Homework topic: profession, senior group. Didactic game “Professions. Children about the profession of Rescuer

After the birth of a child, many parents think about how to properly teach their baby, develop him without “killing” the child’s childhood, and let the baby enjoy both playing and learning about the world at the same time. Sometimes this can be difficult, especially when the baby grows up, begins to talk, and wants to learn more and more about the world around him.

One of the very interesting topics in this area is explaining to a child who his parents are - who they are by profession and what they work for. That is why the profession for children will be very relevant. Every child should be told about their profession. different types and types.

The IQReview team will tell you how to simply, easily, accessiblely, and most importantly, interestingly and vividly tell your child about the professions that exist in the world. How to make him not memorize, but easily remember those professions that occur most often?

Professions for children - we simply talk about complex things

Initially, every parent should understand that it is only for him that there are no difficulties in terminology, concepts, complex words, and so on. The baby is just beginning to learn about the world around him, has not yet “reached” kindergarten, he is not able to think like an adult.

Naturally, you need to talk to him on equal terms, but the explanation itself, the presentation of information should not only be accessible, but also as interesting as possible. It is not surprising that 3-4 year old children easily tell who their father is, who their mother is, that is, who their parents work, where their grandparents may still work, where their sisters and brothers study.

A 4-year-old child can easily tell you about his parents

Each profession in a child can evoke associations with some action, movement, light, sound, and so on, this also needs to be remembered. Therefore, we will consider the simplest learning options that help the child simply remember information that is initially difficult for him.

Profession coloring pages

It's difficult to find a baby who, from the very beginning, early years I didn’t reach for coloring books, felt-tip pens, or pencils. The child is attracted to bright colors, as well as the feeling that he is the one creating the drawing, hook, or stick on paper. Trying to hone their child's movements, many parents buy coloring books that help them cope with a difficult task and also spend time profitably.

By the way, coloring is a great way to keep your child occupied for a couple of hours, because the baby will look for what color to use and where, and will learn to be neat.

A good option for combining business with pleasure would be the “Professions” coloring book. It is presented either in the form of a miniature book, which is sold in stationery stores, or in children's stores. Parents can make the brochure themselves from a selection of black and white pictures that the child will have to color.

Children's coloring book

Mass this kind pictures can be found on the Internet; there are even specialized sites where the pictures are available in both black and white and color. The colored one is printed on a smaller scale and helps the child focus on the colors. Your child will have to color the black and white one himself, and based on the results of the work done, he will understand what profession the person he painted has.

This kind of coloring is a kind of game in which a child can learn a profession, and such an activity is very useful. This is a chance not only to keep the child busy, but also to use the drawings he later creates as cards, using which he will hone his skill in identifying people of a particular specialty.

Remember that the game is a kind of presentation for children in which they learn specialties and professions. It can have several varieties:

  1. Review and study of ready-made bright printed cards. They are sold both in stores and markets. You can make this kind of elements yourself by printing the corresponding images from the Internet.
  2. You can create cards yourself, involving your child in the process. The child will be engaged in coloring, after which the received cards can be used during the game.
  3. Poems and riddles are a good option for learning professions. This way, the child will very quickly be able to remember in the form of rhyming lines which character is doing what, and then retell this information in kindergarten or to his family.

Children about the profession of Rescuer

Since your baby will have a lot of information to learn, one of the first characters to meet should be the lifeguard. And it's not just like that:

  1. The child will learn what a specialist in this industry does.
  2. The child will understand the important role a rescuer plays during a fire or other disaster.
  3. A bright and colorful character will be able to give advice to the child on how not to get hurt while at home, running around with children in the yard.

How to present information to a little person?

The first character a child needs to meet

The easiest way is to show a picture of a rescuer and tell him what he does:

  1. Helps people and animals who are in trouble.
  2. Helps in case of fire.
  3. Helps people after earthquakes, landslides, floods.
  4. Helps people who suffered in the mountains, in the forest, in accidents.
  5. Helps find lost people. The last question is especially relevant if your child does not sit in one place for a long time and constantly tries to run away somewhere.

It is worth talking about what equipment the rescuer has, why he is not afraid of fire or water, why he can help in any situation. It is necessary to describe that a person in this profession uses special units to breathe, even while in smoke. To work in water, in extreme cold or in fire, a rescuer has special clothing that helps to perform the job efficiently.

A rescuer may advise a child not to climb onto a windowsill, not to go to a pond without adults, and not to play with fire or electrical appliances.

Getting to know the Baker profession

From childhood, children know that bread is the center of everything, and the profession of a baker is one of the most necessary and necessary. What can such a character teach? The child will learn how bread is created, that it requires yeast, flour, water, and salt. The baby will also understand that other ingredients are added to make buns and other sweets - sugar, eggs, milk, cocoa, and so on.

One of the most necessary and necessary professions for children

The child will get acquainted with the basic tools of a baker - a sieve, scales, knife, board, rolling pin, stove, oven.

By showing pictures, you can also talk about what this profession is about. different countries It is different that the bread is prepared differently, that it differs both visually and in taste.

The main thing is not to give your child very complex information in large quantities so that he is interested in studying.

Children about the profession of Tailor

Like kids who study in kindergarten, so children who are homeschooled should know who sewed them beautiful trousers and dresses, who they should thank for shirts and T-shirts. Among the professions that children learn from pictures, tailor stands out quite clearly.

This is most often due to the fact that kids love to wear bright clothes - they will be interested in knowing who exactly created them. Explain to your child that you need a sewing machine, fabric, pins, threads, patterns, a centimeter, and so on.

Girls will certainly like the mass of accessories that a person of such a profession uses - lace, buttons, snaps, and so on. You can additionally tell your child about the fabrics that are used for sewing - cotton, linen, silk, wool, and so on.

An important profession tailor for your child

At the same time, tell us how each of these materials is created, demonstrate to your child exactly how the process goes from preparing and receiving the fabric to the moment when the finished clothes are already purchased by a person.

You can talk about the history of the appearance of fabrics, clothes, talk about famous people who set trends in fashion, show how the clothes of people living in different countries differ.

At the same time, the child learns not only about the profession, but also a lot of interesting things about the history of the creation of things, the geography of fashion and the spread of fashion trends. At the end, you can play a game during which the child will select clothes for different characters, which will also be good for developing the logic and motor skills of the little man.

Children about the profession of Driver

This is one of the professions that is also worth introducing your child to. It will be especially relevant and interesting for boys - both for toddlers who have just learned to talk, and for children under 6-7 years old.

Here, both in books and coloring books, you can show your child exactly how the car works inside, and describe how to drive the car correctly.

A relevant and interesting profession for boys

Taking into account the peculiarities of the profession, tell us about how the traffic light works, which light you can go to, which light you can’t.

Older children can be given a serious task - after the training course, ask what parts the machine consists of and what the name of each of them is. At the same time, it would be good to tell your child about such concepts as pedestrian crossings, signs on the road, and so on.

Children about the profession Artist

It’s hard to argue with the fact that this is the first among all the professions that children are introduced to; it will be very interesting, because every little person is an artist at heart. How can you tell your child about such a profession? Initially, it is worth introducing him to famous paintings, but choose only those options that will be interesting to the child.

You can introduce your baby to existing species paints - gouache, watercolor, oil. The child can try to draw on his own using pastels, pencils, and charcoal.

You need to introduce your child to the essential attributes of an artist - an easel, pencils, brushes, a palette, and so on. This profession will certainly be interesting to the child, because he will learn what three main colors all other colors and shades are made of, and how exactly the artist works.

Be sure to introduce your child to the profession of an artist

At this point, the child can learn to independently draw sketches or sketches with a pencil, and then carefully color them.

It would be useful to get acquainted with artists of different directions - fashion designers, designers, and so on. You can also tell your child about restorers, in particular about their interesting work. Don’t forget that it is thanks to people of this profession that your child can watch cartoons, and it’s no secret that many kids want to become a cartoonist.

The final stage of the story can be a picture that your baby created with you.

How to work with educational cards?

Profession pictures for children are a very simple option for memorizing, especially if for each card you offer a detailed story about the profession, about what exactly the person does. This is important for children, because several types of memory work simultaneously. Having learned one or two professions, do not forget to ask the child the next day what the picture means and what the person depicted in it does. You should help familiarize children with professions, make the activity interesting, then the child will be happy to learn!

Educational cards for children

If a child sits confidently at a computer and is not two years old, you can give him a more difficult task - find information about some profession, which will be very interesting and educational for him. It all depends on the capabilities and age of the baby. Of course, you shouldn’t set unrealistic goals for him.

At the same time, parents have the opportunity to see which profession the child liked best. Perhaps just at this moment the child will say who he wants to be.

Stories about professions for children would also be a good option. It is possible that it will just be a fairy tale, but the child will be able to learn a lot of information about a specific craft or area of ​​​​work.

We're going to school

When a child enters first grade, he should already have a clear idea of ​​many professions and types of activities that a person is engaged in. But remember: one lesson - one topic, do not tire the baby.

Depending on the teacher, the topic can be addressed in several directions. For example, people of the old school still divide all available specialties into women's and men's. Women's professions- cosmetologist, makeup artist, nurse, maid, nanny, . Men include military personnel, drivers, rescuers, police officers, and so on.

Carrying out the same division at the moment will be quite difficult and not entirely correct, because having become acquainted with one female or one male profession, a child can literally find out completely opposite information about this profession in just a couple of days and be convinced of this. After that, expect a lot of questions.

Don't bore your child with too many topics in one day.

As the child gets older, more complex information is provided. For example, a person of one profession can do not one thing, but several, or vice versa - the profession is called in one word, and there are many subtypes of it. The most striking option is the army military professions. For children at first, when they are interested in everything at once, it will be difficult to understand the division of the military into border guards, tank crews, paratroopers, pilots, and so on.

Of course, this kind of training is much easier and more interesting for boys than for girls. Decide for yourself whether to tell your child about this kind of separation. Experts advise doing this only if necessary, if the child has a craving for such knowledge. If not, you can simply talk about the fact that there are such areas of work, and people working in this profession can be called in one word - military, and they are divided into several categories.

Doman educational cards with people's professions

This is one of the options for introducing children to professions that exist in the world. In this case, the card will have an image of the profession, and the picture will be very bright and simple, easy for the child to remember. This is the easiest option to teach children to understand who is doing what. Such pictures of professions for children will be one of the most convenient learning options.

The pilot profession will be incredibly interesting for your child

There are 122 such cards in total; they provide 5 types, one of which is military professions. On the back of the card there is a word in large letters, on the other side there is an image that indicates this word. Thus, the child’s learning is more interesting, educational, and simple.

How to correctly talk about professions in kindergarten?

Nannies working in kindergarten most often supplement the information that the child initially receives at home. How to properly tell children about the profession?

Everyone can use the methodology that is provided in the preschool institution, or he likes it himself. Some people choose this option as riddles about professions.

Riddles about professions - perfect option keep kids busy in kindergarten

This may be a quatrain, the last word of which is the answer or the name of the profession. Naturally, it will rhyme, and looking at the picture, the child will be able to say what profession is implied in this poem.

Ordinary riddles are also popular, in which cards with the image of a person of a certain specialty can also serve as an assistant. You can also divide existing professions into groups and logically combine them - this will make it easier for the child to remember the information that adults present to him.

How to choose a profession?

Many children immediately say what they want to become in the future after considering several professions. However, there is another very simple option not only to remember professions and choose the best one for yourself, but also to develop memory - these are poems about professions for children. They can also be printed on a card that you show to your baby.

You can even purchase special books in which on one side there is a picture of a person of a certain profession, and on the other page there is a poem. This approach allows the child to develop memory and thinking, and bright pictures quickly attract attention.

Music - learning professions in an unusual way

You can also find children's songs online that are sung or chanted about a particular profession. Children love and remember cartoons well, so it is also worth looking for animation on a relevant topic. It will simultaneously combine moving characters, bright pictures, actions performed by the characters, as well as background music telling about a particular specialty.

Using a game form of learning, helping a child develop in this direction, do not put pressure on him - this is the only correct and correct approach to simple, easy and interesting learning.

Professions for children. Detailed video

Topic: World of professions

Age of children: students in grades 2-3.

Goal: Creating conditions for the formation of children’s ideas about the world of professions Objectives:

1. Deepen and expand children’s ideas about professions through performing a variety of creative tasks.

2. To promote students’ awareness of the value and importance of professions for society, to maintain interest in professions.

3. Promote the development of memory, attention, imagination, and intelligence.

4. Create conditions for students to demonstrate cognitive and creative activity.

5. Instill in children a respectful attitude towards people of different professions.

Form: game “World of Professions”.

Equipment: an envelope with a set of contour drawings (for coloring) by profession, paints, pencils, pictures depicting people of different professions.

Progress of the lesson:

I. Organization. Motivation. Goal setting.

Guys, I would like to start our lesson with the famous lines of V.V. Mayakovsky:

My years are getting older

It will be seventeen.

Where should I work then?

What to do?

The choice of profession is ahead of you guys. To find a job you love, you first need to know well what jobs there are in the world. We are all different, with our own individual abilities, capabilities, interests, each of us is a separate world of knowledge, emotions, feelings, experiences, aspirations, motives.

What unites us, how are we similar? (The guys name the common thing that unites them.)

Guys, do you like to imagine and fantasize?

Do you like to portray someone or something?

Today you will have the opportunity to amaze everyone with your acting skills, imagination and fantasy.

We will play the game “World of Professions”.

Your task is to learn as much as possible about professions during the game.

The game consists of six stages, each stage has its own motto and its own tasks.

II. Progress of the game.

Stage one “Explain”

Motto: Compose a word quickly and explain its meaning.

Assignment: You need to solve an anagram and explain the meaning of this word. (An anagram is a word in which the letters are out of place).

O e P s i s i r f s

What is a profession?

Turning to the explanatory dictionary, we will reveal the meaning of this word.

A profession is a type of work that requires a person to have certain training, knowledge and skills.

Why do people choose this or that profession?

It is very important for every person in life to choose the right profession. Then a person works with pleasure and brings joy to himself and the people around him. But with any choice of profession, know that they are all important and necessary.

All professions are important, all professions are needed!

What kind of work is important to you now?

Your work is study.

And although you are still studying at primary school, but they should know that the path to any profession begins with the first grade. As early as possible, you should find out what professions there are, determine the one for which you have the ability, and... study, learn to develop your mental abilities in school lessons. It doesn’t matter where you study a profession at an institute or at a college - you must be able to remember, think, perform tasks according to a model and come up with something of your own. To master any profession, you need to learn its knowledge.

Now you will remember what professions there are.

Stage two “Guess it”

Motto: imagine everything vividly, and give the answer quickly.

Here on the edge with caution

He paints iron with paint,

He has a bucket in his hand,

He himself is colorfully painted.


Love nature and respect the elderly?


We get up very early

After all, our concern is

Drive everyone to work in the morning.


She sews clothes no matter what,

Everyone knows her, because she...


He cooks neither borscht nor soup,

And no porridge from different cereals,

He cooks furnace boilers,

Pipes, rods, welded seams.


Last time I was a teacher,

The day after tomorrow - driver.

He must know a lot

Because he -...


Will guide the glass eye,

It will click once and remember you.


The rooster sings the dawn to the village -

Leads the cow to the meadow...


Calls goats, cows,

He plays his twisted horn.


He loves us to listen to the lungs

And he can give injections.

He will set the thermometer himself,

The doctor will put the vitamin in your mouth

He can run and jump.

The ball hits very deftly.

Plays tennis and volleyball

And there is skill in football (athlete)

He notices beauty

And everything distinguishes colors.

Maybe brush on paper

Draw your portrait.

And seeing the sun in the sky

Create a joyful landscape! (artist)

Threads, scissors, pins:

And the work is in full swing.

Creates things from fabric

A seamstress can sew a school uniform for you

Among the clouds, on high,

Together we are building a new house,

To be warm and beautiful

People lived happily in it.


For each answer, show an illustration of a person of this profession.

Stage three “Make a wish”

Motto: we won’t talk about the profession, we will show pantomime.

Your task is to think of any profession and, using facial expressions, gestures, and pantomime, depict it for your classmates. All the other guys must guess what kind of profession this is.

Physical exercise “Find your profession”

The presenter gives each student a card on which the attribute of a professional “doctor, hairdresser or cook” is drawn and offers the task, without telling them to find their team and position themselves in three corners of the room. Then, for two or three minutes, the guys look for their team. After the leader clap, the search stops, and he asks each of the teams, “What is the name of their profession?” Students answer “Hairdresser”, “Doctor”, “Cook”.

Stage four “Reason”

Motto: If you know, remember, and if you don’t know, reason.”

Assignment: determine which professions the groups of words that I will now read to you belong to:

1.Fabric, cutting, scissors, atelier, suit (tailor)

2. Patient, white coat, diagnosis, clinic (doctor)

3 Workbench, plane, machine, wood, furniture, workshop (carpenter)

4. Earth, field, wheat, combine, overalls (combiner)

And now, guys, let’s remember proverbs and sayings about professions.


1. It is not the needle that sews, but the hands.

2. Where they sew, there they flog.

3. As you cut, so will you sew.


1. It’s hard for the hammer, it’s hard for the anvil.

2. Strike while the iron is hot.

3. It is not fire that heats iron, but fur.


1. What you put in the cauldron is what you take out.

2. You can’t spoil porridge with oil.

3. It is not the pot that cooks, but the cook.

Stage five “Imagine”

Motto: try, dream, don’t be lazy, imagine.

Task: Look at pictures of people various professions. Tell us what you think these professions smell like and why you decided so?

Now let’s try to choose a color for each profession.

Stage six “Draw it”

Motto: paints, eraser, pencil - here it is - drawing our.

Select from the envelope an image of one representative of the profession you like. Imagine what color this profession might be and why. Color the picture.

Let's check what you got.

III. Summarizing:

Did you like the game?

What did you learn about professions while playing?

What did this game teach you?

Cities of professions have now become quite popular entertainment for children. In almost every major city (and not so big) you can find your own KidBurg, FantasyGrad, Talantika, etc. Taisiya and I, of course, have also been to such cities. For my daughter, this is complete delight and a sea of ​​useful things, for me it is a real fairy tale, which we never even dreamed of as children.

Somehow, after another trip to the city of professions, the thought occurred to me that I could try to do something similar at home... and away we go! Now the home city of professions is our favorite entertainment! Of course, this does not mean that Taisiya no longer asks to go to FantasyGrad, which is waiting for her in mall, but, I’ll tell you, she also adores her home city of professions, because it has many of its advantages And low price– is far from the most important of them.

For those who have not yet been to the city of professions, I will briefly explain what it is and what its benefits are.

What is a city of professions?

So, the city of professions is a model of the city recreated in miniature - there are hairdressers, fire stations, shops, etc. A child can try himself as an employee of each of the organizations and receive some payment for his work. Well, then spend the money you earn. As a result, the child begins to better understand urban planning, the roles of each person in society, forms his attitude towards a particular profession, and learns some simple economic model(earn before you spend), begins to understand the value of money. All this is interesting from about 4 years old.

In a real city of professions you can see many beautiful realistic decorations, disguised actors and interesting props. I, of course, do not encourage you to sew costumes and build elaborate decorations at home. In fact, you can implement such an economic game using the toys and scrap materials you have at home. Your game will turn into a real city of professions not at all thanks to beautiful props, but if you can follow the basic principles (read below).

How to make a city of professions at home

So, here are the main points that should be present in your economic game:

  • Opportunity to choose a profession

In your city there should be several “jobs” to choose from (for one game I prepare about 10 professions), the child himself chooses which one to take up - he can be a doctor, a hairdresser, a scientist, etc. All “organizations” are located in different places in the room or apartment, next to each is indicated its name and the amount of wages that can be received here for your work. Just below you will find ideas for professions suitable for your home city of professions.

  • Payment for work

After completing each “labor task,” the child is paid the established amount. wage in conventional currency. Your currency could be toy money from a board game or specially printed money from the Internet.

We started playing when my daughter was not yet very good at adding numbers beyond ten, so I added dots to our bills, which helped her keep track of her savings (for example, on a 5 banknote there are 5 dots, etc.) . I suggest you use our money template, you can use it.

  • Passport

Paying for work with “money,” of course, greatly motivates a child, but there is another important point that attracts children to work (just like adults) – achieving some “career” goals and gaining experience. To mark the improvement of a child’s professional qualifications in cities of professions, as a rule, a special passport is used. In the passport you can see how many times the child has successfully “worked” in a particular position, what level of professionalism he has achieved

Depending on your artistic abilities, you can design your passport in a variety of ways. The main thing is that it can be noted how many times the child has been a representative of each profession. Each successful “service” is marked in the passport with a small sticker or stamp.

It is also advisable, in addition to such a sign with professions at the end of the passport, to also keep a general scale on which you can see how far the child has progressed along the “career ladder.” After completing the entire path (this is not in one game, of course), you can promise to receive some kind of gift and depict it at the finish line.

It's no secret how much children love to save things, but here they get double interest - both cash income and stickers! But most importantly, the child himself decides how to earn them! And for children this is very important - freedom of choice!

  • Shopping and entertainment

In your city of professions, in addition to places where you can earn money, there must also be places where you can spend it! This is the most basic motivation to work. We had such places as a cinema (where you can watch the cartoon you want for a fee) and a store (where you can buy various interesting things). The cinema, however, was never chosen by Taisiya; apparently, the goods in the store turned out to be much more attractive

When choosing options for paid entertainment, it is important to focus on the interests of the child. If this is a store, then it is advisable to sell there what the child really loves or has long wanted. And this does not mean at all that you need to fill the store with expensive toys. These could be interesting materials for creativity (if the child likes to draw and glue), small toys that are not enough for a collection, favorite sweets, books, small but tempting toys that children often beg for on walks (like soap bubbles). It is also advisable to set the cost differently - smaller for small sweets, larger for toys.

I was surprised, but one of Tasya’s most desired purchases in the store were new felt-tip pens, because she loves to draw, and shortly before the game, her most important felt-tip pen, the red one, just stopped writing!

In general, the usefulness of the store cannot be overestimated. The child learns to save money for the desired product. Learns to make a decision - buy inexpensive sweets now or be patient, go to work some more and save up for the long-awaited felt-tip pens/typewriter

Job options for children's economic game

Here I will give various options jobs that you can offer your child in your economic game. In my opinion, these are quite simple and quick to implement options, and that’s what I used. I'm willing to bet that you can come up with quite a few yourself. interesting professions, which are not here. I would be glad if you share your ideas in the comments.

Important point - organize the task at each job so that it does not take too much time (no more than 10 minutes) . Otherwise, the game will drag on too long, and the child will get tired before he has time to try himself in different fields.

So let's go

  • Hairdresser

The child’s task in the hairdresser is to make beautiful hairstyles for the “clients” of the hairdresser (to complicate the task, you can ask the child to do the hair themselves first). Customers can be regular bushings from toilet paper and paper disposable plates with pre-painted faces.

When the child copes with the task, you give him established fee and passport stickers.

  • Culinary

In this job, the child will have to cook something tasty. We're not talking about complicated baking or dinner for the parents here. Suitable recipes that do not require heat treatment, for example, canapés, sandwiches, simple and fun “crafts” made from fruit. We have book “Culinary tricks” (Ozon, My-shop), I draw suitable ideas from it.

Within one game, it is enough to cook one small dish.

  • Builder

Give your child the task of building something specific from blocks or construction sets - a house, a car, a ladder, etc. You can suggest following some diagram from the manual included with the designer. Alternatively, you can use the logic game " Unicube » ( Labyrinth, My-shop, KoroBoom) or " New construction for Olya and Kolya ", there are also diagrams there that are suitable for construction.

  • Mathematician

In this job, the child will need to imagine himself as a mathematician, who will be faced with problems involving counting and logic. As a task for a child, you can take, for example, one of those mathematical games that I wrote about (someday I will definitely write an article with more complex games), and if you don’t want to bother, then you can just take some kind of mathematical manual (For example, " Kumon. Tasks") and invite the child to complete several counting tasks from it.

  • Doctor

Here, I think, everything is clear. Every child will probably have a doctor's set at home. Bandages, syringes without needles, empty medicine boxes, medical masks, etc. will also work.

The task is simple - to cure the patient (parent or toy) - apply a bandage, give injections, give “medicines”, write the patient down in a journal, write a prescription (if the child already knows how to write), etc.

  • Postman

This is one of Taisiya’s favorite professions – delivering letters to toys. I really like it too, because it's a great game for practicing reading skills. The child reads on the envelopes which of the toys the letters are intended for, and distributes them.

Here you will need to prepare a stack of signed envelopes in advance (it is not necessary to put them inside the letter, because the postman only reads what is written on top), you can also prepare the postman’s bag. We still have a mailbox from previous games, it also came in handy here.

If the child is still unsure of reading, then it is enough to write only the names of the toys on the envelopes - MISHA, KATE, etc. If your reading level is more advanced, then you can somehow “encrypt” the recipient’s name. Write on the envelope a short description of the toy, by which the child will guess who you are talking about - “Simka’s brother,” “The one who likes to wear beautiful collars,” etc.

  • Dancer

Well, this profession is just a hit! Let's dance and have fun

The main task that a dancer faces at work is to improve their skills. To do this, he must repeat various dance movements after you, or after an incendiary video. Of course, YouTube videos with children, in my opinion, are more successful, so I recommend them to you. Here are a couple of good videos:

  • Designer

Who is a designer? That's right, a man who can make beauty out of nothing! There are many options for this job. For example, you can invite your child to make some simple craft (prepare everything you need for it in advance), which will become a decoration for your home. Or create a beautiful pattern from individual fragments. Logic games are perfect for this." Fold the pattern » ( Labyrinth, My-Shop, KoroBoom) or " Color code » ( Ozon, My-shop, KoroBoom).

  • Artist

I think everything is clear here. The purpose of the work is to draw a given image or perform a creative task (for example, draw with ice, cotton wool, PVA glue, etc.).

  • Actor

The actor has an equally interesting task - he must show his grateful audience a small performance. Prepare all the props in advance, thinking about what fairy tale your child will show. If this is not the first time a child has participated in stage productions, he will most likely be interested in coming up with a plot himself.

For the performance, you can use any toys, homemade or ready-made home theaters. Most often we have this shadow play(by the way, it can be shown during the day if you sit in front of a sunny window).

  • Scientist

To play the role of a scientist, the child will need to perform a real experiment. Nowadays there is no shortage of ideas for experiments for children; many books have been written on this topic ( For example). I also already have materials ready for an article about my first experiments with water, which I will publish soon.

After each experiment, Taisiya and I usually write down the course of the experiment and the results in a notebook in the form of pictures and short sentences. In my opinion, this way the information is absorbed much better, and as time passes, you can also look through the diary, refreshing your memory of the material covered.

  • Sculptor

Everything is clear here. The task is to mold something from plasticine/dough. You can take some ideas for sculpting.

  • Rescuer

What if you create an obstacle course at home using available materials, overcoming which your child can save one of his toy friends? You can use sofa cushions, hoops, jump ropes, etc. The result is a very active outdoor game.

If there is no desire to carry out large-scale rescue operations, you can implement a profession with the help of a logic game (In general, the home city of professions is remarkable because while playing, without noticing, the child solves a bunch of problems for the development of thinking and logic). Bondibon "Camelot" (Ozon, My-shop, KoroBoom) is perfect for this purpose. By correctly placing the logic blocks, the child will help the knight save the princess (The game is not at all girly, my 7-year-old nephew played so hard that he couldn’t tear his ears off) In my opinion, this is one of the most interesting games from this manufacturer, it is designed for children from 4 years old .

  • Musician

I am teaching Taisiya to play music a little, so her task at this job is to perform a couple of short songs using colored notes. But there are other options for implementing this profession, for example:

  • Tap out a given rhythm on spoons/drums/palms;
  • Perform a song and dance;

  • Loader

A simple version of this profession is to transport some kind of cargo (blocks, toys, etc.) on a toy dump truck from one place in the apartment to another.

Advanced option - we solve a logical problem of optimal placement of cargo in a truck. Great for this logic game Bondibon Trucks(Ozon, My-shop, KoroBoom). If you don’t want to buy the game, you can search the Internet for similar tasks on placing parts in a limited space.

In other words, the options for professions that you can offer a child in your city of professions great amount. When choosing, rely first of all on the interests of your child and what materials you have at home. Feel free to fantasize. Don't forget to pay for " child labour» a nominal fee and mark your successes in your passport!

The greatest beauty of the home city of professions is that you “weave” a sea of ​​educational games and useful activities into an exciting game. And the child demands and demands continuation, because in this city he feels like a completely grown-up!

In high school, a child begins to think about choosing his future profession. To make the choice easier, it is necessary to introduce him to a variety of specialties even in preschool age. Learning any profession for children should be fun and exciting. This allows the preschooler, moreover, to significantly expand his horizons and lexicon, facilitates socialization.

Remember this

In the process of studying different types human activity, a child must receive from adults important accompanying knowledge that will help the child understand what a profession is and why it is needed.

It is necessary to explain to the baby:

  • why do people get a specialty and work;
  • why there are so many different professions in the world (each of them arises when the need for it appears, so new professions appear constantly, and obsolete ones disappear);
  • why does a person need work at all, what does it give us;
  • how do people choose future job, which is taken into account (after all, we spend most of our time at the workplace).

Kids need to be explained with specific examples that the result of each person’s work depends on his attitude to the work performed. Therefore, in order to do any job well, to be called a master of your craft, you need to love it, that is, choose a profession to your liking. And this choice is very responsible, because a person’s future depends on it.

You need to tell only the most interesting and useful things, so as not to occupy yourself with such conversations for a long time. It is useful for parents to learn more about each lesson in order to convey the essence to the preschooler.

And the most important rule: in no case should you give a negative assessment of this or that type of work, causing rejection in the child. The more a child knows about each specialty, the more objectively he will be able to evaluate its pros and cons.

Unobtrusive training

The easiest way to tell your child about a particular profession is to do it casually:

  • start conversations about who mom or dad works, what they do at work, what objects they use, what benefits their work brings to people;
  • draw the child’s attention to representatives of different professions while walking on the street (salesman, driver, janitor, builder, military man, artist, animator);
  • when a child is interested in a specific object (vase, table, carpet, bag), asks what and how they are made, the story can be correlated with the profession whose representatives are engaged in the production of these objects.

If your preschooler shows interest in his parents' work, arrange a profession exhibition at home, which will display photographs of all your relatives at their workplace. Prepare a story about which of them works for whom.

There are different ways to tell children in an interesting way preschool age about professions:

  • Read fairy tales or stories about different professions - there are many of them, both from classics and from modern children's authors. If there is no specific fairy tale, you can compose it yourself. In it, the heroes - modern children - can learn, for example, what each profession is needed for, what will happen if it disappears, how important it is to make the right choice, etc. If fairy tales contain magic and the victory of good over evil, success is guaranteed. You can make figures of characters and dramatize a fairy tale - this way the information will be absorbed even better.
  • Watch an educational video on the topic. These can be cartoons, training videos, interviews with various specialists, reports from their places of work.
  • Introduce the child to a representative of a particular profession (if adults have such friends).

The game is educational

After the child gets an idea of ​​several professions, you can consolidate the acquired knowledge in various games. Among other things, such games contribute to the comprehensive development of preschool children.

  • Thematic coloring books, reinforcing the necessary knowledge, train fine motor skills. In addition, they often contain all kinds of tasks (puzzles, labyrinths, riddles).
  • Role-playing themed games (hospital, hairdresser, shop, fire station, bakery) give a visual idea of ​​a doctor, hairdresser, salesman, fireman, baker, etc.
  • Games with pictures. The tasks can be different: explain the depicted profession in words or pantomime, find among the pictures one that is not thematically related to the given profession (extra accessories, tools, clothes), find the desired picture based on an adult’s oral description, find several differences in the pictures, determine the profession by silhouette, correlate the shadow in one picture with the image of the profession in another, etc.
  • Creative games: It is interesting for preschool children to express their understanding of a topic in the form of a drawing, applique or plasticine figure. In the process of work, you can discuss what and why it is depicted this way, and answer the questions the child has.
  • Speech games help expand vocabulary and practice the correct use of words. For example: which of the listed words relate to this profession; what is the difference between professions - cook, pastry chef, baker; what word denoting a sign or action does not relate to the profession being studied.

Make a book for your child (from a photo album or file folder) dedicated to specific profession or several different ones. Such a book may include both a theoretical and a gaming part: a description, a “professional dictionary”, photographs or pictures, poems, riddles, proverbs, tongue twisters on the topic. As you study the topic, you can refine the book with your child. For children, such joint work is always useful.

Topic to topic

Cognition is an interpenetrating process: while studying one thing, you can simultaneously involve the child in studying another topic. In this way, the child receives diverse knowledge. This approach is fertile ground when studying professions.

For example, professions can be considered while studying other topics:

  • theme “bread” - agronomist, breeder, tractor driver, combine operator, driver, baker, confectioner, cook, culinary specialist;
  • “furniture”: furniture designer, cutter, seamstress, carpenter, furniture assembler;
  • “clothes”: weaver, cutter, fashion designer, seamstress, tailor;
  • “hospital”: doctor, paramedic, nurse, orderly, laboratory assistant.

Conversely, when studying any profession, you can touch on many related topics. For example, when considering the profession of a firefighter, you can simultaneously study:

  • what is fire?
  • fire sources;
  • enterprises that use fire;
  • fire in folk tales;
  • useful devices that can cause a fire or burn you;
  • safety rules when handling fire at home and outdoors;
  • how man made fire serve himself;
  • types of fire transport.

The more knowledge a child receives about different professions and how to choose the one he likes, the fewer problems he will have with professional choice arises when he is a high school student. This means that the higher the chances of laying the foundation for the child’s future professional success. Therefore, this topic should be one of the most important when working with children at home, in kindergartens, primary school schools.