Email distribution system. The wizard always comes on time. Choosing an email service

It's no secret that successful online stores squeeze maximum sales from their audience. Initial conversion optimization is a good thing, and, of course, you need to constantly work in this direction. But 70% of the profits of large online stores come from repeat sales, often generated by email marketing.

Where to begin

Many site owners assume that it is imperative to notify the audience about new products daily. But with this approach, your entire mailing list will soon turn into spam, and you will definitely not increase sales, but, most likely, you will only receive negative feedback from customers and unsubscribes.

Determine the main triggers for which you will send emails. It can be:

1) Product triggers

  • Seasonal sale.
  • Holiday discounts.
  • Thematic mailing.
  • News and special offers for subscribers.

2) Behavioral triggers

User behavior (after a certain amount days after registration or the last order, you need to stimulate the client for further purchases) for each site individually, you need to always track user transitions and understand where they are lost. Gather statistics on individual users to send information on the goods they are interested in.

3) System triggers

  • Transactional (order confirmation, dispatch, receipt at the warehouse or delivery services).
  • Track forgotten carts and unobtrusively remind you of abandoned items.
  • Notify about changes in the site, delivery, terms of service.
  • Be inspired by the experience of major ecommerce companies such as,,,,, etc. Look for ideas for communication and organizing the structure of emails.

Segment your audience, divide it by gender, age, region, subscriber activity, try to ask about what types of goods are interesting to specific users, make a personalized newsletter. Often, segmentation is carried out when subscribing, when the user indicates their interests in the questionnaire, but later this division can be supplemented by purchases and visitor actions on your site.

Newsletter structure and template

After you have decided on the triggers, you need to choose the structure and template of the newsletter, as well as its general direction. It is better to dwell on the friendly tone of letters, use original signatures. The main thing is that your letters are interesting to customers and motivate them to buy.

I fully agree with the advice of Alena Mellon from the Academy of Sales Letters, UniSender: “There are only two really important questions: “How did you collect this database?” and “What will you write to her?”. The issue of choosing a platform, it seems to me, is secondary. ”

For beginners, it is better to use ready-made templates that services offer. Once you master the basics, you can switch to professional platforms and order custom email designs.

Also, when organizing a mailing list, pay attention to the continuity of the letter template and the user’s transition page (namely with a landing page), so that the person does not have the feeling that he was deceived and he was lost on the site.

Experiment with the content in the body of the letter, add video, various graphics, interactive elements.

The page we land on when we go:

Take a look at this page (how exactly my segment is defined):

  • Offers female clothes.
  • Once again informs that everything is correct, this is the promotion page "- 25% off winter wardrobe”, and we see a banner with the same girl as in the letter.
  • opens Russian version site, and shows the conditions for the Russian-speaking segment of the audience (delivery, currency, content).

How to send and collect statistics

Let's get acquainted with the services that carry out the mailing. Of course, you can organize the mailing list yourself, but this way it will be harder for you to track statistics on opens and clicks of users. Each service has its own advantages and limitations, and test free modes help you choose your own. I will list the most famous and convenient:

1. is a well-deserved leader in organizing email newsletters, easy settings and fast moderation of letters, organization of split testing, a large selection of ready-made templates, there is a free plan for up to 12,000 letters per month based on a base of 2,000 people. The entire interface is English language, but Russian is supported both in the body of letters and in the fields.

2. offers a free "Sales Letter Academy" training which will be very helpful for beginners. The functionality of the service is quite wide, it includes detailed email analytics and simple integration with Google Analytics. Just like mailchimp, it allows you to set up email chains and do segmentation. Free rate possible for a base of 100 people and includes sending 1500 letters.

3. - the service has great functionality, it is also possible to send SMS messages. Sendsay statistics allows you to track literally everything: the number of clicks from mailing lists, the number of clicks on links in emails - there is also a built-in map that shows all the actions of subscribers. The free plan is available for a base of 200 addresses and includes sending 1000 letters per month.

  • Aweber;
  • constant contact;
  • Campaign Monitor;
  • Blue Sky Factory;
  • Emma.

Always track the statistics of your emails and work on improving them. Here is an example of the most important metrics to track:

  • Percentage of delivered emails.
  • Percentage of openings.
  • Percentage of transitions.
  • Number of spam complaints.
  • The number of clicks on links in the email.
  • Sales from sent emails.


P.S. If you want to learn more about email marketing, leave your comments on questions of interest.

How to send out an email newsletter?

In order to make email newsletters, it is best to use special services. Of course, you can do the mailing yourself directly from your server, but in practice it is often difficult to implement. There is only one problem - these are the spam filters of the largest mail services, they require numerous digital signatures(DKIM), domain validation via SPF, and sometimes even an encrypted data link. But we will not delve into the technical details of this issue.

In this article, we will help you understand all the intricacies of email newsletters and get the most out of the chosen service. How to make your own email newsletter.

We form a database of email addresses for mailing.

Free and useful content.

Usually site visitors don't want to leave their mailbox for fear of spam. But if they are interested, they will leave it without hesitation. Create useful articles and send them to the left addresses. It can be lessons, cases, reviews, whatever.

Buying a ready-made database of email addresses.

You can buy an email base for mailing. This method is fraught with certain risks, you can buy a low-quality database with non-existent email addresses, or simply turn the mailing list into outright spam if the base audience is not interested in your product, service, etc.

Offer discounts.

Offer your visitors a discount on the site if they leave their email address. It may be a small discount of 5%, but you will get the contacts of your potential client.

Set up automatic chat.

By setting up automatic chat, you can automatically collect questions and contact information from interested visitors to your site. Accordingly, then form a base for email distribution from these contact details.

Choose a service for email newsletters.

To begin with, you should decide on a list of your needs. Using the list below, form it, this will allow you to make the right decision.

  • Service language- the presence of an interface in Russian;
  • Support- paid, free, in Russian, response speed, etc.;
  • Price– how much are you willing to spend and how big is your base;
  • Payment Methods- not critical, but for some it is very important;
  • A/B-testing- the ability to conduct A / B testing.
  • Convenient analytics - the ability to analyze email clicks, deliverability, email openings, etc.
  • Mailing scheduler, triggered mailings - the ability to create "smart" mailings for the most appropriate audience at the moment.
  • Import/export, integration with CRM- the ability to work flexibly with the base for mailing.
  • Letter design– the presence of a large number of email templates, including adaptive email design for mobile devices.

Choosing email templates for email newsletters.

When choosing email template three points must be taken into account:

  1. Responsiveness on mobile devices.
  2. attractiveness of the template.
  3. Orientation to your customers.

Services for email newsletters already contain ready-made templates letters for email distribution for any task, business, etc. If they do not suit you, you can find others free templates and download them on the Internet, or order them from designers.

We write the text for the email newsletter.

  1. Who is this letter for?
  2. What will interest this audience?
  3. What is the purpose of this letter? Selling, informing, maintaining interest, etc.

Do not look for ready-made examples of text for distribution. Most likely you will not find them for your narrow task. But you will definitely find a lot interesting ideas for writing mailing text to customers, unusual examples of mailings of large companies.

We tried to do it for you and collected the most interesting recommendations:

  • Grab attention from the first word.
  • Make the customer feel special.
  • Segment the base, do not make unnecessary mailings that irritate customers.
  • Avoid technical terminology and obscure words.
  • Don't be afraid to brag. Show your benefits.
  • Keep your newsletter text short.
  • Give as many numbers as possible.
  • Anticipate questions and write counterarguments.
  • Call to action, why do you need a newsletter?

Overview of services for email distribution.

Studying the capabilities of the services, we realized that in fact most of their functions are the same, but there are some that distinguish this or that system. We settled on three services that we recommend to you.

An overview of the Mailchimp email marketing service.

MailChimp excellent email service, was created in 2001, has long established itself in the international market and today is one of the leaders in mailing list services.



  • Support is in English only.
  • There is no interface in Russian.
  • High cost of service.

Overview of Unisender email service.

UniSender great service that was created in 2008. Its distinctive feature is that in addition to mailing lists, this service offers the possibility of sms mailing, as well as the services of a personal manager and marketer.


  • Support in Russian: they answer very quickly, they are interested in helping.
  • SMS messaging feature.
  • Beautiful templates.
  • So many ways import contacts.
  • High speed of delivery of letters.


  • When registering, you need to enter too much information.
  • Difficulties of API integration, you can't do without your own programmer.
  • No integration with social networks.

Overview of the Getresponse email marketing service.

getresponse was established back in 1999. Distinctive feature service is the presence of a huge number of templates, pictures, and great functionality.


  • Very simple well thought out interface.
  • Multifunctional.
  • Trigger messages: operation on time and on action.
  • Click map (allows you to understand the behavior in the user's letter).
  • Ability to create landing page.
  • Over 500 email templates.
  • Has its own gallery with the possibility of buying photos for mailings.
  • Ability to create surveys.
  • Technical support in Russian.


  • High rates compared to other services.

Conclusion. What should the best email marketing service have?

If you have not yet made a profit, then you have free opportunities to start in almost all services. Having carried out the newsletter, if it is really well done and the base is targeted, it will be able to attract you much more buyers and keep the existing ones.

Choose best email service impossible . Each of them has its own advantages, which you should consider in accordance with your tasks. We have tried to disclose precisely these advantages.

You decide buy email newsletter or use free email service. Find program for sending email for free in Russian not so difficult, much more difficult to make the right choice. We hope you do it with the help of this article.

Hello friends. Today I will tell you how to make automatic mailing of letters by e-mail. Sending letters has always helped entrepreneurs develop their business, but with the advent of the Internet, the possibilities of this method of promotion have become much greater - this is known to almost all readers of my blog.

I decided to arrange this article in an unusual way. First, I will talk about the technical side of creating a mailing list (for this, which describes the whole process step by step).

And after this technical part, I will tell you about the benefits of using this tool and how to work with it correctly.

1. Setting up a mailing list service

The whole process of creating your own mailing list will take only half an hour of your time, but it will work for you for years.

In the video tutorial, I will use the Smartresponder mailing service, therefore, before starting, go to its page using this link -

2. What is mailing list for?

In the event that you still do not know what the mailing is for you and what benefits it can bring, I will tell you in an accessible language.

Imagine that you have an online store or . You attracted a visitor in some way. Perhaps you used paid advertising methods, perhaps free ones, it doesn’t matter. A person came to your site, he liked it, he thought it would be nice to visit again, closed the page and forgot about it forever. Unfortunately, this happens very often.

Now imagine how the situation will change if he has the opportunity to leave you his email in order to receive blog updates, special offers from your online store, any bonuses or a training course - if he liked your site, he will definitely leave his e -mail.

You will no longer need to spend money and time on re-attracting him.

3. Programs for mailing letters

So, you have contacts of your clients, but when there are a lot of them, problems will begin. If you send letters manually or use programs for sending letters, then your postal addresses and ip address of sending will quickly fall into the spammers' database. Secondly, it will be inconvenient to work with a large amount of data.

To avoid this, you need to create a mailing list using one of the specialized services, for example, the one that I described at the beginning. Such services allow you to automatically collect contacts of subscribers (through a special form), track statistics, send letters, and perform many other functions. Besides, large services e-mail newsletters negotiate with mail services and prevent your letters from getting into spam.

4. What does the mailing list give?

  1. You establish contact with a person for a long time. Even if today you have not found common ground and you have nothing to sell to him, continue to give free useful information. In the future, you will have a good chance of making him your client.
  2. There is no need to send letters to each person individually. It is enough to compose a letter and send it to all subscribers at once. Using the mailing site, we can supplement these letters with unique data, for example, address by name.
  3. Using the mailing list, you do not engage in spam, because. the subscription procedure is voluntary and the owner of the mailbox agrees to receive information from you. It looks honest in the eyes of the recipient of your letters.
  4. By giving useful information to readers (not a naked advertisement for your services), you present yourself as a professional, and people like to work with professionals.
  5. By regularly composing letters, you increase your creative skills. A professional should be able to correctly express his thoughts and prepare commercial proposals with high quality.
  6. By studying mailing statistics, you can learn a lot of useful things. What email headers catch your audience more, what words in the text make you click on links, what design style has a better effect on conversion, and much more.
  7. The newsletter itself is your asset, it is a base of people who are always available for your offers.

Having mastered this tool, you will receive a powerful weapon for the development of your Internet empire.

5. Where can I get email addresses?

There are a lot of sources for replenishing your mailing list. I would not like to talk about illegal methods, but you yourself know that bases can be bought, although their quality leaves much to be desired. I will talk about honest ways to collect contacts.

  • If you have a company website, blog, or forum, then provide it with a subscription form so that each visitor can subscribe. Offer any bonus for contact details.
  • Using , drive traffic not to the main site, but to special pages - landing pages. These pages should be designed in such a way that people want to leave their contacts.
  • A good way to get a lot of subscribers for money is to buy ads from the authors of other mailing lists.
  • If you use the Smartresponder service, then place your newsletter in, this will give your newsletter a constant influx of free subscribers.
  • If your company also works offline, then invite your customers to visit your site or ask them to fill out questionnaires, in which there will be a clause on consent to receive email newsletters.

6. How to make money on mass mailing messages?

The main ways to generate income from bulk emails are by selling your own products and services, or by selling advertising space.

Sometimes, you can earn even more by selling ads, because you have what all your competitors need - this is the base potential clients. For each one-time access to this database, they are willing to pay, while you do not lose this database.

Useful articles:

  • How to make money on the Internet for a beginner - 23 ...

  • What is a blog, how to create it, promote it and how ...

I present to you the third generation of the XSpamer application, free and completely in Russian. You can download it for free from the official site: XSpamer - III

This program for sending letters to email - can send any number of emails to your addressees. The newly rewritten code of the program implements new methods of bypassing spam filters, simplifies the use of the application and gives you new opportunities. You can very subtly and even I would say cunningly set up your newsletters. The functionality is constantly updated, and you can get the latest versions of XSpamer absolutely free.

What are the benefits of the program?

  • For free.Get free version programs. it is already able to satisfy all your needs. Anyway on basis in 10000 addresses will suffice.
  • Want super functionality? Million base you gift for example? Purchase a license. You understand that one mailing to 1 million addresses will already cover all costs.
  • In Russian. Not just in Russian, but a Russian program, our Russian developers, with their personal online support!
  • Simple launch of mailing. A convenient editor will help you create a letter template for mailing. You can choose a transport for your mailings right at the time of their creation or order a configured and ready-to-use SMTP server from us.
  • Dynamic IP. Previously, you may have encountered the problem of blocking an IP address. We have solved this problem and now you can manage IP addresses for mailing or entrust it to the trained XSpamer system.
  • Get ready bases for mailing. Even if you do not have your own recipient database, you can still send emails to the recipient database that we will provide you. All you need is to select an audience according to several parameters right during the creation of the newsletter.
  • Unification of mailings. Large selection of tools to uniqueize images and text. Generators for text, subject lines and sender names.
  • Link change. To save your links in emails, a tool for changing links on the fly has been developed. Now all your links will be saved from blocking.


  • Now you can create your own SMTP server for mailing with XServers v1.0
  • Now you can parse free domains and use them XDomains v1.0

Features of XSpamer

Quick mailing

See how you can quickly and easily make a mailing without having to tediously configure all the parameters. This method is suitable for a small quick mailing, for example, to notify your subscribers about the news.

  • Addressees: 500
  • Elapsed time: 10 minutes

Use XSpamer 3

Download XSpamer – III and get a serious email marketing tool absolutely free and launch high inbox email campaigns.

In general, download, try it yourself and understand everything: XSpamer - III.

I haven't given you bad advice yet. Good luck friends!


Unzip the program to your desktop in a separate folder.

Set up all fields in the program.

In the column "From" write any name. You can hide your email.

In the "To" column, click the "Browse" button, and download the list of mailing addresses.

In the "Message" field, fill in the text to be sent.


  • Overview of the service of free mass mailing of letters to email

Mailing list is a powerful promotional tool addressed to the end user. But just creating a mailing list is not enough: in order to maintain the interest of the user audience, the process must be regular, and the content must be interesting and relevant.

After deciding on the content of the visitor invitation, write the HTML code links: Follow the link. Such code can be left on those resources where it is allowed. Most Internet sites for placing links to allow you to enter the text and indicate the desired page in the appropriate fields, from which the active link will be made in the future.

Place links to the site on the boards free ads. To do this, fill out the form to add a new announcement by selecting the desired thematic section. If necessary, pre-register on the classifieds site.

Linking pages of blogs and forums also generate a good influx of visitors. For more referrals leave links on resources related to the subject of your site.

Manually bypassing Internet boards, forums and blogs is long and tedious. You can speed up this process by using special auto-mailers. Using such a program, you write the text of the ad once and specify the necessary data, and the automailer places this message with a link on many web pages in a short time.

A good option is to exchange links with a related site. To do this, write a letter with an offer to exchange the administration of the selected resource. But keep in mind that if the other site agrees to the mutual exchange of visitors, you will have to place links at home.

From its inception to the present day, postal mailing lists are the most convenient means of notifying about new events, products, materials on the site for both owners of web resources and subscribers. Wanting to protect themselves from spam, Internet users are in no hurry to enter their email addresses in subscription forms on little-known sites. So it makes sense to do mailing lists based on popular and reputable services.

You will need

  • - browser;
  • - Internet access;
  • - an electronic mailbox.


Choose the right mailing service. It is worth giving preference to well-known and respected services with a good reputation, high audience loyalty and a large user base. In the role of such services in Runet are, for example, and

Create a presenter account mailing lists on the site of the selected service. Complete the registration process by entering valid information about yourself. If necessary, confirm the registration by clicking on the link in sent by the service to the mailbox. Wait for your account to be activated.

Add one or more mailing lists. Log in to the site using your credentials. Go to the account control panel section, which provides the mailing list maintenance interface. Create a new mailing list. Choose carefully what you want to add. mailing lists. Most likely, you will not be able to change it yourself, without contacting the service support service. As practice shows, the name greatly affects the dynamics of the set of subscribers. Make an attractive and long one in advance. During the creation process, enter them in the appropriate fields. This is enough important factor, directly affecting the increase in the audience. For example, on, all new periodicals are announced in special newsletters. quality short description can allow you to gain hundreds of subscribers almost immediately.

Attract additional audience. Post new announcements mailing lists on their websites, if any, in social networks, on Twitter.

Start mailing lists. Prepare interesting and relevant materials for. Log in to the mailing list site. Go to the control panel section that provides the publishing interface. Enter release text, add images if possible. Publish an Issue mailing lists. After some time, emails with the entered content will be delivered to subscribers.

Helpful advice

Immediately after creating the newsletter, while there is no audience, or it is too small, make an announcement release. Place in it information about the subject of the publication, its leader, the expected frequency of release. So you can test the functionality of the service, and the release will be placed in the archive, where potential subscribers can get acquainted with it.

Use the functionality for automatic simultaneous release of newsletters through several services. This will help to significantly increase the audience.


For postal mailing lists use the Subscribe.Ru service, which provides the ability to organize and maintain e-mail- mailing lists. The server base is about 5 million addresses. Approximately 100 million emails are sent monthly.

Quite suitable for organizing mass mailings is a free mailing service. Service offers a large number of interesting newsletters on various topics and provides the opportunity to create your own mailing lists.All these services describe the algorithm in detail mailing lists and provide sample forms for submission.

To organize a mail service, purchase the Postal Woodpecker script, which provides sending up to a hundred letters to your users at a time. "Post Woodpecker" can simultaneously work with several mailing lists.

Travel across the expanses of the World Wide Web. You will find many programs for the mass mailing lists, study them, chat on the forums with those who use this or that mass mailing program. Don't be afraid to ask. Learn.

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E-mailing is an excellent means of conveying information to a large group of people. If it is issued in a small circulation, then you can make it right in your mail client. To create large mailing lists, use specialized programs.