Sample business plan with taxi calculations. Why do people choose taxi services. Taxi orders: how to ensure a constant flow

Everyone is well aware that the dispatch service is the heart of the logistics and transport business, but it is not easy to organize a dispatch service that is competently and organically integrated into the structure of a trucking company or a delivery service. The information risks and technical costs that are typical for such non-core assets are too high. Secondary tasks, as a rule, absorb the main one.

  • Who owns the information rules the world
  • The charms and pitfalls of the dispatch business
  • How much does a dispatcher earn

All novice entrepreneurs with the phrase dispatch service will certainly have associations with a taxi service. But the possibilities of the dispatching business are much wider. Don't believe? See for yourself.

Who owns the information rules the world

This classic saying from the time of the Roman Caesars has not lost its relevance today.

The trucking business is complex and multifaceted. Acquiring a car park, rolling stock, hiring qualified and responsible personnel, organizing a repair area, interacting with permanent road workers - valiant employees of the state traffic inspectorate, takes a lot of effort and almost all the time. For the most important thing, there is no time or energy left to search for customers, communicate with them, provide information support for cargo and form a customer base as a whole. This is where a competent dispatcher comes to the rescue, who, for a certain monetary reward, takes on a considerable part of the work with the client.

As practice shows, at the present time, independent dispatch services are actively working in the field of passenger transportation, intercity transportation, cargo transportation by medium and large-capacity transport. The scope of services for organizing the delivery of building materials to the facility, the services of sewage trucks, earthmoving equipment, vehicles with crane-manipulator installations, vehicles with a dump body are covered by independent dispatchers poorly and insufficiently. It is this area of ​​activity that is promising and worthy of attention.

The charms and pitfalls of the dispatch business

Let's start with the pleasant. What positive aspects can be identified in the organization of dispatching services

  • extremely small amount of initial start-up capital
  • It is not necessary to have a separate office space. In many cases, it is enough to start working from home, at least in the initial period. A prerequisite is the availability of a stable telephone connection and the Internet
  • quite possible to do without employees, especially during the formation and development of business. Subsequently, employees can be actively motivated by progressive salary, which will directly depend on the effectiveness of their work in finding information and attracting clients
  • fairly simple accounting of processed information and control over hired personnel
  • the fundamental impossibility of monopolizing the sector of dispatch services and obstructing their work by controlling and other administrative bodies
  • free work schedule

In addition to the positive aspects, it should be noted that there are fundamental difficulties in the provision of dispatching services.

It must be said that dispatch business carries a number of complex and insurmountable moments.

  • For the organization of cargo transportation over short distances, a thorough knowledge of not only the city and the near suburbs, but also the features of intra-yard passages and restrictions on weight and size indicators is necessary. That is, along the route where it will pass without problems a car, truck passage may be impossible in principle
  • For effective work it is necessary to sufficiently understand the technical characteristics of cargo and special equipment, the features of its operation and application
  • rather high costs for conducting an aggressive advertising campaign, without which it is almost impossible to develop an extensive and stable client base in a short time
  • it is not easy to accurately calculate the cost of an order in a short time and promptly provide a specific type of transport or special equipment for it

How to create a taxi dispatch service? According to existing practice, entrepreneurs in large and medium-sized cities are willing to invest in businesses of similar profitability (15-17%). This type information support received well-deserved recognition due to the expansion of the client base of the taxi companies it serves.

The business plan of the taxi dispatcher, drawn up taking into account market features and well-founded technically and financially, ensures the intensification of the transportation of passengers and goods. To implement it, several components must be brought together: experienced drivers, dynamic dispatchers, stable communications and software. Technical and accounting outsourcing will be required.

The profitability of the taxi dispatcher is calculated as the monthly average ratio of the income received in the form of a driver's subscription fee in the amount of 10% of the daily income to fixed costs(rent, salary, depreciation, payment for communication channels, other costs) in percentage terms.

The prospect of information service taxi

The city taxi market is highly competitive, and if you do it the old fashioned way, then most of the working day the driver will have to stand in line for the client. And if at the same time a sufficient number of passengers is not provided, therefore, income will be obtained at the expense of inflated tariffs.

Accordingly, customers in the future will bypass such unlucky taxi drivers because of their high cost. transport services. Such drivers of taxi companies are advised to pay close attention to the offers of their information support. The taxi dispatch business plan is aimed at giving dynamics to the transportation of passengers and goods.

As a result, everyone wins. The dispatching office effectively handles customer calls and, using radio communication, sends orders to a nearby taxi driver. Drivers work in conditions of sequentially incoming orders. Clients are promptly (5-7 minutes after the call) provided with a taxi. Let's see how such a scheme can be implemented.


A taxi dispatch business plan starts by defining its organizational form. Most of these companies are founded as sole proprietorships, less often as LLCs. Business founders undergo state registration in accordance with the chosen form, tax registration.

We will not dwell on the stages of this standard procedure, which takes 2-3 weeks of walking through the authorities.

To register in the form of an LLC, the founder of the business will need to submit an application form P1101, the charter of the LLC, the minutes of the constituent assembly, developed job descriptions, passport details of the founders.

It is important to correctly indicate the characteristics of the taxi business OKVED codes: 52.61.2, 72.6, 74.83, 63.2, 92.4. The submitted package of documents is considered for three to four weeks. State registration involves the payment of a state duty (4 thousand rubles), notarization of the applicant's signature (500 rubles)

Registration with the tax office occurs after state registration. The founder of the business provides a constituent package of documents to the IFTS. Approximately one week documents are considered. Then the legal entity receives a certificate with a taxpayer number, an extract from the state register, and a state registration number.

A power of attorney from the IFTS is issued to receive documents. An application for the choice of form of taxation is written. It is recommended to choose a simplified system. The simplified tax system suggests two alternative rates: 6%, where the base is income, and 15% for income reduced by costs.

You should also register with the statistical authorities, the pension fund, the social insurance fund.

The basis of business is cooperation with drivers

When does it make sense to organize a taxi dispatcher? Information support is secondary here. It can be developed by identifying the demand of drivers for his services, in other words, after deciding how to organize a taxi.

In order to avoid inadequate investment of funds, the control room as a form of business should be based on partnerships with 10-15 truly professional drivers (with a driving experience of at least three years) who are interested in such cooperation.

Each driver concludes a personal information service agreement. The license fee from drivers (approximately 10% of income) is transferred daily to the dispatcher's income. Internal documentation is being developed: job responsibilities, form style.

It is necessary to carry out the selection of drivers according to the criteria of knowledge of the city, orientation in urban transport routes, communication skills. Without such a prerequisite, it makes no sense to take on a taxi dispatch business plan.

Informal control function

The professionalism of taxi drivers should also be correlated with their knowledge federal laws RF. Law No. 69 of 04/21/2011, in particular, requires both taxi companies and individual entrepreneurs to license their activities, have a semi-annual frequency of technical inspection, have a color graphic scheme of established samples on the sides of the body, a certified roof light and a taximeter.

Those who know how to organize a taxi can tell you a lot about the potential losses that a free driver can incur. Therefore, administrators of information support for taxi drivers take on the function of control. The latter is not surprising, because their dispatchers receive not only customer orders, but also their complaints. The quality of customer service determines the demand for taxi services.

Periodic checks by the dispatcher administrator of driver's licenses for warning of delay must necessarily take place. Same as daily progress check work schedule by every driver. In this case, the responsibility for violations lies with the drivers themselves. High profitability of a taxi is achieved by selecting disciplined and efficient taxi drivers.

Control room staff

The taxi dispatch business plan also determines the staff of its dispatchers, based on the round-the-clock specifics of work. For an average taxi business, it will be enough to hire two dispatchers per shift. They will take over the shift for a period of a day. In total, 4 shifts of dispatchers are provided.

Modern equipment of automated workstations significantly increases the productivity of dispatcher work. The profitability of a taxi is increased by optimizing the order processing time, displaying transport delivery points and delivery addresses on the map, and maintaining the history of each order.

Dispatchers report to the administrator, who (if necessary, communicating with the founder of the business) makes operational decisions. The accountant and persons performing contractual permanent maintenance of communication equipment, office equipment and software cooperate in accordance with outsourcing agreements.

Communication is the technical basis of business. Option for small towns

Modern taxi technology is based on stable communication. Moreover, investing in it for an average city is much cheaper. The reason is the ability to use cheaper equipment with the CBS frequency band (Citizen`s Band - civilian band) to communicate with drivers. The frequency band they use is allocated to the public and is publicly available, so access to it is much easier.

With this communication option, the taxi dispatcher does not issue a permit from the regional Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Radio Frequency Center", however, the radio frequency equipment used for communication should be registered with this authority.

In this case, the arrangement of communication will be limited to a multi-channel telephone exchange (five-channel is recommended) - $ 0.5-2 thousand, telephone sets of dispatchers ($ 50), an antenna-feeder device worth $ 0.7-3 thousand. Taxi drivers are provided with freely sold car radio stations similar to radio tape recorders, powered by the on-board network and supplemented by an external antenna. The average price of one is about $100 (although you can get a smaller range for $50).

Communication for megacities

The abundance of CBS frequency users in metropolitan areas makes it almost unsuitable for taxis. In this case, the VHF frequency range of 150-500 MHz is used. This option will require you to obtain a radio frequency license. The cost of this permit for a period of 5 years is approximately $1.5 thousand. In addition, the entire procedure is very time consuming.

In view of the latter circumstance, we recommend a compromise option. The taxi dispatch office minimizes the costs of VHF communication by concluding an agreement with an operator that already has such a license, on mutually beneficial terms, paying him a subscription fee.


For a taxi dispatcher, you do not need to rent a spacious office. However, production features should be provided for: workplaces (at least) for two dispatchers and an administrator. It is necessary to provide not only a “working area”, but also the presence of a bathroom, places for eating and relaxing for dispatchers (the latter is absolutely necessary for a 24-hour operation mode).

It is preferable to rent such an office not in the city center (cost savings). In connection with the peculiarity of the propagation of radio waves, it is important to place it on an urban hill.

Office equipment, software

To equip such a mini-office, you will need a PC (1 pc. - $ 600), telephone sets (1 pc. - $ 50), a multi-channel telephone exchange, a radio station (they were discussed above). All this is divided into 3 workplaces (one for the administrator and two dispatchers).

A special role in the work is played by the program for the taxi dispatcher (from $ 200), which provides a complete accounting of orders, their service by drivers, the history of each order, a client database, registration on the map of call places and destinations.

By the way, the program is useful not only in current work, but also for planning future business development. The purchase of its official version guarantees that specialists will configure it specifically for a particular taxi fleet, as well as ongoing maintenance.

Of the furniture, you will need, respectively, 3 desktops, a wardrobe, a stationery cabinet, and shelves. You should also install a used refrigerator and microwave oven, electric kettle.


Modern taxi fleets ensure their profitability thanks to informational dispatch support. A breakthrough in efficiency has been achieved by equipping efficient dispatch communications and optimizing the work of drivers.

A promising area of ​​their work is coupon service for employees. corporate companies who made a subscription prepayment at the beginning of the month. This approach provides guaranteed income and increased profitability.

However, technical progress optimizing the taxi business has gone further, to the creation of separate workstations. Achieved the current display on the map of the location of the taxi company in the current time.

The history of each order, the dynamics of the work of each driver are automatically recorded, the movement of any taxi for any period of time is viewed, non-cash payment is diversified, and cash payment is transparently organized.

Taxi service is a great business option for both large and small towns. With the right approach, the money invested in a taxi pays off in just six months and begins to make a profit. Let's figure it out: how to open a taxi from scratch, and what is needed for this.

Explore the Market

First of all, you need to study the market. Find out if there are working taxi services in your locality, find out how many trips one car makes on average per day, what average bill collects and other useful nuances. To do this, just take a ride with a taxi driver and talk to him. You can collect information on city forums or in in social networks People are happy to share information and recommend their favorite services.

Taxi from scratch - a profitable and interesting business

Think Concept

Most likely, there will already be several operating taxi services in your city. There is no need to be afraid of this. In order to effectively deal with competitors, you need to come up with a unique trade offer. Offer your clients Better conditions: free delivery of a car, discounts, various promotions. Such proposals may include:

  1. Free kilometers for regular customers.
  2. Delivery of products from the store.
  3. Preferential service for events, weddings, corporate parties.
  4. VIP transportation.
  5. Services of a children's taxi or a taxi for pensioners.
  6. Callback, ordering a car from the website or via SMS.

Think about what else you can offer your customers. Entering the transportation market is quite difficult, but in order to stay on it, you need really interesting offers.

How to register

Let's make it clear right away: you will not buy cars and hire drivers. It's not the best The best way. It is much more efficient to work as an intermediary, taking calls from customers and addressing them to free drivers. That is why it will be enough for you to obtain a patent of an ordinary private entrepreneur and provide classic information services.

You can also register individual entrepreneur It will be easier for you to pay taxes in the future. Also, be sure to study Federal Law No. 68, which regulates the activities of taxi services.

Note:this law describes all the requirements for cars, drivers and taxi services, but its requirements may vary in different regions.

Follow the changes and additions to this Federal Law: various changes are made to it regularly. Also, in some cases, you will need to obtain a license for cars. Usually it is issued at the local branch of the Ministry of Transport. The procedure is not particularly difficult - you will receive a license for about 5 thousand rubles for 5 years.

You do not need to buy new cars - look for good drivers with vehicles

Obtaining an OKVED code

To open a taxi dispatch service , you will need to get the code of the all-Russian classifier species economic activity(abbreviated OKVED). In total, it includes 17 categories, of which we are only interested in these items:

  1. 52.61.2. Allows for retail sale various goods and services through the Internet and computer networks.
  2. 63.2. Allows you to engage in auxiliary transport activities.
  3. 72.6. Allows you to carry out various activities related to information technology and computing technology.
  4. 74.83. This OKVED allows you to provide editorial and secretarial services, as well as translation services.
  5. 92.4. Allows to engage in the activities of news agencies.

You can choose either one of these codes, or register them all, which will expand your capabilities somewhat.

The service industry is one of the most promising directions business. The absence of the need to create a material product allows you to save money and make a profit through qualified personnel. The transportation service is one of the most interesting ideas for entrepreneurs who want to start their own business, regardless of the size of the starting capital. A thoughtful taxi will help not only calculate the level of costs and income, but also consider the available formats for such a business.

Why do people choose taxi services

A modern Russian often chooses a taxi, refusing to use public transport. People explain their choice the following factors:

  • you can get to any part of the city;
  • a taxi will bring you right to the entrance;
  • high speed delivery;
  • you can use the services at any time of the day or night;
  • increased comfort;
  • safety.

There are also a number of negative points. For example, the cost of services may be several times more expensive than travel by transport. You can carry a small number of passengers at a time. And in holidays sometimes it is impossible to wait for the car due to the heavy workload of the fleet. An entrepreneur must take into account all these disadvantages when drawing up a taxi business plan. It can increase the quality of services provided by focusing on the following competitive advantages:

  1. excellent specifications fleet of vehicles (cars must be powerful and modern, pass internal technical inspection in a timely manner to eliminate emerging problems);
  2. professionalism of employees (people who know the city and the time of traffic jams should work in a taxi, how the driver treats passengers is also important);
  3. ensuring an adequate level of safety (cars must be equipped with airbags and other means of protection);
  4. fast provision of services (for this it is necessary to provide a sufficient number of drivers, on holidays more employees should go to work in order to have time to deliver customers);
  5. reasonable prices (in addition, you can hold promotions, give out discounts, come up with loyalty systems);
  6. alternative order options (it is better if the entrepreneur spends money on developing his own mobile application, then customers will be able to order a car through it).

Drawing up a taxi business plan on your own is not so difficult, but putting the idea into practice from scratch is much harder. An entrepreneur who is not familiar with this area may not only not reach the desired level of profit, but also incur losses. In this market segment, there are no longer huge fleets with their own cars or branched dispatch services. Interaction with customers was simplified to processing applications through aggregators. Therefore, a businessman should either work in this direction or buy a ready-made franchise.

Taxi Franchise

The idea of ​​​​opening your own franchised taxi service is suitable for those who want to start their business from scratch and claim to make a good profit. A ready-made business model will not only reduce costs, but also eliminate most of the risks.

Taxi service concept

Drawing up a business plan for a taxi service should involve developing a clear concept for your own business. Here you can go in several ways:

  1. Open a company that will deal with transportation on your own or rented vehicles. This format will require significant capital investments in the purchase of a vehicle fleet. Moreover, dispatching services can be provided either within the company or by third parties.
  2. The organization of the dispatch service, which will provide orders to private cabbies.

If a person himself wants to be engaged in transportation, then he can simply register an individual entrepreneur, obtain a license and conclude an agreement with the dispatch service. In this case, he will pay for their services, and take the rest for himself.

In modern realities, the second concept is more suitable for a novice businessman. This is due to several reasons. Firstly, own costs at the start will be small. Secondly, most of the bureaucratic formalities will be shifted to private cab drivers - they will independently register as an individual entrepreneur, obtain a license and conclude agreements with the dispatch service. That is, the organization of the taxi service itself will resolve the issues of wages for its dispatchers and receive a certain fee for the services provided.

List of services - how else to attract a client

Competitive advantages Taxi will help to form a base of loyal customers. However, in order to attract new faces, it is necessary to think about expanding the services provided. In addition to simple passenger transportation, we can offer the following:

  • delivery and transportation of goods (including the delivery of documents, gifts, flowers, products);
  • pre-ordering a car (discounts and bonuses may be provided for customers who enter into a contract for a long period of time);
  • “sober driver” service (the driver delivers the passenger in his car from a banquet or holiday);
  • transfers to airports, train stations, meeting clients;
  • delivery of children to kindergartens, schools, circles and sections;
  • animal transport service;
  • garbage removal.

Additionally, it is worth considering the presence of child car seats in the car. Then the driver will be able to transport children safely. The presence of Wi-Fi, karaoke and other amenities will be an additional plus for the client.

How to organize work

If the entrepreneur has settled on the concept of opening a control room, then he will not have to deal with the fleet and obtain licenses. The main tasks will be:

  • search for drivers with a car and a license;
  • search for clients;
  • organization of the work of the control room;
  • creation and adjustment of software and mobile applications.

It is important for drivers to offer favorable conditions. For example, it is possible to provide consulting services regarding the registration of an individual entrepreneur and the issuance of a license. You can hire an accountant who will draw up documentation for each employee. That is, the drivers themselves will actually only need to transport the company's customers and send finished reports to the Federal Tax Service.

It is also important to choose a payment system for services. In this case, it is not the taxi service that will pay the money, but the drivers themselves. And payment can be made in one of the following ways:

  • fixed cost per month for receiving orders;
  • percentage of orders (usually varies from 10 to 15%);
  • a certain amount for a shift.

The latter option is suitable for drivers who have an irregular schedule or have a main job. That is, if they do not work for a whole month, then they do not pay anything to the service company.

Work space

The control room will require a small room to operate. You can place it anywhere in the city. At first, an area of ​​​​15 - 30 m 2 will be enough. It is important that the room has access to communication systems: radio, computers, phones, internet.

You don’t need a lot of money to rent such a room, you don’t need to invest heavily in repairs either - just put it in order and equip it with everything you need.

Some workers can work remotely. This will be especially true if most of the orders will come through a mobile application.

Necessary equipment

To organize the work of a taxi, you will need to purchase professional equipment. Most of the costs will be associated with the development and implementation of software and mobile applications. Additionally, you will need:

  • establish a communication system with drivers and their customers;
  • install servers and terminals for operators;
  • equip cars with taximeters and payment devices.

In addition, it will be necessary to purchase furniture, computers and other devices necessary for the work of dispatchers.

You will have to install a multi-channel telephone in the room to simultaneously process calls immediately from a large number citizens. Drivers need to be equipped with touchscreen phones with active applications. Ideally, if they also have GPS-navigation.

Taxi registration

When opening a taxi in the format of a dispatch service, it is better, but IP can also be used. In this case, the actual provision of transportation services will be carried out by drivers. They need to indicate the OKVED code 49.32 - “Taxi activities”. You can select , or as the taxation system. It will not do without obtaining a license. It is issued for a period of 5 years and is stored along with the documents for the car.

The taxi dispatch service itself in the LLC format must also choose the OKVED code for itself. In the classifier for this type of activity, the exact codes are not indicated. The most appropriate would be 52.21.29 - “Other auxiliary activities related to by car". Since the main costs of the enterprise will be related to the salaries of dispatchers, it is more profitable to choose the format of the simplified tax system "income".

Advertising and promotion

High competition in the taxi industry is forcing business owners to use various methods attracting customers. To increase their number, it is worth:

  • cooperate with restaurants, clubs, cafes, grocery stores– they can give out taxi business cards or discount cards;
  • to place advertisements on radio, pillars, billboards, in the shopping center and on the Internet (especially in social networks);
  • put up ads, distribute leaflets;
  • carry out promotions with a reduction in the cost of travel at certain times or days (when people use taxi services less actively), but this will have to be agreed with the drivers.

For cars, you can buy checkers and stickers with logos so that they are recognizable. At the time of launch, advertising can cost from 50,000 rubles. You will have to actively invest in it for the first 2 months. Then the customer base will be developed and it will be possible to reduce the cost of promotion.

It is important that the taxi number is memorable and short. If there will be a music advertisement on the radio, then it must necessarily include the name and telephone number.

How much does it cost to open a taxi

The organization of the dispatch service will not require serious investments if you do not organize your own fleet of vehicles. The main costs will be associated with the launch of an advertising company, the purchase of equipment, the development and implementation of a mobile application. It will also be necessary to allocate money for registration and assistance to drivers in registration. In total, at least 500,000 rubles will be required.

A fully fledged taxi service needs more big investments. Only the creation of a fleet will require from 4,500,000 rubles according to the most conservative estimates. And in addition, you will need to obtain a license and issue license cards for employees.

How much can a taxi service earn

The size of the dispatcher's income will depend on the number of cars and the form of payment. If you take 8,000 rubles per driver, then from 30 cars you can get an income of 240,000 rubles a month. In the case of a percentage fee, it can be: 30 cars * 15% * 25 working days * 1,500 rubles (average revenue per day) = 168,750 rubles.

To choose a more suitable option, it is worth calculating both at the stage of drawing up a taxi business plan. For the purposes of the calculation, let's assume that the income is fixed.

Financial results

The main costs of the taxi dispatch service will be related to the payment of wages. One dispatcher will have a salary of at least 20,000 rubles, including insurance premiums. Monthly costs will include:

  • wage- 120,000 rubles;
  • advertising - 20,000 rubles;
  • rent of premises - 8,000 rubles;
  • tax - 15,000 rubles.

Therefore, the profit will be equal to 77,000 rubles per month. By increasing the number of machines, great results can be achieved. Business profitability: 77,000 / 240,000 = 32.08%.

For the first 2 months, the entrepreneur will be busy looking for drivers, assisting in registration, and conducting an advertising campaign. Therefore, the payback period will be equal to: 500,000 / 77,000 + 2 = 9 months.

The organization of a full-fledged taxi service can bring more profit, but the level of costs will be much higher. Payback periods in this niche start from 12-24 months when using your own fleet.


Owning a taxi service is an interesting business idea that can bring profit. But in the conditions of the present time, it is more expedient to organize work as a provider of dispatching services. This seriously reduces risks and allows you to return investments much faster. For beginners, this is an ideal option, especially if they are buying a taxi franchise.

  • Description of services
  • Production plan
  • Financial plan
        • Similar business ideas:

A sample business plan for organizing an economy taxi in a city with a population of 500,000 inhabitants.

How much money do you need to open an economy taxi

According to preliminary calculations, at least 1,080,000 rubles will be spent on opening a taxi service with a fleet of 30 cars:

  • Taxi depot equipment - 500,000 rubles.
  • The cost of arranging the office - 150,000 rubles.
  • Advertising budget - 200,000 rubles.
  • The cost of registering a company - 30,000 rubles.
  • Other expenses - 50,000 rubles.
  • Reserve fund - 150,000 rubles.

Step-by-step plan for opening an economy taxi

The main stages of opening a taxi service involve the following sequential steps:

  1. Market analysis similar services in the city, identifying strong and weaknesses competitors
  2. Budget planning, search for project financing sources
  3. Company registration, branding
  4. Advertising company development
  5. Search for employees in the office (dispatchers, accountants, etc.)
  6. Acquisition of equipment for office and car
  7. Search for drivers, registration of each as an individual entrepreneur
  8. Launching an advertising company and starting activities

Description of services

The level of prices for our services is planned to be set at the level of the average market. The business plan will look like this:

  • A trip around the city up to 1 km - 80 rubles.
  • A trip around the city up to 2 km - 90 rubles.
  • A trip around the city up to 3 km - 100 r
  • A trip over 3 km - 10 rubles. for each additional kilometer.
  • Waiting for a client - free of charge up to 10 minutes.
  • Waiting in excess of the standard - 4 rubles. for every minute of downtime.
  • Organization of transportation of an animal - 50 rubles.

Production plan

At this stage, it is planned to acquire a number of necessary equipment, including:

  • Communication system with the driver and customers
  • Servers and operator terminal
  • Driver control devices
  • Taxi depot equipment

To communicate with the driver, we plan to use a touch screen phone with an application for drivers installed on it, which has the functions of GPS navigation, a taximeter and the ability to remotely accept orders with one button. Such a kit will cost less than equipping a taxi fleet with walkie-talkies. Also, the advantages include reliability, trouble-free communication in cities (as opposed to walkie-talkies, the signal of which can be intercepted) and the absence of constant noise in the cabin. Directly, we plan to equip the fleet of our service with magnetic checkers, light boxes and self-adhesive film with the image of the company's brand. This will not only comply with the law, but will also increase the credibility of the organization in the eyes of the client.

What equipment to choose for a taxi fleet

The equipment of a taxi fleet for 30 cars, according to preliminary estimates, will require at least 500,000 rubles. initial investment. To accommodate the dispatch service will be rented office space 45 sq. m. The office will be equipped with computers with software, as well as high-quality telephone communication with an easy-to-remember number.

Conditions for hiring taxi drivers

Special attention will be paid to the issue of full legalization of activities. But at the same time with the maximum possible savings at the start. So, our service will act only as an intermediary in transportation. The staff of drivers will be formed by registering each driver as an individual entrepreneur and concluding an appropriate agreement with him. The conditions for "hiring" will be a driving experience of at least 7 years, no criminal record and a personal car with a market value of at least 250,000 rubles.

Which taxation system to choose

Each driver (individual entrepreneur) will be tax registered according to the UTII taxation system ( single tax on imputed income). Under such a system, the driver will pay a quarterly fixed amount to the local budget. For each car, a permit for the carriage of passengers will be issued, which will be in the passenger compartment (issued by the transport committee in the local administration). The validity period of the permit is 5 years. The company itself will be registered as entity(LLC) with the USN taxation system, 6% of revenue per month.

Marketing and promotion of economy taxi services

In view of the high saturation of the market for taxi transportation services, promotion and advertising of the company will be given Special attention. For this it is planned:

  • Cooperation with nightclubs, cafes, bars and restaurants - exchange of business cards and contact information.
  • Placement of extensive advertising information on the Internet, including social networks. With the help of promotions and contests that are currently held on social networks, you can build up a decent client base in a matter of weeks.
  • Outdoor advertising - placement of banners on billboards, advertising stands in the shopping center and billboards on high-traffic city streets.
  • Posting ads around the city, on bus stop pavilions and entrances of houses.

Financial plan

Let's move on to the calculation of the main performance indicators of the organization. Fixed monthly expenses:

  • Rent and maintenance of the office - 30,000 rubles.
  • Salary of office staff (3 dispatchers, 1 accountant) - 80,000 rubles.
  • Insurance deductions for the office. staff - 28,000 rubles.
  • Taxes for drivers (UTII) - 90,000 rubles.
  • Insurance deductions for individual entrepreneurs (30 drivers) - 55,000 rubles.
  • Advertising - 50 000 rubles.
  • Other expenses - 30,000 rubles.

Total - 363,000 rubles.

How much can you earn by becoming the owner of an economy taxi service

In total, our fleet will have an average of 30 vehicles in the first year. According to preliminary calculations, the daily income from one car will be an average of 1000 rubles. (already minus the percentage for the driver), per month - 22,000 rubles. The total revenue from 30 cars will be about 660,000 rubles.

The net profit of the company, after the corresponding promotion of services (2 - 3 months) will be 257,400 rubles. per month. The profitability of the plan is 70%. With such indicators, the return on investment in the taxi service comes after 6 - 8 months of the company's operation.

This is a complete finished project which you will not find in the public domain. The content of the business plan: 1. Confidentiality 2. Summary 3. Stages of project implementation 4. Characteristics of the object 5. Marketing plan 6. Technical and economic data of the equipment 7. Financial plan 8. Risk assessment 9. Financial and economic justification of investments 10. Conclusions

Which OKVED to indicate during registration

In the version of the classifier that was in force earlier, the activity of a taxi corresponded to the code under No. 60.22. According to new edition a businessman who decides to organize such passenger transportation should choose a different coding: 49.32 "Taxi activities", included in section 49 (Activities of land and pipeline transport).

Documents required for opening

First you need to obtain a certificate of registration of either an individual entrepreneur or a limited liability company. The resulting certificate is presented to the tax office at the place of registration. Within a month from the date of registration with the tax office, you need to register with the Pension Fund. From the documents a novice businessman will need to provide:

  • copy of passport with full name;
  • a copy of the individual taxpayer;
  • notarized certificate of registration;
  • application for the transition to the selected taxation scheme;
  • receipt confirming payment of state duty.

After registration, you need to open a bank account and order the production of a seal.

Which tax system to choose

Most taxi and similar transportation businesses operate on a single UTII tax or use a simplified system. When choosing a single tax on imputed income, the amount of tax for an entrepreneur will depend on the number of seats in the fleet. However, UTII for the taxi industry may not be available in all regions of the country. In these cases, it makes sense to acquire a patent, which can be a worthy alternative.

Required permissions to open

In addition to registering with the tax office and pension fund, you will need to obtain a license to carry out passenger transportation. The license is issued by a special body, which is a subdivision of the Ministry of Transport and Communications. To obtain a license, he must provide:

  • a notarized copy of the certificate of registration of an individual entrepreneur or enterprise;
  • application in the form for obtaining a license for the sphere of taxi transportation;
  • completed forms of information about the vehicles used and drivers;
  • information about additional special equipment.

The license is issued for a period of up to 5 years, and for each vehicle fill out your own license card.

Business organization technology

The economy taxi service can work according to one of 2 commonly used schemes:

  1. Charge a percentage of the cost of the order completed by the driver.
  2. Provide a minimum limit that each driver must return for each order (shift).

As a rule, taxi companies enter into agreements with dispatch services, or open their own, but this is fraught with additional investments. The company can purchase cars on its own, organizing its own fleet, or enter into agreements with drivers with their own cars. To start, it is enough to get by with a small room at first, where dispatchers will work. The equipment will require a dedicated telephone line, Personal Computer with Internet access, a set of furniture, radio communication. The number of drivers corresponds to the number of cars working on the lines.