What program can you use to make a stamp? How to make a print in Photoshop. High-quality and fast printing in the online designer

Today you can find a stamp manufacturing company in any more or less large city. The manufacturing cost ranges from 300 to 800 rubles, depending on the complexity and urgency of the order. But there are situations in which it is impossible to contact the company. How to make a stamp, facsimile or bookplate yourself?

First of all, let's define the terminology. What's happened seal Probably everyone knows. Facsimiles and bookplates are also seals, but have a slightly different meaning.

Facsimile- a seal that repeats a person’s handwritten signature. Used if it is necessary to sign a large number of documents. In most cases, from a legal point of view, using a facsimile is equivalent to signing in your own hand.

Bookplate - book sign, most often applied to the inside of the binding and signifying that the book belongs to a specific owner. A bookplate is also called a seal that affixes such a sign.

Technologically, prints, facsimiles and bookplates are made in exactly the same way, differing only in the content of the print. There are several technologies for making seals. We use one of the simplest and most accessible - cast from thermoplastic polymer according to an engraved mold.

The production of a seal, facsimile, or bookplate begins with the production of a blank for the casting mold. To do this, you can use a plastic or even paper box of a suitable size - a jar of sour cream, mayonnaise, yogurt, or a disposable cup. I had a packet of chips and a paper Aeroflot cup on hand. We cut the blanks to make a ring 2-3 cm high.

The ring is attached with plasticine to a piece of ordinary or organic glass. The fastening will not allow the form to move or “float” on the gypsum solution. The glass surface must be clean, smooth and without scratches.

For casting, building gypsum (alabaster) is used. Alabaster hardens quickly and gives a smooth, clean surface. You can mix it in a special rubber glass (sold in construction stores) or any other elastic container. An elastic glass will allow you to easily get rid of gypsum residues after hardening. You can also dilute alabaster in any unnecessary container that you don’t mind throwing away after use.

First, pour the required amount of gypsum into the container, and then add water, stirring constantly. You need to add water in small portions, it’s easy to overdo it. One minute there were semi-dry lumps and then there was a too liquid mass. The optimal thickness of the solution is like liquid sour cream or kefir. If the solution is too liquid, then you need to add dry gypsum.

The prepared well-mixed solution without lumps is poured into the mold. In order for the plaster to fill all the corners, the form needs to be carefully shake. There will not be a large load on the plaster, so a layer of 10-15 mm is sufficient.

It is better to cast several blanks at once; at the next stage they can easily be damaged, especially if the print, facsimile or bookplate is being done for the first time. After 30-40 minutes, the plaster has hardened enough to be removed from the mold. Most often, the paper form will have to be cut to do this. Plastic molds with beveled walls can be reused many times.

Now we have several “pancakes” with an almost mirror-like surface, but still dark from moisture.

You can relax - the “pancakes” need to dry at least 2-3 days until they acquire a perfect white color and become light and sonorous when struck. The process can be accelerated by drying the discs for 2-3 hours in the oven at a temperature of 150-200 degrees. Heating and cooling must be gradual, otherwise the plaster may crack.

In the meantime, you can start preparing the contents of the print. The easiest way to prepare a print or bookplate is in any graphic editor. There is no point in making signs and decorations that are too small - the technology used is quite crude. It is best to count on a line thickness of at least 1 mm and a distance between lines of at least 2 mm.

WITH facsimile the matter is a little more complicated; in this example we will consider the manufacturing technology. To receive the original, you need to sign several times on a piece of paper and choose the best signature. The sheet with the signature is scanned or photographed, and the signature goes into the computer. Here it can be adjusted and scaled to the desired size.

Just in case, you can make several copies of the signature on a sheet of paper and print it on thin writing paper or tracing paper.

Now, using carbon paper, the seal, bookplate or signature is transferred to the surface of the alabaster disk. The image on the disc must be "straight". Then on the cliche it will turn out to be mirror-like, but on paper it will again give “straight” prints.

Now is the most difficult stage. The print lines need to be deepened into the alabaster by about 1 mm. This is best done using an electric engraver with a suitable cutter. The rotation speed of the tool should be about 10-15 thousand revolutions. This will give you a clean line surface. If there is no engraver, then the work can be done by anyone hand tools- a cutter, a scalpel, the tip of a knife, a sewing machine needle, an awl. This, of course, takes longer, and the lines may not be as straight. Please note that the grooves in alabaster must be at least 1 mm wide with straight or outwardly sloping walls.

Alabaster is processed quite easily and if the printing is simple, then at most the second time everything will certainly work out. Complex printing, facsimiles and bookplates with lots of curlicues and intersecting lines will require some tinkering. It is possible that you will have to return to the previous step and edit the image. For a facsimile, you can try to sign with a thick felt-tip pen; such lines are easier to make on alabaster.

Once you have received a satisfactory print, you can begin cliche casting. To make the casting easy to separate, the surface of the alabaster is impregnated with any oil, maybe even sunflower. There is no need to pour too much oil; all recesses must be soaked, but liquid oil on the surface is not allowed. If there is too much oil, then blot the surface with a paper napkin.

We will cast the seal from ethylene vinyl acetate. This scary name actually refers to the readily available, strong, lightweight, and flexible polymer that glue sticks for hot glue guns are made from. Cured ethylene vinyl acetate does not absorb moisture and is resistant to oils, various solvents and stamp ink.

To prevent the polymer from spreading too much, you can make sides out of paper by gluing them to the surface of an alabaster disk. Or you don’t have to do it, the excess material will simply be cut off later.

Glue gun warms up well for maximum adhesive fluidity. After this, the surface of the alabaster with the signature is filled with a layer of glue 3-5 mm thick. For better penetration of ethylene vinyl acetate into the thin grooves of the print, the disc can be heated with a regular or hair dryer.

After 10 minutes, the hardened adhesive layer is easily separated from the oil-soaked alabaster surface.

When illuminated from the side, the relief lines of the resulting cliche are clearly visible.

Excess casting material trimmed stationery knife. The cut lines should be as close as possible to the print elements (1-2 mm), otherwise, with strong pressure, the free surface may sag and stain the print.

All that remains is to select or make a suitable pen - and the print, facsimile or bookplate is ready! It is convenient to use old equipment from some kind of seal or stamp as a handle. Now you can try to make an impression.

When using a facsimile, keep in mind that it may not be suitable for all situations. General rule- facsimile forbidden use on documents that lead to significant financial and material consequences.

The OQ company website presents designer/generator of seals and stamps online, its use is free for our clients.

Create a stamp in online constructor possible without the services of a designer and a visit to a copy center. In this case, it is important to take into account the requirements for the form, font sizes and cliches, the presence or absence of a coat of arms, the legality of indicating the OGRN, etc. Experienced Copy Center employees will advise on this issue and clarify the list of required documents for ordering the product.

Using the online stamp generator, create a design for free. This layout is suitable for individual entrepreneurs, whose cliche design is less limited, as well as LLCs, which are allowed to place their own logo, emblem and contact information on the cliche.

Don’t forget about the design of souvenir products with an inscription in a comic form, which are designed without standards. Such a thing will be an original holiday gift, the main thing is to show your imagination.

Constructor/generator of round seals and stamps online

The online designer/generator of round seals and stamps will be useful in having the necessary external and internal borders, texts and standard stamp diameter sizes. Required for products that are made in accordance with GOST and with protection against counterfeiting.

Round products: stamp, which is used only government organizations; notary; LLC, CJSC and OAO. Standard sizes- for a doctor, the diameter of the impression is 30 mm, the identification one is 40-45 mm.

How to make a print layout online?

Anyone can make a print layout online without leaving home or office. To create, use logo templates and sketches on the copy center website or upload your personal one. The location and dimensions of the image are edited in the editor and you will definitely be able to draw the necessary sketch. In the menu on the left, use the fields to fill out necessary information. After confirmation, the order will appear in the shopping cart. Choose a delivery method - pickup or delivery. Additional information place it in the comments field when ordering.

To ensure that fewer questions arise when reading the article, I highly recommend that you first read about the general principles of working with pictures and other non-text objects in Word. The fact is that this will also come in handy when creating stamps.

It is also worth noting that this article is not intended for you to learn how to make “fake” stamps using a common office program. This is just a demonstration of the capabilities. By the way, sometimes you need to put a facsimile signature or seal on a document in 1C, and there is standard functionality for this.

An example of a round seal created in Word

The result of all operations is shown below in the form of a picture. The created “seal” is, of course, very primitive, but the principle is demonstrated. Let me remind you that if you want to do something more complicated, then you need to spend a lot more time, and on your own. You should not hope that the Internet has exactly what you need - I have already spoken about the consequences of such an attitude towards work.

[click on image to enlarge]

Any round seal has a rim, text in a circle, text or a picture in the center. Here possible options, one of which is shown in the picture. This is easy to do, but it is worth considering one feature.

The main difficulties when creating a round seal in Word

The main "difficulty" when creating a circular stamp in Word is that you don't know how to make the text in a circle. It was because of this that we went online to solve such a primitive problem. Did you guess right? Most likely this is the case.

This only speaks of poor knowledge of Word, nothing else. Let's see how to make the text in a circle and everything else.

Making a round stamp in Word yourself

I won’t explain how to make a bezel and a picture in the center. This is an autoshape and a regular picture from an external file - everything is simple here. But curved text is made using the properties of the Caption object. First, add an inscription to the sheet and write text inside. It is better to write the entire text at once, at least the one that forms one circle inside the “seal”. This is all because it is more convenient to adjust the curvature of the text this way.

Next, select the Inscription and in the Ribbon menu open the Format tab that appears, look for “Text effects” there, and in them - “convert / circle”. That, in fact, is the whole trick with the text curved in a circle. There, if desired, you can select any type of text distortion.

If the "circle" distortion option is selected, then you must then select the size of the inscription and font so that the curvature of the text coincides with the curvature of the rim of the "seal", otherwise the text will not run exactly along the rim, but will go to the side. All other operations are clear and without comment.

Let's sum it up

This is how you can create a round seal in Word. It is worth noting that when printing on a black and white printer, all colors are converted to grayscale. Also instead of laser printer for prints it is better to use an inkjet (remember why?) or print to a file and take it to a place where there is a color printer.

I also remind you once again that this is just a demonstration of the program’s capabilities. It is also worth noting that there are special programs for creating round pictures (not necessarily stamps/seals, but the principle is similar) - they are much more convenient to use (for example, there is a program for printing on CD/DVD discs). Again, in the 1C program there is the application of stamps on documents.

In this tutorial you will learn how to create an interesting realistic print effect in Photoshop in a few simple steps.

You can find this effect in my Rubber Stamp Generator action, which is available on the GraphicRiver website.

1. Create a grunge background

Step 1

Create a new document measuring 850 x 550 pixels (Ctrl+N). You can take a different size, but then you will have to proportionally adjust all the sizes that we will use in the lesson.

Paste the paper texture onto a new layer.

Step 2

Next we move on Layer- NewAdjustmentLayer- GradientMap(Layer - New Adjustment Layer - Gradient Map), click on the gradient bar to open the editor, and set the colors to #7a6849 and #fffbf7.

2. Create the base of the stamp

Step 1

Activate the tool EllipseTool(U) (Oval) and draw a circle. As you work, hold down the Shift key to maintain proportions. Name the layer with the shape “Circle 1”.

Step 2

Duplicate (Ctrl+J) the “Circle 1” layer three times. We call each copy “Circle 2”, “Circle 3” and “Circle 4”.

Reduce Fill(Fill) layer "Circle 1" to 0%. Then double click on this layer to open the window LayerStyle(Layer Style), and apply Stroke(Stroke). Set the stroke width to 6 pixels and the color to #000000.

Step 3

Select the “Circle 2” layer and press Ctrl+T to activate free transform. On the top panel, click the chain link button to maintain the proportions and set the scale to 95%.

Fill Stroke

Step 4

Select the “Circle 3” layer and press Ctrl+T to activate free transform. On the top panel, click the chain link button to maintain the proportions and set the scale to 75%.

For this layer we reduce Fill(Fill) to 0% and apply a layer style Stroke(Stroke). Stroke width is 6 pixels, color is #000000.

Step 5

Select the “Circle 4” layer and press Ctrl+T to activate free transform. On the top panel, click the chain link button to maintain the proportions and set the scale to 70%.

For this layer we also reduce Fill(Fill) to 0% and apply a layer style Stroke(Stroke). Stroke width is 4 pixels, color is #000000.

Step 6

Next, download the round shapes and install them in Photoshop. To do this we go Edit- PresetManager(Editing - Manage Sets), in the drop-down list PresetType(Set type) select CustomShapes(Arbitrary figures). Then press the button Load(Download) and in the window that appears we find the downloaded CSH file.

Set the color to #000000. Activate CustomShapeTool(U) (Custom shape), on the top panel in the tool settings set DefinedProportions(Keep proportions). Select any circle and draw it along the outer contour of the stamp. Figure 17 is used in this lesson.

3. Add text

Click on the “Circle 3” layer mask thumbnail. Then we take horizontalTypeTool(T) (Text), move the cursor to the outline of the circle until the symbol | with a wavy line next to it. Click on the outline and print the text.

The font used in this tutorial is Intro and the color is #000000. But, as usual, you can choose your own fonts and settings.

4. Turn photos into prints

Step 1

We transfer the photo of the model to the working document.

Step 2

Hold down the Ctrl key and click on the “Circle 4” layer mask to load its selection.

Go to the bottom of the layers panel and click the button Addlayermask(Add Layer Mask) to apply a mask to the model layer.

Step 3

Applying a filter Filter- Sketch- Stamp(Filter - Sketch - Linocut). Light/DarkBalance(Tone balance) is set to 4, and Smoothness(Softening) - by 1.

Step 4

Double-click on the layer with the model and in the window that appears LayerStyle(Layer Style) go to settings BlendIf(Overlay if). Top white slider ThisLayer(This layer) move to the left 180 to completely remove the white color.

Then right-click on the model layer and select ConverttoSmartObject

5. Add a grunge effect

Step 1

Now we need to select all the printed layers. To do this, we hold down the Ctrl key and click on all the “Circle…” layers, the text layer and the model layer in turn. Then right-click on them and select ConverttoSmartObject(Convert to Smart Object).

A seal is an important part of a document, which makes it legitimate and gives it legal force. A round seal may be needed:

You can make your own stamp online on our website. You can also choose an option from those already proposed.

Creation of seals and stamps online at the best cost

We guarantee impeccable quality as we monitor all stages of production. The products are made from photopolymer, which ensures the richness and clarity of the information printed on paper.

In addition to new products, we offer a print-on-impression service. To duplicate an existing seal, we will need a print stamped on paper.

How to create a stamp in an online designer

We are ready to print according to ready-made samples- You can find a suitable option in the catalogue. Additional feature site - online stamp designer. Open it and enter the following data in a special field: type of enterprise, INN, OGRN, full name, city. Please note that for legal entities and enterprises different levels Prints may vary. Please take this point into account when placing your order.

After creating a round seal in the online designer, leave us your information and wait for a call back.

Why is it worth ordering goods from us?

We provide a wide selection of ready-made stamps. All that remains for you is to insert your data into the template. When ordering from us, you receive:

  • fast execution;
  • high quality goods;
  • nice discounts and bonuses.

If we have a problem with a product, our specialists are ready to solve it within a day or return the money spent.