Earn money from your own service via e-mail newsletters. Sending email, SMS and transactional notifications

Recently (more precisely, since November 1, when SmartResponder closed) I have been in active search new email newsletter service. It would seem, choose, I don’t want to - Google gives dozens of options, but in practice everything is not so simple. But if there is a goal, then find best option really. So that you don’t have to go through the same long path as me, I want to give a few tips and present my brief overview of email newsletter services that are currently in the TOP in popularity.

A little theory

But first, let's dispel a few myths about advertising by Email. First of all, it really works, no matter what anyone says. This is best confirmed by statistics - for example, WolfgangJaegel.com calculated that more than 90% of people who have a virtual mailbox check it daily. On average, a good email marketing service provides a return of 44 times every dollar spent, so this opportunity to increase profits should not be missed. Moreover, according to rough estimates, next year the number of letter recipients will reach 2.7 billion people.

Secondly, services are needed not to distribute unnecessary spam, but to inform people who have subscribed to a series of letters because they are really interested in the product. By filling out subscription forms, users express their consent, that is, they become target audience, with which services help to maintain communication. Using an email distribution service across your database, you can inform about various promotions, presentations of new products, opening branches or stores, and even offer a job. The goals may be different, as, in fact, the tools for achieving them, so let’s move on to selecting the optimal service.

Deciding on the criteria

A huge number of programs offering to send a series of letters with or without confirmation of the base makes it possible to choose exactly the one that suits you. But here a problem arises - which characteristics are considered basic, and which ones can be “turned a blind eye”. My personal opinion is that everything is important, but, of course, it is unrealistic to analyze absolutely everything according to all parameters.

So if you're looking best services, I advise you to pay special attention to:

  • letter delivery rates – if the service’s rates are below 98%, you can immediately move on to the next “contender”;
  • not too complex analytics;
  • are able to adapt to mobile devices, design - almost all programs offer letter templates (or you can assemble them yourself using a drag and drop constructor), but only the best services provide the ability to display on different devices;
  • proposed letter templates and their variety;
  • Russian-language support for those who cannot boast of impeccable English;
  • availability of a free trial version;
  • cost and limitations of tariff plans;
  • available payment options for mailing services;
  • quality of technical support;
  • setting up trigger letters and autoresponders;
  • integration of buttons for popular social networks;
  • provision of hosting services;
  • Availability of an email scheduler;
  • synchronization with CMS, CRM and the ability to integrate via API;
  • integrated tools for A/B testing;
  • effective anti-spam mechanism;
  • a range of additional options (sending SMS, automatic posting on social networks and the function of viewing letters before sending, etc.).

You need to understand that there is no absolute ideal, so decide in advance on a list of priorities. Of course, everyone wants to get the maximum number of options for minimal money, but let's be realistic - you always have to pay for quality service! On the other hand, you shouldn’t overpay either, especially when there are services that offer really favorable conditions.

Pros and cons of the most popular services

So, which email marketing service should you choose to ensure you are satisfied? So that you can make a final decision, I suggest you look into key features the most popular programs. Please note that this is more of a review and not a comparison of email marketing services, because, again, everyone has different requirements. Well, let's begin.


The optimal choice for online stores, since it is integrated with all CRM and CMS, does not require too complicated registration, supports trigger, regular and transactional mailings, as well as sending via SMS messages. In addition, there are no functional restrictions and high-quality company analytics are provided. The only caveat is that you will have to get used to working with the not very convenient letter editor.

Free plan: Up to 200 addresses, 1000 letters per month

Website address: https://sendsay.ru/


Pleases with its intuitive interface, the ability to send Push messages and minimal pre-moderation times. In stock free plan However, you need to be prepared for the fact that it will not be possible to use automatic mailing via RSS.

Free plan: Up to 2500 addresses, 15,000 letters per month

Website address: https://sendpulse.com


Attractive with very affordable prices, the service cannot boast of an abundance of options (but the basic functionality is fully present) and good technical support. On the other hand, getting an answer to a question in an online chat can be very problematic. An excellent solution if your business is small and you don’t need any special hassles.

Free plan: Up to 100 addresses, 500 letters per month

Website address: https://prostoemail.ru

The service is English-language and quite expensive, which is compensated by its adaptive design, automation of posting on social networks and distribution via RSS. Also, clients have at their disposal over seven hundred integrations and the availability of free tariff plan(limited options available). The program is reliable, with good technical capabilities, but not everyone can afford it.

Free plan:

Website address: https://mailchimp.com


It is distinguished by a variety of letter templates, an absolutely clear interface, stylish design and prompt response to requests to the technical support service. A trial period is provided, but if you want to use the program for free, you will have to “reveal incognito” - Unisender will require you to enter a lot of personal data (it is not clear, of course, why, because in fact the user of the beta version is not a client...). You can also note some delay in confirmation of registration by email.

Free plan: Up to 100 addresses, 1500 letters per month

Website address: https://unisender.com


Has maximum capabilities in terms of setting user settings, allowing you to send different kinds notifications and automatically stop mailing when errors are detected in the content. True, the service also has a serious (for some, of course) disadvantage - the inability to use the free version.

Free plan: Absent

Website address: https://expertsender.ru


Targeted at clients interested in sending trigger emails. Nothing supernatural, but quite convenient, especially for those who don’t want to waste time setting up the API or go broke on programmers’ services. A couple of things are confusing:

  1. To register, you need to write to them by email.
  2. To find out the rates, you need to write to the mail, etc.

Those. Everything is too hidden from view, it’s repulsive.


The service combines extensive functionality, modern design and user-friendly interface, variable mailing settings, detailed analytical reports and the ability to test options for free for a month. There are, of course, some disadvantages, such as the abundance of registration fields, but they are insignificant against the backdrop of the variety of options and quite reasonable prices.

Free plan: Absent

Website address: https://getresponse.ru

Another expensive service on English language, where to use the trial version you need to provide card details at the bank, transfer a dollar and allow personal data to be declassified. I must say that there is something to pay for: an integrated gallery, publishing posts on Twitter, Facebook automatically and great amount original templates on all topics. Aweber has built a reputation as a reliable email marketing partner, so if you don't want to take risks, then this is the option for you.

Free plan: Absent

Website address: https://aweber.com

Not as multifunctional as many others, but still a good service that offers a standard package of options. However, not everyone needs a complete set, especially when the budget is tight.

Free plan: Up to 1000 addresses, unlimited number of letters per month

Website address: https://mailerlite.com

Will definitely appeal to those interested in the free plan. I would also like to note the quick response from the technical support staff, but there are no special frills in the design - everything is quite standard, but understandable.

Free plan: Up to 100 addresses, unlimited number of letters per month

Website address: https://madmimi.com


It’s sort of “average” compared to the others with a basic interface, excellent technical support and the provision of a personal manager for the account owner, as well as options for conducting surveys. But there is a “catch”, namely, the presence of a trial period, but not a free plan.

Free plan: Absent

Website address: https://mailigen.ru


It is characterized by a variety of ready-made integrations, taking into account time zones, adaptability to mobile devices and the presence of a White label. But for those who decide to take advantage free version, try everything available functions will not work (the list is very limited).

In my opinion, the most suitable program for beginners in the field of email newsletters. Of course, the lack of a block editor is disappointing, but you can organize the sending of letters and do analysis in just three steps. One of the most “large-scale” free plans, but the site has layout glitches (this is alarming).

Free plan: Up to 3000 addresses, 15,000 letters per month

Website address: https://feedgee.com


It is immediately attractive because it offers a free plan with extensive functionality, but there is no Russian-language interface, the design is outdated, plus the number of payment methods is very limited. So it makes sense to try the free plan, but permanent basis I would not recommend using the service.

Free plan: Up to 75,000 letters

Website address: https://mailrelay.com


A service without any particular disadvantages, but also without significant advantages. The free plan is quite acceptable, there is a block design, and there are no problems at all with using the interface.

Free plan: Up to 2000 addresses, 14,000 letters per month

Website address: https://benchmarkemail.com

Lost after cancellation free plan a lot of fans (now only a trial period), the service pleases with moderate prices, the function of correcting fingerprints and the ability to identify subscribers by name and gender.

Free plan: Absent

Website address: https://mail365.ru


A young, rapidly developing service that was created by a team of developers who had been working on another major project for a long time. The guys assure that they tried to take into account all the pros and cons of the current market and embodied this in the new project. Users will be attracted by very affordable prices - one of the lowest on the market. Simple and convenient interface.

Among the minuses, it is worth noting that the service has only recently launched, so in terms of functionality it may be inferior to its competitors in some ways. Technical support is excellent, they respond quickly. There is a free plan for up to 1000 subscribers.

Free plan: up to 1000 subscribers


A service practically devoid of serious shortcomings, which will especially appeal to those who want to organize trigger mailings. One of the pitfalls is the need to personally communicate with technical support in order to explain in detail what you need for work.

Free plan: Up to 2000 addresses, 12,000 letters per month

Website address: https://benchmarkemail.com

So what's the result?

So we looked at the main services that provide the ability to send emails. Of course, the list could go on and on, but these services are the best, so it makes sense to choose from them. Based on my experience, I can say that I am most impressed by Mailchimp, Getresponse, Sendsay and Sendpulse (which has strange reviews on the search): the first is optimal for solid projects, while the second will be a good compromise in terms of financial costs and practical capabilities , about 3 and 4 - here I am undecided.

But everyone makes the final decision themselves, so the last thing I can advise is that before making a choice, carefully study customer reviews on the forums! The service itself can advertise its services in any way it likes, but you and I know that in practice everything may turn out to be completely different...

What mailing service do you use? Write in the comments!

Article tags:

Well: “Earn money on your own service via e-mail newsletters” . Draining a closed pool for 33 thousand rubles. There are different reviews at the warehouse. Based on the reviews, the course is not suitable for everyone, but only for those who have already encountered similar courses or mailings. Sent the material anonymous userwith comment: « I'm draining this course because I was banned from the warehouse for no reason. Regarding the course, I will say one thing that it is suitable for small mailings. Beginners will not understand anything, but they can watch it to get acquainted. The reviews are different, I refrained from commenting. If you want to learn how to send letters en masse, go to Shelest, he will help you. I studied with him, and bought this course only for general development. I hope it will be useful to someone.» Material may be removed at the request of the copyright holder! We evaluate

Course Description:

Unique author's course of video lessons Technology quick start in email newsletters - How to send emails in large volumes to “potential” clients. With the advent of the trend to develop business through the Internet and the constant increase in the number of active Internet users, various training courses began to appear, both for beginners and advanced users. This course is intended for everyone who is interested in how to effectively get traffic and sales without spending huge amounts of money on it. The most effective and convenient tool for online sales is the promotion of services and products using email (e-mail marketing).

To organize professional e-mail marketing, and not just mass mailing, it is necessary to develop a systematic approach, collect a subscriber base, automate this process to increase stable profits, generate statistics and other tasks that are difficult to complete without professional help. In this course, as a quick start technology for email newsletters, it is proposed to send letters via VDS servers. Why pay a lot of money for mailing services if you can set it up yourself? And get the opportunity to send anyone, anything in large volumes of letters to your clients. This course will help you set up a VDS server to automatically send emails and create professional e-mail marketing, while any user can configure it simply by repeating step by step instructions from the author's video course. Cool tools best practices! The beauty of SET is that it is written in Python and does not require any third-party Python modules that would have to be installed additionally. Work is carried out through an interactive menu, where you only need to select the desired items of the application. At each step, the menu is accompanied by a good description of the proposed sub-items, so even a child can handle it (this is where it gets a little scary) But in some situations it is simply necessary to tune the toolkit itself, and for this you will have to refer to the settings file.

What you will learn from the course:

  • Setting up vds for email campaigns
  • How to bypass spam filters. Reasons why letters end up in spam
  • How to easily and quickly uniqueize emails
  • How to collect 100% working and live e-mail addresses, and not just addresses, but e-mails
  • addresses of your target audience
  • How to work with SMTP and how to raise SMTP servers
  • Get all the software you need
  • How to make money by sending letters, which affiliate programs to work with
  • Generating a template and then uploading it to the VDS server(s)
  • Extract email, scan inurl (readme.txt)
  • Creating databases - cleaning, breaking down, removing duplicate emails

SMS mailing and notification service

The fastest way to deliver short messages with a high reading rate is still SMS messaging. Preparing and sending a short text message (SMS) takes a minimum of time and, as a result of a small time investment, will help notify the maximum number of clients.

Preparing and sending a newsletter takes a few minutes - just upload a list of subscribers and come up with an SMS text. After sending an SMS campaign, you will also know how many customers you can expect to respond to in the future, and which mobile numbers are no longer valid so you can remove them from your mailing list.

SMS notifications

SMS notifications (transactional SMS) are good way remind the client of the need to use the already purchased service - inform about the start of a webinar, an upcoming concert or flight for which a ticket has been purchased, in order to increase satisfaction with the service and motivate repeat purchases and recommendations to friends.

Email newsletter service

Reliable delivery to your inbox

To fully comply with the requirements, in your FEEDGEE account you will find SPF and DKIM settings for your domain's DNS, which will help ensure that your messages are fully authorized and that mail services trust you as a sender. Setting up DNS takes no more than 10 minutes, but at the same time helps users of email marketing services to ensure the expected effect of sent messages. Description .

I want it from the form feedback the message reached two recipients. It was not possible to specify it separated by commas $wa->sendEmail(" [email protected],adr [email protected]", $errors)) how to correctly specify two recipients?

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I’m customizing a feedback form (which is site.send_email_form), I want to send the form via Ajax without reloading the page. I copied the sendEmail method to wa-apps/shop/lib/classes/shopViewHelper.class.php, I’m working with it. There was a problem contacting...

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There is a solution

How to change the subject, sender of the form in the block that arrives by email. Now the subject of the letter is “Request from the site”. Block code:($errors = array()) ($wa->storage(["captcha", $wa->app()], "")) (if...

Replace On

There is a solution

I created two blocks based on the standard message submission form block and displayed them on one page. When submitting one form, it seems to be triggered twice, that is, the body of the form is sent to the email twice. If you add a third block with a form, then each form...

Because they are sent according to the same conditions (if $wa->post("send") and $wa->sendEmail("", $errors))

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I can’t get the standard feedback form site.send_email_form to work. I placed a helper on the Contacts page, fill out all the forms, send a message, the phrase is displayed that the message was sent successfully, but the letter does not arrive in the mail....

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