How to start a business in livestock farming. Costs of starting a farm. Do you need a lot of capital?

In the modern world, many people are thinking about opening their own business. As practice shows, this is the only sure way to financial stability and independence. The main thing in this matter is to find the most promising and interesting ideas that will truly open up the opportunity real earnings, financial stability and independence. However, in order to achieve success, it is better to use original ideas, to go in a direction that is in demand, but at the same time is not overcrowded with competitors.

The best option is the food sector. No matter what happens, people will always buy food.

A wonderful solution for brave and thoughtful people is animal husbandry, which is becoming more and more popular every year. Plan for breeding and selling livestock you can compose it yourself or find a ready-made development on the Internet using the phrase “b made a plan for livestock farming".

If you look at the statistics, you will notice that the demand for natural products growing. In addition, a huge number of people leave cities and start all over again in a village or small town, where they can calmly raise livestock and then sell the meat profitably.

Where should I start?

The idea is really worthwhile, it already brings profit to a large number of people every year. It is not surprising that many aspiring entrepreneurs become interested in this topic and open such a business.

Where to start a business plan livestock farm? Of course, from searching for territory! Believe me, this plays a big role.

The chosen site must have water and grass so that healthy and strong livestock can be raised with confidence.

If you do not have experience in this area, then you definitely need to use a ready-made livestock farming business plan, which will guarantee further success. Acting according to an established system is much simpler, smarter and more promising.

Of course, many businessmen do not think for a long time, but immediately agree to use ready-made ideas to save time and effort. Fact! This is a profitable and practical solution for everyone.

In any case, always carefully and even meticulously examine the territory where you plan to build your business in order to avoid problems in the future.

Do you need a lot of capital?

What will the money be needed for? To purchase livestock, feed for it, arrange a place to sleep, create a place to live for yourself and your worker. All this requires an investment of money.

However, we should not forget that this area of ​​activity is carefully supported by various government programs. If you intend to engage in livestock farming for a long time, then you will definitely need to find out more about various grants and programs. This way you can save a lot of money!

Government programs make it possible to quickly and easily solve money problems, get the necessary capital and engage in livestock breeding for your own pleasure.

Many people started this way. In order to collect necessary information, read carefully about everyone government programs, study information about financial support from various banks that participate in such state systems. Then you can plan your own business with minimal costs!

Is it worth hiring workers?

Of course, it is impossible to imagine a cattle breeding business plan without having work force on your site.

If you want to radically change your life, make business an important part of your routine, and live through all stages of company development, then, of course, you should move out of town yourself. Of course this will require large quantity time, effort and skill, but the results will be worth it.

It’s great that now you can find responsible and good workers who will help with the housework. minimum costs from your side. If you are planning to open big business in the field of livestock farming, a lot of labor will be required to achieve results. However don't forget: even if you have responsible employees, you will still have to personally monitor the work process to be sure of excellent results.

Thinking about how to promote your business? Everything about marketing can be found. And the basics of business psychology -.


The return on investment in the livestock business is excellent, you can rest assured. It will be enough to hand over adult and healthy cattle once to see with your own eyes what great money can be earned in this area.

Now the so-called “livestock farming business ideas” are in demand for a reason. Many people are really confident in investing their cash and get triple benefits from it.

You don't have to worry that raising livestock will be time consuming. Believe me, ordinary business requires much more, but the results are not so impressive.

Let us remind you once again: do not forget to find out about possible grants and assistance from the state for new farmers. There are many ways to invest a minimum amount in a business and receive a stable income in return!

Remember - in the modern world, meat will always be the main product in trading system. If you supply meat, then in return you are guaranteed to receive maximum profit and pleasure!

Investments in Agriculture are increasing every year. The agricultural production niche is practically empty, so those who want to start farming are actively buying up land and empty farms. The cost of land is low, and the return, even if not immediate, will definitely be.

Every year the development of farms becomes more and more relevant. Many entrepreneurs, trying to fill an empty niche, invest in agricultural production. In villages and villages they are actively buying up land and empty abandoned farms in order to organize their own business. The cost of land, depending on the location and condition, can range from 70,000 rubles per hectare.

Farming can be carried out in different directions: livestock farming, crop farming, beekeeping, etc. If a farmer decides to choose livestock farming, then, depending on the type of animals he will breed, it will be possible to sell not only meat, but also wool and skins.

The farmer can supply such products to dairies, or sell them himself through outlets. In the latter case, the products will need to be packaged, for which it will be necessary to purchase special equipment.

Pig farming is one of the traditionally profitable areas of livestock farming, so creating a pig farm is good idea For own business. The share of pork consumption is about 30% of the volume of meat products, second in popularity only to poultry meat, which is a cheaper product, its share is 37%.

Pigs have high energy growth, and uses the nutrients contained in the food better than other pets. Pigs grow faster than cattle, 10-12 times. At good quality feed, six-month-old animals reach a weight of 100 kg and can be used for meat.

In addition, pigs are quite fertile. Pork production is the industry next to poultry farming in terms of payback due to the longer growing cycle.

Pork production is conventionally divided into three sectors:

  • industrial-type complexes – fattening herds of 12,000 animals or more;
  • average production in large farms and agricultural enterprises – herd from 100 to 12,000 heads;
  • personal subsidiary plots and small farms – a herd of less than 100 animals.

To organize an effectively operating farming enterprise that brings a decent profit, you need to start with.

Production plan. Sales of products

The farm's products are pigs in live weight. Selling pigs for meat usually does not cause any difficulties, especially in light of recent government programs to support domestic producers. The sale of young animals for breeding can be organized through the market to small private farms.


Since in rural areas There are many empty farms; there is no point in building a new pigsty - this will require a lot of money. The best option would be to rent or buy a ready-made premises. The next step is to repair and disinfect the premises, as well as equip it with various communications.

Among the necessary ones will be a heating system; the most economical option is direct combustion devices (liquid fuel or gas). A ventilation system should also be provided as a necessary element to create a normal microclimate inside the farm. A manure removal system can be installed if funds allow.

It also serves to improve the microclimate and reduce labor costs. Besides, good conditions keeping animals is the basis for successful fattening. The pig farm must be warm, peace and quiet must be ensured, and daily ventilation is necessary.

Farm equipment

You will need to purchase special equipment for feeding pigs. There are two types of feeding - dry and liquid. About 80% of pig farms use dry feeding. This type of equipment is less expensive and easier to maintain than liquid feeding equipment.

A room equipped for dry feeding will have a higher sanitary and hygienic condition. Feed enters the premises from the bunker through feed pipes with a spiral; depending on the configuration of the building, a chain-washer conveyor can be used. Animal feed is supplied through a feed distribution system with dispensers for group feeding, or through regular feeders for individual feeding.

It will be necessary to purchase drinking bowls and machine equipment for keeping animals, and various zootechnical products. For a pig farm, it is advisable to buy feed loaders - special machines for transporting and loading bulk feed.

Farm staff

The more machines and mechanisms you use on your farm, the less staff you will need. Workers, a veterinarian, a livestock specialist, an accountant and a manager will be needed. The functions of a veterinarian and livestock specialist can be combined by one person with the appropriate education.

Purchase of pigs

According to the recommendations of experts, it is advisable to first purchase 300-350 heads. To avoid inbreeding and weakened offspring, it is better to purchase female and male specimens from different suppliers. Of the indicated number of heads there should be about 150 sows, 10 boars, the rest of the animals should be for fattening and sale.

Purchase of feed

A herd of 300-350 heads per year needs up to 35 tons of grain and up to 300 kilograms of special feed additives. It should be borne in mind that the weight gain of animals and, most importantly, their health will depend on the quality of feed. An incorrect diet will lead to a decrease in weight gain, the fattening period will have to be increased, which will lead to additional consumption of feed and, consequently, to an increase in production costs.

Special feeding formulations have been developed and are widely used, for example for young piglets or pregnant sows. You should be very careful when choosing a feed supplier. You can buy feed from factories or from pig breeders with extensive experience.

Financial part of the business plan

The cost of the equipment will be approximately 2 million rubles, its specific value will be determined by the level of farm mechanization you choose. It will also determine how many staff you need. To care for a herd of 300-350 heads, at least 7 people will be required. The salary of a veterinarian will be 20-25 thousand rubles, a pig farm - from 10 thousand rubles.

The cost of feed is approximate: bran - 60 rubles. for 20 kg, feed for young animals - 130 rubles. for 15 kg, for fattening pigs - 205 rubles. for 30 kg, mixtures for fattening bacon - 230 rubles. for 35 kg, etc. Feed must be purchased for at least two months; the cost of feed is approximately 70% of the total cost of the project.

If the premises are rented, the costs will range from 4-5 million rubles. In order to return the invested funds and make a profit, it will be necessary to sell meat products from two to three generations of pigs. Profitability on average is expected to be 25%, payback – from 3 to 4 years.

Calculations are current for 2019

MS Word Volume: 32 pages

Business plan

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Pay attention to the livestock farming business plan, with the help of which you will be provided with documentary evidence of the profitability of the business - the cattle farm. Raising cattle requires skill and experience, because animals need spacious pens in which all conditions for maintenance will be provided. High-quality feed with special additives, the creation of drinking bowls and comfortable pens will certainly increase the profitability of the cattle breeding business.

In the proposed finished document you will find sections where the cost of the undertaking for breeding cows and fattening cattle will be indicated, because this activity requires tangible funds and constant replenishment of feed supplies. Animals also require careful care, and dairy cows require special treatment, so it is necessary to install milking machines, as well as equipment for keeping cows clean.

A carefully structured cattle breeding document also covers the stages of selling meat to customers. You can not only breed livestock, but also run a slaughterhouse yourself. This will require additional investment, however, the profit will be much higher than simply from selling livestock. You should also think about updating breeds so that the livestock becomes larger and the profitability of the enterprise increases.

The unstable economic situation in our country has led to the fact that such a business as livestock farming, unfortunately, is not developing as actively as we would like. Meanwhile, most consumers are interested in producing as much local meat products as possible, since their taste is much higher than their imported counterparts.

But why are entrepreneurs in no hurry to develop such an attractive, at first glance, niche? The thing is that when starting his business with the development of meat livestock farming, a businessman is faced with a huge amount problems. And this is not the amount of initial costs, as it may seem to an unenlightened person. On the contrary, the low barrier to entry into this business can attract budding entrepreneurs.

The difficulties lie elsewhere. First of all, in order to engage in a business such as cattle breeding, you need to have large areas of land - after all, cows need somewhere to graze! If there is not much pasture land in your region, then this business will be unprofitable. Good pastures will provide your cows with a natural food base, which will significantly reduce the cost of the final product - fresh meat.

With proper organization of the livestock business, the cost of feeding livestock can easily be minimized. Starting from early spring until the snow falls, the cows will eat grass, that is, practically for free. While the lack of natural food supply will increase the cost of feeding animals to such an extent that it will become almost impossible to wait for a profit.

But, in addition to pasture lands, livestock farming also requires arable land, which is used for growing root crops and cereal crops - the basis of winter feed for cattle. Each cow with offspring must have at least 2 hectares of land, equally arable and pasture. Based on this, the entrepreneur should calculate the maximum number of heads in the herd that he can provide with feed.

The amount of expected profit depends very much on the breed of livestock that will be raised on your farms. You cannot save on this: it is better to purchase 50 heads of breeding cows that have proven themselves well in terms of fertility and rate of weight gain, than for the same money to purchase 100 heads of unremarkable cows, which will cause nothing but problems.

A competent livestock farming business project will allow you to take into account all the nuances of this type of business. Once you get acquainted with the reviews about the livestock business, it will become clear: those entrepreneurs who rely on professional example livestock farming business plan with ready-made calculations. A competent business plan includes such important points as the specifics of selling meat and concluding contracts with suppliers, which is critical for peasant farms. And only this document will help you carry out a competent analysis of the meat products market in order to quickly recoup your investment.

Cattle breeding is an industry that has always been very widespread in our country, providing employment to almost the majority of the population in rural areas. Unfortunately, in last years Livestock farming has become far less attractive. We will try to prove that beef cattle breeding, the business plan of which will be discussed in the article, is a profitable business.

Foreign experts believe that for the manager of a farm to have at least some interest in its development, profitability should be at least 25%. However, after 2008 the situation in our livestock farming became somewhat better, which is due to the introduction of a program to support domestic producers. One of its points is to support farmers who restore abandoned livestock buildings.

It is not surprising that every year this industry begins to attract not only domestic, but also foreign investors. However, many problems are quite relevant to this day. The lack of normal support from the mechanical engineering industry hits manufacturers especially hard. This leads to an extreme degree of deterioration of fixed production assets.

Meat and dairy cattle breeds

If you ask the same American or European what kind of meat he mainly eats, he will probably tell you about beef. In our country, it is mainly old and sick dairy cows that are sent for meat. As a result, beef cattle breeding (a business plan for which is not so difficult to draw up) is in disgrace in our country.

As a result, consumers in our country have a completely erroneous opinion that beef is second-class meat. This is due to the fact that meat products are obtained from culled dairy cattle.

The taste characteristics of such meat are extremely low. It doesn't lend itself well heat treatment, too tough, and also poorly absorbed by the human body. So the prospects for the development of cattle breeding in order to produce high-quality and tasty products in Russia are very high.

It follows from this that if you want to engage beef cattle breeding you will have to purchase specialized breeds of cattle, which are characterized by early maturity and high slaughter yield.

Accordingly, to obtain a large amount of milk you will have to look for purebred dairy cows. Remember that there are no universal breeds. We will consider mainly beef cattle breeding. A business plan for a milk production enterprise is much more difficult to draw up, and it takes a lot of money.

Characteristics and composition of cattle meat

Its composition depends not only on age and gender, but also on the breed of livestock. Thus, the amount of actual muscle tissue in the carcass ranges from 42 to 68%, fat there is from 9 to 30%, the amount of bone tissue can reach 20%. The tenderness of meat depends on the amount of connective tissue fascia in the muscles. As you can guess, in meat animals this figure is minimal, while in dairy animals there can be up to 15% connective tissue in the muscle.

In the best and most expensive meat products, the ratio of protein and fat is 1:1-1:0.7 (protein - 21%, fat - 18%).

The amount of muscle mass obtained during fattening depends on many factors. So, in Limousines (a French breed of cattle) and Charolais, the carcass can contain up to 65% pure meat! Thus, beef cattle farming, the business plan for which we are considering, can be extremely profitable.

Characteristics of milk

In specialized breeds, the fat content in milk can exceed 5.5% (Jersey cows). The products contain a lot of protein, micro- and macroelements, as well as vitamins. It is much more profitable to produce cheeses and butter from this raw material, since much less is consumed.

A little about feeding beef cattle

You need to know that fattening beef bulls' feed must contain at least 75% plant products, while the specific amount of concentrates cannot exceed 25%. Otherwise, the level of fat in the meat increases sharply, and its taste is greatly deteriorated.

The sex of animals also greatly influences the efficiency and speed of fattening. For example, by the age of 18 months, castrated bulls overtake heifers in weight by 20%, and their “courageous” brothers by 10%.

Do you think you don't need to know all these numbers? In vain, since all this must be taken into account when organizing fattening and recruiting the herd. Only if you take into account all the little things will beef cattle breeding bring you tangible profits.

After all of the above, we can conclude that we are most interested in the meat productivity of livestock. It is assessed by growth rate, meat yield and feed costs per kilogram of final product.

Fattening methods

As for maintenance, there are tethered and free growing methods. In recent years, the free-breeding method has become extremely popular, in which animals are kept in fenced pens on deep litter, which changes only after the next batch of animals is sent for slaughter or another stage of fattening. This makes beef cattle breeding very profitable from the point of view of minimizing labor costs.

Calves are rarely kept on a leash: in this case, not only a specialized room with automated manure removal is required, but also fairly reliable leashes. In addition, each animal has to be unhooked and hitched manually, which is very labor-intensive and dangerous.

The advantage of the method is an individual approach to livestock, as well as a 100% guarantee of the reliability of veterinary treatments. There is no need to spend a lot of time corralling animals, and they receive an order of magnitude less stress with the injection method of administering vaccines or vitamins.

Dairy Cattle Management Methods

In general, they are exactly the same. The stereotype that a dairy farm is necessarily a tethered environment has become firmly entrenched in the public consciousness. But in recent years, the loose-leash option has been used much more often. Despite some inconveniences (which we discussed above), it ensures high productivity and better physical condition of animals. Thus, beef and dairy farming are quite similar in many aspects.

What determines the cost of feeding livestock?

The biggest expense is on feed. If, when receiving milk, up to 50-60% is spent on them, then in beef cattle breeding they have to spend at least 70% of the funds that were allocated at the stage of writing the business plan.

Many farms find themselves in a situation where the cost of hay and root crops is constantly rising. Naturally, this also increases the cost of the resulting beef.

It is not surprising that in terms of meat exports we are head and shoulders behind Argentina or Brazil: there livestock is kept on pastures all year round, which reduces the total costs of raising and fattening them by 30%.

In addition, there is no point in even comparing climatic conditions. In general, modern cattle breeding in developed countries is completely subsidized and supported by the state at all levels.

Premises requirements

All premises in which you plan to keep fattening cattle or dairy cows must meet the requirements for livestock complexes. Location – at least a kilometer from residential buildings. Farms are required to be equipped with manure removal systems and slurry storage facilities. There must be a place on site for burning dead animals. Each building requires access for transport.

What equipment do you need to purchase?

It all depends on the direction of your business. In this regard, we strongly advise you to engage in beef cattle breeding at first, since the costs will be much lower. Judge for yourself.

For the feeding complex it will be necessary to purchase manure removal systems, lighting, iron for building pens. Feeders and drinkers will also be required. The total costs are unlikely to exceed three to four million rubles.

But in the case of dairy farms, you need to buy equipment for milking, milk lines, tanks for cooling and mixing milk.

Conclude agreements with manufacturers for the maintenance of all equipment. In addition, the same transporters for manure, drinking bowls and feeders are needed. So organizing livestock breeding of this kind will easily “eat up” 40-50 million rubles.


General workers, livestock specialists and veterinarians, machine operators and animal feeding specialists will be needed. The costs of their wages depend on your region and the wage index in it.

What documents will be required?

Oddly enough, their list is relatively modest:

  • Passport.
  • Application to the administration of the Moscow Region for the opening of a fattening shop.
  • Certificate of registration of individual entrepreneur or LLC.
  • Permission from the local architectural department.
  • Fully completed business plan.
  • Permission from the SES, fire inspection and Rospotrebnadzor.
  • Permission from the Moscow Region administration.

So is it profitable to engage in cattle breeding? Definitely yes!