“Husband for an hour” is a promising business for a jack of all trades. “Husband for an hour” - how to organize a business with a stable income What skills are needed for a successful start

“Husband for an Hour” is an excellent example of a family business, when the husband has “golden” hands, and his wife has developed organizational skills and business acumen. The target audience- single ladies who do not have the talents of builders, carpenters, or electricians.

What skills are needed for a successful start?

To promote your business, you should study the market for similar services and monitor pricing policy competitors, analyze the need for small and medium repairs in the city.

It’s good if you know how to carry out minor repairs yourself - fix leaky faucets, assemble furniture, replace plumbing and electrical fixtures. Otherwise, you will have to hire qualified craftsmen.

In addition to working skills, you need to have strategic thinking, the ability to plan your day and increase the speed of repairs without losing quality. It would be nice to learn how to use a computer competently in order to maintain a customer base and independently post advertisements for services on the Internet.

If you plan to provide repair services yourself, you will need the skills of a mechanic, carpenter, and electrician

Business plan for the “Husband for an hour” service

“Husband for an Hour” is a business that brings in a small but stable income. Setting up a company costs the entrepreneur a minimum investment; the main thing is to draw up a competent business plan and calculate one-time and systematic costs.

Business registration

Before you start, open a company. You can choose the form of individual entrepreneur or LLC to provide services. Advantages individual entrepreneurship- quick registration procedure, the ability to work without a stamp and a current account, simply issuing receipts to clients. But in case of debts, the entrepreneur is responsible for non-payment with his property. The advantage of an LLC is that financial liability does not exceed the size of the authorized capital.

Regardless of the form of business organization, determine the codes of the services provided according to the OKVED 2 classifier. Possible options:

  • 43.22 - Carrying out sanitary work, installation of heating systems and air conditioning systems;
  • 43.21 - Electrical installation work;
  • 43.32 - Carpentry and carpentry work;
  • 31.09 - Production of other furniture.

Look for household repair services in the classifier section “F: Construction”

Table: documents required to be submitted to the tax office when registering individual entrepreneurs and LLCs

Application in form P21001, signed by the future entrepreneur (signed at the tax authority)Application for state registration LLC according to form P11001
Copies of passport pagesCharter of the company - 2 copies
Receipt for payment of state duty 800 rublesDecision on establishing a company (for an LLC with one founder) or protocol general meeting founders and agreement on the establishment of the company (if the LLC has more than one founder)
Notice of transition to a simplified taxation system (if necessary)Receipt for payment of state duty 4000 rubles.
Notice of transition to a simplified taxation system (if necessary)

The general taxation system for individual entrepreneurs or LLCs is too complex and inconvenient. Along with your registration documents, submit an application to change the system to a simplified system (USN) or single tax on imputed income (UTII). The advantage of UTII is a fixed tax rate. But when choosing this system, be careful - all services provided must fall under the concept of “household”. If the inspection has doubts, you will be issued a fine.

For the simplified system, there are two subtypes:

  • STS 6% on income - the company’s expenses are not taken into account;
  • STS 13% for the difference between income and expenses.

Use the first option in your work if your expenses are small or difficult to account for.

Table: comparison of taxation systems simplified tax system and UTII

Tax system simplified tax system UTII
Interest rate6% on income or 15% on the difference between income and expenses15% of the state imputed income
Taxable baseIncome of an individual entrepreneur or LLC or profitImputed income
Possibility to reduce the tax base and payment amounts (benefits)If the taxable base is income, you can reduce the tax on contributions to the Pension and insurance funds, but no more than by half. And if an entrepreneur or LLC has no employees, the tax is reduced by the full amount of contributions.
There are no benefits provided for the simplified tax system “Income-Expense”.
You can reduce the tax on contributions to the Pension and insurance funds, but no more than by half. And if an entrepreneur or LLC has no employees, the tax is reduced by the full amount of contributions
Tax payment deadlinesUntil March 31 of the year following the reporting periodUntil the 25th of the first month of the new quarter
Accounting book “Income-Expense”YesYes, taking into account physical indicators
Is it necessary cash machine for workYes, but when providing services, strict reporting forms are sufficientOptional, can be replaced with sales receipts and strict reporting forms
Opportunity to voluntarily change the tax regimeYes, from the beginning of the next calendar yearFrom the new calendar year. On the simplified tax system, if an individual entrepreneur or LLC ceases to be a payer of the imputed tax - from the month of termination of the imputed activity

Range of services and pricing policy

Determine the list of services provided. To avoid competition with large construction organizations, give priority to minor repairs. Focus on the qualifications of the craftsmen - let them perform a minimum set of works, but with high quality.

Possible options:

  • installation of plumbing - sinks, bathtubs, toilets;
  • cleaning and replacing siphons;
  • faucet repair;
  • assembly and installation of furniture - home or office;
  • replacement and repair of locks;
  • replacing plugs, hanging chandeliers, branching and replacing sockets and switches;
  • installation of cornices;
  • connection of washing machines and dishwashers;
  • installation of satellite dishes and antennas;
  • other minor repairs.

Having decided on the types of work, set tariffs that are clear to clients:

  • cost for each type of work with a fixed duration;
  • hourly cost for complex work, taking an indefinite amount of time;
  • The cost of a call is usually 30% of the hourly cost of work.

When setting tariffs for repairs, focus on the average price level for the city

Call competitors and find out prices for services. Create a price list based on average prices in the city.

Required Tools

Depending on the range of services you plan to provide to clients, purchase basic tools.

You will definitely need:

  • drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • set of screwdrivers and wrenches;
  • hammer drill;
  • cylindrical grinder;
  • glue gun;
  • Consumables;
  • workwear.

Along with your tools, buy a case for storing and carrying them.

Additional equipment for repairing electrical and water communications:

  • multimeter;
  • pipe or adjustable wrench;
  • universal sets of wires and components.

Each craftsman should have his own set of tools so that they do not have to take turns working, increasing the wait time.


Initially, you can work alone - perform work, maintain accounting and client base. Over time, when the number of orders increases, you will have to hire employees. You can do this before opening a company, if the start-up capital allows.

Personnel to work at the company “Husband for an Hour”:

  • dispatcher for receiving and distributing orders;
  • two technicians for visiting clients;
  • office cleaner;
  • accountant or contracted firm.

The dispatcher, accountant and cleaner will need to be given a fixed salary, but for the foremen it is more profitable to establish a calculation system of “salary +% of orders”.

Having calculated the possibilities of remuneration, place advertisements on city job search resources and wait for responses. Prepare questions you plan to ask applicants to learn about their experience and skills.

When hiring technicians, choose those who have their own car. Then you will not have to maintain a company on your balance sheet and maintain several machines.

Try to hire general-purpose craftsmen: then not a single order will be missed

Advertising and customer acquisition

  • advertisements in local newspapers and magazines;
  • groups on social networks;
  • advertising on transport;
  • distribution of printed materials.

The listed resources do not require significant costs and are most effective for providing household services.

Get a short phone number that's easy to remember, and don't forget to place a sign in front of the office entrance.

Come up with a catchy logo and place it on all promotional and information materials

Calculation of income and expenses

Work before starting a business financial plan firm, taking into account one-time costs and fixed costs. Calculate your planned income and net profit. If the resulting figure suits you, feel free to start business. Below are approximate costs for a company that will employ two foremen and a dispatcher. Accounting is carried out outsourced.

Table: initial costs

Table: regular costs

Income, project profitability and payback periods

The calculation of income is provided under the condition of a 5x2 work schedule, a daily 80% workload of craftsmen and an estimated revenue for each of 2000 rubles per day.

Table: checking the profitability of the project

The tables show average income - actual figures may differ depending on the number of clients and the speed of work of the company’s specialists.

The wider the range of services provided, the faster the company will break even.

Features of the service

The “Husband for an Hour” business has a number of features:

  • it does not bring high income, since the services are cheaper than calling a specialist from a large repair company;
  • thanks to reduced prices, the services of craftsmen are in demand among housewives;
  • the speed of response to a call from a repairman and the quality of the service provided - prerequisites for business prosperity;
  • the business does not require capital investments - you can start without an office or employees, simply by purchasing equipment;
  • masters must receive a good percentage of orders - otherwise they will start stealing and poaching clients.

To expand your company, you shouldn’t rent an office in the center - it’s better to think about residential areas, where there is demand for similar services more in demand.

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♦ Capital investments – from 400,000 rubles
♦ Payback – from 8 months

Women get married not only because they fall in love and want to connect their lives with a specific man, but also to save themselves from having to worry about minor repairs, installing plumbing, installing lighting equipment and much more.

Many modern men are either too busy with their main job or no longer know how to do all of the above, and the number of single women is in no hurry to decrease.

That is why business idea “husband for an hour” so promising today.

If you have several handy friends, and you yourself can easily cope with homework men's work, you will be able to return your capital investment in a short time.

Advantages and disadvantages of starting a business “husband for an hour”

You need to start drawing up a business plan for your startup by weighing all the pros and cons in order to understand whether the advantages of the “husband for an hour” business outweigh the disadvantages.


  1. Small capital investment.
  2. There are a large number of unoccupied niches in this field of activity, because this idea is relatively new.
  3. Quick return on initial investment.
  4. You don’t need large office space to open a company in a small space.
  5. High demand among the population.


But there is only one serious drawback to the “husband for an hour” business: you won’t be able to earn huge sums of money, because the cost of the work that your craftsmen will perform is relatively low.

If this doesn’t bother you, then you can safely start a business.

What services does your husband provide per hour?

Entrepreneurs, trying on this business, often put forward as an argument against the fact that a “husband for an hour” will not be able to compete with large construction companies or even individual construction teams.

But the whole point is that the craftsmen who will work for you will not have to compete with them.

Construction teams do not undertake minor repair or installation work; they prefer to take one object and completely build or repair it.

While your “husbands for an hour” will do other things:

  • repair and install plumbing and household appliances;
  • carry out installation and dismantling of furniture;
  • install switches and lighting;
  • cut locks;
  • hang curtain rods;
  • install interior doors;
  • configure and install satellite dishes;
  • carry out small renovation work, for example, leveling slopes after installing windows, etc.

Does the “husband for an hour” business need an advertising company?


It will be quite difficult to form a client base only from among your acquaintances, and the sooner you have regular customers, the faster you will recoup your capital investment.

You can tell people about your company “husband for an hour” using:

  • newspaper advertisements;
  • television (advertising in the form of a creeping line indicating telephone numbers is sufficient);
  • business cards that you will hand out in public places;
  • Internet: local forums, social networks.

Calendar plan for opening a business “husband for an hour”

“Even the most beautiful and powerful idea is completely useless until we decide to use it.”
Richard Bach

Launching this startup does not require lengthy preparatory work.

Once you have an idea, registering a business, searching for premises, recruiting staff, purchasing tools and an advertising campaign will not take you more than 5 months with due diligence:

Registration and obtaining necessary permits
Rent of premises and repairs therein (if necessary)
Purchasing tools for craftsmen’s work
Advertising campaign

Stages of starting a business “husband for an hour”

If you seriously intend to open a “husband for an hour” company, then you need to start by indicating specific calculations.

Then you should begin to implement it stage by stage.


The most beneficial form of business registration for you is individual entrepreneur.

In this case, you can pay taxes according to a simplified scheme: UTII.

When registering your company, indicate all possible codes so as not to waste time and money on redoing documents in the future: 36.14, 45.31, 45.33, 45.42.

The registration procedure for the “husband for an hour” company will take you about two months.


Decide on the profile of your business: if you want to carry out repairs household appliances, then you will need a room of at least 50 square meters. meters, so that it would be enough for the administrative premises, and for the repair shop, and for office offices.

If you do not want to open a repair shop on the basis of your “husband for an hour” company, then a small room with a total area of ​​25–30 square meters is enough. in order to place there a control room, a closet for storing tools and a room where the craftsmen will change clothes and relax.

The idea of ​​opening a workshop for repairing household appliances is not bad, but competition in this sector is much higher than in the “husband for an hour” business, so decide for yourself how profitable it is.

In order for the business to pay off and not require large capital investments, you need to rent premises for your company in a densely populated residential area. This is how you can reduce rental costs and quickly build a customer base.

Tools and equipment

In order to open a “husband for an hour” company, you will definitely need to rent or buy office space. And any office needs to be equipped.

This stage involves the following expenses:

Expense itemQtyAmount (in rub.)
Total: 160,000 rub.
Indoor repairs (the amount depends on the condition of your premises) 30,000 (light cosmetic repairs)
Table (for the dispatcher, for the director, dining for staff)
3 20 000
Chairs and work chairs6 15 000
Service bathroom equipment
10 000
1 18 000
20 000
Telephone set
1 000
Lockers for changing clothes and storing personal belongings of staff
5 20 000
Rack and tool storage
1 8 000
Other 18 000

Even if you hire excellent craftsmen, if you give them bad tools, you will incur costs because these tools will not withstand the daily load.

Should be purchased professional tools from trusted manufacturers.

The number of tools directly depends on the number of “men for an hour” who will work for you.

Each of them needs:

Expense itemAmount (in rub.)
Total:90,000 rub.
3 000
7 000
30 000
Jigsaw5 000
8 000
Glue gun
2 000
Set of tools (wrenches, hammers, pliers, screwdrivers, meter, nails, screws, different sizes, etc.)
20 000
Workwear set
5 000
Other10 000

Now multiply this amount by the number of craftsmen you are going to hire.

Refuse the temptation to buy one set of tools for two craftsmen, because your business will suffer because specialists will have to work in turns, which will affect the number of orders they complete.


The number of employees you have to hire directly depends on the size of your man-for-hour company.

If you don’t have too much start-up capital, then to begin with you can limit yourself to hiring two generalists and a cleaner.

At the initial stage, you can perform the functions of a dispatcher (accept orders) yourself.

But you can entrust bookkeeping to an outsourcing company or hire a part-time accountant, which will help reduce business costs.

How you will pay the masters is up to you.

You can give them a fixed rate, or you can give them a rate + percentage.

The idea of ​​financial remuneration for craftsmen depending on the number of completed orders is more profitable for the owner of a “husband for an hour” company, because this will encourage specialists to do their job better.

Keep in mind that “husbands for an hour” will have to go to the call along with all the tools and in uniform.

Move in public transport impossible with all this baggage.

Purchasing cars and keeping drivers on staff is unprofitable for a new business.

It is better to hire craftsmen who have their own cars and issue them coupons for gasoline.

How much does it cost to open a “husband for an hour” company?

It is quite difficult to say definitively how much money you will have to invest in starting a business, because everything depends on the scale of your idea.

The more services your company will provide, the more employees you plan to hire, the more money you need to have to launch a startup.

If, for example, you decide to hire only two craftsmen, take orders yourself and not provide services for repairing household appliances, you can get by with 400,000 rubles.

But the stated amount for opening a business “husband for an hour” may be different:

  • lower if you can cut costs, for example, by renting rather than buying tools for work or using your own apartment or house as an office;
  • higher if you are going to provide an expanded range of services and need a large premises.

The table of current monthly expenses of the “husband for an hour” business looks like this:

The amount of expenses for employee salaries depends on what percentage of the profit you pay to your craftsmen and how many orders they complete during the month.

where to start creating a “husband for an hour” business:

How much can you earn by opening a “husband for an hour” company?

Keep in mind that there are different services and different clients.

It’s one thing to install an outlet or make slopes, and the client himself clearly explains what he needs. In this case, you can take a fixed payment for the work performed.

But there are clients who themselves don’t know what they need, or who list a long list of work for their “husband for an hour,” then you can charge an hourly rate.

Include in the price list a service such as “consultation”, let it be inexpensive, but visiting people’s homes, wasting time and money, and earning nothing at the same time is wrong.

It all depends on the number of your customers and the cost of the orders themselves.

If we take the average indicators of such companies, they earn from 150 to 500,000 rubles per month.

As you can see, in any case you will not lose money.

When trying out such a business, you are probably thinking: husband for an hour - is it profitable? this business, will it bring me profit?

It will bring you if you form literate competitive advantages and quickly form a client base.

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A business card for “Husband for an hour” services looks unique and creative. Such a business card will definitely not go unnoticed and will ensure an influx of new customers to a company that has recently entered the market. On the front side of the business card, the client will be able to see the name of the organization providing the service, a graphic image of construction tools and the website address. The reverse side is brighter and contains all the necessary contact information.

File properties:

  • File format: PSD
  • Orientation: Horizontal
  • Size: 26706 KB

Business card for parquet installer

The parquet laying company's business card is made in an original style that immediately attracts attention. This option is suitable for a craftsman who lays parquet and laminate flooring, and also repairs floor coverings. The entire surface of the front side is covered with an image of parquet with the company name in the central part and a hammer on the left. On the reverse side are the contact details and name of the master.

File properties:

  • File format: PSD
  • Orientation: Horizontal
  • Size: 4181 KB

Sample business card for “Husband for an hour” services in a minimalist style

This sample business card for “Husband for an hour” services is made in a simple and understandable style. The absence of additional decorative details will allow you to concentrate attention on the necessary information: the name of the company and the address of its website. On the reverse side are the specialist’s contact details, the brand name and a small image of the tools.

File properties:

  • File format: PSD
  • Orientation: Horizontal
  • Size: 675 KB

Creative business card for husband for an hour

This business card for husband for an hour is made in an ultra-modern style with a bright frame on the front side. The company name, its logo and website address are also indicated here. It is suitable for a young, fast-growing company that is looking to expand its customer base. Contact information, logo and organization name are on the back. The image of a construction tool also attracts attention here.

File properties:

  • File format: PSD
  • Orientation: Horizontal
  • Size: 327 KB

Sample of a stylish business card for a master for an hour

This monochrome sample of a master’s business card for an hour is made in a modern minimalist style. Both sides of the business card contain only helpful information, there is nothing distracting about it. The front side shows the logo and name of the company, made in colors contrasting with the main area of ​​the business card. The reverse side contains contact information, organization name, employee name.

File properties:

  • File format: PSD
  • Orientation: Horizontal
  • Size: 986 KB

Business card for a repairman for an hour

A business card for a repairman for an hour is perfect for a specialist in repair and finishing works. Fresh colors and the presence of a roller image on both sides will allow the client to immediately find your business card among others, easily determining the type of activity of the company. The artist's name is also indicated on the front side, and contact information and his name are on the back side.

File properties:

  • File format: PSD
  • Orientation: Horizontal
  • Size: 1872 KB