Dry litter. Pros and cons of using bacteria-contaminated pig bedding. Use for small livestock

Europe has been using new technologies in agriculture for a long time. They greatly facilitate human labor and improve product quality. One of such technologies is fermentation litter.

Rural animals, although unpretentious in care, love to live in cleanliness and order. At first glance, it seems that talking about cleanliness in a pigsty is completely absurd. The keeping of these animals, on the contrary, involves mud baths. In fact, love for such conditions is caused by hopelessness. Pig bedding containing bacteria will help solve many problems. It is based on the principle of operation of dry closets in public places.

The litter consists of sawdust with the addition of special bacteria. Fermentation organisms help absorb waste and also release heat into the environment. Thus, the device allows you not only to maintain cleanliness, but also to increase the level of thermoregulation, which is important for animals. The dry layer provides absorption and allows bacteria to break down the waste, increasing profitability for the pig barn. Warm bedding is extremely important for pigs. Coprophages recycle waste for production.

New system costs

The costs are recouped within a few months. The cost of the product depends on the quality. It’s better to buy something expensive, but replace it once every three years, than to cheap it now, only to end up spending several times more in the future. You should also take into account the consumption of the product per square meter of room. Practice shows that a cheap drug is required two to three times more.

Subsequently, the result is worse, and the price is higher than that of a high-quality substance. To introduce a new system into your pig farm, you need to make sure of its feasibility. The more animals there are, the better the bacteria work. The name “permanent litter” is not entirely appropriate. The coating changes after 2-3 years depending on conditions.

Types of bedding

The deep layer should always have thermoregulating properties. A warm and dry floor is the key to the health of the entire livestock. Sawdust or straw are most often used as a base. The flooring should be such that it is convenient to loosen it. Digging is carried out once every three weeks in order to speed up the work of bacteria.

When choosing a material, keep in mind that it will be trampled. Among the drugs often used are “Animal Farm” or Biolatic. They contain amino acids, enzymes and other organic matter. Each substance has its own benefits. In terms of quality, Netto-Plast wins, but not everyone can afford it. The bedding is large wood shavings, husks of seeds and buckwheat.

Installation material

Deep litter requires preliminary preparation of the room. It must be disinfected by whitewashing the walls and ceilings. Try to monitor the microclimate in the room. It is necessary to maintain a temperature of at least +10 °C. This will speed up the activation of processes. It is not recommended to use small wood as a basis. It will settle down very quickly, and there will be a need to add sawdust more often. At the construction stage, it is necessary to lay a floor with a slope to drain liquid waste.

Often a pigsty consists of walls and a roof, with simple soil underfoot. Then it must be covered with sand to increase drainage. On a concrete floor, this technology is used extremely rarely, using wooden panels. Installation begins with sawdust, straw and husks being poured onto the floor in a layer of 50 cm. Next, a certain amount of the drug is introduced into the litter (the rate is indicated on the packaging). After this, you can return the animals. Once they start defecating, the bacteria become active.

After a few days, the procedure is repeated to consolidate the result. It is characteristic that the litter fulfills its purpose provided that its thickness is maintained. A layer of less than 30 cm retains the smell. Most funds are deposited at intervals of 3 weeks.

Operating rules

Bio-litter for pigs has a certain service life. If you missed this point, and the documentation is long lost, then draw conclusions based on the functions and appearance. The coating is unsuitable if it does not absorb waste well. The loss of adsorbing properties leads to the appearance of a characteristic odor. Old material changes color, becoming brown or brown. Another indicator is thermoregulation. When the litter stops maintaining its temperature, it’s time to change it.

The material can be used as fertilizer in the agricultural sector.

The rules of operation also include good ventilation. It is this factor that extends the service life of the coating. It is necessary to completely abandon household chemicals when cleaning. The material may dry out if it does not perform its main function. The top layer is quickly trampled down, so sawdust is added as needed. To provide oxygen to the bacteria, loosen periodically.

Advantages and disadvantages

Pork meat will never lose popularity among consumers. To receive a stable income, you need to look for ways to minimize costs. One of these is considered to be pig bedding. Reviews indicate the high efficiency of this technology. Experienced farmers claim that heating costs are reduced due to bio-coating. Bacteria convert manure into heat. Manual labor is practically eliminated, you can save on employees and reduce the number of staff. Keeping animals on litter helps achieve weight gain much faster.

An important advantage is the disposal of manure. From an environmental point of view, high concentrations of ammonia in the air lead to undesirable consequences in the lower layers of the atmosphere. Thanks to the litter, harmful substances will not be released into the environment. An undoubted advantage is the absence of odor. Pigs will always be well-groomed and clean. Among the disadvantages is the cost, but it is better to spend it once, but for five years, than monthly for several years.

Video “Deep litter for pigs from LiveBacteria”

In this video you will learn how to use LiveBacteria deep bedding for pigs in your barn.

Pig farming is a high-cost sector of agriculture - electricity, heating, construction of capital pig farms, maintenance personnel, preparation of feed, all this requires significant financial investments, which discourages owners of small farms from breeding pigs.

Permanent bedding method in pig farming

The essence of the method is mixing bedding consisting of straw of various types of cereals with the possible addition of wood shavings, sawdust and other organic materials with special biological products containing coprophagous bacteria.

Coprophagous bacteria utilize feces and urine, due to which there is no very unpleasant odor of excretions in the pigsty, and due to the formation of a microbiological environment during the fermentation process, heat is released, about plus 40 0 ​​C, which allows animals to be kept in rooms without heating, even in winter. Raising pigs using this method differs more favorably from conventional, long-known methods.

Features of cold housing technology on deep permanent litter in pig farming

The essence of the method is mixing organic materials with special biological products

The main features include:

  • Raising pigs does not require substantial buildings. An easily erected, inexpensive room made of a metal frame and an awning covering, with mandatory ventilation, but without drafts, is sufficient.
  • The soil at the site of the pigsty must be well drained; otherwise, the thickness of the litter should be increased. Concrete floors are excluded.
  • The formation of the litter begins with laying straw and sawdust on the floor approximately 20 cm thick, and a biological product with bacteria is scattered on top. You can’t start laying out in the cold, because to start the fermentation process you need heat, at least 5–10 degrees. As it is moistened and trampled down, the litter is turned up, a fresh layer is added and again sprinkled with a biological preparation with bacteria. Fermentation old litter is turned deeply, completely, for drying and ventilation. It is optimal to increase the thickness of the litter from 50 centimeters to one meter.
  • Fermentation permanent litter, even in frosts below minus 30 0 C, is capable of releasing heat to the surface from plus 5 degrees, because the fermentation process is accompanied by the active release of heat into the environment. Temperatures in deep layers can reach plus 40 degrees. A complete change of bedding before moving a new batch of animals into the barn. With a small population, you can not change the bedding for a maximum of five years, refreshing and turning it, but this is not advisable for veterinary reasons. Pathogenic bacteria can settle in the litter if it is used for too long or if it is not turned deeply.
  • Rodents do not live in permanent bedding, which is important, because the list of diseases carried by these animals is long.
  • Animals in such barns are kept free-range. This method allows the animals to move more, which is especially important on frosty days. For small farms, where it is difficult to form a homogeneous group for fattening, stall housing or combined housing can be used.
  • Groups are formed according to the sex and age principle of selection. Pregnant sows, boars, and single individuals can be raised on permanent bedding. This technology is not suitable for raising newborn piglets or farrowing sows.

Rodents do not live in permanent bedding, which is important

  • Feed animals only using dry crumbly, granulated feed. Feed mixtures with a high fiber content are preferably given to animals on frosty days, due to the fermentation that occurs in the large intestine, they increase heat exchange. Hopper-type feeders for automatic drinking bowls, heated for the cold season, are located on one of the end sides. This arrangement teaches animals to separate feeding, resting and defecation areas.
  • At the end of fattening, the entire group of pigs is sent to the meat processing plant.

Pros of technology

The biggest advantages include low cost of construction, no heating costs and reduced energy costs. Tent arched structures are installed and dismantled quickly, with little effort. One employee can easily handle the maintenance of livestock ranging from 300 to 1.5 thousand animals. The absence of odor and cleanliness of the premises have a positive effect on the quality of meat, taste, and smell of meat.

Straw, sawdust, shavings and other organic matter for bedding are inexpensive. A bale of straw from 100 rubles, sawdust and shavings by agreement with the forestry industry, in practice they are given free of charge with the condition of collection and pickup. Biological product with bacteria - the cost varies, depending on the plant and country of origin, from approximately 150 rubles per 0.5 liter. This volume of the drug is enough for 3-4 cubes of sawdust for primary processing. Subsequent treatments of litter with bacteria require a much smaller volume.

One pig per day will require approximately a kilogram of bedding. Old litter is an excellent fertilizer. Feeding dry food and free access to water also have a number of advantages; there is no need to waste time preparing food. According to the observations of farmers who use this technology on their farms, dry food with this content is consumed more economically, and the weight gain is from 100 to 500 grams per individual per day.

Free-range housing allows animals to move freely, thereby promoting the development of the skeleton and muscular system, and increases the fertility and immunity of animals.

The biggest benefits include reduced heating costs

The technology is fully applicable in the Southern and Central regions of Russia, in the northern regions, additional heating of the pigsty using heating will be required, optimally - infrared heating systems, they warm up the air well near the floor. There is no need for removal and disposal of manure, which in its pure form, when applied to the soil, depletes its top layer, and manure processed by bacteria with other organic matter enriches the soil and serves as an excellent fertilizer.

This technology is perfect for owners of subsidiary plots, farmers who are taking their first steps in mastering pig farming, small and medium-sized pig farms, and large agricultural complexes. The technology is applicable for breeding large and small ruminants, rabbit breeding, sheep farming and poultry farming.

The composition with special bacteria is designed to save the farmer from cleaning the premises, and the animals from dirt, cold and unpleasant odors. Netto-Plast fermentation litter is a useful and economical purchase; it lasts at least 3 years if the operating rules are followed, and its shelf life is unlimited.

The bedding layer is heated to 50ºC inside and 25ºC on the surface. The source of “fuel” is manure - microorganisms process it, eliminating unpleasant odors and heating the room.

What does the farmer get:

  • additional source of heating in the cold season (does not require additional electricity);
  • eliminating specific odors in the barn;
  • no need to clean out manure, dirt, slurry.

Additional benefits:

  • suitable for all types of animals;
  • can be added to existing litter.
  • manure is processed within 24 hours;
  • the composition is environmentally friendly and completely safe;
  • harmful insects and rodents do not appear;
  • the composition is suitable for any floor - wooden, concrete, earthen, etc.

With all the benefits of fermentation bedding, animals will feel better, their weight will increase faster, and all this will require virtually no effort on the part of the farmer.

Attention! A comfortable temperature helps to increase the appetite of the livestock.

After 3 years of use, the litter turns into high-quality fertilizer. It compares favorably with fresh manure, which is better absorbed by plants after “digestion” by microorganisms.

How to use

The bedding layer must be created in a certain order, while maintaining its own proportions for each type of animal.


  • Wood shavings, sawdust, their mixture – from 70 % . Variety - any.
  • Buckwheat, straw, seed husks – up to 30 % .

The material should be loose and dry - with high humidity, bacteria work worse.


  • For birds, rabbits and animals with valuable fur - from 20 cm.
  • For ungulates – from 40 cm.

It is important to monitor the thickness of the litter and maintain it at the same level. To do this, you need to add shavings and sawdust (there is no need to add more bacteria).


To start the process, the room temperature is recommended above 0°C. To do this, you need to either warm up the barn in advance, or let the animals lie on the bedding in advance. After startup, additional heating is not needed - all the necessary heat will be obtained from the work of the bacteria.

The temperature also depends on the type of bacteria Netto-Plast:

  1. Frost-resistant bacteria are marked with a blue label - with them the litter can be started at any temperature.
  2. A green label means that you need to provide a certain level of heat for a couple of days, which will then be maintained independently.


The optimal humidity level in the barn is 60%. It is important to ensure good air exchange to regulate humidity and avoid condensation. It is best to use automated electric hoods.

  1. Spread the powder from the package evenly over the surface. You can sprinkle it with your hands.
  2. Stir the mixture so that the bacteria are evenly distributed.
  3. Provide a nutrient medium - droppings, manure, urea.

It is important to know! If you need to speed up the start of work, you need to add and mix in manure, feed, and grain.


Biolitter bacteria are living and require special conditions. They constantly need oxygen and nutrients. To make them work well:

  • excrement must constantly fall into the litter;
  • Digging for aeration should be done regularly - once every 3-4 days.

This is interesting! The ingress of water is not dangerous - the litter dries on its own.

Precautionary measures:

  • It is prohibited to treat the bedding with chemicals and antibacterial substances; when disinfecting the room, cover the bedding with film;
  • Long-term freezing of the bedding layer should be avoided;
  • interruptions in fertilizing the mixture should not be allowed for more than 2 weeks;
  • the top layer should not be allowed to harden until a hard crust forms;
  • if there is no incoming excrement for a long time, you need to add manure from other animals, food scraps, grain, etc.

Attention! If the bacteria are not “fed” for more than 2 weeks, they will stop working and go into hibernation.


  • in a dry, dark room (moisture starts bacteria to work);
  • at room temperature (when stored in the cold, the bacteria will “fall asleep”);
  • Store opened packaging for up to 12 months;
  • keep away from children.

Bio-litter will not deteriorate if all conditions are met.

Video - Instructions, preparation and laying of litter

How much litter do you need?

For different types of animals, their own thickness of bedding is selected. The main thing in its preparation is uniform treatment of the base with the product.

Table. Settlement rates and thickness of the bedding layer for different living creatures.

ViewLitter thickness, at least, cmArea per head, m²
Horse, bull, cow40 12-18
Sheep, ram, goat40 1-2
Fattened pig from 40 kg40 1,5-2,5
Sow40 2-4
Sow with piglets40 6-8
Turkey20 0,25-0,5
Duck, goose20 0,2-0,4
Broiler20 0,15-0,25
Laying hen20 0,15-0,25
Quail15 0,01-0,015
Beast with valuable fur20 0,2-0,4

Video - How Netto-plast works in a pigsty

Advantages, features and disadvantages

Net layer greatly simplifies life for both the farmer and the animals:

  • no need to waste time on cleaning;
  • the animals will be warm and dry, without slurry and dirt;
  • no space is required for storing livestock waste;
  • the incidence of animal diseases is seriously reduced;
  • birds and ungulates gain weight faster and do not lose their appetite;
  • the air is not polluted with ammonia, and groundwater is not polluted with manure;
  • before the onset of cold weather, pigs will not loosen the flooring.

Using the spent layer as fertilizer, you can get many advantages over fresh manure:

  • absence of ammonia, which depresses plants (the smell is completely absent even after pig droppings);
  • harmful rodents and insects will not appear;
  • absence of pathogenic, putrefactive, pathogenic bacteria, viable worm eggs, fungal spores, chemical residues (they die at high temperatures in the lower layers of the litter).

All nutrients have already been processed for better absorption by plants.

Net-plast bacteria require quite a lot of raw materials. The number of animals that can provide the litter with excrement in sufficient quantities is often excessive. In a small area with bedding, it can be difficult to accommodate large animals in comfortable conditions. The solution is to populate a smaller population and periodically additionally feed the bacteria with nutrients.

The cost of a small package of Net plastic (0.5 kg for processing 10 m²) is about 3,000 rubles. The high cost of the product may be considered a definite disadvantage, but if the litter is started up and running correctly, the benefits will outweigh the costs.

It is important to start the litter correctly, following the manufacturer's instructions. If installed incorrectly, bacteria may work poorly or not work at all.

Video – Review of Netto-Plast

Video - Review of litter after 7 months

Proper house preparation

When using Netto-Plast bedding for keeping chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese, as well as fur-bearing animals, it is important to remember: the minimum thickness of the layer on the floor must be at least 20 cm.

Follow the rules for preparing litter:

  1. It is imperative to fill the contents of the bag at above-zero temperatures; it is best to do this from May to September.
  2. Before starting, keep the sawdust in a thin layer (up to 15 cm) in a heated room for several days - then the bacteria will work effectively from the very beginning.
  3. The walls of a cold poultry house must be insulated around the entire perimeter.
  4. You can mix various additives (no more than 30% of the total amount) with sawdust - for example, sunflower or buckwheat husks, finely chopped straw.
  5. The optimal sawdust size is no more than 3 cm; this fraction provides air access and is well saturated with manure.

Important! To ensure that the trampled layer is not thinner than 20 cm, initially fill in 30 cm of fresh sawdust.

Secrets of starting litter in a poultry house

The success and timing of the work depend on how correctly the work of microorganisms in the litter is started.

1 Pour the sawdust into an even layer onto a clean, dried, heated floor.
2 Spread a thin layer of powder from the package over the surface. No bandages or respirators are required - the composition is harmless to humans.
3 Pour the resulting mixture well with clean water through a watering can.
4 Mix the litter thoroughly until microorganisms are evenly distributed.
5 After 6-7 days, check the condition of the mixture - if the heat level has increased, the composition is working as it should, you can let the animals in.

The litter requires constant monitoring and care, otherwise the costs will not be worth it.

Important! It is not permissible to use tap water - the chlorine it contains suppresses the activity of bacteria even after the water has settled.

Proper care of poultry bedding

Inadequate care is the most common reason that bacteria stop feeding and reproducing properly. The poultry farmer must help microorganisms function effectively. What does this require?

  1. Observe the standards for the number of birds per m² of bio-litter. A reduced population density leads to starvation of bacteria due to a decrease in the amount of droppings, while an increased density leads to “overeating” and oxygen starvation due to too dense compaction.
  2. If the bacteria are starving, you need to feed them with droppings, mixed feed, food waste, a mixture of 1 tablespoon of bacteria and 1 kg of sugar. If there are too many birds, you need to dig up the litter often - not just the top crust, but the entire layer.
  3. The poultry house must be equipped with forced ventilation, since bacteria do not like excess moisture. During the dry period, on the contrary, bacteria need hydration.

Preparing a barn for ungulates

Owners of pigs, sheep, goats, cows and horses can also use Netto-Plast bedding. It takes care of the health of animals, helps maintain an optimal microclimate in the barn, and allows you to save on heating.

How to prepare the premises for the launch of Netto-Plast:

  1. Carry out the launch exclusively in the warm season - bacteria will multiply quickly and work actively. Minimum suitable temperature is +10°C.
  2. Ventilate the barn, clean it of debris and dirt, whitewash it, disinfect it, eliminate drafts, insulate the walls - bacteria do not like dirt and cold.
  3. The floor of the barn must be insulated concrete. If the floor is earthen, the layer of litter needs to be increased by 10-15 cm.
  4. Keep the flaky sawdust for several days in a dry, warm room.
  5. The active substances in the litter can only perform their task by reacting with wood, so do not try to replace sawdust 100% with other materials.

This is interesting: up to 30% of middle fraction straw, soybean meal, and sunflower seed husks can be mixed with sawdust.

Nuances of successfully launching Netto-Plast in a barn

In order for the litter to effectively serve its life, allowing you to save time and money, you need to follow the laying algorithm.

1 Lay out the first layer of sawdust with or without impurities. The thickness of the first layer should be 30 cm, taking into account shrinkage. Sprinkle a bacterial biological product on top. Use a watering can with non-tap water.
2 Place a second layer of sawdust of the same thickness on top, sprinkle evenly with the preparation, and pour in water.
3 Mix the litter completely and thoroughly.
4 After a week, check the condition of the litter. If the temperature in the bedding has risen, you can let the cattle in; if not, feed with a mixture of bacteria and sugar (1 tablespoon per 1 kilogram, respectively).

The barn must have artificial ventilation, since bacteria do not like excessive dryness or moisture. If the bedding is used for bulls, cows and horses, it is necessary to organize drainage of water.

Important! If there are a lot of cattle, they will trample down the bedding excessively - you will have to mix it every 2 days.

Fermentation litter Netto-Plus is a real find for amateurs and farmers. It allows you to reduce the cost of heating a poultry house, aviary or barn, and reduces the time and effort spent on caring for animals and birds. The product is especially attractive due to its natural composition and safety for human health.

Technologies for keeping pigs are improving every year, new techniques are emerging that can simplify and minimize costs and physical work. One of these is keeping pigs on deep litter. What this technology is, how to apply it, what pros and cons it has, you can learn from this article.

Features of technology on deep litter

To form litter, special bacteria are used, for example “Vodograi”. Bacteria are mixed with straw and sawdust. Manure, urine and this mixture are processed by bacteria, which in turn produce heat. So inside the litter the temperature can reach +40 degrees. In winter, in an unheated pigsty, the temperature of the lower layer of litter reaches +5 - +15 degrees. It turns out that an unheated pigsty, but with a good ventilation system, will be suitable for comfortable keeping of pigs. Ventilation is necessary to remove excess moisture from the room.

What to consider when using deep litter

The pigsty room should not have any cracks, this way drafts can be avoided. You need to carefully monitor the drinking bowls; the water in them may freeze. The feed base consists of a dry mixture, which is used during normal feeding, but there should be 40-50% more fiber. Compound feed with a high fiber content enhances the fermentation process in the large intestine and is responsible for the heat exchange process.

Pros of the system

The main advantages of keeping pigs on deep litter include:

  1. Economical. Heating costs will be reduced; heat is obtained as a result of the activity of bacteria.
  2. Simplicity of design. Even ventilation can be made of the most primitive design.
  3. Availability of use for keeping both larger livestock and several pigs in a private household.
  4. You can assemble a pigsty from light and readily available material or an arched type, covered with an awning.
  5. There is no need to remove manure all the time, since it is completely processed by bacteria.
  6. The weight gain of pigs kept using this technology is 70-85 g/day. The meat share increases by 3%.
  7. Due to the high temperature that forms inside the litter, mice and rats do not live in it.
  8. The automatic feed feed hopper is easy to install. You can set the feed once every 7 days and the savings in feed during the growing stage reach 300 g/1 kg of growth.
  9. There is no need to think about how to clean the air from ammonia vapors that naturally appear after bowel movements. The bacteria still inside the litter will work on the manure and urine.
  10. The litter needs to be changed every 5 years and can be used as a ready-made organic fertilizer. Since simple manure depletes the earth, and its humus, on the contrary, saturates it.
  11. The air in the pigsty is always fresh and the pigs do not get dirty with manure.

A specialist talks about the advantages in more detail in the video:

There are only two downsides to this: the first is that sooner or later the bedding will have to be changed, and this will take a lot of time. The second is the water in the drinking troughs, which quickly freezes at sub-zero temperatures in the pigsty.

  1. pasture keeping of pigs.
  2. free-range keeping of pigs.

Each has its own characteristics and subtleties of content. Let's take a closer look at them.

Pasture method

The free-range method of keeping pigs on deep litter is considered one of the main and often used. The free-range method is used at any stage of cultivation. But for such walking it is necessary to form herds of pigs of the same sex and the same age. Otherwise, adults can damage the young.

In large subsidiary farms, the feeding of free-ranging pigs on deep litter is automated and mechanized. So the process will be economical if you use dry combined mixtures. Ensure that pigs have free access to water at all times. Pasture keeping of pigs is preferable in the summer.

This method is preferred to be used in winter. Straw for bedding in the stall method is taken from various cereal crops. Sawdust, dried with the addition of bacteria - recyclers for bird and animal droppings.

To maintain good reproductive capacity and development, the microclimate in the stalls must be appropriate. This means dry and ventilated. The accumulation of moisture in the air provokes illness in pigs, and also increases the chance of them catching a cold.

A hangar for keeping pigs can be assembled from a light arched frame and covered with a canvas heating element on top. Such designs are also convenient because the pigsty can be easily disassembled and moved without the involvement of specialists. Light pigsties tolerate any low and high temperatures well and can be installed on any type of soil. Depending on the area, such a hangar costs from 30,000 rubles. The prefabricated structure can be easily supplemented with sections and the pigsty can be expanded or reduced depending on the number of livestock.

The equipment in the pigsty must be positioned optimally and conveniently for raising pigs of any production cycle.

Arched pig hangar

The Canadian content method is also called cold. Whether it is suitable for the Russian winter, disputes between farmers still do not stop.

Features of Canadian technology:

  1. Use only tent hangars.
  2. The bedding is made from straw sawdust and other organic compounds.
  3. Drinkers are installed with special heating, internal with an area of ​​free access to feed and water at any time.
  4. Pigs are divided into small groups based on age and gender.

The litter is initially laid out with a thickness of 20 cm; depending on how wet it is, a dry layer is added. The litter at a street temperature in winter is -25 degrees, warms up on the surface to +15 degrees. The main thing is to avoid drafts.

Canadian pig keeping allows you to grow more than 100 pigs in a small area. pigs. For example, in a hangar 10x33 m you can breed from 150-250 animals. But the animals feel free and walk around the hangar. This way, the inert and muscular system develops without delay, increasing immunity and fertility. Since the body is hardened upon contact between +15 and -15 degrees.

Canadian technology gives an increase in meat by 500g/day. The taste characteristics of the meat are not inferior to country pork.

Canadian technology is used for boars, sows and fattening animals. At the end of fattening, the pigs are cleaned, disinfected and slaughtered. The next stock is placed in their place.

Price for deep litter

As we have already said, it is possible to implement the technology under consideration economically. Sawdust can be taken free of charge at any woodworking enterprise. The only thing you need is to deliver them to your farm. Straw also needs to be stocked up in advance. If this is not possible, then you can purchase a bale from 100 rubles, depending on the size.

Bacteria, depending on the manufacturer, cost from 150 rubles/0.5 liter. This bubble is enough to saturate 3 cubes of sawdust.

It’s too early to say whether deep litter technology is good or bad. Time will tell, but this experience should not be neglected.

Not only and not so much the neat appearance of the pigs and their owners, but, above all, the health of the animals and the people handling them depends on the cleanliness of the pen where the pigs are kept. Pig feces contain huge amounts of ammonia. Irregular cleaning of the pen and poor ventilation of the pigsty lead to poisoning by concentrated ammonia vapors of both the animals themselves and the people around them.

Keeping the pen clean on warm summer days is easy. Much more difficulties arise when changing deep litter in winter. Traditionally the floor in a pigsty covered with a dry mixture of sawdust, shavings, straw and wood chips. This mound is designed to insulate the floor and absorb animal waste. Regular replacement of insulating flooring requires constant physical and material costs.

Fermentation bedding for pets "Netto-plast"

The development of modern technologies makes it possible to reduce labor costs for caring for livestock. That is, it makes it possible to raise pets and poultry without thinking about removing manure.

The high population in China contributes to the development of innovative technologies in various fields, including agriculture. Thinking about recycling animal waste, Chinese bioengineers created a bactericidal mixture, capable of processing animal and bird excrement without the appearance of unpleasant odors and generating a small amount of heat.

Today, bactericidal mixtures for deep litter are produced in liquid consistency and in powder form. The fundamental difference between the release forms is that the biopowder contains bacteria in dry form, in a state of suspended animation. “Sleeping” bacteria can be stored for an unlimited amount of time and will only begin to “work” once they are in a moist nutrient medium. But in a liquid concentrate, the mixture is already ready for use and must be used or the microorganisms will die.

The principle of operation of bacteria for a pigsty "Net - layer" is based on the natural processes of processing manure by microorganisms. Lactic acid and photosynthetic bacteria, placed in an organic flooring of sawdust, shavings and straw, feed on animal excrement, turning it into useful fertilizer for garden beds.

The yeast, fungi, actinomycetes, lactobacilli and other microorganisms included in the “Net-Plast” fermentation litter, as well as the absence of antibiotics and hormones, make it environmentally friendly for keeping animals and a high-quality fertilizer for the soil. By processing bird droppings and manure, bedding bacteria generate heat. , increasing the floor temperature to +35 +40°C, providing natural heating of the room in winter frosts. That is, at an outside temperature of -20°C, the inside of the building will be about +15°C.

Benefits of using deep litter with bacteria

  • The enzyme bedding reduces the formation of ammonia vapor and the appearance of other harmful gases. Consequently, unpleasant odors in animal and poultry pens are reduced.
  • The surrounding microflora improves, which helps improve immunity in livestock and accelerates its growth. According to farmers' observations, daily live weight gain increases by approximately 3%.
  • The time spent caring for pets is reduced, as there is no need to wash them and remove manure from the premises. The bio-litter is valid for three years.
  • The room is naturally heated. As a result, the costs of installing additional heating systems and their energy consumption are reduced. And animals do not waste their energy on warming up and gain weight better.

To understand that the enzymes have expired and bedding for animals needs to be changed, based on several signs:

  • dark, almost black, color of the bedding material;
  • the liquid is not absorbed, there is a persistent ammonia smell of urine;
  • the floor temperature is equal to the air temperature.

Application of fermentation litter Net - layer in a pigsty

As a basis for the use of bacteria, deep bedding for pigs made of chopped straw, sawdust, shavings, hay, leaves, and pine needles is used. It is possible to add sunflower or buckwheat husks, but no more than 50%. The flooring of the animal pen should be concrete, brick or wood, but not earthen. Once mixed with the soil, the bedding bacteria in the pigsty will die.

They will help you lay the bio-litter correctly recommendations from experienced farmers:

Putting pig fermentation bedding microorganisms to work necessary at temperatures above 0°C. You can understand that the enzyme bedding has “worked” by a gradual increase in its temperature, the absence of an unpleasant odor and excess urine. Microorganisms emerge from the state of suspended animation, that is, “wake up,” on the second or third day.

In order to ensure air flow to the lower layers, it is recommended to loosen or dig up the litter once every 3-5 days. It is important to prevent the formation of a dry crust on the surface.

If there are no animals in the pen more than 15-20 days, bacteria die from lack of nutrient medium.

The use of fermentation bedding does not require the construction of a permanent pigsty for pigs. To maintain them, it will be quite enough to erect an inexpensive frame structure with an awning covering, providing for ventilation.