Characteristics of the competition participant who is the best in his profession. Essay from a participant in the competition “Best in Profession.” Pool of "corporate talent"

A competition was held at the Kalashnikovsky Electric Tube Plant professional excellence"The best in the profession." The competition, which was held for the first time, was held in two stages: theoretical and practical.

Workers from the assembly lines of the enterprise’s workshops took part in the competition in the following categories:

– Stacker-packer;

– Controller of parts and devices;

– Pin maker (soldering);

– Pin maker;

– Installer of electric vacuum devices.

The significance of this competition can hardly be overestimated, because it is an important element corporate culture. In addition, it is designed to raise the authority of blue-collar professions.

Competitions for the title “Best in Profession” also help in solving other important tasks facing the enterprise: increasing production efficiency, labor productivity, strengthening professional skills and development creative initiative employees. And for the participants themselves, the competition is great way increasing personal skill level.

The first “Best in Profession” competition was attended by 5 employees in each category.

Skills in each area were assessed by highly qualified specialists who were members of the jury. These are quality control department employees and assembly shop specialists. The competition committee was headed by Lepshova N.M., Deputy Director for Production.

The competition participants showed professional knowledge, enthusiasm and optimism. The company is rightfully proud of its experienced and united labor collective consisting of highly qualified, highly professional employees capable of performing the most complex and responsible tasks, including in extreme situations.

Based on the results of all tests, the winners were:

1. Baranova Natalya Anatolyevna – stacker-packer.

2. Elena Vyacheslavovna Listopadova – installer of electric vacuum devices.

3. Gromova Nadezhda Nikolaevna – controller of parts and devices.

4. Kopytsina Irina Valerievna – base maker (soldering).

5. Irina Viktorovna Grigorieva – plinth maker.

At the ceremonial meeting following the results of the competition, all participants were awarded diplomas, and the winners were awarded a cash prize.

The “Best in Profession” competition is not only a confirmation of professionalism and skill, but also a good financial incentive for employees.

Lepshova Nina Mikhailovna, Deputy Director for Production, Chairman of the Competition Committee:

The atmosphere of the competition was friendly. They took part in the competition with the desire to win. All participants tried very hard.

As other members of the commission noted, the competition is a necessary and useful initiative; the presence of spectators and fans will make the competition more interesting. Many of the contestants were pleasantly surprised and showed a new side. The well-coordinated work of A.G. Loginova attracted attention. , stacker - packer. The employees of the technical control department were at their best.

Gromova Nadezha Nikolaevna, controller of parts and devices:

She behaved calmly, and this helped to win. It was a pleasure to participate in the competition. We have all been working for a long time, for me it was a normal work situation. I was a little nervous about the theory, but everything went fine. I believe that such competitions are needed at our enterprise, but only for calm people, and not for impressionable ones. I also think that such competitions should be held honestly and fairly. And I wish future participants peace, only peace. Perhaps in the future I will participate in similar competitions if invited.

Listopadova Elena Vyacheslavovna, installer of electric vacuum devices:

– The impressions were positive, it seemed very interesting, it was all so exciting, but overall, everything went fine. What helped me win was probably my knowledge of technology, production, experience and the fact that I have been working for a long time. The most difficult thing during the competition was the excitement! It was difficult to deal with him. I believe that such competitions are needed at our enterprise, especially for young girls. Despite the fact that I won and received a cash prize, I think that I will not participate in such competitions in the future. It is very difficult to cope with anxiety. It’s time to give way to the young, so I wish future participants to delve more into production, to know everything, to be interested.

Grigorieva Irina Viktorovna, plinther:

Everything went fine, the theory questions were also normal. Our knowledge and the fact that we have been working for a long time helped us take first place. It was difficult when they first connected a small lamp, then a large one. It was hard to readjust right away. I believe that such competitions are needed at our enterprise so that young people can learn. In the future, perhaps, I will take part in the competition again, but everything will depend on the situation and mood. I wish future participants success and that they learn more and delve into production.

Kopytsina Irina Valerievna, base maker (soldering):

When the competition was first announced, we were all worried because it was the first time it was being held. Nobody wanted it at first. We were worried that we had a large lamp in our workshop, but the practical stage was carried out on a small lamp. It was difficult, but we tried. I think that calmness and slowness led me to victory. I did everything as I usually do on the line. At first there was excitement, but when we sat down at our workplaces, everything became normal. The fact that the competition was not held at the usual workplace created certain difficulties. I had to select the line, fire, soldering, and customize everything for myself. It’s not for nothing that they say that houses and walls help. I think that enterprises need competitions like these and others, and more often, for example, a competition for women in handicrafts. I don’t plan to participate in such a competition again yet, we have many other professions, they also need to compete. And I wish future participants not to worry, there is nothing to worry about. You just need to work as usual and try a little. I would like to tell the organizers to hold the competition in their own workshop, because we have a completely different lamp. Although this was not very important for me, since I have experience working with a small lamp, but other participants did not work with a small lamp at all, it was difficult for them. It is important that before the competition they give it a try, try it on, and not immediately start soldering.

Baranova Natalya Anatolyevna, stacker-packer:

Everything was fine, the main thing in victory is experience. I was a little worried that there were a lot of spectators around, and everyone was looking at me during the competition. But, in principle, nothing complicated. I think that such a competition could be held for service technicians. I wish future participants success and that they try to work hard. The organizers’ only wish is to hold the competition at familiar workplaces, for example, on our large lamp the speed is lower, so it’s difficult to adapt right away.

Svetlana KOROVASHKINA, HR manager KELZ

Protocol No. ___

on the nomination of a nominee to the federal stage of the All-Russian competition

professional excellence “Best in the profession”



(full name, position)


members of the regional competition commission:

(full name, position)

(full name, position)


(full name, position)


(full name, position)

Secretary of the regional competition commission:


(full name, position)

1. Review of the results of the competition tasks
and nomination of candidates for participation in the federal stage “Best in Profession” in the nomination “Best Beekeeper” was carried out in _____________________________________


(indicate the location of the regional stage of the competition)

(the results of the competitive selection for candidates who took 1-3 places are presented)

2. The regional competition commission reviewed the results of the competition tasks and made the following decision:

Based on the results of the competition tasks

(full name of employee, name of organization)

recognized as the winner in the category “Best Beekeeper” at the regional stage and nominated to participate in the federal stage of the All-Russian competition of professional skills “Best in the Profession” in the category “Best Beekeeper” from ____________________________________________________________.

(name of subject Russian Federation)













All-Russian professional skills competition

“Best by profession” in the nomination “Best beekeeper”



to participate in the federal stage of the All-Russian professional skills competition “Best in Profession” in the category “Best Beekeeper”




(Name legal entity)

declares participation__________________________________________________________

(Full name of the competition participant)

in the federal stage of the All-Russian competition “Best in Profession”, held in 2017, in the category “Best Beekeeper”.

You have read and agree with the terms and conditions of the competition.

The following documents are attached to the application:

A copy of the participant’s passport;

Protocol on the nomination of a nominee to the federal stage of the Competition in form applications No. 1 to this Regulation with an accompanying letter from the authorized body of the regional Government;

A personal personnel record sheet for a participant in the federal stage of the Competition indicating his passport details and contact phone number;

A copy of the certificate of general work experience as a beekeeper (extract from work book or a certificate from the local government of a rural settlement at the place of residence);

Colored or black and white photography 4x6 cm of a participant in the federal stage of the Competition;

A copy of the certificate of primary, secondary vocational education or a copy of the certificate of general education participant of the federal stage of the Competition, if available - a copy of a diploma of higher education;

Copies of diplomas, certificates, certificates
on advanced training, retraining (if any) of a participant in the federal stage of the Competition;

Brief information about the main results of the activities of the organization in which the competitor works for the last two years in the profession of “beekeeper”;

Information on the implementation of advanced technologies by a participant in the federal stage of the Competition or with his direct participation (if any, indicate which ones), copies rationalization proposals(in the presence of);

Photo and video materials characterizing the work of the competitor, including on electronic media (if these materials are available);

Characteristics of a participant in the federal stage of the Competition, reflecting the main results of professional activities, training, indicating the specific merits of the competitor and professional achievements, availability of awards, diplomas (name, date of presentation), work experience in a competitive profession, qualifications, participation in competitions;

A notarized copy of an extract from a single state register legal entities or a certificate from the administration of the rural settlement at the place of residence of the competitor;

Information about the persons accompanying the competition participant (contact numbers, passport details).

We guarantee the completeness and accuracy of the information specified in this application and the documents attached to it.

Details of the applicant (organization (branch):



(actual address)

registered (created - for branches) " " _________________ 20__



(the body that registered the legal entity - the applicant)

"____" _______________2017

*The applicant (the head of the organization) can be the local government body of a rural settlement at the place of residence of the competition participant, if the participant in the federal stage of the Competition is a beekeeper of a personal subsidiary plot.


All-Russian professional skills competition

“Best by profession” in the nomination “Best beekeeper”

opening envelopes with materials
to participate in the federal stage of the All-Russian competition of professional skills

"___" _________ 2017

1. At a meeting of the Expert Working Group to review the materials of participants in the All-Russian competition of professional skills “Best
by profession" in the nomination "Best Beekeeper" at the federal stage (hereinafter referred to as the expert group, competition) were present:

Chairman of the expert group:


(full name, position)

Members of the expert group:


(full name, position)


(full name, position)


(full name, position)

2. The procedure for opening envelopes and reviewing materials for participation in the competition was carried out “____”__________2017 in _____________________


(specify the location of the procedure)

The start of the procedure is __ hours __ minutes (local time).

3. As of “___” ____________2017 for the procedure
opening was presented ____ (________________) sealed envelopes

(number in words)

with materials for participation in the competition at the federal stage.

4. Before opening the envelopes with materials for participation in the competition, not a single application was withdrawn / ___ (_______________) applications were withdrawn.

(number in words)

5. The opening of envelopes with materials for participation in the competition was carried out by the secretary of the expert group in accordance with the register of envelopes with materials for participation in the competition with the announcement of the following information in relation to each envelope with materials:

Last name, first name, patronymic of the competition participant;

Name of the organization (for a legal entity), educational institution who submitted materials to the competition participants;

Competition nomination;

Availability of information and documents provided for in the documentation
about the competition.

6. The expert group, in accordance with the requirements and conditions established in the documentation for the competition, decided:

6.1. Allow the following competition participants to participate in the competition at the federal stage:

6.2. Reject applications for participation in the competition at the federal stage of the following competition participants:


to the Regulations on the Moscow regional stage

All-Russian professional skills competition

“Best by profession” in the nomination “Best beekeeper”


results of theoretical assignment

in nomination "Best beekeeper"

Chairman of the Expert

(signature) (full name)

Members of the Expert

working group

(signature) (full name)

________________ ________________

(signature) (full name)

________________ ________________

(signature) (full name)


to the Regulations on the Moscow regional stage

All-Russian professional skills competition

“Best by profession” in the nomination “Best beekeeper”


execution results practical task №1

participants of the Moscow regional stage of the All-Russian competition of professional skills “Best in Profession”

in nomination "Best beekeeper"

Chairman of the Expert

working group _______________ ________________

(signature) (full name)

Members of the Expert

(signature) (full name)

________________ ________________

(signature) (full name)

________________ ________________

(signature) (full name)


to the Regulations on the Moscow regional stage

All-Russian professional skills competition

“Best by profession” in the nomination “Best beekeeper”


results of practical assignment No. 2

participants of the Moscow regional stage of the All-Russian competition of professional skills “Best in Profession”

in nomination "Best beekeeper"

Chairman of the Expert

working group _______________ ________________

(signature) (full name)

Members of the Expert

working group ________________ ________________

(signature) (full name)

________________ ________________

(signature) (full name)

________________ ________________

(signature) (full name)


to the Regulations on the Moscow regional stage

All-Russian professional skills competition

“Best by profession” in the nomination “Best beekeeper”


results of practical assignment No. 3

participants of the Moscow regional stage of the All-Russian competition of professional skills “Best in Profession”

in nomination "Best beekeeper"

Chairman of the Expert

working group _______________ ________________

(signature) (full name)

Members of the Expert

working group ________________ ________________

(signature) (full name)

________________ ________________

(signature) (full name)

________________ ________________

(signature) (full name)


to the Regulations on the Moscow regional stage

All-Russian professional skills competition

“Best by profession” in the nomination “Best beekeeper”


results of practical assignment No. 4

participants of the Moscow regional stage of the All-Russian competition of professional skills “Best in Profession”

in nomination "Best beekeeper"

Chairman of the Expert

working group _______________ ________________

(signature) (full name)

Members of the Expert

working group ________________ ________________

(signature) (full name)

________________ ________________

(signature) (full name)

________________ ________________

(signature) (full name)


to the Regulations on the Moscow regional stage

All-Russian professional skills competition

“Best by profession” in the nomination “Best beekeeper”


participants of the Moscow regional stage of the All-Russian competition of professional skills “Best in Profession” in the category "Best beekeeper"

Chairman of the Expert

working group _______________ ________________

(signature) (full name)

Members of the Expert

working group ________________ ________________

(signature) (full name)

________________ ________________

(signature) (full name)

________________ ________________

(signature) (full name)


to the Regulations on the Moscow regional stage

All-Russian professional skills competition

“Best by profession” in the nomination “Best beekeeper”


(evaluative) statement of results of completing competition tasks (theoretical and practical)

participants of the Moscow regional stage of the All-Russian competition of professional skills

“Best by profession” in the nomination “Best beekeeper”


to the Regulations on the Moscow regional stage

All-Russian professional skills competition

“Best by profession” in the nomination “Best beekeeper”


reviewing the results of the completion of competition tasks by participants

Moscow regional stage of the All-Russian competition of professional skills “Best in Profession” in the category “Best Beekeeper”

"___" _______ 2017

1. At the meeting of the Expert Working Group to consider the results of the implementation of competitive tasks by participants in the All-Russian competition of professional skills “Best in the Profession” in the nomination “Best Beekeeper” at the federal stage the following were present:

Chairman of the Expert Working Group


(full name, position)

Members of the Expert Working Group:


(full name, position)


(full name, position)


(full name, position)

2. The procedure for reviewing the results of the completion of competition tasks was carried out on “___” ___________2017 in _____________________________________.

(specify venue)

3. A list of competition participants from _________________________________ was submitted to the procedure for reviewing the results of the competition tasks.

(number in words)

nominees who completed competitive tasks and were included in the summary score sheet.

4. The expert working group reviewed the results of the competition tasks in accordance with the approved criteria and made the following decision on the winners and prize-winners of the competition in the category “Best Beekeeper”:

5. Based on this protocol, the Expert Working Group will prepare a draft decision on candidates for prizes in the specified nomination for consideration in.


Regulations on holding the Moscow regional stage

All-Russian professional skills competition

“Best by profession” in the nomination “Best beekeeper”


on the results of the Moscow regional stage of the All-Russian competition of professional skills “Best in Profession”

in the category "Best Beekeeper"

"___" _______ 2017

1. At the meeting of the Moscow Regional Competition Commission to consider the results of the federal stage of the All-Russian competition of professional skills “Best in Profession” the following were present:


Moscow Regional Competition Commission


(full name, position)

Members of the Moscow Regional

competition commission:


(full name, position)


(full name, position)


(full name, position)


(full name, position)

2. The procedure for considering the results of the Moscow regional stage of the All-Russian competition of professional skills “Best in the Profession” was carried out on “___” ___________2017 in ___________________________________.

(specify venue)

3. To consider the results of the Moscow regional stage of the All-Russian competition of professional skills “Best in Profession”, the protocol and decision of the Expert Working Group in the nomination “Best Beekeeper” on consideration of the results of the implementation of competitive tasks in this nomination, a summary score sheet on results of completing competition tasks with a list of contenders for prizes.

4. The Moscow regional competition commission reviewed the results of the Moscow regional stage of the All-Russian competition of professional skills “Best in the profession” and made the following decision on the winner and prize-winners of the competition in the nomination “Best beekeeper”


Moscow Regional Competition Commission


(full name, position)

Members of the Moscow Regional

competition commission:


(full name, position)


(full name, position)


(full name, position)


(full name, position)

Russian Orthodox Church

working with children and youth

Yurieva Svetlana Anatolyevna

Job title

Competition direction:


Yuryeva Svetlana Anatolyevna – teacher of biology, geography, highest qualification category, work experience 25 years.

Svetlana Anatolyevna is a highly qualified, creative, creatively thinking teacher.Winner of the competition for the best teachers of the Russian Federation (2006), held within the framework of the national project “Education”. He is a finalist in the regional competition “Teacher of the Year – 2004” (winner in the category “Pedagogical Discovery (Teacher-Researcher)”).Teacher's work innovative technology developmental education D.B Elkonina – V.V. Davydova was awarded the Diploma of the International Association for Developmental Education (2004).

Svetlana Anatolyevna’s lessons are distinguished by a businesslike, creative atmosphere of teacher-student cooperation, which contributes to the formation of an independent thinking style and the development of students’ personal culture. The teacher achieves complete assimilation of knowledge, the realization of students’ creative abilities, and increased educational motivation.

Lesson notes for grade 10 on the section “Fundamentals of Genetics and Selection” were presented by Svetlana Anatolyevna at the All-Russian competition “Teacher to Teacher” and posted on the website of the competition founder.

The educational website “Musculoskeletal System of the Body,” created under the leadership of Svetlana Anatolyevna, received an incentive prize in the category “Educational Area” in 2004. Natural-mathematical cycle”, is included in the federal catalog of the Ministry of Education and Science “Educational resources of the Internet for basic general and secondary (complete) general education” as an electronic textbook.

The teacher conducts systematic work with gifted children. Her students are winners and prize-winners of regional and federal olympiads in biology: 2005 - 2 people - laureates of the 1st degree of the All-Russian distance heuristic Olympiad for schoolchildren; 2008 – 3rd place in the IV Federal District Tour of the All-Russian Olympiad for Schoolchildren.

Svetlana Anatolyevna conducts a variety of effective extracurricular activities in the subject. For six years he has been leading the work of the school research society. Members of society master technology research work, techniques for organizing self-education, reflection on one’s activities. Students' research works were presented at municipal, regional, and federal competitions: 2003-2004 academic year. - All-Russian competition “Application for Success - 2003. Encyclopedist” for the creation of educational websites (finalists in the “Natural Sciences” category), Regional Fair of Youth Initiatives of the Murmansk Region (participant diploma); 2005-2006 academic year - All-Russian open competition for research, design and creative works students "First Steps" (Laureate Diploma of the 1st degree), All-Russian essay competition "School is a home in which..." (winner), X International Children's Handwritten Book Competition "We are different, but we are friends" (certificate of participation).

Svetlana Anatolyevna is mastering the latest achievements in pedagogical science and practice, in the professional field of knowledge. Participant of the All-Russian open competition"Pedagogical innovations - 2006". She was awarded a diploma of the 2nd degree laureate of the competition. Through self-education, the teacher studies the problems of modern pedagogy, psychology, didactics and the use of information and communication technologies in the classroom. As part of self-education, he is engaged in research work. Prepared and published research papers on the topics “24 reasons to get rid of guilt” (magazine “Public Education” No. 8, 2002); “Knowledge is the children of surprise and curiosity” (Methodist magazine, No. 3, 2005); “Motives for teaching and teaching work in Swedish and Russian: let’s compare?” (magazine “Public Education”, No. 7, 2006)

S.A. Yuryeva’s creative approach is also evident in her work as a class teacher. Her classes are distinguished by social activity, friendly relationships, initiative, since at the core educational work teacher - the use of various forms of student self-government. Svetlana Anatolyevna’s work experience as a class teacher was presented at the regional scientific and practical conference “Innovation as a condition for the competitiveness of an educational institution,” 2006.

Svetlana Anatolyevna enjoys well-deserved authority and respect among colleagues, students, and parents.

Svetlana Anatolyevna Yuryeva was awarded the “Excellence in Public Education” badge (1993), Certificate of honor Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (2005).

Russian Orthodox Church

Murmansk and Monchegorsk Diocese

Education Committee of the Murmansk Region

Regional stage of the All-Russian competition of works in the field of pedagogy,

working with children and youth

"For the moral deed of a teacher"

Rimitsan Irina Igorevna

Job title

Values ​​as the basis of spiritual and moral education (or dialogue about contacts).

Competition direction:

  1. Best Innovative Development of the Year
  2. Best Educational Research of the Year
  3. Best Publishing Project of the Year
  4. The best program for spiritual and moral education of children and youth
  5. The best program for civic-patriotic education of children and youth
  6. Teachers of higher education - secondary school
  7. For the development and implementation of events within the framework of the “Year of the Family”


Rimitsan Irina Igorevna – educational psychologist, 1 qualification category, work experience 10 years.

Irina Igorevna is a creative teacher-psychologist with a high level of professional knowledge. Effectively applies modern pedagogical technologies in the educational process: developmental education according to the system of D.B. Elkonin - V.V. Davydov, information and communication technologies, technology of differentiated learning, multi-age cooperation.

The work experience was presented at the scientific and practical conference “Current problems of practical psychology” (Murmansk, 2005) on the topic “Psychological support for the professional activities of a teacher”, at regional scientific and practical conferences and seminars on the topics: “Dialogue about contacts or positions participants in the educational process" (2008), "Interaction of a psychologist with teachers of an educational institution" (2007), at the regional seminar "Monitoring and evaluation activities as a method of managing the educational process according to the system of D.B. Elkonin - V.V. Davydov", 2005

Students respect Irina Igorevna for the fairness of her demands, for her ability to see an individual in each student. Irina Igorevna enjoys well-deserved authority among colleagues, parents, and students.

Director of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 8 of Kovdora O.V. Kuznetsova


by order of the education committee

Murmansk region

from __________________ No. ____________

Russian Orthodox Church

Murmansk and Monchegorsk Diocese

Education Committee of the Murmansk Region

Regional stage of the All-Russian competition of works

in the field of pedagogy, work with children and youth

"For the moral deed of a teacher"

Yuryeva Svetlana Anatolyevna

Rimitsan Irina Igorevna

Job title:

Values ​​as the basis of spiritual and moral education (or dialogue about contacts)

Competition direction:

  1. Best Innovative Development of the Year
  2. Best Educational Research of the Year
  3. Best Publishing Project of the Year
  4. The best program for spiritual and moral education of children and youth
  5. The best program for civic-patriotic education of children and youth
  6. Teachers of higher education - secondary school
  7. For the development and implementation of events within the framework of the “Year of the Family”

Brief summary

Target : searching for ways to build a dialogue between teachers, students and parents that promote the spiritual and moral development of the personality of a Russian citizen.

Working class teacher for more than 20 years, and for the last few years together with a school psychologist, I have come to understand the fact that the cornerstone in the work of education is the problem of “fathers and children.” Or rather, the problem of the values ​​of “fathers and sons.” There has always been a clash of generations, and we know about it. However, a feature of today’s times is the erosion or destruction of the historically established values ​​of Russians. Here's how Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev spoke about it:

“I imagine the 21st century as the century of the development of a humanitarian culture, a kind and educational culture... the revival of the reputation of man as something higher, which everyone should cherish, the revival of conscience and the concept of honor - this, in general terms, is what we need in the 21st century. Not only Russians, of course, but especially Russians, because this is what we have largely lost in our ill-fated 20th century.”

Yurieva Svetlana Anatolyevna

Place of work or occupation: Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 8, biology teacher

Honorary titles: excellent student of public education (decision No. 199 of October 27, 1993)

  1. Finalist all-Russian competition projects on the use of computer technology in education “Application for Success 2003: Encyclopedist.” Internet resource “Musculoskeletal system of the body” (Teacher – project manager). (2003)
  2. “Teacher of the Year of the Murmansk Region” - winner in the “Teacher-Researcher” nomination (2004)
  3. Winner of the competitive selection of the best teachers in the Murmansk region within the framework of the priority national project “Education” (2006)
  4. Winner of the regional competition “Best Internet Lesson” (2008)

Rimitsan Irina Igorevna

Place of work or occupation: Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 8, educational psychologist

Availability of awards, prizes and other awards:

  1. Diploma for a great contribution to the formation and development of the educational system of developmental education by D. B. Elkonin - V. V. Davydov (2004);
  2. Certificate of honor from the head of the Kovdor district (2003);
  3. Gratitude from the administration of the Kovdor district (2002);
  4. Certificate of education from the Kovdor district education department (2000).


Certificate of application for the applicant MBOU "Ivanovo Secondary School" for the award of the title "Best in the profession in 2016" in the nomination "Best Chemistry Teacher" 1. Nomination 2. Last name of the applicant 3. First name of the applicant 4. Patronymic of the applicant 5. Place of work, position held 6. Gender 7. Date of birth (day, month, year) 8. Place of birth 9. Education (full name of educational organization, year of graduation) 10. Qualification category (date of assignment), academic degree, academic title 11. Which state and departmental ( industry) awards, awards of the Moscow region, Stupinsky municipal district, municipal and departmental awarded, date of award (for all teaching activities) 12. Work experience: general / in the industry 13. Work experience in this organization The best chemistry teacher Popova Valentina Mikhailovna MBOU “Ivanovo Secondary School” Chemistry teacher Female January 22, 1961 Tambov region, Bondarsky district, village. Arable Corner. Higher, Tambov State Pedagogical Institute, 1983 First qualification category, 11.11. 2015 (Order No. 5957 of the Ministry of Education of the Moscow Region dated November 16, 2015. 1. Certificate of Honor from the Ministry of Education of the Moscow Region (Order No. 275k of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Moscow Region dated September 7, 2005) 2. Diploma “Teacher of the Digital Age” from the School of Digital century, Moscow, 2015 3. Certificate of Honor from the Department of Education of the Stupinsky District, 2006 4. Certificate of Honor from the Administration of the Stupinsky District, 2007 5. Certificate of Honor from the Administration of the Stupinsky Municipal District, 2009 6. Certificate of Honor from the Council of Deputies of the rural settlement “Semyonovskoye” ", 2011. 7. Letter of thanks Heads of the Stupinsky municipal district, 2015 8. Certificate of participation in the annual award of the Governor of the Moscow Region “Our Moscow Region”, 2015 32 years 6 months / 32 years 6 months 31 years 6 months. 14. Characteristics of the applicant (the characteristics must reflect specific merits and achievements of the candidate for 2014-2016) 1. Productivity educational activities teacher: dynamics of educational results of students (pupils) (specify in % by year) Year 2014 2015 2016 Quality of knowledge 56% 72.3% 73.2% Level of training 100% 100% 100% 2. Productivity of the teacher’s activities in the development of students ( pupils): 2.1. Number of participants/prize-winners/winners of the municipal stage of the VSOSH (by year) Years 2014 2015 2016 Total number 3 3 2 Prize-winners 1 1 2.2. Number of participants/prizewinners/winners of the regional stage of the VSOSH (by year) no. 2.3. Results of students (pupils) in other olympiads, competitions in accordance with the Lists approved by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Defense of the Moscow Region (by year, indicating the name of the competition and the result of participation) School level Intellectual game “Chemistry and Life” Winners 5 Certificate of the Municipal Educational Institution “Ivanovo Secondary School” from 06/22/2015 Extracurricular event in chemistry “Intellectual Ring” Winners1, prize-winners2 Certificate from the MCOU “Ivanovo Secondary School” dated 06/22/2015 Chemistry game “Intellectual Express” Winners 2 Certificate from the MCOU “Ivanovo Secondary School” dated 06/22/2015 Extracurricular event in chemistry “Come on, catch up! » Winners 1 Certificate from MCOU “Ivanovo Secondary School” dated 06/22/2015 Municipal level Intellectual game “Knowledge Bank” Certificate from MBOU DPO IMC dated 06/24. 2014 Intellectual game “Chemistry in puzzles” Received by the Expert Commission of the MBOU “Ivanovo Secondary School” dated 14.02. 2016, Protocol No. 1 15. Consent to the processing of personal data has been received from the applicant 16. The candidacy has been recommended (name of the body that made the decision, date of discussion, protocol number) We confirm the accuracy of the information specified in the Application Certificate. Deputy Director for Water Resources _____________ I.V. Chaley Head of the School of Education of the Natural and Mathematical Cycle ____________V.M. Popova Head of the School of Education of the Humanitarian Cycle, Chairman of the Trade Union Committee _____________ N.A. Kirillova Head of the School of Education primary classes. ______________E.V.Ivanova Director of MBOU "Ivanovskaya Secondary School"___________________ E.V.Paskar MP "_______" __________________ 2017

Appendix No. 2

CHARACTERISTIC in nomination " Best Operator machine milking of cows (on linear milking machines) of the year"


previous year

competition year

Average milk yield per cow

Gross milk yield from a group of cows obtained per operator

Average annual number of cows served per operator

Calf yield per 100 cows

Gross milk production growth rate

Note: the value of indicator No. 4 is determined based on the results of work for the year preceding the year of the competition.

Continuation of Appendix No. 2 CHARACTERISTIC performance indicators of a participant in the regional competition for the title "Best in the profession of 20___" in the category "Best Fattening Operator" Cattle of the Year" Full name and profession (specialty) of the candidate _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Name or name of the candidate’s employer and district (city) of location or residence __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Table 1


Participant performance for 9 months

previous year

competition year

Average daily increase in live weight (on average per animal) of fattening cattle

Average annual number of fattening cattle served by one operator

Gross increase in live weight for a group of animals, obtained per operator

Growth rate of gross live weight gain

__________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ (position title and full name of the head of the primary trade union organization) __________________________________________________________________________ title of the position of the head of the enterprise _________________________________________________ _______________________ Last name, initials (signature) m.p.

Continuation of Appendix No. 2 CHARACTERISTIC performance indicators of a participant in the regional competition for the title "Best in the profession of 20___" in the category "Best pig fattening operator of the year" Full name and profession (specialty) of the candidate _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Name or name of the candidate’s employer and district (city) of location or residence __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Table 1


Participant performance for 9 months

previous year

competition year

Average daily live weight gain of fattening pigs

Served fattening pig population

Safety of the serviced livestock

Live weight gain from a group of animals served by the operator

Growth rate of live weight gain

__________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ (position title and full name of the head of the primary trade union organization) __________________________________________________________________________ title of the position of the head of the enterprise _________________________________________________ _______________________ Last name, initials (signature) m.p.

Continuation of Appendix No. 2 CHARACTERISTIC performance indicators of a participant in the regional competition for the title "Best in the profession of 20___" in the category "Best Poultry Operator for Maintenance" industrial flock of laying hens of the year" Full name and profession (specialty) of the candidate _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Name or name of the candidate’s employer and district (city) of location or residence __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Table 1


Participant performance for 9 months

previous year

competition year

Egg production per laying hen

Average number of laying hens served

thousand heads

Safety of laying hens

Feed costs per 1000 pcs. eggs

Egg production per laying hen

__________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ (position title and full name of the head of the primary trade union organization) __________________________________________________________________________ title of the position of the head of the enterprise _________________________________________________ _______________________ Last name, initials (signature) m.p.

Continuation of Appendix No. 2 CHARACTERISTIC performance indicators of a participant in the regional competition for the title "Best in the profession of 20___" agricultural production of the year" Full name and profession (specialty) of the candidate _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Name or name of the candidate’s employer and district (city) of location or residence __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Table 1


Number of points

tractor brand


tractor brand


accrual procedure

Output, conventional this. ha

MTZ-80/82, MTZ-1221

15 (additional 1 point for every 100 standard hectares above the standard)

15 (additional 0.8 points for every 100 standard hectares above the standard)

T-150, T-150K, MTZ 1523

K-701, 744, JohnDeere, Valtra, Fend, Challenger MT 845

15 (additional 0.5 points for every 100 standard hectares in excess of the standard)

Tractor service life

All brands

Less than 3 years

More than 7 years

Candidate qualifications

All brands

All brands

__________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ (position title and full name of the head of the primary trade union organization) __________________________________________________________________________ title of the position of the head of the enterprise _________________________________________________ _______________________ Last name, initials (signature) m.p.

Continuation of Appendix No. 2 CHARACTERISTIC performance indicators of a participant in the regional competition for the title "Best in the profession of 20___" in the nomination "Best tractor driver" self-propelled agricultural machines (combiner combine harvester) of the year" Full name and profession (specialty) of the candidate _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Name or name of the candidate’s employer and district (city) of location or residence __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Table 1



Values ​​based on work results for 9 months

combine harvester brand


Grind grain

Note: milled grain includes milled seeds of perennial grasses, flax, rapeseed, and buckwheat. One ton of ground perennial grass seeds is equivalent to ten tons of ground grain; one ton of ground flax and rapeseed seeds - to five tons of ground grain; one ton of ground buckwheat seeds - to three tons of ground grain (in the initially recorded weight). __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ (position title and full name of the head of the primary trade union organization) __________________________________________________________________________ title of the position of the head of the enterprise _________________________________________________ _______________________ Last name, initials (signature) m.p.

Continuation of Appendix No. 2 CHARACTERISTIC performance indicators of a participant in the regional competition for the title "Best in the profession of 20___" in the category "Best Driver" truck of the year"


Values ​​based on work results for 9 months

Car make, performance

Number of points

accrual procedure

Volume of work performed, t/km

GAZ-5312, GAZ-3307 and their modifications

1 point for every 1000 t. km

ZIL and its modifications

0.8 points for every 1000 t. km

KAMAZ, URAL, ZIL-133 and their modifications

0.5 points for every 1000 t. km

SCANIA, MAN, VOLVO, MERCEDES and similar modifications

0.2 points for every 1000 t. km

Vehicle service life

less than 3 years

more than 7 years

Driver qualification

Emergency situations and violation of labor protection rules

__________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ (position title and full name of the head of the primary trade union organization) __________________________________________________________________________ title of the position of the head of the enterprise _________________________________________________ _______________________ Last name, initials (signature) m.p.

Continuation of Appendix No. 2 CHARACTERISTIC performance indicators of a participant in the regional competition for the title "Best in the profession of 20___" in nomination " The best leader agricultural organization of the year" Full name and profession (specialty) of the candidate _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Name or name of the candidate’s employer and district (city) of location or residence __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Table 1



Values ​​based on work results

previous year

year of the competition

Performance evaluation indicators

Revenue per employee

Revenue growth rate per employee

Average monthly salary per employee

Average monthly growth rate wages one employee

Investments per 1000 rubles of the cost of fixed assets available at the beginning of the year

Milk yield per 1 cow of a dairy herd

Housing commissioned

Indicators of compliance with qualification requirements

Average number of employees

Number of cows

Poultry population

Milk production

Produced (raised) livestock and poultry in live weight

Egg production

Total sown area

Note: 1. The values ​​of performance assessment indicators N 1 - N 4 and N 6 - N 7 are determined based on the results of work for 9 months of the corresponding year. 2. The value of performance assessment indicator No. 5 is determined based on the results of work for the year preceding the year of the competition. 3. The values ​​of indicators of compliance with qualification requirements N 1, N 4 - N 7 are determined based on the results of work for 9 months of the corresponding year, the values ​​of indicators N 2 and N 3 - as of October 1 of the corresponding year. __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ (position title and full name of the head of the primary trade union organization) __________________________________________________________________________ title of the position of the head of the enterprise _________________________________________________ _______________________ Last name, initials (signature) m.p.

Continuation of Appendix No. 2 CHARACTERISTIC performance indicators of a participant in the regional competition for the title "Best in the profession of 20___" in the category "Best Agronomist of the Year" Full name and profession (specialty) of the candidate _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Name or name of the candidate’s employer and district (city) of location or residence __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Table 1



Values ​​based on work results for 9 months

Standard values ​​of indicators

Number of points

accrual procedure

Productivity of grain and leguminous crops in initial weight

30 or more

Potato yield (if there are crops)

200 or more

Flax yield in terms of flax fiber (if there are crops)

Seed yield of perennial grasses

Procurement of rough and succulent feed for a nominal head of livestock

kg of feed units

30.0 or more

Sowing perennial grasses

% of arable land used

15 or more

Plowing perennial leguminous grasses for green manure

10 or more

Incorporation of straw as organic fertilizer

% grain area

50 or more

__________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ (position title and full name of the head of the primary trade union organization) __________________________________________________________________________ title of the position of the head of the enterprise _________________________________________________ _______________________ Last name, initials (signature) m.p.

Continuation of Appendix No. 2 CHARACTERISTIC performance indicators of a participant in the regional competition for the title "Best in the profession of 20___" in the category "Best Livestock Technician of the Year" Full name and profession (specialty) of the candidate _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Name or name of the candidate’s employer and district (city) of location or residence __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Table 1



Values ​​based on work results for 9 months

previous year

year of the competition

Milk production

Milk production growth rate

Production of livestock and poultry for slaughter in live weight

Growth rate of livestock and poultry production for slaughter

__________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ (position title and full name of the head of the primary trade union organization) __________________________________________________________________________ title of the position of the head of the enterprise _________________________________________________ _______________________ Last name, initials (signature) m.p.

Continuation of Appendix No. 2 CHARACTERISTIC performance indicators of a participant in the regional competition for the title "Best in the profession of 20___" in the category "Best Engineer of the Year" Full name and profession (specialty) of the candidate _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Name or name of the candidate’s employer and district (city) of location or residence __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Table 1


Values ​​based on work results for 9 months

Production of conditional reference hectares per one conditional reference tractor

Serviceability of equipment at the start of work as a percentage of the existing one:



Combine harvesters

Forage harvesters

Purchase of equipment, units:



Machines for crop production

Animal husbandry machines

__________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ (position title and full name of the head of the primary trade union organization) __________________________________________________________________________ title of the position of the head of the enterprise _________________________________________________ _______________________ Last name, initials (signature) m.p.

Continuation of Appendix No. 2 CHARACTERISTIC performance indicators of a participant in the regional competition for the title "Best in the profession of 20___" in the category "Best veterinarian of the year" Full name and profession (specialty) of the candidate _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Name or name of the candidate’s employer and district (city) of location or residence ___________________________________________________________________________ Table 1



Values ​​based on work results for 9 months

previous year

year of the competition

Average number of farm animals and poultry served

conditional (determined based on the results of work for the year preceding the year of the competition. _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ (name of position and full name of the head of the primary trade union organization) ________________________________________________________________________ name of the position of the head of the enterprise _________________________________________________ _______________________ Last name, initials (signature) m.p.

Continuation of Appendix No. 2 CHARACTERISTIC performance indicators of a participant in the regional competition for the title "Best in the profession of 20___" in the category "Best Accountant of the Year" Full name and profession (specialty) of the candidate _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Name or name of the candidate’s employer and district (city) of location or residence) __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Table 1



Values ​​based on work results for 6 months

Satisfactory balance sheet structure of the enterprise:

Ktl = f. 1 (room 1200 - room 1220) / (room 1510 + room 1520 + room 1550),

Kosos = (room 1300 - room 1100) / room 1200

Participation in the competition for the title “Best in Profession” in the nomination “Best Accountant of the Agro-Industrial Complex”, conducted by the Ministry Agriculture Russian Federation

number of times

Ratio of short-term accounts payable to enterprise revenue

Average monthly salary per worker

Percentage of wage growth compared to the corresponding level of last year

Revenue per employee

Enterprise profitability F2

(room 2300 / room 2120 + room 2210 + room 2220)

Advanced training of a specialist during the five years preceding the year of the competition

Note: The value of indicator N 2 is determined for the period from 01/01/2007. __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ (position title and full name of the head of the primary trade union organization) __________________________________________________________________________ title of the position of the head of the enterprise _________________________________________________ _______________________ Last name, initials (signature) m.p.