What is artificial ice at a skating rink? How does an ice skating rink work? Who are your main clients?

Ice skating is a popular thing! How was it made all-season? What is artificial ice? And what are the secrets of ordinary ice? It turns out that making a good skating rink is a whole science!

Many have observed this picture: during breaks in hockey matches or figure skating competitions, unusual cars drive into the arena. Skating sessions at city sites are also interrupted so that the harvesters can leave. These are resurfacers - from the English surface - surface, they clean and level it. Among themselves, professionals call this procedure “treatment.”

The specialists who monitor the condition of the skating rinks are called ice makers. This is not taught anywhere specifically. The project manager for mobile ice rinks, Pavel Zhukov, for example, played hockey as a child, then coached a team, and every time he checked the quality of the surface himself. So the hockey player turned into an ice maker.

One of the most authoritative ice makers in the world is Grigory Yakovlev, an ice technology expert at the Moscow Megasport Arena. He developed his own technology for obtaining a surface for high-speed skating. And he used it on three of the five Olympic skating rinks in Sochi. The specialist is confident that speed skating records were set at those games thanks, in part, to the high-quality ice at the arena in Adler.

In general, the first ice-filling combine appeared in 1949 in the warm state of California. It was invented by the American Frank Zamboni. By that time, he and his brother had opened the largest skating rink in the United States, measuring 30 by 60 meters, which could accommodate up to 800 people. At first, it took 4 workers to level the ice, who spent several hours manually sanding it with sandpaper and refilling it. Machines made it possible to do the same thing in just 10 minutes! It's no wonder they became popular.

The harvester has a blade that can cut off up to 8 mm of the top layer of ice. Usually much less is removed - it all depends on the depth of the scratches and chips. Snow shavings fall into a tank that holds up to 1200 kg. The machine gradually supplies hot water to the cleaned surface of the ice. It is evenly distributed by a cloth called a “towel”. High water temperature is needed so that the liquid does not immediately freeze, but penetrates into cracks and depressions, forming a new one - even! - top layer of ice. When everything is done, the harvester leaves the arena and dumps the snow shavings into a special melting pit.

Under the concrete base there are pipes with a cooling agent, which comes from refrigeration devices - chillers (from the English chill - to cool). Some models are so powerful that they can keep the skating rink in working condition in heat of +45 degrees! There are several layers of thermal insulation under the pipes so that the cold only goes up.

Interestingly, ice made this way, due to slow cooling, turns out to be very homogeneous and completely transparent - which, oddly enough, is not very good. So that hockey players can better see the puck and markings, it is painted white (using additives). And at public skating rinks they do this so that fallen objects are visible and no one gets injured. Sometimes, for the same purpose, the base of the skating rink is simply painted white. And then they slowly pour water, freezing it a millimeter at a time. It takes about a week to achieve a layer of 4 centimeters.

The ice must be different for each sport. For hockey, for example, you need a hard one - the blades of the skates are very sharp and the players fight hard. For short track speed skating, another characteristic is important - smoothness. Speed ​​depends on it. Skaters have their own requirements; they need medium-hard ice due to the many jumps.

Ice makers from different countries have their own secret ingredients for creating the perfect sliding surface. For example, in Moscow, at VDNKh, there is the largest skating rink in Europe, its area is 20,000 sq.m., and up to 27,000 people come here every day. The huge surface actually consists of 9 parts, which were poured one by one.

The main problem in recent years for open-air Moscow skating rinks is too warm weather. And often, in order not to cancel training, athletes use artificial ice. Here, 10-year-old hockey player Masha from the Moscow region practices hitting the puck on just such a surface.

Essentially it's plastic. How is the sliding effect achieved? On normal ice, a thin layer of water forms under the blade of the skate due to pressure. Here, the manufacturer recommends using an emulsion, and also wearing special skates that are more reminiscent of rollers.

The advantage is that you can skate on such ice even in summer, and there is no need for huge expenses for the operation of refrigeration units. But the properties of artificial ice are still quite far from natural, and, for example, you cannot practice speed skating on it.

So the profession of ice maker is not in danger of disappearing. A good roller cannot yet be replaced by anything, even the most advanced plastic.

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Once on the way from the skating rink, we started talking about which skating rinks are better: artificial ones or with the most natural ice? And is it really possible to ride on artificial ones even at temperatures slightly above zero...

When it comes to artificial skating rinks, there appears to be some confusion regarding the terms used to describe the type of ice used. This could be artificial ice, which is still water, albeit specially purified and frozen by a refrigeration unit. And this could be synthetic ice, which is also often called artificial, which creates confusion: such ice no longer needs water.

Artificial ice

Photo: http://masterxoloda.ru/2/item/kak-zalivayut-iskusstvennyj-katok

To create artificial ice, refrigeration units are used, connected to complex systems of cooling tubes located at the base of the rink.

With the help of such installations it is possible to maintain the required ice temperature even at above-zero air temperatures. At the same time, the optimal ice temperature for figure skating is around -3..-4 degrees: at this temperature, the ice is quite close to the melting point, therefore it is softer and less likely to chip during jumps.

In turn, hockey players prefer slightly colder and harder ice with a temperature of -5 degrees: such ice is more resistant to the active destructive effects produced by ten field players.

Open city skating rinks with artificial ice allow you to skate even in fairly warm weather: at different skating rinks the maximum operating temperature is indicated in the range of +7..+9 degrees.

One of the most ambitious skating rinks with artificial ice is the high-mountain skating rink Medeo in Kazakhstan, which operates for 8 months a year: the thickness of the ice coating is as much as 2.3 meters, and 170 kilometers of cooling tubes are used to artificially freeze the ice!

Synthetic ice

Photo: http://stroitehnika.kz/catalog/service/stroitelstvo_sportivnyh_obektov/sinteticheskij_led1326783056.html

It is essentially ice made from polyethylene, abbreviated UHMWPE: ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene.

Such “ice” no longer cares about the surrounding temperature, so it can be used completely freely in shopping centers and even on beaches: the permissible temperature of synthetic ice is in the range of -70..+70 degrees.

Synthetic ice is sold in the form of rectangular sheets 1-2 centimeters thick and about 2x4 meters in size, which are laid on the most even, solid base and tightly joined to each other. The service life of such panels is about 10 years: five years on each side.

It must be said that this invention is not new and was first tested for skating back in the 1960s.

To improve gliding on synthetic ice, special lubricants are used on its surface. There are also “self-lubricating” options with lubricant integrated directly into the ice material

And although synthetic ice is currently inferior in skating quality to “water” ice, a number of commercial advantages make it a popular material for creating a skating rink:

  • Possibility of use at high positive temperatures
  • mobility in transportation and installation
  • significantly cheaper and easier surface care

Today, many people, when deciding where to go on weekends or holidays, choose the skating rink. Moreover, not only young people go there, but also older people. And this is very true: “a healthy mind in a healthy body.”

In with artificial ice it is no longer uncommon. This sport and, of course, recreation is rapidly gaining popularity for several reasons:

  • You can do it as soon as you decide to go to the skating rink, that is, this activity does not require large financial investments, since you can rent skates (or buy your own new ones - not that expensive).
  • Before going to the skating rink, it is not necessary to worry about whether you have a certain physical fitness or whether it is completely absent. Just go and ride for your own pleasure.

People are starting to get so used to this pastime that they don’t want to give it up even in the summer. And here an artificial skating rink comes to the rescue. Great idea! Moreover, more and more skating rinks with artificial (synthetic) ice are appearing in Russia.

Types of these rollers

All artificial skating rinks are divided into two types:

  • With synthetic ice. Such skating rinks can operate in any shopping complex all year round. They do not require low ambient temperatures.
  • With ice from the water. This coating is created using special equipment. It can only be installed in rooms where a certain low temperature is maintained.

That is, it turns out that “the skating rink is different.” Let's understand the terms.

What is synthetic ice

Synthetic ice is a monolithic surface created by connecting sheet thermal panels, which are made on the basis of polyethylene (moreover, high molecular weight). This coating is excellent for hockey, skating, including figure skating, curling and short track speed skating. Moreover, to skate on such a surface there is no need to purchase special skates. Regular figure or hockey ones are quite suitable.

On a note! Information for doubters: the sliding of a skate blade on synthetic ice is 90% identical to sliding on ice made from water (that is, traditional). This is excellent proof that with synthetic ice, an artificial skating rink is a very innovative project. And it is in no way inferior to its “out of water” counterpart. While riding, you will hardly even feel the difference.

Panel fastening methods

Polyethylene sheet panels for artificial skating rink can be connected to each other in two ways:

  • Using a tongue-and-groove-pin connection. This method is suitable for panels that are installed not only indoors, but also outdoors.

Important! The basic basis for slabs connected in the manner described above can be: asphalt, soil, concrete, tiles, wooden and metal platforms. The only condition is that the base must be strong and as smooth and even as possible.

  • Using the so-called special dovetail fastening. This method is suitable for artificial skating rinks that have a perfectly flat base base. Regarding the temperature - it should not differ by large differences. There are only two conditions.

Advantages of synthetic ice

Synthetic ice has many advantages:

  • Installation and operation of a skating rink with artificial ice (synthetic) is significantly cheaper than its analogue, for the production of which refrigeration units and water are used.
  • Quick payback of the structure.
  • Has high moisture resistance.
  • No noise generated by running compressors.
  • High speed of installation work due to the mobility of the slabs.
  • Absence of strict requirements for premises and sites where skating rinks with artificial ice (synthetic) are installed.
  • The ability to give the skating rink absolutely any shape.
  • It is environmentally friendly.
  • Durability.

What is artificial ice

Artificial ice is equipped with the help of a whole set of tubes (mats), through which coolant and, of course, water constantly circulate. Ice appears as a result of the formation of intermediate antifreeze. The tubes (each 25 mm thick), located in a concrete or sand base, are made of plastic or steel.

A little history

In 1876, or, to be more precise, on January 7, the residents of London were invited to the world's first ice skating rink. Naturally, it was not an outdoor skating rink with artificial ice, but an indoor one. This event took place in the Chelsea area, which was considered one of the most fashionable in the city. The townspeople liked the skating rink, and they reacted very positively to its arrangement. In those days, skates were nothing more than metal runners attached to a wooden base. These riding devices were tied to shoes using leather straps or ropes.

Then, in 1881, an artificial skating rink began operating in the city of Frankfurt am Main. Its area was about 533 square meters. He delighted the population from August to October. And then indoor and outdoor artificial skating rinks were built with enviable consistency. Russia also did not remain aloof from this process. Throughout time, the skating rink has always remained a favorite vacation spot for residents and guests of Moscow.

Moscow delights residents and guests of the capital with its skating rinks

How great it is to get together with a fun group and go to the skating rink. And if it’s also a free artificial skating rink, then the joy doubles, that is, “cheap and cheerful.” And it doesn’t matter whether you know how to ride or not. The main thing is good company and time spent with health benefits. What could be better!

There are about 200 free skating rinks with artificial ice in Moscow. Here are some of them:

  • In the Fili park complex.
  • In Krylatskoe.
  • In the park complex called “50 Years of October”.
  • At the Olimpiysky sports complex.
  • In the park complexes: “Northern Dubki”, “Angarskie Ponds”, “Goncharovsky” and “Dubki”.
  • On the territory of VDNKh in Ostankino.
  • In the Nikulino park complex.
  • In Vorontsovsky Park.
  • On the territory adjacent to the construction of the Northern River Station.

On a note! If the air temperature exceeds + 5 degrees, as well as on holidays and when competitions are taking place, then changes in the work schedule of the skating rinks are possible.

In Fili Park

Address: Novozavodskaya street, 18. The skating rink will not disappoint you: 800 square meters of artificial ice, there are places where you can change clothes, have a snack and go to the toilet. You can ride in the morning until 10 pm. At the end of the working week, namely on Friday, as well as on Saturday evening (from 17:00 to 20:00), you can attend music discos (right on the ice). Moreover, you can skate on your own skates absolutely free of charge, but renting skates (if you don’t have your own) and sharpening them will cost you a small amount (see prices below, at the end of the article).

Skating rink in Krylatskoye

Address: 26 k.3. The area (1800 square meters), covered with artificial ice, operates in the morning, namely from 10:00 to 22:00. The downside of the skating rink is that you won’t be able to rent skates due to the lack of such a service. Therefore, you will have to be content with your own skates.

"50 years of October"

Address: Udaltsova Street, 22. There are locker rooms, food stations (if necessary) and, of course, toilets. Skate rental and sharpening are guaranteed (paid services). Opening hours: 10:00 - 22:00.

Sports complex "Olympic"

Walk for 3-4 minutes from the Prospekt Mira metro station and you can already see the skating rink with an area of ​​1250 square meters (address: Olimpiysky Prospekt, 16). During the working week you can ride from 16:00 to 22:00. But on “weekend” (Sat and Sun) - from 11:00 to 22:00. Entry costs nothing. Need a wardrobe - please; Need skate rental, please (paid service).

“Northern Dubki”, “Angarskie Ponds”, “Goncharovsky” and “Dubki”

Addresses: Keramicheskiy proezd, building 65-71/1, st. building 21/1, st. Rustaveli, vl. 7 and st. Dubki, 6 respectively. You can visit them any day from 10 am to 10 pm and absolutely free. If you need services such as skate rental and sharpening, you will have to shell out a certain amount of money.

On a note! For people with benefits, a 50% discount is provided.

On the territory of VDNKh in the Ostankino park complex

A very warm locker room awaits you (free) and, of course, skate rental. You can ride from 10:00 to 22:00 (on weekdays), and on weekends and holidays - until 23:00.


Address: Vernadsky Avenue, 86. You can use the locker room, food service and toilet. As usual, if you bring your own skates, admission is free; In case of their absence, rental is at your service.

In Vorontsovsky Park

There is an ice skating rink called “Ice Laboratory” (New Cheryomushki metro station, entrance from Architect Vlasov Street), which is open to the public from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. There is a pavilion where you can taste fairly fresh pastries and “drink” exclusively hot drinks (not to be confused with strong drinks). There is a relatively warm locker room, and you can use skate rental services.

Near the Northern River Station

Get to the Rechnoy Vokzal metro station. The ice rink is relatively small - only 800 square meters, open from 10:00 - 22:00 every day. The downside of the skating rink is that you cannot use the skate rental service due to its absence. But there is also a plus - the presence of a warm locker room.

On a note! At all ice rinks, skate rental is a paid service and costs about 150-250 rubles per hour. Sharpening varies within the same limits. At some skating rinks, after the first hour of skating, the rental price is reduced to 100 rubles (for example, in Vorontsovsky Park).

Come, artificial ice is waiting for you!

Synthetic skating rink (synthetic ice) is a special surface that imitates ice on a skating rink. The surface is made up of special thermal plates or thermal panels synthesized on the basis of polyolefin - a polymer material with reduced friction and wear resistance, which makes it suitable for figure skating, ice hockey, and curling.

Synthetic ice, as a rule, is made up of panels secured end-to-end with planks or a special cutout of the “saw”, “dovetail” type, etc. It is important that the synthetic skating rink is located on a perfectly flat, smooth and stable surface, for example, on asphalt, wooden floors, soil, or special platforms.

Synthetic ice is often referred to as artificial ice, which leads to confusion because artificial skating rinks are primarily created from ice generated by refrigeration units during the process of freezing water at the skating rink.


Synthetic skating rink based on polymer technology has been practiced as an alternative to natural ice made from frozen water for more than four decades. DuPont is a pioneer in the use of plastic for skating. The first such skating rink was built in the 60s of the last century from polyformaldehyde, invented a decade earlier.

Features of polymer panels

Today, polymer panels of some brands are made from plastic using technologies from the middle of the last century. But do not forget that synthetic skating rinks have some distinctive characteristics. To make sliding comfortable, it is necessary to use a special lubricant made from ethylene glycol or silicone compounds. Therefore, when comparing skating on natural ice and on a synthetic skating rink, do not forget that the latter is only an imitation of ice. The lubricant gradually becomes covered with dirt and dust.

Another difficulty caused by the use of synthetic panels for skating rinks is how they are attached to each other. If the butt-butt fastening method is used, the seams may come apart after some time, creating grooves where the blades can easily get stuck. The use of planks as a connecting element reduces the likelihood of the structure spreading. One of the reliable methods of fastening is to use cutouts of the “saw” and “dovetail” type.

Newest technologies

Progress does not stand still: over the past decades, innovation has improved the performance of polymer compounds, reducing the difference between synthetic ice and real ice. Special synthetic compounds combined with high-quality lubricants, which when dry are absorbed by the surface of the synthetic panels, allow the skating rink to remain clean and comfortable to slide.

The properties of polymer panels responsible for moisture resistance and resistance to corrosion, temperature fluctuations, and ultraviolet radiation have been improved. The installation and fastening methods have been improved, which prevents the seams from coming apart. Overall, skating on a synthetic skating rink becomes more comfortable and safe.

Caring for synthetic skating rinks is becoming easier, as biodegradable lubricants are increasingly used, which easily decompose under the influence of ordinary water. This is an excellent alternative to silicone or ethylene glycol based lubricants and significantly reduces cleaning time.

Synthetic ice has a hardness 10-15% higher than real ice, and this is comfortable for beginners and children, for training, practicing elements in curling or hockey.

Synthetic skating rinks are gaining well-deserved popularity in many countries, this is due to their lower cost compared to real ice, as well as the fact that practically no funds are required to maintain and maintain the skating rink. In countries such as the USA and Canada, famous for their achievements in hockey and figure skating, there is a network of hockey clubs and schools that use synthetic ice, based on its low cost.

The synthetic skating rink does not require special operating conditions, is easy to install, can be installed indoors and outdoors, which makes it popular for installation in almost any climate zone, on beaches, in parks, in shopping and entertainment centers, circuses, etc. .P.

The use of synthetic ice serves as a good imitation of natural ice, especially in situations where organizers do not have the financial, technical or other opportunity to install a skating rink made of conventional ice.

The popularity of skating rinks in Russia has increased significantly over the past year and a half. There are more than 30 of them in our city. And the skating rinks are not empty. Today, at skating rinks you can meet people of all ages - from very young children to elderly grandparents. And this is not surprising.

Firstly, ice skating does not require large financial investments. Secondly, this type of sport and recreation is accessible to people with varying physical fitness.

Unfortunately, ice skating in most Russian cities is only possible in winter. Of course, in cities that have professional hockey teams, the skating rink operates both in summer and autumn. But even that one starts working at the end of July. And many people want to ride all year round. There is a way out of this situation.

Today, skating rinks with artificial synthetic ice are being built in Russia. Synthetic ice consists of slabs of special plastic that are joined together. Then a special liquid is applied to them, which allows them to skate. The skates used are the same as for “normal” ice. The durability of one side of the coating is from 3 to 5 years. Then the slabs are turned over to the other side. And you can ride again.

Surprisingly, the speed on such a skating rink is only 5-10% lower than on regular ice. At the same time, a synthetic ice skating rink does not require much maintenance, and there is no need to create complex cooling systems. Synthetic ice can be laid both indoors and outdoors. In winter, this coating can be filled with ice so that the surface is less subject to wear.

So let's calculate the costs and profits. 1 sq.m of synthetic ice costs around 250 USD. 200 sq.m. will cost 50,000 USD, i.e. about 1,300,000 rubles. Let’s say that 5 people visit the skating rink in an hour, i.e. with a 10-hour working day, 50 per day. Each of them will pay 100 rubles for riding. We will receive 150,000 rubles per month. 1,800,000 rubles per year.

The calculations are preliminary and do not take into account the costs of electricity, staff salaries, and rent of the area for the skating rink. But anyone who wants to take this seriously can do the math for themselves.

You can also earn income:
— from renting out skates;
— holding corporate competitions in hockey and curling (this sport is almost undeveloped in Russia);
— work of a small cafe at the skating rink.

Since the skating rink is collapsible, i.e. mobile, other options for its use are possible. For example, organizing outdoor children's parties or holding weddings. Imagine, the bride and groom exchange rings or dance a wedding dance on ice. I think it's amazing.

I invite everyone to express their thoughts about the idea. Your opinion is very interesting whether this idea can take root in Russia.