plan
  • Which equipment to choose

An example of a business plan for opening a small car wash with two stations. Can be used both for personal justification of the feasibility of investing in a business, and for attracting financial resources private investor. We present to your attention standard business plan(feasibility study) for opening a car wash. This business plan can serve as an example for obtaining a bank loan, state support or attracting private investment.

Washing as a project

The goal of the project is to organize a car wash in the city of N. The project involves the provision of vehicle washing services, incl. cleaning the body, wheels, bottom, polishing the body, as well as cleaning and dry cleaning of the interior.

How much money do you need to open a car wash?

To implement the project, it is planned to attract investments in the amount of 2.1 million rubles. Them them own funds will amount to 300 thousand rubles, and 1.8 million rubles - credit funds. Economic indicators of the project implementation:

  • Net profit per year = 989,406 rubles;
  • Return on sales = 38.5%;
  • Project payback = 25 months.

Which taxation system to choose for opening a car wash?

The organizational and legal form of the organization will be individual entrepreneurship. The initiator of the project is I.I. Ivanov.

The tax regime will be a simplified taxation system, 15% of the enterprise’s profit.

Currently started Practical activities for project implementation:

  1. Registration completed individual entrepreneurship to the Federal Tax Service;
  2. A lease agreement was concluded for a municipal land plot to accommodate a single post mobile car wash area 80m2. Rental price - 10,000 rubles per month;
  3. A preliminary search was carried out for a company supplying turnkey modular (mobile) car washes.

The organization will consist of 5 people: an administrator and four car wash workers.

Description of services

Let's consider the main services that our organization will provide:

1. Car body wash. It includes washing the body and rims. Will be provided by two washers within 10 minutes. The average cost of the service is 250 rubles;

2. Car interior cleaning. This service will include wiping glass, cleaning fabric and leather interior surfaces, removing dust and debris (vacuum cleaner). The average cost of the service is 300 rubles;

3. Chemical cleaning of the interior. This service includes cleaning of seats, floors, ceilings, doors, seat belts, and plastics. The average cost of the service is 1000 rubles;

4. Polishing services. This includes treating the body with liquid wax, polishing the body with polish, polishing the front panel and plastic, etc. The average cost of the service is 400 rubles;

5. Additional services. These are services such as cleaning wheels, blackening wheels, processing locks, removing traces of insects, etc. The average bill for these services is 100 rubles.

It is planned to establish operating hours from 10:00 to 20:00.

The share of each service in the total volume of services provided is presented in the form of a diagram:

Download car wash business plan

Step-by-step plan for opening a car wash

In our country, the number of car owners is growing from year to year, and the demand for car wash services is growing accordingly. The number of middle class people who are the main customers of car washes is also growing. These are mainly middle managers and entrepreneurs.

Our car wash will be located in close proximity to a gas station with a large flow of cars. This is a very good location, so the organization does not need additional advertising. The population of the area where our car wash will be located is about 30 thousand people.

The closest competitors are kept at a respectful distance. There is no such object within a radius of 500 meters.

The presence of two boxes for washing cars will allow you to avoid a long queue and, accordingly, eliminate the possibility of the client leaving for the nearest competitor. Let's move on to calculating the organization's expected revenue.

It is expected that the average throughput of the car wash will be about 30 cars per day. That is, 15 cars for each washing bay. With an average check of 350 rubles, daily revenue will be about 10,500 rubles, per month - 315,000 rubles.

However, take into account seasonality in the car wash business. The peak of revenue occurs in spring and autumn, and the decline begins in summer and winter:

Monthly revenue by period will be:

  • Spring period - 504 thousand rubles (+60%);
  • Summer period- 157.5 thousand rubles (-50%);
  • Autumn period - 472.5 thousand rubles (+50%);
  • Winter period- 126 thousand rubles (-60%).

Based on the above data, the organization’s annual turnover will be 3,777,000 rubles.

Production plan

A mobile two-post car wash has a number of advantages over conventional permanent structures:

  1. Low starting investments to open a business;
  2. The design of the car wash allows installation of the premises in the shortest possible time;
  3. A mobile car wash is a completely independent module that does not require construction or installation work;
  4. If the location is unsuccessful, the car wash may be moved to another location. The design of the mobile car wash allows you to change its location about 30 times.

The object package includes:

  • Power frame;
  • Insulated outer contour, which provides thermal insulation of the room from +30 to -30 degrees;
  • The internal and external cladding consists of sandwich panels with a polymer coating;
  • The car wash is equipped with a three-stage water recycling system with a coagulation chamber;
  • Tank with a capacity of 80 liters for diesel fuel;
  • Supply and exhaust ventilation system;
  • Fully autonomous air heating system using diesel fuel;
  • Waterproof electrical wiring;
  • High pressure pump for washing cars, manufacturer - Germany;
  • Vacuum cleaner for dry interior cleaning;
  • Compressor for blowing locks and other equipment.


Planned staffing table organizations includes:

Annual costs for wages will amount to 1,312 thousand rubles.

Financial plan

The fixed costs of our organization are presented in the following table:

Total fixed expenses per month will be 214,220 rubles.

The structure of annual costs is presented in the form of a diagram:

The main expenses of the organization will be the cost of paying wages to employees - 51% of the total expenses, as well as the payment of insurance contributions for employees - 42% of the total costs of the car wash.

Calculation economic indicators presented in the table - forecast of income and expenses of the organization:

Professional business plans on the topic:

  • Car wash business plan (21 sheets) - DOWNLOAD ⬇
  • Tire service business plan (14 sheets) - DOWNLOAD ⬇
  • Car service business plan (16 sheets) - DOWNLOAD ⬇

How much can you earn at a car wash?

The net profit of the car wash at the end of the year will be 989,406 rubles. The profitability of a car wash is 38.5%. With these business plan indicators, the car wash project will pay for itself in 25 months.

We recommend download car wash business plan, from our partners, with a quality guarantee. This is a full-fledged finished project, which you will not find in the public domain. Contents of the business plan: 1. Confidentiality 2. Summary 3. Stages of project implementation 4. Characteristics of the object 5. Marketing plan 6. Technical and economic data of the equipment 7. Financial plan 8. Risk assessment 9. Financial and economic justification of investments 10. Conclusions

Which equipment to choose

Equipment for a car wash will need the following:

  • washing chamber;
  • overpass;
  • ventilation, water purification and lighting systems;
  • power supply and heat supply systems;
  • washing equipment;

equipment for supplying water and waste liquids. Usually all the equipment is already included in the complex, but if you want to provide additional services, you will need to purchase the equipment necessary for these types of services.

What documents are needed to open a car wash?

First of all, you need to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC with the tax authorities. If you plan to provide services only to private individuals, you can choose an individual entrepreneur. If you are going to serve enterprises, it is better to register an LLC.

Which OKVED code should I indicate when registering a car wash?

You also need to select an OKVED code for business registration. For a car wash, you can use the OKVED code 45.20.3 - “Washing vehicles...”. In this case, this is the most suitable OKVED, and you can stop there.

Do you need a permit to open a car wash?

You will also need permits from the architectural chamber, SES, Gospozhnadzor, environmental service, as well as a copy of the project certified by the BTI. Documents must be submitted to the local administration, which, after checking them, will allow construction.

According to the traffic police, today about forty million passenger cars are registered in our country. At the same time, there are only about ten thousand car wash stations. It turns out that on average there is only one car wash for every four thousand cars. Such facilities are distributed unevenly across cities, and often there are simply not enough of them in many localities. What can we say about various federal-level highways, when there is not a single car wash for many kilometers next to a busy road. It is known that any car periodically needs this service, otherwise its severe contamination can lead to serious problems during operation.

Statistics show that most car owners wash their cars about once a week. Therefore, even in a small city with a population of 10 thousand or more people you can receive a large number of regular customers.

It is also worth considering that cars are washed not only physically, but also legal entities. Consequently, it is possible to conclude contracts for the regular provision of services with various organizations in the city.

Criteria for choosing a place to work

In order for an enterprise to be successful and profitable, you should be very careful in selecting a suitable place to work. First of all, a wide and convenient access to the car wash is required. The absence of a large congestion of cars will attract a large number of customers and ensure good performance. Many unprofessional drivers also strive to get to a place where they can stop their car without difficult maneuvers.

It is advisable that there is a busy highway nearby, along which cars constantly pass - this will allow you to get more visitors. Naturally, in this case, people will come on the recommendation of friends who see the car wash by chance while passing by. If the route connects one settlement with another, then this will be an even greater advantage, since after a long journey many motorists want to wash their car and at the same time take a little break from the trip.

The room must be connected in advance to all communications used. It is also recommended to select a room that has an additional area under a canopy - it will allow clients to shelter from rain and sun. Equipping the surrounding area with lighting will allow you to work successfully and attract customers even in the dark.

An additional advantage here will be the location of car services, parking lots or auto parts stores nearby. These companies will attract target audience and will help increase the influx of customers.


To organize a business, you must prepare the following documents:

  • certificate of registration of individual entrepreneur or LLC;
  • approved car wash project;
  • lease agreement for land and premises for a car wash;
  • contract for connection to the electrical network;
  • - contract for the purchase of water or connection to the water supply system;
  • an agreement for the disposal of used water, various waste and other products from the operation of a car wash.

You will need to spend 200,000 rubles on paperwork and obtaining permits.


To fully operate a car wash, it is recommended to rent a premises of approximately 100 square meters. If the approximate rental rate is 500 rub. for 1 sq. m., then, therefore, the monthly rental costs will be 50,000 rubles.

If the premises and the surrounding area are not prepared for the operation of a car wash, then the following expenses will be required:

  1. Finishing – 240,000 rubles.
  2. Water supply and drainage - 300,000 rubles.
  3. Installation of equipment for work – 50,000 rubles.
  4. Landscaping – 100,000 rubles.

Total: 690,000 rubles.


The equipment used must be professional and reliable - this will protect yourself from breakdowns and associated costs. It is recommended to choose trusted manufacturers who provide long warranties for their products. To open a car wash, you must purchase the following equipment:

  1. High-pressure apparatus (HPR) without heating (2 pcs.) – 180,000 rubles.
  2. Fine water purification filters (2 pcs.) – 24,000 rubles.
  3. Foam nozzle (2 pcs.) – 10,000 rubles.
  4. Installation kit (2 pcs.) – 24,000 rubles.
  5. Manual switch “clean - reverse” (2 pcs.) - 24,000 rubles.
  6. Water vacuum cleaner (1 piece) – 45,000 rubles.
  7. Membrane filter (1 pc.) – 3,000 rubles.
  8. Autonozzle (1 pc.) – 2,000 rubles.
  9. Water purification system (1 piece) – 300,000 rubles.
  10. Pressure increase module (1 pc.) – 50,000 rubles.

Total: 662,000 rubles.

Car wash staff

Particular attention should be paid to the selection of personnel - for this you can post messages in in social networks and on free message boards. The enterprise requires four people to work in shifts. One accountant-cashier is also required. Monthly salary expenses will be distributed as follows:

  1. Car washers (4 people) – 96,000 rubles.
  2. Accountant-cashier (1 person) – 30,000 rubles.

Total: 126,000 rubles.

Financial plan

When opening a car wash, one-time expenses will be:

  1. Registration of permits – 200,000 rubles.
  2. Preparing premises and territory for work – 690,000 rubles.
  3. Purchase of equipment – ​​662,000 rubles.

Total: 1,552,000 rubles.

Monthly expenses will be distributed according to the following items:

  1. Employees' salary is 126,000 rubles.
  2. Rent of premises – 50,000 rubles.
  3. Purchase of auto chemical goods and Supplies– 30,000 rubles.
  4. Electricity and water – 30,000 rubles.
  5. Unforeseen costs (dismissal of employees, equipment breakdown, etc.) – 30,000 rubles.

Total: 266,000 rubles.

Thus, the initial investment will be 1,818,000 rubles.

Profitability calculation

The car wash will be open daily from 08.00 to 23.00.

The average load of one post per day will be 22 cars. Consequently, the two posts will receive an average of 44 vehicles each day. It turns out that within a month the car wash will be able to service 1,320 cars.

The average bill at a car wash is 300 rubles.

As a result, the total profit for the month will be 396,000 rubles. Net profit after paying all taxes and monthly expenses will be approximately 120,000 rubles.

Approximate return on investment period: 16 months.

Risk analysis

It is natural that when operating a car wash there will be certain risks, and if possible they should be minimized.

1. Poor location of the car wash.

The problem can be avoided by conducting a detailed analysis of the area in advance. It is also necessary to study traffic flows and the presence of competitors that may be nearby.

2. Problems with regulatory authorities.

To minimize such problems, you should prepare all permitting documents with the help of a trusted law firm. In case of any misunderstanding in this regard, you should immediately contact and resolve the problem together with professional lawyers.

3. Equipment breakdown.

All equipment will have a warranty period. It is also recommended to check it periodically. In the event of a breakdown, the equipment should be repaired at the appropriate technical centers.

4.Lack of experienced workers.

To attract reliable employees, decent wages will be offered. Car washers without relevant experience will receive on-the-job training.


As practice shows, most Russian car washes have been operating successfully for decades. This certainly indicates very positive indicators in this area. The business is quite profitable, since these services are always in demand. If desired and possible, it will be possible to increase the number of boxes for cars, expand the staff and make the operation 24 hours a day. It is also possible to open a store selling auto parts, consumables and accessories next to the car wash.

How much does it cost to open a car wash: the concept of “self-service car wash” + how a self-service car wash works + location of the car wash + collecting documents + prices for a ready-made car wash complex + marketing strategies + cost of opening a car wash and payback period.

There are quite a lot of people who want to start their own business in the city with a car wash. The business is profitable, and its organization requires relatively little funds. Even less savings will be needed to organize a self-service car wash.

At the same time, there is always a demand for car washing services, especially in big cities. The business will have customers even in the periphery, where there are still few car washes.

In this article we will look at how much it costs to open a self-service car wash, how much it is profitable business and how quickly you will “recoup” the investment.

What is a self-service car wash?

is a design for car washing that works without the help of workers. Anyone who wants to wash their car pays money at a special terminal, after which they receive a token for the amount or time of washing. The car owner does all the work himself.

Naturally, someone must monitor from the outside how visitors handle the equipment, give them hints, etc. But the number of employees at the self-service car wash still remains minimal, and the wages of these few employees will be relatively small.

What are the advantages of a self-service car wash for the business owner and visitors?

  1. A novice businessman can save on wages employees, manage the entire process yourself.
  2. Customers have the opportunity to save money on car washing, since the price for such a service is, of course, lower than at regular car washes, where the work is performed by staff.

How does a self-service car wash work?

The client arrives at the self-service car wash and selects at the terminal right time and type of car washing service.

As soon as he pays, the equipment will work a certain amount of time. If during this time the driver did not have time to wash the car, he can pay extra and continue to work on the car.

Before starting work, the driver puts on a suit that does not get wet, and then proceeds to wash the car.

There is nothing complicated in the process itself:

  • All you have to do is point the gun at the car. Thanks to the powerful flow of water, to which special chemicals have been added, dirt will be removed from the car before your eyes.
  • The second stage is washing off the detergent and remaining dirt.
  • Afterwards, you can proceed to the third stage - applying wax, which gives the car a shine. In addition, after this procedure, the dirt does not stick to the car so much, there are no water stains.
  • Next, the machine goes through the drying stage. At this point, the full washing complex is considered complete.

Additionally, you can vacuum the inside of the car, wash the tires and wheels, etc.

Choosing a place for a self-service car wash

The choice of location determines how many clients you will serve and how much profit they will bring. If you choose a bad location, there is a high risk that the point will close in just a couple of months due to zero profit.

Let's say right away that it will be difficult to conclude such a deal. And even if you succeed, you will most likely have to pay a considerable amount of money for rent.

The second option is to open a car wash near the highway, in a place with convenient access. Make a huge sign that will tell car owners where to turn to get to the car wash.

If you are lucky and get permission to place a sign near a traffic light, the flow of customers is guaranteed to increase. Drivers, while standing at the intersection and waiting for the signal, will have time to consider your proposal in detail and think about it.

You can use the same marketing ploy at pedestrian crossings, near speed bumps, etc.

Another option is to open a car wash at the exit of the business district. Why on the road? On the way to work or in a hurry to a business meeting, drivers simply will not pay attention to the offer to wash the car. On the way back, when you already have free time, you can stop by a car wash and bring beauty to the car interior.

In general, look for a place for a self-service car wash where there are most of your potential clients and they have the opportunity to see your advertisement.

How much does it cost to rent a space for a self-service car wash? Much depends on the region, the location of the future car wash and many other factors.

Consider buying the land and not overpaying the landlord.
An approximate cost item for renting a place for a sink with an area of ​​120 m2 in a small city is from 30,000 rubles.

A complete sink must have 3 boxes, high-pressure water (in addition, you need to install a pump to have strong pressure), a drain with a water purification system, and 15 kW electrical wiring. All these indicators are important when working, and they will also be checked by city services (water utility, fire inspection) before allowing you to open a point.

Another important point– the floor in the car wash should be made warm so that in winter the water does not freeze, but has time to drain into the sewer.

Washing operation diagram:

What documents do you need to collect to open a car wash?

If you have not previously been involved in business, visit the Tax Service and apply for individual entrepreneur status.

To require a minimum package of documents:

  1. Application on form No. P21001.
  2. Application for transition to the simplified tax system.
  3. Copy of passport and TIN.
  4. You must pay a state fee (800 rubles) and provide a receipt for this.

The package of documents will be ready in 5 days. An individual entrepreneur can conduct reporting himself or order this service from an outsourcing company.

Additionally, you need to prepare documents for other inspection authorities:

  1. Permission to operate from the city or district administration.
  2. Lease agreement or purchase and sale agreement for a plot.
  3. Agreement with the city housing office for waste disposal and cleaning of the adjacent area.
  4. The car wash project, which must be approved by the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Authority, the architect of the city administration, the fire inspector, and the environmental service. How much does it cost to create such a project? If we take into account that the car wash area will be 120 m2, then the price of the project will vary within 240,000 rubles.
  5. Additionally, you will have to draw up a fire evacuation plan for the Fire Inspectorate and obtain permission from the SES to use detergents.

How much does it cost to collect all the documents to organize a car wash? Approximate amount- this is 250,000 rubles.

To obtain all the permits, you need to spend several months, so, most often, novice businessmen turn to consulting firms that collect documents and can do everything in a timely manner. as soon as possible for an additional fee.

How much does it cost to open a car wash - choosing equipment

The quality of the equipment determines whether you can confidently conquer your niche in this business. You can purchase imported equipment or look for specialists in this field among domestic manufacturers.

How much does it cost to open a self-service car wash and purchase all the equipment? Much depends on how many cars you expect to receive at the same time.

As a rule, a car wash is divided into 3-6 bays. In addition to the design itself, you need to purchase a sufficient amount of detergent, special clothing and vacuum cleaners to clean the inside of the machine.

Another important point is the purchase of a terminal in which clients will make payments for services. It is best to take money for time or set a fixed amount for one car (one for each type of car wash).

EquipmentQuantityPrice, rub.)
TOTAL: 3,757,500 rubles
1. Complete self-service car wash for 3 stations
1 3 600 000
2. Self-service car wash control controller
2 34 000
3. Car shampoo
100 l12 000
4. Car wax
100 l20 000
5. concentrate for cleaning the inside of the car
50 l8 000
6. Vacuum cleaner
3 66 000
7. Workwear
5 sets7 500
8. Glass cleaner
20 l10 000

As a rule, a ready-made washing complex is equipped with all the necessary equipment. It has pumps, washing guns, a container for filling liquid depending on the selected type of cleaning (washing wheels, glass, body, engine, waxing, etc.)

Water is supplied hot (+40 ºС) and cold. Pressure – no more than 140 Bar.

The washing controller must be made of durable steel, have luminous buttons, and be waterproof. It has a special program installed, which depends on the selected payment mode for services.

For example, some terminals accept plastic cards sold by car wash operators. Other controllers have a built-in coin acceptor, which issues a coupon after receiving money.

Prepare a room for staff, where there will be a table, an armchair, a kettle, and, if possible, a TV. Equip workplace for the operator, it is possible to bring unnecessary furniture from home, and workers will take dishes and food with them, if necessary.

HR and marketing

As mentioned above, a car wash requires a minimum number of workers. It is enough to hire two shift operators who will monitor the car washing process and, if anything happens, help customers and resolve other issues.

The total salary for 1 month of work for two employees is about 30,000 rubles. Operators can clean the premises for a small additional fee. The owner of a self-service car wash can prepare accounting reports.

Advertising and marketing strategy for self-service car washes are very important. First of all, order signs and indicators that can be hung at traffic lights and pedestrian crossings. You also need to develop a large and visible sign for the sink itself - take care of this issue before opening the outlet.

Order a batch of business cards or flyers. Distribute them at gas stations, centers Maintenance, hand out to people in parking lots. If your budget allows, then order advertising on the radio.

advertising services
Qtytotal amount
TOTAL: 110,000 rubles
1. Pointer
2 42 000
2. Signboard
1 50 000
3. Flyers
2 000 4 000
4. Business cards
1 000 2 000
5. Billboard
1 month rental12 000

Business idea for opening a self-service car wash.

What equipment is needed? Preparation of documents.

Details about how much it costs to open a self-service car wash

We have come to the main question: how much does it cost to open a self-service car wash and when will the business pay off?

Let's start by calculating the costs of opening a car wash:

How much car wash services will cost depends on their duration and type:

  1. We will count on the fact that each driver will want to use all the services - it will cost about 200 rubles.
  2. The car wash operates every day for 12 hours and has 3 bays.
  3. The full range of services takes about 10 minutes.
  4. You should not count on the fact that there will be a line of cars near the car wash. At best, about 80 clients will visit you per day.
  5. You will earn 16,000 per day, and about 480,000 rubles per month.
  6. Net profit (from the above amount we took away wages, utilities, rent, expenses for detergents, tax deductions) will be about 300,000 rubles.
  7. If the car wash is loaded with 80 cars daily, the business will pay for itself in 12-14 months.

We answered the main question of novice businessmen: how much does it cost to open a car wash. Unfortunately, it is impossible to guarantee that a business will actually pay off within a year of operation. It all depends on a number of factors - population, location of the car wash, demand for the service, cost. In addition, the business is seasonal - cars are washed less often in winter.

If you have compiled own business a plan that took into account all the factors and made sure that the business would pay off and become a source stable income, all that remains is to wish you good luck.

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