What applies to cattle? KRS (cattle). Characteristics and types

If you ask any person what animal they associate agriculture with, the most likely answer will be “cow.” Indeed, among domestic animals, these animals are one of the most important and most common, but in the scientific literature their name is usually replaced by the term “cattle.” This substitution is explained simply - in addition to ordinary cows, which originate from wild aurochs, other representatives of the bovine family were domesticated: Indian buffalo, yak, banteng, gaur. All these animals are capable of producing crosses with cows, which blurs the species boundaries. In addition, they have similar physiology, which is why all domesticated bovines are called cattle.

Ankole-Watussi cattle.

Among all types of cattle, it is the descendants of the aurochs who predominate quantitatively: the world population of cows has exceeded 1.3 billion heads. The remaining species are significantly inferior to them in numbers and are distributed locally in areas of domestication. The domestication of wild aurochs took place in two stages. The inhabitants of Asia were the first to pay attention to the huge ungulates: about 8 thousand years ago, cows first began to be bred in Northern India. Europeans, independently of the Indians, tamed wild aurochs 3 thousand years later. Thus, cows became domesticated later than goats and sheep, and there were reasons for this. The fact is that small animals were easier to catch, and during the taming process they caused less trouble. But huge aurochs, capable of actively defending themselves, were simply dangerous for people. Only after the technology of keeping them was worked out on small ungulates did people dare to tame the mighty horned animals.

Subsequently, the settlement of cows followed two paths. In Asia, these animals penetrated to the south and east (together with buffalos), partly to the north into the Himalaya region (the yak was domesticated there). Here they enjoyed popularity and honor to the point of deification, but did not undergo radical external changes. In addition, through Egypt and the Middle East, these animals came to Africa, where they became an important animal husbandry for a number of tribes.

In Europe, the largest population was first in Greece, where they occupied a prominent place in ancient culture. For example, the mythical monster Minotaur, according to legend, had the body of a man and the head of a bull. In the myth of the abduction of Europa, Zeus also turned into a bull to steal the girl he loved. On the occasion of the victory, it was customary for the Greeks to perform a solemn sacrifice - a hecatomb, during which exactly 100 bulls were supposed to be slaughtered as a gift to the gods. Moreover, we owe the appearance of... acrobatics to cows! The first acrobats were not circus gymnasts at all, as we now imagine them to be. These were courageous people who performed in the arena with an angry bull, over which they made masterly jumps. And only later these games turned into a safe and beautiful sport.

The beauty and power of bulls are embodied in several monuments erected in different cities of the world.

Since the Middle Ages, cows have become the main agricultural animal in almost all European countries, and here they have undergone the greatest genetic changes, resulting in the emergence of highly productive modern breeds. Subsequently, breeding animals were brought to North and South America, New Zealand, and Australia. Now the best and largest herds of dairy cows are in Holland, Germany, Switzerland, Israel, and New Zealand. The leadership in beef cattle breeding is invariably held by the USA, Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay. This geographical division is not accidental; it is explained by some physiological characteristics of cattle.

Compared to other herbivores, cattle require more feed per unit weight, which makes them less profitable to keep. The low profitability of cows is compensated by large carcass sizes and high meat yield. They digest roughage better than goats and sheep, but at the same time they need more water.

The need for water is especially great in dairy cows, which is why highly productive dairy farming thrives only in temperate climates.

Cows have a four-chambered stomach, and food in it is digested in several stages. First, the eaten food enters the so-called rumen, from where, after 30-40 minutes. reflexively burps back into the oral cavity. Repeated chewing of food is called rumination. The chewed food again enters the stomach and moves to the next section - the abomasum. This is where digestion actually occurs. Two more sections, the book and the mesh, specialize in the absorption of liquid food (milk, water). The stomach volume of cows can reach up to 200 liters! This colossal organ is home to a huge population of bacteria and ciliates that break down cellulose. It is thanks to them that cattle are able to most fully absorb the nutrients of plant matter. One cow can eat up to 70-100 kg of feed per day.

Other features worth noting are relatively early sexual maturity. Thus, heifers acquire the ability to mate already at the age of 7-9 months, that is, like goats, which are significantly smaller in size than cows. True, on farms animals are allowed to mate later - from 15-18 months. Pregnancy in cows lasts 285 days. Usually a cow gives birth to one calf, but twins and triplets are less common. The largest number of normally developed fruits was 8 pieces. After calving, the cow is able to produce milk for up to 10 months, followed by a period of forced rest and the next calving. Dairy cows are difficult to start (interrupt lactation), the world record belongs to a Guernsey cow, which was milked for 8 years after calving! The high reproductive load also causes the relatively rapid failure of cows and bulls. On an industrial scale, animals are used for 3-5 seasons, after which the milk yield drops and keeping a cow becomes unprofitable. At the same time, with good care, record-breaking animals can maintain high productivity for up to 10 and even 19 years. In Finland, Denmark, Germany, and Holland, they traditionally take care of the longevity of cows and even insert artificial teeth into elderly animals. For example, 80% of the world record holders with a lifetime milk yield of over 100 tons now belong to the Netherlands. In general, cows can live up to 20-30 years, and the oldest centenarian was 78 years old.

Cow's milk has no equal in taste, so it accounts for 84% of world production, another 12% comes from buffalo milk and only the remainder from milk from other types of livestock. Cow's milk is indispensable in the production of cream, sour cream and butter. The meat of cows is tougher than that of other animals, but it contains relatively little fat, so beef is considered one of the healthiest varieties of this product. The toughness of the meat is eliminated by the early slaughter of fattened young animals, resulting in tender veal. Due to the high hemoglobin content, beef has a dark color, but at the same time it also has a high concentration of iron. For this reason, it is recommended for use by people suffering from anemia and engaged in heavy physical labor. In addition, cattle serve as a supplier of a number of gourmet products: beef tongues and “marbled” beef with an even distribution of fat between the muscle fibers. The technology for producing such meat was developed in Japan and even received its own name - Kobe. It makes a strong impression on an untrained person: according to Kobe, calves are kept in soundproof rooms in conditions of limited mobility (suspended from the ceiling with belts). To ensure that the animals do not suffer from cramped conditions, they are given daily massages, fed exclusively grain, given beer and sake, and played classical music. It is not surprising that the price of such meat on the market reaches 140-180 € per kg. Traditionally, beef is most popular in English-speaking countries; in England, the USA, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, a good steak is valued above any other meat dish.

Horn bracelets.

Other types of raw materials include leather and horns. While the former is used for furniture upholstery, making belts and shoes, horns are now almost never used as a raw material. But in ancient times they were used to make dishes (hence the “horn of plenty”), powder flasks, musical instruments (hunting horn), jewelry, salt shakers, snuff boxes, and hair combs. Horn has a pleasant smooth texture and warmth; it replaced modern plastic for our ancestors.

Cattle are not only productive animals, but also excellent draft power. Due to their large muscle mass, bulls have high load-carrying capacity and endurance, but are slow, so they are used for transporting bulk cargo and for plowing.

A cart harnessed to a pair of zebu.

In order to make bulls more obedient and manageable, castration is performed; emasculated working animals are called oxen. In the old days, they were widespread, for example, oxen were the main transport of the Chumaks, delivering salt from the Black Sea coast; they also pulled the heavy wagons of the first American settlers across the endless prairies of North America. Now you can no longer find oxen in developed countries, but draft cattle are still popular in Asian countries. Buffalo and zebu races are held here annually, and in different versions of the competition, the driver can ride on a fancy cart or slide barefoot through the mud, holding on to the tails of the animals.

Buffalo racing on the island. Bali (Indonesia).

By the way, the slowness of cows is greatly exaggerated. If desired, these animals can be trained to ride under saddle and even jump over obstacles.

The daughter of a Bavarian farmer, Regina Mayer, trained the cow Luna to jump over barriers.

Although we typically think of cattle as animals that provide purely practical benefits, they also play a prominent role in the entertainment industry. First of all, it is worth mentioning bullfighting - the heir to the ancient Greek games with bulls. There are two varieties of this fun in the world: in Spanish bullfighting, the bullfighter is obliged to kill the animal in front of the audience; in Portuguese bullfighting, either a bullfighter or a horse rider competes against the bull, and victory is counted by the number of injections inflicted, that is, the bull leaves the arena alive. In both cases, a person fights only with young and inexperienced animals, which are released into the arena for the first time, and special blunt attachments are put on the victim’s horns. The obvious injustice of this balance of power caused many complaints from animal rights activists, which is why bullfighting is now prohibited. Now the Spaniards, hungry for thrills, indulge their souls in running with the bulls. Here humans and animals are on equal terms, which does not negate the risk and stupidity of this event. Several dozen bulls are released from the pen and driven through the city streets, and the men run away from them, trying to maintain as little distance as possible from the animal. Confused by the crush and screams, the bulls somehow manage to pick on their horns or trample a couple of people.

The running of the bulls takes place in the Spanish city of Pamplona.

Americans do not lag behind the temperamental southerners; their entertainment originates from the usual work processes that cowboys performed on farms. Over time, bull riding, catching calves with a lasso, and managing a herd on horseback became independent rodeo disciplines. Although this sport does not look bloodthirsty at all, it is very far from humane treatment of animals. During dressage of bulls and catching calves, injuries often occur to both people and livestock, and they are not inferior to each other in severity. Cow fights look the most innocent. These competitions are held in Switzerland and exclusively heifers participate. The animals simply butt heads, finding out which of them is worthy of being a leader; at the end of the battle, the participants part with the world.

"Battle of the Queens" is a traditional cow fight in Switzerland.

Due to such varied and long-term use, cattle have undergone significant external changes. Now in the world there are more than 1000 breeds of bulls, 121 breeds of zebu, 38 breeds of buffalo, as well as several breeds of yak, guyal and banteng. A brief description of the types of cattle and a description of the most famous breeds are given below.

Bulls and cows

They originate from the extinct aurochs. Depending on the degree of genetic closeness to the wild ancestor, primitive and highly productive breeds are distinguished. Primitive breeds are most often tall-legged, narrow-minded, and have horns directed forward or upward. Highly productive breeds, as a rule, are massive, broad-fronted, have short horns directed to the sides, or are completely hornless (polted). In general, the shape of the horns is a very variable feature...

in some animals they can reach incredible sizes.

A Texas Longhorn bull named Jay R. is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the owner of the longest horns - they reach 227 cm. Since the horns grow throughout their lives, and the bull is still young, they will become even longer in the future.

The color of cows and bulls can be one color (black, white, red, red) or piebald with a certain pattern of spots. All breeds except the Scottish Highland have a short coat. Weight varies widely. The largest bulls can weigh more than 2 tons. Recently, there has been a tendency to breed mini-breeds that can be raised in small private farms. One such cow requires minimal care, but can provide milk for an entire family.

Archie, a 29-month-old bull, is recognized as the smallest in the world. His height is only 76.2 cm.

According to their productive purpose, breeds are divided into dairy, meat and dairy, and meat.

Dairy breeds

Holstein (Holstein-Friesian) - bred in the 19th century in Holland and Northern Germany, improved in the USA. Representatives of this breed are medium in size: height at withers 140-155 cm, weight of bulls 960-1200 kg, cows 670-750 kg. Animals are most often polled, less often have short, slightly curved horns. The color is black-and-white, with occasional red-and-white specimens. The bulls are suitable for fattening for meat, the yield of which is 50-55%. Cows have a pronounced milk constitution: a huge cup-shaped udder is firmly attached to the abdominal wall. The average milk yield is 7000-8000 kg of milk per year, for the best representatives of the breed it exceeds 10,000 kg per year, the absolute world record belongs to the cow Juliana, who gave 30,805 kg of milk in a year! The fat content of milk in different populations varies from 3 to 3.9%. The productive performance of this breed speaks for itself, which is why Holstein cows are the most common dairy cattle in the world. They are found everywhere and have been used in the development of a number of other breeds (for example, black and white). However, high productivity also determines high demands on housing conditions; these cows are quite sensitive to stress.

Holstein cow.

Ayrshire - like other breeds, its name comes from the place of breeding, Ayrshire County in Scotland. The breed was finally formed in the 19th century, and is now the leader in popularity in the northern countries (Canada, Finland, Sweden). It is distinguished by a strong constitution, excellent adaptability to cold climates and not too large in size: height at withers 122-130 cm, weight of bulls 800 kg, cows 450-570 kg. The horns are large, lyre-shaped, directed upward. The color is red-variegated, with occasional red and white animals. The meat yield is 50-55%. In the Ayrshire breed, large milk yields (4000-8000 kg of milk per year) are successfully combined with high milk fat content (4.1-4.5%). Other indicators of its quality are also encouraging - high protein content and low somatic cell content. Animals of this breed are early maturing, hardy, easily adapt to harsh climates, but do not tolerate heat well. Ayrshire cows are somewhat shy and can behave aggressively.

Ayrshire dairy cattle.

Dutch - one of the oldest dairy breeds, bred in the 18th century in the Netherlands. Among the breeds of this direction, it stands out for its compact but dense physique and strong constitution. Height at withers 125-140 cm, weight of bulls 900-1000 kg, cows 550-600 kg. Animals are hornless. The color is black and motley, the spots are very large and form characteristic zones on the body: the front and back parts of the body are black, in the middle there is a wide white belt. The meat yield is 52-60%. Milk yield reaches an average of 3500-5000 kg of milk per year. Dutch cows have strong cup-shaped udders and regularly shaped teats, adapted for machine milking. They were used to breed a number of dairy breeds, including the Ayrshire. Animals of this breed are precocious and easily adapt to different climates, but are susceptible to a number of dangerous diseases (leukemia, tuberculosis).

Dutch cows in the pasture.

Jersey - bred in the 18th-19th centuries on the British island of Jersey. It is distinguished by a delicate, dry constitution, small size: height at withers 120-130 cm, weight of bulls 600-700 kg, cows 350-400 kg. The animals are polled and rarely have short, thin horns. The color is red, light brown with lightened areas at the end of the muzzle, around the eyes, belly and legs, sometimes the muzzle and neck have a dark gray tint. Cows of this breed are distinguished not only by their low weight, but also by their relatively modest milk yield (3000-3500 kg per year). This deficiency is more than compensated for by the record high fat content: in ordinary animals it is 5-6%, in the best representatives of the breed it reaches 10%, and the record is 14%! In fact, Jersey cows produce cream, so they are considered indispensable in those farms that specialize in butter production. These cows are widely used for crossbreeding to increase fat content in other breeds. Due to their small mass, they do not trample pastures, and are also undemanding, but nervous and require delicate handling.

Jersey cow.

Meat and dairy breeds

Simmental - formed over hundreds of years in the valley of the Swiss river Simma, officially approved in 1926. Animals of proportional build, with a wide body, deep chest, developed dewlap and heavy thick skin. Height at withers 140-160 cm, weight of bulls 850-1300 kg, cows 550-900 kg. The horns of these cows are of the correct shape. The most common colors are fawn-motley and red-motley, less often fawn and red. Despite their versatility, the milk yield of these cows is not inferior in size to dairy cows. On average, a cow produces 3,500-5,000 kg per year, and record holders produce 10,000-14,000 kg with a fat content of 3.8-4.1% (sometimes up to 6%). The meat yield in the carcass is 55-65%. The animals are unpretentious, easily adapt to different climatic conditions, digest roughage well, rarely get sick, and have a calm character. Simmentals are used to improve meat quality in dairy and dairy-meat breeds.

Representative of the Simmental breed.

Gray Ukrainian - one of the oldest breeds, descending directly from the aurochs. It was formed in the Middle Ages through folk selection in the steppes of Europe. Similar breeds originated from gray Ukrainian cattle: Hungarian gray, Gascony, Maremma. All of them are quite tall-legged, have a narrow chest, a long neck and long lyre-shaped horns pointing upward. The color is exclusively gray, calves are born fawn. All these breeds are now scarce, and some are endangered. The reason for this is versatility, because these animals were used not only for the production of milk and meat, but also as draft animals. Because of this, gray Ukrainian cattle cannot boast of greater weight and milk yield. The weight of bulls is 800-850 kg, cows 450-550 kg. The annual milk yield is 2100-2800 kg of milk with a fat content of 4.2-4.5%. However, animals compensate for these disadvantages with other advantages. They are extremely unpretentious, hardy, easily adapt to cold and hot climates, eat the lowest quality food, are fertile, calm, intelligent, and most importantly, resistant to such dangerous diseases as tuberculosis, leukemia and even plague. After bulls and oxen were no longer used for transporting goods, their powerful strength was unclaimed and the breed fell into decline. In some countries, they are trying to breed these cattle as exotic native animals.

Hungarian gray cattle trace their origins to the Ukrainian gray breed.

Scottish Highland - bred in Scotland based on local stock. This breed cannot be called popular, but in terms of exoticism it surpasses all others. In winter and summer, these cattle are grazed on scarce northern pastures, as a result of which they have developed a rich coat that reliably protects them from the cold. The guard hair of Scottish highland cows reaches a length of 30 cm, and underneath it lies a short but dense undercoat. The constitution of the animals is close to that of meat: they have a short head with a wide forehead, long horns, which initially grow to the sides or forward, and in old age bend upward. The most common colors are red and red; black, white, and fawn individuals are less common. The meat of these cows is lean, with a high content of protein and iron. Scottish highland cattle are very unpretentious, easily adapt to cold climates, use pastures effectively, and have a calm disposition. At the same time, cows can be aggressive due to their pronounced maternal instinct. This breed is often kept in zoos and nature reserves as attractive pets.

Scottish Highland cow with calf.

It would seem that what could be more exotic than Scottish cattle, but breeders are not sitting idly by, and now “fluffy cows” have appeared on one of the Iowa farms. True, they have not yet been formalized into a separate breed and exist only as a selection group. But these animals more than make up for their lack of official status with their unusual appearance. “Fluffy cows” are compact, come in black, red, and piebald colors, and most importantly, have a thick, moderately long coat. Thanks to special care, their coat forms a perfectly smooth, plush surface that emphasizes the contours of the body.

“Fluffy Bull” selection by Matt Lautner.

Ankole-watussi (watussi) - another specific breed developed through folk selection in Africa. These are large animals of red or red-and-white color. The weight of bulls is 540-730 kg, cows 430-540 kg. The main distinguishing feature of the breed - incredibly long horns, growing either upwards or to the sides. Their length can exceed 2 m, and in some individuals they are also very thick. Thus, the world record for this indicator is 103 cm in circumference.

The horns are hollow inside, so despite their enormous size they do not cause any inconvenience to their owners. On the contrary, the network of blood vessels located inside the horn allows you to effectively cool the body.

A herd of Watussi cows.

Meat breeds

Shorthorn - The breed was bred in Scotland in the 18th century. The name of these cows translated means “short horn” and indicates a characteristic detail of their appearance. The constitution of these cows is of a pronounced meat type: an elongated, wide and rounded body, a short massive neck, a shortened head, a strongly protruding chest, well-developed muscles. The skin is thick, soft, loose, the fur is sometimes curly. The height at the withers reaches 128-130 cm, the weight of bulls is 900-1000 kg, cows 410-720 kg. Despite the small udders of cows, with good care they can produce up to 3500-4500 kg of milk per year. The slaughter yield is 68-72%, the meat is of excellent quality: juicy, tender with fine fibers and pronounced marbling. The breed is early maturing, but demanding in terms of living conditions. Being natives of the north, Shorthorns do not tolerate the steppe climate well, and they are also infertile.

Shorthorn bull.

Hereford - The breed originated in the 18th century in the English county of Herefordshire. Animals of this breed are squat, with short and strong legs, a wide, barrel-shaped body, a deep chest, a short neck, and a wide forehead. The horns are short, and polled individuals are often encountered. The color is red with a white head, legs and belly. The skin and fur are thin. Height at withers 124-130 cm, weight of bulls 850-1000 kg, cows 550-650 kg. On average, cows produce 1000-1200 kg of milk per year with a fat content of 3.9-4%. Meat yield is 58-70%. The meat is tender, juicy, high in calories, with pronounced marbling.

Hereford cow.


A peculiar livestock, externally close to primitive breeds like the Ukrainian Gray. The main difference between zebu and ordinary cows - a large hump at the withers, similar to a camel's. True, this hump is filled not with adipose tissue, but with connective tissue. Such an unusual appearance forced scientists to look for the wild ancestors of the zebu, but they were never found. Ultimately, researchers concluded that zebu descended from aurochs as a result of a mutation that was consistently passed on from generation to generation. Zebu became widespread in India and the countries of Southeast Asia, where they compete in numbers with buffalos; they were also brought to South America and Africa. The selection of these animals is carried out separately from cows, although there are also hybrids between ordinary cattle and zebu. Main directions of zebu selection - meat and meat and dairy, in addition, they are used as draft animals. Compared to cows, zebu are somewhat less milky and massive, they are taller and more mobile, less precocious and fertile. They compensate for these shortcomings with unpretentiousness, good manners, excellent adaptability to hot climates and a number of specific diseases.

Miniature zebu.


Only Indian buffalos are known to be domesticated. The breeds of these animals do not have such pronounced morphological differences as those of cows, since they are used both as draft animals and as productive ones. Due to the taboo on the consumption of cattle meat in India, buffalo selection was carried out mainly in the dairy direction. The milk of these animals differs in taste and chemical composition from cow's; it is used to produce the famous Italian mozzarella cheese. In addition to Italy, buffaloes are kept in Europe in Hungary and Transcarpathia (Ukraine). Compared to cows, these animals are more heat-loving and attached to water. At the same time, they are distinguished by their unpretentiousness and resistance to a number of tropical diseases.

Preparing a rice field for sowing in Vietnam. Buffaloes, who themselves love water, are indispensable for working in humid climates.

The build is similar to small cows, but they have long hair on the lower part of the body, as well as a tail with long hair, similar to a horse. Most often, wild black yaks are found; brown and piebald individuals are less common.

Yak under saddle.

The weight of males reaches 800 kg, females - up to 300 kg. The main direction of their selection - dairy Over the course of a year, a female can produce 300-400 kg of milk with a fat content of 6-7%. Yaks are also indispensable as draft and pack animals. One individual can carry up to 100 kg of payload on its back, rising to a height of up to 6000 m. At this altitude, a person feels obvious signs of lack of oxygen and becomes noticeably weaker, while yaks remain functional. Among all types of cattle, these animals are the most frost-resistant, so they can spend the whole year on pastures and in open paddocks. In addition, yaks are suppliers of specific raw materials - wool (it is used to make blankets and ropes) and... manure. If cows have manure as a by-product, then in high altitude conditions, yak manure is indispensable as fuel. Crossbreeds of yaks with ordinary cows and zebu are known.

Domestic yaks wandering along a high-mountain glacier.


An Asian variety of cattle, descended from a wild animal of the same name. Externally, bantengs are very similar to domestic fawn cows. Since their distribution is limited in the countries of Southeast Asia, due to the beliefs of the local population, they are not bred for meat. The use of bantengs is somewhat similar to that of buffalo: they are raised for milk production and as draft animals.

It should be noted that among other types of cattle, these animals are distinguished by their meek and calm disposition.


Another variety of Asian “cows”. Descent from a large wild bull - gaura. Compared to their wild ancestors, gayals look shorter, but more massive. They are characterized by short, thick horns. The color of gayals can copy the wild one (dark brown body and light legs) or be piebald. Due to their large mass, gayals are bred for meat by those residents of India who do not profess Hinduism and eat beef. The meat of these animals has excellent taste, and the milk has a high fat content. Like bantengs, gayals are distinguished by their good nature and phlegmatic nature; they are used for plowing and transporting goods. At the same time, they are the smallest variety of cattle. This unpopularity is likely due to the narrow range of their wild ancestor. Hybrids of gayals with ordinary cows are known.

Bison and bison

They reproduce well in captivity; breeding of bison is especially widely practiced, the meat of which is supplied to the retail chain under the original name (namely, as bison meat, not beef). However, these animals can be called cattle only conditionally, since they are not considered domestic animals in the full sense of the word. Known hybrids of bison and cows - bison.

KHOLMOGORY BREED of cattle, dairy production. Bred in the Kholmogory and Arkhangelsk districts of the Arkhangelsk province by improving local cattle, which have long been bred in the areas of the lower reaches of the Northern Dvina River; in the 18th-19th centuries. Kholmogory cattle were improved by crossing with the Dutch breed.

The body type is typical for dairy cattle. The body is long, on high legs, the line of the back and lower back is straight, the sacrum is slightly raised, the chest is not deep enough, the legs are set correctly. The muscles are dense, dry, the skin is thin and elastic. The color is black and motley, there are red and motley, red, black, white. Bulls weigh 800-900 (sometimes 1000) kg, cows - 500-550 (sometimes up to 700) kg. Average annual milk yield is 3500-5000 kg, milk fat content is 3.7-3.8%, maximum up to 5%.

The cattle acclimatize well, which is why they are distributed in many areas. They are bred mainly in the northern and northeastern regions of the European part of Russia and in Siberia.

The breed was used in the breeding of the Istoben and Tagil breeds.

BROWN LATVIAN BREED of cattle, dairy
directions. Brought out at the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries. by crossing local
cattle and its various crosses with Angeln, North Schleswig and Red
Danish breeds.

The body is stretched, the withers are level, wide, the chest
deep, back and lower back straight, wide, sacrum long, straight and
wide, sometimes drooping, hind limbs often saber-shaped. Red suit
different shades. End of muzzle, cheeks, ears, lower neck, legs and tail
almost black. Live weight of bulls is 800-850, cows 500 kg. Milk yield 3500-4000
kg per year, milk fat content 3.9-4.0%. Meat quality is satisfactory.

The brown Latvian breed is bred in Latvia, Belarus,
Pskov, Novgorod, Leningrad regions.

BLACK-MOTTLE BREED of cattle, dairy
directions. Brought out in the USSR by crossing local cattle bred in
different zones, with East Friesian, Black-and-White Swedish and other breeds
of similar origin.

Animals of the Black-and-White breed have several bodies
elongated, proportional; The udder is voluminous, the skin is elastic. Suit
black and motley. Due to the differences in the properties of the original local livestock, natural
conditions, level of breeding work, several groups were formed in the breed and
types that differ in exterior characteristics, milk yield, and milk fat content.
In the Russian Federation - the greatest significant differences between black and white cattle
central regions, Urals, Siberia.

Black-and-white cattle of the central regions of the Russian Federation
formed by crossing Dutch and East Frisian cattle with local,
Kholmogorsky, Yaroslavl; crosses of Swiss and
Simmental breeds. The animals are large (bulls weigh 900-1000,
cows - 550-650 kg), with high milk productivity
(average annual milk yield is about 4000, in breeding farms - up to 6000 kg),
but are inferior to other groups in terms of milk fat content (3.6 - 3.7%).

Black-and-white cattle of the Urals formed in
mainly by crossing the Tagil breed with Ostfries and partly with
black-and-white cattle of the Baltic states. In animals there is somewhat lighter dryness
constitution type, average annual milk yield 3700-3800, in breeding
farms - up to 5500 kg, milk fat content 3.8-4.0%.

Black-and-white cattle of Siberia were created
by crossing local Siberian cattle with Dutch ones, animals are less
large. In terms of productivity, it is somewhat inferior to other groups (average
annual milk yield over 3500, in breeding farms - up to 5000 kg, fat content
milk 3.7-3.9%).

The meat quality of the Black-and-White breed is satisfactory.
With intensive rearing, the average daily weight gain of young animals is 800-1000 g,
by 15-16 months of age, animals weigh 420-480 kg. Killer
yield 50-55%. Breeding work is aimed at improving the breed
by purebred breeding, taking into account local conditions in different zones.
To improve the constitution of animals and increase milk productivity in
farms use bulls of the Dutch Holstein-Friesian breed.

Main breeding areas: northwestern regions of the Russian Federation,
Ukraine, Belarus, Baltic states, Uzbekistan, Urals, Western and Eastern
Siberia, Far East.

cattle, dairy and meat production. Withdrawn
at the state farm "Karavaevo" and breeding farms of the Kostroma region by crossing
Yaroslavl and local Miskovsky cattle with Algaus and Schwyz
breeds Approved in 1945.

One of the most highly productive breeds
dairy and meat direction. The animals are large, broad-bodied, with strong
skeleton and well-developed muscles. Characterized by intensive growth
and good meat qualities. Color ranges from light to dark gray. Bulls
weigh 850-950 (sometimes up to 1000) kg, cows - 550-650 kg. Average annual
milk yield 4000-5000 kg, milk fat content 3.7-3.9%. Fattening castrates in
age 18 months weigh 450-500 kg. Slaughter yield over 60%.

The Kostroma breed is widely used to improve
productive qualities of many breeds and local livestock.

Bred in Kostroma, Ivanovo, Vladimir,
regions in Belarus.

The Kostroma breed was used in breeding
Alatau breed.

BESTUZHEV BREED of cattle, dairy and meat
directions. Homeland - the village of Repyevka (now Novospassky district of Ulyanovsk
region). Conducted 18 - beginning 19th centuries by crossing local cattle with
Shorthorn, Dutch, Simmental and other breeds. Name
received the name of the breeder Bestuzhev, who laid the foundation for the breeding
working with the breed.

The cattle are large, with a deep, elongated body and
strong bones. In the breed there are animals that deviate to the side
meat and dairy or dairy types. Red color in different shades (from
light red to cherry), there are white markings on the head, chest,
belly, udder. The live weight of bulls is 750-900 kg, cows - 500-550 kg. Milk yield
3000-3800, up to 4500 kg, milk fat content 3.8-4.1%, highest
5.5%. Cattle are early maturing, good
fattens up and fattens up. Slaughter yield up to 60%.

Bred in Ulyanovsk, Samara, Penza
regions, Tatarstan, Bashkiria.

SIMMENTAL BREED of cattle (from German.
Simmental - Simmental Valley), dairy and meat direction.
Brought out in Switzerland by improving local and imported ones in the 5th century.
Scandinavian cattle. Thanks to its high productive qualities and good
acclimatization, spread to many countries. Long lasting
absorption crossbreeding of local cows
from different countries with Simmental
bulls exported from Switzerland created related breeds, which
in some countries they have a different purpose (in Germany and Austria - flexvie, in
France - Montbéliarde, in Hungary - Hungarian Pied, etc.), and
various directions - from dairy to meat.

The Simmental breed was brought to Russia from the 2nd
half of the 19th century The bulls were used for crossing with local cattle - gray
Ukrainian, Polesie, Kalmyk, Kazakh, etc. They were already imported to the USSR,
in addition to Swiss, German, Hungarian, Austrian Simmental cattle.
Through crossing with various local breeds, several
zonal types of the Simmental breed (Sychevsky, steppe, Ukrainian,
Volga, Urals, Siberian, Far Eastern).

The color of the cattle is fawn, fawn-motley, less often
red-motley, head and end of tail white; nasal "mirror" pink,
horns and hooves are light waxy in color. Bulls weigh 800-1100, cows -
550-600 kg. The average annual milk yield is 3500-4500 kg, milk fat content is 3.8-3.9%.
The animals are well fed. Bulls by 12 months. weigh 400-420 kg,
by 18 months - 500-600 kg. Slaughter yield 58-62 kg.

Bred in the Russian Federation, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan.
The Simmental breed was used in the breeding of the Bestuzhev, red
Tambov, Sychevsky breeds.

KALMYK BREED of cattle, meat production.
Brought out by long-term improvement of livestock brought by nomads
Kalmyk tribes about 350 years ago from the western part of Mongolia.

Animals of a strong constitution, harmonious build.
The color is red in different shades (sometimes with a white stripe on the back and white
marks on the body), less often red. Bulls weigh 750-900, cows
420-500 kg. Cattle are unpretentious to feed and living conditions, good
uses winter pastures, quickly gains fat in spring and autumn and
persistently retains fatness during summer droughts and long winterings.
By the age of 1.5 years, breeding bulls reach a weight of 400-450 kg,
castrated bulls - 380-420 kg. During intensive stall feeding
castrated bulls aged 18-19 months.
reach a live weight of 530 kg. Slaughter yield 57-60%. Meat has
high taste qualities. Average annual milk yield 650-1000 kg, fat content
milk 4.2-4.4%.

The Kalmyk breed is used to improve meat
qualities of dairy and dairy-meat breeds, as well as for industrial

Bred in Kalmykia, Rostov, Astrakhan,
Aktobe, Dzhambul regions, Stavropol Territory and other areas

ABERDEEN-ANGUS BREED of cattle, beef
directions. Bred in Scotland (County Aberdeen (
Aberdeen) and Angus (
Angus)) improving local
black polled cattle.

The body is deep and rounded,
short legs, short neck,
imperceptibly merging with the shoulder and head, lower back
and sacrum are well executed, muscles
the ham descends to the hock joint. The bones are thin, the skin is loose,
thin, elastic. The animals are polled. The suit is black. Live weight of bulls
750-800 kg, sometimes up to 1000 kg, cows - 500-550 kg, sometimes up to 700 kg,
castrated bulls by 15-16 months. with intensive rearing and fattening
450-460 kg. Slaughter yield is about 60%. The meat is marbling.
When crossed with other breeds, animals transmit well to offspring
meat qualities.

The Aberdeen Angus breed is bred in the UK.
USA, Canada, New Zealand, Argentina, Australia, other countries.

In the CIS it is used for crossing with Kalmyk cattle
(crossbreeds have high meat qualities), as well as for industrial
crossbreeding with dairy and dairy-meat breeds.

Bred in the steppe regions of Volgograd and Orenburg
regions, Stavropol, Krasnoyarsk and Altai territories, Kazakhstan,

RED STEPPE BREED of cattle, dairy
directions. Formed from the end of the 18th century. on the territory of modern
Zaporozhye region of Ukraine. Crossing of gray steppe was used
cattle with red East Friesian, red German, Angeln, etc.
Until the end of the 19th century. crossbreeds in Ukraine were bred “in themselves”, in other areas
they were crossed with local cattle. Since the 20s 20th century systematic
breeding work.

Animals have a dry, dense, strong constitution.
The color is red, in different shades; many animals have white markings on
head and torso. Adult breeding bulls weigh 800-900 (sometimes 1200) kg,
cows - 45-550 (sometimes up to 700) kg. Average annual milk yield is 3800-4500 kg,
milk fat content is 3.6-3.8%.

Animals are adapted to
hot climate, acclimatize well.

The main breeding areas are the south of the European part of the CIS,
Western Siberia, Kazakhstan.

cattle, dairy. Launched in
18-19 centuries in the Urals (regions adjacent to Nizhny Tagil) by crossing
local cattle with Kholmogory and Dutch breeds and systematic
selection of animals for milk productivity.

Animals of medium size, with a slightly elongated
body, deep but not wide chest, long thin neck, dry
head. The bones are strong, the skin is dense and elastic. Meet
drooping butt, narrow pelvis, incorrect positioning of the legs. Color black and motley
and black, less often red, red-motley, brown, brown-motley. Bulls weigh
800-900, cows - 450-520 kg. Average annual milk yield 3500-4500 kg, fat content
milk 4-4.2%, sometimes up to 5.3%.

Animals are well adapted to harsh climates
conditions of the Urals. Bred in Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk, Tyumen regions
and Udmurtia.

AIRSHIRE BREED of cattle, dairy production.
Brought out at the end of the 18th century. in County Ayr in Scotland by improving local
cattle "infusion of blood" Teeswater, Dutch, Flemish and
Alderney cattle bred on the islands of the English Channel. Selection and
selection was carried out according to exterior, milk production and
fat content.

Animals of the Ayrshire breed have a regular physique,
The bones are strong, the chest is deep and wide. The horns are light, directed towards
sides, up and slightly back. The udder is well developed. Color red-motley
(from white with small red spots to dark red with white spots).
Live weight of bulls is 700-800 kg, cows 420-500 kg, heifers by 12 months. - 240 kg,
by 18 months - 300-350 kg. Milk yield 4000-4500 kg per year, milk fat content
4-4,4 %.

Distributed in many
European countries, USA, Canada, Australia. Ayrshire cattle to Russia
They began to import it in the 19th century, but it did not become widespread. In the 60s
20th century Ayrshire animals were imported to the USSR from Finland. Bred in
northwestern regions of the European part of the Russian Federation.

cattle, dairy. Brought out in the 19th century. V
Yaroslavl province through long-term selection of the most productive local
animals and breeding the best livestock "in itself".

Animals have a pronounced milky body type,
head dry, light; deep chest, stretched deep torso. Udder
medium size, glandular. The color is mostly black; head white, often
with black “glasses”, white belly and limbs. Bulls weigh 770-860,
cows - 450-550 kg. Average annual milk yield is 3500-4000 kg, milk fat content
4.0-4.2%, the highest - up to 6%.
They are bred mainly in Yaroslavl, Tver, Vologda, Kostroma,
Tyumen and other regions of the Russian Federation.

The Yaroslavl breed was used in breeding
Kostroma and Istobenskaya

SWITZ BREED of cattle, dairy and meat
directions. Bred in the mountainous regions of Switzerland through long-term selection
animals descended from short-horned cattle introduced in ancient times
times from the East.

The breed is divided into milk-meat, dairy and
meat and dairy types.

Animals of dairy-meat type proportional
build, large, with a deep and broad chest, straight and wide line
top, well-developed muscles.

Animals of the dairy type are distinguished by great
elongation of the body, angularity of shape and flat ribs.

Meat and dairy cattle are characterized by magnificent
developed, loose muscles, compact build, has a wide,
relatively short body, well-developed chest,
triangle, underdeveloped udder.

Color from light gray to dark brown, along the top
lines of the body from the withers to the root of the tail - lighter color around
dark lead nasal "mirror" light hair.

Thanks to the high productive qualities of Shvitskaya
The breed is widespread. To France, Italy, USA, Canada, countries
North and South America and Africa imported livestock mainly
dairy and meat type, to Germany, Austria, Romania - meat and dairy.
In each of these countries, they are further improving the types of Schvitskaya
breeds Thus, in the USA a dairy type with an average annual milk yield of 5000 kg was created
or more and milk fat content of 4.5%.

In the Russian Federation, Swiss dairy and beef cattle predominate
directions. Bulls weigh 800-950 (sometimes up to 1200) kg, cows - 550-600
(sometimes up to 800) kg. Average annual milk yield 3500-4000 kg, fat content
milk 3.7-3.8%. The meat quality of livestock is high. Castrati bulls at
intensive rearing and fattening, by the age of 1.5 years they weigh about 500 kg.
Slaughter yield 60%.

Mainly bred in
central regions of the Russian Federation, in the North Caucasus.

By crossing local cattle from different areas with Swiss
Large tracts of brown cattle have been created, from which the following breeds have been identified:
Kostroma, Alatau, Lebedinskaya, Caucasian brown, brown

HEREFORD BREED of cattle, meat production.
Brought out in the 18th century. in England (Herefordshire) selection and selection
local livestock.

Animals with a barrel-shaped, squat, wide and
deep torso, strongly prominent dewlap, well muscled
shoulders. The hair is short in summer, long and curly in winter. Suit
dark red, head, withers, dewlap, belly, lower limbs
and the brush of the tail are white. The live weight of bulls is 850-1000, cows 550-600 kg. Cattle
feeds and fattens well, produces high-quality "marble"
meat. Slaughter yield is 60-65%, sometimes up to 70%. Animals are precocious,
hardy, adapted to various natural conditions, long
kept on pastures, tolerate long distances well.

The Hereford breed is widespread in
UK, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, etc.

Accepted for breeding in many southeastern
regions of the European part of the Russian Federation, Siberia,
Far East, Kazakhstan.

BREED of cattle, meat production. Withdrawn
in the 30-40s. on collective farms and state farms of Kazakhstan, Orenburg and
Volgograd regions by crossing
local Kazakh and partially
Kalmyk cattle from Hereford
breed. Approved in 1950.

Animals with a well-defined meat body type.
The color is red, various shades; head, chest, belly, lower legs
and the brush of the tail are white, there are white markings on the withers and rump.
In summer the hair is short, smooth, shiny, by winter the hair is
are overgrown with thick, long hair, many of them have
curliness. Bulls weigh 850-1000,
cows 500-550 kg. Cattle are distinguished by their early maturity. With intense
raising young animals by 15-18 months. reaches a mass of 450-470 kg. Animals
They walk and fatten up well. Slaughter yield 55% or more.

The Kazakh white-headed breed is crossed with a dairy
cattle to improve its meat qualities.

Bred in Kazakhstan, the Lower and Middle Volga region and
other areas.

cattle, meat production. Brought out in the 18th century. in France,
in the Charolais region by improving local livestock; in the 19th century crossbreeding
Charolais with shorthorns.

The animals are large, the body is long and deep, the head
short and wide, long, rounded horns, straight, muscular back,
The rump is wide, muscular, the hams are well executed. Hairline
thin, long, often with crimp. Color creamy white, nasal "mirror"
pink, horns and hooves waxy. The breed is usually large-fruited,
As a result, some animals experience severe calving. Bulls weigh
1000-1200 (sometimes up to 1500) kg, cows - 700-800 (sometimes up to 1150) kg,
bulls by 12 months. - up to 525, by 18 months. - 600-650 kg. Slaughter yield 60-70%.
Calves are raised by suckling.

The animals are unpretentious and persistently convey valuable qualities.
posterity. Crosses from industrial crossing of Charolais bulls with cows
other breeds have great growth energy and well-defined meat

The breed is bred in many countries. In the USA by crossing
Charolais, with Brahman cattle, a breed of beef cattle was bred - Cherbray, in
Brazil by crossing Charolais with zebu - the Canche breed.

In the CIS, the breed is bred in purity and used in
crossbreeding to improve the meat qualities of other breeds.

The content of the article

CATTLE, in the narrow sense - farm animals, artiodactyl mammals belonging to the species Bos taurus(Latin bos – cow or ox; taurus – bull) of the bovid family (Bovidae). In a broader sense, all other representatives of the genus are also considered cattle Bos, i.e. bantenga ( B. javanicus), the domesticated form of which is called bali, gaura ( B. gaurus) and its domesticated form gayala, kouprea ( B. sauveli) and yak ( B. grunniens). It should be noted that some experts also include the American bison, European bison and Asian buffalo in this genus, while others consider cattle in the narrow sense of the word as two independent species - humpless B. taurus and hunchback B. indicus, or zebu. The extinct wild ancestor of cattle, the aurochs, or primitive bull, is often considered a separate species. B. primigenius).

Cattle ( B. taurus) is characterized by a large, dense physique. The horns, present in both sexes and never shed, are usually set far apart on the skull and grow mainly to the sides. There are also individuals and breeds with hereditary polledness (hornlessness). Immature animals have 20 baby teeth, while adults (at about 34 months) have 32 permanent teeth. There are no upper incisors and fangs: instead, the edge of the jaw is covered with fibrous connective tissue and a layer of hard keratinized epithelium. When feeding, the animal grabs grass with its lips and tongue and tears it off by jerking its head, or bites using the lower front teeth and hard upper gums, or uses both of these mechanisms at once. The absence of upper front incisors does not allow grass to be cut down to the ground level. At the end of the tail, used partly to ward off flies and other insects, there is a brush of long hairs.

Cattle are ruminants with a four-chambered stomach. Freshly swallowed food is only slightly chewed, swallowed and enters the first section of the stomach, called the rumen. After some time, the food bolus, together with material from the second gastric chamber - the mesh - is regurgitated into the oral cavity in the form of the so-called. chewing gum and this time he chews it more thoroughly. The process of swallowing, regurgitating and chewing the same portion of food can be repeated several times, the number of which depends on the quality of the latter. This mechanism is necessary for the effective breakdown of plant food by microorganisms inhabiting the rumen. Its microbial digestion (fermentation) is required for the assimilation of the main part of plant food, in particular cellulose, which is not affected by the digestive juices of the animal itself. Sufficiently fermented chewing gum enters the next gastric chambers and intestines for further digestion and absorption. Cm. COMPARATIVE ANATOMY.

The body length of animals, not counting the tail, is usually 1.8–3.2 m, with a height at the withers of 1.0–1.6 m and a weight of 450–1000 kg. Bulls, as a rule, are larger than cows, and record holders are known to be 1.8 m tall and weigh 1350 kg, while adult females of the smallest breeds are only 85 cm tall and weigh 90 kg.

Puberty usually occurs at 9–12 months: this age depends on the breed and physical condition of the animal, but such young individuals, as a rule, are not allowed to mate. There is no specific breeding season for cattle, and mating can occur all year round. Pregnancy (pregnancy) lasts about nine months (277–280 days) and ends with calving, i.e. usually the birth of one calf, less often twins. The mother feeds the young for up to nine months (in meat breeds, as a rule, up to six to eight months), but they can be taken away from her at about three months of age, when they begin to eat grass. Mature heifers do not give milk: first they must mate and give birth to a calf. After calving, lactation lasts approximately 11 months, provided the suckler is fed with milk or regularly milked. After the cessation of lactation and the onset of the so-called. During the dry period, the cow must be born again (usually after a two-month rest): milk will appear with the next calving. Most calves and almost all bulls of dairy breeds are slaughtered for meat. Although individual specimens can live up to 20 years or more, the ability to reproduce normally lasts only about 12 years.

Cows are called polyestrous females because they have several estrous (sexual) cycles throughout the year; each of them lasts on average 21 days, although this period is quite unstable. Throughout the cycle, a series of sequential changes occur in the cow's genitals at the cellular and hormonal levels in preparation for fertilization of the egg and pregnancy. The period of sexual receptivity (i.e., a positive reaction of the female to the male), called estrus, or heat, occurs towards the end of the cycle and lasts on average 18 hours, although its duration varies greatly. Ovulation, i.e. The release of an egg ready for fertilization from the ovary usually occurs approximately 10 hours after the end of the heat.

A sexually mature male is called a bull, a sexually mature female is called a cow, and immature individuals are called calves. An immature male is called a bull, and a young female is called a heifer until the first fertilization, after which she is considered a heifer until calving (during the pregnancy period). Castrated bulls who have reached adulthood, i.e. from about two years of age, they are called oxen. Castration of males is carried out to reduce their aggressiveness in the herd or when used as pack and draft animals. In the case of the birth of opposite-sex twins, the female almost always becomes sterile, since the male hormones secreted by the second fetus suppress the normal development of the female genital organs. Such females, which outwardly resemble bulls, are called freemartins.

History of domestication.

Numerous fossil remains of aurochs, the wild ancestors of cattle, have been discovered in Western Asia, North Africa and Europe. These animals were not found on other continents. European aurochs, the oldest remains of which are approximately 300,000 years old, reached 1.8–2.1 m at the withers, i.e. were significantly larger than domestic cattle, and were distinguished by long, often massive horns. Animals used for bullfighting (Camargue cattle, Spanish fighting bulls) are somewhat similar to them: these breeds are considered primitive, not modified by selection specifically for draft work or the production of milk and meat. The first domestication of aurochs probably occurred in southwest Asia no later than 8,500 years ago. In Europe, wild aurochs existed longer than in Asia and Africa: the last female of this species lived under protection in the Jaktorów Forest near Warsaw and died in 1627.

Man hunted aurochs in the same way as other wild animals. Domestication occurred gradually as the need for a reliable source of food near sites arose. For many centuries, people have used both domestic and wild aurochs, but the importance of the first has constantly increased, and the second has fallen. Cattle played a vital role in the development of the civilization of the Old World: these animals not only served as draft animals, beef and dairy cattle, but were also revered by some peoples as sacred. Usually, regardless of their immediate benefits, they symbolized wealth and prosperity. Cattle were a universal medium of exchange and are still used for this purpose by some tribes.

Wild and the first domesticated aurochs were used only for meat, but with the growing dependence of people on agriculture, they began to be used mainly as labor: for many centuries, oxen served as the main draft animals and in many countries they remain so to this day.

In the early stages of domestication, all cattle were longhorned: this form spread from southwest Asia and the Balkan Peninsula to Africa (ca. 7,000 years ago) and central Europe (ca. 5,000 years ago). The first shorthorn cattle are almost as ancient, with bones dating back 7,000 years discovered. The small, short-horned animals of Western Europe became known as Celtic or Iberian cattle: they spread to North and West Africa and the rest of the European continent. Most modern European and American dairy and meat and dairy breeds are descendants of this particular Celtic cattle.

Humpbacked cattle are divided into zebu (hump on the front of the back, i.e. in the area of ​​the thoracic vertebrae) and sanga (hump moved forward - in the cervicothoracic region). The hump evolved as an adaptation to environmental conditions (it is considered an adaptation to very hot climates, when it is better for fat deposits with thermal insulating properties not to be distributed throughout the body, but concentrated in a small area) and under the influence of targeted selection. Apparently, the humpback cattle is not inferior in antiquity to the European shorthorned cattle, but its remains can only be traced over the last 4,500 years. It appeared either in Southwest Asia or India, and by about 1500 BC. penetrated into Mesopotamia (northern Iraq, southwestern Iran), Southeast Asia and Africa.

Creation of breeds.

Probably the first attempts at thoughtful selection were made in Ancient Rome. Several centuries later, Great Britain, the Netherlands, France and Switzerland became centers of cattle improvement. Particularly large work in this direction was carried out in the British and Channel Islands. R. Bakewell in England was the first to demonstrate that the characteristics of cattle (and sheep) can be effectively changed in the desired direction through crossing, inbreeding and selection. His work, which dates back to 1760, aroused great interest, and the methods he proposed are still widely used by breeders.

Based on local herds, livestock breeders began to create cattle with certain characteristics. This is how breeds appeared, i.e. genetically stable varieties resulting from artificial selection.

Cattle perform three main economic tasks - they provide meat, milk and serve as draft power. According to available estimates, it now accounts for approx. 50% of the world's meat and approximately 95% of milk; As a labor force, cattle have lost their importance in industrialized countries, but retain their importance in underdeveloped regions of Asia and Africa.

Cattle are able to adapt to almost any climate and landscape. The humpless type predominates in the Northern Hemisphere, especially in the temperate zone, as well as in many areas of South America, eastern and southern Africa and Australia. Humpbacked zebu cattle dominate the tropics and subtropics. There, hybrids between humpbacked and humpless types of cattle have proven themselves well in terms of adaptability and productivity. The Sanga type, probably the result of such crossbreeding carried out in antiquity, is found almost exclusively in Africa, especially in the south and east of the continent, although some breeds of this type, such as the Afrikander, have been introduced into other regions. Already at the dawn of scientific selection of cattle in the 18th and 19th centuries. One of her most striking achievements was the creation of new breeds by crossing traditional British breeds with tropical zebu. During the colonial era, British cattle were introduced to overseas countries, where they were expected to be as productive as they were at home. In many cases, these hopes were realized. For example, Jersey cows, the second largest dairy cattle in the world after the Holstein-Friesian, easily adapted to subtropical and even tropical climates; The Hereford breed of meat production has also proven itself well away from England. However, in the 20th century. The mixing of zebu blood into temperate cattle continued at a rapid pace, leading to the creation of many new breeds, especially in the southern United States, Australia and South America. In the latter region, crosses of zebu with Criol cattle - unusually hardy descendants of Portuguese and Spanish cattle brought to the subcontinent by the first European settlers - became widespread. To create new meat breeds, Brahman humpback cattle were crossed with such well-known humpless breeds as Charolais, Shorthorn, Hereford, Limousin, Aberdeen Angus, etc. Dairy and meat-dairy hybrids originated mainly from humpback breeds Afrikader, Sahiwal, Cancredt, Red Sindhi and such humpless ones as Brown Swiss, Jersey, Friesian, Shorthorn, Hereford, etc.

Main breeding areas.

Cattle are raised wherever agriculture occurs. Its total number in the world is approximately 1.3 billion animals, of which in India 193 million, Brazil 153 million and the USA 100 million. In New Zealand this figure is more than twice the population of the country, in Ireland and Argentina - almost twice , and in Costa Rica, Bolivia and Mongolia approximately equal to the population. Feral cattle, usually in very small herds, are found in France, Spain, the United States, Canada, the Dominican Republic, Colombia, Australia and several other countries.

As a rule, beef breeds, kept in larger herds and requiring less care than dairy cattle, dominate in regions where vast areas are occupied by pastures, relatively few workers and soil and climatic conditions are not favorable for more intensive agriculture. The USA is the world's main producer of beef and at the same time its main consumer: about a quarter of all world production is used here. India, despite its huge cattle population, produces relatively little beef due to religious prohibitions and cultural traditions; here cattle mainly provide milk and are used as labor.

Latin America.

Central and South America and the West Indies produce about a quarter of the world's beef production. Local here is the Criol breed (close to the now rare Texas Longhorn), which originated from Spanish and Portuguese cattle. These animals, brought here by Europeans, quickly adapted to new conditions and, encountering almost no competition, formed huge herds that eventually spread to the southern United States. The introduction of British beef breeds had a major impact on local livestock production, especially in Argentina and Uruguay, where their breeding laid the foundation for a powerful export-oriented beef industry. In the 19th century Kriol cattle gradually disappeared among these temperate breeds, and in the 20th century. began to actively crossbreed with zebu imported from India, so that there were quite a few purebred Kriol animals left. Dairy cattle play an important role in Cuba, Puerto Rico, Jamaica, the coastal plains of Peru, southern Brazil and locally in Costa Rica, Argentina and Chile. In Jamaica, a successful tropical dairy breed has even been created, called the Jamaica Hope.

Australia and New Zealand.

In Australia, dairy farms are concentrated in areas with high rainfall, but the dairy herd here has declined greatly in the second half of this century. Dairy production is one of the most important sectors of the New Zealand economy, especially on the North Island, where the Friesian and Jersey breeds predominate. In this country, the Taurindicus breed was created, combining the heat resistance of Sahiwal zebu and the high productivity of Friesian cows. In Australia, Friesian-Sahiwal cattle and meat and dairy zebu were bred.

Australia is much better known as a producer of beef rather than milk and is one of the world's leading exporters. Traditionally, meat here has been produced by old British breeds, but, as in other regions, they are now increasingly being competed by large, but lean cattle bred in continental Europe, such as Charolais. In the northern part of Australia, experiments are actively underway on crossing humpless breeds with zebu breeds, in particular the American Brahman, Pakistani zebu and South African Sanga (Afrikaner).


The main commercial cattle breeding is concentrated in the south and east of this continent, where the bulk of the livestock is made up of traditional British breeds. However, now the features of perfectly adapted local cattle, for example, the Ndama breed and other humpless short-horned animals of West Africa, are being increasingly used, one of the advantages of which is increased resistance to nagana, a serious disease of cattle, reminiscent of human sleeping sickness and also spread by tsetse flies. South Africa gave birth to the Mashona and Nguni breeds - meat and meat and dairy products, respectively; Several new breeds have also been created here, including the highly productive Bonsmara cattle, based on the Sanga Afrikander, which forms the basis of the local beef cattle industry. The Boran beef cattle, which originate in East Africa, are bred mainly in Kenya, where the high-yielding Sahiwal Zebus from Pakistan are increasingly being crossed with British dairy breeds. Indian zebu also play a prominent role in the economy of Africa, which has long been famous for the variety of local cattle, many varieties of which are distinguished by their bizarre appearance, in particular, huge horns and skins of unusual color and pattern. Impressive horns of animals of the Ankole breed (called Watusi in the USA), bred mainly in the lake region of East Africa, in the 20s of the 20th century. provided them with a worthy place in European zoos.


Asia has more than 500 million head of cattle, plus approximately 145 million Indian buffalo, several million yaks, and quite a few domesticated gaurs and bantengs. In the north of the continent, cattle are predominantly humpless, with the European type predominant in the west, and the Asian type in the east, i.e. in Siberia, Mongolia, western China and Korea. Japanese cattle are also humpless, Asian and European in origin. Humpback cattle are dominant in Southeast Asia and the Indian subcontinent. India and Pakistan have created several very good breeds of zebu, which are used for crossing with humpless cattle in the southern United States, Latin America and Australia. In Southeast Asia, domesticated gaurs (their local names are gayal, mithun and dulong) and bantengs (Balinese cattle) are found. The latter are of significant economic importance in some places. Cattle play a lesser role in the Middle East, where zebu are gradually replaced by humpless animals towards the north and west. Traditionally, Asian cattle, with the exception of Indo-Pakistani dairy breeds, were used mainly as pack and draft animals, although China and Japan developed their own beef breeds.


In Western Europe, the main producers (and consumers) of beef are Germany and France. Some French breeds, in particular large Charolais and Limousin cattle, traditionally considered draft animals, were actively introduced into other countries and began to be widely used there for meat. The center of dairy farming in Western Europe is the Benelux countries, which produced the world famous black and white cows, which in various regions formed the Holstein and Friesian types of cattle, which now make up the bulk of the world dairy herd. In the British Isles the dairy herd has recently declined, partly due to increased milk yield per animal; In some places, beef production and export remain important.


In the United States, management of beef cattle varies depending on available feed and terrain. There are four main regions for its breeding. The most important of them is Western, i.e. an area of ​​low rainfall west of the Mississippi River. The extensive method prevails here: livestock are kept mainly in large herds on natural pastures, using only a small additional feeding in winter. In more fertile valleys and areas with developed irrigation, grain feeding is also widely used, often in extensive feedlots (feedlots). The second region is the Corn Belt of the central states, where there is a lot of highly productive arable land. Large numbers of Western cattle are driven here to be fed grain, hay and silage to produce premium beef. Breeding herds of beef and meat and dairy cattle are also kept here. The third region, covering the Appalachians and the Great Lakes region, is famous for its forage crops (especially valuable pasture grains used as standing grass and as hay), but the terrain is rugged and the growing season is relatively short due to its northern geographic location. This is a zone of intensive, rather than extensive, as in the West, livestock farming, primarily in areas with high population densities. Local herds are usually smaller in size and are kept in mixed holdings. The fourth region is the Cotton Belt of the southeastern states, an area where cattle suffered greatly until the 1920s. from the boophilus mite, but rapidly increased beef production after World War II. Most of the animals here are fattened on pastures or on extensive feedlots.


Meat breeds.

Modern breeds of this type are the result of approximately 300 years of selective breeding aimed at creating animals capable of converting feed into high-quality beef and veal with maximum efficiency. The milk production of beef cows is maintained at a level that ensures only the feeding of young animals, since the physiological processes associated with the formation of milk and meat are completely different. Traditionally, the most common and popular beef cattle were the British breeds created in the 18th and 19th centuries. It was these animals that became the basis of meat production in America and Australia, especially when they began to export (often back to the UK) large quantities of canned, salted, chilled and frozen beef. British breeds also played a prominent role in some regions of Asia, East and Southern Africa, continental Europe, the former USSR and Japan.


This breed originated in the northeast of England, in the counties of Durham and Yorkshire. One of its former names - Teeswater - comes from the River Tees flowing in these parts. Shorthorns were formed no later than the 16th century, probably based on local cattle, such as the Black Celtic, as a result of their crossing with Dutch dairy animals. The stud book for Shorthorns was established in 1822 and is the first for cattle. At first, English livestock breeders did not strive for narrow specialization, but then, especially in Scotland, emphasis was placed on meat productivity, and meat shorthorns appeared, and the line, which improved milk qualities, produced meat and dairy shorthorns.

The breed first came to America from England in 1783. From 1817 to 1860, large numbers of these animals were imported, and Shorthorns became the most numerous cattle in the eastern United States. In 1880-1900, Scottish beef shorthorns became especially popular. In the 19th century this breed also spread to Australasia and continental Europe, especially in France, and in the 20th century. beef and meat-and-dairy Shorthorns appeared in South America, South Africa, New Zealand and Russia. They were used not only to improve other breeds, but also to create new ones, such as the Belgian Blue, the Bonsmara in South Africa, the Droutmaster and Murray Gray in Australia, the Maine-Angevin in France and the Santa Gertrude in the USA. Modern Shorthorns come in red, white, red and white, or most commonly red roan (a combination of red and white hair) coat colors.


The breed received this name from its place of origin - the English county of Herefordshire on the border with Wales. It began with one of the types of red cattle bred in the 18th century. in some southern and western areas of England. Improvement work was first carried out in the direction of increasing size and muscle strength in order to use animals as draft power and a source of meat; special attention has never been paid to their milk productivity. The English stud book for this breed was established in 1846. Like Shorthorns, Herefords have gained recognition throughout the world, and their characteristic white head is present in all descendants obtained from crossing with other cattle. The breed has adapted very well to a much hotter climate than in England, and now it is probably the most numerous and widespread beef cattle on the planet. Another 20–30 other breeds were influenced by it, especially in North America and Russia. Herefords have a red body, white head (especially the front part), neck, underparts, legs and tail tuft. The breed is famous primarily for its large size, strength and adaptability to pastures of various types.

Aberdeen Angus.

These originally polled cattle were created in the north-east of Scotland - in the areas of Brechin (Forfarshire) and Bakan (Aberdeen) by crossing two similar lines called Angus-Doddis and Bucan-Hamleys. Selection began before 1800, but the breed was finally formed in the period from 1800 to approximately 1875. The Scottish stud book for it was established in 1879. Apart from the red line created in the USA, the color of a typical Aberdeen Angus is solid black (a white underbelly is allowed) . The breed is famous for its rapid maturation, good fatness and high carcass quality. These animals were exported in large quantities to continental Europe, North and South America, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and Japan. They were used to create many new breeds, in particular Brangus, Jamaican Black, Murray Gray, Vocalapa, Africangus, Barzona, etc.


The American Brahman, Jamaican Brahman and Indo-Brazilian breeds are descended from the Indian Zebu, particularly the Gir, Ongul (Nellur), Kankredt and Mysore breeds. These animals were first brought to America in the 19th century, and by the 80s of the 20th century. About a million American brahmans have already been recorded, which, in turn, have been introduced into many subtropical and tropical regions, including Australia and the Philippines. American Brahmans, crossed with traditional British humpless cattle, have given rise to many high-yielding beef and dairy breeds that are tolerant of tropical climates and their typical insects. The most important and most mature of them are Santa Gertrude in the USA and Droutmaster in Australia, but others are also widely known, by the name of which it is easy to guess their origin: Brangus (Braman + Aberdeen Angus), Brahorn (+ Shorthorn), Braford (+ Hereford) and Charbray (+ Charolais). In Australia, an experimental crossing of the Red Sindhi and Sahiwal Zebu breeds from the Indian subcontinent with the Afrikaander Sanga from South Africa, as well as with the American Brahman and Santa Gertrude from the USA was carried out. This trend towards creating new heat-resistant breeds based on Asian humpback zebu and European humpless cattle is one of the most promising trends in the world's beef and dairy farming. Santa Gertrude cattle are created by crossing Brahmans with Shorthorns. Breeding work, which began around 1910, continued particularly intensively after 1920, and in 1940 the breed was officially registered by the US government as having approximately 3/8 Brahman and 5/8 Shorthorn blood (this proportion leads to the virtual disappearance of the typical zebu hump). Good size and quality of the carcass are combined with resistance to heat and harmful insects. The Santa Gertrude cattle are large, strong, and red in color.

Breeds of continental Europe.

In recent years, certain large French breeds that produce lean beef have been growing in popularity. These are, as a rule, originally draft animals, originating mainly from the central and southern parts of the country. Internationally, the creamy white Charolais and dark fawn Limousin cattle are best known; the Salerskaya (red), light Aquitaine (yellowish in color) and blue Belgian breeds are of less importance. Some Italian animals are also beginning to gain popularity, especially from the group that includes the white Chianese breed, probably the tallest in the world. It was crossed in the USA with other breeds, producing, for example, the Kiangus. From the Swiss Alps comes the versatile fawn-white Simmental cattle, also highly prized throughout the world. Large numbers of these animals have been imported into the United States for over a century. They also gave rise to various pied breeds in Europe, China, Russia and Australia. The beautiful red-and-white Alpine Pinzgauers and yellow cattle from central and southern Germany have spread far beyond their homeland, while the shaggy, long-horned Highland breed from Scotland is popular only among fanciers who are willing to put up with the very slow time these animals reach commercial size. . Some old breeds, for example the ruby ​​red Devonian (there is also a meat and dairy Devonian in the USA), which were once found no less frequently than Herefords, are now noticeably reducing their numbers in many places. The larger fawn South Devonian cattle used to be actively exported from Britain and enjoyed greater success abroad than at home, but the numbers of these animals are also falling.

Dairy breeds.

Milk from domestic animals has been used by humans for food for at least 6,000 years, and throughout this time, one of the main, if not the main, source has been cattle.

Holstein-Friesian breed.

These cattle are native to the Netherlands, mainly from the provinces of North Holland and Friesland, where mottled black and white cattle predominate. The names of the breed (Holstein, Friesian, Holstein-Friesian), as well as its appearance and use, depend on the country of breeding. It was introduced to the United States primarily between 1850 and 1886. For many years the European form, commonly called the Friesian here, was seen as a meat and dairy breed producing good beef, while in Europe it became the dominant dairy breed. In North America, a new form arose from the same animals, especially spreading in Canada, where it began to specialize mainly in milk production. Recently, these larger, leaner, highly productive animals, called Holsteins, are in many places replacing the traditional Friesian form of meat and dairy production. The name “Holstein” itself originated in North America, perhaps because in the 19th century. Dutch cattle often arrived there from ports in Schleswig-Holstein in northwestern Germany. Holstein-Friesian animals are easily recognized by their color. They are motley black and white (sometimes there are red and white Friesian individuals), and they can be almost white with several small black spots, and almost black, but with white underparts, lower parts of the legs and tail brush. Holstein cattle are the largest among dairy breeds, consuming a very large amount of roughage. Its milk yield is higher, but the milk fat content is lower than that of other leading dairy breeds. The milk is usually white with small fat globules.

Jersey breed.

These animals were bred on the island of Jersey in the English Channel off the coast of France. Perhaps their ancestors came there from Brittany and Normandy. Already in 1789, local authorities passed a law prohibiting the import of breeding stock, and after that the breed was maintained in a purebred state. Jersey cows have been introduced into many countries and seem to do well even in the subtropics and tropics. Their characteristic color ranges from light red to dark brown, although there are also red, gray and black specimens. The color may be solid or with white markings. Fawn animals usually have a darker head, upper body, and front of the legs, and a ring of “flour” coloring around the lips. The tail tuft can be black, white or two-colored. The animals are relatively small, thin-boned with a characteristic depressed forehead. They do not trample the pasture and in their homeland they traditionally graze tied to a peg. Jersey cows are "nervous", but with proper care they become very docile. They produce less milk than other leading dairy breeds, but their fat and protein content is the highest. The milk is yellowish with large fat globules, so the cream floats up very quickly and forms a clear boundary with the skim fraction.

Guernsey breed.

These cattle originate primarily from the islands of Guernsey and Alderney in the English Channel. Like the Jersey, it was formerly often called the Alderney, but the breed is officially registered as the Guernsey. Most animals are fawn with small white areas, but there are also reddish individuals. Guernsey cows produce slightly more milk than Jersey cows, but their fat content is lower. It is yellower in color than other breeds. The fat globules are large, the cream floats quickly, clearly separating from the fat-free fraction.

Ayrshire breed.

These cattle originate from Scotland. The breed was created on the basis of English and Scottish animals in the 18th century. and for a long time remained the main producer of milk in Scotland. Like other British cattle, it was introduced into many countries of the world, including Canada, where it came from England in the 19th century, and the USA, mainly in the 20th century. Ayrshire cows are characterized by lyre-shaped horns and a variegated red and white color, with the red color varying from light brownish to very dark. In the first quarter of this century, Americans preferred almost white animals of this breed, and in the second quarter the demand for individuals with a greater proportion of red color increased. Ayrshire cows are smaller than Holstein-Friesian cows, but larger than Guernsey cows. They are shy and often nervous. In terms of milk yield and milk fat content, they occupy a middle position between Holstein-Friesian and Guernsey cows. The milk is white with relatively small fat globules.

Brown Swiss breed.

These cattle, also called simply brown or simply Schwyz, originate in Switzerland, mainly from the canton of Schwyz. The breed is very ancient, created both as a pack breed and as a meat and dairy breed. At the beginning of this century, its milk production was improved, and it is now one of the top five dairy breeds in North America (along with the Holstein, Jersey, Guernsey and Ayrshire). As the name indicates, the typical color is brown, of various shades, most animals are solid, some with white markings. In darker individuals, the fur around the lips, on the ears and along the back is usually somewhat lighter than elsewhere. In terms of size, these cows are in second place after Holstein-Friesians. They are very calm, sometimes even seem lethargic. In terms of milk yield, fat content, milk color and size of fat globules, the Brown Swiss breed is close to the Ayrshire breed.

Minor dairy breeds.

The main dairy breeds discussed above have greatly displaced local dairy cattle in many countries, sometimes almost to the point of extinction. Thus, meat and dairy shorthorns, once popular no less than Holstein-Friesian pieds, are now far from being in the first place in most places of their traditional breeding. Among other minor dairy and dairy breeds, the red polled cows from the east of England deserve special mention, which, like the English red beef cattle, acquired greater importance away from their homeland, serving, in particular, as the basis for the creation of several new breeds in Latin America and in Jamaica. Another actively exported dual-use breed is the small, short-legged Dexter from the southwest of Ireland, which is still highly valued by poor peasants in many countries around the world. Large Danish Red dairy animals have been used to create many breeds of red cattle in the Baltic region and beyond. In Canada and the USA, large meat and dairy Normandy cows from the north of France are also bred - red and white in color with characteristic red “spectacles” - and red Salers cows from the mountainous regions of southern France.

In the Indian subcontinent, especially in Pakistan, excellent meat and dairy zebu are known, which are very well adapted to local conditions and supply large cities with milk. The Gir working, meat and dairy breed from India is one of the best milk producers in this country. It was exported extensively, especially to Brazil, and was used to create Indo-Brazilian and American Brahmin beef cattle. The two most important dairy breeds in Pakistan are the reddish-brown Sindhi and Sahiwal, whose blood flows through the veins of the Australian meat and dairy Zebu (a cross between Sahiwal, Red Sindhi and Jersey animals), the Australian Sahiwal Friesian and the highly productive dairy breed of the tropics, the Jamaica Hope, bred when crossing Jerseys with Sahiwal bulls.

Domestic cows They are kept in rural areas almost everywhere, except in the northern regions. The hooves of these cows are more rounded than those of the bison. If the length of the tracks of a bison and a domestic cow turn out to be the same, then the imprint of the cow's hoof will be almost a centimeter wider than the bison's.

Traces of a domestic cow, prints of the front and hind legs respectively

In cows, the hoof begins to gradually round from about half its length, while in the bison only the end of the hoof is rounded. The jagged trail appears slimmer. The gait is smoother. The trail path is narrower. Looking at the tracks of the bison, you feel that the animal walked in “good athletic shape”, with a confident, strong gait. Cows have a looser gait.

The average size of the footprints of adult cows is 11.5 × 10.5 or 12.5 × 12 cm. The main method of movement is a leisurely step, the step length is about 60 cm. Domestic cows run mainly at a trot and usually over short distances. The droppings of these animals were seen by everyone who happened to be in the countryside. These are large, blurry “cakes”, sometimes thicker, sometimes more liquid. Fresh droppings are olive green in color. As it dries, it becomes covered with a hard crust and brightens in the sun.

In some areas of the Caucasus you can see domestic buffalo- descendants of wild Asian buffaloes, the domestication of which occurred almost in the third millennium BC. These powerful, heavy animals reach a height of almost 2 m and weigh up to 1200 kg. Domestic buffaloes are used mainly for draft work, in the countries of Southeast Asia - for cultivating rice fields, hauling wood and other heavy work. In addition, buffaloes are also used for meat, and milk is obtained from buffaloes.

Buffalo tracks are larger, longer and more pointed than cow tracks. They would resemble the footprints of a large one, but in an elk both halves of a cloven hoof are approximately the same length and on many prints traces of lateral toes - stepsons - are visible. The buffalo's hoof is asymmetrical, one side is noticeably longer than the other, and stepsons are not visible on the tracks. The dimensions of a buffalo footprint are approximately 14×12.5, the step length is 80–95 cm. The domestic buffalo, like its wild ancestors, who, by the way, still live in India, likes to stay near the water and bask for a long time, lying in shallow water or in liquid mud, with only his head exposed.

Buffalo droppings are huge, blurry heaps, similar to the dung of domestic cows, but more impressive in size.

In the Altai mountains and some other mountainous regions of Russia, they keep domestic yaks. These shaggy bulls reach almost the same size as buffalos - height at the withers is about 2 m, body weight up to 1000 kg. The wild yaks from which they descend are the inhabitants of Tibet, inhabiting treeless highlands, gravelly semi-deserts and mountain valleys, rising into the mountains to heights of up to 5200 m above sea level. The footprint of the front foot of a domestic yak is 11 x 10 cm, the back one is slightly smaller, 10x8.5 cm. The step is short, about 40 cm. Even when walking, the yak usually follows the footprint, hitting the print of the front foot with its back foot. Its front hoof is more regular in shape than that of a cow, and more closely resembles the footprint of a bison, although some asymmetry of the right and left sides of the hoof is noticeable. The droppings of this animal are more like bison than cow.


History of breeds

Attempts to classify cattle began in the 19th century. The scientific researcher A. Terr distributed all the animals based on the topography of the area in which they live. As a result, names were given to the groups: lowland, mountain and middle. For some time, this division of livestock satisfied the needs of livestock breeders, but soon, as animals were dispersed across all relief zones, the classification became unacceptable. There was a long period in history when the classification proposed by the researcher Zettegast was supported, which united livestock according to the level of breeding. These were cows of the cultural, primitive and transitional categories.

Professor M.I. Pridorogin proposed dividing animals according to the type of product obtained. As a result, animals for meat, dairy and mixed production appeared. Later, when forming breeds, they began to take into account the nature of productivity, anatomical, morphological and other species characteristics of cattle and form subgroups based on these characteristics.

The modern classification is compiled depending on the breeding zone, such as, for example: Yaroslavl, Dutch, Hereford, Swiss and others. In some cases, its dominant color is added to the name of the breed, for example: red Gorbatovsky or gray Ukrainian.

Dairy productivity breeds

  1. Dutch. It spread widely across the European continent and became the founder of a number of new breeding groups. Known as one of the highest-yielding cows in the world, her average milk yield per lactation ranges from 4450-4500 kilograms, with a fat content of 4%. The record holder of the breed is a cow named Sneaker, which after the eighth calving produced 11,208 kilograms of milk with a fat content of 4.14%.
  1. Black-and-white. It was formed as a result of selective crossing of Dutch black-and-white cattle with local cows living in various republics of the former USSR. On ordinary farms, cows of this breed produce 3000-3500 kilograms of milk, with a fat composition of up to 4%. Breeding farms receive a milk yield of up to 8,000 kilograms during the lactation period.

  1. Kholmogorskaya. One of the oldest and most famous cows, bred in the Kholmogory district of the Arkhangelsk region of the Russian Federation. Milk productivity on farms ranges from 3,000 to 3,500 kilograms of milk per season; in advanced farms, the yield exceeds 7,000 kilograms with a fat content of 3.7%.

  1. Tagilskaya. The breed was bred in Nizhny Tagil, Sverdlovsk region of the Russian Federation, from heifers and bulls of the Dutch breed at the very beginning of the 20th century. Currently, the species is represented by a wide variety of colors, where they are found as black-and-white, completely black, red and red-and-white individuals. It is distinguished by high milk yield, which can reach 4.5 thousand liters per season.

  1. Yaroslavskaya. The group was bred in the mid-19th century in the Yaroslavl region. Some researchers believe that Kholmogory and Dutch cattle and local animals took part in the creation of the breed. But there is no evidence of this fact. Milk productivity allows one cow to obtain up to 6,000 kilograms of milk; record cases of obtaining up to 12,000 kilograms of milk per lactation are described.

Dairy breeds also include Istobensky, Aulieatinsky, Ukrainian White-headed, Red Steppe, Danish Red, Baltic Red, Ayrshire, Jaysey and some other breeds.

Breeds of double (combined) productivity

  1. Simmentalskaya. This species was bred in Switzerland in the 5th century, its origin is not known for certain, there are only various assumptions. When kept in stalls, bulls of this breed are capable of giving weight gain of up to 900-1100 grams per day and easily reach a live weight of one ton. Milk productivity ranges from 4 to 5.5 thousand kilograms of milk during the lactation period, while the fat content is up to 4%. The record holder of the breed is a cow named Malvina, which produced 14,450 kilograms of milk with a fat content of 3.9%.

  1. Sychevskaya. The breed was bred in the Smolensk region in the second half of the 19th century by crossing Simmental cattle with local animals. It is unpretentious in food, gives high milk yield and good meat yield. The average daily weight gain of fattened bulls is 1000-1200 grams. Dairy cows are capable of producing 4,500 kilograms of milk per season with a fat content of at least 3.5%.

  1. Bestuzhevskaya. Bred by cattle breeder S.P. Bestuzhev. on the Repyevka farm in Simbirsk province by crossing local cattle with Durgam (Shorthorn) meat animals. The milk yield of cows reaches 4,000 - 6,000 kilograms of milk with a fat content of 3.7 - 4.0%. The live weight of fattened bulls can reach 700 kilograms.
  2. Brown cattle. This group of animals includes several breeds of a combined direction: Swiss, Kostroma, Lebedinskaya, Alatau, Carpathian brown and Caucasian brown. All brown cattle produce a good yield of high quality meat and dairy products.

In addition, the combined productivity includes such breeds as Red Tambov, Red Gorbatov, Yurin, Shorthorn, Kurgan, Gray Ukrainian, Pinzgau.

Breeds of meat productivity

  1. Kalmytskaya. There is no consensus on the origin of the breed. It is believed that either Indian cattle or Asian aurochs were used in the creation process. Usually the color of the animals is red, of various shades, there may be a white stripe along the upper part of the body and a white muzzle. By the age of one and a half years, bulls gain live weight up to 450 kilograms, with a slaughter weight of 66%, which is higher than that of some other breeds of beef cattle. Producers reach body weights of up to 800-900 kilograms.

  1. Hereford. The breed was developed in England using the method of long-term selection of the meatiest individuals from local livestock. The color is red, the head, dewlap, and lower body are white. In Russia, sire bulls reach a live weight of up to 800 kilograms.