Projection advertising is one step into the future. Projection advertising: business idea Ready-made business plan for projection advertising

The essence of business

An illuminated projection advertising projector is a special equipment for projecting advertising images over a large area onto various surfaces. To use the device, no special surface preparation is required; you can project images both on blank walls of houses, and on the walls of office buildings or, for example, on industrial facilities.

In order to start working, you just need to conclude an agreement with the owner of the building and install a projector, while you do not need to hang anything on the facade of the building itself. The projector has a powerful xenon lamp, many times more powerful than those installed in a car, so the image will be bright and rich, even in the daytime.

Projection advertising is convenient because you can project several images onto one surface in one period of time, because the projector has a built-in ability to alternate advertising slides. You set the slide sequence program. Thus, on one advertising surface you can display advertisements from several advertisers, unlike stationary billboards, which can only display one advertisement per month. This makes it possible to repeatedly increase the profit margin from one advertising space, while the rental of advertising space remains the same.

Why this particular business?

Illuminated projection advertising is a bright and catchy type of advertising, due to the fact that this is a fairly new type of advertising for Russia, you will not have competitors. Advertising images turn out to be large and colorful; they can be seen from afar; they are large in size (from 150 m2 and more), which means the profitability of such advertising is much higher than all conventional types of advertising.

Operators will become your clients cellular communications, banks, organizers of concerts and exhibitions, retailers, brewing companies, radio stations and television channels, fitness centers and tour operators and many, many other companies.

As practice shows, consumers have long been bored with standard types of outdoor advertising such as billboards; now few people pay attention to faded posters hung along the roads in a huge number. Naturally, the time of consumer contact with the advertising surface also decreases, which entails a reduction in the cost of advertising on standard billboards. At the same time, a huge luminous wall of the building, on which sparkling pictures change, will attract the attention of the entire city. It is impossible to pass by such an amazing advertising poster indifferent.

Marketers note that standard outdoor advertising in the form of signs, stands, and billboards is beginning to become boring to the average consumer. Often he does not even pay attention to the faded and faded posters hung on the streets in huge numbers. Projection advertising, which attracts attention with its brightness and unusualness, is a completely different matter. In the West, you won’t be surprised by changing sparkling pictures, but here it’s still a new product, effectively implemented at the moment only in Moscow and Yekaterinburg.

The success of projection advertising

Projection advertising belongs to the category of simple, but, in its own way, ingenious advertising means. A projector with a xenon lamp is capable of transmitting excellent quality images to large surfaces (an area of ​​150 m² or more). Convenient demonstration sites can be the walls of houses, building facades or industrial facilities. Moreover, no additional screens on the facades will be required. And even numerous windows (up to 40% of the total area) will not interfere with high-quality image transfer. Thanks to the power of the lamp, the transmitted image remains as bright and saturated even on a sunny day. An undoubted advantage of projection advertising is the ability to simultaneously project several images using a slide rotation program. This means that you can “kill several birds with one stone” by advertising several organizations in turn.

Cost of equipment for projection advertising

Kit consisting of a projector, additional equipment and Supplies will cost you about $30 thousand. Spare parts and consumables mean the following:

  • a replacement cooler that lasts up to 2 years (costs $120);
  • ignition unit ($280), operating for 1-3 years;
  • xenon lamp ($450), requiring replacement after 3 months or 1 thousand hours of operation;
  • reflector ($480), functioning for six months.
  • a roll of heat-resistant film ($380) for a year of work.

The film is divided into parts, onto each of which an image of the future advertisement is applied using an interior plotter in the design studio.

In the first scenario, it is planned to install the projector permanently in a certain place; you will need a small covered structure (made of plastic or iron) to protect it from precipitation. It is also necessary to coordinate the power supply connection and, directly, install the connection line. The estimated amount for this work is about 4,000 rubles.

A specific expense item is the rental of the wall used for projecting advertising. There are no laws regulating “advertising without a medium” yet, so a compromise is being sought with the owner of the wall. The approximate monthly price of such an agreement is 14 thousand rubles.

The second option of the strategy provides for the mobility of the advertising medium with the ability to quickly move around the city from customer to customer. To do this, you will need a Gazelle-type car (rent) and a small gas generator (it is better to buy - up to $500-700). The costs for this option are somewhat higher, but you get rid of such a headache as coordinating and connecting the power supply. Opportunities to earn money also increase significantly.

One technician is required to service the projector. To save money, you can take on the operator position yourself.

In order to start working, you just need to conclude an agreement with the owner of the building and install a projector, while you do not need to hang anything on the facade of the building itself. The projector has a powerful xenon lamp, many times more powerful than those installed in a car, so the image will be bright and rich, even in the daytime.

Projection advertising is convenient because you can project several images onto one surface in one period of time, because the projector has a built-in ability to alternate advertising slides. You set the slide sequence program. Thus, on one advertising surface you can display advertisements from several advertisers, unlike stationary billboards, which can only display one advertisement per month.

The luminous flux of the projector is so bright that advertising is visible even during the day in bright light. It is possible to project several images on the same surface in the form of slides, which is of course convenient, since the projector displays advertisements from several advertisers at once, unlike the usual stationary banners that contain one fixed advertising image. This significantly increases the profit from one advertising space, while rent remains the same.

Projector maintenance requires one operator and supplies to keep the projector running. According to the manufacturers, the projector works both in forty-degree frost and in forty-degree heat. The service life of the xenon lamp used in the projector is up to 3 years.

The cost of such a projector is quite high, about 900,000 rubles, but it pays for itself after 2-3 months of operation and will bring significant profits in the future, especially considering that the cost of displaying advertising is extremely low.
Let's calculate expenses and profits.

One-time expenses:
Projector - 890 thousand rubles;
Coordination of connection to the electrical network
(and the connection itself) about 2 thousand rubles;
Manufacturing of a protective structure - 10-20 thousand rubles;
Installation of a security alarm and webcam - 15-30 thousand rubles;
Monthly expenses:
Maintenance of one projector 6 thousand rubles per month (salary for the person who monitors the correct operation of the projector and changes the film);
Rent of a building wall (300 sq.m.) - 50-200 thousand rubles per month (depending on the city and the location of the building itself);
Renting a place where the projection structure will stand - 3-15 thousand rubles per month;
Security alarm about 5 thousand per month;

The cost of one advertisement is about 30 thousand rubles per month
The projector “spins” let’s say 15 advertising slides, which means one projector brings in 450 thousand rubles per month minus expenses, a total of about 300 thousand rubles per month, respectively, the payback time is 3-4 months!

In addition to the basic equipment, you will also need several additional spare parts and a number of consumables. Here they are:

Coolers priced at $120; will last from six months to two years (why there is such a variation in service life is unknown.

Ignition unit priced at $280; will last from one to three years.

The reflector costs $480, the warranty period is six months. And finally, a xenon lamp costs $450. Guarantee 1000 hours of work or three months.

Your clients can be tour operators, fitness centers, radio stations and TV channels, organizers of exhibitions and concerts, banks, operators mobile communications and many other companies.

Projection advertising is rapidly gaining popularity in Russia. Its principle is simple: using a video or slide projector, the image is displayed on various surfaces - building facades, walls inside or outside, small objects and even floors.

It is believed that greatest success This advertising is available in megacities, organically fitting into the urban information environment. Bright projections can be seen in the daytime, but they will be best seen in the dark. This plays a role psychological factor: in the evening and at night, returning from work or relaxing in the city, people are more loyal to advertising, so it makes sense to place projection advertising in the city center, in places with the highest traffic. Projections on a shopping center, store or any other large structure will unobtrusively attract attention, because the image is not projected onto the building all the time and every appearance causes the effect of surprise.

Projection advertising can be placed on any type of surface. A building with an unusual shape or a simple wall - the choice is yours. The only requirement is that the projector light should not shine into the windows. The placement of advertising must be agreed upon in advance with the owner of the building.

As a surface for internal, interior projection advertising use the walls and ceilings of the room, modular paintings, stands and display cases. Unlike outdoor advertising, this advertising is intended for customers already in the premises. Projections can be shown in regular frames as interactive paintings. Interior projections are suitable for placement in offices, shopping centers, restaurants, at exhibitions.

floor is most popular as an advertising medium for projections. And this is not surprising - reacting to movement, it becomes a magnet for both children and adults. Typically, people are invited to play interactive game, at the beginning or end of which the advertiser's logo will be shown. These games not only entertain, but also teach how to interact with each other, while simultaneously building a positive brand among the audience. Interactive floors used both indoors (restaurants, kindergartens, cinemas, casinos, etc.) and outdoors to attract visitors.

What are the specific advantages of projection advertising?

  • Variety: You can project multiple images onto one surface, alternating between advertising slides. In this way, you can advertise several products;
  • Thanks to the large area (on average 250-350 m²), the projection is guaranteed not to go unnoticed;
  • The architectural appearance of the building remains intact, meaning these advertisements can be placed in prime locations where even billboards might be prohibited;
  • Weather conditions cannot damage the projection (such as posters);
  • Does not require bulky structures;
  • Depending on the brightness of the light, the projection can be shown not only in the evening, but also during the day.

Equipment and its installation, as well as advertising, will cost from 100 thousand rubles. The higher the advertising surface area, the higher the cost of the projector. As with other advertising media, it may take 3-4 months for this advertising to pay off. However, the result is worth it!

In the struggle of manufacturers, brands, brands Possible types of advertising are widely used for consumer attention. Firms try to present information about themselves as profitably as possible, thereby increasing the demand for their products and the level of income.

In this regard, organizing a business based on advertising can be a good start. entrepreneurial activity bringing good profits. IN Lately Projection light advertising is rapidly gaining popularity, distinguished by its original design, colorful pictures and its large size of conveyed information.

Our business assessment:

Starting investment - 1,000,000 rubles.

Market saturation is high.

The difficulty of starting a business is 5/10.

Where might such a business be in demand?

The principle of the projection advertising business is to display images on various surfaces - the walls of buildings or structures, any other surfaces, asphalt. It’s worth noting right away that this type of activity will only be available to beginning entrepreneurs with a significant level of start-up capital. Just to buy a laser projector for advertising on buildings, you will have to spend an amount of 900 thousand rubles.

Naturally, for the reason large investments, which this type of business requires, projection advertising on buildings is an expensive service, which is currently in demand in cities with a population of over one million people. Such advertising is already widely used in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Krasnodar, and Volgograd.

The essence of advertising using projection

What technical means are used to demonstrate information about companies and their products and what does the process itself look like? To carry out advertising projections, special high-power projection equipment is used, which professionals in this field of business call gobo projectors. Previously, the image that will be transmitted to the surface is applied to a special film that is heat-resistant, it is inserted into the equipment and direct demonstration is carried out.

You can also use as a basis for the image special types glass, metal intended for making slides. The choice of storage media will depend on the conditions of its use, duration of use, and the quality of the projected image. In particular, heat-resistant film can be used for one year without significant damage or wear, and the service life of glass and metal can be two years or more. Considering the fact that advertising images, as a rule, replace each other much more often, the most popular and most practical material is still film.

How does an outdoor gobo projector for advertising work? Inside it is a high-power xenophon lamp, which is equipped with an ignition unit and a reinforced reflector to be able to transmit images on a surface over a considerable distance. Next, from the layout placed in the housing, which actually determines the type of image, it is projected through the screen onto a surface chosen by the client (or suggested by the advertiser). Moreover, the distance between the place where the street advertising projector is installed and the immediate surface can range from several meters to kilometers. Naturally, between the projector itself and the area on which the image should be projected, there should be no obstacles in the form of structures, elements, wires and others that could distort the image.

Advantages of projection advertising

What are the advantages of this type of display of advertising images and why might it be in demand? Among her obvious distinctive features The following can be noted:

  • High brightness and clarity of such images;
  • The ability to broadcast images both during the day and at night - the projection equipment has sufficient power to perform such actions without losing image quality. In this case, the costs will not depend on the lighting on the street;
  • If the customer wishes, not only a picture, but also a video can be broadcast as advertising information;
  • One slide can contain information about several companies and products - in this way you can reduce costs and allow organizations with a somewhat limited budget to order such advertising;
  • Availability of equipment. Currently, in order to buy a gobo projector, you do not need to make a lot of effort to search - they are available in many stationary outlets and online stores;
  • The originality of this method. Since projection advertising has recently come into use, it attracts much more people's attention and investing some money in it pays off and brings an increase in sales specific product, increases brand awareness;
  • Since this type of advertising is one of the new types, there is a low level of competition in this area. It will be beneficial both for the advertisers themselves and for the companies that will enter into a contract for the provision of services. In one case, the organizer can receive high profits from performing the work, and the customer can high performance effectiveness of the advertising campaign.
  • Possibility of broadcasting over long distances. This is very convenient due to the fact that there is no need to equip a place directly next to the broadcast surface;
  • A gobo projector for outdoor advertising can operate in a wide range of temperatures - from 40 degrees Celsius to 40 degrees Celsius. Thus, it can be used in almost any climate zone and in all seasons;
  • The type of image that can be broadcast in this way is quite wide - it can be photographs, brands and company logos, various polychrome patterns, graphic images, posters, pictures, animations.

In addition, I would like to separately note one of the branches of this type of broadcasting - projection advertising in the air, created by directing an image containing tiny particles of liquid (water) onto a layer of air. When using this method, the image appears three-dimensional, in addition, it is possible to use an additional aromatization effect, which increases the effectiveness of such an advertising move several times.

Basic methods of broadcasting advertising

At the moment, there are two main methods of advertising broadcasting, which are possible with equipment for projection advertising.

The first of these is the permanent installation of equipment. In this case, it will be necessary to ensure the supply of three-phase current, as well as reliably protect it from external environmental influences - rain, snow. For protection, special structures in the form of a visor are used, located on a small box. In addition, you should also worry about the safety and integrity of such a projector - simply placing it on the street will not be advisable - the best option there will be a choice of some protected area to exclude attempts of theft, hooliganism or vandalism.

If you use a projector for advertising on asphalt, then it is simply mounted on one of the walls adjacent to the building where the broadcast is located. Of course, it is necessary to sign an agreement with the owner of the building in advance, since the unauthorized placement of such funds is illegal.

The second method of broadcasting is mobile - you place a video projector for advertising in vehicle, for example, it could be a gazelle. In this case, it will be necessary to additionally purchase a three-phase current generator. On the one hand, this method of broadcasting will be more expensive - the cost of the generator, the energy carrier for it, fuel for the car, wage driver and worker. On the other hand, this option is good because you can afford to change the location and broadcast images to any buildings and areas, without being tied to the area at all. Alternatively, you can enter into contracts with several organizations and move equipment to project images throughout the day at different points in the city.

Who should we coordinate with and what laws should we rely on?

An important point when organizing this business is compliance with regulations and rules regarding advertising. At present, laws governing projection broadcasting have not yet been adopted, but reference can be made to general provisions advertising law. In particular, it is prohibited to display information prohibited for advertising, and it is also prohibited for the projected image to block other types of outdoor methods of promoting goods and products.

The use of a wall or part of a building as a basis for displaying an image must also be agreed in advance with the owner of the premises, management company and other organizations in whose ownership or use the premises are located. Do not forget that broadcasting onto the walls of buildings, as a result of which bright light will fall into the windows of residential buildings, offices and other institutions, is also fraught with complaints and the danger of being held accountable.

What will the investment be spent on?

What are the main costs that a novice businessman will expect? The main expense items will be the following:

  • purchase of basic equipment. The price of an outdoor advertising projector may vary depending on its manufacturer, quality and purpose. For example, a projector for advertising on buildings will cost about 900 thousand rubles, while devices for broadcasting images onto asphalt will cost almost half as much;
  • Connecting equipment to the network – about 4 thousand rubles;
  • Rent of a wall of a house, building, structure – 10-20 thousand rubles;
  • Additional equipment for the projector (ignition unit, lamps, reflector) – 50-100 thousand rubles.

As practice shows, such investments may well pay off in six months of fruitful work and in the future bring a stable profit.