V. Bianchi “Musician” presentation for a reading lesson (grade 2) on the topic. Presentation on the topic “V. Bianchi “Musician”” Great success begins with little luck

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Slide captions:

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Literary reading lesson in 2nd grade based on the work of V. V. Bianchi “The Musician”

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Prepared by the teacher primary classes MBOU "Zubovo-Polyanskaya Gymnasium" Chekmareva A. Yu. 2012

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Guess the riddle

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In the summer he walks without a road near the pines and birches, and in the winter he sleeps in a den, hiding his nose from the frost.

Slide 5

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Speech warm-up

Slide 7
Teddy bear and fly. The bear wandered along the forest edge. I met a bear with a fly. The fly shouted menacingly: “Go away before it’s too late!” Thunder struck like a cannon. The bear ran away from the edge.

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Zakhoder Krylov Pushkin Nosov Chukovsky Tokmakova

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Boris ZakhoderIvan KrylovAlexander PushkinNikolai NosovKorney ChukovskyIrina Tokmakova

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14 21 9 29 12 1 15 20 MUSIC CAN T

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Topic: Vitaly Valentinovich Bianchi “Musician”

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The purpose of the lesson: to continue acquaintance with the work of V.V. Bianchi; to get acquainted with his work “The Musician”; to learn to read correctly, expressively and analyze what you read.

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Vitaly Valentinovich Bianki (1894–1959)

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Vitaly Bianchi was born in 1894 in the city of St. Petersburg. He got his surname from his Italian ancestors. His father was an ornithologist. There were three boys in the Bianchi family. There was a small zoo in their apartment. In the summer, Bianchi’s family went to the village of Lebyazhye. Here Vitya first went on a real forest journey. He was five years old. He was given his first gun at the age of 13. He was very fond of poetry and football. Bianchi traveled a lot. I especially remember the hikes in Altai. In Petrograd, in a literary circle, he met Chukovsky and Marshak. Bianchi's first story was published in the magazine "Sparrow". And the most famous book was the book “Forest Newspaper”.

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Vocabulary work

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M.D.E.A.N.K 9\. A V A L I N K A A K SH U P O

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Vocabulary work

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BEAR HUNTER bear hunter ZAVALINKA low earthen embankment along the outer walls of the hut EDGE edge of the forest

Slide 19

Slide 20
What was the old man doing when he met the collective farmer? a) caught fish; b) played the violin; c) played the accordion; 2. What did the collective farmer tell the old man? a) that he saw a bear in the forest; b) that he collected a lot of mushrooms; c) that there are a lot of berries in the forest;

Slide 21
3. What did the old man do? a) remained sitting on the rubble; b) went to talk to a neighbor; c) went into the forest; 4. What sound did the old man hear? a) beautiful subtle sound; b) how trees are cut down; c) a high-pitched mosquito squeak;

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5. Who did he see in the forest? a) hare; b) fox; c) bear;6. What did the old man do? A) ……………..; b) …………….. .

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Lesson summary

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In today's lesson I learned...In this lesson I would praise myself for...After this lesson I wanted...

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Well done!

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Thank you for the lesson…

Fokina Lidiya Petrovna, primary school teacher of the Municipal Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School Art. Evsnino" Iskitimsky district Novosibirsk region

(Textbooks are closed)


  • Read the word.
  • Name related words.
  • What is the meaning of the word "Musician"(Children's statements)

Musician - an artist who plays musical instrument, in general, a person involved in music.


  • Look at the illustration. Who did you see?
  • What do you know about the life of bears?(Children's statements)
  • On your tables there are pieces of paper with information about the bear. Read it and fill out the table.

Who among us doesn't know a bear? Big, clumsy, club-footed. This is exactly the opinion we hold about this beast. But in reality the bear is not like that. He is very mobile and maneuverable. The bear is a formidable forest dweller who will not let anyone down if he is not in the mood.

Belongs to the bear family. The bear is a predatory mammal that swims well and climbs trees. One blow and the bear can kill another animal. The bear's legs are thick, its head is massive with small ears and eyes, and the color of its fur is changeable. Although the bear is a typical predator, it also loves to eat plant desserts: berries, fruits, grains, grass, and plant roots.

IN winter period the bear does not disturb the silence of the forest; it sleeps peacefully until spring. If the bear is not fattened enough in the fall, it wakes up in the winter and wanders around in search of food - it becomes a connecting rod.

At the end of winter, cubs appear in bear dens. Two or three, or even five small representatives of clubfoot are born. They weigh on average about five hundred grams. Bear cubs are big fans of sweet honey, blueberries, and raspberries.

“Teddy bear, teach me to roar,” the children say. And bears can teach. Sometimes they roar so loudly that you get goosebumps. But usually the bear is silent.

  • Open your textbooks and read the title of the story we are going to learn about today.
  • Who do you think this story is about?(Children's statements)
  • Who is the author of this work?


  • Do you know anything about this author?(Children's statements)
  • Do you want to know what V.V. Bianchi told us about in his work?

Reading text with semantic stops, forecasting p. 142-145. The teacher asks a question each time and after reading each part, it becomes clear whose predictions (answers) coincided with the author’s.

  • What assumptions did we make before we started reading?
  • Were our assumptions correct?

Vocabulary work


Zavalinka - an earthen embankment along the outer walls of the hut.


Edge - a clearing in the forest.


Bugbear - a man who hunts bears.


  • Do you remember the story well? Now we will check this by running a test.

Children put numbers from 1 to 6 in their notebooks; if they agree with the statement, then put “+”, if not, then “-”.

  1. Did the old safecracker play the balalaika?(On a violin)
  2. Did a collective farmer you know see a wolf in the forest?(Bear)
  3. The old man sat down to rest on a tree stump?
  4. Was the sound the old man heard heard from the edge of the forest?
  5. Was the bear sitting in a tree?(Under the tree)
  6. The old man killed the bear?

Children exchange notebooks or conduct a self-test.

Check: - - + + - -

Selective reading

  • Find in the story and prove that the old man loved music.
  • How did the old man hear the sounds coming from the forest?
  • How did the bear play on the wood chips?
  • How did the old man evaluate the musician’s playing?



  • In today's lesson I learned...
  • While reading the story I thought...
  • After the lesson I wanted...

Homework: p. 142 – 145, question 6

Fokina Lidiya Petrovna, primary school teacher of the Municipal Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School Art. Evsnino" Iskitimsky district, Novosibirsk region

(Textbooks are closed)


    Read the word.

    Name related words.

    What is the meaning of the word "Musician"(Children's statements)

Musician - an artist who plays a musical instrument, in general, a person who plays music.


    Look at the illustration. Who did you see?

    What do you know about the life of bears?(Children's statements)

    On your tables there are pieces of paper with information about the bear. Read it and fill out the table.

Who among us doesn't know a bear? Big, clumsy, club-footed. This is exactly the opinion we hold about this beast. But in reality the bear is not like that. He is very mobile and maneuverable. The bear is a formidable forest dweller who will not let anyone down if he is not in the mood.

Belongs to the bear family. The bear is a predatory mammal that swims well and climbs trees. One blow and the bear can kill another animal. The bear's legs are thick, its head is massive with small ears and eyes, and the color of its fur is changeable. Although the bear is a typical predator, it also loves to eat plant desserts: berries, fruits, grains, grass, and plant roots.

In winter, the bear does not disturb the silence of the forest; it sleeps peacefully until spring. If the bear is not fattened enough in the fall, it wakes up in the winter and wanders around in search of food - it becomes a connecting rod.

At the end of winter, cubs appear in bear dens. Two or three, or even five small representatives of clubfoot are born. They weigh on average about five hundred grams. Bear cubs are big fans of sweet honey, blueberries, and raspberries.

“Teddy bear, teach me to roar,” the children say. And bears can teach. Sometimes they roar so loudly that you get goosebumps. But usually the bear is silent.


What does it look like?

Behavior in nature


    Open your textbooks and read the title of the story we are going to learn about today.

    Who do you think this story is about?(Children's statements)


    Do you know anything about this author?(Children's statements)

    Do you want to know what V.V. Bianchi told us about in his work?

Reading text with semantic stops, forecasting p. 142-145. The teacher asks a question each time and after reading each part, it becomes clear whose predictions (answers) coincided with the author’s.

    What assumptions did we make before we started reading?

    Were our assumptions correct?

Vocabulary work


Zavalinka - an earthen embankment along the outer walls of the hut.


Edge - a clearing in the forest.


Bugbear - a man who hunts bears.


    Do you remember the story well? Now we will check this by running a test.

Children put numbers from 1 to 6 in their notebooks; if they agree with the statement, then put “+”, if not, then “-”.

    Did the old safecracker play the balalaika?(On a violin)

    Did a collective farmer you know see a wolf in the forest?(Bear)

    The old man sat down to rest on a tree stump?

    Was the sound the old man heard heard from the edge of the forest?

    Was the bear sitting in a tree?(Under the tree)

    The old man killed the bear?

Children exchange notebooks or conduct a self-test.

Check: - - + + - -

Selective reading

    Find in the story and prove that the old man loved music.

    How did the old man hear the sounds coming from the forest?

    How did the bear play on the wood chips?

    How did the old man evaluate the musician’s playing?

Summary and presentation for a literary reading lesson on the topic:

V. Bianchi. "Musician" in 2nd grade

Name of educational institution: Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 7 village. Pelagiada Shpakovsky district of the Stavropol Territory

Date of material added:

Description of the material.

Educational and educational complex "School of Russia"

Textbook: L.F. Klimanov. “Native Speech” in 2 parts. M., “Enlightenment”, 2009

Subject. V. Bianchi. "Musician".

Goals: to introduce the work of V.V. Bianchi and his story “The Musician”; develop speech, thinking, interest in studying nature; cultivate love and respect for animals.

Objectives: continue learning to retell the text using reference words; improve the ability to draw up a plan for a work, work in pairs; practice competent expressive reading.

Methods of work: explanatory - illustrative, verbal, practical, visual, partly - search.

Lesson type: combined.

Equipment: computer, projector, screen, books by Vitaly Bianchi for the exhibition, didactic handouts for pair work.

During the classes:

    Organizing time.

The long-awaited call was given,

The lesson begins.

It will be useful for the guys.

Try to understand everything

Give complete answers,

So that later you can receive

Only a “5” rating!

    Speech warm-up.

He slept in a fur coat all winter,

He sucked a brown paw.

And when he woke up, he began to roar,

This is an animal - a forest... bear.

    Examination homework. Slide2 .

Retelling according to the plan of B. Zhitkov’s fairy tale “The Brave Duckling”.

    The housewife feeds the ducklings.

    Dragonflies are afraid.

    MaybebeAre the ducklings sick?

    Alyosha promises to help.

    The duckling kept his word.

    The dragonfly never came again.

    Lesson topic message. Slide3 .

Today we will meet the writer Vitaly Valentinovich Bianchi and his story “The Musician”.

    Introducing a new work.

A)conversation between teacher and students about the author.

Guys, do you know the name of the writer? How many of you have read his books? Name which ones?

Many of the titles of his works contain a curious question. For example, “Whose nose is better?”, “Who sings with what?”, “Where do crayfish spend the winter?”, “Whose legs are these?”

The teacher shows the children the named books.

He is one of the most beloved children's writers in our country. He was born in St. Petersburg on February 12, 1894 (116 years ago!) in the family of a biologist. The writer graduated from St. Petersburg University, where he studied the life of plants and animals with great interest. Vitaly Valentinovich lived in different regions of our country and traveled a lot; he embodied his travel impressions in children's works.

Slide 4 .

He began writing for children at the age of 28. Over the course of 30 years, he wrote more than 120 books for children, which included more than 200 stories, fairy tales, and novellas.

In his works, Vitaly Bianchi never tires of being amazed by the world around him, its beauty and diversity, and writes with great love about animals and birds. We see this love in the very titles of the works. For example, “Snegirushka is a cutie,” “Feather” and others.

b)teacher reading a work (I take meaningful pauses after each part, children answer questions).

Slide5 .

d) vocabulary work (done during reading)

Bugbear – bear hunter;

Zavalinka is a low earthen mound near the hut;

Collective farmer - a person engaged in agriculture;

A sliver is a thin plate broken off from a tree.

c) checking the initial perception of the story by questions. Slide 6 .

    What did the old safecracker play on?

    What did the collective farmer tell him?

    Why did the bugbear go into the forest?

    What did he hear when he was resting in the forest?

    What picture did the old man see in the forest?

    Why didn't he kill the bear?

6. Students read the story (to themselves).

Guys, read the story yourself and find in the story a description of the illustration in the textbook.

7. Drawing up a story plan. Slide7 .

Children, let's make a plan for the story “The Musician.” On the slide, choose appropriate titles for each part of the story.

Slide 8. Outline of the story “Musician”.

1 part. The old safecracker loved music.

Part 2. The old man went bear hunting.

Part 3. The bear is a musician.

Part 4 The hunter felt sorry for the bear.

8. Physical exercise.

A bear is walking, making noise in the bushes,

Descends into the ravine

On two arms, on two legs,

We can do this too.

In the forest, a shepherd blows his horn,

The Russian is scared

Now he'll take the leap

We can do this too.

9. Students read the story aloud in parts and retell it using supporting words.

Part 1: safecracker, pile, violin, bad, collective farmer, gun, forest, bear.

Part 2: forest, couldn’t find it, rest, quietly, quietly, string, “Zenn!”, surprised, went, edge.

Part 3: crept up, tree, sliver, paw, trembled, pulled back, listens.

Part 4: in the evening, past, again, one string, didn’t kill, musician, told.

Slides9 – 1 2 .

10. Additional task for the story “Musician”. Slide 13 .

a) work in pairs

In front of you are sheets of paper with the task. You must in brief retelling In the story “Musician”, insert suitable prepositions.

The old safecracker wanted to learn to play... the violin. A collective farmer he knew advised him to go better... hunt in the forest... for a bear.

The old man put down his violin, took his gun and walked... into the forest. He walked for a long time... in the forest, got tired and sat down to rest... on a tree stump. Suddenly he hears - ... a beautiful sound comes from the depths of the forest. The old man went there and saw: ... at the edge of ... a tree broken by a thunderstorm, a bear was sitting. He touches with his paw the long splinters protruding from the broken tree. The sliver will tremble, and... a sound will be heard in the air. The bear listens, and the old man also listens to how the sliver sings, as if it were a string. The old man listened, listened and went home... through the woods. Is it possible... to shoot such a musician!

b) checking the completion of the task. Slides 14-15.

11. Messages about bears prepared in advance by students. Slide 16.

Guys, I asked you to pick up poems, stories, riddles about bears from the Internet, children's magazines or books.

Sample student response.

In the North of our country, in the kingdom of snow, cold and ice, polar bears live.

Brown bears live in the forest belt, in the mountains. The brown bear is one of the largest representatives of predators. The bear's weight reaches 300 kg, its body length is more than 2 meters. In our Stavropol Territory, bears are rare; they are protected and listed in the Red Book.

The most remote mountain places, overgrown rocky ravines, and river banks are the favorite habitats of bears. He walks through the forest slowly, only sometimes stopping and starting to sniff and listen. But at the moment of hunting or danger, the bear transforms. His entire huge body tenses, the beast becomes agile and quick in its movements. Despite the fact that the bear is a predator, it is essentially an omnivore. It can feast on fruits, berries, hazelnuts, chestnuts, ants, wild bee honey, and fish. Long and very hard claws allow it to climb trees perfectly.

12. Exhibition of books by V. Bianchi.

There are many books by V. Bianchi in our school library and class library. I advise you to read them. One of Bianchi’s most famous writing works is “Forest Newspaper”, where he writes fascinatingly about life in the forest.

13. Reflection.

What new and interesting things did you learn today?

14. Homework: reading and retelling the story “The Musician” according to the plan and supporting words.


1. Klimanova L.F. Textbook for grade 2 “Native speech”. Part 1. M., "Enlightenment", 2008

2. Klimanova L.F. Toolkit to the textbook “Native Speech”. 2nd grade. M., "Enlightenment", 2005

    Kutyavina S.V. Lesson developments on literary reading for the textbook by L.F. Klimanova. 2nd grade. M., "VAKO", 20104.

    Ozhegov S.I., Shvedova N.Yu. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. M., Azbukovnik, 1999

5. www. kirovregion. ru/ cgi- bin/ news/ index. cgi? id=5473

6. www. animal- forum. ru/ viewtopic. php? p=2320

7. www. baby- scool. people. ru/ media/ book/ img/ foto/ index. html.