Year of human labor activities scenarios. Scenario "Holiday of Spring and Labor" in kindergarten. The best in the profession



Praise the man of labor

4 participants come out.

1st: Good afternoon, dear guests, teachers and students!

2nd: We are proud that the history of the village of Novosukhovy keeps many wonderful names, and among them, I would like to mention our fellow countryman Sergienko Ivan Mikhailovich.

Against the background of music by E. Ptichkin "Overture from the film" Two Captains "

3rd: You don't find people like that everywhere.

Such people - look for, look for ...

And if you meet, you will notice

And you will take examples from them.

4th: They are special people

They do not suit an empty show,

And these are the ones we love

Our story is about modest people.

1st: Do not raise the tone in the conversation,

For "zero" do not climb on the rampage,

Without looking at relatives, neighbors,

Everyone cuts the truth like a knife.

2nd: Don't follow them at work.

In case of failure - do not run,

And humanity along with them,

as the most important attribute.

3rd: They weave happiness with their work,

Not noticing the run of years,

And through storms and bad weather

4th: They are respected according to merit,

Otherwise, it cannot be

And each of us with such a friend

Ready to swim through life for a hundred years (music fades).

1st: Many great people have written about the importance of labor in human life. Unfortunately, today the words "labor", "worker" disappear from our speech. And from the TV screens they call out to you “Who wants to be a millionaire”, and other similar programs.

2nd: Listen to an excerpt from Leo Tolstoy's story.

The jackdaw wanted to drink. There was a jug of water in the yard, and the jug only had water at the bottom. Jackdaw could not be reached. She began to throw pebbles into the jug and threw so many that the water became higher and it was possible to drink.

Question: How did the bird manage to grant the wish?

3rd: Thanks to tireless work.

2nd: You also work. Why do you go to school?

4th: To get in the future a good profession and bring benefit to the motherland with their work.

2nd: The whole life of a person is filled with work. Another story.

Against the background of the music of G. Sviridov "Time, forward!"


Three workers carry fake logs, a TV reporter approaches them.

2nd(as a TV reporter) Workers carry logs. I ask one of them: “What are you doing?”

1st: Carrying logs, doing the hard work that I have to do...

2nd: I ask the second: “What are you doing?”

3rd: I earn money.

2nd: I ask the third: “Well, what are you doing?”

4th: I'm building a temple.

Lay the logs aside and line up(music fades).

2nd: Guys, what did each of your heroes put into work?

1st:- The first one invested strength, but he hates his work, and therefore suffers severely.

3rd:- The second mind has invested in business, because it earns money.

4th:- The third put his soul into the business, and therefore he is the happiest!

2nd: A person spends most of his life at work, and if he does not appreciate it, gets bored and looks at his watch, then his life turns into torture. As one of the greats said: "The wrong profession takes revenge all your life." And in order to worthily serve your cause, you need to be conscientious, responsible and honest, which was Sergienko Ivan Mikhailovich.

They rebuild in a column one at a time, speak in turn, showing a photo corresponding to the story in a frame, after their words they gradually rebuild in a row.

1st: Ivan Mikhailovich was born in 1925 in Ukraine, where he spent his childhood. Graduated from 5 classes. In 1937, Vanya and his parents moved to our state farm, to the second department. I didn’t study at school anymore, I had to help my parents feed the family, that’s why I went to the state farm to graze cattle.

2nd: In the 43rd year, 18-year-old Ivan was drafted into the ranks of the Red Army. Worthy went through the war and met the Victory in Austria. For courage, steadfastness and courage he was awarded the Order of the Red Banner, the Order of the Red Star, military medals.

3rd: In 1950 he returned to the Tatsinsky state farm. Works as a driver. And already in the 55th year, the driver of a truck, who performs the daily task by 140%, receives the first certificate of honor "For the achieved high production indicators in socialist competition", in the 56th - a certificate of honor - to the driver of the state farm, for the production rate by 265%. And Ivan Mikhailovich has many such letters.

4th: In the same year, he was appointed foreman of the livestock section on the third farm. He worked for a year and for good conscientious work was transferred to the manager of the third branch of the state farm. He worked as a manager until the 85th year and went on a well-deserved rest.

1st: Let's finish our speech with the words of Ivan Mikhailovich's favorite song.

The song plays in the background E. Ptichkina "You go, don't turn and don't fall!"

2nd:You go, don't turn and don't fall!

3rd:Fall down - get up!

4th:And you will be rewarded

1st:The goals of the cherished height!

2nd: For selfless work, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of April 8, 1971, Sergienko Ivan Mikhailovich was awarded the Order of Lenin and Honorary diploma Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

3rd: We can say about our countryman: “A man is beautiful and glorious in deeds!” And today we are grateful for the valor and work, courage and bravery of all those who, sparing no effort, honestly worked for the good of their native land and native country.

The music is loud, leaving in the background of the song.

script for the amateur art show MBOU secondary school No. 24 named after. I. I. Vekhova Art. Alexandria "We glorify the man of labor."

Start. Slide 1. Good afternoon. We present the program of the review-competition "Glorify the man of labor", dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the formation of student production teams.

slide2. (1954)

Where not to embrace the field with your eyes

Where the yellow ear looks up

In the steppe expanse of Stavropol

Our brigades were born

Speech of the AGITBRIGADA

Dedicated to the 50th anniversary of student production teams!

The student brigade of Alexandria High School has an interesting history.

slide 3 Glory to you, people worthy of songs,

Our villagers are working people,

Working people, people with palms

Rough as the earth!

slide 4 Year 1964. The first link has been created. It was engaged in raising poultry. The link was headed by Viktor Kucheruk

slide 5 school brigades-

Labor Schools.

Labor is not for reward,

For the soul always.

slide 6 Year 1965. Under the leadership of Nikolai Gorlov, the rabbit-breeding team achieved the best results in the region.

Slide 7 We are happy with any work

And brigades are born

Industrial, student

Summer every, systematically.

Slide 8 Year 1967. A tent cult station appeared on the picturesque bank of the Kuma. A greenhouse was also laid here and an experimental plot for growing vegetable crops was laid out. Trofim Nikolaevich Zhigulin, chairman of the collective farm, paid much attention to the student brigade.

Slide 9 How will the days of study go?

So the brigades are already in the field.

We are proud that they

Born in Stavropol!

Slide 10 Year 1969. The student brigade became famous in the area. 13 brick houses, a laboratory, a canteen were built.

slide 11 Winners! Master's work!

Believe me, your motto, like a banner, will be raised:

Do more today than yesterday

And tomorrow - more than today!

slide 12 70s. The brigade occupies a worthy place in the region. On the basis of the Alexandria student brigade, the All-Russian, and then the All-Union rallies of student production teams took place.

slide 13 Glory to those who decorate the earth,

Glory to those who sow, plow, reap!

"By work and honor!" - everyone knows about it

Labor is great and glorious man!

Slide 14 To the sounds of the pioneer dawn, the guys come out.

15 Dance “We have a good spring on the collective farm”

slide 16 Here is my native land

All from end to end

I'm dear, dear

Such a sweet heart

Slide 17 (song "It's good to live in the countryside!")

Slide 18 Growing, countless multiplying cities

But do not live without rural labor

Not a day: neither factory workers nor miners

Neither deputies nor big actors

All people on earth need food.

Where to get it without rural labor?

And the people work in the countryside, villages

In the vast fields

Slide 19 (song of a tractor, tractor)

Slide 20 Counting milestones and percentages

We must always understand

That all industrial centers

Nothing without your labor

Without you, a rocket cannot take off into the sky

And the new pole cannot be opened

Because you can't live without bread

Neither create nor build.

(song "a young agronomist went out into the fields")

slide 21 Outside the village

The people are gathering

Oh, not in vain, probably not in vain

Round dance spun

Ah, it was not in vain that the accordion sang

In it the soul of the Russian essence

Everyone knows: did the job

You can feel free to rest

After all, in Russia everyone knows

If you walk, then the dust is a column

And there's little room for fun

Even in the field outside the village

(dance "Good girls")

slide 22 Growers sowed bread in the spring

He matured and stood up as a golden wall (show)

And the country hears:

It's time for cleaning!

Combines are needed for bread, tractors!


Metalworkers answer in the workshops:

For bread machines, we will do it quickly!

But only we need metal by all means!


The martins answer immediately:

Just give us the ore here!

Trains rush for bread with ore,

Road rails were laid for bread,

For bread, an ember goes to the mountain.

Oilmen get oil for bread,

For bread, the columns rise on the rivers,

And cranes, and towers to the sky!


When you sit at the table today,

Then remember who creates bread for you:

Collective farmer, worker, oilman, builder,

Miner, machinist, metallurgists - the people!


slide 24 In the world of various words, That shine, burn and burn - Gold, steel, diamond - There is no more sacred word: "labor"! Troglodyte became a man On that cherished day, when He led the coulter to the clearings, Starting the circle of labor. Everything that we drink with a full cup, In the past, was created by labor: All the contentment of our life, Everything that makes every house red. A victorious light of a new lamp, The running of motors, trains, Monoplanes of years without a trace, - Everything is a legacy of labors! All arts, knowledge, books - Embodied works! In every step, in every moment Their traces are clearly visible. And the right to a place in life Only to those whose days are in labor: Only to the workers - glory, Only to them - a wreath in the ages! But when the dawn laughs, Having met the late star, - What kind of joy pours into the soul of All those who cheerfully got up to work! And, having finished the day, tired, Everyone was generously rewarded, If the work, even modest, small, Was successfully completed!

slide 25, 26, 27

Slide 28 A little time has passed since a man in our country working profession was respected and enjoyed various privileges. Much has changed today.

The words "worker", "labor", "worker"

completely disappeared from the lexicon.

They do not sound in the media either.

But from the TV screens they insistently repeat:

"Take everything from life!"

Young people use the words "grandmothers", "bucks",

TV games offer "win a million"

break the "big jackpot".

Slide 29 But all the wealth of society, without exception, lies in its work.

No other force makes a person great and wise, as does the force of labor - collective, friendly, free labor.

slide 30 And today we glorify a person who is capable of working for the good of society, for the good of Russia, the house in which we live.

Slide 31 House

Thank you for your attention.

Enbek kunine script

Labor Day

(The conversation takes place over a cup of tea)

Kaiyrly kүn құrmetti қonaktar! Elbasymyz N.A. Nazarbayev ұstazdar merekesі қarsanynda, Enbek kүnі merekesіn қoldaғan edі. Olai bolsa barshanyzdy Enbek kunimen shyn zhurekten kuttyktauga ruqsat etinizder!

Dear guests! Today, in this hall at the round table, we were gathered by the Labor Day holiday, approved by the decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev. The theme of labor is one of the main in the work of the teacher. Actually, by and large, the Teacher is the embodiment of the concept of "labor".

Ulylyktyn uyytkysynan zhalalgan,
Onegenenen barlyk shakirt nәr algan.
Shapagatty shuak sepken ұstazdar,
Ozderinen bastau alar bar arman.

Ұstazdar zhaksylyktyn zhol ashary,
Kolynda shakirtinnіn bala steps.
Өmirdі alga karay өrletetin,
Senderde, Uly Otanny bolashagy!

We will talk about the role and necessity of work in human life.

It's easy, guys, for us sing a song,

It's not hard, but you still need to know how.

Whatever you do, you need to become a master

And be able to do any business!

Be able, if necessary, to darn a stocking,

Without your help to prepare a lesson,

Be the first to learn, be the first to work,

We do not like white hands anywhere.

At our round table there are far from white-handed women, but those who have worked in our school not for a year or two, but for most of their labor activity.

These are our guests:

Gutorova T. I.

Razumovskaya T.N.

Dubinina Z.N.

Shulga V. G.

Semerova N. I.

Mnaidarova Zauresh Nurushevna

Fazylova K.F.

Konzhurovskaya T. A.

Zolotorenko N. M.

Abdykarimova Tamara Shaitkhanovna

Seitova Raisa Yerzhanovna

And as hospitable hosts, our older generation:

Kizhevatova N. N. Kapysheva M. I. Khamidova L. I. Kurberdinova Zh. S.

Dyusenova M. Zh.

and our youth, whom I will introduce all in the course of our conversations. Because they should not be talked about, they should be looked at.

I would, conditionally, break everyone present into two teams. 1st team -"Experience and skill" 2nd team"Youth and Talent"

well, and the link: The leadership of our boarding school: Director Seidakhmetova Gulmira Esmukhanovna, directors of studies Begaidarova Asemgul Serekbaevna and Lyzhina A.A. deputy for educational work Goryaeva Irina Vasilievna

We have a lot of boarders
past life institute,
Who puts his heart into the matter,
Who puts his soul into work.
And we are proud of our colleagues,
We know their names
We are proud to be with us.
History lives on its own.
Lives in the affairs of beautiful, bold
teachers and educators.
skillful leaders,
Ordinary working people.
The earth itself is grateful to them.
For generosity, affection and care,
For working hard
For their excellent work.

Gutorova T.I. I came to school in the direction of a young, full of strength, energy and knowledge. And she left the walls of our school for a well-deserved rest. Having worked all his career in one school - 43 years. Of these, 20 years as the head teacher of physics, worked as a senior educator, educator in a group of girls.

I want to give the floor to Taisiya Ivanovna. In the meantime, she gathers her thoughts, I will tell you a secret. Today we would like to hear all the invited guests and introduce all the young people, so let's set a time limit for memory performances without offense for everyone (remember the teachers' councils). You can talk about yourself, someone may remember an interesting incident from the life of the school, in a word, whatever you want, but until a certain time - then I will hint that it is time to finish.

The word of Gutorova T.I.

With your permission, I will alternate acquaintances from different teams.

Lyzhina Anna Anatolyevna came to our school with a red diploma under the program with a diploma in the village. graduated Kostanay State University named after Baitursynov, majoring in mathematics, has been working at the boarding school since 2011. An active participant in school events, her students, and herself, are winners regional competitions mathematics. Although young, but already a master of his craft.

Eremeeva Elena Nikolaevna - teacher in English graduated with honors from the Kostanay Socio-Technical University named after Aldamzhar with a degree in foreign language, has been working at the boarding school since 2008. Responsive, punctual, demanding, delicate, vulnerable. Knows 3 languages: English, German, Kazakh.

Suleimenova Gulzhaz Zhandosovna - teacher of the 1st group, girls with the state language of instruction. Graduated from the Arkalyk State Pedagogical Institute. Ibraya Altynsarin. The most melodious of the educators of the current generation.

They already have impressions of the school, memories are not enough yet, I would suggest you listen to a song performed by a wonderful trio.

The song is being played.


A person spends most of his life at work, and if he does not appreciate it, gets bored and looks at his watch, then his life turns into torture. As one of the greats said: "The wrong profession takes revenge all your life."

In my opinion, the profession of Fazylova Clara Fazylovna brings her only joy. After all, everything that her hands touch, in the end result, pleases others. Be it a drawing, matter, threads, beads, just decoration for the holiday. How many handicrafts were seen by the regional exhibition of the festival "Childhood without Borders"

Word to Clara Fazylovna.

Clara Fazylovna has a successor, this is our magician Kdralieva Aikenzhe Serekovna, who graduated from the Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute with a degree in art and drawing, has been working at the boarding school since 2013. Tactical, responsive. In her lessons, she instills in children a love for beauty, her works were among the best at the regional review competition.

Our boarding school

Everything grows under the sky

However, you know yourself.

Grace in the garden

It's within reach of him

giant tomatoes,

Onion, cabbage, eggplant

Oh what a beauty

All sizes and colors

Of course, we all have a relationship with the garden, but I think that no one will be offended if we talk about Dubinina Zinaida Nikolaevna. The man is a hard worker. theory in winter, practice in summer. Maybe I'm not fair, but for my long stay at school, I remember Zinaida Nikolaevna and Maria Nikolaevna as the head of the garden, the rest of the month, and run as far as possible.

Zinaida Nikolaevna I want to give the floor to you.

Zinaida Nikolaevna speaks

She also has a successor, teacher of chemistry and biology Begaidarova Asemgul Serikbaevna.

Many great people wrote about the importance of labor in human life: Mikhail Lomonosov: "... vigilant labor overcomes obstacles",

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov: "Without labor there can be no pure and joyful life"

P.I. Tchaikovsky: “Inspiration is born from labor and during labor”, A. Tvardovsky: “Labor makes a person beautiful”.

Unfortunately, today the words "labor", "worker" disappear from our speech. And from the TV screens they cry out to you "Who wants to be a millionaire"

"Oh, lucky one!" and other transmissions.

Zhur: Bizdin armayzda asa құrmetti ұstazdar bar, olardyn biri Abdykarimova Tamara Shaitkhankyzy. Tamara Shaitkhankyzy mektebimіzde matkmatika pәnі mұғalіmі bolyp қyrymet etіp enbek zeynetine attanғan, olai bolsa soz kezegіn Tamara Shaitkhanқyzyna bergimіz kelip otyr. Koshemetpen karsy alynyzdar.

Abdykarimova Tamara Shaitkhanovna speaks.

Presenter: The whole life of a person is filled with work. Here is one story

Workers carry logs. They ask the first: “What are you doing?”

He answered: “I carry logs, do the hard work that I have to do ...”.

They ask the second: “What are you doing?”

He replied: "I earn money."

They ask the third: "What are you doing?"

He replied: "I'm building a temple."

Question: “What did each of these workers put into work?”

Answer options:

The first invested strength, but he hates his work, and therefore suffers severely.

The second one put his mind into the business, because he earns money.

The third put his soul into the business, and therefore he is the happiest!

I want to talk about T. A. Konzhurovskaya. A person who is in love with his mathematics to the roots of his hair. And behind such an inexhaustible number of numbers he knows how to discern, to see the soul of each child. He worries about everyone, listens to everyone, understands, forgives and gives the right to make a mistake.

The word to you is Tatyana Alexandrovna

More time she gave her work to the boys, so I want to introduce her and all those present to our boys, young teachers: Kadenov Arman Romazanovich, graduated from the Kostanay Social and Technical University named after Aldamzhar with a degree in geography, has been working at the boarding school since 2013. Active, positive, responsive. Dancer, artist, athlete.

Sule and menov Zharkyn Zhangeldinovich, the one who cares about a healthy lifestyle. His working day starts early in the morning - this is exercises, then physical education lessons in primary school and ends in the evening, with sports hours. His pupils became silver and bronze medalists of regional competitions in basketball and volleyball.

These guys are constantly on the move and never lose their sense of humor. In other matters, judge for yourself on the stage Kadenov Arman Romazanovich and Suleymenov Zharkyn Zhangeldinovich

Let us turn to the dictionary of S.I. Ozhegova: “Profession is the main occupation, labor activity”.

Question: “What qualities, what attitude to work should a person have in order to adequately carry his profession in society?”

Answer options: conscientiousness, responsibility, patience…

The man is a hard worker, a man in love with his profession.

Since we touched on the dictionary, then the speech should go?

That's right about Shulga Valentina Georgivna. She worked as an educator, then a teacher of the Russian language. Achieved a high level of professionalism. There was a warm atmosphere in her lessons.

A call from above has been given to you

Give away a piece of your heart

Teach with heart and soul

Worlds and secrets to discover

Shulga Valentina Georgivna performs


Meet the young specialist teacher of additional education, music teacher Suleimenov Aidyn Zhangeldinovich. His face should be familiar to you - this is a talented singer not only of our school, the district is also proud of him.

Suleimenov Aydin with a song on the stage.


Man lives for life

Those who are near - those who go,

And for the good of the Motherland - Fatherland -

Do good deeds on the way!

Man lives, creates, dreams,

Works, - for Honor, not for rubles, -

Lives for people, and firmly knows -

Children are value home Earth!

This main value Tatyana Nikolaevna Razumovskaya sincerely loved the lands just like that: beautiful and ugly, silent and talkative. She never had bad children.

Tatyana Nikolaevna Razumovskaya speaks

On stage Gulzhaz Suleimenova

Zhur: Aramyzda Mnaydarova Zaure Nuryshkyzy otyr. Zaure Nұryshқyzy mektep қabyrғasynda mathematics pәnimen bіrge bastauysh synyp mұұғalіmі bolyp қyzymet etken. Soz kezegin Zaure Nuryshkyzyna bereyik.


After singing like that, I remember the voice Zolotarenko Nadezhda Maksimovna.

Energetic, charming woman, smart, tactful, sociable. For these qualities, the team loves her very much.

Show everything you're proud of

Not sad, not sad

And cheerful majestic

Zolotarenko Nadezhda Maksimovna performs

Begaidarova Gulzhian Serekbaevna, graduated from the Kostanay Socio-Technical University named after Aldamzhar with a degree in Kazakh language and literature, has been working at a boarding school since 2010. From the first days she showed herself as a responsible, demanding teacher. There is always good discipline in her lessons, the students are active, show good knowledge.

Musical gift from Gulzhian Serekbaevna.

Semerova Nadezhda Maksimovna devoted all her career to the pupils of the boarding school. In all school affairs she was a leader and knew how to ignite others, she sings beautifully. She belongs to the Always Ready category of people. Her group was organized and disciplined. Nadezhda Maksimovna has the floor for you.

Semerova Nadezhda Maksimovna performs

Host: As you know, there are no former teachers. Today, our respected veterans of pedagogical work, teachers with a capital letter, are with us in the ranks.

Please accept our great gratitude for the fact that, sparing no effort, you honestly worked for the good of your native land, for valor and work, courage and courage. Health to you, long and happy years of life

Awarding certificates in honor of the "Labor Day" of retired teachers, the director of the school and the leader of the trade union committee.


Bow to you low, teachers,

For your hard, necessary work,

For all the children you raised

For your kindness and attention

For sincerity and simplicity,

For courage and understanding

For sensitivity, tenderness, kindness!

WITH family duet of the Suleimenovs"Dedication"

Presenter: The skill and art of education, young teachers will learn all their lives: from their mentors, colleagues, from their students. The main teacher will be your own experience.

The word for punishment to young teachers is given to the veteran of pedagogical work Khamidova L.I.

Presenter: Dear friends and colleagues! For you,
This meeting today is like a holiday.
Warm congratulations for you,
So pleasant and memorable these moments.
Every look wishes you good luck, patience,
And smiles, hopes, strength, inspiration.
Year after year, the family of teachers grows,
Good luck and good luck teachers!

Vedas: And now I bring to your attention the quiz "Parents and children." The year of the family was announced in Kazakhstan "Year of the family
- How many children did A. Pushkin and his wife N. Goncharova have?

(Four: Maria, Alexander, Grigory and Natalia)

-Which famous domestic actors have a daughter - a popular TV presenter? (Menshov and Alentova - Yulia Menshova)

How many children did the Count and Countess Rostovs have in the novel

LN Tolstoy "War and Peace"? Give them their names. (Four: Nikolai, Vera, Natasha, Petya)

- Which of the daughters of Peter 1 became the empress? (Elizabeth)

-According to ancient tradition, the daughter in Japan obeys the father, the wife - the husband. And to whom does the widow obey? (eldest son).

Vedas: I would like to check your irrudition, I will read proverbs to you. But these are unusual proverbs: I say the first half of the proverb, and you continue.

-A woman with a cart (it's easier for a mare),
- Let's sit in a row (let's talk nicely),
-Cheerful cow (God does not give horns)
-The head is gray-haired, but the soul (young)
- Fits in one ear (gets out in the other),
-To be afraid of wolves (do not go to the forest)
-My hut is on the edge (I don't know anything)
-Cause time ... (fun hour)
Do you know how many seconds are in a minute? (60 seconds)
How many minutes in an hour? (60 minutes)
And how many hours in a day? (24 hours)
How many parts are the days divided into? (morning afternoon Evening Night)
Where on Earth is the longest day? (Days are the same everywhere).

During the tea party, competitions are held: "Ringing songs", the game "Association on a school theme", the game "Compliments".

Vedas: In conclusion of our program, we want to say again

Thank you for your knowledge, skills,
For the light of a smile, an affectionate word,
For your work, for love and for patience! -
We gratefully repeat again.

May there be much joy in your life
And happiness, let health not fail,
And never know worries, fatigue
We wish you sincerely and with love!

Kurmetti konaktar osymen bүgіngі Enbek kүnіne arnalғan shaғyn zhiynymyz oz mәresine zhettі, kөңіl қoyip tyndaғandaryңyzғa kөp-kөp rahmet, kelesi kezdeskenshe sa u-salamat balynyzdar!

Information about the work of the MKUK Podosinovskaya MBS for the Year of the Laborer

The year 2012 in the Kirov region was declared by the decree of the governor N. Yu. Belykh Year of the man of labor.

Today, a lot is said about labor, and with varying degrees of activity, all discussions come down to several conclusions:

1) Labor has lost the value for a person that was characteristic of the Soviet period.

2) Labor has lost its stimulating role for the upbringing and development of the younger generation.

3) Labor is not considered as an obligatory component of material well-being.

4) Work is not a priority public policy as a key resource for the development of the territory.

That is, labor is unnecessary in the modern state and society. And, as a result, a person who is engaged in labor is no longer an image for imitation and respect.

We all stand on an endless staircase going back centuries, where each step is the fruit of the labor of an artisan, farmer, and scientist. It depends on our attitude to work, on how our society treats the working person - whether it is a bricklayer, a philosopher, a cook, a teacher - whether this ladder will continue into the future.

Today we need bright and unofficial events about work in a person's life, to honor people who have achieved results in labor activity of all professions and ages.

The events that we will be holding in the Year of the Man of Labor should make a tangible contribution to raising the prestige of labor not only in industrial and agricultural production, but also in the field of education, healthcare, social sphere, make it attractive to young people.

Libraries in Russia hold events dedicated to the working man:
- Competition of children's drawings "Different professions are needed, different professions are important"
- Photo exhibition: “Let the Earth be famous for its masters”
- Conversations: “The pride of Russia is the people of labor”, “Man is famous for his work”,
- slide - conversation "Each profession - glory and honor"
- Stands "Professions of my parents", "Family dynasties"
- Holiday "Work is honor and continuation of life!"
- Congratulatory program for the Day of the Elderly "Dedicated to a man of labor!"
- Thematic programs “Work is beautiful and glorious man”, “We glorify the man of labor!” "Forerunners", "Recognition", "Working professions", "Thank you for your work."
- Essays among primary school students "My parents are at work", "My dad and mom are masters of their craft."

Forms of familiarizing children and adolescents with the work of adults, ways of educating an emotionally positive attitude towards it can be different. They depend on the age of children, the level of their comprehensive development. These are observations, and meetings with familiar workers, people of different professions, and special conversations conducted by librarians and teachers. Art plays an important role in this matter, in particular, fiction actively influences the mind and feelings of the child, helps to understand the complex phenomena of the surrounding reality.
Choosing a profession is choosing your future. It is very important that everyone finds their calling in life. It is no coincidence that they say: work where your soul will work. But often young people rush about even when they are students, not having a clear opportunity to determine which path to take.

Vocational work in libraries is structured differently, but they all have the same goal - to help young men and women determine their professional path, to understand their interests and abilities.

“Both in the Kirov region and throughout the country, working professions are most in demand. No wonder this year in the Kirov region is declared the Year of the working man. - says the head of the department public service employment of the population (UGSZN) of the Kirov region Vladimir Ratov. - The undisputed leader in the ranking was the working specialty of a tiler-tiler: there are 170 vacancies per person, we need an installer for the installation of steel reinforced concrete structures, an electric and gas welder, a plasterer-painter, a seamstress-tailor, an insurance agent, a doctor, a livestock specialist, a veterinarian, a nurse, a kindergarten teacher ".

According to him, these trends have not changed much over the past few years. 27 universities and various branches that now exist in Vyatka massively train economists, managers, and lawyers that no one needs in such a large number. Meanwhile, school graduates are also striving to enter universities, although upon graduation, many of them cannot get a job in their specialty.

He said that some university graduates, after applying to the employment service, receive working specialties. Redundant professions in the labor market include cashier, clerk, accountant, Social worker, human resources inspector, economist, lawyer.

“Of course, the economy needs a financier, an economist, but highly skilled blue-collar workers are urgently needed,” Ratov said.

Forms of work on vocational guidance:
- Conversations about choosing a profession
- Professions presentations
- Meetings with experts
- Career guidance on books
- Career guidance games, contests
- Entertaining career guidance
- Review of literature and publications on career guidance topics
- Stands, leaflets, digests, illustrative and applied exhibition activities

Methodological sector of the Central Bank. A. Fileva offers:


- Playing a Profession: Collection of scenarios, games by profession (in electronic version)
- On the wings of a dream.- Minsk, 2007.- 128 p. - (Holiday at school)
/The collection contains career guidance scenarios “About Professions with Love”, “Vocational Guidance on Stage”, “Labyrinth of Professions” and others/
- Computer professions / Comp. N.N. Chebodaeva, V.S. Voronchikhina.- Kirov, 2001.- 18 p. (about professions - programmer, systems engineer, computer master, system analyst)
- A penny saves a ruble.- Minsk, 2009.- 126 p. - (Holiday at school)
(a cycle of career guidance events “Great Entrepreneurs)
- It's time to choose a profession: Classroom hour on vocational guidance // Today in the libraries of the Podosinovskaya MBS: competitions, quizzes, exhibitions. - 2008. - issue 6


- "Vocational guidance work in the library"//Methodological sector of the Central Bank. A. Fileva (the folder contains crossword puzzles, career guidance tests)

Electronic presentations:

“Choosing a profession”, “What is a profession?”, “My future profession- make-up artist", "Presentation of the profession of a cook", "Presentation of the profession of a baker", "Presentation of the profession of a librarian".

In the methodical file rubric highlighted "Career Guidance"(box No. 4), where you can find materials about the experience of Russian libraries, scenarios for public events.

Job Scenarios:

Alekseeva, T.L. There is such a profession - a student/T.L. Alekseeva // Class teacher. - 2008. - No. 2. - p. 89-96
- Emelyanova, L.P. Work and life are inseparable/L.P. Emelyanova // Ch.U.I. – 2005.- No. 6.- p. 59-63 (Scenario of a literary and folklore evening dedicated to the theme of labor in human life)
- Ladoga, T. Fixes: holiday everyday female labor, for students of middle classes /T. Ladoga // How to entertain guests. - 2010. - No. 11. - p. 18-22
- Petrova, V. Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils: class hour for students elementary school/IN. Petrova // Education of schoolchildren. - 2007. - No. 10. - p. 31-33.- (ABC of moral education).

According to the site, many events are planned for 2012. The Organizing Committee approved the action plan for the Year working man.

Among them - aimed at increasing the prestige of the working profession. Experts are planning to hold an interregional forum "Golden Personnel of the 21st Century" (in April), the Day of the Kirov Region (in December), where the presentation of commemorative signs "Working Glory" and "Labor Dynasty" will take place. At the end of the year there will also be a regional conference “ Social responsibility business. Labor protection”, and on May 1 this year the region will celebrate Labor Day.

Various competitions are planned for 2012. Among them are "Engineer of the Year", "Best Doctor of the Year", "Young Talents", "Young Innovators and Inventors", etc.

Specialists did not forget about the employment of residents. A separate paragraph spelled out "Days open doors”, “Days of Profession”, career guidance tours to the enterprises of the city. The Department of the State Employment Service will organize vocational training for unemployed citizens in working professions that are in demand on the labor market.

In addition, in the near future, a talk show “I would go to work ...” will start on one of the regional TV channels. Also on TV will broadcast a video clip aimed at popularizing labor in the Kirov region.

The first event of the Year of the Working Man will be the honoring of the Kirov dynasties.

Sections: Extracurricular work


Presenter 1
Lead 2
Work(a guy in a cap and work overalls, various tools peeking out of his pockets)
Primitive(he is a monkey, he is also a student, during the event evolution takes place with him) costumes are needed: monkeys, the skin of a primitive man, a three-piece suit.
Labor project advocates– 5 people pre-trained on topics by their supervisors

The hall is decorated with proverbs and sayings about work, on the walls - sayings about the work and diligence of great people. Everywhere Balloons. In the center, in a semicircle, stands are pre-set for protection with projects of students on labor activity. Organized exhibitions of students' work.


Presenter 1: Good afternoon, dear friends, dear guests!

Host 2:

In the world of various words,
That shine, burn and burn,
Gold, steel, diamond,
There is no sacred word - Labor!

Presenter 1:

All that we drink with a full cup
In the past created by labor:
All the happiness in our life
Everything that every house is red!

Host 2:

And the place in life is right,
Only those whose days are in labor!
Glory to the workers!
Only to them - a wreath in the centuries!

Presenter 1: Our holiday today is dedicated to Labor. Work, like life, has always existed. Work and life are inseparable concepts.

Host 2: Human labor is varied and constant. As long as a person lives, he works!

Presenter 1: Maxim Gorky spoke of labor in this way: “It is in labor, and only in labor, that a person is great, and the hotter his love for work is, the more majestic he himself is.” .

Host 2: And here is what Voltaire said: “labor frees us from three great evils: boredom, vice and laziness.”

Presenter 1:

“Who wants to become a fool,
Therefore, we offer:
Let them neglect work
And he will start to live as a lazy person!”

These lines were written by Nikolai Nekrasov.

(The words of the presenters are interrupted by the loud squeak of the monkey)

Host 2: Oh! What is that sound!

Presenter 1: Don't know!

(A monkey runs out into the hall and runs anxiously, she is clearly scared)

Host 2: And who is this shaggy little guy? I don't understand, where did the monkey come from?

Presenter 1: She is very scared! Guys, let's help her!

(The presenters stroke the monkey on the head, seat it on a chair. A student from the audience treats it to a banana prepared in advance)

Host 2: And you know guys, judging by one of the theories about the origin of man, man descended from apes. But this process did not occur immediately in an instant, but gradually, over many, many, many millions of years! And the main assistant in the transformation of apes into humans was labor.

Presenter 1: It would be great if this monkey became a man now!

Host 2: Yes…. But, alas, this is not possible...

(The hosts admire the monkey, stroke it, and at this time the Trud guy enters the hall, sneaks up behind the hosts, strokes the monkey with them and speaks sharply, loudly. The hosts are frightened.)

Work: What are you upset about, beauties?

Presenter 1: Oh! And who are you?

Work: They say about me: without me you can’t even pull a fish out of the pond! (children) Did you guess who I am? I am Labor!

Host 2: And today we are just talking about you!

Work: And I have long wanted to come to you, to see how you live and work here. (looks around). Oh what a wonderful animal! Do you want to see what I will do with her by the end of the holiday? I'll make a man out of her! But I can't do without your help. During the holiday, I need you to work, sing, joke, talk about work ...

Presenter 1: You know, Trud, you seem to be reading our minds. Is it true? (hall)

(Trud looks at the monkey, as if wondering what can be made of it)

Host 2: Don't worry about work, songs, jokes, stories. After all, today we have not just a concert, we have a competition.

Presenter 1: And the competition is not easy. For the first time in our school, a study of the various work activities of our students was conducted. Participants of the competition will present their projects in the form of stands. And the final stage of the competition will be the demonstration by the participants of the products of their work to our guests and the jury.

Work: Well, let's get started then! And I wish all the participants good luck!

(Trud takes the monkey by the hand and takes him backstage)

Host 2: Dear friends! Dear guests! We are starting our job design competition!

Presenter 1: Contestants are invited to our stage.

(5 participants come out. The hosts introduce them and announce the topics of their work).

Host 2: We wish you success, victory in the competition! And our competition will be judged by the jury...

(The host introduces all members of the jury, which is pre-selected from among the teachers of the school and guests)

Presenter 1: Meet! First member...

(The presenters introduce the participant, his topic, briefly talk about it, and the moment of defense comes immediately. The participant defends his topic, according to his pre-prepared stand, which stands in the hall. Topics can be different: “Plumbing”, “Manufacturing of leather goods ”, “Nature is a house adorned with labor”, “Sewing business”, etc. Participants of the competition and stands are prepared by their leaders - technology teachers, heads of studios, circles.)

Host 2: While the jury is evaluating the performance, we will rest a bit. Meet!

(Musical number: song. After the number, a primitive man runs out into the hall on four legs, followed by Trud)

Work: Stop! Who am I talking to! (Catches the primitive man, takes him by the hand.)

Presenter 1: Look! (says very surprised to Host 2) How our monkey has changed!

Work: Only a couple of tens of millennia have passed, and the result is obvious. But in order for her to become a person, she still needs to work hard enough.

(Labor leaves, takes the primitive man with him, telling him something.)

Host 2: And we continue the project competition and welcome the participant number 2 ...

(The presenters introduce the participant, his topic, briefly talk about him and the moment of defense comes directly.)

Presenter 1: Well, shall we rest? The SUPERSTAR of our school is invited to the stage!

(The “Modern Dance” is performed to any music. After the dance, the voice of Labor sounds offstage: That's not how you hold it! Labor and primitive man appear - already straightened, in the hands of a stick with a tied stone. The work explains how to work with this tool. Labor saw the leaders)

Host 2: Oh, you have already put the tools into action!

Work: Yes, development does not stand still!

Presenter 1: What has he already learned to do?

Work: For now, just tie your tool out of stick and stone.

Host 2: Who would have thought? Well done! (Strokes the primitive man on the head, he likes it)

Work: Let's go, friend! Great things await us! (Leave)

Presenter 1: And we are inviting a third party... (the presenters introduce the participant, his topic, briefly talk about him and the moment of defense comes directly.)

Host 2: It's time for rest. Performing for you…

(Musical number: a song about teachers. Labor and a primitive man come out. Trud holds a skin and sharpening in the form of a knife in his hands)

Work: And if you make holes here ... it will turn out ... a vest! (Makes holes in the skin, puts it on a primitive man. He obviously likes the vest, he irons it.)

Presenter 1: Are you already making your own clothes? Progress on the face!

Work: He also learned how to wash. So far, of course, in the river and without soap ... but we are working on it!

Host 2: Well, good luck!

Presenter 1: Please, only after you! (They leave, the primitive man leaves, still admiring the vest made of skin)

Host 2: And we are back to the competition. Meet the fourth member...

Presenter 1: And now, dear guests, a collection of fashionable clothes spring-summer 2008 will be presented for you! Meet our fashionistas! (Number: fashion show)

(Labor appears and a man in simple peasant clothes. They take out a pot of earth, put it on the floor, squat down)

Work: If you plant this seed in the ground... and then take care of it... you will soon get a harvest.

Host 2: If I don't disturb you... may I ask what you are planting?

Work: Learn to grow your own food. Here they planted a grain of wheat. He will learn to grow grain, and then to make flour and bread. And we learned the first words. (Speaks)

Human: MA-MA, SCHO-LA.

Presenter 1: I hope you invite us to taste your bread! (Labor and man leave)

Host 2: And we invite the last participant of our competition... (the presenters introduce the participant, his topic, briefly talk about him and the moment of defense comes directly.)

Presenter 1: And now an ensemble of girls is performing for you with the song “Where does childhood go?” (Singing)

Host 2: So our theoretical competition is over. I invite all participants to the stage! (Exit to the music)

Presenter 1: Our today's holiday is dedicated to labor, and our competition will not do without demonstrating the products of labor of our participants.

Host 2: We ask our esteemed jury to evaluate the work of the contestants and sum up the results . (Participants put items made by themselves on the jury table. They should, as it were, sum up the poster defense. For example, if the topic is “Sewing”, then the participant exposes a sewn thing: an apron, a skirt, etc.)

Work: Take the textbook!

(A student boy comes out in a suit - the one who was a monkey, a primitive man, well-groomed and neat. Stops and waits for Labor. Together, by the hand, they go on stage)

Host 2: I can not believe!

Presenter 1: This is just a miracle!

(Student smiles shyly)

Host 2: Here, take it! I promised miracles, and miracles happened!

Boy: Thank you Trud! Now I understand the importance and necessity of labor for a person!

Work: Now, while you are a schoolboy, your main work is good studies. Strong knowledge. But in addition to good studies, you must be able to serve yourself. Help friends and family.

Boy: Can I study at your school? Will you take me?

Presenter 1: Certainly! From now on, you are a full student of the school. Go to the hall.

Host 2: Our holiday traditionally closes with the school anthem. (Sounds performed by children, the student and labor raise the children from the hall, dance to the music)

Presenter 1: The floor is given to the representative of the jury of the competition

(Awarding the participants of the competition with diplomas for I, II, III place, other certificates of participation)

Host 2: Thank you for telling our guys how important Labor is for a person!

Presenter 1: We say goodbye to you and invite you to the exhibition-fair of our works!

(Music sounds, an exhibition for the sale of children's products, crafts)