What is the production of homogeneous products called? Types of production. Communication system service sector

A production enterprise is a separate specialized unit, the basis of which is a professionally organized labor collective, capable, with the help of the means of production at its disposal, to produce the products needed by consumers (perform work, provide services) for the appropriate purpose, profile and assortment. Manufacturing enterprises include plants, factories, combines, mines, quarries, ports, roads, bases and other economic organizations for production purposes.

Internal environment of the enterprise- these are people, means of production, information and money. The result of the interaction of components internal environment is finished products(work, services).

The basis of the enterprise is made up of people who are characterized by a certain professional staff, qualifications, interests. These are managers, specialists, workers. The results of the enterprise depend on their efforts and skills. It is clear that people cannot work in an empty place. They need means of production: the main means with which products are made, and working capital, from which these products are created.

For payments for deliveries necessary materials, equipment, energy resources, for payment wages employees and making other payments, the company needs money, which accumulates in its current account at the bank and partly in the cash desk of the company.

Information is important for the operation of an enterprise: commercial, technical and operational. With the help of information all components operating enterprise are linked into a single synchronously functioning complex aimed at producing a given type of product, corresponding quantity and quality.

The main task of the collective of workers of each enterprise is the production of products in demand by society High Quality with the fullest use of production resources (equipment, raw materials, materials, fuel, electricity, equipment and other means of production), as well as with effective use working hours. The basis for solving this problem is the continuous improvement of equipment, technology and organization of labor and production.

Each enterprise is a single production and technical organism. Production and technical unity- the most important feature of the enterprise. It is determined by the general purpose of the manufactured product or its production processes and creates conditions for qualified and efficient management of the enterprise.

An enterprise may consist of technologically homogeneous workshops or sections (spinning shops at a spinning factory, workshops for small, large and other types of casting at a foundry); from technologically diverse workshops or areas, as a result of the joint efforts of which certain products are produced (foundry, forging, thermal, mechanical and other workshops of machine-building plants; spinning, weaving and finishing shops of textile factories; blast furnace, open-hearth and rolling shops of metallurgical plants, etc. .).

An essential feature that unites an enterprise into a single organism is availability of common auxiliary facilities, serving all parts of the enterprise, as well as the unity of the territory (the latter in some cases, for example at factories, is not necessary). General auxiliary facilities and the unity of the territory create closer ties between the individual parts of the enterprise.

The enterprise also has organizational unity, which means the presence of a single management, accounting, and development strategy.

An important feature characterizing an enterprise is its economic unity, i.e. the unity of the team of workers employed on it, the commonality of material, technical and financial resources, as well as the economic results of the work.

The enterprise is vested with rights legal entity, i.e., it can enter into contractual relations with other organizations and is responsible for the fulfillment of its obligations.

Thus, an enterprise is an organization owned by the state or private individuals, created for the purpose of producing certain products, systematically developing, possessing production, technical, organizational and economic unity, endowed with the rights of a legal entity and operating on a commercial basis.


Manufacturing enterprise- this is a separate specialized unit, the basis of which is a professionally organized labor collective, capable, with the help of the means of production at its disposal, to produce the products needed by consumers (perform work, provide services) for the appropriate purpose, profile and assortment. Manufacturing enterprises include plants, factories, combines, mines, quarries, ports, roads, bases and other economic organizations for production purposes.

Rice. 1.1. Manufacturing enterprise

Internal environment of the enterprise- these are people, means of production, information and money. The result of the interaction of the components of the internal environment is the finished product (work performed, services provided) (Fig. 1.1).

External environment, which directly determines the efficiency of the enterprise, are, first of all, consumers of products, suppliers of production components, as well as government bodies and the population living in the vicinity of the enterprise (Fig. 1.2).

Rice. 1.2 External environment of the manufacturing enterprise

With pure legal side according to the law Russian Federation enterprise is independent economic entity, created in the manner prescribed by law, for the production of products and provision of services in order to meet public needs and make a profit.

The most important tasks of an operating enterprise are:

Receipt of income by the owner of the enterprise;

Providing consumers with the company's products;

Providing enterprise personnel wages, normal working conditions and opportunity professional growth;

Creation of jobs for the population living in the vicinity of the enterprise;

Security environment: land, air and water basins;

Preventing disruptions in the operation of the enterprise (delivery failure, production of defective products, sharp reduction in volumes and reduction in production profitability).

The objectives of the enterprise are determined by:

Owner's interests;

Amount of capital;

The situation inside the enterprise;

External environment(Fig. 1.3).

The right to set tasks for the personnel of the enterprise remains with the owner, regardless of his status - a private individual, government agencies or shareholders.

The owner, based on his own interests, goals, priorities, not only has the right, but is forced to formulate and set tasks for the enterprise team - otherwise someone else will do it instead of him in his own interests.

Rice. 1.3. Formation of an enterprise

The most important task of an enterprise in all cases is to generate income through the sale of manufactured products (work performed, services provided) to consumers. Based on the income received, the social and economic needs of the workforce and owners of the means of production are satisfied.

The body that formulates and specifies any economic task is obliged to take into account the real conditions of its implementation, taking into account the functions that the enterprise performs.

Regardless of the form of ownership, the enterprise operates, as a rule, on the terms of full economic accounting, self-sufficiency and self-financing. It independently enters into contracts with consumers of products, including receiving government orders, and also enters into contracts and makes payments with suppliers of the necessary production resources.

The main functions of a manufacturing enterprise include:

Manufacturing of products for industrial and personal consumption;

Sales and delivery of products to consumers;

Product after-sales service;

Logistics support for production at the enterprise;

Management and organization of personnel labor at the enterprise;

Comprehensive development and growth of production volumes at the enterprise;


Paying taxes, making mandatory and voluntary contributions and payments to the budget and other financial bodies;

Compliance with current standards, regulations, and state laws.

The functions of the enterprise are specified and specified depending on:

Enterprise size;

Industry affiliation;

Degrees of specialization and cooperation;

Availability of social infrastructure;

Forms of ownership;

Relations with local authorities.

The company bears full responsibility to financial authorities for the timely transfer of taxes and other payments, covers all damages and losses from his own income. Using proceeds from the sale of products (services), it pays expenses for the organization and development of production, as well as for the purchase of raw materials, supplies, and labor.

The administration and personnel of the enterprise are obliged to constantly ensure that the products they produce are of sufficiently high quality and not too expensive. Both are necessary to conquer and retain the sales market. Products of low quality, as well as those that are too expensive, force the consumer to look for a supplier from whom they can purchase the same products with better quality indicators or at a lower price. In order not to lose consumers, the company’s specialists study product markets and take measures to speed up scientific and technological progress, improving product quality, reducing its cost. In fact, the fate of the state and development of the country's economy and politics is decided in the labor collectives of production enterprises.


Enterprises specializing in the production of homogeneous products form the corresponding branches of material production, industry, Agriculture, construction, transport, etc. They make up the structure of industries, determine their profile and scale.

In addition, enterprises and organizations shape the size and territorial specialization of the cities, towns, regions, and territories in which they are located. Security normal conditions life, work and everyday life of the population is decided jointly with local authorities.

Consequently, enterprises and their teams represent the main elements from which both industrial and territorial complexes are formed - ministries, departments, as well as territories, regions, and cities are formed. Therefore in all government documents enterprises are considered as the main links of the national economic complex. The structure and procedure for managing the country's economy are built in such a way that they reflect the activities of almost all the main functional divisions of enterprises.

The task of the economic management system at all levels- from the cabinet of ministers to the director of the plant, the head of the workshop, the foreman - the same thing: the productive work of the personnel of each enterprise, that is, every employee at his workplace must do exactly what is needed by the enterprise team, the consumer of the product, and the country every minute.

Any undertaking of government bodies or scientific, commercial and other organizations is determined by the presence material resources; any economic or technical decision takes on a real form only manufacturing plant, in the workplace of a factory specialist, employee, worker. All previous work of administration, scientists, engineers outside enterprises is work with various information: scientific and technical, economic, social.

The above does not mean that outside enterprises there is no need for economic management bodies, scientific and intermediary organizations. On the contrary, they are necessary. Without the presence of such bodies, enterprises would not always be able to independently make a correct assessment of the technical level of production; determine preferred directions for production development; balance the demand of consumers for products with their production at enterprises; balance your own needs for raw materials, materials, tools with the possibility of obtaining them from suppliers. Not all enterprises, especially small ones, can improve production and improve product quality without outside help.

The point, therefore, is not to completely deprive government agencies of the right to interfere in the internal affairs of enterprises. This cannot be done at all with regard to state-owned enterprises. The property of such enterprises remains state property and is transferred labor collectives only for self-supporting use, and not for private ownership. Therefore, operational state control is established over the work of enterprises and the efficiency of their activities, carried out by the relevant authorities.

Lesson topic: Transport complex .

Teacher Marina Vladimirovna Maslich (Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 2)

Goals and objectives of the lesson :

  1. To introduce students to new terms and concepts: “freight turnover”, “transport hub”,

  2. Develop the concept of “infrastructure”, an idea of ​​the composition of the infrastructure complex and its
    role in the country's economy.

  3. Determine the importance of transport for the work of the economy and the life of the population of Russia.

  4. Study the composition of transport.

During the classes:

  1. Organizing time.

  2. Checking homework.

1. The transfer of defense production to the production of civilian products is called....?

2. The combination of related industries of different industries in one enterprise is called....?

3.Production connections between enterprises are called....?

4.Mechanical engineering is divided into labor-intensive and…..?

5. Labor-intensive mechanical engineering includes:

a) instrument making;

b) machine tool industry;

c) metallurgical.

6. Enterprises gravitate towards metallurgical bases

a) precision engineering;

b) heavy.


1) Naberezhnye Chelny a) VAZ

2) Tolyatti b) KamAZ

3) Moscow c) UAZ

4) Ulyanovsk city) GAZ

8. The production of homogeneous products by an enterprise is called ....?

9. Match:

Mechanical engineering industry Placement factor

1.Production of agricultural combines a) labor

2. Production of mining equipment b) raw materials

3.Electronic engineering c) scientific

4.automotive d) consumer.

10.The area is favorable for locating an aircraft plant:

1) Norilsk

2) Cheboksary


4) Yakutsk.


1. Conversion, 2. Combination , 3. Cooperation, 4. Metal-intensive, 5. a b 6. b,

7. 1-b, 2-a, 3-d, 4-c 8. Specialization, 9. 1-g,2-b,3-c,4-a, 10. -2

3. Studying new material.

Plan on the board:

1.What is infrastructure.

2. Composition of the infrastructure complex.

3.Transport system.

4.Types of transport.

Writing in notebooks

Infrastructure (from Latin infra - below, under and structure - structure, location) is a set of structures,

buildings, systems and services necessary for the normal functioning and provision of daily life of the population.

Table on blackboard

Infrastructure complex

Communication system service sector

Transport communication

Railway trade and catering

Automotive consumer services and housing and communal services

Aviation Science and Education

Pipeline culture and art

Marine and river health and physical education

Electronic Social Security

Rope-suspended government administration

The infrastructure complex consists of industries producing services. Service- This special kind products.

The task of a communication system is the movement of people, information, energy and cargo in space.

The main task of transport is to ensure reliable communication between economic sectors and regions of the country, as well as

ensure Russia's connection with other states.

Transport system consists of all types of transport interconnected transport hubs.

(these are points where several modes of transport converge and cargo is exchanged between them)

Transport performance is assessed by such indicators as freight turnover and passenger turnover.

Freight turnover - this is the product of the amount of cargo transported (tons) by the distance of its transportation (km), measured in t/km.

Passenger turnover – is the number of passengers transported over a certain distance

(in passenger kilometers).

Types of transport differ in the following indicators:

a) cost of transportation. (the most expensive is aviation, but it is the fastest, the cheapest is sea)

b) speed of transportation

c) comfort

d) reliability

influence of natural conditions.

4. Consolidation of new material.

Working with the map:

-Determine the configuration of the railway network. (In the European part of Russia the greatest density

transport network, the configuration resembles a wheel. Center - Moscow, from which in all directions

diverge 11 railways. Radial roads intersect with ring roads. Stretched to the east

latitudinal highways. There are few railways in the east.)

Practical work: “Characteristics of one of the transport routes” according to the plan:

1.Length of the highway

3. Natural conditions in which the highway operates, the influence of these conditions on operating efficiency

4.Large transport hubs.

5.Composition and direction of cargo flows.

6. Development prospects.

1st option Trans-Siberian Railway.

2nd - Baikal-Amur Mainline.

5. Homework assignment.

5 groups:

1. road transport

2. sea

3. river

4. aviation

5. pipeline

The result of labor often appears in material form - in the form of products. Products manufactured at the enterprise at different stages of the technological process are in the form of work in progress, semi-finished product or finished product (product).

Finished products - these are products of an industrial enterprise that are completed by production, comply state standards or technical specifications, accepted by the technical control department, equipped with documents certifying quality and intended for external sales.

Semi-finished products - These are intermediate products, the technical processing of which is completed in one of the production facilities (shops) of the enterprise, but requires further development or processing in an adjacent production (another workshop) of the same enterprise, or which can be transferred for further processing to other enterprises.

Unfinished production - These are products that have not received a finished form within production, as well as products that have not been checked by the quality control department and have not been delivered to the finished goods warehouse.

Products of labor are divided into means of production (means of labor and objects of labor) and consumer goods (food and non-food products).

Planning and accounting for production of products is carried out in natural (physical) and cost (monetary) measures. Measurements of production volume in physical terms are physical units (t, pcs, m), conventional natural (thousands of conventional cans, conventional sheets of slate and pieces of brick) and double natural indicators (production of pipes - in t and m, fabrics - m and sq. .m).

The degree of satisfaction of market needs characterizes the volume of goods of a certain nomenclature and assortment.

Nomenclature - This is an enlarged list of products manufactured by the enterprise, and the assortment characterizes its composition by types, types, varieties and other characteristics.

The volume of production in value terms is determined by the following indicators:

1. Commercial products- this is the cost of products intended for sale (finished products, semi-finished products, works and services of a production nature).

2. Gross output- this is the sum of the cost of all types of products produced by the enterprise and excluding the elements included in the composition commercial products, includes changes in work in progress balances during the billing period, the cost of raw materials and customer materials and some other elements.

3. Clean products characterizes the newly created value as a result of the industrial and production activities of the enterprise for a certain period. It is determined by subtracting material costs and the amount of depreciation from the volume of gross output;

4. Products sold- this is the cost of products sold to third parties and paid by the buyer in the reporting period.

Manufacturing program - This is a task for the production and sale of products in an assortment of appropriate quality in physical and value terms for a certain period (year, quarter, month).

The production program predetermines the tasks for commissioning new production facilities, the need for material and raw materials, the number of workers, etc. It is closely related to financial plan, plan for production costs, profits and profitability.

Industrial enterprises formulate their production program independently on the basis of consumer demand identified in the process of studying the market; portfolio of orders (contracts) for products and services; government orders and own needs.

The production program consists of three sections:

1. Product production plan in physical terms- establishes the volume of production of products of appropriate quality according to nomenclature and assortment in physical units of measurement (t, m, pcs). It is determined based on the complete and best satisfaction of consumer demand and achieving maximum use of production capacity;

2. Product production plan in value terms in terms of gross, commercial and net production;

3. Product sales plan in physical and value terms. It is compiled based on concluded contracts for the supply of products, as well as semi-finished products, components and parts under cooperation agreements with other enterprises, as well as our own assessment of market capacity. The volume of products sold is calculated on the basis of the volume of marketable products, taking into account changes in the balance of products in the warehouse and those shipped but not paid for by customers at the beginning and end of the planned year. But the volume of product sales is also affected by changes in the quality of products and the prices for products and services in force at the enterprise.

The initial data for determining the maximum possible output for a year is the average annual production capacity of the enterprise and its utilization rate. Often, meeting market needs requires the introduction of new additional capacities through technical re-equipment, reconstruction or expansion of the enterprise.

Product quality – This is a set of properties of a product that determine its suitability to meet certain needs in accordance with its purpose.

A product quality indicator is a quantitative characteristic of one or more properties of a product that constitute its quality and is considered in relation to certain conditions of its creation, operation or consumption.

To determine the quality of products manufactured at the enterprise apply a system of general indicators, which includes:

  • the share of fundamentally new (progressive) products in their total volume;
  • product range renewal coefficient;
  • the share of manufactured products for which certificates have been obtained;
  • share of manufacturing defects;
  • relative volume seasonal goods sold at reduced prices, etc.

The main elements of the product quality management mechanism at the enterprise are: standardization and certification of products; internal quality systems; state supervision of compliance with standards, norms and rules; in-production and technical quality control.

Standardization – it is the establishment and application of rules to regulate activities in a particular industry.

Standardization covers the establishment of:

a) units of measurement, terms and designations;

b) requirements for the quality of products, raw materials, materials and production processes;

c) a unified system of product quality indicators, methods of testing and control;

d) requirements ensuring the safety of work and life of people, as well as the safety of material assets;

d) unified systems classification and coding of products, storage media, forms and methods of organizing production, etc.

Standardization is based on standards and technical specifications.

Standard is called a regulatory and technical document that establishes requirements for groups of homogeneous products, and, if necessary, for specific products, rules that ensure their development, production and use.

Depending on the scope, content and level of approval, regulatory and technical documents are divided into: state standards (GOST), industry standards (OST), standards of scientific, technical and engineering partnerships, enterprise standards (SP), as well as international standards.

Specifications - regulatory and technical document establishing requirements for specific products (models, brands).

Certification - This is the establishment of product compliance with specific standards (mainly international - ISO 9000 series) or technical specifications and the issuance of the corresponding document (certificate).

Certification - most important factor product improvement, an effective mechanism for managing its quality, which makes it possible to objectively assess its competitiveness, suitability, and compliance with environmental cleanliness requirements.

State quality supervision is carried out by the State Committee for Standardization, Metrology and Certification and its territorial bodies- centers of standardization, metrology and certification.

In-production technical control at the enterprise is carried out by the technical control department (QCD), main task which is to ensure the required level of quality, recorded in regulatory and technical documents, through direct inspection of each product and targeted influence on the conditions and factors that shape it.

The main tasks of product quality management at an enterprise at the present stage are:

  • systematically bringing the level of product quality to existing, emerging or predicted market needs, as well as targeted influence on the development of needs;
  • ensuring the competitiveness of products in domestic and foreign markets;
  • determination of tasks for the modernization of manufactured products and the creation of new types of products;
  • determining the composition of target quality programs, etc.

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