Sample business plan for car service. Business registration and paperwork

The proposed work considers a plan for creating a parking garage with a car maintenance complex for Avtotrade LLC, for which the need for such a project is especially strong. During the operation of the car, serious problems often arise with the place of its stationary parking and storage. It is not advisable to store the car in the open air for reasons of corrosive wear of the body and deterioration of the technical condition of its units, which reduces the amount of cargo transportation in winter.

Under these conditions, the most the best option The solution to the problem is the construction of a specialized parking lot and a garage on the territory of Avtotrade LLC

The project involves the construction of 50 garages, the construction and equipment of a building for a car maintenance complex, as well as the allotment of a part of the allocated territory (total area of ​​2 hectares) for a parking lot for 150 cars. It is planned to return the invested funds through the sale of part of the garages, as well as the receipt of rent for garages and parking lots and from the services of a car service station.

2. Description of the business, product or service

The mission of the enterprise proposed for investment is the creation in Magnitogorsk of a high-tech enterprise for servicing motorists, which is distinguished by inexpensive prices and excellent quality of services provided, which will bring the city's automotive service to a new quality level.

The purpose of the enterprise is the construction, equipment, organization production process car maintenance, as fully functional as possible, combining the possibilities of a car service with the possibilities of renting space for parking a car. The short-term goals of the enterprise are to conquer a sufficient market segment and form a stable image of the company.

It will be quite difficult to realize the proposed mission of the enterprise, therefore strategic direction of its development is the focus on the development of the entire range of services, a competent marketing policy, the rapid formation of the company's image, that is, there will be a serious competitive struggle for the consumer.

Strategic Analysis this project shows that the enterprise proposed for investment has development prospects when implementing the following development strategy:

  • the fastest possible entry into the service market and its development,
  • use of the possibility of applying prices for services that are lower than the prices of competitors,
  • application of competent marketing policy, constant monitoring of the market situation,
  • the use of high-tech equipment, the introduction of know-how,
  • employment of highly qualified employees, effective personnel policy, creation of employees' interest in the success of the enterprise,
  • "tuning" of production to the interests of consumers, constant feedback,
  • flexibility of production, the possibility of expanding the range of services offered

Adhering to the developed strategy, this enterprise for the implementation of car service services will be able to achieve success, that is, within 1 year to return borrowed funds, as well as to create prerequisites for the development of production, the creation of a sustainable image of the company and the occupation of a sustainable segment of the market for motor transport services in the city.

3. Description of the market

General characteristics of the state of affairs in the field of car service in Magnitogorsk.

The balanced and dynamic development of the regional economy, the provision of convenient and comfortable living conditions for the population of the city cannot be imagined without the creation and normal functioning of the service sector.

Among the most general principles development of the service sector in the city include the following:

  1. Taking into account the socio-economic specifics of the region, the prospects for its economic and demographic potential, since this largely determines the growth rate of the non-productive sector in the region.
  2. Study of the main trends in demand for the type of service under consideration and identification of the main factors influencing it.
  3. Study of the existing material and production base to meet the demand for services and identify opportunities for its expansion through investment.
  4. Search for sources of financial resources for the implementation of the planned development strategy; agreement on purpose and available cash.
  5. Analysis of specific investment projects for the creation, expansion and reconstruction of non-production facilities.

The first step in the development of the auto service network of the city is the analysis of its economic condition. The solution of these problems can help to increase business activity by revitalizing trade and transport routes, increasing the volume of transported goods, and increasing the number of the existing vehicle fleet. The integrated development of a car service can be an impulse, which in the future will become the beginning of the path for the region, leading it out of a depressive state.

Thus, the development of a car service should be organically linked with the overall comprehensive program for the development of the city as a whole. The experience of developing such programs indicates that their central direction is usually the development of small business and the provision of employment for the population.

The solution to these problems can largely be solved by creating a network of relatively small car service enterprises; at the same time, the strategy for the formation of a car service economy should be integral part subprograms for the development of small business and employment of the population. Thus, the development of a car service can successfully perform important socio-economic functions, providing new jobs in the region and increasing employment.

Prospects for the development of the auto service sector are based on a scientifically based assessment of the prospects for the development of the transport network, linked to the general economic objectives of the development of the city as a whole.

IN overall structure paid services population for the analyzed period, and especially in the last period, household services are developing quite intensively, which also include car service services. Within 4 years, there is a tendency to increase their volume compared to previous periods.

Analyzing the above data, we can conclude that in the structure of paid services to the population, the largest specific gravity passenger transport services - 41%, household services - 20%, communications - 9%.

By sales channels, the volume of paid services to the population is distributed as follows:


2006 in % of volume

2007 in % to 2006

2008 in % to volume

2009% to 2008

2009 in % to volume

2009% to 2004

Total volume of paid services, including:

Enterprises. of them:

Large. average


The largest share in the structure of paid services is occupied by household services.

Thus, the analysis of the above statistics shows that in last years the city is experiencing significant growth and development household services population, including services for the repair and maintenance of automotive equipment.

4. Sales and Marketing

Service analysis and positioning strategy

The offered service of the company is comprehensive and is a set of maintenance services (engine diagnostics, unit repair, painting, installation of electrical equipment, vulcanization and tire fitting, wheel alignment correction, oil change), maintenance and protection of the territory and maintenance of garages.

The complexity of the provided service ensures its functional completeness for almost any consumer. The distinctive quality of this service is also its high technological and quality level, determined by the quality of equipment and high qualifications personnel.

High consumer properties of the service in question are also determined by the effective organization of the production process, production management.

Preservation and expansion of the content of the specified functional properties of the service makes it possible to form its stable positive image and ensure a highly competitive position of the company in the automotive service market.

The same goal will also be facilitated by the use of a flexible system of discounts, as well as warranty obligations applied under various types car repair.

To organize the work of the service center, it is necessary to supply various components:

The supplier of equipment for our company is the company "Hunter Engineering", which is the world leader in the production of equipment for car services. It manufactures state-of-the-art wheel alignment stands, balance stands, tire changers, lifters and brake test stands. Hunter equipment approved and used by manufacturers Vehicle, tires, and their official representatives around the world.

In addition, contracts are possible for the supply of equipment from the Moscow company EUROSIV, including the ROTARY SPOA35 and ROTARY SPA30EM two-post lifts and the NUSSBAUM UNILIFT 3500A scissor lift, as well as the BLOWTHERM WORLD 7000 spray booth.

The supply of auto parts is expected from the Moscow company Tire Plus, which is engaged in retail and wholesale tires, rims, batteries and auto parts. A distinctive feature of the supplier is a large selection of both domestic and imported products, affordable prices and professional service. In addition, auto parts for Korean-made cars are supposed to be purchased from the Moscow company CANYON, which specializes in this type of product and offers best prices purchases.


Company pricing policy

Pricing policy means common goals that the company is going to achieve by setting prices for its services, which is regarded as one of the most essential elements of the marketing mix. The price level should be minimally sufficient to provide the enterprise with the planned profit, the competitiveness of the entire range of services, the achievement of short-term and long-term goals, the main of which is mastering the main share of the city's car service market.

Thus, an active price policy, which consists in a price breakout strategy, i.e. applying a price level slightly below the price level of competitors and obtaining a greater mass of profit by increasing sales volume and capturing market share. At the same time, the price does not have to be low in absolute value - it should be relatively High Quality provided services. At the same time, we assume that the price level of competitors cannot be significantly reduced, since production capacity these enterprises will not allow a significant increase in the volume of services provided.

5. Production plan

Carrying out repair and maintenance of cars in the conditions of a modern automobile enterprise is associated with the implementation of a wide range of various works. At the same time, along with the main work, such as disassembly, washing and cleaning, defect detection and sorting, restoration and replacement of parts and assemblies, assembly, testing and painting, auxiliary work is also performed (transportation, storage, technical control, supply of energy and materials, security, etc.).

The technological process of car maintenance is a set of technological operations performed in a rational sequence, the set of which is defined as technical condition car, and the desire and capabilities of the customer.

As a rule, the first stage is a car wash, cleaning of its main units and assemblies and subsequent diagnostics. It is supposed to use various methods of diagnosing - from purely visual, the use of special mobile devices and stands, to computer diagnostics(including suspension geometry, engines, wheel alignment).

The use of automation tools is also expected at the washing stage - the service center is equipped with an automatic car wash for cars brand CWP 6000 with a capacity of 8-12 vehicles per hour, equipped with a large number of devices, including a water purification and recycling system.

The main lifting and viewing equipment and structures include inspection ditches, overpasses and lifts, and auxiliary equipment includes jacks, garage tippers, etc. On repair site equipped with a specialized post for changing lubricants in vehicle units and refueling it with coolant and air. During the replacement process, Mobil fuels and lubricants are used, the cost of which corresponds to the official price lists of this company for dealers and authorized service stations.

When replacing units and assembling cars, to facilitate labor and increase productivity, they use various means assembly mechanization. Assembly should be carried out on special stands or devices that ensure the stable position of the assembled product or its assembly unit.

To eliminate mechanical damage to parts (cracks, spalls, holes, etc.), it is planned to use welding, and to apply coatings on the surface of parts in order to compensate for their wear, surfacing is planned.

The range of services provided by the specialists of the service center is also expected to include preparation for painting and painting of metal surfaces of cars using special technological equipment for spraying paints and varnishes.

For organization effective system accounting, warehousing, completing work with materials and spare parts, the method of compiling a diagnostic card and a car repair card is used, which ensures accounting of parts and work performed.

Payment for the services of the service is used for the convenience of customers both in cash and non-cash, in which the cost of repairs is somewhat lower. The approximate cost of a standard hour for domestic cars is 290 rubles, for foreign-made cars - 625 rubles. Active flexible system discounts for private and corporate clients.

6. Organizational structure

LLC "Autotrade" carries out transportation of goods, Maintenance, repair and storage of vehicles, as well as the supply of materials and spare parts.

Currently, Avtotrade LLC includes an overhaul workshop (CCR), it is equipped with modern specialized vehicles. The car park is constantly updated.

Currently, the car park consists of 40 vehicles. The list of employees is 70 people, including the administration.

The organizational and legal form of the enterprise is a limited liability company. Founders - individuals. Starting date of the project - 1.06.2010. after signing a lease land plot 2 hectares in the southern part of Magnitogorsk. The planning interval is 12 months. Project currency - rubles. The required amount of project financing is 16,750 thousand rubles. Of these, 80% are borrowed funds of credit institutions, and 20% - own funds founders.

The founders of the project believe that the creation of a parking garage with a car maintenance complex will greatly improve the situation with the timely delivery of goods, providing a large residential area with a parking place, repair and maintenance of cars.

The concept of growth is based on three ideas:

  1. Progressive business idea;
  2. Promisingly productive idea;
  3. Production idea.

The developers hope that it is the justification of these ideas in the proposed project that will provide Avtotrade LLC with investor confidence and attract the necessary capital.

The planned number of the firm's staff is 19 people. The composition of the staff, as well as the planned labor costs are reflected in the table.

Staff Composition


Job title




Management staff


Commercial Director

Chief mechanical engineer

Chief Accountant

Production personnel

Auto Mechanic

Diagnostic section mechanic

Auto Mechanic

Curing area mechanic

Auto Mechanic

Repair shop fitter

Painting department technician

car wash technician


Service staff

area cleaner


Thus, the monthly labor costs amount to 202,000 rubles.

Particular attention is supposed to be paid to the selection of personnel, which should be carried out, if possible, from men under the age of 35-45 years with at least 5 years of experience in this industry, with an education of at least secondary specialized, since the installation and development of new equipment is supposed to be carried out by the personnel of the company . Also important are such qualities of employees as the ability to learn and be creative, the ability to adapt psychologically in a team, sociability, etc., since personnel factor is significant enough to ensure the competitiveness of the company.

7. Financial plan

The planned production plan and the amount of cash receipts is determined at the next level.

Enterprise income, rub. per month





Realization of garages

Garage rental

Parking fee

Car wash services

Car interior cleaning manual

Engine Diagnostics

The number of cars in Russia is growing steadily every year, and such a fast pace will obviously not slow down any time soon. It is quite logical that car service services are currently very popular, which will definitely remain in the future. Owners of new cars practically do not visit service stations - it is enough for them to change tires twice a year and purchase consumables.

However, with the right approach, you can make good money on this. And there is no need to talk about the old cars that plow the expanses of our great Motherland in abundance - there is always something to fix and something to replace. It is also worth noting that with the rapid development of technology, vehicles began to be filled with complex devices and systems, which not every person can handle on their own. Thus, opening a car service is a profitable business idea that allows you to secure a decent life.

The success of any business largely depends on choosing the right niche.

To date, the most popular species car services are:

  1. . The peak of demand for the services of such service stations falls at the end of autumn - the beginning of spring, when all vehicle owners, without exception, need to change summer tires to winter tires or vice versa. It is worth noting that motorists have problems with tires much more often, since everyone knows that roads are among the main problems in our country.
  2. Repair work. Such establishments include a wide range of services for the repair and replacement of all kinds of car parts, assemblies and assemblies.
  3. Body work. Unfortunately, traffic accidents are not uncommon today, and after such unpleasant situations, it is almost always necessary to correct body defects. It also happens that a person dreams of changing the gray color of his car to snow-white for a long period. And you are right here.
  4. Diagnosis and correction of identified defects electronics.
  5. Cargo car service. Service trucks.
  6. Pre-sale preparation. Have you decided to say goodbye to your old lady and get a new "iron horse"? In order to sell an old car at a decent price, it needs to be given a marketable appearance - to diagnose all equipment, repair all malfunctions and clean it to a shine.
  7. Tuning. It is very popular with young people. Includes installation of additional options, reconfiguration of equipment, change of internal and appearance.
  8. . It is very popular at any time of the year.

Opening a full-fledged car service involves a combination of all of the above services into a single whole. If your financial capabilities are limited, but you are not ready to give up the idea of ​​​​such a business, choose a couple of directions or even one and become the best in this area, you will definitely not end up with clients.

Production plan

Building a new car service is not an easy task, as it requires an incredible investment of time, effort and money.

It is better to opt for a spacious garage or industrial premises.

For small car service with 5 workplaces, spare parts storage and Supplies, rooms for clients and an office will need about 300 square meters. If possible, parking should be organized - it will be relevant for both repaired cars and those waiting for their time.

It will be great if you manage to get a place to open a service station near a crowded place - a highway, a gas station or a garage complex.

Despite the fact that opening this business does not require a license, do not forget about certain rules submitted to this kind establishments:

  1. It is not allowed to find a car service in a residential area.
  2. The minimum distance of service stations to residential real estate is 15 meters, to schools, kindergartens, medical institutions - 50 meters.
  3. In the cold season, the territory of the car service should be warm.
  4. A ventilation system is required.
  5. Lighting must be completely safe.
  6. Observation pit and walls must be lined with ceramic tiles
  7. One employee must have at least 5 sq. meters of working space.
  8. There must be a shower and a toilet.
  9. All employees must be provided with clothing and personal protective equipment.

How to open a car service from scratch is described in the following video:

If you have not yet registered an organization, then the easiest do it with online services, which will help you generate all the necessary documents for free: If you already have an organization, and you are thinking about how to facilitate and automate accounting and reporting, then the following online services come to the rescue, which will completely replace an accountant in your enterprise and save a lot money and time. All reporting is generated automatically, signed electronic signature and sent automatically online. It is ideal for an individual entrepreneur or LLC on the simplified tax system, UTII, PSN, TS, OSNO.
Everything happens in a few clicks, without queues and stress. Try it and you will be surprised how easy it got!


It is very difficult to find highly qualified employees, true professionals in their field in our time, and every employer knows this. The service sector for the repair and maintenance of vehicles is no exception. It is possible that you will have to poach good mechanics from your competitors. In this case, the main thing is to offer them conditions that they cannot refuse.

Do not be afraid of personnel costs - with a high degree of probability, the famous guru will bring more than a dozen clients with him and will more than pay for all expenses. Often, car owners prefer to use the services of trusted people, going to almost the other end of the city for this. Over time, try to attract new people to the car service and train them - so you will be calm if suddenly the best employee is forced to leave you for some reason.

Literally a few people will be enough for a car service - one at a time. workplace, as well as a person who will work with customers and place orders.

Wage workers in the vast majority of cases is formed by adding a small fixed amount and a percentage of the work performed, which can reach half the monthly income.

Supplier selection

Each car service, regardless of its type, needs to regularly replenish stocks of spare parts and consumables. It is best to decide on suppliers of all the things necessary for work before opening a service station, since in order to establish supplies, it is necessary to sign a considerable number of documents and solve many organizational issues.

At the very beginning of your entrepreneurial journey, you can try to cooperate with suppliers "on order", if they are able to deliver all the necessary parts to the destination in the shortest possible time. However most requested parts It is better to always have with you, at least with a small margin. Otherwise, you will lose all the customers who need to change the light bulb, and you offer to wait for them a couple of days. Also, do not forget about the seasonality of such a business and prepare in advance for a boom in consumer demand. If in the process of work there will be extra parts after purchases - it's okay - open a small shop.

Financial plan

Main expenses to open a car service are:

  • rent for the premises;
  • purchase of equipment.

Are you planning to open a full-fledged car service with a wide range of services? be ready spend on your idea from 3 to 5 million rubles. A more modest service station will cost the entrepreneur about 1.5 million. Income similar institutions that provide some of the most popular services is about 200 thousand rubles, and this is far from the limit - it all depends on the businessman's grasp, his ability to engage in this area and a little luck.

The opening of a very small car repair shop, say, a tire fitting, will require only 350 thousand rubles. However, the income in this case will be an order of magnitude lower than in the cases described above - about 30 thousand rubles a month.

Car service is from 20 to 40%, and the maximum payback period is 3 years.

Marketing plan

No ads recently open car service, like any or , is practically doomed to failure. Outdoor advertising in the form of banners and small bright signs gives excellent results, attracting attention potential clients and all those who are not indifferent. In the case of opening a car service, it makes sense to place ads in places with a large concentration of car owners - for example, in parking lots, in garage complexes. No less effective is advertising in print media and on the Internet.

If possible, you can make a couple of hundred business cards with the contact details of your service station and leave them in large stores and nearby offices.

Drivers listen the most radio- take advantage of this and submit an advertisement for one of the popular radio stations in your locality.

Makes a good impression on potential customers image- take care of your employees, develop a bright and easy-to-remember car service logo.

Every day there are more and more cars and motorists on our roads. This means that sooner or later each of them will turn to a car service. That's why this business with the right approach is doomed to success.

Opening such a specific business comes with some challenges. But, approaching such a matter responsibly, one can be sure of success.

To properly organize a business, you need to understand the issues of the automotive industry. Therefore, car services are more often opened by people involved in working with cars, i.e. car mechanics.

Project description

This business can be conditionally divided according to several criteria. By category, they are divided into specializing in the repair of cars, trucks. For the repair of trucks, the room will need many times more than with a conventional service. You will also need specialized equipment.

For motorcycles, on the contrary, a garage is enough.

It is important to determine which services will be included in the service.

It can be:

  • Car wash.
  • Change of oil, .
  • Body repair.
  • Collapse-convergence.
  • Car diagnostics.

For washing, you will need an additional box and equipment. The number of employees will depend on the number of places for washing. You will need at least 2.

Oil change is one of the most popular services. Requires special equipment that can be leased. Number of employees for the procedure: 1.

Tire fitting is always in demand, especially when the demand for it increases during the off-season. Number of workers: at least 2.

Business registration

To open a car repair shop, you must register with the tax authorities as. To do this, an appropriate application is submitted to the department of the tax service dealing with these issues.

It often happens that it is necessary to submit documents to one branch of the tax service, and the activity will be carried out in another area. Then you need to register after acquiring the status of an individual entrepreneur in the department at the place of residence.

An application to the tax service is submitted in a certain form (). When registering, it is indicated for which it is planned to carry out activities.

  1. Code 50.2 - Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles.
  2. Code 50.3 - Trade in automotive parts, assemblies and accessories.
  3. Code 52.1 - Retail in non-specialized stores.
  4. Code 50.20.3 - Provision of other types of motor vehicle maintenance services.

After registration, you must register with the branch pension fund, Social Insurance Fund.

room to open a car service, it must comply with sanitary and fire safety requirements, therefore, you need to obtain permission from the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service and the fire inspectorate. The requirements that apply to such premises can be clarified directly in these structures.

Sometimes, not wanting to participate in the promotion, purchase of equipment and search for employees, entrepreneurs buy ready business.

The following points need to be clarified here:

  1. Location, ease of check-in and check-out.
  2. Qualification of personnel (if it is not planned to recruit new employees).
  3. The quality of the equipment and the appearance of the service.
  4. The presence of suppliers with whom work was carried out on the purchase of equipment and materials.
  5. The duration of the lease or documents of ownership of the site.

Given the above important points, you can determine the cost of a car service and the feasibility of buying it.

Market analysis and competition research

The composition of this market segment is ambiguous. 65 percent of all services are authorized, followed by network and small ones opened by individual entrepreneurs.

The most profitable is authorized car service, but to open this kind of service is quite difficult. It is necessary to provide extremely high quality services and please the car manufacturer for cooperation.

Therefore, it should be competitor analysis:

  • What services are provided by the nearest services.
  • What do they offer customers as bonuses?
  • Strong and weak sides their business.

Another important factor is room. In most cases, in order to open the most convenient and functional service, you will have to build it yourself.

Care must be taken in choosing land plot for construction. It can be purchased or rented. It all depends on the desire and capabilities of the future owner.

The most attention is paid to workshops located in busy places, at gas stations, highways. The car wash will also attract attention.

There are also important nuances:

  • Appearance.
  • Convenience of entrance.
  • Ease of searching.

Successful auto repair shop owners say that to get the most out of your business, you don't have to focus on one brand of car, but specialize in all of them. Then, having sufficiently untwisted, it will be possible to stop at several.

A wreck, a car wash will make a profit daily, and body repair and painting less often.

Production plan

After the conclusion of a lease agreement for a room for a car service or purchase and sale, it is necessary to determine which equipment planned to purchase.

It could be:

  • Diagnostic equipment.
  • Tools.
  • Consumables (oils, etc.).

Depending on the additional services, the workshop will have to take care of the purchase of equipment and materials for their implementation.


The key to success and the presence of regular customers is a merit qualified personnel. This is exactly what car enthusiasts are looking for. Employees who are "sick" for work are always valuable.

The selection should be approached very thoughtfully.

Simple work, the implementation of which does not require special knowledge, can be performed by hardworking citizens (an example of such work is car washing).

For qualified work, mechanics will have to pay accordingly. Therefore, when paying for labor, you can determine the "golden mean" - salary + interest on completed orders. The salary will give the employee confidence in receiving payment under any circumstances, and the bonus will stimulate the performance of quality work.

Schedule auto repair shop will determine the number of personnel. It is important that the car service works without lunch breaks and weekends. Then it is necessary to provide shift work duty of workers.

Depending on direction must be taken to work: an electrician, a balancer, a mechanic, a car mechanic, an accountant and, if necessary, a customer service manager.


The choice of a supplier for the purchase of spare parts can be made via the Internet. The next steps will be to determine the order of work and payment.

The quality of materials, their originality will improve the quality of repairs and attract new customers.

If you plan to open several boxes, then for the purchase of equipment in them, you should find manufacturers directly and conclude a leasing agreement with them. This will greatly facilitate the work. Clients, seeing that high-quality modern equipment is installed in the auto repair shop, will certainly apply for services.

Financial plan

To determine profitability businesses need to take into account the costs and expected income from the activity.

Approximate expenses:

  1. Rent or purchase of a plot of land from 20,000 rubles.
  2. The construction of a car service 300,000 rubles.
  3. Purchase of equipment 1000000 rubles.
  4. Advertising campaign 30,000 rubles.
  5. The salary of employees is 120,000 rubles.
  6. Taxes.


  • Service revenue.
  • Net profit.

Getting really good money will be possible only with proper business management. A competent personnel policy and an advertising campaign are also important here.

Marketing plan

Do I need to advertise for a car service? At the initial stage, yes. In addition to a spectacular sign, you need to think about how you can attract customers. A stand next to a car repair shop or nearby will help you tell about yourself, with a mandatory listing of the work performed and approximate prices for the amounts "from ...".

It is necessary to decide what will be fundamentally new differ workshop. For example, when ordering a vehicle repair, you can provide a free car wash.

In the future, with high-quality, fast and responsible work of specialists, there will be a special need for advertising campaigns will disappear. Clients will bring new ones on the principle of "word of mouth". Therefore, this point should be given special attention.

Over time, it will be possible at a car service to open auto parts store. Then it becomes a real business. The point will turn into a service center.

Support regular customers possible with the help discount system . Even a small discount on services will bring a positive effect.

You can retain customers in the following ways:

  • The workshop uses state-of-the-art professional equipment.
  • Works are performed qualitatively, quickly and on time.
  • Good attitude towards clients.

A video course on how to start a car repair business the right way can be viewed in the following video material:


To cover as much as possible target audience, it is recommended to set the working day from morning to 22.00. This is especially true in the summer.

A manager working in a car service must correctly and kindly answer customer questions, acquaint them with the time of the service, keep an appointment for an inspection and make appropriate notes in the established documents.

Every day the number of motorists is steadily growing both in large cities and in small settlements. Many of them are busy people who do not like to spend their free time repairing their own car, even if it is simply necessary. For this reason, many drivers are willing to pay any money for service maintenance car. So why not make money on it? How to open a car service from scratch? What business plan format should I use?

The idea of ​​opening a service station is very relevant and promising, if it is carried out correctly. To do this, it is best to use a car service business plan with calculations, which we will consider today.

Service sector

At the moment, the car park in Russia has tripled, which has led to an expansion of the structure of the car service market. At the moment it includes:

    Private repair services. There are now a huge number of such individual masters; their services are the cheapest, but not always the highest quality.

    Single car service. One of the most popular segments of the market, advertising itself due to the ideal combination of "price-quality".

    Specialized car services. They work with a certain brand of car, which greatly reduces the number of potential customers, but highlights a clear target audience.

Depending on your capabilities, personal goals and market conditions, you need to choose one of these segments for work.

If commercial transportation is very popular in your city, then it is reasonable to use a business plan for a cargo car service with calculations, an example of which will help determine the average investment.

Private and solo car services are more profitable in terms of initial costs, but their payback may suffer due to serious competition from more big companies. This problem is especially acute in large cities.

Network service stations are best opened in places where there is no popular brand in this area. Here, the main costs will be spent on advertising promotion of the brand.

The franchise car service is advertised by itself, but for this the owner of the network imposes certain requirements on the businessman, ranging from maintaining a certain appearance of the office, ending with the tactics of selecting each employee. In this case, the business plan (sample with calculations) of a car service may change, since investments in advertising are reduced here.

Analysis of the market situation

A new car service has a good chance of success if it correctly assesses the environment in which it will have to work. In order to choose the right direction of activity, possible specification and territorial location, it is necessary to analyze the market situation, without which the business plan (example with calculations) of a car service will not be relevant.

To begin with, it is worth objectively assessing the number of your competitors, the range of services they provide, their cost and target audience. If you feel that your service station will not be able to compete against the background of neighboring bus stations, you better choose another specialization, there are a number of jobs that you will perform at a higher level or at a lower price, or focus on a particular brand of car that you want to service.

Knowing everything weak spots competitors, you can safely use the business plan (example with calculations) of a car service for your own purposes. An approximate calculation of investments will help you navigate the possibility of organizing such a business.

Services provided

The business plan of a car service with calculations, an example of which we are considering, is designed to provide a wide range of services: overhaul of the main components of the car, diagnostics and repair of the electrical part, body and locksmith work, tire fitting, painting and much more. As additional services, it is worth considering the selection and installation of acoustics, alarms, gas equipment, airbrushing, vinyl application, interior upholstery, etc.

The most profitable from this list are repair work with gearbox, engine, clutch, steering gear. It brings less income, however, it is simply impossible to refuse it.

Best for service station to choose narrow specialization which will reduce the maintenance costs of the business. However, this tactic can greatly reduce the number of potential customers.


Once you have decided on a direction commercial activities, you need to choose the room in which you will carry it out. At the moment, rent or construction is available for a businessman.

The latter option is used extremely rarely, as it requires the execution of additional agreements with the local administration, waiting for the decision of the commissions and then buying out the rights to rent. Thus, it turns out that the construction itself requires an investment of 600-900 thousand rubles, and the lease of a land plot - about 200 thousand rubles a year for 7-9 acres.

It is cheaper to rent a room, but it is difficult to find a suitable option, since many of them either do not meet the requirements of a businessman or do not comply with fire regulations. If you're lucky, you can rent the required area for service stations for 200-300 thousand per month.

In all cases, the business plan (example with calculations) of a car service should take into account the future size of the workshops and the required area for the tire fitting and electronics departments.


In the resulting room, there will be nothing but bare walls, so the next step is the selection of equipment. The main expenses here are spent on diagnostics (90-150 thousand rubles), workbenches (from 20 thousand rubles), a lift (90-120 thousand rubles), large tools (from 140 thousand rubles). Also, do not forget that small tools are also required for work: hammers, vise, side cutters, etc., which can take up to 30 thousand rubles.

In fact, the car service business plan with calculations, the example of which is given here, includes the standard characteristics of the service station, which can be improved by investing more impressive amounts.


Not only the quality of work and the number of customers, but also the image of the company itself depends on who will work at the service station. Therefore, the choice of personnel should be considered carefully. For a small car service, 2-3 masters, a manager and a customer service specialist are enough. Thus, for a staff of 5 people wage the average is from 100 to 150 thousand rubles. This amount should also be included in the initial expenses, since at the beginning the business may not bring the desired income.

If the service station will carry a different focus, then the staff should be expanded. So, a business plan for a cargo car service requires at least 10-15 people.


The law requires a clear implementation of the prescription regarding the service station. Thus, the functioning of a car service should be coordinated with the fire service, traffic police and sanitary and epidemiological supervision. The room in which the work is carried out must be connected to the central sewerage system and located no closer than 50 meters from residential buildings.

Particular attention must be paid to labor protection. The service station is a place of increased danger, therefore, compliance with labor code, namely the chapters on personnel safety, is required very strictly. It is in the interests of the businessman himself to follow the rules fire safety, do not reduce the area of ​​​​the premises in order to save money, introduce rules for the storage of combustible substances, provide employees with uniforms and protective equipment.


If the service station does not operate under the wing of a franchise, then it is worth highlighting a separate chapter on advertising in the expense item. Promotion methods include advertisements in newspapers and magazines, distribution of informational flyers, outdoor advertising on banners and in transport, advertising on TV and radio, website design and promotion. Such a complex set can cost 400 thousand rubles. However, in a small service station, you can meet 50-100 thousand rubles a month. Then the costs will gradually decrease, as their own will appear and the so-called "word of mouth" will be launched.

Final count

For those who are thinking about how to open a car service, it is better to use a business plan as a recommendation. Constant changes in the exchange rate, economic events, increased competition can affect the amount of investment required to open a business. At the moment, this is the reality.

The business plan (example with calculations) of a car service includes the following expense items:

1. Initial expenses:

    purchase and installation of specialized equipment - 1.5 million rubles;

    coordination with other authorities - 50 thousand rubles.

rent of premises - 200 thousand rubles;

salary for employees - 15 thousand rubles.

consumables - 100 thousand rubles.

So, investments in the first month of work will be about two million rubles. If done correctly, the monthly revenue of a service station can exceed 600 thousand rubles, of which about 200 thousand rubles is net profit.

Thus, I was able to answer the question of how to open a car service, even of an exemplary nature.