Farm cattle breeding. Free business plan for cattle. Product sales channels

Currently, all over the world, including in our country, large and small businesses are developing at a rapid pace. Separately, it is necessary to highlight such an industry as farming, namely animal husbandry. Since ancient times, our ancestors bred large and small livestock in order to provide food for their families. Currently, livestock farming is not such a popular area, since some farms are closing and very few new ones are being built. But despite all this livestock farming, namely the breeding of large cattle- This promising business.

This problem has become especially relevant right now in connection with the active implementation of food industry genetically modified products. Because of this, the demand for natural, homemade products has sharply increased. The main representative of cattle is cows. They are the main source of such valuable products as beef, veal, milk, and cottage cheese. It's hard to imagine a daily diet without all this. Let's take a closer look at the cattle business plan.

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Main directions and required documents

Our country mainly engages in cow breeding. But cattle also include buffalos, yaks, and so on. To start raising cattle, you first need to build a farm. You shouldn’t build it from scratch; it’s better to rent premises and land. There are now many abandoned farms where cattle were once kept. In parallel with this, you must register as individual entrepreneur or LLC at the local tax office. The first option is the most optimal, since in this case it will be possible to save money, and the list of necessary documents will be much smaller.

The cattle business plan includes collecting the necessary documentation. It is necessary to obtain permission from the fire department, sanitary and epidemiological service and territorial property management. If the premises are rented, then all this is the responsibility of the landlord. A business plan for livestock breeding includes the choice of territory. It is very important to decide in what quantity you want to raise livestock. This can be a small subsidiary farm or a large farm with a population of more than 100. Farms are also different in their purpose: meat, dairy, and so on. If you don't collect Required documents and not register, then such a business will be illegal. The choice of location must also be careful.

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Purchase of equipment

In order for livestock to live in optimal conditions, you need to purchase equipment. It all depends on the number of livestock. For big farm you will need: heaters or stoves, feed dispensers, dispensers, breast pumps, manure collection machines. All this will take a lot of money. It is best to purchase equipment from neighboring farms or specialized stores. In order for all the equipment to work, first of all you need to install all communications: hot and cold water supply, electricity, heating, sewage system.

This is of great importance for cattle, since optimal indoor microclimate parameters will contribute to better breeding: temperature, humidity, air speed.

Scientists have found that poor animal husbandry reduces their productivity and growth, which can directly affect future profits.

Like any business, a farm needs premises. This could be a regular stall or a large barn. Its area is calculated based on the number of cattle. Since these are partly grazing animals, you need to purchase or allocate a large plot of land for them so that during the warm season they can graze and gain weight. For the winter, hay and feed should be stored. Supplements including multivitamin complexes are a mandatory component of nutrition.

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Recruitment of necessary personnel

Raising livestock is quite a time consuming activity. It doesn't take one person to do this. For a farm, it is best to have the following set of personnel: a manager, a milkmaid (one or more), a butcher, a veterinarian, and an equipment specialist. The presence of a veterinarian on this list is mandatory, since livestock must be regularly vaccinated against various diseases. Subsequently this will have big role, since the sale of meat is possible only with the permission of the veterinary service. Meat must be of high quality and safe for the consumer. In addition, the veterinarian takes an active part in the birth and treatment of sick animals. If this is not done, then the death of animals and losses are possible.

Milkmaids are also of great importance, especially if there is a dairy farm. In such a business, cows are not slaughtered, but are kept only to produce milk and other dairy products, such as sour cream, cottage cheese, cream, which are very valuable in the food market. Having a butcher is not necessary, but it can be useful if meat is sold in large quantities. A separate room must be equipped for cutting carcasses. In addition to all this, it is advisable to purchase your own trucks for transporting meat.

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The quality of meat and livestock productivity largely depend on the conditions under which they are kept. First, the cattle housing must be warm. The minimum permissible temperature should not be lower than 17 degrees. There should be no drafts in the room, it should be bright. Each place must be equipped with a feeding container. Livestock need to be fed to the fullest. It is advisable to use hay and liquid feed for this purpose. Water must always be clean and fresh, otherwise the animal may become infected with dangerous viral and bacterial diseases.

Garbage, including manure, must be removed from the barn daily. All this ensures compliance with the sanitary and anti-epidemic regime. Farm personnel must be vaccinated against diseases that can be transmitted from animals. Another very important rule is that employees observe personal hygiene rules. During pregnancy and calving, it is necessary to improve the nutrition of livestock and monitor them. Livestock are fairly unpretentious animals, but nevertheless they require constant care.

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Sales of livestock products

After the animals have increased in number, you can move on to the most important part of the business - selling meat. There are several options here. Firstly, you can supply the meat to the market, and secondly, to nearby restaurants or kebab shops. These establishments are always in need of raw materials and this can be a very good deal. To sell meat you must have permission from the veterinary service. It is given for each batch of beef or veal. In addition to meat, you can sell other products: liver, kidneys, heart. They are also in great demand. Growing cattle- this is also an excellent opportunity to make various canned foods.

Contents of a business plan for cattle breeding:

  1. Summary.
  2. Evaluation of marketing position.
  3. Development of an investment strategy.
  4. Organizational and legal characteristics.
  5. Production plan.
  6. Income plan.
  7. Plan of fixed and variable costs.
  8. Risk assessment of cattle breeding business.
  9. Calculation and analysis of project performance indicators.

Why do you need a business plan for cattle breeding?

  1. To obtain a bank loan, financial support from the state.
  2. To conclude contracts with product buyers on favorable terms.
  3. To draw up financial plans and monitor the situation as the project progresses.

Example of a business plan for cattle breeding

suitable option


with financial calculations
with Excel financial model

with adjustments

Standard business plan

Extended business plan for cattle breeding with a complete business analysis and financial plan for 5 years

Detailed financial model for cattle breeding

  • Break-even point calculation
  • Analysis of profit and profitability by individual business areas and products
  • Analysis of risks and business safety margin by sales volume, cost and credit load
  • Sales forecast quarterly for 5 years
  • Quarterly cost forecast for 5 years
  • Calculation of conditions for obtaining and repaying a loan
  • Break-even point calculation
  • Movement Report Money quarterly for 5 years
  • Analysis of financial and investment indicators

Adjustment of the business plan to your numbers by our analysts within 5 working days

Business plan volume: 30 pages. Business plan volume: 80 pages. Business plan volume: 80 pages.

10,000 rub.

20,000 rub.

39,000 rub.

This kit is ideal for those who need a business plan to obtain a loan or attract investment.


Extended business plan includes financial model on cattle breeding in Excel format.

The business plan was developed taking into account the practice of evaluating projects in Russian banks, as well as taking into account the requirements of investors and funds for supporting entrepreneurship in the Russian Federation. It will allow you to justify management decisions on investing in the creation and development of cattle breeding, to predict it financial results and assess risks.

A full description of the business plan can be downloaded from the link:


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  • Bank cards (Russia)
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Submitting a business plan and financial model:

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Business organization

The largest part of the food market is the meat market, and beef plays a dominant role in this area. By giving preference to cattle breeding as a form of business, you will certainly not encounter a lack of demand. To organize a business you will definitely need good business plan for cattle breeding.

A business plan for breeding cattle for dairy and meat production contains a detailed description of each stage of the project organization with financial calculations for each step:

  1. Design of buildings and premises of a cattle breeding farm.
  2. Direct construction stage.
  3. Purchase of equipment, its installation.
  4. Personnel selection, training.
  5. Purchase of young cattle.
  6. Preparing food supplies.
  7. Concluding agreements with suppliers, counterparties, product purchasers.
  8. Beginning of work.

The example of a business plan for cattle breeding (for milk and meat) reflects an analysis of animal breeds that are suitable for breeding in industrial scale. The most popular breeds for breeding are Kazakh, Hereford and Whitehead. Animals in a mature state reach a weight of 1000 - 1200 kg, of which the weight of meat is 50 - 60%. When choosing a breed, be guided by this indicator; another important point is the reliability of the breeder and the provision of all necessary certificates and documents for animals.

Market analysis and description of the cattle breeding project

The production and sale of beef is in first place among all areas of the meat industry Agriculture. At the same time, experts predict market growth, the peak of which will be in 2017 – 2021, which is associated with economic, political and demographic factors. Entering the beef market during this period is an excellent decision for an entrepreneur.

Products produced

Meat, offal, milk.

Potential clients

Meat and milk processing enterprises, market food products, large and small wholesale/retail purchasers of products, restaurants, cafes, etc.

Below are calculations of a business plan for breeding cattle (dairy and meat) for 100 heads.

Financial part of the business plan for cattle breeding


AttachmentsDeadlinesAmount, thousand rubles

Paperwork and registration

Rent land plot(temporary construction of a cattle breeding farm)

Design work

Construction or reconstruction of a cattle breeding farm

Providing heating, water supply, sewerage, electricity, etc.

Purchase of equipment and equipment for a cattle breeding farm, installation

Purchase of young cattle (100 heads)

Obtaining permits

Food supply (for 3 months)

Other costs

The initial investment in the business will be about 20 million rubles.


Average annual income when purchasing 100 head of young stock will be about 20 - 25 million rubles.


Annual expenses average 15 - 20 million rubles.

Profit, payback and profitability of the business:

The payback period of the project is about 3.5 years, profitability is 25%.


If you decide to start a cattle breeding business, you will need to scrupulously calculate the costs for the purchase of animals, feed supply, rent of land, purchase necessary equipment, as well as income from the sale of all types of products. Essentially, you will need to create a business plan. Of course, if you don’t know how to write a business plan for cattle breeding, you can download a ready-made one, but the problem is that it will not reflect the specifics of your region and the characteristics of your business. Therefore, you should pay attention to the business plan template.

Download the cattle breeding business plan template and you will be able to:

  • Save on hiring consultants to develop business plans.
  • Independently enter all individual input parameters and obtain calculation results for key performance indicators.
  • Convince the authorities government controlled, banks and investment companies in providing you with financial support.
  • Get ahead of your competitors by possessing a powerful tool for effective management of enterprise activities.

You can create a literate and effective plan development of your farm, and you will know for sure that this plan is working, so it will be much more convenient for you to work with it and complete the assigned tasks. Start your business today. With the right approach and a positive attitude, it's not that difficult.

Other ready-made business plans.

Purpose of this project is the opening of a farm in the village. Ryazanovo. The main areas of our activity:

  • raising young cattle with subsequent sale of meat to the population;
  • production and sale of milk;
  • production and sale of straw and hay.

To implement the project, it is planned to receive a subsidy in the amount of 1.5 million rubles within the framework of the program state support beginning farmers, conducted by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Ulyanovsk region. It is also planned to allocate for the implementation of the project own funds in the amount of 509 thousand rubles. In total, the total cost of the project is 2,009,000 rubles.

Economic indicators of the project implementation:

  • Net profit per year = 1,850,806 rubles;
  • Farm profitability = 83%;
  • Project payback = 13 months.

Social indicators of the project implementation:

  1. Registration of a new subject entrepreneurial activity on the territory of the Melekessky district;
  2. Creation of new jobs;
  3. Receipt of additional tax payments into the budget of the Melekessky district.

The start-up cost estimate based on business plan calculations is presented in the following table:

Description of the enterprise

The organizational and legal form of our organization will be a peasant farm (peasant farm). The head of the peasant farm will be I.I. Ivanov.

There is an opinion that “living well” in a village is much more difficult than in a city. In fact, this is far from true, because you can achieve success in any area, the main thing is to choose the right direction.

From time immemorial, the village lived from livestock and crop production. Today, when we are in the 21st century, absolutely nothing has changed. This publication will discuss one of the most promising directions business for rural areas, which involves raising cattle for meat.

So, the first thing that worries the future livestock breeder is the procedure for officially registering his business:

  • When working “big”, it is unlikely that you will be able to hide from the long arm of the law, so it is better to contact the tax office and complete all the necessary procedures for.
  • Also for successful implementation Wholesale goods cannot be obtained without a quality certificate, the absence of which will certainly become a stumbling block for cooperation with serious organizations (meat processing plants, restaurants, supermarkets, etc.).

In principle, these are the two main “papers” necessary for the legal conduct of this type of activity, but since legislation tends to constantly change, it is better to clarify the list of all necessary documents with the same tax or district administration.

Required areas and premises

Before purchasing calves, it is important to take care of their future habitat. Here you need to understand that fattening cattle takes a lot of time; accordingly, the animals will experience both severe frosts and sultry heat. An ordinary shed can cope with cold weather, and it is not necessary to have heating in it, the main thing is the absence of drafts and moisture.

The room temperature should not fall below -10 degrees.

In the summer, a special paddock with a canopy and a place for walking is used. The design of the facility must certainly include a feeding trough and a pitched floor, thanks to which all waste will be collected in a pan (a linear depression the width of the entire pen).

Please note that calves rapidly gain weight during this period of the year, and in order not to jeopardize their health, regular walking is necessary. It is carried out until puberty; further trips to pasture are fraught with consequences: minimum – a skirmish between bulls, maximum – physical damage to the person responsible for the procedure. This requirement should not be neglected, because animals that are constantly in a stall become inadequate and aggressive.

The required area for keeping 10 bulls, based on the fact that 10-11 m2 per head, is about two acres of land. In total, the cost of the square meters themselves and the total costs of everything Construction Materials will amount to about 100-150 thousand rubles. Of course, erecting buildings will require a lot of time, effort, and most importantly, desire.


  • The diet of a healthy bull consists of a wide variety of ingredients, mainly grains and melons, as well as herbs. The last point requires special attention, it will take a lot of it to feed even 10 heads. That is, such volumes cannot be prepared with an ordinary scythe, so you cannot do without a gas mower (7 thousand rubles).
  • Naturally, transporting grass will require transport; even an ordinary car with an equipped trailer will do.
  • If the future farm will be located in an ordinary private yard, in order to avoid conflicts with neighbors due to an unpleasant odor, it is necessary to organize waste removal outside the populated area. The fact that such material also acts as a fertilizer practically eliminates the possibility of any problems arising at this stage.
  • Of course, the ideal would be to purchase a tractor, but this is a rather serious investment that will almost double the total budget of the money allocated for the project. But with the help of such equipment and the presence of various attachments and carriages, it will be possible to transport the cargo and harvest the crop, much faster and more efficiently than this can be done with a conventional machine.
  • Also, do not forget about processing grain crops (wheat, barley, corn, etc.); an ordinary mini-mill will help turn them into flour; you can buy it at any market.
  • Of course, such common tools in rural areas as hoes, shovels and pitchforks must be prepared in advance, because they will be used every day.

Selecting a breed and purchasing animals

It is best to carry out a transaction at the end of winter or early spring, because then by next winter it will be possible to calculate the first profit. It is important to find a decent farm where all the livestock are kept in optimal conditions, which significantly reduces the likelihood of any infections in the animal’s body.

As mentioned earlier, it is not recommended for beginners to start with a large herd, 10 goals will be enough to start with. In this case, it is quite possible to purchase domestic calves, which have proven themselves much better than farm calves.

To find people willing to sell bulls, you will have to improvise, or, as an option, post advertisements in nearby settlements.

The breed plays a key role when choosing an animal; it determines how long it will take the calf to gain the required weight. Moreover, each of existing species differs in care, as well as in the taste of meat. The best option is fast growing meat breeds. The most popular of them are as follows:

  • Charolais.
  • White-headed.
  • Simmentalskaya.
  • Hereford.

The age of the animal at the time of purchase determines its final cost. So, the cheapest option is to purchase an individual up to 10 days old, but in this case the risk of losing the money invested increases significantly. The fact is that a small bull, up to the age of one month, feeds exclusively on milk (about 8-10 liters per day), therefore, if there is no cow on the farm (although a goat will do for this purpose), it is better to refuse such an acquisition.

Of course, everyone knows about the existence of powdered milk, which can replace natural product. But again, this is to some extent a risk of getting a weakly growing animal, because not a single concentrate can replace cow's milk. Whatever it was, the best option what remains is the purchase of one-month-old calves who by this age are already accustomed to regular food.

Care, feeding, breeding and slaughter

If you have decided to save money and purchase newborn bulls, you need to be prepared to care for them around the clock during the first month of life. Calves need to be fed milk or milk substitute three times a day; it is better to draw up a schedule for permanent basis stick to it.

The most common problem with this procedure is the bull's reluctance to eat on his own. Therefore, you will have to stock up on a regular baby feeding bottle with a nipple and practically force the liquid down your throat. However, after a week, when the animal understands that it is not poison that is being given, it will begin to drink from the bucket on its own.

A calf begins to be accustomed to grass at one month of age; under no circumstances should a freshly cut plant be used for these purposes.

A young body is not able to digest such heavy food, which can lead to diarrhea, and this is an alarming sign. More than 50% of bull calves that begin to lay eggs do not survive, so at first they put hay or straw in the feeder. At the same age, the calf begins to add feed to the milk and gradually replace the milk with water.

At the moment when animals get used to such food, they can safely be taken out to pasture, but there are some nuances here too:

  • Walking should be done after the dew has evaporated.
  • Do not leave individuals in the open sun.
  • Give them water in a timely manner.

During this period, the dangers to the calf’s health become much less, and additional ingredients can be introduced into its diet:

  • Carrot.
  • Fodder beets.
  • Potato.
  • Salt.
  • Corn without fruit.
  • Melons, etc.

Of course, you can get by with just grass and mixed feed, but then you shouldn’t expect maximum weight gain. There is no need to believe those who claim the need for castration; it is reliably known that uncastrated bulls grow faster (+15-20 kg in 1 year).

With this diet, calves are kept up to the age of 1-1.5 years, after which slaughter is carried out. This process is not for the faint of heart and requires certain skills, so it is better to involve a professional. Those who decide to carry out the procedure themselves will have to stun the animal with a heavy object (a sledgehammer or the back of an ax), and then cut its neck.

Next, use a sharp knife to carefully remove the skin so that no meat remains on it. Of course, you need to try not to damage the skin itself, which also costs money. Finally, the stomach and other entrails are removed from the carcass and divided into four parts using an ax, after first separating the head and hooves. It is in this form that the meat is sent for sale.

Product sales channels

The final part of this business project is the sale of meat. Here it must be said that the product is in great demand among consumers, so finding your client will not be so difficult. Of course, if the livestock exceeds the size of 5-10 heads, it is unrealistic to realize such volumes in rural areas. Although there is always the option to hand over live weight calves to butchers, this will significantly affect the final profit (-30%).

In order to get the maximum, you need to either trade yourself, or find companies that supply products from the same butchers.

The first thing to consider is the additional costs of transporting meat to the point of sale. If you have your own transport, they are not that big. There are plenty of options for trading yourself. This could be any market with a leased point of sale or even an ordinary passageway, in general - any place with a large crowd of people and without strict requirements from the law.

However, it is much easier, and most often more efficient, to supply meat in bulk to various establishments and organizations. And to find such a client, you will have to show not only persistence, but also bold marketing moves.

Total costs and profits

An approximate calculation looks like this:

  • Rent of land and construction of buildings – 100-150 thousand rubles.
  • Purchase of equipment, including a lawn mower and a mini-mill (without tractor) – 50 thousand rubles.
  • Animals themselves (10 heads) – about 100 thousand rubles.
  • Feed – 100-150 thousand rubles. for all livestock.

The total is about 350-450 thousand rubles. Based on the calculation that the average weight of calves will be 250-350 kg, the cost of one individual will be 45-55 thousand rubles, and ten - 450-550 thousand rubles. respectively.

Thus, the business pays for itself in the first year of its existence and already in the second year it produces a net profit of just under half a million rubles.

Video material about animal breeding

In the following video you can clearly see the organization of a business using the example of a peasant farm:

Dairy industry of the region, relative to other sectors National economy, has one of the best “starting positions” today. Dairy products are a product that the population cannot do without under any circumstances, therefore the dairy industry is potentially one of the most sustainable sectors of the economy.

At the same time, in our region, as in Russia as a whole, there is a reduction dairy production, Breeding cattle dairy direction is not carried out effectively. According to information official statistics The negative dynamics of milk production in the Tambov region has intensified since 2008. During this period, the volume of milk production in the region decreased by 18.89%, mainly due to a reduction in milk production in households. This reduction is caused by the inability of many small producers to ensure that the milk produced meets the required quality parameters. The volume of milk production in 2015 for all categories of farms amounted to 219.7 thousand tons, which is 1.8% less than in 2014 and 38.48% less than the total needs of the region.

The lack of milk production in the region is compensated mainly by interregional imports and imports from the Republic of Belarus. The share of this source of food resources in the group of milk and dairy products in the Tambov region is about 26%.

According to research conducted by Michurinsk Agrarian University, the level of provision of locally produced milk to the population at the beginning of 2015 in the Tambov region, per person, was only 52.65% of the recommended norm (according to expert estimates, 340 kg/person per year) , or 179 kg. Thus, the lack of provision of the population with its own dairy products is at the level of 47.35%.

Dairy cattle breeding as a business

According to experts, the production capacity of the dairy industry available in the region is capable of processing 89.3 thousand tons of milk, but their actual load is 58.8 thousand tons, or 65.9%. Along with an insufficient number of dairy herds, underutilization production capacity is associated with the low marketability of milk produced in households, which leads to an increase in its use for livestock feed and other non-food purposes. Accordingly, no one is involved in the issues of dairy cattle breeding. According to the analysis of the state of milk and dairy products production conducted by the Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev, the share of industrial milk consumption in the Tambov region is 20.7% of the gross production volume. One of the main reasons for the low marketability of milk in the small-scale production sector is the use of low-productive livestock, especially in personal subsidiary farms citizens. It should be noted that according to the Institute of Agricultural Marketing, in 2014, the shortage of commercial milk in the region amounted to 56 thousand tons, or 25% of the total volume of milk produced.

Peasant farms account for 10.5% of gross milk production in the region, and household farms account for 69% of production. Thus, 79.5% of milk is produced in the small-scale sector, and agricultural organizations account for only 20.5% of regional production.

The level of development of farms suggests their high competitiveness in comparison with agricultural organizations and households. They have the highest level of cow productivity, amounting to 4,471 kg. in year. At the same time, sales volumes of milk and dairy products reduce consumer demand, making the dairy segment a promising business.

The advantage of farms over large ones corporate structures is the absence of unnecessary management apparatus, which allows them to establish effective management small family dairy livestock farms, located according to the cluster principle.

Based on the given data on the structure of milk production in the Tambov region, we can conclude that today farms are the most promising organizational form milk production with a technologically effective business plan.

The annual volume of milk production in the established peasant farm is planned at the level of 76 tons, which will allow for a 1.4% increase in production volume in the Umetsky district and, accordingly, increase the level of provision of the population with dairy products from local producers.

Based on market analysis, the milk production segment in the Tambov region has a large capacity. The shortage of commercial milk production, as well as the underutilization of the region's processing capacities, indicates a high demand for quality products planned for production in peasant farms. The existing market capacity opens up potential prospects for the confident development of the economy for business with the confident development of the economy - an increase in the milking herd of cattle, and, consequently, the volume of milk production.