Document flow in the sales department example. Documentation in trade. last three months


(name of the enterprise, organization, institution)

(head of an enterprise, organization, institution)



№ 00



Structural subdivision:

Sales department

Job title:

Sales Manager


  1. General provisions

This job description defines functional responsibilities, rights and responsibilities of the sales manager.

The sales manager belongs to the category of managers.

The sales manager is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position in the established current labor law order by order of the director of the enterprise on the proposal of the commercial director and in agreement with the head of the sales department.

Position relationships:


direct submission

head of sales department


Additional submission

commercial director


Gives orders

subordinate employees


The employee replaces

person appointed by the director of the enterprise


The employee replaces

  1. Sales Manager Qualifications:



Higher professional (economic)


At least 1 year, 3 years, 5 years of experience in retail


Laws and regulations legal documents regulating the implementation of entrepreneurial and commercial activities.

Market economy, entrepreneurship and business fundamentals.

Market conjuncture.

Assortment, classification, characteristics and purpose of goods.

Pricing methods, pricing strategy and tactics.

Fundamentals of marketing (the concept of marketing, the basics of marketing management, methods and directions of market research, ways to promote products on the market).

Patterns of market development and demand for goods.

The theory of management, macro- and microeconomics, business administration.

The procedure for developing business plans and commercial terms of agreements, agreements, contracts.

Psychology and principles of sales.

Technique to motivate customers to buy.

Ethics of business communication.

Rules for establishing business contacts.

Fundamentals of sociology, psychology and labor motivation.

Foreign language.

Enterprise management structure.

Information processing methods using modern technical means communication and connection, computer.


Additional requirements

management training

  1. Documents regulating the activities of a sales manager

3.1 External documents:

Legislative and regulatory acts relating to the work performed.

3.2 Internal documents:

Charter of the enterprise, Orders and orders of the director of the enterprise (commercial director, head of the sales department); Regulations on the sales department, Job description of the sales manager, Internal labor regulations.

  1. Job Responsibilities of a Sales Manager

Sales Manager:

4.1. Develops schemes, forms, methods and technologies for selling goods, promoting goods on the market.

4.2. Develops and organizes pre-sale activities to create conditions for the systematic sale of goods, satisfying customer demand for goods.

4.3. Controls the development and implementation of business plans and commercial terms of concluded agreements, agreements and contracts, assesses the degree of possible risk.

4.4. Studies the market of goods (analyzes demand and consumption, their motivation and fluctuations, forms of activity of competitors) and trends in its development, analyzes market opportunities.

4.5. Organizes the collection of information about the demand for goods, the reasons for its change (increase, decrease), analyzes the needs of buyers.

4.6. Identifies the most effective sectors of the goods sales market, develops a set of measures to use the opportunities of the goods market.

4.7. Develops and ensures the implementation of measures to organize and create a distribution network for goods (development and construction of channels for the movement of goods to consumers; building relationships with wholesale and retail trade enterprises, other intermediaries; development of dealer relations).

4.8. Identifies potential and prospective buyers of goods (wholesale and retail trade enterprises, other intermediaries, etc.) and establishes business contacts.

4.9. Conducts sales negotiations with buyers in the following areas: general information about goods and their properties; the introduction of criteria for evaluating goods that are significant for the sale; elimination of doubts about the unfavorable properties of goods; informing about the demand for goods and consumer feedback on goods; identification of potential needs of buyers; etc.

4.10. Takes part in pricing, works out the psychological aspects of price negotiations, determines ways to justify the price, determines the forms of settlement under contracts (settlements by letter of credit, settlements by checks, collection settlements, open account, bank transfers, commodity credit, payment orders, etc.), develops and applies discount schemes depending on various factors.

4.11. Organizes pre-contractual work (selection of the type of contracts: distribution, sale, etc.; determination of methods and forms of fulfillment of obligations, development of pre-contractual documentation, reconciliation of disagreements, analysis of buyers' documentation, etc.) and concludes contracts (purchase and sale, deliveries, etc.). ).

4.12. Manages the organization of work on the delivery or shipment of goods to buyers under concluded contracts.

4.13. Controls payment by buyers of goods under concluded contracts.

4.14. Organizes the collection of information from buyers on the requirements for the quality characteristics of goods (service life, rules of use, packaging, etc.), as well as requirements for after-sales service.

4.15. Analyzes the reasons for the buyers to send claims, reclamations under the concluded contracts.

4.16. Creates and ensures constant updating information bases about buyers (organizational legal forms, addresses, details, phone numbers, names of managers and leading specialists, financial condition, purchase volumes, sales volumes, timeliness and completeness of fulfillment of obligations, etc.).

4.17. Maintains contact with regular customers, renegotiates contracts with them.

4.18. Analyzes sales volumes and prepares reports on the results of the analysis for presentation to a higher official.

4.19. Organizes and manages events to form consumer demand for goods, stimulate sales, coordinates certain types advertising campaigns, ensures the participation of the enterprise in the presentations of goods, in ongoing fairs, exhibitions.

4.20. Takes part in solving the issues of forming and changing the directions of development of the product range.

4.21. Carries out the selection and training of sales personnel (sales representatives, sales consultants, merchandisers, sales agents, other employees), determines tasks for subordinate employees and monitors their implementation.

  1. Sales manager rights

The sales manager has the right to:

5.1. Independently determine the forms of selling goods and establishing business relationships with buyers.

5.2. Sign and endorse documents within their competence.

5.3. Get acquainted with the documents that define his rights and obligations in his position, criteria for assessing the quality of performance official duties.

5.4. Request personally or on behalf of the immediate supervisor from the heads of enterprise departments and specialists information and documents necessary for the performance of their duties.

5.5. Submit proposals for improvement of the work related to the responsibilities provided for in this instruction for consideration by the management.

5.6. Demand from management commercial enterprise ensuring organizational and technical conditions and execution of established documents necessary for the performance of official duties.

  1. Responsibility of the sales manager

Sales Manager is responsible:

6.1. For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties under this job description, - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of Ukraine.

6.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of Ukraine.

6.3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of Ukraine.

  1. Sales manager job
August 28, 2013 3:13 pm


Activities related to marketing and sales exist in any organizations operating within the framework of market economy. There are a lot of implementation options and approaches to documenting this activity.

In this article, we will try to understand what marketing and sales are from an IT point of view, and how they relate to document management. And we will immediately operate in terms of CRM and ECM systems, implying that the reader is generally familiar with their functional tasks.

What is marketing and sales

To begin with, let's agree on a clear separation of marketing and sales.

The definitions of the terms "marketing" and "sales" are more than enough. Many authorities, books and even publications on these issues offer their own definitions. However, in the circle of IT specialists, their understanding has developed, based primarily on the functionality of CRM systems, in which “marketing” and “sales” are two different modules with roughly understandable tasks. For convenience, we will use just such a "ITeshny" conceptual apparatus.

So, marketing- This:

● segmentation and targeting of customer lists;

● lead generation.

Sales is the organization of direct sales scenarios, which includes the management of opportunities, offers, orders, invoices, etc.

One of the most famous sales tools is sales funnel management.

The sales funnel (sales pipeline) is the organization of sales in the form of a business process, where a smaller number of potential customers go to each subsequent stage, and there are real customers at the exit.

Document management in marketing

Realization of marketing tasks is equally creative and scientific process. Both the first and the second create and consume huge volumes of documents, media content, require the organization of the interaction of a large number of people. These are all tasks for an ECM system - in fact, CRM says "how to do" marketing, and ECM says "what to do marketing with".

The marketing organization is usually cyclic and a convenient representation is the Deming Cycle (PDCA). Let's summarize the tasks solved by CRM and ECM into a common table:

Marketing stage




● Select audience

● Generate a list of tasks

● Form goals

● Assign responsible

● Provision of documents and other information to participants

● Preparation and coordination of content

● Interaction of participants

● Official correspondence with contractors

● Support for business processes outside the CRM loop (for example: negotiation of contracts, preparation memos etc.).


● Assign tasks to specific employees

● Capture interactions

● Capture responses

● Capture leads


● Evaluation of the effectiveness of the impact

● Evaluation of achievement of goals


● Audience Adjustment

● Rescheduling

Documentation in sales

In sales, there are several points of contact between ECM and CRM. First of all, sellers need documentation on the company's products and services, which should be easily accessible both for self-study and for providing potential clients. Documentation needs to be developed and maintained, which requires such functionality of ECM systems as versioning and collaboration with documents.

During the sales process, there is often a need for formal correspondence with the client. Official letter must be prepared in accordance with the approved template, agreed upon in accordance with the approved regulations, signed by an authorized person, registered and sent to the counterparty. All of these are functions of the ECM system.

When the client is ready to buy our product or use our services, it is required to prepare contractual documents. Depending on the complexity of the product or service, as well as the size of the transaction, the process can involve many different steps. For creating standard contracts good use ready-made templates which are also preliminarily developed and approved. For non-standard contracts, it may be necessary to send an application for the development of a contract to legal department. Document approval often includes several different departments, plus a counterparty. Like a letter, after signing the contract requires registration and sending. Some of these operations can be implemented in CRM, but not all, and, as a rule, this is not practical.

Don't forget about tenders. Working with them often requires a separate business process, work with a large number of documents, participation a large number departments and employees. It may well be necessary to organize meetings, which in turn includes the preparation and approval of the agenda, the execution of the protocol, and monitoring the implementation of decisions made.

The more complex the product or service, the more documents the seller has to deal with, the more people are involved in the process. The main system for the seller is CRM, and the tasks described above are the prerogative of ECM systems. The most obvious solution in this case is to enable the seller to work with ECM objects directly from the CRM interface: create and open documents, launch and participate in business processes. The work should be simple and transparent, where each system performs its task, and the user only uses the finished result.

Classification of sales types

The variety of types of sales in different businesses does not allow us to talk about them "as a whole", except at a very general level. To go deeper and understand where document management is most important, let's introduce a classification of sales types:

Retail sales : retail chains, catering, retail banks.

Wholesale: industrial enterprises, wholesale suppliers.

Individual sales: sale of complex technical products adapted to customer requirements, sale of services, sale of expensive real estate.

Specificity of retail sales

Documentary support for the sales process itself is limited in this case, but even here there is a huge scope for using ECM.

First of all, we are talking about electronic archives. For example, consider the work of a communication salon. Some documents that appear during the sale process:

1. Agreements with clients for connecting services.

2. Sales reports.

3. Z-reports when closing a shift.

4. Invoices for the acceptance of goods.

All these documents should be sent to the head office of the company for processing as soon as possible. A solution to the problem is to scan all documents with automatic sending to accounting centers. At the same time, the company gets the opportunity to speed up processing processes, immediately forms an archive of images and strengthens control over the delivery of original documents.

Wholesale specifics

In this case, ECM is used very widely. There is a need to participate in tenders, agree on non-standard contracts, official correspondence with clients - all these are the tasks of ECM systems.

The circulation of primary documents is also relevant: waybills, invoices, bills, etc. Images of documents must be placed in electronic archives, the existence of originals must be recorded and their storage managed. Even greater prospects in the processing of primary documents are opened by inter-corporate legally significant document circulation - after all, in the future, it is generally possible to abandon the circulation of paper primary documents and radically reduce the cost of its support.

Specificity of individual sales

Individual sales in general are difficult to formalize. Conventionally, to sell an aircraft or, for example, a bridge construction project, CRM technologies are significantly less significant than ECM technologies. After all, the main thing is not the form and method, but the essence and content of the sale.

In this kind of sales, for each transaction, a huge number of various documents are formed, dozens and hundreds of different approvals are passed. Committees are organized, meetings are held and decisions are made.

CRM is perfect for capturing interactions, planning work, and a 360 view of the client. But the whole essence of the sale will be in the ECM system.


As you can see, in every area that modern CRM systems cover, management is required. various types content. For effective work CRM users, the necessary content should be at their fingertips, regardless of the task they are currently performing. At the same time, it is critical that other employees of the company, ECM users who participate in the development, approval, accounting and other processes and functions necessary to create and maintain content up to date have access to it.

The solution in this case is quite obvious. It is necessary to allow the CRM system to access and fully use the content of the ECM system. In the same way as personal computers more suitable for content creation, and mobile devices for its consumption, ECMs provide a large set of tools for managing corporate information, while CRMs allow you to effectively use this information to attract customers and increase company revenue.

Let's remember how you started your business. Most likely, at first, you were engaged in the sale of your goods or services in the company on your own.

Since you were the founder and owner of the business, you needed money, then you were engaged in attracting customers on your own, and all the paperwork at the same time.

By the way, we had the same thing. I still laugh with laughter when I remember my first cold calls, which we made from a cafe, when we didn’t have an office yet.

And if you did everything right and clients appeared, then money appeared accordingly.

The volume of work increased and you could no longer sell on your own, you had to devote time to both marketing and managerial functions fulfill.

Naturally, sooner or later, everyone faced the question of creating a sales department.

And most likely you have made the sales department “like everyone else”. But has it become effective under such a scheme?

Soooo, now we will create

Let me tell you about the structure of the sales department and its functions. Let me show you how it looks like with an example organizational structure sales department in different businesses.

Why You Need It?

Sometimes a small gear is missing in a business to make it work much faster.

And perhaps the knowledge from this article, the schemes that I will show you, will just become such a gear. You will change the approach to marketing, workflow and management in general.

The most important part of the business

No, this is not accounting (although you definitely need to pay taxes! The question is simply in the amount;)) and not the document flow of the enterprise, and not even marketing.

The most important part in any business is this! There will be sales, the business will prosper and grow. Therefore, the question of organizing the structure of your sales department is always acute.

Please note that it is the sales department, and not the customer service department, as is often the case in large companies.

There are quite enough customers and sales managers work with existing ones, while occasionally closing new deals from incoming customers.

Well, at best, occasionally they do. That is, they are engaged in marketing, accounting, closing documents, but they are the last to deal with sales! And this is all with the sanctions of the leadership!

Oh my God!

In this article we will talk specifically about the organization of sales at your enterprise.

Types of structures

Let's deal with each sales department in turn, where we will consider its differences and main features:

1. Sales representative

Sales Representative

Preface. If suddenly you are not in the know, then ROP is. Oh, those professional terms!

What business is it suitable for?– Retail (corporate sales), network marketing, services, b2b.

There is a head of the company who himself performs the role of a manager and ROP, or he has a separate person in this position. He has several sales representatives under him.

A simple example. The enterprise of one of our clients, which is engaged in wholesale building materials in Siberia (4 branches).

Eat CEO, to which the ROP reports (in the main branch), and the ROP has from one to five sales representatives in its subordination.

As a rule, the division of sales representatives in such a scheme occurs either on a territorial basis or on an assortment range.

2. “Like everyone else”

Sales Manager

Preface. The position of “sales manager” does not only mean big business, such as wholesale companies.

This term also includes sellers. retail stores and, perhaps, company dispatchers who provide services and simply receive incoming calls.

For me, the position of a sales manager is comprehensive and it is automatically received by a person who is engaged in sales in the company 🙂

Why like everyone else? Yes, because we see a similar example of building sales departments all the time, because it is universal and suitable for any business.

A slight difference from the first one is that there are one or more sales managers / sellers / dispatchers who, for the most part, sit at their workplaces or occasionally go to meet with the client.

One more example. Our client, who sells special equipment in Russia (5 branches in the country).

There is a general director who is in charge of the main management, in each branch of the ROP and under it there are from one to ten sales managers who sell special equipment for tens and even hundreds of thousands of dollars without even leaving the office.

What business is it suitable for?– Retail (only if your sellers simply receive incoming calls), services, b2b and online stores (incoming calls).

3. Three-stage


Foreword: I must say right away that these names are not generally accepted. I wrote the names in a simple and understandable language.

But if the first 2 examples of managing the sales department are known and understandable to everyone, then this and the next are rare and for their construction in any.

For example, experienced consultants will charge a wholesale company from 500 thousand rubles (and we will not be an exception, since the work process is really very complicated).

I even anticipate your question: “What is Lead Generation, Lead Conversion, Account Management?”. I agree, anyone can throw smart terms, so I prepared what each of these mysterious people does.

  1. Lead Generation– generation through cold calls and active sales. In fact, searching and collecting a base of potential customers.
  2. Lead Conversion- those very familiar “salespeople” or sales managers who meet with the client and directly try to close him for a deal.
  3. Account Management- not very common, but extremely necessary people in company. After the contract is concluded and payment is made, they come. These are people who are already directly leading the client to the delivery of the project / receipt of the desired product.

What business is it suitable for?– Services, b2b (especially when selling expensive products or a long transaction cycle).

Example: Companies that sell CASCO / OSAGO. In the evening, students come to the office (or a call center is hired) and, using the prepared database, they call clients, selecting potentially interested ones.

Naturally, they do all this according to template sales scripts. Further, the list of potentially interested customers is transferred to sales managers.

Which are already making a deal, processing the client and all his objections and inviting them to the office, where the client is served by completely different people.

They consider insurance, conclude a contract and take money from the client, that is, they do not sell, but simply draw up. That's all so interesting and simple!

Any pluses?

At least one and very important, in the first 2 examples of sales departments you will always have one or two sales representatives or sales manager.

The so-called “stars”, who, having developed their own client base, contacts with suppliers and others, will immediately leave you in 2-3 years.

And they will not be afraid that there is no built-in system for attracting customers, for example, marketing (“there are customers who buy, I’ll just offer a lower price!”), The desire to stop “working for an uncle” will always win.

In the same model, turnover is not excluded, but “business withdrawal” is excluded, at least, because not generalists, but narrow niche specialists work for you.

Caller (the one who makes cold calls) is a great caller, but at the same time he does not know how to sell at a meeting, etc. I think you get the basic idea.

4. Four-stage

Four-stage structure

What business is it suitable for?– Services, b2b (especially for companies selling expensive products or a long transaction cycle).

What is the difference from 3-stage?
Another type of people is added, namely Lead Development. See who it is below 😉

Employee functions

Lead Development- these are people who, after you and the client have closed the deal and he has received his product / service, call him, remind him of himself, increase loyalty and try to make repeat sales.

Example. The most banal and understandable for everyone is business - car dealerships.

Where some call and make appointments, others hold meetings and make a deal, others lead the client during the warranty period, well, and repeat sales and receipt feedback others are doing.

Briefly about the main

It was logical to end this article with such advice, in the style of “Here are examples for you. Here are the pros and cons for you. Choose which structure of the sales department you like best!”.

But no, I’ll just add a couple of phrases on my own - a 3-position department, in my opinion, is ideal for complex businesses, well, or for very ambitious and focused ones.

With its damned complex implementation, it can be used to scale many times faster.

If you are just starting out, then you should choose the “Like everyone else” scheme, and when you see that it is time to increase efficiency, you will switch to a 3 or 4-step sales department.

But it's fair to say that no sales team will work effectively without the right tools to do so. For example, such as sales scripts.

Building a sales department from scratch is enough difficult process requiring certain knowledge and skills. How to effectively build and organize a sales department so that it gives maximum results from scratch - read this material.

How to organize gave away sales? Is it possible to build a sales department on your own?

First, let's look at the ideal sales force as it should be:

Ways to create a sales department:

1. Hire good sales people and sales will take care of themselves., because people know how to sell, and they themselves will create conditions for the development of sales.

2. Turn to professionals to build a full-fledged turnkey sales department. For example, to us 🙂
We have built more than a dozen sales departments, we know all the pitfalls, we can launch the department into full-fledged combat work in 2-3 months. But it would not be true to say that it is impossible to create a sales department on your own.

3. Start building a sales force yourself. There are people who can do it themselves. It is for those who decided to build a sales department on their own, and this text was written. If difficulties arise or you want to do everything the first time and efficiently, our proposal to create a turnkey department is valid.
The main thing to know is that there are two main approaches to such a process as organizing the work of a sales department. Here you can find out what their differences, disadvantages and advantages are. Now we will focus on the actions that need to be taken to create a full-fledged sales department.

Algorithm for building a sales department:

Step #1. Define Resources

First, we must determine the resources we have. First of all, this finance. For example, the cost of creating a sales department in Moscow from scratch will be:

One-time costs:

  • Organization of the manager's workplace (15,000 - 40,000 rubles)
  • CRM system per employee (3,000 - 30,000 rubles)
  • Virtual PBX and telephone equipment, with the ability to fix and record conversations per employee (2,000 - 5,000)

It is necessary to have a reserve of resources for at least 3 months. This is the period for which the seller reaches payback. Therefore, you need to have a supply for feeding him without taking into account his income.

Monthly costs:

  • Rent at the rate of 5 m 2 per employee (4,500 - 45,000 rubles)
  • Salary (35,000 - 60,000 rubles)
  • Phone (1500 - 6000 rubles)

So, the creation of a sales department with one specialist, according to rough estimates, in Moscow costs 143,000 - 380,000 rubles. These are only the direct costs associated with the work of a manager, and for a new business, the costs are an order of magnitude higher. Of course, you can expect managers to sell a lot of things in the first month, but based on experience, I would not do this. Let it be a pleasant surprise if they sell everything they can ;). Therefore, when planning your financial resources, you need to clearly understand the cost of organizing one sales specialist.

Temporary Resources. Building a sales department from scratch takes at least 4 working hours a day in the first or second month. At least 2 hours a day in the third month. If the owner / commercial director plans to create a sales department, then he must clearly allocate this time to debug the system. If it is difficult to allocate this time, then you need to hire a person who will build and organize this mechanism - the head of the sales department.

Human resources. It is necessary to understand how many managers the company can afford in terms of finances. And how many of them, when fulfilling sales plans, the company itself can digest. So that it does not happen that managers sell, and the company cannot produce goods or provide services.

Step number 2. Regulate sales processes

Usually this step is omitted. No, sales processes, of course, are formed in any case, but chaotically. The first specialist sells in one way, the second in another, one communicates with the purchasing department directly, the other through the first, the third generally believes that he knows about the capabilities of the purchasing department better than the purchases themselves. The areas of responsibility are not clear, it is impossible to bring this zoo into a single statistics. It is because of this that the idea appears that it is impossible to regulate the sales department. After some time, the processes themselves settle down, less successful sellers peep working schemes from more successful ones, and, in the end, a more or less unified algorithm is developed. But for this, a significant time must pass, and the processes will remain only more or less unified; when building a turnkey department, we do not allow this.

Therefore, in order to manage unified system, rather than disparate individuals, and it is required to first think over the basic documents of the sales department.

osnewregulations required for most sales departments:

  • Rules for attracting new customers;
  • the rule of preparation of commercial proposals;
  • rule of interaction with the purchasing department, technical unit, accounting and logistics;
  • customer support policy.

The sales department regulation is not a once-written and rigidly fixed document, it is a living description of real work. It must be constantly changing, because it is impossible to write it once and for all correctly. Until they start acting on it, it is generally difficult to imagine the effectiveness of its work, so it can only be a guideline. The regulation should not be more than 1 A4 page, ideally it should be a simple block diagram for half an A4 page. If it goes to the second page, then it will not work.

You can check the performance of the regulation in one simple way. Give it to three or four participants in the process to read, and then remove it, and allow these participants to speak it. If everyone has an understanding of teamwork and the boundaries of responsibility, then he is a worker, if there are rumors, he needs to be supplemented. The regulation should not contain large ramifications and hundreds of exceptions, it should work in 80% of cases, for the rest it should be possible for the members of the sales department to agree.

Step #3. Define HR policy

First of all, you need to draw up a portrait of a sales manager. There are many ways to do this, but, first of all, the most important issue needs to be resolved: the bet will be placed on young guys with burning eyes, or on pros who have worked in the industry and know the market, who just need to be given the tools and do not need to be trained.

Most owners and managers in the construction of the department tend to the second option. Which is understandable, because this does not require training, spending effort on developing a strategy and constantly wiping snot at the first stage. In addition, not everyone can teach, and a third-party guest coach is not always result-oriented. He comes in and does a cool, fun, driving training, and then he leaves. And the leader remains to independently perform the main work - organizing and translating knowledge about sales theory into a skill. Of course, we are the exception 🙂 We select employees who must show results, train them and provide further support until the sellers show a stable skill of effective sales. The second option can still be dangerous because any sales manager has a certain expiration date, and if you take an experienced professional, then you can run into a burned-out, moreover, highly paid one.

Now let's move on to the number of sales department. There is an approach that says that a sales team of less than 6 people is not a sales team. The approach is clear. We take 6 people, of which perhaps 1-2 will show real results and pay for the rest. I believe that you can start a sales department with 3 people. And this is only the beginning, then two more may remain. One should be in reserve, so to speak, reinsurance against the human factor. It is better to have at least two, so that there is a benchmark, competition and there is no dependence on one person. Although with a limited budget it can be 1 person, the risks are simply higher.

As for the creation of a sales department with 10 or more employees at once, I consider this to be completely inefficient. I'll explain why. If there is no department, then there is still no understanding of where to go, where the customers are, how to convince them. This understanding will slowly emerge. Of course, 10 people will be able to pass more roads, but all this time the budget will be spent on their maintenance and organization. Therefore, I am in favor of creating a sales department of 3-5 people, and then, after stuffing all the primary bumps, replicating successful practices.

Step #4. Define Management Tools

The key to a successful sales team is the control system. Control is needed even for the most successful managers, but should not be intrusive and justify itself. I am categorically against any reports filled out in order to show my work to the manager. Any reports should be generated automatically and contain only the information that the sales specialist will still enter for his convenience. Works great with this feature. CRM systems. The salesperson works with the client and does not generate reports for management. And online management can create any report in any context. You can learn more about automation of the sales department.

The motivation system is the heart of the management and organization of the sales department. It should move salespeople to accomplishment, but in no case should you think that hanging a big carrot, you did enough for the manager to strive for it. It is then that the system by which the sales department is built is successful, when the specialist needs to create conditions under which he will be able to reach it, performing the actions that he has been trained to do.

Field support of managers is what determines the level of sales (key) skills of specialists. Not how many trainings they've had, not how many books they've read, not how many objection handling techniques they know, not even how well they passed a product knowledge test. This is exactly how salespeople know how to use all this information in real sales. Therefore, if the decision is made to invite the coolest sales trainer, but at the same time the head of the department does not know how to organize field support, the training will not affect the level of sales in any way.

Step number 5. Go through everything yourself)

Good afternoon. With you, Ilya Lenkov, head of the design department of the Salecontent agency. Not so long ago, our subscribers received a questionnaire with which they were able to evaluate the performance of their sales department.

Based on the results, we realized that most of the audience does not even have small department sales. The solution was to create materials in which we will introduce you to the principles and tools of sales departments.

Today you will learn the basic documents of the sales department. Let's get started.

To start a sales department, you need to know two things: what format your department will have and who will build it. We will talk about this in the following articles. Follow our blog. By the way, right now we are building our own sales department, so we share our practical experience 😉

What basic documents of the sales department are necessary for its successful construction, development and scaling? Here they are:

  • department structure;
  • sales plans;
  • motivation system;
  • rules of work in CRM;
  • customer service regulations.

The structure of the sales department

The organizational structure of the sales department is built in the same way as the structure of the company as a whole. You must show the relationship between employees, their leader and place among other departments. From the point of view of graphic design, everything is clear. There remains the question of the functional structure, which may be different.

  • A classic sales department where managers work equally with new and existing clients.
  • Two-level sales department - at the first level, managers attract customers, with whom second-level specialists work.

  • The three-level sales department differs from the previous one in that three different departments are responsible for attracting customers, selling and further work. In the usual sense for our country, these are the departments of marketing, sales and work with regular customers.

There is also a five-step sales department, but I have not met it in practice. If you are familiar with this model, then share with us in the comments 😉

Sales plans

With sales plans, everything is more clear than with the structure. The fact is that you need to develop two types of plan - for the department and individual plan for the manager. Usually the plan for the department covers the final value: month, quarter, half year or year. The longer your planning period, the more likely it is to change your plan.

The sales plan is based on the existing performance indicators of the department. Let's say you sold 12 million rudders last year. After analyzing the volume of sales for each month and the situation in the market, you can create a plan for the future period.

If you're building a sales department in a new company that's in its first year, you usually don't have sales data. In this case, it makes sense to make a plan for a short period (for example, a quarter) and then build on the indicators obtained.

Motivation system

The motivation system consists of two large blocks - material and non-material motivation. As the names suggest, material motivation is directly related to money, while non-material motivation is not connected 🙂 We got a definition in the style of Captain Obvious.

IN material motivation includes salary, bonuses, bonuses, as well as fines and commissions. Learn more in the next article.

Non-material motivation includes a friendly team, paying for lunch at the expense of the company, a corporate library, and training. It is clear that such options should encourage your managers to work more efficiently.

Rules of work in CRM

I hope that you already have a CRM system for customer management. In order for CRM to be used 100%, a regulation is required - a document explaining the principle of working in the system and helping you or the head of the sales department to control managers.

Either you personally or your head of the sales department take part in the development of the regulation. The regulation should consist of the following parts:

  • Summary ( general rules and recommendations for working in CRM)
  • Placing an order/transaction
  • Client Instructions
  • Verification tests

In the previous article we wrote detailed instructions for development.

Regulations for working with clients

You must have documented regulations for working with new and regular customers. These regulations should include:

  • dedicated business processes;
  • clear instructions that answer the question "What to do?"
  • checklists for checking the sales department.

This minimum should be enough at the start. Of course, we did not consider document flow, hiring sales managers, control systems. This means that in further materials we will analyze each of the points in detail. See you soon.

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