What is the best and inexpensive crm. Paid and free crm systems: rating of the best. What do we have in the dry residue

In the process of business development, Internet entrepreneurs sooner or later face a serious problem: which CRM system to choose? This difficult choice is somewhat similar to finding a car - you are looking for a certain model, the right color and equipment, to achieve certain goals.

For example, to take children to school, you need a minivan, to travel - a crossover, to create an image - a presentable premium coupe. However, CRM is selected according to the same principle - depending on the goals pursued.

And to make it easier for you to decide, we have collected the best CRM systems for small businesses, as well as large and rapidly growing projects.

Popular CRM systems: overview of functionality

Customer Relationship Management is an indispensable assistant and digital brain of modern business. This is a customer relationship management system, which also allows you to streamline and optimize work processes within the company.

In fact, this is a program that automates all stages of sales, pulls up analytical data, controls customer service and the work of managers. That is, it makes business processes fully manageable and transparent.

How to choose a reliable, functional, advanced system? To do this, we reviewed the best services presented on the Russian-speaking market.

AmoCRM is a functional system that is designed for sales. That is, to automate the interaction of the department with customers. In the ranking of CPM systems in 2016, this service has become one of the leaders in the Russian-speaking market.


ZohoCRM is the superman in the world of customer relationship management on 3 key levels: marketing, sales, support. The service allows you to control and automate the main business processes.


ZohoCRM allows you to collect all the important data in one place: customer contacts, their history, information about traffic sources, the number of sales, etc. And as a result - to improve ROI and increase sales.


Bitrix24 is a convenient, multifunctional, and also free system that has not lost its position in the CRM systems rating for several years. The main emphasis in the service is on the management of projects, tasks, documentation, reports, plans. At the same time, Bitrix24 does a good job of optimizing customer relationships.

Unlike the previous 2 systems, Bitrix is ​​designed to be implemented throughout the company, and not just in the sales department.

Main functions:

This service is similar to a company's internal working social network. It optimizes the interaction between different departments, automates workflows, performs all the main functions of sales control and analysis. In a review of CRM systems for small businesses, as well as for low-budget startups, Bitrix24 is the undisputed leader in the Russian-speaking space for at least one important reason - the service can be used for free if no more than 12 people are involved in it.

Salesforce Sales Cloud

Cloud system for planning, managing and controlling business processes (customer relations, marketing, budget, sales, analytics).

  • visitor targeting;
  • internal online chat for managers;
  • accounting / work with transactions, payments;
  • cloud data storage;
  • customer base management;
  • customer interaction reports;
  • automatic distribution of requests between managers;
  • integration with social networks, mail services;
  • access to the service from mobile devices;
  • assigning priority to applications;
  • lead capture and traffic source tracking;
  • sales control and analytics;
  • formation of work tasks, planning.

Despite the fact that BaseCRM is designed specifically for large businesses, it remains one of the simplest and most understandable systems on the market. Using this service, you can track sales, deals, their dynamics (decline/growth) at different stages of the funnel, predict future income, and compile comprehensive reports.

On the other hand, it is a powerful machine for increasing the productivity of company employees (planning, KPI, performance reports, setting goals / objectives). As well as multi-level control of data on the client base (contacts, transactions, letters, documents, touch history).

Service functionality:

  • support for Android and iOS mobile platforms;
  • end-to-end reports on the development of a specific transaction;
  • analysis of the effectiveness of employees;
  • sales funnel analytics;
  • forecasting sales dynamics;
  • customer information cards;
  • storing the history of interaction with customers;
  • tracking conversions, clicks, email opens;
  • built-in telephony;
  • work with documents, finances;
  • task setting, calendar.

So which one to choose? The mass of options is confusing, the variety of functions and software does not allow you to focus on the main thing - for what purposes do you need a CRM system? What are the top priorities for your business? Where do you plan to implement it (in the whole company or in certain departments)? And finally, what budget do you have?

The answers to these questions will help you shed light on the characteristics of a customer relationship management system that are important to you.

Comparative analysis of CRM systems in 2016-2017

We analyzed the most popular CRM systems in the domestic market, their rating, functionality, and features.

Write in the comments which CRMs have you already tested or are you using right now? What do you like about them, and what moments leave much to be desired?

For business entities that work directly with clients, it is very important to increase the buying audience and the effectiveness of trading, using new developments of computer programmers. Marketing, sales organization and customer relationship management modern business is carried out using the service of online platforms - CRM systems (abbreviation from English. Customer Relationship Management). The essence of CRM systems is in specialized software, which was developed for automated control and analysis of the information received, the process of managers' activities and customer services. Consider which CRM is better for sales and industry flagships (the most popular CRM systems), which are appreciated by both Internet marketing professionals and ordinary users.

Rating of the best CRM systems

In this section, we provide a list of the top most popular CRMs in Russia by rating:


The system is designed for small and medium businesses. With the help of Megaplan, you can effectively optimize work with your client base, manage projects, set and solve tasks for employees in organizing trading. Behind the extremely simple interface lies the vastness of the functionality, which makes it possible to adjust it to your needs. Megaplan's features are as follows:
  • detailed customer database
  • saving the history of actions
  • advanced sales management (analytical reports, trading chain tracking, planning and management of multi-stage sales)
  • internal management- control of deadlines, analysis of productivity, creation of goals for staff
  • 1C integration
  • interaction email services and IP telephony.
Management of the system tools is possible from mobile gadgets using special software.


The leader in the publication of the report Forester Wave ™ "CRM Suite for Middle size Organizations" Terrasoft offered an innovative system for medium and small businesses called bpm'on-line, which has been developed so far only in the English version. The platform is suitable for traders who are ready to invest serious capital in the local IT infrastructure. The software is compatible with 1C databases.

"Simple Business"

The project is designed to manage office staff, trends, finances. The capabilities of the PB system are as follows:
  • office work management, planning using case calendars, graphs, charts, task manager
  • accounting of business documentation, maintaining a database of clients, saving history
  • classic template workflow
  • warehouse management
  • time management - management of both office staff and remote employees
  • bookkeeping
  • built-in communications, email messengers, internal chat
  • support for IP telephony.
The system is among the leaders due to the proposed free tariff for five employees, and for large enterprises a paid general license is provided.


StorVerk CRM software is built on the 1C platform. The system is now not only smart, but also much more convenient, responding to a number of market trends. Its functionality is:
  • end-to-end marketing analysis
  • tools to reduce losses and increase income
  • online chat with clients, chat consultant, receiving calls and online applications
  • accounting for customer requests
  • email newsletters, call tracking.
The important thing is that this software product is relatively inexpensive, and it can be improved by adapting to your specific activity. StorVerk CRM is used by large companies and small businesses alike; This complex automation, management of trade and production processes.

Microsoft Dynamics

In 2016, MD CRM entered the market of trading services. This is a suite of customer interaction software from Microsoft, the functionality of which is focused on marketing and sales management. You can also provide support services in this system. Thanks to a naturally familiar interface and the ability to limit the set of functions, staff training costs are reduced. The toolkit can be adjusted to the appropriate level of the company.


In 2017, Bitrix24 was recognized as the best CRM. This corporate portal has an internal social network. Inside the enterprise, colleagues can communicate with each other, setting and solving tasks, plan work time, keep records, and automate business processes embedded in the software. Bitrix24 has the ability to upload 1C reports. Companies that implement Bitrix24 and 1C in their workflow are able to quickly carry out standard revisions of data on financial transactions. The system is supplemented with a mobile application, which allows you to access the functionality from any country in the world. Versions software product- Alone Stand and SaaS.


The main direction of 1C: CRM is the automation of client relationships and office work processes. With the help of this system, companies organize work in their service, sales, and marketing departments, which is the reason for its popularity in the field of trading. The system interface at first glance may seem somewhat overloaded, however, this is typical for 1C accounting schemes. In 1C:CRM, you can implement marketing analytics through the paid CoMagic service.


This CRM with management functions: document circulation, business processes, indicators, projects, client base. When using the built-in module "Integration 1C", compatibility with the system versions of "1 C: Enterprise" series 8.0 is ensured.

Bpm'online sales

This system was developed to control sales cycles in full for: analysis of needs, conclusion of contracts, fulfillment of obligations, control of financial flows. The capabilities of the Bpm online sales CRM system are as follows:
  • internal communication management - personnel management, document control, corporate communication
  • integration with CIP-telephony
  • unified contact base for counterparty-client, segmentation, automatic history
  • monitoring of business processes - forecasts and sales starts, creation of own trading tactics.
Orders can be managed in the system (grouped by execution stages, by product types, by budget). It is also possible to conduct accounting analytics, control payments, manage accounts.


The platform was created to conduct business processes in in electronic format. A holistic information environment allows you to manage internal communications with staff, create their own customer relationship management strategies. This level of software is many times more expensive than domestic CRM, there are also difficulties in integrating with 1C. Main functionality:
  • tariff policy analysis
  • ensuring the correctness of the document flow
  • convenient setting of marketing tools
  • creation of a history of transactions with the preservation of complete information on finances and partners
  • keeping databases up to date
  • automation of processes and reporting on completed cases
  • simplification of documentation preparation and Internet distribution.
The user discovers the opportunity to work with a minimum of participation of employees. Through online data processing, it can detect possible risks, opportunities to improve the efficiency of your company as a whole.


The main direction of the system is the solution of trader's tasks in marketing. Industry versions have also been developed for logistics companies, financial institutions, and realtors. All versions are available to IT professionals in SaaS.


In AmoCRM, the user can independently customize the toolkit, adapting it to the specific needs of their organization. In this regard, it is the best free CRM program with the following features:
  • deal planning, project creation, task setting
  • automatic systematization of customer base data with the preservation of history
  • integration with PBX and mail services
  • trading analytics (charts, charts, forecasts).
The system is suitable for both small and medium-sized businesses to effectively manage business relations at all stages of sales. From the system interface, you can call the client, send a letter to the post office, manage the tools from anywhere using mobile software. Users mark AMO CRM as the best system in terms of cost / quality. The developer has provided an introductory Demo-period of 14 days.

What are the best CRM systems for business and sales in Russia for free

Even the best free CRMs for sales have only basic functionality, but it will be sufficient for running a small business.

TCU Trading

A feature of this absolutely free CRM for PC is the modular creation of a user interface with a set of necessary functions. The default functionality involves visualizing reports, working with document templates, maintaining a database of customers, their geographic localization, and types of goods.


This free CRM has a built-in task manager and chat from Aspro. Nice design and intuitive usability will surprise inexperienced users. However, vDesk24 is only free for five people, if you need more, then you will have to pay 1300 rubles.


This one good CRM the system free of charge assumes complex management of sales processes and finances. Here you can communicate with partners online, be constantly aware of business news and quickly find the information you need. All the tools are in one place - the user can contact several clients in one window without switching between accounts.


Deciphering the abbreviation - customer base. Its difference is in the simplicity of the functionality: reports, tasks, invoices, applications. There are also directories, which is why this system is sometimes positioned as the best CPM to sell for free. The program is now popular in online stores. The design is well thought out in terms of button placement. KB is free only for ten users, over - 440 rubles. for everyone. Today, the varieties of CRM are so extensive that it is not possible to cover anything better with a list of one rating. This review includes only those platforms that are more familiar to users than others, and the order of their ranking is made according to the assessment of the quality of the implementation of tasks and the convenience of the functionality. We hope this review will be useful for you in making a decision in choosing.

It doesn't matter what niche you work in and what your business is about. Any small company faces a problem - it's competition. Moreover, you need to compete not only with large sharks, but also with similar small fish. And among huge amount companies you can be distinguished by one thing important quality- the ability to work well with customers, to serve them well.

This is impossible without the introduction of a CRM system for small businesses, which helps to bring any business to a completely different level. It will allow you not to miss customers, and clearly know what each of them needs. Writing it all down on your knee or in a notebook, such a result cannot be achieved.

In details, what is CRM and why is it needed we already wrote. Today we will focus on those systems that are suitable for small businesses. It has its own characteristics, which will be discussed further.

Criteria for choosing a CRM system for small businesses

Small businesses have their own needs and problems, different from the problems of medium and large ones. This is logical. But there is no need to think, since several people work in your company, or even you are alone, then you do not need CRM. You just need to choose a system that will solve the tasks that are important to you.

When choosing the right solution, consider the following criteria.

1. Ability to save customer contacts and important information about projects or orders. This is the main function of any CRM system for small businesses - it should make it easier for you to work with customers, and for this it was created.

2. The system can create automated reports. This will also save you a headache and save a lot of time. There are features for project management.

3. Ease of use is a very important criterion. You have no time to delve into the wisdom of work or hire a specialist who would teach you how to use the system.

4. The system should not require installation and full-scale implementation - you have neither the resources nor the time for this.

5. The price of a CRM system for small businesses also plays an important role. Expensive software will hit your pocket hard, and you don’t need it. Moreover, there are many free CRMs on the market, the functionality and capabilities of which are more than enough to solve your main tasks.

6. Convenient mobile app, so that you can work with the system not only from a computer, but in general anywhere where there is Internet - even sitting in a cafe in negotiations with a client. Small businesses often don't even have an office with that same computer. Because CRM should be as convenient and mobile as possible.

TOP 5 Free CRMs for Small Businesses

We want to introduce you to five simple, convenient and free CRM for small businesses.

simple business

Universal CRM that will suit almost any business. It will help you manage projects, tasks and your time. Tune teamwork, manage the site, staff and documents easily through this service.

All communications are built-in, there is end-to-end business analytics and a module for accounting and warehouse accounting.

This system has a free tariff plan. According to him, up to five people can work in the system. Other possibilities:

  • 200 MB of space;
  • up to 50 files;
  • client base - up to 200 people;
  • you can connect one site;
  • You can videoconference up to 5 participants.

Register in free version Can .

Client base

From the name itself it is clear: the system will help you maintain a customer base. In this program, you can create various tables, differentiate access rights for employees, conduct personalized mailings and create various documents based on tables.

The Client Base has ready-made configurations for different types business: beauty salons, dentistry, various agencies. Only all these configurations are paid - you will have to pay extra somewhere around 300 rubles.

In general, a simple, convenient and understandable system that does not require installation.

IN free plan can work up to ten users. The base cannot be more than 500 clients, 300 MB for files is also given.

Bitrix 24

This system includes a whole range of functions that are designed to solve the problems of small and medium-sized businesses. This is a valuable data warehouse that will allow you to store information about customers, calls and orders in one place. It will help to set up the work of sales departments, control the fulfillment of their assigned duties: you can see when calls are made and the result of negotiations.

There is a built-in IP-telephony and its own business intelligence.

The system is free for small businesses up to 12 people. You are given 5 GB of disk space. Of the possibilities - CRM, chat, disk, tasks and projects, calendar. You can connect both the site and the store.

With this system, you can work out and create a sales funnel, manage transactions and keep financial records, create various reports, track calls. There is an internal mail client.

All these features of this CRM system are available both in a paid plan and in a free one (yes, it's here!).

The only limitation is that if you use the system for free, then only 1 person can work in it. You will have to pay for the second one. That is why this CRM is very popular among freelancers and novice businessmen. It will help you manage your routine, and not forget about important tasks and transactions.

The solution is boxed - the program needs to be downloaded and installed on your server.

The global trend towards digital transformation of business is also growing in Russia. Large businesses are implementing advanced CRM and BPM systems to improve operational efficiency and speed up their own activities. Working with business processes, optimizing and automating processes is the key trend of 2020.

We have collected the TOP-5 platforms that are capable of comprehensively transforming large businesses and included them in the rating. Each solution is unique and has successful implementation cases.


1st place ranking. The best complete solution for the Enterprise segment. Unified low-code Creatio platform for sales, marketing and service from the domestic company Terrasoft. Creatio allows you to automate and accelerate business processes large companies from different industries. For medium and large businesses, 24 ready-made industry solutions are offered (banks, oil and gas, logistics, pharmaceuticals, business support centers, etc.). Cases of successful implementation of the platform in such companies as Tatneft, Dobroflot, EVRAZ, Gazprom Neft, Sberbank confirm the high level of trust of large businesses in Creatio products. Terrasoft is developing its own Marketplace of ready-made solutions and templates to speed up platform integration.

Microsoft Dynamics

2nd place. A powerful solution for medium and large businesses with ERP elements. Integration with applications from Microsoft. Tools for managing sales, marketing and service. Creation and automation of business processes. Ready-made industry solutions for the financial industry, personnel management and HR, integrated service management, sales and analytics. Successful integration into such foreign companies: Unicef, Pandora, HP.


3rd place. SAP CRM offers a solution for sales, marketing and customer service. Reference work with the entire sales cycle - from planning and strategy development to successful implementation and performance analysis. Work with buyers across all distribution channels, transaction control and a functional planner. A powerful platform for managing marketing activities and brand management has been created for marketing department specialists. Among the successful implementation cases are such companies as Bashneft, Severstal, NLMK, Sibmost.

Oracle Siebel

4th place. A system for large businesses that helps to create a comprehensive corporate IT system to automate all departments of the company. Suitable for front (sales, service, marketing) and back offices (analytics of the company, personnel management). Oracle Siebel CRM allows you to create and automate a company's call center, integrate many third-party services and applications into your business. The company offers ready-made industry solutions for many areas of activity - industry, hotel business, public sector, IT, retail, medicine and others. Successful cases of foreign companies - Bosch Telecom, AOL, Xerox.

sales force

5th place. The Salesforce CRM solution is ranked #1 in the world, as confirmed by analytical agencies such as Gartner and Forrester.

A single platform for sales, customer service, marketing and in-depth performance analytics. The company is not focused on Russian market and is represented only by integrator partners. This does not allow her to be placed higher than 5th place.

Rating of CRM systems - Evaluation table

Ratings of Gartner and Forrester agencies

The Creatio system in these ratings is called bpm'online (Terrasoft changed the name of the platform in 2019).

Interfaces of compared CRM systems

  • SAP

  • MS Dynamics

  • sales force