Is it necessary to obtain a license for solarium services? License for solarium services “from start to finish” Accommodation requirements

Over the past few years, business entities providing solarium services have been faced with constant attempts by the Ministry of Health to equate these services with medical activities - physiotherapy.

Another surge of emotions among diesel workers that occurred in the spring 2008 ., according to available information, was due to the fact that territorial sanitary-epidemiological, tax and other regulatory authorities received instructions to suspend the activities of solariums whose owners do not have a special permit (license) to carry out medical activities - physiotherapy.

By the way, a number of business entities providing solarium services have already received them quite a long time ago, and some even with assistance from lawyers receive appropriate licenses from the Ministry of Health.

Note that licensing is compulsory a condition for the possibility of carrying out one or another type of activity in Belarus, aimed, inter alia, at ensuring the protection of the rights, health and interests of citizens, not an optional condition, for example, as voluntary certification of goods (works, services).

"Uncontrolled" radiation

Undoubtedly, ultraviolet radiation is the most important environmental factor necessary for human activity. Its healing properties have been known since ancient times, although at that time a natural source of ultraviolet light was used - the sun. With the advent of artificial ultraviolet sources, its active use in the treatment of various diseases began.

Doctors believe that uncontrolled and excessive use of ultraviolet radiation, including that received in a solarium, can lead to negative consequences for human health. The reason for this may be the uncontrolled use of solariums, underestimation of contraindications to the prescription of irradiation methods, and the risk of cancer and other diseases. Thus, it seems quite reasonable for the Ministry of Health to want to take control of this area of ​​activity in order to ensure that solarium services are provided only by competent specialists.

Do I need a license

A number of special and regulatory acts indicate that ultraviolet irradiation using selective sources of long- and medium-wave rays (solariums) for therapeutic, prophylactic and aesthetic purposes is phototherapy.

Resolution of the Ministry of Health dated November 28, 2007 No. 127 approved the Unified norms and standards of labor costs (time) for paid medical services in physiotherapy provided by legal entities of all forms of ownership and individual entrepreneurs in the prescribed manner. In accordance with Appendix No. 2 to this document, general ultraviolet irradiation in a solarium is a type of phototherapy, which in turn is a type of physiotherapy.

Resolution of the Ministry of Health dated October 18, 2007 No. 95 approved the List of physiotherapeutic procedures performed by physiotherapists and physical therapy nurses. Chapter 2 of this List, which regulates phototherapy, classifies general ultraviolet irradiation (including in a solarium) as physiotherapeutic procedures performed by specialists with secondary specialized medical education - nurses (clause 36 of the List).

Thus, from the point of view of the Ministry of Health, ultraviolet irradiation in a solarium is one of the types of medical activities, the implementation of which, in accordance with Presidential Decree No. 17 of July 14, 2003 “On licensing of certain types of activities,” requires a license, which must be obtained in the manner approved by the resolution Council of Ministers dated October 20, 2003 No. 1378 .

Based on the fact that general ultraviolet irradiation in a solarium is phototherapy, which in turn is nothing more than a type of physiotherapy, the requirements of the Ministry of Health regarding the need to obtain a special permit (license) seem to us to be quite justified.

However, on the other hand, opponents of licensing solarium services and some human rights organizations, considering the requirements of the Ministry of Health to be unfounded, refer to the National Classification of Types of Economic Activities (OKRB 005-2006), in which solarium services are classified as “Physical and recreational activities (code 93040)” . And such activities, according to Decree No. 17, are not licensed. At the same time, in the constituent documents of legal entities (certificates of state registration of individual entrepreneurs) providing solarium services, this particular type of activity is indicated.

At the same time, according to clause 6Provisions for state registration and liquidation (termination of activities) of business entities, approved By Presidential Decree of March 16, 1999, the activities of business entities are illegal and prohibited if they carry out types of activities not specified in the constituent documents (certificate of state registration of individual entrepreneurs), if the implementation of types of activities requires obtaining a special permit (license), and income received from such activities is recovered from local budgets through judicial proceedings.

Thus, legal entities and individual entrepreneurs providing solarium services need to amend their constituent documents (certificate of state registration) - adding them with a licensed type of activity - “medical activity”, so as not to be at risk of imposing sanctions under Article 12.7 of the Code of Administrative Offenses in the form of fines with confiscation of income.

Solarium - “in a new way”

The next regulatory act that made us think about the need to obtain a license for “solar workers” is the Resolution of the Ministry of Health dated October 28, 2008 No. 175 “On approval of Sanitary norms, rules and hygienic standards “Hygienic requirements for the design, equipment and maintenance of solariums (tanning studios)” ( Hereinafter referred to as SNP), which replaced the Soviet OST 42-21-16-86 “Physiotherapy rooms, general safety requirements.” This document, which came into force on December 10, 2008, fully reflects all the requirements for both newly opened and existing solariums, incl. to premises, equipment, and personnel, which many of the existing solariums and tanning studios simply do not meet.

Thus, in accordance with paragraph 7 of the SNP, it is prohibited to place solariums in the basements of residential and public buildings, in preschool institutions and schools. A according to clause 9, all newly constructed and existing buildings where solariums are located must be equipped centralized cold and hot drinking water supply, sewerage, heating, ventilation. Solarium staff and visitors must have access to a washbasin and toilet if they are not included in the solarium premises.

Sanitary rules also impose requirements for room lighting (it must be natural and artificial), heating, ventilation, etc., right down to the decoration of the walls.

This is already causing a number of difficulties for existing solariums. Many of them today cannot obtain a license, since the premises they occupy do not meet the specified requirements, and it is quite difficult to find another one.

According to the SNP, selective ultraviolet irradiation procedures, including those using solariums, must be performed by medical workers based on license issued by the Ministry of Health in accordance with the established procedure for medical activities, in terms of physical therapy work and services. Requirements for personnel are contained in the Regulations on licensing of medical activities, approved. Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 1378.

In particular, a legal entity must have a manager or a person responsible in accordance withby order of the headfor licensed activities in the organization of secondary specialized medical education; first or highest qualification category in healthcare organization or relevant specialty; document on advanced training or retraining (in this case, for the course “Nurse in Physiotherapy”).

For persons with secondary specialized medical education, but without special training in physiotherapy, the opportunity to take advanced training courses for the training of tanning operators at the Belarusian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education is allowed.

Individual entrepreneur: a special case

In Belarus, out of almost 500 business entities providing solarium services, about 200 are IP . For them, in accordance with subclause 7.2 of the Regulations, the special licensing requirements and conditions for the license applicant and licensee are the presence of a higher or secondary medical education; the first or highest qualification category (for an individual entrepreneur with secondary medical education - qualification category) in the relevant specialty, as well as a document on advanced training or retraining in such a specialty.

Thus, if an individual entrepreneur does not have a medical education, he will be able to obtain a license only if he attracts a person with appropriate training to provide services. But this possibility is limited by clause 2 of the Presidential Decree of June 18, 2005№ 285 “On some measures to regulate business activities”, prohibiting individual entrepreneurs from January 1, 2008 to engage anyone other than family members and close relatives to engage in business activities. If neither they nor the individual entrepreneur himself have the appropriate qualifications, then it is impossible to carry out activities to provide solarium services based on the requirements of the SNP.

There is only one way out of this situation -creation of a legal entity, for example in the form ChUP , hire appropriate specialists and obtain a license.

© Andrey Bushmakin

These instructions on labor protection when working in a solarium are available for free viewing and downloading.



2.1. Check the availability and serviceability of the equipment used during operation.
2.2. Check that the equipment is connected correctly to the electrical network.
2.3. If working conditions require the use of personal protective equipment and safety devices, then it is necessary to check their completeness and serviceability.
2.4. Inspect the workplace, remove everything that may interfere with work, clear the passages and do not block them. Check the condition of the floor (if the floor is slippery, wipe it with a dry cloth).
2.5. Check that there is sufficient lighting in the workplace.
2.6. Check that the power wires are in good condition and that there are no exposed wire sections.
2.7. Metal casings of power consuming installations must be grounded (zeroed). It is strictly forbidden to use steam, water, gas, heating and other pipes, radiators, etc. as a grounding loop.
2.8. Check the presence and condition of a carbon dioxide or powder fire extinguisher and a first aid kit.
2.9. Report all comments and violations discovered before starting work to your immediate supervisor so that measures can be taken to eliminate them.


3.1. Perform only the work that has been assigned and for which the tanning salon worker has been instructed.
3.2. Keep the workplace tidy and clean throughout the working day.
3.3. Keep all device ventilation openings open.
3.4. Do not allow water to enter the device.
3.5. Before carrying out maintenance and cleaning of the solarium, be sure to turn it off.
3.6. Do not allow acrylic glass to hit hard objects.
3.7. To clean acrylic surfaces, use only products intended for this purpose.
3.8. Clean the dust filters every 50 hours and periodically check their condition.
3.9. During work it is prohibited:
— touch the back panel of the solarium unit when the power is on;
- store personal clothing and eat food at the workplace;
- work in rings and bracelets;
- allow unauthorized persons into utility rooms;
— use the equipment for other purposes;
- use sockets and plugs with broken covers, as well as damaged electrical cords;
- turn on and off the electrical cord with wet hands;
- turn off electrical appliances from the mains by pulling directly on the electrical cord or holding an electrical appliance;
- turn on the solarium in conditions of high humidity;
— use equipment with damaged grounding;
— make frequent power switches;
- use the device with a faulty timer;
— use abrasive agents to clean the device, such as gasoline and acetone, etc., as well as with alcohol-containing solutions: they can damage the acrylic surface;
— carry out repairs of switched on equipment;
- allow persons who have not received a positive conclusion from a therapist to use the solarium.
3.10. You cannot turn on the solarium if:
— the client did not wear glasses that protect against ultraviolet rays;
- the blue or white glass of the face tanning lamp is cracked or broken;
— acrylic glass is not installed on the upper vault;
— one or more internal technical fans do not work;
— the timer does not work well;
— the lower arch support is not installed correctly;
— the temperature inside the solarium is 30 degrees. or more.
3.11. Before plugging in the power cord, check that the mains voltage matches the voltage specified for the equipment you are using.
3.12. Replacement of lamps must be carried out at the standard operating hours specified in the technical data sheet of the lamps, with a mandatory mark in the log. Information about the next replacement should be available to visitors of the solarium and located in a visible place. Used lamps must be sent to specialized organizations for their disposal in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation.
3.13. After each session, all surfaces of the solarium cabin with which the visitor came into contact must be treated with disinfectants that have passed state registration in the prescribed manner. When using a vertical solarium, visitors must be provided with disposable towels for lining the cabin floor or disposable slippers.
3.14. Visitors with changes in the skin (rash, spots, peeling, etc.), nails, hair are treated upon presentation of a doctor’s certificate stating that the disease is not contagious. Serving clients infected with head lice is not permitted.


4.1. In the event of an accident, immediately release the victim from the traumatic factor, while maintaining your own safety, provide first aid to the victim, and, if necessary, call an ambulance by calling 103. If possible, preserve the situation in which the accident occurred, if this does not threaten life and health surrounding people to investigate the causes of the accident, or record it in a photo or video. Notify management.
4.2. In the event of a deterioration in health, pain in the eyes, a sharp deterioration in visibility, the inability to focus or sharpen the gaze, pain in the fingers and hands, or increased heart rate, immediately leave the workplace, report the incident to management and contact a medical facility.
4.3. If signs of fire or fire are detected, evacuate visitors, take measures to extinguish the fire using available primary fire extinguishing equipment, and notify management. If necessary, call the fire brigade by calling 101.
4.4. In conditions of smoke and fire in the room, move along the walls, bending or crawling; To make breathing easier, cover your mouth and nose with a handkerchief (cloth) moistened with water; move through the flames, covering your head with outer clothing or a blanket, if possible, douse yourself with water, tear off or extinguish the clothes that are on fire, and if most of the clothes are engulfed in fire, roll the worker tightly in a cloth (felt), but do not cover your head.


5.1. Disconnect electrical equipment.
5.2. Check the serviceability of the equipment.
5.3. Tidy up your workspace.
5.4. Wash your face and hands with soap. If possible, take a shower.
5.5. Notify your immediate supervisor about all shortcomings and violations discovered during work.

Rules for organizing a solarium

The act of replacing the lamps, or the lamp replacement log must be in the public domain, the administrator must provide them, as well as a certificate for the lamps in the solarium. The timer from which the solarium is usually turned on is updated every time the lamps are replaced, so it is possible to see in fact how many minutes the lamps have burned out. On average, the lamp life is 800 or 1000 hours, depending on the manufacturer, but the efficiency of the lamps drops after 600 - 800 hours, so they need to be changed a little earlier. If this unspoken rule is not followed in a beauty salon, then at the end of the working hours, people no longer pay for a tan, but simply for the time they spend in the booth. Therefore, you should carefully consider the choice of a beauty salon or tanning studio. Of course, the equipment can be either modern with various additional options, or modest, but well preserved. It all depends on how employees treat the equipment and how often they perform maintenance (at least once every six months).

First of all, you should pay attention to the cleanliness and knowledge of the administrator; It’s worth asking how many lamps are in the solarium, what power, what brand, if the administrator doesn’t know this and can’t choose the number of tanning minutes himself, then most likely the solarium in this salon is treated mediocrely and negligently. There must be documents and the administrator must answer, at least in percentage terms, how much the life of the lamps has been exhausted.

3. Ventilation

In a room with a solarium there must be supply and exhaust ventilation with mechanical drive. It is adjusted in such a way that the air in the room has time to renew itself 3-4 times in an hour. If ventilation is built into the solarium itself, natural ventilation of the room where it is located is acceptable.

Evgenia Meizer, director and founder of the Bronze Paradise chain of tanning and beauty studios:
When you come to a beauty salon or tanning studio for the first time, you should first of all look at the cleanliness of both the main room and the solarium booth. What is the condition of the solarium - are there any cracks in the glass, what does the floor look like inside the solarium and ventilation. If there is a horizontal solarium, then there should be a “disinfected” sign. This will mean that the employees of the beauty salon or tanning studio are attentive to the solarium and care about the health of their guests.

During the cold period, when the lack of sunlight is felt more and more every day, the popularity of solariums and the use of cosmetics to create an artificial tan increases.

Before you start taking artificial tanning sessions and using special cosmetics, you need to make sure that they are safe. The design and operation of solariums is regulated by sanitary rules SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the placement, design, equipment, maintenance and operating hours of public utility organizations providing hairdressing and cosmetic services.”

Obtaining a license and sanitary-epidemiological certificate for the operation of solariums is not required. Individual entrepreneurs and legal entities only notify the Office of Rospotrebnadzoa for the Saratov Region about the start of their activities.

The following requirements apply to solariums.

The required area of ​​the room where the solarium cabin is installed consists of the area occupied by the device itself (according to the technical description) and the undressing area. The premises where solarium cabins are located, in the absence of other services provided by this organization, must include the operator’s work area. When organizations provide other household and beauty services, the operator’s area can be equipped together with the visitor reception area. If solarium services are provided automatically (without the participation of an operator using a coin acceptor and/or card reader), then an operator zone is not required.

The operator's area is equipped with a remote control for the solarium(s), which prevents unauthorized changes in the session time by the client.

Finishing facilitiesThe solarium must provide for the possibility of wet cleaning and disinfection.

After each session, all surfaces of the solarium cabin with which the visitor came into contact must be cleaned treated with disinfectants who have passed state registration. When using a vertical solarium, visitors must be provided with disposable towels for lining the cabin floor or disposable slippers.

Staff and visitors must have access to washbasin and toilet.

The room for operating solariums must be equipped with supply and exhaust ventilation with mechanical drive, providing 3-4 air exchanges per hour. In case of installation of models equipped with their own ventilation system, natural air flow into the room is allowed. It is necessary to periodically clean the ventilation holes inside the device as they become dirty.

Air temperature and humidity in the solarium cabin must comply with the requirements of the technical documentation for this device, but not exceed +28 °C. The air temperature in the room where the solarium cabin is located must be +18 - +24 °C.

Acceptable use devices ultraviolet radiation (solariums) with both vertical and horizontal arrangement of ultraviolet lamps of various types (high and low pressure) in any combination. Ultraviolet radiation equipment UV-C is not allowed in tanning salons.

All devices (solariums) must have technical passports and instructions in Russian, as well as documents confirming, in the prescribed manner, the safety of the products used.

Replacing lamps must be carried out at the standard production hours specified in the technical data sheet of the lamps, with a mandatory mark in the log. Information about the next replacement should be available to visitors of the solarium and located in a visible place. Used lamps must be sent to specialized organizations for their disposal in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Levels of physical factors affecting tanning salon staff and visitors, and The permissible intensity of ultraviolet radiation is regulated by sanitary rules.

The following information must be brought to the attention of consumers:

The need to carefully read the instructions for insolation;

About the need to use special glasses to avoid damage to the eyes from UV rays;

On the mandatory determination, in order to avoid damage to the skin, of the exposure time (session) using a table describing a person’s phototypes and other irradiation conditions depending on them (a table describing a person’s phototypes should be available to visitors and located in a visible place);

About the impact of some cosmetics and medications on changes (increases or decreases) in sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation and associated restrictions;

About maintaining a 48-hour interval between the first two sessions;

A warning about the need to consult a doctor to determine the possibility of taking insolation procedures;

About the carcinogenic danger of ultraviolet radiation;

About the need to use tanning cosmetics in a solarium to avoid the adverse effects of ultraviolet radiation;

On the ban on visiting the solarium by persons under 18 years of age;

About the list of diseases for which the use of this procedure is limited or contraindicated (melanoma, cancer, etc.).

Solariums are contraindicated:

Pregnant and lactating women

People with skin types I and II, as they have an increased susceptibility to sunburn and an increased risk of developing skin cancer.

Skin type 1 : People with this type of skin burn easily and severely and suffer from peeling and blistering, but do not tan. These people usually have very white skin, blue or green eyes, red hair, and may have freckles.

Skin type II: This skin type is very similar to type 1, except that people with this skin type may get a light tan. They can also easily get severe burns and their skin tends to peel off. These people have brown or blue eyes, red or blond hair, and freckles.

People who have a large number of nevi (birthmarks), a tendency to form freckles, have experienced severe sunburn, especially in childhood, or have a family history of malignant melanoma

People who have already had extensive skin damage from solar radiation, precancerous or malignant skin lesions.
People with skin conditions should consult a doctor before using a tanning bed.

When visiting a solarium Be sure to use safety glasses. Better are those that are included in the solarium kit and are guaranteed to protect against ultraviolet rays. Contact lenses must be removed because... The heat generated by the lamps can dry out contact lenses and cause eye irritation. It is also necessary to protect the most delicate areas of the skin.

Recommended cut the duration of the first session in half compared to a normal session, in order to determine the skin reaction. If any adverse reaction is detected after the first session, further use of the solarium is not recommended. Regular exposure should not exceed 2 sessions per week, with no more than 30 sessions per year. You cannot sunbathe on the day of visiting the solarium.

When visiting solariums, it is advisable to use protective creams and other special perfumery and cosmetic products. More on this in the next article in this section.


1 Memo for a beauty salon on the basic requirements of Rospotrebnadzor

2 The location of a salon is permitted: What premises are suitable for opening a beauty salon in it? *if there is an isolated entrance from the residential part and an autonomous ventilation system - on the first floors of residential buildings *subject to compliance with the requirements for air exchange of premises and microclimate parameters - in the basement and ground floors of buildings *subject to compliance with requirements for air exchange of premises and microclimate parameters - in retail centers and complexes without windows - In public buildings (shopping centers, rest homes, sanatoriums, medical organizations). What materials can be used when renovating premises? - Finishing materials must have documents confirming in the prescribed manner *a sample document is presented on page 7 the safety of the products used - The surfaces of finishing materials must be smooth, easily accessible for wet cleaning and resistant to treatment with disinfectants. What about water, sewerage, ventilation? - The selected premises must have a centralized water supply system, centralized or autonomous sewage system, and stationary sanitary fixtures. - The ventilation system for all premises can be common (except for sanitary premises, forced exhaust ventilation must be installed in them) - The nail extension specialist’s workplace is equipped with local forced exhaust ventilation - If there are no more than 3 workplaces (with the exception of the nail extension specialist’s office nails and beauty salon), then you can get by with ventilating the premises. - Combined lighting (general and local) must be provided at all workplaces in manicure and pedicure rooms and cosmetics rooms. - At workplaces in hairdressing salons, only general lighting can be installed. How to properly plan the placement of cabinets in a beauty salon? - The minimum areas of various rooms are given on page 4 (Appendix 1) - Beauty, pedicure, massage, solarium, piercing, tattoo rooms must be located in separate rooms. - Can be combined in one isolated office with an area of ​​at least 9 m2 when combining manicure and pedicure services is allowed, subject to the organization of one workplace for a manicure-pedicure master. - In a beauty salon, you can organize up to three workplaces, provided they are isolated by partitions 1.8-2.0 m high. - What almost everyone forgets is that it is necessary to organize utility, auxiliary and household premises (dressing rooms, rooms rest and meals, bathrooms, pantries), a room or place for storing equipment, garbage and cut hair, for storing clean linen and perfumes and cosmetics, as well as a room or a special place for disinfection, pre-sterilization cleaning and sterilization of instruments, equipped with a sink with hot and cold water supply. - It is possible to combine a meal room with a dressing room for staff when the number of workers per shift is less than 10 people, and a lobby with a dressing room for visitors and a waiting room. 1

3 Compliance with the sanitary and epidemiological regime in a beauty salon The best place to start is by assigning a worker to organize the anti-epidemic regime and daily control of the disinfection regime, pre-sterilization cleaning and sterilization of instruments, and train him in a specialized training center. He will also be responsible for implementing the production control program in the beauty salon. What are the main points to remember? - Wet cleaning of premises is carried out at least twice a day using detergents and disinfectants. - General cleaning is carried out once a week. - Cleaning equipment is marked indicating the premises and types of cleaning work. - Separate cleaning equipment must be allocated for bathrooms. - The cut hair is collected in a closed scoop and placed in disposable plastic garbage bags which, when filled, are tied and stored in the utility room until they are removed. - If a client has lice, the manipulation must be stopped. Disinfest tools and linen with pediculicides in the form of permethrin emulsion concentrate (Avicin, Mediphos, Akromed). - You can store clean linen on open shelves or at work places only in individual packaging. - Combs, brushes, and hair cutting scissors are washed under running water after each client and disinfected in disinfectant solutions according to the regimen used for fungal diseases (the dilution percentage is indicated in the instructions for use of the disinfectant). - You should have at least three sets of tools for one workplace. - Instruments for manicure, pedicure, and cosmetic services are placed in a disinfectant solution after each client without prior rinsing with water. After disinfection is completed, the instruments are subjected to pre-sterilization cleaning and sterilization. - It is necessary to do an azopyram test (hidden blood test) of 1% of the instruments being sterilized. Before taking the sample, prepare the azopyram reagent by mixing equal volumes of the initial azopyram solution and a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. The azopyram reagent can be stored for no more than 2 hours. With a positive azopyram test in the presence of traces of blood, immediately or no later than 1 minute later, a violet color appears first, then quickly turns into a pink-lilac or brownish color of the reagent within a few seconds. If the test is positive, the instruments are washed again. - Containers with working solutions of products must be equipped with lids and have inscriptions indicating the name of the product, its concentration, purpose, and the date of preparation of the working solution. - Conduct thermochemical (online, daily) and bacteriological control of sterilizers (2 times a year, with the assistance of a laboratory). - It is necessary to have an anti-HIV first aid kit. Its composition: - 70 alcohol; - 5% alcohol solution of iodine; - adhesive plaster, dressing material; - latex gloves; - container for diluting water; - 50 mg weighed portions of potassium permanganate. - Forms of work logs kept in the beauty salon: Logbook for monitoring the operation of air and steam sterilizers (filled out daily) 2

4 Logbook for recording the quality of pre-sterilization treatment (filled out daily) Logbook for recording general cleaning (filled out weekly) Logbook for monitoring the concentration of working solutions of disinfectants (filled out weekly) Logbook for registering and monitoring the ultraviolet bactericidal installation (filled out daily) Logbook for recording the receipt and consumption of disinfectants for carrying out disinfection measures at facilities (filled out weekly). What documentation do you need to have for equipment, disinfectants and cosmetics in a beauty salon? List of required documents: *sample document is given on page 6 Declaration of conformity from the manufacturer *sample document is given on page 7 certificate of state registration For disinfectants additionally: - instructions for use. For technical equipment (devices, climate control systems, UV irradiators): - technical passport. How often do employees need to undergo medical examinations? What is required from the employer? The employer's responsibilities include the preparation of the following documents: - Drawing up a contingent of persons subject to preliminary and periodic medical examinations in connection with harmful and (or) hazardous production factors based on the results of certification of workplaces, which indicates the name of the profession (position) of the employee according to the staffing table and the name of the harmful production factor - Drawing up a list of names of persons subject to preliminary and periodic medical examinations in accordance with certain contingents - Referral for a preliminary (periodic) medical examination (examination). - Submission of the final medical examination report based on the results of medical examinations of these employees to Rospotrebnadzor. What is required from the employee? The employee’s responsibilities include reporting to a medical facility with a referral from the employer and undergoing a medical examination. What is included in the scope of preliminary and periodic medical examination of a beauty salon employee? - Chest X-ray - Blood test for syphilis upon entry to work - Smears for gonorrhea upon entry to work - Tests for carriage of intestinal pathogens and serological examination for typhoid fever upon entry to work and subsequently according to epidemiological indications. What documents should be in the end? Based on the results of the examination, the medical organization issues: a medical card (remains in the medical organization); employee health passport (remains with the medical organization); conclusion based on the results of a preliminary (periodic) medical examination (issued to the employee for transmission to the employer after the employee has undergone a medical examination); final report based on the results of a periodic medical examination (issued to the employer after employees undergo a medical examination); marks in personal medical records of employees. 3

5 Composition and area of ​​premises Appendix 1 hairdressing salons, beauty salons, manicure, pedicure and massage rooms, solariums Name of premises Area per 1 workplace, m 2 Note 1. Premises for visitors: waiting room wardrobe for visitors 2. Hairdressing salons: universal hairdresser workplace 3.0 up to 10 workplaces; 1.5 for each subsequent; 0.3 4.5-8.0 Hairdresser's workplace 4.5 m² if there is a separate room for washing and coloring hair, 8 m² if sinks are installed in the hairdressing salon. Hairdressing salon for 1 workplace at least 15.0 m2, including the waiting room, wardrobe for visitors and the hairdresser's workplace Area of ​​the waiting room and wardrobe at least 6.0 m2 3. Premises for washing and hair coloring, hair perm 8, 0 Provide in hairdressing salons from 10 workplaces 4. Beauty salon from 12.0 area per 1 workplace - 12 m², for each subsequent one - 2 m² 5. Manicure salon 4.5 6. Pedicure salon 4.5 7. Extension salon nails 6.0 8. Massage room The area for 1 massage table is at least 8.0 m2, with an office area of ​​at least 12 m2 9. Room for post-grooming work 4.5 4.0 m2 for each additional workplace 10 Laundry From 9.0 m2 (taking into account the type of washing machine) Do not provide for centralized laundry 4

6 p/n Name of premises Area per 1 workplace, m 2 Note 11. Room for rest and eating 12. Utility rooms, storerooms (storerooms for linen, for cleaning equipment, storage of cut hair, etc.) 13. Storage rooms disinfectants, detergents 1.5 m2 per person, but not less than 6 m2 in hairdressing salons for up to 5 workplaces. Over for each employee at least 1.5 m2 At least 1.5 m2 up to 10 workplaces; 1.0 m2 for each subsequent At least 1.5 m2 up to 10 workplaces; 1.0 m2 for each subsequent At least 6 m Room or place for organizing disinfection, pre-sterilization cleaning and sterilization of instruments at least 6 m² 15. Dressing rooms 0.3 m2 per 1 workplace 16. Solarium: dressing room operator's station 17. Toilets for visitors and staff 18. Decorative cosmetics cabinet 19. Administrator's office Not less than 3 m² Not less than 6 m² Not less than 2.75 m m m 2 It is possible to install separate bathrooms for staff and visitors Note: combination in one room is allowed*: - room for visitors: waiting room, cloakroom for visitors, administrator's office; - hairdressing salons, hair washing and hair perm rooms; - manicure room, pedicure room, nail extension room; - utility storerooms, rooms for storing disinfectants, detergents, a room for organizing disinfection, pre-sterilization cleaning and sterilization of instruments; -cosmetic cabinet with decorative cosmetics cabinet. * when combining premises, the total area must be at least 9 m 2 5

1 Appendix 1 Composition and area of ​​premises of hairdressing salons, beauty salons, manicure, pedicure and massage rooms, solariums Name of premises 1. Premises for: waiting room Area for 1 worker

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Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, equipment, maintenance and operating hours of laundries Appendix APPROVED by the Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation

Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated June 10, 2010 N 65 “On approval of SanPiN” (together with “SanPiN Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device,

Resolution 65 of June 10, 2010 On approval of SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, equipment, maintenance and operating mode of laundries” Registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia

Due to the growing popularity of the services of beauty salons and manicure salons, Rospotrebnadzor draws the attention of consumers. Visitors to beauty salons should pay attention to the following points:


06 changes in the requirements of sanitary legislation for beauty salons Slide 2 * Requirements of sanitary legislation for the implementation of activities at public utility facilities

SES requirements for the design, equipment and maintenance of hairdressing and beauty salons. Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for design, equipment and contents. SanPiN

New sanitary standards and rules for hairdressing and beauty salons On approval of SanPiN 2.1.2. -10 In accordance with the Federal Law of March 30, 1999 52-FZ “On sanitary and epidemiological welfare

DECISION OF THE MINISTRY OF HEALTH OF THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS July 4, 2012 91 On approval of Sanitary norms and rules “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for organizations and individual entrepreneurs,

FEDERAL SERVICE FOR SUPERVISION IN THE FIELD OF PROTECTION OF CONSUMER RIGHTS AND HUMAN WELL-BEING (name of the body (territorial body of the federal executive body) implementing the federal

New sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the placement, design, equipment, maintenance and operating hours of public baths and saunas were approved by Rospotrebnadzor. They come into force on June 2. From now on

SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the location, structure, equipment, maintenance and operating hours of public utility organizations providing hairdressing salons

On approval of SanPiN, SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, equipment, maintenance and operating mode of laundries" Resolution of the Main State

DECISION OF THE MINISTRY OF HEALTH OF THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS February 13, 2009 17 On approval of Sanitary norms, rules and hygienic standards “Hygienic requirements for devices, equipment

Appendix Approved by Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated May 18, 2010 N59 WITH ANIT ARNO-EPIDEMIOLOGICAL REQUIREMENTS FOR ACCOMMODATION, DEVICE, EQUIPMENT,

HYGIENIC REQUIREMENTS FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF THE TERRITORY AND PREMISES OF HAIRDRESSING SALONS The territory adjacent to hairdressing salons must comply with the requirements of technical regulatory legal acts (hereinafter -

Order of the Ministry of Health of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic On the introduction into force of SanPiN of the Ministry of Health of the PMR “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for placement, arrangement, equipment,


DECISION OF THE MINISTRY OF HEALTH OF THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS May 29, 2009 58 On approval of Sanitary norms, rules and hygienic standards “Hygienic requirements for the device, equipment and

Logbook for replacing lamps in a solarium >>> Logbook for replacing lamps in a solarium Logbook for replacing lamps in a solarium You can connect the water heater to the cold water supply system. Information on the poster is required

Order of the Ministry of Health of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic On the introduction into force of SanPiN of the Ministry of Health of the PMR “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for placement, arrangement, equipment,

Registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on October 31, 2014. 34547 Approved by Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated August 29, 2014 N 51 SANITARY AND EPIDEMIOLOGICAL RULES

State sanitary and epidemiological regulation of the Russian Federation State sanitary and epidemiological rules and standards 2.1.2. DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION OF RESIDENTIAL

Department of Education of the Tula City Administration Municipal budgetary educational institution "Education Center 8" 300034, Tula, St. Frunze, 18 Phones: 31-56-41 ACCEPTED at the pedagogical

1 and (or) hazardous production factors, as well as work during which it is necessary to conduct preliminary and periodic medical examinations (examinations) of employees in order to protect

APPROVED Resolution of the Deputy Minister of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Republic of Belarus dated July 30, 2018 73 MINISTRY OF HEALTH OF THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS (name of body or

“Agreed” “Approved” Head of the Territorial Administration Head of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare at Address 2008. 2008. Program

1. List of officially published sanitary rules, methods and techniques for monitoring environmental factors in accordance with the activities carried out. 1.1. Federal Law “On Sanitary and Epidemiological


2. The procedure for organizing and conducting production control. 2.1. Production control over the condition of premises and equipment is carried out by the director, deputy directors for chemical engineering and water management or

Specialists of the territorial department of the Rospotrebnadzor Office for Moscow in the Western Administrative District carried out a scheduled inspection of the beauty and dentistry salon of Gran + LLC at the address: Mozhaiskoye

I approve the head of the MBDOU TsRR kindergarten 9th grade. Staroshcherbinovskaya / S.A. Predit/ 20 Production control program for 2017 of the municipal budgetary preschool educational institution center


SES requirements for the design, equipment and maintenance of hairdressing and beauty salons. Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for design, equipment and contents. SanPiN

Sanitary rules establish sanitary and epidemiological requirements for placement, design, equipment, maintenance, anti-epidemic regime, preventive and anti-epidemic measures,

State sanitary and epidemiological supervision is carried out strictly in accordance with the requirements of: Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 26, 2008. 294-FZ “On the protection of the rights of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs

Program for production control of catering MBOU "Berezniki Secondary School" Characteristics of the conditions for placing a food facility MBOU "Bereznikovskaya Secondary School"

Report on the industrial practice of a hairdresser >>> Report on the industrial practice of a hairdresser Report on the industrial practice of a hairdresser To print the file, download it in Word format. That's why

30 4.2. Annotations of programs of professional modules General characteristics of annotations of programs of professional modules Main professional educational program of secondary vocational education in the specialty 43.02.02 Hairdressing

TESTS IN THE DISCIPLINE “MANICURE TECHNOLOGY” Select the correct answers 1. What types of services are provided in pedicure and manicure salons (according to the All-Russian Classifier of Services to the Population): Hygienic

Prevention of infectious diseases during endoscopic manipulations Approved by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation - First Deputy Minister of Health of the Russian Federation

APPROVED by order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation in 2018. PROFESSIONAL STANDARD Specialist in the provision of hairdressing services Contents I. General information..... 1

Adopted by the Decision of the General Meeting of workers of the GBDOU kindergarten 33 of the Kirov district of St. Petersburg Minutes of 2015 Agreed by the Chairman of the primary trade union organization of the GBDOU kindergarten

APPENDIX 3 APPROVED by the order of the Department of Social Protection and Family Policy of the region Act of Acceptance of Children's Recreation and Health Organizations 2016 Actual location address: Legal status

DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH OF THE BRYANSK REGION State Autonomous Professional Educational Institution "Bryansk Basic Medical College" PROGRAM of professional retraining in the specialty

“Hygienic requirements for the design, maintenance and organization of the regime in health institutions with day care for children during the holidays” L.A. Shuraleva Chief specialist expert of the supervision department


2 Appendix to order OD-98 dated March 10, 2015. I APPROVED acting. Director of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education KO "Pedagogical Institute" I.Yu. Atroshchenko 2015 REGULATIONS on conducting mandatory preliminary tests (upon admission to

DECISION OF THE MINISTRY OF HEALTH OF THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS October 31, 2008 183 On approval of sanitary norms, rules and hygienic standards “Hygienic requirements for placement, arrangement,

APPROVED Resolution of the Deputy Minister-Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Republic of Belarus dated October 15, 2013 42 MINISTRY OF HEALTH OF THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS name of the body or institution,

HOW TO OPEN A BATH (SAUNA)? This article provides step-by-step instructions for entrepreneurs on how to open a bathhouse or sauna from scratch. Also, it is possible to register a legal entity on the portal

Municipal preschool educational institution "Kindergarten 111 combined type" of the city of Magnitogorsk Approved by the Head of the MDOU "Kindergarten 111k.v." M.A. Ermukhametova 20, Medical passport

MEDICAL WASTE MANAGEMENT. * JSC National Center for Neurosurgery Chief Specialist of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Control Sector Zatsepilova G.S. In medical organizations, waste appears every day.

DECISION OF THE MINISTRY OF HEALTH OF THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS December 16, 2013 127 On approval of the Sanitary Norms and Rules “Requirements for the design and operation of physical education and sports facilities”,

1.4 The gym and its utility room 1.5 Sanitary maintenance of the premises Availability of protective devices to prevent injuries Availability of sportswear for children during classes Arrangement

State sanitary and epidemiological regulation of the Russian Federation State sanitary and epidemiological rules and standards 2.1.2. DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION OF RESIDENTIAL

State sanitary and epidemiological regulation of the Russian Federation State sanitary and epidemiological rules and standards 2.1.2. DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION OF RESIDENTIAL