When is the best time to buy winter clothes? Seasonal factor in trade: how to effectively sell seasonal goods. Pay attention to the collar

Our whole life consists of shopping. Almost every day we spend money buying everything we need. Therefore, we are often visited by thoughts, is it possible to spend finances in such a way that, if they do not increase, they are at least protected from failures. One of the most favorite activities for the vast majority of the fair sex is shopping. It allows you to cheer up, gain self-confidence and acquire many new, useful things. This is a very exciting and entertaining process, during which the girls get not only the things they like, but also great pleasure.

Competent shopping is a very complicated matter, requiring a lot of experience and careful preparation. Everything is important here, from choosing a place of sale to determining the optimal day according to the lunar calendar. It has been scientifically proven that the lunar phases greatly affect human life and the changes that occur in nature. The moon also has its effect on us during shopping. In this article, we will tell you in detail when it is possible to make purchases according to the 2018 lunar calendar, and when it is better to refrain from them. This article will publish a lunar schedule of possible purchases for each month, so that it is convenient for you to plan the most important of the acquisitions. See general on our website.

Lunar shopping calendar 2018 according to the signs of the zodiac

  1. Aries is a calm and balanced sign, but if something bothers you, it is better to postpone the purchase or think it over carefully.
  2. Taurus - purchases will end successfully.
  3. Gemini is a sign of fortune and contradictions, you can both hit the jackpot and fail fatally. Be vigilant and extremely cautious in your decisions.
  4. Cancer - this sign loves to shop, and even just wandering around the shops will be good, yes you will get something.
  5. Leo is an auspicious sign for shopping.
  6. Virgo - pragmatism and balance will prevail at this time over the decision on any acquisition.
  7. Scorpio is a controversial sign. At this time, people are constantly hesitating and torn between several goods. You can make a decision, but such a shopping trip will add a lot of stress.
  8. Libra - everything within the framework is beneficial or unprofitable, good or bad, like or dislike. You can make a buying decision quickly, because the vectors are set up correctly at this time.
  9. Sagittarius is a good and very positive sign, welcoming change and patronizing purchases of any kind.
  10. Capricorn will think for a long time before spending the money he has earned, but the ending will be positive for the owner of the purchase.
  11. Aquarius is a great time to shop.
  12. Pisces - moving upstream and downstream, such days will be a busy period for making the right purchase decision.

The influence of the phase of the moon on purchases according to the lunar calendar for 2018

  • New moon. The moon is not visible in the sky during this period, but its influence on the processes is sharply negative.
  • First phase of the moon. The satellite looks like a thin sickle. This period is considered very successful for starting any business, so it's time to start looking after the acquisition.
  • Second phase. At this time, we can see only half of the planet in the sky. This period is not the most favorable for making large purchases.
  • Full moon. The moon is fully visible in this phase. During such periods Negative influence the satellite is the strongest, so it is highly recommended not to plan even small acquisitions, so as not to be disappointed.
  • The third phase is a gradual decline in the visibility of the satellite from the Earth. Such a time is still characterized by a large number of failures in all spheres of life, so it is recommended to adjust your plans and not make global purchase decisions unnecessarily.
  • The waning stage of the Moon is not the best period for buying and selling in general.
    The seventh stage - when the visibility of the satellite is limited in such a way that only part of the back side is visible to a person
  • Moon in the form of a sickle. This is a neutral period for shopping and shopping.
  • Old Moon. The control of emotions weakens precisely in this phase of the influence of the satellite, so buying anything global is also not recommended.

Lunar shopping calendar for April 2018

These days you can visit any shopping establishments, but shopping must be approached with great care. The moon in the second month of spring will be under the zodiac signs that affect our emotional state. Thus, in April, astrologers recommend visiting sales points only on days recommended for shopping.

  • Auspicious days for shopping - 8, 9, 14, 15, 16, 18, 20, 22, 27, 28.
  • Not auspicious days for purchases - 1, 2, 3, 10, 11, 12, 13, 21, 23, 29, 30.
  • Neutral days for shopping - 4, 5, 6, 7, 14, 17, 19, 24, 25, 26.

On April 1, do not make purchases that you are not sure about. Astrologers advise postponing shopping for another favorable day, for example, April 3, 7, 8, 9, 12, 15, 29.

2, 4, 5, 6, 10, 13, 18, 19, 23, 24, 27 April, completely refrain from hiking in shopping centers. The moon will be so aggressive that it can negatively affect your mood. And any purchases made in a bad mood will not serve you for a long time and will quickly deteriorate.

On April 11, 17, 20, 22, 28, 30, you need to be extremely careful and not fall for the tricks of experienced sellers who will offer you to purchase goods that you have not planned. On this day, you can only buy what is written on your list.

  • Nails
  • stationery
  • Animal feed

On April 21, spend money on buying tickets to the cinema or visit a museum, an exhibition - an event that is dedicated to intellectual development and growth.

On April 25, 2018, you can make an important purchase - a car, a summer house, a house. The main thing is that all family members take part in the buying process.

Astrologers do a lot of research and therefore they are sure that the Moon is able to change the life of people on Earth. But we can manage this process if we listen to the advice of the lunar table.

Lunar calendar of purchases and acquisitions for April 2018 - table:

Lunar shopping calendar for May 2018

At this time, most astrologers recommend to refrain from unnecessary acquisitions and be wary of their emotional impulses. May 2018 will be the turning point when the intense energy of the night star will be multiplied by the influence of the zodiac constellations, under the influence of which the Moon will be.

  • Favorable days for shopping - 1, 2, 10, 11, 15, 19, 20, 25, 27, 28.
  • Unfavorable days for shopping - 3, 4, 5, 7, 14, 16, 17, 18, 24, 26, 29.
  • Neutral days for shopping -6, 8, 9, 12, 13, 21, 22, 23, 30.

May will start with the most unfavorable day for shopping. By the way, there will be many such days in May 2018 - 4th, 5th, 9th, 12th, 15th, 16th, 19th, 22nd, 24th and 31st.

On May 2, 7, 8, 14, 29, you can make any purchases, but it is important to be in high spirits, as all purchased items will be charged with our energy, and will be beneficial only in this case.

On May 3, visit a stylist, choose for yourself new wardrobe, but do not buy any of the clothes and shoes on this day.

May 6 is a great day to conclude a deal for the sale of real estate or the purchase of expensive equipment:

  • TV
  • Refrigerator
  • washing machine

On May 10, you can safely go to the market or to the store to purchase everything planned. It is important on this day not to succumb to whims, so as not to waste your entire budget.

May 11, 2018 will be the day when you can walk into the store, choose what you like and buy it right away. Such spontaneous purchases should charge you with positive emotions.

On May 13, 17, 18, 21, 23, 26, 27, astrologers allow us to make small purchases, without which we either cannot do in everyday life, or they help us develop spiritually. And on May 20, 28 and 30, you can buy something more significant, but on the condition that you are sure of the quality of the desired purchase.

Everyone dreams of winning the lottery. But experts in astrology say that you will get the prize if you buy a lottery ticket on an auspicious day on the moon. As they say, and that's when all the stars converge, you can win.

Lunar calendar of purchases and acquisitions for May 2018 - table:

Lunar shopping calendar for June 2018

This month, each person can safely go to the store, where a lot of amazing goods and services will be waiting for him. During this period, the Moon will renew its cycle, and its new phases will certainly bring success to all who plan to make significant acquisitions. In June, astrologers recommend boldly buying whatever you like, because this month promises to be one of the most successful of the year.

  • Auspicious days for shopping - 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 15, 17, 18, 20, 22, 23, 24, 26, 28, 29.
  • Unfavorable days for shopping - 6, 14, 19, 30.
  • Neutral days for shopping - 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 21, 25, 27.

June 1, 2018 - refers to the list of good days for shopping in the first summer month. This also includes the following dates: 5, 6, 7, 13, 26, 27 and 30 June.

On June 2, 3, 9, 10, 12, 15, 18, 20, 21, 24, 28, it is recommended to carefully approach shopping - buy only the best and highest quality, otherwise shopping will bring you nothing but disappointment and no pleasure.

On June 4, 8, 11, 14, 17, 22, 29, astrologers do not even advise buying food. The Moon will be under the influence of the wasteful Mercury, because of which we can spend money irrationally.

On June 16, you can buy food and personal care products. You should not try to conclude important transactions for the purchase of real estate or a car, because they may not take place.

On June 19 and 25, spend money on buying things that will encourage you to be creative or intellectual. Buy an encyclopedia or monograph by an eminent scientist in a field you are passionate about.

Spend June 23 with your family. Buy your children and relatives what they have long dreamed of, order a photo session so that you remember this day for a long time.

It is worth noting that it is not so much the Moon itself that influences, but its phases. It is especially undesirable to carry out financial transactions on the days of lunar eclipses. This year there are several of them, and all of them are noted separately. For example, the lunar eclipse was in January and will be in the next month.

Lunar calendar of purchases and acquisitions for June 2018 - table:

Lunar shopping calendar for july 2018

The middle of summer is always associated with a pleasant stay, new experiences and exciting walks through the places of trade in all kinds of goods. But judging by the lunar calendar, in July 2018 you should be very careful with shopping. All transactions entered into during this period may become onerous and fall short of the expectations placed on them.

  • Auspicious days for shopping - 3, 5, 6, 8, 10, 14, 15, 18, 19, 20, 21, 26, 29, 30.
  • Unfavorable days for shopping - 1, 2, 9, 17, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28.
  • Neutral days for shopping - 4, 7, 11, 12, 13, 16, 27.

If you decide to buy something on July 1, 2018, then you should know that it is only allowed to buy glass household items:

  • Mirrors
  • crockery
  • Exactly the same day will be July 31st.

July 2, 7, 10, 13, 14, 17, 22, 29 is generally better not to visit outlets and do not even try to purchase anything through online stores.

July 3 and 4 are a great day to purchase modern sports equipment or uniforms online. The likelihood that you will be able to buy good thing at a bargain price, very high.

On July 5, the Moon will be favorable if you decide to purchase a new car. The sale and purchase transaction will pass quickly, and the new vehicle will last you a long time.

July 6, 12, 26, 27, 30 - the time when you can buy in stores everything that catches your eye. You can not limit yourself in any of your desires and not worry about spending money. The purchases made on this day will be very successful, and you will never regret purchasing them.

On July 8, 9, 11, 15, 16, 18, 19, 21, 24, 25, 28, shopping may be limited. Make a list of everything you need to buy and follow it clearly without succumbing to temptations.

July 23 is the day when you need to completely update the children's wardrobe. If you buy children, in addition to clothes, some other toys or gadgets, this will improve your relationship.

July 27 - the second lunar eclipse. On this day, it is better not to plan financial transactions and purchases. Devote it to rest and relaxation. Go to the sea or go for a walk. You can meet with relatives or friends.

Lunar calendar of purchases and acquisitions for July 2018 - table:

Lunar shopping calendar for august 2018

Ending summer period has always been considered a sale time. These days, store shelves are overflowing with goods, discounts on which reach unimaginable sizes. Therefore, in August, you can safely go to shopping centers "breaking bad", especially since our night luminary will contribute to this in every possible way.

  • Auspicious days for shopping - 2, 5, 6, 7, 9, 14, 15, 17, 22, 29, 30.
  • Unfavorable days for shopping - 1, 3, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 23, 25.
  • Neutral days for shopping - 4, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21 24, 26, 27, 28.

The first day of August 2018 will begin with a ban on all acquisitions. You should not buy anything on August 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 20, 27, 30.

Some household items and products in limited quantities, astrologers are allowed to purchase on August 2, 7, 8, 10, 13, 14, 16, 19, 22, 24, 26, 29 and 31 August.

On August 3, you can safely buy an apartment or a house. At the same time, you can pay for this property not only in cash, but also with a credit card.

August 4, 5, 11, 25, 28 are summer days when you can afford to buy absolutely everything and at the same time be sure that your purchases will not ruin you and bring you a lot of pleasure.

On August 17, visit a paid exhibition or a tour of prominent places in your city or region. Astrologers recommend spending money on this day to buy new books, musical instruments.

On August 21, buy a gift for your loved one. Let it be exactly the thing that he has long dreamed of. And on August 23, buy some spiritual thing for your home. It can be an altar or a beautiful icon.

Plan your affairs and purchases in advance, taking into account the lunar table. This will help plan a trip to the notary to complete the transaction or to the store to make purchases.

Lunar calendar of purchases and acquisitions for August 2018 - table:

Lunar shopping calendar for september 2018

The beginning of autumn for most of our population is always accompanied by both planned and impulse spending. This is the time when classes begin in schools, and working people return to their jobs after long holidays. According to the astrological forecast, September will be a very changeable period for shopping lovers. At its beginning, it is better to refrain from expensive acquisitions, but towards the end of the month, you can completely forget about the restrictions.

  • Auspicious days for shopping - 5, 7, 12, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 27, 29, 30.
  • Unfavorable days for shopping - 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 11, 13, 14, 15, 28.
  • Neutral days for shopping - 6, 9, 10, 16, 17, 18, 19, 24, 26.

September 1, 2, 9, 23, 26, 2018 is a great time according to the lunar calendar, when you can give free rein to desires and purchase many useful things for yourself and your loved ones. What can not be said about September 3, 7, 10, 13, 18, 25, 28, when even going to shopping centers should be avoided.

On September 4, 5, 11, 14, 16, 20, 22, 24, 27 September, astrologers advise planning purchases, and everything that was not included in the plans should be avoided so as not to succumb to temptation.

September 6, 12 and 29 are the time to make such banal purchases as personal care products, perfumes and cosmetics. It is better not to buy shoes and clothes these days.

  • Detergents
  • Anti-mosquito

And on the 15th and 21st, take care of updating the office. Buy:

  • Notebooks
  • Notepads
  • Pens with pencils
  • Drawing tools
  • DIY decor and so on

On September 17, you can visit an antique store to buy some expensive item to decorate the interior. It is also recommended to buy jewelry on this day.

September 19 worth buying expensive thing for parents. Astrologers say that the gift you bought on this day for your loved ones is the key to your success in the future.

September 30, according to the 2018 lunar calendar, is a good day to buy a car or real estate.

Biorhythms of the Moon exist, and they affect the Earth and people. Therefore, we must listen to them and reckon with the advice of astrologers.

Lunar calendar of purchases and acquisitions for September 2018 - table:

Lunar shopping calendar for October 2018

Mid-autumn is the best time to completely update your wardrobe. On such days, you want to go shopping, explore new collections, and, of course, visit attractive sales. Astrologers advise in October to be very careful about the emotional component of purchases, because if you get carried away with great deals, you can spend a lot more. financial resources than you can afford.

  • Auspicious days for shopping - 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 16, 22, 23, 25, 27.
  • Unfavorable days for shopping - 1, 3, 14, 15, 17, 18, 21, 28, 29, 30.
  • Neutral days for shopping - 6, 8, 12, 19, 20, 24, 26.

The first day of October 2018 will be a good time to do your favorite shopping. You can buy clothes, shoes, jewelry, electronic gadgets, real estate and other expensive things without limiting yourself in anything. The same is allowed to be purchased on October 8, 15, 22, 25, 30.

On October 2, 6, 9, 11, 12, 17, 24, 27 any purchases are prohibited. If you do not want to risk your money, then it is better to listen to the advice of astrologers.

On October 3, 4, 5, 7, 10, 13, 14, 19, 20, 21, 23, 26, 28 and 31, it is allowed to make planned purchases that will be useful to you in everyday life. A list of everything you need to write down on paper in order to know exactly what is needed and what is not.

On October 16 and 29, plan to buy a house, cottage or land plot if you were going to buy them. better days in October 2018 for these purposes simply cannot be found. And on October 18, pay attention to the purchases that your loved ones need. Get something worthwhile for them and give as a gift.

The lunar table is a great helper for those people who are confident in the influence of the moon on human biorhythms. Prepare with her help for upcoming transactions and purchases so that everything goes well.

Lunar calendar of purchases and acquisitions for October 2018 - table:

Lunar shopping calendar for november 2018

The end of autumn always makes you think about the coming winter. The need for a warm hat, mittens, boots and, of course, a fur coat begins to be acutely felt. According to the lunar calendar for 2018, last month autumn will be a great time for everyone to get new things in anticipation of the snow season.

  • Favorable days for shopping - 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 17, 20, 21, 22, 23, 28, 29.
  • Unfavorable days for shopping - 1, 2, 18, 19, 24, 25, 26, 27.30.
  • Neutral days for shopping - 7, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16.

Start November 2018 with the purchases you've been planning for a long time. To do this, you will have 3 days - November 1, 2 and 3. Then the time for this in November must be allocated on the 5th, 9th, 10th, 12th, 14th, 15th, 18th, 22nd, 25th.

On November 4th, 7th, 8th, 11th, 16th, 23rd, 26th and 30th, astrologers advise us to avoid shopping malls and buy some things or food.

The most favorable days for all types of purchases in November 2018 are the 6th, 17th, 20th, 21st, 24th, 29th.

On November 27 and 28, you can conclude an excellent deal for the sale of property. Even if you make a purchase on credit, you will have a great chance of winning the most favorable conditions for yourself.

All people buy something: some buy real estate, while others update the furniture in the apartment. Often purchased clothes, shoes. You always want any spending of money to be successful, and not wasted: clothes should be worn with joy, appliances should work well, furniture should last a long time, and it should be pleasant to live in a new apartment or house. To make it all really true, listen to the advice of the lunar table.

Lunar calendar of purchases and acquisitions for November 2018 - table:

Lunar shopping calendar for december 2018

The first month of winter for many of us is associated with pleasant pre-holiday chores. Celebrations are approaching, and we are all trying to get gifts for relatives and friends as soon as possible. Astrologers assure that during this period you can not limit yourself to shopping, because in December the stars themselves will help shoppers in choosing nice presents at affordable prices.

  • Auspicious days for shopping - 1, 2, 4, 6, 12, 13, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31.
  • Unfavorable days for shopping - 3, 5, 8, 11, 15, 16, 17.
  • Neutral days for shopping - 7, 9, 10, 14, 18, 19, 26.

According to the 2018 lunar calendar, December 1, 4, 7, 8, 11, 16, 23, 26 and 31 is the worst time for any acquisitions. If you do buy something, don't be surprised if your purchases go bad soon.

On December 2, 3, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 18, 19, 20, 22, shopping is allowed, but it is recommended to buy only what you are sure of, or what you have been planning for a long time.

On December 5, 13, 25, you can buy any inexpensive items, some small household items or stationery.

  • home appliances
  • Automobile
  • Land plot
  • Jewelry
  • There are not so many days in December when you can make any purchases without any restrictions. These include 6, 17, 21, 24, 29, 30 December.

December is the time for big New Year's Eve spending. People want to update the interior or make repairs. Someone buys a new car or apartment. All this is fine, but you need to take into account the influence of the phases of the moon on financial transactions. Choose favorable days and let your shopping be successful.

Lunar calendar of purchases and acquisitions for December 2018 - table:

In a favorable period, the Moon generously distributes its energy to the Earth. Therefore, on such days, transactions are successful and people are in a good mood. Astrologers know all this, and also live according to the lunar calendar. Plan your business in good days by the moon.

As you know, time is money. And what is the right time to buy a certain product, topics . Of course, the simplest rule is to buy goods "out of season", that is, when demand for it lags far behind supply. But if in the case of a fur hat it’s easy to guess when the discounts will start, then it’s not so easy to figure out when to catch the best deals on sofas or cars.


Now is the time to buy a bike. The best months, experts say, are September and October. As VeloStrana told, discounts on bicycles start around the end of August and last until the end of the year. But it is worth remembering: the longer you wait, the smaller the range becomes, so in December you may not find the right model.


According to General Director of the agency "AUTOSTAT" Sergey Tselikov, demand peaks in spring and autumn. If you want to save money, you can try to catch a favorable offer from dealers from about February to May for a car of the last year of manufacture. At this time, you can get a discount of about 5-10%, says Tselikov. “But this does not apply to the most popular models, there may be a queue for two or three months,” the expert warns.

Real estate

Real estate best to buy at summer holidays and New Year holidays. It is at this time that there is a decline in activity. According to CEO AN DOKI Sergey Shevchenko, sales peaks fall in April and December. “The real estate market is subject to the power of emotions almost more than the arguments of reason. According to statistics, in the United States they buy housing once every 5-7 years, in Europe - once every 7-9 years, in Russia - less than once every 20 years. And even though such an acquisition is extremely rare, buyers do not make such purchases during the summer holidays and New Year holidays, and then seasonal declines in activity set in.”

Heaters and air conditioners

Since September, not the most prudent Russians, as usual, reached out to stores for radiators and fan heaters. Every year, sellers celebrate the peak of sales of such equipment before the start of the heating season. After that, our compatriots can go en masse for heaters in January-February, when the most severe colds come. And with the onset of the calendar summer and hot weather, it is steadily growing. On average, in the summer months it increases up to 15 times compared to ordinary months. It is unlikely that the time of excitement will be ideal for a deliberate purchase. The sellers themselves admit - heaters are more profitable to buy in summer, and air conditioners - in winter.

Digital technology

On digital technology prices change quite often. Due to the rapid renewal of manufacturers' lines, sellers often have to reduce product prices. " For example, the cost of a laptop can decrease by 20-25% during the year, and a smartphone by 15%.. Therefore, it is more profitable to buy a new product not immediately after it appears on sale, but after some time, ”M.Video notes. TO computers, consumer market researchers say, it is more profitable to buy in the summer.


It is better to buy it in winter, spring or early summer. Autumn is a period of upsurge in the furniture market, associated with the completion of repairs in apartments, says director of marketing agency MA FDFgroup Sergey Gnedkov. Because of this, furniture prices are slightly higher in autumn.


At the end of summer - beginning of autumn, at the end of the holiday period, prices fall on inexpensive cameras. Expensive photographic equipment, which costs tens of thousands of rubles, loses its price in six months - a year, like new phone models.


Buy them should be at the end of winter, spring and summer. TV sales peak in autumn - early winter.

Subscription to the fitness center

A subscription to a sports club is most profitable to purchase in the summer when the long-awaited warm days completely remove the desire to go to the gym from the thoughts of most Russians. Also, the holiday season is starting. Treadmills and aerobics halls are empty, and fitness centers are taken to collect customers with great deals. In "Planet Fitness" they say that a profitable offer can appear, in principle, at any time, but in June - July, of course, the discounts will be the most impressive.


large household appliances(refrigerators, washing machines, stoves) it is more correct to buy in winter, after the New Year, MA FDFgroup notes. In summer, CBT is actively bought for summer cottages, and at the end of summer - for renovated apartments.

“For many groups, stagnation in new year holidays and summer, he says Director of the consulting group "Rezalt" Alexey Raspopin. - It is also important to understand that some companies have their own, which do not depend on the season. For example, every two weeks a new collection arrives - the rest is drained.

When is the best time to buy winter clothes? Discounts come when cold temperatures come.

Every year, cooler temperatures seem to come out of nowhere. And every year, inevitably, there are people who can't remember where they put their winter coat, or forgot to buy their kids new boots that will fit. While these people may feel stupid for a few days, they are not really stupid at all. Chances are they'll save a lot of money buying winter clothes because they've been waiting for it to get cold outside.

Be patient, and you can get a good discount if you wanted to buy a down jacket, for example, but decided to wait a bit. You might be a little cold before then - or stuck in last year's fashion - but trust us, you'll feel warm when you see the receipts and realize how much you've saved.

Here are the best times of the year to shop for winter clothes:

  • Go shopping in December
    If you can wait until late November or early December, you're in luck. The supply of spring clothes will start arriving in February, so that is when all the merchants will start clearing out old inventory to make room for trading floors for new arrivals. The best day of the month is December 26, which is also the most popular shopping day of the year because retailers cut prices on any excess Christmas inventory. The choice will be more limited the further you are from that date.
  • Wait until January or February.
    What's left of leftover winter clothing will be offered at a drastically reduced rate in early February, if not late January. February - best time to buy a winter coat. Logics? Well, there should be room in stores for jackets that are more suitable for the slightly warmer temperatures that are just around the corner. And since by this time most consumers have already purchased everything. By being patient, you will get the best deal, but you won't have as much choice. If you're the picky type, you may not find the deal you've been dreaming of, but if you can still pick one, you might end up with a miracle deal.
  • Shop When Stores Are Not Busy
    Usually the best day of the week to shop is thursday, especially in the evening if you can get a kick-off sale on the weekend when the sellers markdown (depending on the type of store). But it's also a good time, because the shops can be relatively deserted compared to late Saturday mornings, and you can take your time trying on coats and checking yourself out in the mirror. You can't save money by buying a coat or scarf that you bought on impulse, under pressure from the crowd, and that you never wear again. Whenever you can, take some time to decide if you're buying because you really want the item, not just because the price lured you.

When is the best time to buy a car, airline tickets, household appliances, TV, furniture, mattress, laptop? We offer you a guide to smart shopping and reasonable spending, which details what to buy and in which months of the year.


This is the best time to buy a computer and holiday items. Right after the holidays are over great amount people are in a hurry to return gifts given to them and for some reason not liked. CardCash.com, GiftCards.com, and even eBay are selling off returned items at discounted prices after Christmas.

Wrapping paper and ribbons

In the weeks after the busy Christmas and New Year shopping season, stores are selling off leftover wrapping paper and colorful ribbons at lower prices. Buy them now and save until next year, since such products do not have a shelf life.

Bed sheets

In January, as a rule, there are big discounts on sheets, towels and blankets. The first such action took place in 1878, when a "White Sale" was held in a Philadelphia department store.

Computers and laptops

Starting in January, keep an eye on PC prices. Many companies offer discounts on older models as they prepare for the upcoming release of the latest systems.


The shortest month of the year is the best time to buy furniture, washing machine and dryers, wedding items.


This is the perfect time to start planning your summer wedding. You will have access to preferential prices for renting restaurants and cafes, meals and photography.

Air conditioner

During the winter months, many stores offer devices at low prices, but finding them is not so easy.


The new collections will hit showrooms in February, so furniture from old collections can be bought much cheaper as stores seek to "get rid" of them and free up more space.

Washer and dryer

In this case, the same rules apply. Appliance stores are selling off old models to make room for more modern appliances.


The best time to buy a suitcase and a digital camera.

Frozen food

March is frozen food month. At this time, a large-scale marketing campaign, which encourages stores to offer discounts and coupons throughout the month.

Bags and suitcases

Spring and summer are the time of mass vacations. Retail chains offer a wide range of suitcases and travel bags. You can find new and exclusive models in a single copy or products from past collections with pleasant discounts.

Digital camera

Consumer Reports monthly advises to buy digital camera in March-April.


April is the best time to buy vacuum cleaners, winter clothes.


Plan your vacation in April. Early booking allows you to buy tours at a lower (premier) price. And at this time, the largest selection of hotels and destinations.

Vacuum cleaners

Most new models are released in June, so Retail Stores trying to sell old vacuum cleaners faster. This is the perfect time to make a purchase and save a lot of money.


In anticipation of the fishing season, the choice of boats is huge and there are attractive discounts.

Winter clothes

As soon as new spring collections hit stores, prices for winter clothes drop noticeably. It happens that stores completely remove it from the shelves, leaving it until next year. However, most often the old collection is sold at a discount of 50-90%.


This month is the best time to buy equipment and a gym membership.

Clothing and footwear

May is the perfect month to shop for demi-season clothing. At this time, a new summer collection is on the way, and the old stores are “get rid of” with great pleasure and discounts.

Gym membership

Summer is a dead season for gyms, so the administration of fitness clubs and gyms begins to actively "lure" customers. Don't miss the opportunity to purchase a yoga or gymnastics pass at half price.

Cookware and small appliances

Kitchen utensils are the most common type of gift for weddings and holidays, so shops quite often arrange sales in anticipation of the season.


You need to buy such equipment in the spring! Prices for last year's models will be reduced to free up the showroom.


The best time to buy a laptop, plane and train tickets, linen is June.


Stores such as Victoria's Secret and Bare Necessities are selling off all stock leftovers this month.


Sales of laptops for schoolchildren and students actually begin in June. Quite often, stores offer computers complete with a printer or a gift card.

Tickets and last minute deals

In June, it is not too late to plan your Christmas holidays and book tickets, there are often discounts and special offers at this time. Don't forget about summer holidays, the season of last-minute tours is coming.


The best time to buy jewelry and picnic items.

Summer clothes

Prices for sundresses, t-shirts, shorts, etc. in the middle of the season begin to decline markedly.

Picnic items

As soon as the summer has passed the middle, shops reduce prices for themed goods: baskets, skewers, barbecues, tents and tents, swings, etc.


Summer is not rich in holidays, March 8 has already passed, and Mother's Day and the New Year are still very far away. There is a lull in jewelry stores, so they offer more low prices to lure customers.


August is the best time to buy stationery, grills.


When you go to the store, you will find many advantageous offers, especially on outdoor grills, because the season of mass outdoor recreation is already coming to an end.


Retailers offer discounts on backpacks, laptops and other school supplies.


As a rule, by this time most of the collection has already been sold, and the rest are sold at big discounts. Perhaps your size will remain one of the last in the store.


The first month of autumn is the best time to buy a car and patio or garden furniture.

Patio furniture and garden furniture

Large stores need to make room for Christmas items, and this is pushing them to sell seasonal items at deep discounts.


Car dealers satisfied profitable promotions, in order to sell cars of the current year of manufacture, because the New Year is just around the corner.


In September, many companies hold a sale of goods.


The best time to buy garden tools and jeans.


Jeans left over from the last collection are on sale at a big discount for a short period of time before the pre-holiday shopping begins.

Home & Garden Products

In October, the biggest discounts on lawn mowers, garden tools and camping supplies.


It's the best time to choose gifts.

Black Friday and Cyber ​​Monday

They can last all week, and this is a great opportunity to buy not only clothes and shoes, but also an inexpensive TV, household appliances, a computer and a smartphone.

Sweets and candies

If you are a big fan of sweets, then plan your purchases for November, this month there is a price lull before the New Year.


It is also better to buy them in November - this is a good time to choose Christmas gifts.


The best time to buy champagne, sports equipment.


The approaching holidays and competition between sparkling wine producers significantly reduce prices.

Sports equipment

Closer to the middle of winter, sales of sports equipment and equipment at attractive prices begin.

Wedding Dress

Winter is not the most popular time of the year for a wedding. At this time, the salons are empty and ready to fight for each client, offering very good discounts not only on dresses and suits, but also on accessories.

If you want to get a great price on a new winter coat or wardrobe, the best time to buy is... December and beyond.

Spring fashions start hitting stores in February, so there's pressure to clear out any leftover winter inventory like coats, sweaters, pajamas, and shoes. This means big discounts for smart shoppers. The later in the season you buy, the better the deals will be.

Clearance sales before annual stocks

You can also save money on shopping for winter clothing just before stores do their annual inventory.

Most retailers do inventory in the first quarter of the year to record any losses and make sure the business is on track to where it is.

If you've ever walked into a store and seen the flashy labels hanging on every shelf, that's a sign that inventory is happening.

Before this annual event (which retailers are familiar with), stores try to eliminate as much inventory as possible. If it's not in the store, they shouldn't be counting it!

To reduce inventory, they put most of their seasonal clothing on the cleaning racks. As any merchant knows, clearance is where it is! The inventory also reveals any clothing deals that have been hidden in the back pantry (sometimes for months or years).

Disadvantages of waiting too long in the store

While you can find amazing winter clothing deals while waiting, there are a few downsides.

  • Items may be for sale. If you have your eyes on this leather jacket and are waiting for the price to drop, just know that it might not be there when you come back for it. This is the risk you take when you shop. Write down the position number and you can access the compliance check elsewhere.
  • It may not be available in your size. If you wear a general size garment, they may sell out in your size long before they mark everything. This adorable cashmere sweater can be 70% smaller, but it won't do you any good if it's too small!
  • Get ready to look for deals. Store sales racks filled with bulky winter clothing are not a quick process. To find best deals on clothes that really fit, be prepared to spend some time combing through the racks.
  • Growing children can be a problem. Adults grow up, so shopping for your own clothes at the end of the season is not a big problem. You can just wear it next fall. Children are a different story because they are constantly growing. Buying a winter coat for your 7 year old this year and hoping it will fit next year is a gamble. For children's coats, sweaters, and shirts, you can try to anticipate what size they'll need in the fall. However, pants require a more precise fit, and you can save more money by purchasing them when needed.

See also:

  • The best time to buy running shoes
  • The best time to buy everything
  • Buy discount Gift card for your favorite store