Recycling of Eldorado household appliances per year. How to exchange old equipment for new? Recycling programs from Eldorado, Technosila and CSN. Placing an order online

  1. The promotion is carried out from March 30, 2017 until the order to terminate the promotion.
  2. A buyer who returns any old equipment to an Eldorado store gets the opportunity to purchase a specific new product with discount.
  3. Not all products are included in the promotion. Check with the seller for the list of goods participating in the promotion.
  4. A discount on new equipment and electronics is provided only if the buyer returns any old technology and electronics. A discount on accessories participating in the promotion is provided subject to the buyer returning any old equipment, electronics or accessories.
  5. The discount amount is indicated on the price tag.
  6. Goods returned by the buyer for disposal cannot be returned.
  7. When the buyer arranges for delivery of a new product, goods for disposal are removed from the same address free of charge.
  8. In the case of removal of disposed goods, the buyer must independently dismantle it, prepare it for removal and move it to the front door. If this condition is not met, as well as if the product is refused for disposal, the product purchased at a discount is returned to the sales store, and the buyer is refunded the amount actually paid for the product.
  9. Buyers over 18 years of age can take part in the promotion. If the buyer’s age is in doubt, the store employee has the right to ask to see any identification document.
  10. Exchange of goods purchased as part of the “Recycling” promotion under the “Easy to choose, easy to change!” promotion. is made if the bonus received from the promotion has not been spent. If the bonus has been spent, exchange under the promotion “Easy to choose, easy to change!” is not produced.
  11. One buyer can purchase no more than three discounted products during the entire promotion period.
  12. If the product participates in other promotions, the possibility of using a discount on the Promotion is indicated in the following table:
  13. Goods participating in the promotion are not available for credit, for which the store provides a discount to compensate for the Bank's interest.
  14. Check with your sales consultants for the effect of additional promotions on goods purchased under the “Recycling” promotion.
  15. The rules of the promotion are subject to change without prior notice to buyers.
  16. The promotion applies only to consumers within the meaning of the Russian Federation Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”.
  17. For goods participating in the promotion, bonuses are credited to the bonus card in the amount of 3%. When paying with a Home Credit-Eldorado card, the client will be credited 5.5% in accordance with the rules of participation in the Home Credit-Eldorado program www.. Issuer Bank Card Home Credit and Finance Bank LLC, General license of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 316 dated March 15, 2012 (unlimited term). All products are certified. The quantity of goods participating in the promotion is limited. For information about the list of products, the size of the discount, other details and rules for the promotion, please check with the sellers.
  18. All products are certified. The quantity of goods participating in the promotion is limited. For information about the list of products, the size of the discount, other details and rules for the promotion, please check with the sellers.
  19. Return of goods under promotion is made at the price specified in cash receipt. In case of exchange of goods during the promotion, a discount is provided for a new product, according to the terms of the promotion. Goods handed over by the buyer for disposal in the event of a return or exchange of a new product are not subject to return.
  20. Find out the rules of the promotion and other details on the website www..
  21. The organizer of the action is MVM LLC, Moscow, st. Nizhnyaya Krasnoselskaya, 40/12, room 20

When household appliances break down, it is not always profitable to repair them. Today, with the constant emergence of more and more advanced models, it is often easier to buy a new one. What to do with a used unit? Just throw it away or exchange it at a profit, taking advantage of the recycling promotion from Eldorado?

A large retail chain offers a convenient way out of the situation consumer electronics and Eldorado household goods - the Recycling program.

The program has been in effect since 2010, and to date, the retail chain has already accepted more than 1.5 million units of old appliances. It turns out that recycling old equipment without hassle and even with benefit is still possible. You just need to combine this process with buying a new one in the store under special promotional conditions. So that's what you were going to do, right? After all, replacing an outdated household assistant with a new one is usually necessary.

Conditions for participation in the promotion

Before participating in the program, it is important to study the rules in detail and carefully. This will help you match your desires with specific offers. trading network.

Note! If your equipment is removed by Eldorado, then you are required to dismantle it and move it to the front door yourself. Failure to comply with this condition gives the retail chain the right to cancel your purchase and return your money.

You can study additional conditions of the “Recycling” program at Eldorado on the company’s website in a special section.

What are the benefits of this promotion?

Participation in the promotion itself is carried out in three steps in retail point of sale:

  1. We liked the catalog model with a special mark.
  2. We handed over the old equipment.
  3. We received a new product at a discount.

And the whole operation will take five steps in the online store:

  1. Select the item you are looking for with a note about participation in the promotion.
  2. In your shopping cart, you stated your desire to receive a discount on the promotion (check the box) and indicated what type of device you are returning.
  3. Placed an order.
  4. We handed over old equipment: if it is large, the store will take it away, bring small ones yourself.
  5. You received your new product with the discount you were entitled to.

Agree, the scheme is very simple, understandable and convenient. However, if questions still arise, you can clarify all the details at any time in any way convenient for you:

  • at any Eldorado retail outlet;
  • by calling the company’s single reference number (calls within Russia are free);
  • via form feedback on the Eldorado network website.

What equipment can be rented out and purchased?

The list for exchanging old for new is very large. Let's consider only the main points of this list of equipment:

WITH full list You can always find it in stores or on the Eldorado website. This list includes almost any appliances for the home, cottage and garden, passenger car. It is even possible to replace batteries, computer accessories, and toys.

Important! Discarded electronics simply rotting in garbage dumps and landfills cause significant harm to the environment. Also dangerous is its destruction by conventional burning. Watch the video for details.

What happens to the old equipment adopted by Eldorado?

In the future, obsolete household appliances are sent to special recycling enterprises. There it is disassembled into its components: non-ferrous metal, plastic, metal housings, etc. All this is processed in a special way and subsequently sold for recycling.

Some unique exhibits of old equipment are preserved for a special museum, opened by the company"Eldorado" in Moscow. There, visitors can look at such rarities as a KVN TV with a lens in front of the screen or a Rossiya network tube radio, old telephones, video cameras, etc.

Well, it is also important for the Eldorado company, and for its customers, it becomes a significant contribution to the fight for environmental cleanliness environment. Indeed, today the problem of environmental pollution with toxic waste in our country is especially acute.

Eldorado is once again holding a “Recycling” campaign, but many users still do not know about the real benefits that program participants receive. The essence of the promotion is simple: you hand over your old equipment (and more!) to the store, and for this you get an excellent discount when purchasing certain goods.

The current special offer is valid on the Eldorado store website and in retail stores networks until December 1. The list of categories of old equipment subject to recycling, as well as their correspondence to groups of new products participating in the program, is given in the table on the page with the description of the promotion. The amount of the discount is determined separately for each specific case (you need to check with the manager).

The discount is valid only when purchasing products marked in the catalog with a green special offer label. Here, the amount of savings is indicated in rubles or percentages (cannot be combined with the discount using Eldorado promo codes), which reaches 10,000 rubles! Please note that the list of products participating in the program, their prices differ in retail stores and on the website.

Not only appliances and electronics are accepted for recycling: dishes, computer tables, TV stands, TV brackets, printer cartridges. When you hand over your system unit or laptop, a company specialist transfers the data to the purchased device for free. If delivery is arranged, old large equipment will be removed by store employees FREE OF CHARGE.