Create an online logo for a company. How much does it cost to develop a corporate logo. Free online services for creating logos

Good afternoon, dear readers.

In the previous article, we talked about, but how to make a logo yourself?

Quite a painstaking task, but if you manage to come up with something ingenious, then believe me, it's worth it.

Initially, the logo was invented in order to highlight your company / website in the market. If you want to achieve this, then you must definitely read this article.

The logo is the face of your company/website. If there is no original logo, and your site does not attract attention at all, then it is unlikely that it will stand out from the huge number of similar sites.

If you want as many users as possible to visit your Internet resource, then you just need to create something that really attracts attention.

First, let's figure out what logos are.

Types of logos


Displaying the logo in the form of pictures, signs, symbols, icons. This type popular with huge modern companies or sites. An image can be meaningful, it all depends on what meaning you put into it. Featured companies looking like this: Apple, Nike


This type is quite simple, but just as popular as the symbolic one. It represents ordinary letters that are displayed in different shells. Examples with this type: M-motorola, ACER, Nokia.


This type of logo consists of the previous two. It includes various images objects, animals, plants and the text itself. Examples: Adobe, Adidas, Microsoft.
What type will you choose? The choice is yours alone.

Creating a logo for the site

There are many programs (services) on the Internet for creating logos for websites online. Some of the most popular programs:

  • LogotypeGenerator
  • Flamingtext
  • hipsterlogo generator

The program is simple to use, all actions are performed step by step. Believe me, a logo can be created very quickly, and you need to have at least a little skill. If you are not confident in your abilities, you can always trust a professional.

Below is an instruction for creating logos using the flamingtext service as an example:

Notes! It will be free to download only with a watermark.

Website favicons

To draw the attention of the masses to the site, many people use Favicon.

A favicon is a specially formatted icon that appears in front of a page's URL in the address bar, next to a bookmark.

Favicon and logo usually look the same. Only the favicon is much smaller and has a different format (.ico)

In order for it to carry a semantic load, certain requirements must be met:

  • Create a Favicon in the same style as the site is being developed. Use the same design elements, color palette.
  • Keep your Favicon simple and easy to understand.
  • Don't use complex images.

To create a Favicon, there is such a resource X-Icon Editor . The program has the functionality of import, export, as well as a preview of the Favicon on the browser tab.

Photoshop and Paint

I would like to note that the most wonderful logos can be created in Photoshop, because you completely invent them yourself. Photoshop has rich functionality, a wide palette of colors.

Do not be afraid if you have never had to work in such a program. There are many on the web detailed instructions, video tutorials on working with the program are collected. But if there is no time to study, then find a pro on one of the freelance exchanges. Here are the most popular:


There is also a well-known standard program "Paint". This is a very simple program. It, of course, is very inferior to Photoshop, since it contains only the simplest tools. But even with these tools, you can create a masterpiece

In conclusion, I would like to note that everyone can do everything, it is worth setting goals correctly and loving what you do.

If this article was informative for you, subscribe to blog updates, recommend reading the article to your friends in in social networks.

Bye everyone and see you soon!

Sincerely! Abdullin Ruslan

LogoEase is a free service that allows you to easily create various logos. To start using it, click the Start your logo button in the site toolbar and open the editor. Then choose a template that can be modified: add your text, choose a font, change scale, fill different colors and much more. After that, it remains to download the ZIP file with the logo and use it on your website or blog.

This service is very similar to the previous one. First you need to choose suitable category, then decide on one of the many samples, and then edit it to your liking. The site allows you to upload up to six logos for free. In addition, users can purchase high resolution files created with LogoMaker which can be used for printing, business cards and posters.

CoolText is a really cool thing that allows you to create spectacular logos in a fairly simple way. This service only works with text logos, but the quantity options their design is so large that you will definitely find something to your taste. Here you can get a result in a couple of clicks, to achieve which you would need hours of training and special programs. You can download the logo in various graphic formats, including PNG, JPG and GIF. You can also create buttons for your sites and download a variety of fonts from a huge list.

Another text logo generator. Don't let the name fool you, it's not limited to flame effects alone. There are over 200 different effects in total, and some of them are quite funny. The work algorithm is the same: select the effect, enter the desired text, edit the properties, save. By the way, in addition to the already familiar PNG, JPG and GIF, there is also a PSD.

Logaster - online service for creating logos and elements corporate identity. Six million users have already appreciated the benefits of working with this service. Logos designed with it have appeared in 167 countries around the world on everything from business cards and letterheads to websites and billboards.

This editor impresses with its design and number of available functions. Creating a logo includes choosing the necessary elements from the service's extensive library, adding inscriptions, and then editing and customizing them. You can save the logo in PNG format. Of course, the paid plan provides a much more extensive library of elements and additional features.

Have you ever used automatic logo generators?

In this article I will tell you how to make a beautiful and stylish logo for your website, youtube channel or VK groups. You will find out where you can download a ready-made logo without watermarks, how much a good custom-made emblem will cost, and how you can create a logo yourself using the designer.

How to make a logo in the constructor

The easiest and fastest way is to make a logo yourself using a special service - a logo generator. You will need to choose an emblem that fits the theme of your site or public, add a title and slogan to it, and choose a font and color scheme. If you are interested in the details, I advise you to read.

Here is my selection of the best online designers

1. Logaster is the best logo maker

To create a logo, you need to come up with and enter the name of your site or company. Now choose a field of activity.

After that, the service itself will generate several dozen ready-made options. Now you can choose and download any of them that you liked.

You can change:

  • text in the logo
  • font
  • icon and text color
  • add shadow
  • change the arrangement of elements.

The main advantages of the service:

The ability to download a ready-made emblem in a small extension for free;

Logos are available for download in all popular formats and extensions - PNG, PDF, JPEG, SVG.

Possibility to download an optimized logo for social networks. I think this is a very useful option, since now any business must be presented in the search networks;

Cyrillic is supported in the logo.

Creating a logo takes only a few minutes. I remind you that .

And here is a short promo video of the service:

2. Genlogo - convenient and multifunctional

In the next steps, you need to choose the appropriate color scheme and font.

I especially liked that the service itself offers various fonts and color options. It is very convenient and saves a lot of time.

After you decide on the style, you will be prompted to download the result PNG file with transparent background. Width resolution: 800 pixels. This is quite enough for publication on the website or in social networks. The cost is 590 RUB.

If you plan to print your logo on business cards, letterheads and flyers, then you need a higher resolution and SVG format. It will cost 1500 RUB. In addition, you will receive as an additional bonus a favicon for the site and a free revision of the emblem by a designer.

3. Turbologo - modern and multifunctional

Options are selected on the fly. In addition, they have the largest database of icons - more than 1 million icons.

In general, I liked it :) If you want to try it yourself, click on the button:

4. Cool text is the best free text maker

Very good logo maker. In order to use it, go to We immediately get to the page with templates. It looks like this.

After you have chosen the template you like, you can go to the settings.

I like Cool Text precisely because there are quite a lot of settings here. You can choose:

  • inscription text (of course);
  • font;
  • font color;
  • background (in most cases);
  • background gradient (also depending on the template);
  • file save format;

The file format should be mentioned separately. I usually save logos in PNG/Transparency format. PNG is a graphic file format that is very commonly used in web design due to the fact that images are smaller in size than other formats. Well, transparency means that the picture will have a transparent background.

After you have finished editing, click on the " Create Logo". Immediately after that, you will be taken to a page on which there will be a link " Download image”, by which you can download the picture to your computer.

Main advantages:

  1. More than 50 thousand various options emblems to choose from.
  2. Publish your work here best designers from all over the world.
  3. Democratic prices. For $6-10 you can buy a great professional logo, it's cheaper than ordering from a freelancer or web design studio.
  4. Logos are provided in editable formats such as PSD. This means that you can substitute the name of your site or company in the logo in Photoshop.
  5. With the help of filters you can sort by category and price.

There are also disadvantages:

  1. Payment only by PayPal. See how to register with PayPal.
  2. Website on English language. If you do not speak English, then you will have to use a website translator. How to do this using the Google Chorome browser as an example.

Where to order logo development

New logo can be ordered from the designer. This can be done on any freelance exchange.


  1. Developed individually. It is guaranteed to fit into the design of the site in terms of size, style and color scheme.
  2. Most authors provide several options at once to choose from.


  1. You will have to spend additional time studying the portfolio of authors and reviews of their work.
  2. In order to get a good result, it is necessary to detailed list requirements for the finished work, and discuss all the details with the designer in advance.
  3. Turnkey development will cost more than buying a ready-made or using an online generator.
  4. The result will have to wait from 3 to 7 days, excluding edits and corrections.

I tried many different freelance exchanges and eventually settled on Kwork. I liked the user-friendly interface low prices and good competition among performers.

DIY logo creation in Photoshop

If you have the desire, time and skill to work in Photoshop, then you can create a logo with your own hands from scratch. Here is a good video on the subject:


Now let's briefly summarize. If you need a beautiful logo for the site, then you can:

  1. Buy a ready-made logo in the store. This is the easiest and most convenient way.
  2. take advantage online constructor. It is also very convenient and leaves a lot of room for imagination. Of all online services for creating logos I liked best Logaster. In terms of the number of settings and options, no other service can compare with it. cool text pretty good, but it has less functionality. In addition, it is English-speaking, which creates additional obstacles for those who do not speak English.
  3. Order a turnkey logo on the freelance exchange. This is quite troublesome, but gives excellent results.
  4. Make your own logo. This option is only suitable for those who know how and love to work in Photoshop.

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of a good logo. This is the foundation of the brand, which reflects the essence of the business, evokes certain emotions and remains in memory. When you're designing, the logo becomes one of the most important design elements. Fortunately, now you do not need to spend a lot of money and hire a professional artist to design it - today there are many sites on the Internet where you can make a logo yourself.

DIY logo in the Wix editor

If you have worked with the Wix editor, then you probably know that it can do a lot. Like any image editor, it can also be used for logo design. This is done simply. Log in with your login, click "Add" and select "Shapes and Lines". Under the Shape tab, you'll find all sorts of images, including banners, arrows, and more. In the Clip Art section, by the way, there are also a lot of pictures, and they are drawn more carefully. To view them, click Add > Photos > Clip Art.

Now choose a picture that is suitable as a symbol of your business. This will be the base of the logo. Experiment with its color, size, and effects, and then write your company name, choose a nice font, and arrange the text so that it looks good next to the picture. Everything, the logo is ready!

Free online services for creating logos

There are many others on the web free services, invented specifically so that anyone can make a logo for themselves. They usually look like a simple editor where you can change the color and size of the logo, fonts, and some other parameters. At the output, you get a finished image in several formats. We recommend these sites:

Size. The logo should look equally good on a regular computer and on a smartphone. Test the image well and make sure it is optimized for screens with different resolutions.

Sources of inspiration. see more good examples and be sure to analyze what you see. For starters, a selection.

Relevance. Yes, the logo can be changed from time to time, but not every two weeks, so come up with one that will last a long time and not become obsolete a year later.

Definition. People should immediately understand what your business is, so try to keep the logo simple and clear.

The number of options. Make 3-4 versions of the logo. Think about the advantages and disadvantages of each and consult with knowledgeable people before deciding.

Simplicity. Do not use too many fonts and colors - too colorful logos look gaudy and confuse users.

Background. Make a version of the logo on a transparent background to overlay it on a colored background. For the web, use the PNG or GIF format.

Format. Save the finished image in several formats: JPEG, GIF and PNG for the web, PDF and EPS for printing.

Meaning. Don't focus on design. Think about the meaning of the logo and draw not just beautiful picture, but one that will become a symbol of your brand.

How to make a logo for a site on your own if you don't have such skills and appropriate programs? Fortunately, in our time - this is a completely solvable task. You do not need any specialized software, you can create a logo for your blog yourself ONLINE, using special services. They will be discussed in this article, but besides this, you will learn how to make a logo in the form of an inscription or a button, a graphic element or just text, using Photoshop or online services, as well as how to install it on wordpress blog.

A logo (logo, logo) is a brand name of a blog that distinguishes it from others. This is the most important element that should be present on every site, almost all successful websites have their own unique logo! It can be either a regular inscription (url address or site name) or a graphic element (animal, plant or any object).

If you have serious plans for a blog, you want to promote it and make it highly visited, then you just need to create your own logo, because without it your resource is unlikely to be taken seriously.

Initially, the logo was trademark any company, usually producing products. With it, the organization stood out from competitors and remained in the memory of consumers. The logo was the face of the company.

With the advent of the Internet, the logo began to appear on many sites. So webmasters tried to stand out. And now the situation has changed dramatically: the popularity of the logo has increased so much that it has become an integral part of any site. And now the logo is needed in order to “not stand out from the crowd”- in a bad sense of the phrase.

Yes, the absence of a logo will not help with search engines, but its task is different - to attract the attention of visitors, to make them return.

Logos can be divided into three types:

  • text;
  • graphic;
  • both text and symbols.

There are a lot of requirements for a logo:

  • should be easy to remember, too complex logo will not help the development of the blog;
  • must be original, otherwise visitors will not pay attention to it;
  • must be unique, otherwise it will not be able to stand out;
  • must be associative, i.e. reflecting the nature of the blog and its author.

2. How to make a text logo (online)

Text logos are very easy to make using an online service. There are enough of them now, so there is plenty to choose from. I will list the ones that seem most useful to me.


Russian online logo generator Logaster starts our list
This service allows you to quickly create free logos.

The process of creating a logo is very simple. All you need to do is enter the name of the company and select the subject of the business.
Further, the constructor itself will generate many different options, and you just have to choose the one you like the most.
If desired, the logo can be edited by clicking on "Edit logo".
The main advantages of the service are simplicity, Russian interface, Cyrillic support and a huge database of high-quality icons and fonts.

For a fee, the logo can be downloaded in raster (PNG, JPEG) and vector (SVG, PDF)


A convenient and simple logo generator, perfect for those who want to quickly create a logo without going into all the subtleties of this business. You can make your own logo in less than a minute - you only need to enter the inscription that you want to see in the logo, select the appropriate style and click on the button . In other words, creating a logo takes place in 3 steps:

  • step 1: choose the style you like and click on it;
  • step 2: enter the desired inscription, if necessary, change some style settings;
  • step 3: click on the button and download the logo.

As a result, you will get a simple logo of a small size (about 50 kilobytes). The extension is png. Here's how I got it:


A little more complex, but a great multifunctional generator that helps to make a logo for the site.

Going to home page site, you will see many different templates in front of you. Choose the one you like the most and click on it with the left mouse button.

After that, you will be taken to the page with style options, where you can configure:

  • font;
  • font color;
  • background color (if any);
  • background gradient;
  • gradient options;
  • logo extension.

If you decide to change the font of the text or the background on which it is located, click on them and select the more appropriate ones.

It is best to save the logo in gif format (worse quality, smaller size) or png ( better quality, but larger size).

After setting the parameters, click on . This will take you to a page with your logo. Download it using the link Download Image.

Here is a logo I made for my site using this generator:


This generator is slightly less functional than the previous two, but it is easy to use. All you need is to set up a window with the parameters of the future logo:

- the inscription on the logo.

Check mark - fatty, – italics, – underlined .

- background color, to the right of it is a palette. By clicking on it, you can choose the appropriate one. Similarly for the fields and are the other colors of the logo.

- type of font.

- font size.

- this field can be skipped, it is responsible for the transparency of the logo.

- here you can choose a beautiful symbol and add it to the logo.

– symbol location: – left; - on right.

- resolution, the higher it is, the larger the file size and the higher the quality. I am using the default value.

Set the parameters and click on the button, in a few seconds the page will reload, and you will see your logo at the top of the page. To download it, right-click on it and select "Save image to computer" or something similar.

3. How to make a text logo in the form of a button

In addition to the usual generators, there are also button constructors. In this case, your logo can show off on the background of the button. Such logos are original and beautiful, so it makes sense to use them.


Nice button maker. You can make your own logo in a minute by going to this site.

So you will see three fields:

The first field contains button templates. Choose any you like and click on it with the left mouse button. After a few seconds, the picture in the third field will be updated. By the way, please note that template color cannot be changed!

The second field contains the label parameters. Field - the inscription on the logo. Button - apply changes.

[ Font] – font type; - font size; - font color. Below is a palette, with its help you can change the color of the inscription.

– inscription coordinates (by default – center). If you want to move the label, change these values.

– rotation of the inscription in degrees (counterclockwise).

The third field reflects the look of the logo. You can download it at any time, to do this, right-click on it and save the image to your computer.


This button builder contains more settings than the previous one. But its main advantage is that it generates css code for the style of the button. You can save this style in an appropriate theme file and use it without returning to the site. Click on the picture to enlarge.

The button generator consists of three areas. Here the buttons are created as rectangles.

The first field contains the parameters of the inscription of the logo-image:

- logo inscription.

- font size.

Checkboxes and - fatty And italics.

- the size of the inscription.

- the color of the inscription.

- the shadow of the inscription.

- remoteness of the shadow from the inscription.

- Shadow color.

- output type (choose css background to get css code).

– image format.

The second field contains the button settings:

- type of corners.

- fill style.

- the presence of a frame.

- the presence of a shadow from the frame.

– button size (either fixed or rubber).

The third field displays the logo itself. You can save it to your computer at any time.

4. How to Create a Logo in Photoshop

It is not necessary to use online services to create a logo. You can also use Photoshop, the program allows you to create very beautiful options for logo-pictures and. Let's try to make a mini button logo.

Launch Photoshop and select File->New, here select the width and height of the new document. Choose their sizes the way you want to see the button. For example, I took them equal to 250 pixels. Now we select the shape of the button: it can be a rectangle with regular or sharp corners, a circle, an oval, a rhombus, etc. I chose a circle. The arrows show where the forms can be found (first click where the number "1" points, and then select the form where the number "2" points in the figure below):

By the way, if you want to make a circle, then select an oval (as in the picture), hold and draw. Also don't forget to specify the appropriate color for the button.

Now you need to decorate the resulting oval a little. Choose Layers—> Layer Style—> Inner Shadow. Here you need to set the offset and size of the shadow. I chose an offset of 5px (standard) and a shadow size of 50px. You can experiment with these numbers, try adding contraction as well.

Now I'm going to warp the button a bit so it looks jagged. To do this, I select Filter->Distort->Distort and adjust it. I'm trying to make sure that the button doesn't look too crooked. By the way, you can try some other effect.

Now let's add a ray of light to the button, go to Filter->Rendering->Blink, choose the place where it will be:

Almost everything, it remains to add the inscription. I chose my blog url. That's all, for example, I got the following (I did not add a ray):

You can also watch an online video that will teach you how to create beautiful logos in Photoshop:

5. How to make a graphic logo

A logo can contain not only an inscription, but also some graphic element. For this case, an excellent designer located at is suitable. Go to this site, find the link online logo maker, and you need to click on it in order to get into the logo generator.

Once the constructor has loaded, you can get started. It is powerful enough, there are many functions, so take your time - deal with it slowly. The generator has 5 fields (click on the image to enlarge):

The first field contains the objects of the logo in the form of a list (in English).

The second field contains buttons for creating new elements, both graphic and text (but, unfortunately, Russian letters are not supported), as well as buttons for loading a logo image.

The fourth field contains parameters such as rotation, shading, element position, and so on. You can use the options in this field, but it can all be done with the mouse.

Fifth field - appearance the resulting logo, a working panel.

6. Where to order a good logo

Alas, such generators have a significant drawback - you get an average quality logo. If you want to create a really high-quality logo for your site, then you better turn to professionals and order a logo design from them. You can find such specialists on the freelance exchanges:

7. How to add a logo to a wordpress blog

After the logo is made by you or the artist, it will need to be added to the wordpress blog. The process of adding will depend on your theme:

  • The theme supports logo replacement in its settings;
  • The theme does not support logo replacement, but has a standard logo.png logo;
  • The theme does not support replacement and does not have a logo.

First case the easiest one: go to the theme settings and replace the default logo with your own.

Second case more difficult. Here you will need to open the folder with the theme (using the ftp manager or via hosting) and find the file that is the logo. Most likely, your topic will be located at:


In this folder, look for the logo, most likely it will be a logo.png or logo.jpg file. Copy it to your computer, then use any imaging program to determine the dimensions of the downloaded logo (in pixels). Set the same dimensions for your logo (that you want to add), rename the file the same as the base logo was named - logo.png or logo.jpg, and upload to the hosting.

Third case the most difficult. You will have to "force" the theme to accept the logo. To do this, go to the theme editor (via the wordpress admin panel) and edit the Header (header.php). Paste at the right place (inside the tags

) this line:



Now do all the steps in second case. If you do everything, the picture will appear.

And now you know how to make a logo for the site yourself and add it to the wordpress blog. Dare!